HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-15, Page 19urana oena women
Consider New Group
On Tuesday evening, a group
of ladfos of the district met for
a dinner meeting at the Brenner
House to consider the organiza
tion of a business and profession
al women’s club. Dr. Judith
Brigham,presided over the busi
ness . period, and the secretary
for the evening was Mrs. Irene
Due to the illness of Mrs.
Fred. Walker, who was to have
the guest speaker for the
yMning, the group discussed ■ratiqn a 1 and international
ThO next meeting has been
arranged for Tuesday, December1
4, When Miss Joan. Chapman will
give a report on the seminar of
the United Nations.
Qrpha Club
•' The Orpha Club met in the
town hall on Thursday evening.
Mrs, Joan Cochrane, the presi
dent, took the chair. '
The group discussed their
Christmas, project. Mrs, Grigg
■ was the lucky winner of' the
draw for the evening. Lunch was
served’by Mrs. C, Kennedy.
Remfmbranca Pay
On Sunday afternoon the mem
bers of the local branch of the
Canadian Legion,- No, 498, mem
bers' Woineh’s Auxiliary
to ,thd Legion,' and the local boy
cubs,"; accompanied by their
leader! Alex Hamilton, paraded
from .down town to the cemetery
wh'erie^two wreaths were placed
on ::the eight graves in the sold-
ierSV/plot, marked by wooden
One wreath from foe Province
of Ontario was placed by Reeve
Jas,. jDalton, arid the second
Wrha'fo from the local Legion
wa$’’:laid by Mr, Tony Rivers.
“OH Canada” was sung by those
attending the service led by Miss
MArjdrie Desjardine And Mrs.
ClaritL Kennedy, followed by a
short ■: address by Rev. A. E.
‘ Holley.
Turkey Dinner Well Attended
Tfie-- turkey dinner, sponsored
by . thd ladies of the Women’s
Association of the United Church
on Friday evening was well at
tended, the proceeds amounting-
to W§11 over six hundred dollars.
Perional Items
Mir.' And Mrs, G. Statton and
Miss. .Joan of Sarnia visited
friends in town on Sunday,
Mr.’ and Mrs. -L Whiteford
spent- a few days in London
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Adair of
London spent the Weekend with
• Mr, arid Mrs. Ray Patterson,
Miss Nancy .’.Clark'-of -Thed-
ford.. spent last week with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Sweitzer, returning home with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
Clark on Sunday.
Mrs. Glen Desjardine and Mrs,
Leland Desjardine spent Tues
day in London.
Miss Audrey Green of the
Free Press staff in London spent
the weekend with her parents,
Mr, gnd Mrs. Clarence Green.
Mrs. Horace Lake is visiting
friends in Toronto this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Desjardine
and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Young
spent last week in New York.
Mr. and Mrs, Sid Morris and
Mr. and Mrs, John Smith of At
wood spent Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. Thos, Laird.
Mr, and Mrs. Morris Webb
and family of Woodham spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. El
gin Webb,
Mrs. Lennea Statton resumed
duty at the local post office
after being on vacation for the
past two weeks,
Mrs, Lawrence Schwartz of
London returned home on Sun
day after spending the past two
weeks visiting with her sister,
Mrs, W. Baker,
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Rendle
spent a few days in London last
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flear and
Mrs, Ted Stanlake spent Thurs
day ’ afternoon and evening in
London. .
Mrs. W. Baker, Mrs. L.
Schwartz and Miss Dorene Baker
spent Wednesday afternoon with
Mrs. R. Simpson at Clandeboye.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Mason were Mr.
and Mrs. Emery Ma’sqn of Mack-
am, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Baird, for a family re
union. ' . (1Mr. and Mrs. E. Keown visit
ed in London for a couple of
days last week,
Mrs. W. Pitts and daughter,
Anth.oa, of Wandsworth Com
mon,’ London, England, arrived
last week to spend a year in.
Canada. They are making their
home with Mrs. Pitts’ daughter
and son-in-law F/O Kenneth B.
Moshier and Mrs. Moshier,
Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forrest
.and family, of Sarnia., spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clark
Kennedy and, family.
Topic From _
Luiah Personals
Visitors with Mr.; a’nd Mrs.
