HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-22, Page 3CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Maude Hedden, Phone 5 Mrs. Archie McGregor, Phone 682-r-31 Hensail District News ■L ”rs. E. Kinsman WMS President The annual meeting of Chisel­ hurst Women’s Alissionary So­ ciety, and Women’s Association was held in the church on Tues­ day, ■ November 13. Airs. Earl Kinsman, president, who chaired the meeting, took the worship, assisted by Rev. C. D, Daniel, who led the dsicussion, Reports were submitted to the meeting by various branches. It was dis­ closed that a White Gift, service Will be held on December 15. The guest speaker, Airs. Hack­ ett, of Alitcliell, spoke on “Chris­ tian Citizenship.” Mrs. Ross fa­ voured with a piano solo. Mrs. Earl Kinsman was ap­ pointed president for 1957,. with vice-presidents, Mrs. Cal Horton, Mrs. R. Boyce and Mrs. Ben. Stoneman;’secretary,,Mrs. Wm, Brintnell, assistant, Mrs. E. Chappel; treasurer, Airs. Clar­ ence Coleman; pianist, Airs. A. Ross, assistant, Mrs. R. Kins­ man; press, Mrs. Percy Harris; flower and, cards, Mrs, R. Taylor Jr., Mrs. ,L. Ferguson, Airs, George. Parker, Mrs., Campbell Eyre, Airs. E. Diqk, Airs. P. Wright; supply secretary, Mrs. Harold Parker: Christian stew­ ardship, Mrs. R. Brock; Mission Band superintendents, . Mrs. Boyce, Mrs, Edwin Taylor; Baby Band superintendent, Mrs. Bep Stoneman. Mrs. J. Brintnell was named president for the W.A., with vice- presidents, Airs. A. Ross, Mrs. R. Taylor Jr„ Mrs. Harold Parker; secretary - treasurer, 'Mrs, T. Brintnell. ‘ ’ Mrs. T, Brintnell gave high­ lights of the semi-annual meet­ ing of the Woman’s Association of Huron Presbyterial, held in Goshen United Church recently, , and quoted excerpts from -.the message which Airs. R. Y. Mc­ Kinnon, London, first vice.-presi- dent of the London Conference Women’s Association of the Unit­ ed Church, gave. Mrs. McKinnon outlined plans to furnish men’s and women’s residences in con­ nection with the University of Western Ontario at London. She explained that the London Con­ ference W.A. has taken on the furnishing of'these residences and each local association is being asked to contribute the equivalept of $1.00 for each member. The group disclosed that $103.00 had been realized at their recent bazaar and bake sale. P»rson<|l Item Mrs. Joe Helm and family, of Tiverton, were Bunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shorthouse, , accompanied by their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ted ; Hales, aU of St. Catharines, were weekend visitors with the for­ mer’s son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shorthouse and family. Mt. Fred Kennings has re­ turned home after a pleasant week’s-visit spent with his sifeter, Mrs. Mary Gable, of South River, Ont., and he also spent a week with his daughter ande son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden and family, of St. Catharines. Miss Alice Pfaff, of Exeter, was a weekend visitor with Miss Mary Goodwin. Mrs. Aidwinkle is visiting with relatives in Ottawa, t Mr, Wm. Thompson was in To­ ronto last week attending the Royal Winter Fair. Mrs. T. Temphill, Mrs. Fletch­ er and Patsy, of Wroxeter, were weekend visitors with Mrs. C. Cpok. ‘Mr. Ray MacArthur, who has been receiving treatment in West­ minster Hospital, London, con­ tinues quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright,' Kipen, Mr. and Mrs. Norris .Sil- lery, Brucefield and Mrs. Har­ vey Craig of Walton were in : Woodstock last Saturday attend­ ing the funeral of their cousin, , Canon J. H. Grogham. Hunters Return ’ I A party of hunters composed ' of Garnet Mousseau, Bert Hor- i ton, Percy Campbell, .George ■ Parker and Gerald Bell returned ; home, from a hunting trip to < Chepstow with a deer, shot’ by i Garnet Mousseau, manager of , Hensa'll District Co-operative. The deer weighed 125 lbs. ' , Jlohawks Lose ^Ptontiriued from Page 3 and -“Boom Boom” Gravett scored on a solo rush at 16:11 to cut down the Sarnia" lead to 7-5. Captain Doug Thiel and Right Winger Billy McDonald capital­ ized. on a two-way passing play for the final Exeter goal of the game at 17:49 with Thiel catch­ ing the corner of the net with a quick slap shot. The Mohawks were all around the Sarnia goal trying for the enualizer in the dying moments of the game, but time quickly elapsed rind Sarnia .came out on top of the 7-6 score. EXETER—Goal," Baker; defence, Thiel, Hayward, Dwyer, Barton; forwards, "Wharnsby, Lacey, Gra­vett, Shantz, Deader, Oberle, Heide- • tnan, McDonald. SARNIA—Goal, Hodgins,- defence, Haddon, Moffitt, Fraser, Horner; forwards, Duncan, Savage, Glaab. Harass, Dunham, Houlihan, Bell Albright, ‘Ulrich, • • First Period 1— Sarnia, Duncan (Savage, Glaab) S.29 2— Exeter; McDonald (Oberle, Heidemah) 15.33.3— Exeter, Shantz (Leader, Lacey) • 18.47.Eenaltiasl — Barton 2.10, Dwyer 4.27. Moffitt 15.29, Horner 16.51. Second Period * 4—Exeter, Wharnsby 1.39,B—Sarnia, Houlihan (Ulrich) 12.07. 