HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-15, Page 20Page 20 Th* Times-Advocato, November 15, 1956 § s i 1 WILSON BROS. F1NA SERVICE YOUR LOCAL NASH DEALER OFFERS ’54 ’51 ’51 $1,395 $ $ METEOR NIAGARA A real clean car .................. . MERCURY SEDAN Dark blue, radio ................................ CHEVROLET SEDAN Power glide, radio ........................... ’50 CHEVROLET PANEL TRUCK Real clean ’*...................... .................... ’47 STUDEBAKER “STARLITE” COUPE New paint job ....... ’40 PLYMOUTH COACH ‘Tt runs” ....... .o $ 1*1 $ $ 69.50 WILSON BROS. I FINA SERVICEf PHONE 657-J NORTH END EXETER | 5 895 795 495 295 s SUCCESSFUL OPEN HOUSE— Hundreds of district people attended the open house at Snelgrove’s Friday and Saturday to see a major new line of appliances which the firm recently acquired. Mi\ Snelgrove is sh own above demonstrating a 1957 dryer. The firm provided free gifts, cigars and refreshments to visitors during the open house. ’ ' —T-A Photo SNOW TRAVEL819 bargain Winter I driving safety . . * With, a pair *>» Snox-Tmvcl Tires on Your rc’[ tv;,™. I SHOW TRAVEL 1. pd«d "»« t"”' 600/16 whan others can’t pull away. — when others slip and slide. ESS "lOO-Level” Snow-Mud Tires quality construction features as at an hpnest-lo-goodness savings »0 (with trade-in) on the 670/15 ■tic motorists who switched io IeSS last wlnief tell us that they pre used a tire with more down- Stephen township approved ac­ counts for nearly $80,000 at its meeting on November 6. Major portions of the expend­ iture were for educational pur­ poses, including $24,000 for South Huron District High School de­ benture and maintenance costs,, and $25,000 to the township school area board. Another $10,- 000 was paid to separate and un­ ion schools and schools outside the area. Rates and tolls of the Hay Township telephone system amounted to $10,313. Art Hod gins and Son, Lucan, received $375, balance of their contract for the Isaac Drain, and Jas. A. Howes” engineer, receiv­ ed $150 for supervision- of the construction. The Federation of Agriculture levy amounted to $891. , . A grant of $100 was provided for Crediton Community Centre., Two fox bounties of $1,00 each went to Roy1 Hodgins and Irvin Ratz. Road accounts amounted, 4c $2,362, Allowances for drains includ­ ed: ; ’ Sitter drain—W i 111 s Hotson, $29; Henry Hartle, $2; Lloyd Brophy, $7; H. Eagleson, $33; H. Walper, $25; Fergus Turnbull, $40. ’ Isaac drain—Hcrbdrt Harlton, $62; H, Isaac, $373; John Mc- Ginnes, $469; Ross Brown, $464; Emile Pereault, $357-00Adams drain—L. Dietrich, $4; Pearl Eisenbach, $312; Clarence Desjardine, $251; Donald Tet­ reau, $538; Milford Merner, $426; Glen Webb, $38; Kenneth Kaker, $388; Elgin Adams, >$383; F. M. Snyder, $549. Polling booths, returning of­ ficers and poll clerks were nam­ ed for the election, .if necessary, on December 3. The nomination will be held on November 26. ' Clerk F. W. Morlock was auth- Reg. List $18.95 and you* ‘ Class “A” trade-in Reg. List $20.70 and yott» • Class “A* trade-in ft Report On Centralia By MRS. FRED BOWDEN WINTER EXPRESS Natural Rubber Tread lulder buttresses dig in io iako a Isei you away fast and easy in |r inud. Smooth-riding centre Is slippery*! treacherous film off Loads for sure "GO” and safe Iter-express win pule you ere that chains Will. Run smooth* on dry*or bare B»l~ xoads. Priced "A”ith c1as» Ic-in .. rp'rtce $29,05 th class’ “A” ■e-irr Write $32.80 th clais “A” BO-ln . p>rn<! $35.90 Remembrance Day Remembrance Day was ob­ served in the United Church on Sunday morning when Rev. J. T. Clarke based his thoughts on the text “Greater Love Hath No Man Than That He Lay Down His Life For His Friends,” Two minutes’ -silence was observed, honoring those who have given their lives in two World Wars. Personal Items , • Mr. and Mi’s. G-- O. Thomp­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Tookey