Wes-Hodgins last week included
Mr.>-and Mrs. Jim Tubb of Mit
chell,-. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Earle
of Woodstock, Mr. MiltOn Rob
inson of London and Master Jofty
Hodgihs of Owen Sound. Joey
i visile?!' with his other grand-
jjfctother, Mrs. Jessie Lewis on
•Asday. . „ . ,
’< Mrs.” Annie Fairfess has re
turned home from a week’s visit
in jHArriston where she was the
guest: of her daughter, .Mrs.
Douglas King and family.
News Of
Pupils Receive Vaccine
Dr. F. S. Kipp, M.O.H., Gran
ton, gave the salk vaccine to
74 on Tuesday morning with
Mrs. L. Wilsdn, Miss M. Smith,
of London arid MiSs Wallace of
GrAnton assisting ,at the Clande
boye public school No. .4 and 12.
Other schools No, 1, No. 2 and
No. 9 pupils attended,
The pre-school children will
receive their vaccine shots on
December 11. ’* ■'
Entertain For Newly-Weds
On Thursday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Mervin Carter entertained
in honor of ’tneir son and daugh
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Doug
las Carter of London. Guests
were Mrs. E, Prout of London,
Mr. arid Mrs. Carmen. • Gregory
arid family of lid er tori) Mr. arid
Mrs, Ross '‘Hoggarth of* Crom
arty and Mr. Beverly Simpson of
Kirkton and. Miss Mary Carter
of Lohdon.
During the evening euchre was
Personal ;i Items
Mrs. Paul Poole and Mrs.
Emily Tomes visited the latter’s
daughter on Thursday in Petrol
ia. In the evening the ladies
visited with Mr.rand Mrs, Har
vey Laughton in Strathroy.
Mr, Lome Derbyshire has the
footing laid for his new house
in the village.
MrS. George Noyes of Dela
ware and infant.son, Brian Dav
id, spent last week' with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc-
Rann, and returned home on
Mrs. E. Tomes, Stahley, Tom
my and Gwenneth Tomes arid
Mr, Ralph Lynn were guests or
Mr. and Mrs.' Peter Banks m
Sarnia on Sunday.
Mr. Peter Molnar has made
an apartment arid will take up
residence in- the former Moores
ville Hall soon,
Mrs. Arthur Hodgins and Mrs.
Rupert Williams spent the week-
Detroit' .returning with
JO^id...Mjs* George Simpson.
Mrs' Rimpson arid daughters,
Hazel and Helen, spent last week
with 'her sister and brother-in-
law, Mi% arid MrS. Doh Burn in
Mr* Charles Edginfon spent
Sunday with his daughter, Mrs.
Lloyd Brodghton arid his son,
George Edgintoii of London,
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Latimer
of Sarnia spent the weekend with
the latter’s parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Roy McRann.
Mr. arid Mrs. Douglas Carter
and Miss Mary Carter of Lon
don Visited with Mf. Arid MrS.
Mervin Carter on Sunday.
magician Gogia Pasha’s least gruesome tricks. Instead of
pulling rabbits out of a hat, 'he pulls a goldfish bowl out
of a fez. On other occasions he places a gix'L on the sharp
points of three swords, cuts out hypnotized individual’s
tongues, or puts a white chicken’s head on a black chic
ken’s neck. He showed his tricks to the convention of
magicians in Toronto—but even to them he is a magician.
They can’t explain how he does it. Gogia is a Sikh from
Kashmir. —CPC
Two Cred it on" Groups j.
Install New Officers If
Installation of officers -tookl Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rnrsons'5
place on Thursday when the!of Cromarty visited on 'Sunday
Women's Association and W.M.S, "■:‘u **““ T -
of the United Church met in the
church school rooms*
Devotions were led. by Mrs.
W, Wright and the study book
reviewed by Mrs. H. Lightfoot
assisted by Mrs, A. Baker and
vfith Mrs. J. Wein. - ’ ;
Members of the Evangelical!
, Ladies Aid are sponsoring a sale1
of home baking in Crediton Com
munity Centre on Saturday next.’
' i
The Opening Of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaques
were Saturday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Oliver Jaques, Hen
sail.Ruth Ann Dykemah, Exeter,
spent Sunday at her home.
Saturday evening visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques
were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaques,
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques,
Herisall, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Bowers and children, Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Jaques, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs., Ross Jaques and
John are leaving the -commiiAx.
ity this wedk and will make
their home in Hensall.
Mrs. Bob Hern and Linda of
Jarvis are visiting this week
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern.
