HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-15, Page 14jmjjIBW l> CTWW-WfiUBWf 19t. I New Industry Swings In
Features Original Furniture Designs
Exeter Furniture Limited, this
town’s first new manufacturing „„__v..w
industry in many year's, recently wooden folding chair suitable for
completed its mitral product — I auditorium use. it has a padded
a pulpit for a church jn Toronto.< scat cushion, covered with vinyl
The pulpit, an original design: fabric, and can be compactly
by the firm’s president, p. R. stacked for storage in a small
McCaffrey, marks the beginning place. The firm believes it will
of a venture by two experienced (tind a market, not only for gen
men in the furniture indiistry [ eral seating purposes, but as a
themselves in this highly-com-
petitive field by producing a
quality product.
The firm is making a modest ’ specifications. Pews'are designed
start. It has only four employees ■ *"’* —j
now but it plans to expand the
staff gradually as sales increase.
When the plant reaches full pro
duction, it will employ 20 trained
cabinet makers.
Secretary t Treasurer J. C.
Freeman, who is in charge of, -----sales, says "'steady progress is L 4A? company is located in the
anticipated with a gradual in- buildm* vacated by Jensen apd
crease in personnel required to ^caLs u i per;ence came in rresion, wnere------:...........................j woodworking plant of the was employed forever 20
M. . Ivnorc Diirincr thp wan hr> tvas in
Develop Chair
The other original is a modern
. ' ■' J.. ..JlAL'Lr
auditorium use. It has a padded
elude Mr. McCaffrey’s two sons
W. D. McCaffrey, Toronto^ isHe and his wife have two
children, a hoy apd giyir’The
proved by the Department of playing softball and hockey and
Labor, I played junior football, with Galt (« ,iyj. *♦*'i n t UnThe factory has 8,000 square I and Preston teams. He later family will continue to. live in <‘pr?s u .LnUlr
feet of manufacturing space and1 coached and managed minor ----------- ----------------- i )R rnmntwiier.
houses modern woodworking, sports,
machinery. , /
To Train Tradesmen
Besides doing the designing
for the firm, Mr. McCaffrey is in
charge- of operations. Under his
guidance, men will be trained to
become skilled tradesmen in the
various phases of the industry.
As it progresses, the firm be
lieves it will be able to provide young men coming out of school
with an excellent opportunity to
learn a trade.
Mr. McCaffrey was born in
the Muskoka district. His father
and grandfather were both cab
inet makers and he still uses
some of the tools originally
owned by his grandfather.
Much of Mr. McCaffrey’s ex
perience came in Preston, where
I years, During the war he was in
charge of the manufactui'e of
wooden ’ aircraft, principally
Ansons, and at one time super
vised 300 employees of Canada
Furniture Co., Woodstock.
He, has written numerous
articles for trade journals and
has taught night school courses
in drafting.
Although Mr. McCaffrey’s
home is still in Preston, lie has
located a furnished cottage on
Simcoe Street foi’ temporary
residence here. He and his wife
n original design; fabric, and can be compactly
president, p. R. stacked for storage in a small
L ,,*11 of a venture by two experienced (lind a marketT'noFonly'for gen-
who believe they , can establish I guest’chaiF in ♦’the’ home’ and a
’ ’ commuter’s chaii* in the office.
' Much of the church furniture
i the firm is producing is made to
ifor sloping and flat .floors‘and
with different angles
the seat and back. No
of pews are the same.
Most of the woods
uses come from the
The varieties include elm, oak,
maple and birch, as well as ash.
FURNITURE PLANT IN OPERATION—Exeter first manu-' anticipated with a gradual in-
factoring industry in many years is gradually swinging maSufac?ure the furnit^rT’’
into production. Its first product, a pulpit, was shipped> Prospccts iook encouraging for j
to Toronto last week. The firm will specialize in church the firm, which started opera-'
and school furniture. Above, president of the company tions only a month and one-half
two sets
the firm
. ...... ..... .. .........., ,r
Exeter Furniture Limited took
possession on August 20, and,
after an extensive clean-up,**' ’*«•■**<? sjr — t- >» » ’— J J*’ -• ■nr wg -v— — 'n ’ J ' ‘ 4. V- •-3 13 (4 I VC* <♦*• CZ>, V C* W * ¥ V VI vd.Jll*'Li U 4and its designer is: D. R. McCaffrey, who has spent over, a£°- A?neajS started production on October 1.
45 years in the furniture industry. -T-A Photo
— sLiS.LaS /„S.I Sn»E1VaS that. “ meels ths standards W-
■ Saskatchewan and Quebec. . The
officials hope their sales will,
eventually become nation-wide
in scope. ' |
Church And School Furniture I
Main product of Exeter Furni
ture Limited, will be church and ■
school furniture. In the church |
line, it is preparing to manu-1
facture pulpits, pews, communion " WorU ’ of'st. Paul’s United Church andchah'S and eSually^bapUsmal Er“- J- K- Fl'sh^er, olTaivslock,'i a ”c“l?er. l.hc Eoa,1'd| °f S|'W‘
fonts The school line will“X Monday evening. Seating eapalI«ds..H1s hobbies include motion
his wife drive 201000 miles
came? from Zion fite‘lS"’Aift!,.S±Sjn S ’ yeaf “’T'1™ ““ C°Un y'
Winchclsea, which has under- ^ranton anc^ Experience In Sales
taken, an extensive renovation. 1Joclgcs-
The Winchelsea order willbe' T” '
made from selected Canadian
ash. .. '
At the present time, the firm
is producing furniture • for
churches in Toronto, Preston,
Galt and Strathroy. It is also
manufacturing auditorium seat
ing for a firm in Calgary.
