The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-22, Page 8Pege 6 The Times-Advocate* November 1956 FREE coupons [Grand Bend Lions Club QU CCM Bicycle | Presents Cottage Keys With Every Purchase At SNELL BROS. Phone 1Q0 Exeter BE YOUR OWN "PRIVATE EYE" to detect theLearn warning signals that MAY mean cancer. For Freo literature writ* I F. R. Dobbs | EXETER c s£ I' £ ■y s *50 ’47 ’50 ’50 ’51 XI X L r f At the last regular meeting of the local Lions. Club, Mr. Geo. A. Rogers of TiUsonburg was presented with the keys of the Dream Home, of which he was the lucky winner. Mr. Rogers is planning on. making, this his permanent home, becoming a resident of the district. He ex­ pressed his thanks to the Lions Club and ended his address by presenting the Club with a do­ nation of $100.00 toward the Youth Centre to show his ap­ preciation. Lion? Win. Rendle, Wm. Sturd­ evant, Griffin Thomas and Cam Chapman were presented’ with certificates pf appreciation for their faithful service in connec­ tion with the construction and selling of tickets for the “Home,” while Larry Snider of Fxeter was presented with a certificate for selling the lucky* ticket. Cpl. Chamberlain gave an in­ teresting and instructive talk to the members on the legality of service clubs holding bingos, raffles, etc. Personal Items Among those who have left to spend the winter in Florida are Mr. and Mrs, Henry Menard and family and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Klopp and family. Mr. Albert Cox- is again a pa- Thank You The president and officers of the Exeter Furniture Limited wish to express their appreciation to the mayor, members of council and Exeter businessmen for their sincere welcome and best wishes. We trust our efforts to promote the furniture industry in this community will be successful and contribute much to this progressive community. Exeter Furniture Limited WILSON BROS. FINA SERVICE YOUR LOCAL NASH DEALER OFFERS The Best Used Car Deals Chevrolet; sedan Radio, new paint job, slip covets are brand new..............................................e..... STUDEBAKE “STARLITE” COUPE CHEVROLET PANEL TRUCK New paint job ................................... METEOR ............................................. MERCURY 5 ‘PASSENGER COUPE Radio, slip covers, dark blue . WILSON BROS. $595 $295 $495 $595 . $795 FINA SERVICE PHONE 457-J NORTH END EXETER This winter what’s for you? You’ll hove no winter driving problems if you choose Suburbanites. Come in and let us show you the patented Suburbanite tread design. 464 specially-angled, staggered cleats boost you along, give you traction on the worst winter roads. Suburbanites run quietly on dry pavement too. See us for SUBURBANITE WINTER TIRES by GOOO/VEAR O 134 M M MM ■■ ■■ Ml* H ■ ■ ■ *JIMMY HAYTER PHONE- DAY 91 — NIGHT 84 GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE DASHWOOD. ONTARIO-. and stock up NEEDS SALE.for i 17cLARGE FRESHEEATUREI SUPER SAVEJ 12 oz_. jarEggs 23c7 oz. cello 7iFEATUREI AUSTRALIAN PKGS. Raisins X" 2. 15-OZ. JAR c doz. plus 30 deposit on carton SEEDLESS — SAVE FEATURE! SAVE I DALTON’S FEATHERSTRIP Coconut AUNT PINAH Molasses tient in Westminster Hospital, Rev. and Mrs. F. Wattam have returned after conducting a ser­ ies of revival services .in Wel­ land and Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dalton spent a few days in Toronto last week and witnessed their son, Frank, playing a game of hock­ ey with the Jr. B team of St. Michael’s College. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vanner and Mr. Delbert Mason of Lon­ don spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baird, Mrs, Clarence Green spent a few days last week in London visiting her brother, Mr. S3. S. Livermore, Q.C., and Mrs. Liv­ ermore, and also with her daughter, Miss Audrey Green. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Riddoch and daughters of Sarnia spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and .Mrs. Lawrence Johnson. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Scott of Sarnia spent the weekend with Mrs. Wm, Patterson. Mrs. Ray Patterson is suffer­ ing with an arm ailment, which necessitate? it being in a cast for some weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morosan of Detroit spent the wekend with Mr. and Mrs. Eric McIlroy. Several from this district at­ tended the turkey supper put on by St. Paul’s Anglican church at Thedford on Saturday. Mrs. .John Farquhar of Kit­ chener 'spent the weekend with Miss Doris Ravelie. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O’Rourke and family. On Saturday, December 1, the Institute is holding a “Trash and Treasure” sale in the form of a country store. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Mason and Mrs. Thos Baird visited on Friday with Mrs. Chas. Mason at Parkhill. Mrs. Russell Wanner has been able to return home after an operation in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital and is now visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Rus­ ton at, Sebringville. Mr., and Mrs, Ted Stanlake and Mr. and Mr?. James Gero- mette attended, the Shriner’s banquet and ball in the Hotel London on Friday evening. Miss Betty Dalton of London spent the weekend at her home in town. Among those who are on a hunting trip to the north are Mr. Clarence Green, Mr. Car­ man Lovie and Mr. Rollie Gren­ ier. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flear are visiting for a few days this week in Detroit, ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stanlake spent last Sunday visiting with friends in Sarnia. Cpl. and Mrs. Neil Chamber- lain visited with Constable and Mrs. Hugh Milks in Barkhill on Monday. Mr. Henry and Mrs. Monetta Menard have rented the rest­ aurant on Main Street formerly known as “Betty arid Art’s” and will be conducting a restaurant business there for 'the coming spring and summer. Mrs. A. E. Graham returned after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jerry Coyne at Swastika, and expects to return to Swastika in the near future to make her home, having sold her house in town. The Story In Woodham Ey MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rundle were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Greenfield of Embro, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne and Donna oi London and Mr. Milton Holman of Monkton. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Swit­ zer Judy and Dennis of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morley in Hazel Park, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Switzer were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur Rundle, Base Line. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knight were in Toronto for the weekend and visited with the latter’s brother, Mr. Ernie Grinning and Mrs. Gunning. Mrs. Wray Sweitzer and Bar­ bara of Shipka spent Friday and Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pridham at Thames Road. The Y.P.U. of the United Church attended service in the Centralia Church on Sunday eve­ ning. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and family visited with Mr. and Mrs-. Small at St. Thomas on Sunday. The Quartette sang at James St. Church, Exeter on Sunday morning. Members are Messrs. Wm. and Ray Mills, Norris Webb and Glen Copeland. Mr. Wm. and Howard Rinn, Mis? Noreen, Walkom were Sun­ day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGregor at. Kip­ pen. Car Stolen Once again thieves visited the village last week. It was Mill’s general store that they visited and this week on Monday morn­ ing Paton’s garage was broken into and also several cats were molested. Donald Brine’s car was stolen. To date it has- not been located. Phone 102 for HARVEY'S TAXI . 24-HOUR SERVICE "WiWflimiriliMIttBiiiw rre-Ho/^a^ needs SALE • Holiday time is near at hand . . . and soon you’ll be baking those wonder­ ful cakes and pies and cookies that are your pride and the joy of your family and friends. And what prize-winning baking treats you can turn put with the fine quality baking supplies we're featuring at sale prices. Just look at a few of the SUPER VALUES! Then come jn with your favorite products at our PRE-HOLIDAY BAKING EVAPORATED Wonder Milk 2 TALL TINS Grade A 50c WAGSTAFFE'S Mixed Peel Cut Sugar Granulated 10 ib. bag FEATURE! SHIRRIFF'S NEW CHOCOLATE OR WHITE Cake'n COMBINED MIX — Icing Pak 81c ALL FOR 35. RED • Cherries Maraschino 55c FARM BOY BLEACHED pOLDEN Raisins SUPER SAVE Walnut Quarters cello 15 oz. pkg* 45 c Flour i i FEATURE! HEAVY — SAVE 4$ ■■ ■ WAX PAPER __rFood Saver 27 YOURS FOR ONLY With ‘ $5.00 Purchase $449 ICING AND CAKE PAN "7, 100.FT. ROLL FEATURE! ALL PURPOSE — SAVE 5<f Five Roses SUPREME BRAND DOLL CHRISTMAS GOLDEN RIPE FROZEAf FOODS ►Cry Shrimp SoupJUICE 10 oz. pkg.10 oz. tin * BIRDS EYE LEAF CAMPBELL’S Cream Of ft':-#-#: SPINACH 3-OZ. CELLO . Blanched 39c It’s a Pullan Product! Bananas ib. 19 BONUS OFFER! CALIFORNIA CRISP—TENDER ”... Pascal Celery Jumbo Stalk ' 29 NEW CROP FLORIDA Tangarines size 176 Doz. 49« BIRDS EYE ORANGE ROLLED 9 / BONELESS POT ROAST 35c Ib. HAMBURG 3 lbs SI.00 Peqmeal Back Bacon Roasts BLADE fl 75c ib. 39 c ib. Side Bacon 69c lb. Beautiful Life-like Doll, in attractive apparel/ Vinyl plastic, with skin-like texture Variety of hair colours FALL CLEANING CLEANER Windex THREE YARD Cheesecloth G.E. Bulbs KITCHENETTE Brooms BULL DOG STEEL Wool NEEDS 20 oz. btl.c pkg. % 25-40-60W 4 for 79c c 2 pkgs. 33c *BfeEF OR PORK 1 AL’S MARKET HENSALL % Open Fri. & Sat Evenings Fresh LiVer 25c lb. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ tiiitiiuKiiiiinilnii... i.inuniiiiiil iiiini'iiiitiiiii itiiiitiiiiiin iiiniiimifililiiiiiiiiii inn .........iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiitiHiliiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiitiiiiiniiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiii BLEACHED SUGAR