John Jaques spent the past
week with Lloyd Anderson at
Science Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Bat Dickey of
Sunshine Dine announce the
birth of. their son last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dickinson,
London Township, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. War
ren Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton- Jaques
and children visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Hopkins,
Science Hill.Mr. and Mrs. Boss Jaques
spent Sunday with Mr. and MrS.
Sam Bowers and family, Exetor.
Mrs. Gerald HArn visited this
week with Mr. and Mrs.. M*
Spence and famDyt Metropolitan.
W. M. S. 1 , LZion West WM.S. met last
Wednesday evening at the home
of Mrs. Norman Brock. Election
of officers was held with Rev.
J. Slade presiding.
Mrs. Warren Erock was elected
president with vice presidents
Mrs. Harold Hern and Mrs. Ger
ald Hero;; secretary, Mrs. Mor
ris Herd; assistant, Mrs. James
Earl; treasurer, Mrs. Baker.
Mission Circle leaders, Mrs.
Angus Earl and Mrs. Norman
Jaques; Mission Band leaders,
Mrs, Kenneth Hern and Mrs. T.
Hern. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Slade were in
charge of the worship service.’
A Women’s Association was
formed with Mrs. Norman Jaques
as president; secretary, Mrs
Norman Brock; .treasurer, Mrs.
Harry Hern.
Propose County Group
Work For CTA
In the hope of settling the
liquor issue once and for all,
Goderich Junior Chamber of
Commerce last week endorsed
a resolution that- a county-wide
committee be formed by those
who favor the repeal of the
Canada Temperance Act.
Thej Jaycees, who took no
sides itself, passed the reso-
• elution after hearing the final
report of its Canada Temper
ance Act investigating commit
tee. The report said.that accord
ing to a recent public opinion
poll conducted by an impartial
organization, “well over 50 per
Cent” of Huron County adults
favor repeal of CTA.
The committee, which has
been studying the act for a year
and a half, was dissolved fol
lowing the presentation of its
final report last week. Thp re
port was made at a Jaycee
meeting held in conjunction with
the “See Goderich Day” ban
quet, at which out-of-town trade
commissioners and industrial
representatives were present.
The Report
Following is the report in full:
“The Canada Temperance Act
investigation committee of the
Goderich Junior Chamber of
Commerce makes the following
report on the results of a recent
public opinion ppll taken.through
out Huron County by what is
Assumed to be an unbiased re
search organization.
“The report states that the-
adult residents in Huron ’ County
.are.,, fed-up with . the., teemagev
" drinking and the bootlegging.
“Our enforcement agencies
experience difficulty in dealing
with offenders who' are of the,
ages of 16 to' 21, under the
Canada Temperance Act.
“This is a serious situation
that could increase. As. a- result,
the poll showed well over 50
percent of our adults would wel
come the repeal of the Canada
Temperance Act.
“The poll further stated the
adult population is in favor of
retail stores but the possibility
of either beverage rooms or
cocktail lounges is most re
mote.”The identity of the organiza
tion Sponsoring the public opin
ion poll -has not been revealed.
After learning that citizens were
being interviewed re the liquor
question by professional poll
taker's, the Jaycees made en
quiries. The research organiza
tion’ which conducted the poll
was located, but it has refused,
.to name the interests . -which
commissioned it to do the job.
Takes No Side
Max • Cutt, president of the
Jaycees, and N, T. Orniandy,
chairirian of the investigating
committee, both emphasized that
the Jaycees only aim iri setting
up the committee had been to
perform a community service,
As far as the club is concerned,
it has made no official commit
ment as to whether it thinks
CTA is or is not the best liquor
legislation available.
Said Mr. Ormandy: “We have^
merely given the people what
• information they need in order
to make their own decision on
the matter. Now the Jaycees
job is done.”
Because the poll indicates that
well over 50 percent of Huron
County adults favor repeal of
CTA, the Jaycees passed a re
solution that these people come
and for all, the question of
whether CTA is the best liquor
legislation available.
Repeal of CTA. should it ever
come about, would not necessar
ily mean the introduction of
beer and liquor stores Or beve
rage rooms. Under the Liquor Control Act, which is’ in force
in all parts of Ontario except
Huron arid Perth Counties, it is
possible for a municipality to
remain “dry”.
It would be illegal for minors
to drink, however, undpr the
Liquor Control Act..