of London were Saturday evening guests with Mr., and -Mrs. L. B. Hodgson, • Mr. and Mrs. A. Copeland of Windsor were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. An­ drew Hicks. , t ■ Mrs. A. Harlton accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. Morley of Lon­ don. to Flint, Mich., where they visited over the weekend with the former’s daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. P. Vescoe. Mrs. S. Molnar has been visit­ ing for the past week with rel­ atives in Chicago. Mr, and Airs. Wm. Haddock visited with friends in Lucknow on Tuesday of last, week, Mr. William Blair, who has been, in St,. Joseph’s Hospital, London, .for several weeks was removed to the Heywood Nurs­ ing Home in Exetqr on- Sunday. Mrs. M*. C. Fletcher of Exe­ ter will, be guest speaker at the service in the church on Sunday evening, sponsored by the Y.P.U. Mrs. Arthur i McFalls visited on Tuesday with her brother, Mr. T* C. McLeod in Aurora, . Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Howitt of Toronto visited with relatives in the community on Sunday; Hie former with his mother Mrs. J. C. Smithy Mrs. Smith with her mother and brother and Mr. and Mrs. Howitt with Mr, and Airs. Thos* Smith in Exeter. Wreaths Sholdice and Keith Hodgins were among the High School students who were ’ in' Toronto touring the Museum and attending the Royal Winter Fair ,on Saturday. Mrs. W. H. Wood Active In WMS' Funeral services for Mrs. Wil­ liam H. Wood, 79, who passed away iji South Huron Hospital on Tuesday will be conducted on Thursday at 2 p.m. by Rev. H. J. Snell assisted by Rev. C,. W. Down at the Hopper-Hockey funeral • home, William St. Mrs. Wood was the former Margaret Frances Blatchford of Hensail. Following her marriage to William Wood they farmed at Hurondale until retiring to live in Exeter eleven years ago. Mrs. Wood was a member of James Street United Church and an active member of the Wom­ an’s Missionary Society. ’ On October 3, 1956, Mr. and Mrs. Wood celebrated their fifty­ fifth wedding anniversary, Surviving besides her hus­ band, are one son, J. Harold Wood, Lambeth; two daughters, Olive, Toronto; (Pearl) Mrs. William Murdoch, Dundas; a grandson, , William F. Wood RCAF Clinton; . two brothers, Dr. Frank Blatchford, Fort Wil­ liam; Roy of Exeter, and two sisters, Mrs. W. S. Cole,. Exeter, and Mrs. Roy Linklater, Goder­ ich. The pall bearers- will be Clar­ ence. Down, Victor Blatchford, Mervin Brown, George Dunn,' Frank Linklater and Dr* Albert McTaggart. Interment will be in -Exeter cemetery. Second Line In Biddulph By MRS. H. ELSON Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Thomp­ son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fischer, also Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fischer and fam­ ily and Mr. Lyons, and Master Lloyd Slanlake. Mrs.. Lillian Blair, Exeter, was a guest with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Langford and John and Mrs. Edna Lang­ ford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Art Hern in Toronto and while .there, Mr.' and -Mrs. Langford and John attended the Royal Winter Fair. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston- and family of Ailsa Craig and Miss Barbara Lewis, and Mr. Roy “ '. , . . . spent Sunday with Mrs. Jessie’ Lewis. Mrs. Elston, tended Paul’s day evening, Mr. and Mi'S. M. XI. Elston were Sunday evening, guests of Mr., And Mrs. John Veall, Cen­ tralia. ■ ■ ■ . London, Harrison, London, Elston, Mr. Allan at- •M. II. . . . .... David and Sheila, the annual bazaar in St. church; Kirkton on Fri- The adian to 279 1951* ■1-* area of the average Can­ farm increased front 124 acres between 1901 and >« n TIRE STORE Milton R. Rabbins FREE Coupons on CCM Bicycle With Every Purchase Af SNELL BROS. Phon* 100 Exetor CANADIAN PROPANE GAS A APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON Phene 156 