7—Sarnia, ‘ 7— Sarnia, 8— Sarnia, , 15.34;3—Sarnia, Glaab (Afoffitt) 17.24. Penalties—"Barton 8.49, Shantz 12.28, Oberle, Savage 13.22, Mof­ fitt 14,16, Thiel 15,20, Bell 19.20. Third Period 10— Exeter, Oberle (McDonald, Heideman) .12. 11— Sarnia, Barash (Dunham, Hou­ lihan) 10.45. . 12—Exeter,, Gravett 16.11. 13—Exeter, Thiel (McDonald) 17.49. Penalties — Allen -2.57. Ulrich (Horner) 12.52 Haddon 14.47.Duncan (Glaab, Savage) Four Teams Score Seven Four teams made a clean seven-point sweep in this week’s' Men’s Bowling League at the Exeter Bowling Alleys. The Pepsies, Ringers, Kin­ jacks and Huskies all emerged with seven point totals to boost themselves higher in the league standings. The Windmills are still in the lead with 40 points while the Pin­ poppers, captained by Clifford Quance and Lee Learn’s Milk­ men are tied for second x place with 37 points each. » The “more bounce to the ounce” Pepsies are right on the heels of the second placers as they trail only by a single point. • Chub Edwards of the Milk­ men had the only over 700 triple of-the week as he rolled a 717 three game total against. Canada Packers to salvage of a possible seven points his team. Wednesday, November 14 Big Six (Don Case 682) 3393.. Pepsis (B. Oberle 635) 3328 . Huskies GT. Fairbairn 563) 3190 Ringers (C. Snell 648) 3139 .........Canners (C. Mawhinney 525) 2751 Monday, November 19 Kingjacks (L. Haugh 686) 3453) .. Whizz-Bangs (G. Robinson 631)3224 .... Ringers (C. Snell 594) 3187) .......RurabRollers (J. Crocker 689)’ 3292 ...... Pepsis (Bill Oberle 639) 3344 ... Pinponpers (B. Gifford 608) 3050 . Milkmen (C. Edwards 717) 3381) .... Canada Packers (B. Gibson 669) 3511..,. Huskies GT. Fairbairn 616) 8534 .... Big Six (Nip Ball 647) 3212 ......... STANDINGS .■ 40 Big Six . 37 Huskies ...... , 37 Rural-Rollers . . 36.Kingers ...... 34 Spare Parts ’.. : . 32 Tip-Toppers .. : . 29 Canners ......28 ' . the two for 5 70 7 0 7 0 .2 5 52 2 5 70 2726 26231412 5 ■Windmills ....Milkmen ....... Pinpoppers ..Pepsis .......Whizz-Bangs Kingjacks .... Tradesmen .. Can. Packers Next Week’s Schedule Monday, November 26 7-9—Canada Packers vs. Kingjacks Pinpoppers vs. Windmills. Big Six vs. Pepsis Monday, November 26 9-11—Tradesmen vs. “Rural Rollers Tip-Toppers vs. Huskies Wednesday, November 23 7-9—Milkmen Vs. Spare Parts Whizz-Bangs vs. Ringers Canners vs> Spare Parts t'iplilBruf ctrre* RNt tM.1 HANDLE WITH CARE, IT’S LOADED WITH LOVELINESS! Radiant ndw spring color for lips and fingertips! CUT WORLD’S LARGEST SELLING MANIQURE AIDS Christmas Gifts For All Middleton's Drugs PHONE 20 HENSALL . Arnold Circle - Elects Officers Mrs. A. R. Orr was elected president of Arnold Circle on Monday evening with vice-presi­ dents, Mrs. Ed Fink and Mrs. Stewart Bell. The secretary is,Mrs. E. Fink; treasurer, Mrs. Stewart Bell; pianist, Mrs, Wm. Brown; Home ; Helpers, Mrs. H, Snell, Mrs. H, Hoy; welcome and welfare, Mrs. . H. Bonthron; mission band, Mrs, Roy Bell, Mrs. Snell, Mrs. Hilde­ brandt and Mrs. .G. Troyer; sup­ ply, Mrs. E. Fink; literature, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. Mrs. Mary Hildebrandt presid­ ed. Mrs. Glenn Deitz prepared and conducted the worship assist­ ed by Mrs. Brown, who also sang a solo. Mrs. Hoy contributed a poem. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Alviri Kerslake, The next meeting will be held a week earlier, on December 10. Carmel Ladies Aid At Carmel WMS The Ladies’ Aid of Carmel Church, met Monday evening, November 12, in the church schoolroom. Mrs. J. Soldan’s group were in charge. Mrs. At*. Dougall, president, opened the meeting assisted by Mrs. J. Sol- dan, Mrs. John Love and Mrs. Earl Campbell. Piano solos were given by Mrs. Robert Madge and Mrs. Soldan. Business was taken by Mrs. M. Dougall. An invitation to meet in December at Mrs. Reid’s home was accepted. A choir grant of $25.00 was approved, A grant of $200 to the board of managers was also approved.' Mrs. Percy Campbell was elected president, with vice-presi­ dent, Mrs. Alex McGregor; sec­ retary, Mrs. J. Soldan, assistant, Mrs. Clarence Reid; treasurer, Mrs. W. R. .Bell; group leaders, Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs, Andrew Orr, ;and Mrs. John Soldan; manse committee, Mrs. W. R. Bell, Mrs. Robert Cameron, Mrs. Ed Munn; quilt committee, Mrs. Ed Munn, Mrs. Earl Campbell; reception, Mrs. James Bonthron, Mrs. Sam-Dougall, Mrs. Basil. Edwards; pianists, Mrs. Ed Munn, Mrs. Wm. Brown. The group are sponsoring a bazaar, bake sale and chicken -supper Saturday, December 1. Minister Honored Knox, Presyterian Church, Bay- field, honored their minister, Rev. Donald MacDonald, and his bride at a reception held in, the church. Following supper Robert Mc- Vean read the presentation ad­ dress and presented the newly­ weds with a white blanket. Mr. MacDonald' is also minister of Carmel Church, Hensail, Chimney Fire 1-Iensall firemen responded to a call to a chimney fire at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Smith on Friday morning last, which could have proved disastrous owing to a very high wind at the time. Ex- | tensive damage was done to the chimney. Honor Bridal Couple Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kyle, ' of Kippen, a recent bridal couple, were honqred at a reception held for them in the town hall last Friday evening. The hall was filled for the event. The couple were presented with a well-fillM purse of money. The presenta­ tion address was read by Murray Baker, and presentation made by Don McLellan. Desjardine orches­ tra provided dance music. Discusses Givings At Carmel WMS Remembrance was the theme used lor the devotional period of the November meeting of the Women’s Missionary society of Carmel Church. Mrs. A. McGreg­ or and Airs. S, McQueen were program conveners. Mrs. Ate- Gregor presided and was assist­ ed m the devotional by Mrs. Inez AlcEweu and * • Poems were Afadge, Airs. Edwards. The topic—’ __.. and how shall we give it, presented by Airs. Glenn Bell; Airs, Alalcolm Dougall favoured with a piano selection. Airs. AteQueen, Airs. E. Camp­ bell and Airs. B. Edwards were appointed a nominating commit­ tee to bring in new slate of offi­ cers at the annual meeting in December. The group made plans for a missionary meeting to-be held Thursday, November 22, in the church, when Goderich, Clin- ton, Seaforth and Bayfield so­ cieties have been invited to hear Miss Gollans, a missionary from Nigeria, who is home on furlough. Discuss Cancer At Wl Meeting The presentation of films on “Cancer” with narrators, Reeve R. R. Pooley and Fred Dobbs, of Exeter, was one of the highlights of Hensall Women’s Institute meeting held Wednesday in the Legion Hall, A two minute silence in memory of the late Miss Gladys Luker was observed. Mrs. T. C. Coates was soloist. .Airs. Carl Payne and Mrs. Wm. Henry gave interesting reports of the London area convention which they attended at delegates. Aliss M. Ellis was appointed secretary­ treasurer for the balance of this year to replace Mrs. E. Geiger who recently moved to London. A donation was voted to the Cancer Fund.. The penny sale, in charge of Mrs. Lome Chapman and Mrs. Harry Horton, realized $7.75. President Mrs. A, Shirray, chaired the meeting. Program conveners were Mrs. H. Faber and Mrs. C. Payne; hostesses, Mrs, G. Harpole and ’Mrs. A, Alexander. Lunch committee were Mrs. Wx Henry, Airs, I. Mc­ Ewan, Mrs. E. Normintori, Mrs. R. Y. McLaren, Mrs. Eva Carlile, Mrs. S. Roobel. Mrs. Robert Reid, of Kincar­ dine, spend the weekend with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Jerry and Allan. by Mrs. Ji. Taber, given by Mrs. R. McQueen, Mrs. B. What shall we give *),” was Goes Farther' Friendly Service Low Prices The Tirr»es-Adv©c*t»/ November 22, If 54 e HENSALL "Where Your Dollar Comments About. Cromarty By MRS. K. McKELLAR Mr. and Mrs. Ferg. McKellar and family, Seaforth, visited on Sunday with the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Mc­ Kellar. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Storey and family, Stratford, visited during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Storey and Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLach­ lan, Mrs, A. Campbell and Miss Belle Campbell, Seaforth, visited On Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlani Mrs. Grace Wrens Seaforth, visited last week with friends here. The pupils of No. 5 and No. 6 schools with their teachers visited the public library at Kirkton on Friday. Mrs. Gordon Scott visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Routly, Kirkton, on Friday. Mr. Robert Laing enjoyed a hunting expedition with a patty from Mjtchell' last week. They were successful in bagging four deer. , Farm Forum The Cromarty Farm Forum, met at the home of Mr. apd Mrs. Eldon Allen with sixteen mem­ bers present After the disbussion and qtiestionaire program euchre was played. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robf Laing. Hibbert Bible The annual Hibbert Bible ___ _____ ___ in Staffa United Church On Sun- day evening. Dr. Frank Keyes, Toronto, was guest speaker and showed a film pertaining to his work. Dalton Malcolm Was elected aS president and Mrs, Herb Brit­ ten, R,R. 2 Dublin as secretary­ treasurer for this year’s annual Society meeting' of the Society was held rcvarigencai, unnea eh wijijbor CREDITON Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Worship “Pu)L or Push” 11:15 a.m.—Bible School 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service Wednesday — Mid-Week Service CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev, Verbrugga 10:00 a.m.—Rev. Quartet (English Language) 2:00 p.m.—Reading Services (Dutch Language) THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Reel Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Sunday Next Before Adven 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer Lome E. LOCKER SERVICE THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Rev. R. ,Van Farowe, Minister ^.•ao a.m.—English Service In Main St. United Church Everybody Welcome MAIN STREET The United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. Alex. Rapson c- JAMES STREET • UNITED CHURCH Rev. H, J. Snell, Pastor i Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C./E Musical Director ! 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School i 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship ; Sermon Subject: “The Chrf ian Hope” § Apthem by the Choir | . Double Duet: Marlene ME Millan, Sandra Walper, Kai ryn-Hicks, Mary McBride, A nursery class for children years and under will be c< ducted during the morni worship. s 7;00 p.m.—Evening Worship / Sermon Subject; “God Pi _ pares A Leader” 1 A Warm Welcome l nlii Your "Blue Coal Dealer Your. Biggest, finest DODGE 'with more fine-car features than any other car at its price I Hensail Motors invites you to see ’ and drive this great new car! tr "Roe Feed" Agent 1 = XI1 PHONE 10 HENSALL ] ROYAL It's priced just above tbs lowest, yet it offers the newest and. best fine-car features of ail! One drive, and we think you’ll agree, th» ’57 Dodge Custom Royal with its daring new low-profile styling, Torsion-Aire ride, Torque-Fiite automatic transmission, Total- Contact brakes brings a new standard of value to the medium-price', field. Come in soon. Let us show you how easy (and hoy, pleasant!) it really is to step up to ths biggest, finest Dodge of all. Drive a ’57 DODGE Custom Royal today! Hensail Motor Sales NEW! TORStON-AltE RIDE! ................................ imiiinmifiiinHimiiiii.......„„„„„ ......................... A Real Christmas Offer! THE FOLLOWING SUNBEAM APPLIANCES From Now Until Christmas * Are Subject To A 20^b Discount *Check This List Of Christmas Gifts TOASTERS IRONS DEEP FRIERS ELECTRIC FRYING PANS RAZORS MIX MASTERS COFFEE MAKERS ( MIXERS Drysdale Hardware PHONE 11 ; ' HENSALL FARM /z s Manure Spreaders Hydraulic Loaders' Mowers • Rakes Pickers • Elevators Genuine parts far NewI»ea nine HENSALL, ONTARIO Call the Shop at 9-W or Res. I EQUIPMENT 170-W ............................................................. in......him.............................................................................................................. mimmimimimn...................................... Week • UNDERWEAR • OVERALLS WORK CLOTHES :e Cream at VISIT a I= GENT'S FURNISHINGS e DRY GOODS • BOOTS & SHOES BY SUBSCRIPTION Lunches with or from BERT'S SNACK BAR 154 Hensall For and Goodwin's Phan* 16 Hensall froth SEE US TODAY! Kensal! Got the A-1 Body Builder For Growing Children BONTHRON A SON Phon* HI . Heiuell Complete Line Of Furniture and Floor Coverings Hurondale