The Story In ”
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Rundle,
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Russell of
Russeldale spent Friday and
Saturday at the Royal Winter
Fpir in Toronto.
Mr, Wm, Mills was a weekend
visitor with his -daughter; Mrs.
Don Rixon in London.
Mr. and. Mrs. Arnold Hern,
Norma, Betty- and Caroline visit
ed with Mr. and Mrs.. Grant
Hern in Toronto over the week-
,end. ■ ...Mrs. Robert Hardie and Mrs,
Rev. .Head of Granton were
Sunday callers with Mr?. Roy
Kirk and Lorna.
,t-Mr-.rind-MAV -Verne/Sm i th^nd
Verla, and Mrs. Mary Smitft of
Exeter were . Sunday Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith/
Andrew1 Stewart of NiagarS
Falls visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Rundle on Monday»and
calledzon. other relatives.
Mr,’ and Mrs.-Ray Mills, Mrs.
Roy Kirk and Miss Blanch Mills
spent • Wednesday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning
at Whalen.
Mr. and Mrs..Norman Johns,.
Dorothy and John, of Ilderton,
Mr. Don Leslie and Miss Elaine
Hansen 'of St. Marys were' Sun
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Jack Stephens.
■ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills re
ceived a telephone message on
Friday fro'm their son, Dr. Grant
Mills in- Calgary, of -the 1st Bat
talion of the. Queen’s Own Rifles
prior to his leaving for Egypt.
He. arrived, in. Toronto Tuesday
and will leave for Halifax.
Mr.. and Mbs.' Gordon Adams
spent the weekend in Michigan
visiting relatives.
Highest earners ih Canada in
1953 Weie 1.— , vuiiiiinu.ee, ouvii a vuiHmiu.ee
surgeons, with art average m- wou;d be in & position to take
^ome for the year of $11,258. r'to"
' anri forward and form a county-widemedical doctors and committe6, such a committee,
steps aimed at settling, once
This Week In
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ford
of Kitchener were Sunday guests’
of Mrs. Harry Ford and Mr,
and Mrs. Gordon Ford.
Mr. and Mrs, Elson Lynn,
Larry, Jimmie and Joan visited
on Sunday with relatives at
Owen Sound.
Mrs. Stephens and boys of
Langton were Sunday visitors
with Mrs. Minor Dobbs and Mr,
and Mrs, Ivan Brock.
-Mr, and Mrs. Freeman Horne
accompanied by Mr, and Mrs.
Harry Sparling of London mot
ored to Listowel On Sunday and
spent the day with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Horton.
For All
(PCV Licanst Hauler)
Phdne 52 Creditort
This Week's Specials!
Swift's Margarine, T-Lb. Pkgs* ............
Swift's Shortening, 1-Lb. Pkgs..............
PeaS, Choice Quality, 15 Oz. Tins ..... .
Corn, Cream Style, 20 Ot. Tips ..... ......
Campbell's Soup, 10 Or* Tins .... ......
Borden's Evaporated Milk, Large Tint
Peanut Butter, 16 Ox. Jars .................. .
Pineapple, 15 Oz* Tins ...........................
Fruit Cockfail, 15 Ox* Tins ...................
Sweet Potatoes, 20 Oz. Tins ..........
Solid Tune, 7 Oz. Tins ...........................
hight Bulbs, 25, 40, 60 Watt ................
Lipton's Soup Mix ..........................
Cheery Morn Jnstent Coffee, 6 Or*. Jar
Fruit Cocktail, 15 Oz. Tins
Solid Tuna, 7 Or. Tinj ......
Lipton'i Soup Mix ....
Tinder Le*f Tea Bag* ..................................................
Swan Toilet Tissue, Large Roils .................. 2
Lexia Raisin, etc.
assisieci py mrs. a. Baker amu—-■ i
Mrs. N. Lamport. Mrs. G. Zwick- i T ri ja m AC A a <er presided for a W.A. business) 11-0111 ww rWdW
meeting and Mrs. G. Hill for I
the W.M.S. meeting.' Rev. A.'
Rapson was present and installed
the following officers;
Worrign'$ Association
President, Mrs. Earl Neil;
vice-presidents, Mrs. E. Lam
port, Mrs. G. Zwicker and Mrs.