Grand Bend YPU Elects At Cromarty The Y.P.S* met on Sunday evening and appointed officers for the current season. Alice Sorsdahl was elected president, and Philip James, vice-presi­ dent; secretary-treasurer, Joy Vivian; assistant, Ken Walker; social committee, Margaret Wallace, Alice • Walker, Jim Chappel, and Alex Mickle; pianist, Margaret Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Shute, Kirkton., visited on Sunday eve­ ning with her parent?, Air. and Mrs. David Gardiner. Mrs. Christina McKellar, Mitchell, visited for a few days with Air, and Airs. T, Laing and Other friends in the village,, Mr, and Airs, Edgar Allen, Mitchell, visited on Thursday with Air. and Mrs, K. McKellar. The W.AI.S. Thank-Offering service will’be held in Cromarty church on Sunday, November 25. Miss Agnes Gollan, missionary; who is home on furlough from Nigeria, will be the special speaker. An enjoyable afternoon was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs* Gordon Scott on Saturday when their daughter, Anna Marie, celebrated her ninth birthday with fourteen girls be­ ing present to help her celebrate, Mr. and Airs. John Wallace and Margaret Ann are attending the Royal Winter Fair for a few days. ■ Mrs. Otto Walker and Airs., Robert Hulley visited/ on Sunday evening with Mr. and Airs. Alvin. Cornish, Exeter, Mr. and Airs. Donald Wallace, Keith 'and Kenneth, Carlingford, visited on Sunday with Air. and Mrs, George Wallace. prized to notify Chas. Deitrich that the ratepayers demand that he start work on the Adams Drain according to contract. Reeve John Alorrissey preside ed and all members were pres­ ent. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 15, at 1 p.m. s s USED CARS FORD COACH, Reg’s car........................ FORD COACH, school nurse car ........... FORD SEDAN, a honey.......................... . WILLYS HARDTOP, overdrive, radio METEOR COACH, a steal ’51 MERCURY SEDAN, clean ’49 METEOR COACH, radio ’49 AUSTIN COACH .... . ’46 CHEVROLET COACH- ’41 CHEVROLET SEDAN ’56 ’55 ’54 ’54 ’53 Trucks ’52 CHEVROLET PICKUP ......... ’49 FORD PICKUP ...................... 1 £ s ■'R 695 395 250 $*. 125. Thursday'? SPECIALS The following 30-day units to be reduced per day until "sold, ’53 FORD SEDAN, overdrive, radio . ’54 STUDEBAKER “STARLITE’’ COUPE *. ’52 DpDGE SEDAN, radio ........................... ’51 PLYMOUTH SEDAN.............................. ’51 PLYMOUTH COACH, new motor ....... |10 Price $1,325 $1,145 ? $ $ 865 765 765 TRACTORS ’51 FORD, a choice of two beauties ............... $ A SET OF HALF TRACKS ....... $ ’56 CASE FOUR-ROW SCUFFLER, % price .. $ 695 195 75 Larry Snider Motors LTD* ■ Our FRIDIDAIRE Open House was a big success, thanks to you folks who came in to see these outstanding appliances which bring ''A New Lift To Living”. In appreciation, we're continuing the special offer* we made last week. Special Trade-In Allowances On FRIGIDAIRE Ranges The Hit Of Our Open House! IMPERIAL 39 ELECTRIC RANGE Open The Doors And Your Roast Rolls To You! That’s just one of the many exciting features of the new FRIDIDAIRE Imperial. This mo­ del brings you full-width oven with French Doors and the auto­ matic over-shelf which rolls to you It’s only 30 inches-wide— but full of everything you need most. Heat-minder • unit never lets food’burn—just set it and forget it. Choose from three colors and-white! REGULAR PRICE $399,95 Less Top Trade-In Allowance / Deluxe Thrifty 30' Here’s a deluxe range in the medium price field fbr the kitchen with a space problem. Has fulL width oven, cook-master automatic oven control, full-width fluorescent light, electric time signal, . full-width storage drawer and porcelain broiling pan. Comes with an’oven window, too! It’s on display npw* Regular Price — $339.95 Less Big Allowance! BUILT AND BACKED BY GENERAL MOTORS SNELGROVE’S PHONE 18 SEE EXETER MOHAWKS* OPENER SATURDAY NIGHT! ' EXETER