R. Finkbeiner; treasurer, Mrs.
S. King; secretary, Mrs. H.
Lightfoot, assistant, Mrs. J. Gal
loway; press secretary, Mrs, J,
Pianists, Mrs, J, Galloway and
Mrs. E. Lawson; parsonage
committee, Mrs, L, Hill, Mrs,
S. King and Mrs. R. Motz; good
Cheer committee, Mrs. ,R, Hill,
Miss Mary Chambers and Mrs.
C, Kennedy; auditors, Mrs. G.
Zwicker, Mrs. F. Clark.
Qfflcors For W.M.S.
Honorary presideht, Mrs
Rapson; ( president, Mrs,
R. Motz, Mrs, R. Finkbeiner and
. ucapuici jjxxb.
Baker; secretary, Mrs. N.
assistant. Miss M,
Rapson; president, Mrs, Gar
field Hill; vice:presidents, Mrs.
R. Motz, Mrs, R. Finkbeiner and
Mrs. E. Lawson; treasurer Mrs.
A. Baker; secretary, Mrs. . N.
Lamport; assistant, Miss M,
Chambers; Baby Band leader,
Mrs. R. Finkbeiner; assistant,
Mrs, R. Motz; Mission Band
leader, Mi's. S. King, assistant,
Mrs. J. Galloway;
Secretaries—Literature and
correspondence, Mrs, S, King;
reserve fund, Missionary Month
ly and supply, Mrs. Edward
Lamport; Christian stewardship
Mrs. H. Lightfoot; Christian
citizenship, Mrs. W. Mack; press
reporter, Mrs, J. Woodall; pian
ist, Mrs. A. Baker; auditors,
Mrs. S. King and Mrs. R. Reid.
Remembrance Day '
Remembrance Day service was
observed in the United Church
Sunday morning. Rev. Rapson
gave a practical talk on “The
Broken Alabaster Box” after
which two minutes silence were
Personal Items
F/O and Mrs, Robert Palmer
and daughter, Shirley Louise,
are visiting with. Mrs. Palmer’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs, E, M.
Fahrner. Formerly of Clares-
holm, Alta., F/O Palmer has
been transferred to F.I.S. Tren
ton. ;
Mrs. Albert Kestle is a pa
tient in St. Joseph’s Hospital,
London, where she underwent a
major operation last week.
Mr. Richard Hosking of Tor
onto visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Sam King and Mar
lene.Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark
of Detroit visited during the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F.
W. Clark. ’
Mr. and Mrs. John Spacek of
Lucan., visited .on.. ..Sunday, with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodall, -
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lamport
And Mr. and Mrs. Wilriiar Wein
attended the school Area meet
ing And dinner At Guelph on
Miss Margaret Seiling and
Mrs. Edna Guenther of- Kitchen
er visited recently at the Evan
gelical parsonage with Rev, and
Mrs. Strome.
Mr. Louis Hirtzel and Mr. and ■
Mrs, Walter Hirtzel of Detroit
visited recently with Mrs. John
Hirtzel and sons.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaiser
attended the funeral of Mr.
Boyer in Kitchener last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wade of ■
Groups Elect ’
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner s
and Marilyn spent Saturday ■
evening with Mr, Arthur Gardi
ner, Mary and Bert, of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery
attended the Royal Winter Fair,
Toronto, on Saturday.
Misses Margaret Bray and
Marion Lamport, of
spent the week-end
homes here.
Mr. and ‘Mrs. Ross
and Margaret Jean, of Kippen,
were Sunday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner.
W,A,. And W.M.S Meeting
The November meeting of the
W.A, and W.M.S. was held in
the basement of foe church on
Wednesday’ afternoon, with a
fair attendance. Mrs, John Bray
and Mrs. James Hodgert were
the hostesses,
Mrs, Mac Hodgert, vice-presi
dent of the W.A,, was in. charge
of. the meeting which opened
with thoughts on Remembrance
and a poem, *ln Flanders
A chapter in the study book
was given by Mrs. W. J. Moores,
assisted by Mrs. William Elford
and Mrs. William Rohde.
Mrs, W. J. Moores was elected
president of the W.M.S, for 1957,
with vice-presidents,' Mrs, Ed
win Miller and Mrs. Melvin
Gardiner; secretary, Mrs. Wil
liam Ferguson; treasurer, Mrs.
Percy Stone; pianist, Mrs. Wil
liam Cann; assistant, Mrs.
Archie Morgan; press reporter,
Mrs. William Rohde.
Secretaries for, Christian Citi
zenship, Mrs, Ernest Pym;
Missionary Monthly, Mrs. Wil
liam Elford; Mission Rand
superintendents, Mrs. Jack Slew
art and. Mrs,’ Donald Kernick;
literature, Mrs. Wiseman; com
munity friendship, Mrs. Archie
Morgan; Baby Band superinten
dents, Mrs. Mac Hodgert and
Mrs, Reg Hodgert;. associate
members, Mrs. Vic Jeffery;
Christian Stewardship, Mrs.
Stanley Coward; supply, Mrs.
Wiseman; representative’to S,H.
Hospital, Mrs. Arnold Cann;
nominating committee, Mrs.
Lloyd Ballantyne and Mrs. Lome
Passmore; study book commit
tee, Mrs. W. J. Moores, '*
William ’ Elford,
Ham Rohde.
Mrs. Kenneth
elected president
the next year with vice-presi
dents, Mrs. Melvin Ga’rdiner and
Mrs. Lloyd Knight; secretary,
Mrs. William Lamport; treas
urer, Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne;
i group leaders, Mrs. Glen Stew
art and Mrs. Jack Duncan; Mrs.
Lee Webber and Mrs. Robert
Maver; Mrs. Aimer Passmore
, and Mrs. Robert Cann.
I Convenor of groups is Mrs,
Aimer Passmore; pianist, Mrs.
1 William Cann; assistant,’ Mrs,
! William Rohde; nominating
committee, Mrs. Donald Bray,
Mrs. Roy Ballantyne, Mrs. Rob
ert Jeffery. ’ ♦.
.During the lunch hour, Mrs.
t Moores conducted a misisonary
1 quiz.
at their
and Mrs. Wil-
Duncan was
of the W.A, for
| In 1955 the province of On-
! tarid provided one-half of all the
London spent the weekend here j direct ' taxes collected by the
with Mrs. J. Wade. • I federal government.
<..... I .....Ml ■ III 'll ■——
R F. Roelofson, D.V.M.
135 Huron St East
4 =
This winter
You’ll, hove no winter driving problems if you
choose Suburbanites.
Come in and let us show you the patented
Suburbanite tread design. 464 specially-angled,
staggered cleats boost you along, give you traction
on the worst winter roads. Suburbanites run quietly
on dry pavement too.
See us for
by good/Vear • 134
Do Your Shopping In
Where Service Is Friendly And Prices Are Lpw
(Feed on Contract)
Buy The Times-Advocate
In Crediton Front
• Hodge's General Store
• Radford's General Store
nexation of the property in
question, when more complete
evidence would be taken into
consideration,” said Mr. Green
Mr. Ross Gray, of Sarnia,
was counsel for. Grand Bend -ana
Mt. James Donnelly, Goderich,
for Stephen Township.
At the morning sitting Reeve
John Morrissey, Lawrence Hill,
road superintendent, and F. W.
Morlock, municipal clerk, were
examined as were Herbert Pfile,
John Manore and -W. F. B. Mac-
Laren, of Grand Bend.
.... 8
...... 8
..... 3
..... 5
..... 4
..... 9
..... 4
.... 6 ...
2 Pkgs. 23 C
General Store
Phonii 45 Credit<t>n
Phoni 3VW Crajlitort
ends , a year-loiig controversy
lounciL agreed to pay its own
ound. The town’s insurance
Hown crew dumping garbage
ovoring program in 1955. Now
Steal Vehicle
At Woodham
Thieves stole a car from A
Woodham driveway and took
two tires and a battery from a
Woodham garage early Monday
morning in the second break-in
there in a week.
Police said four youths stole
a ear ’at Mitchell and ditched it
neat’ Woodham. They tried td
get into five or six cars in the
neighborhood, finally drove off
in one but abandoned it because
of a low gas supply, n
They broke into the garage of
Wilf Patton to take '-two tires
and a battery which were later
recovered. They they stole a car
belonging to Oscar Brine, which
Was parked in his laneway.
The oar Was discovered in
London Tuesday. Constable, J. ,
Parker, Stratford, and iQnhsM’ble
George Mitchell,' ihvejm-
gated, No arrests t have
Last Sunday, Mills’’ Wtal
store was broker! Into Mt the
owners found nothing’ nrinsing.