Designer for the firm is Presi
dent McCaffrey, a third-genera
tion cabinet maker who has had
45 years’ experience in. all
phases of wood manufacturing
He has already created ' two
j . The firm’s first product, the
'Area Master
AMb wa" hosPVw? DiSriS |hTn PrestoT he'S'a trustee'
nf Of- Poitl’c TTnifnrl Phurnh sinrl |
pictures Snd travelling he
Mit- a year throughout the country.
, •'In ‘the absence of degree work
Wor. Bro. S. A. Goring, Tavis
tock, gave a talk on Masonic
education, particularly the first
degree, He was followed with
an address by Rev, H. J.. Snell.
Adjournment was made to the
rooms of the Eastern Star for
at turkey-burger lunch. With W,
Master Allah Fraser presiding a
toast to Grand Lodge was pro
posed by Past D.D.G.M, William
Cann and responded to by the
guest of the evening, past
D.D.G.M. Thomas Pryde propos
ed a toast to the visitors, re
sponded to by W. Bro. Don
Chown, of Lucan, and James
. of Tavistock, districtmaking church and school furniture, Exeter Furniture!pulpit for a Toronto church, is,Francis, xav^n
Limited has created an original design of folding chair of a contemporary style which secretary. Past D.D.g’.M. Fred
for use in auditoriums. First order for the new chairs will features extreme versatility, j Rathwell, Hcnsall, spoke briefly
be sent to Calgary. Sales Manager J. C. Freeman, above, I andbalX,‘'!!Sgniu?“user™ i sJ„tbeha“ ru‘“g “asters pre‘
checks construction as it nears final stages. —T-A Photo (be ^ada’pted?
& White Super MarketYour Red
At Rick s
Greenway LOL
Exeter Guests ...
Greenway L.O.L. A^id < th'eir
wives were guests -of Exeter
L.O.L. No. 3249 in the lodge
rooms on Monday evening. Pro
gressive euchre and crokinole
was enjoyed after which lunch
was served by Mrs. Doug Trieb-
ner, Mrs. Harry Page and Mrs.
Russell Brintnell.
High score for ladies was won
by Mrs. Walter McPherson,
Greenway, and men’s by Horace
Lake of Greenway. Prizes fox’
lone hands was won by John
Flynn, Exeter, and consolation
prizes went to Mrs. Reg. Taylor
and Joe Calwcll of Greenway.
County Master J. A. Calwcll
presented courtesy remarks.
Tickets on an angel food cake
made by Mrs. Doug Trietiner
netted $8.75 and -the cake win
ner was Russell Brintnell.
Complementing Mr, McCaff
rey’s experience in the opera
tions end, is Mr. Freeman’s wide
knowledge of the furniture sales,
field. As sales manager of audi
torium seating for • a Preston
firm, Mr. Freeman has travelled
extensively in the 10 Canadian
provinces and has connections
from coast to .coast. Most of his
trips are taken by air.
Mr: Freeman was born at
Preston and attended schools
there arid at Galt. He was em-1
ployed in the' furniture industry ;
in Preston until the War broke
out. He served four years in the
army, rising to , the ‘ rank of
Captain Quartern;aster of an '
infantry training battalion.
Active in church work, he is
Sunday School superintendent
and deacon of the Baptist Church
in Preston and is president of i
the Galt camp of Gideons. He is
also a member of the Commer
cial Travellers’ Association.
During his youth, he enjoyed j
Preston for the time being.
Other officers of the firm in-
Caffrey, Preston, is comptroller,
Mrs. Freeman is a director.
Wc have a top selection for big
and small men. They’re the
newest and smartest, including
the latest sensations.
with nylon pile, fur-like linings
—warm as toast.
“/ get exactly
the suit I
want at Tip
Top Tailors”
Yes—the exact colour,
pattern, style, fabric I want
... exact fit, too!,.. Because
it’s hand cut and tailored
to my measure.
$49.95 2 pc.
§59.95 ‘2 pc.
$72.50 2 pc.
Look For Our Special $1.00 Table
Boys' Trousers
Phone 81
Men's Wear
boost the Mohawks
Heinz Spaghetti,
New! Blue! Wisk,
Red Seal Salmon COHOE
R&W Instant Cott ee
15 OZ.
TINS 29c
73<1-2 LB.
Beautiful Life-like Doll, in ah
tractive apparel# Vinyl plastic#
with skin-like texture# Variety
of hair colours. ■
BALLET TOILET TISSUE, colors ....... 2 for 25?
................. Large 350# Giant 630
OUR OWN BLEND TEA# 1 pound ............... 790
KLEENEX TISSUE, 200's or 300's ..... 2 for 390
GOLD MEDAL PASTE W.AX# 1 pound .......... 390
BLEACHED SUGAR BAGS,‘25's . 3 for 990
Cottage Rolls CRYDVAC 1-2’B
Swift's. Bacon- P'RtM. SIDE
Loin Pork Ch
Minced Ham
89c lb
* i.... *
67c lb
SLICED With $5.00 Order
; Shipka Woman
Fractures Bone
Mrs. Ross Love, Shipka, suf
fered a fractured t collar bone
■ when the car she .was ‘ driving
skidded on an icy road ’
turned over in the ditch
Saturday morning. ■'
Mr. and Mrs. Love
driving , to London to meet ___
son, ABLM Don Love, of Hali
fax, who is on two weeks’ leave
from the navy. The accident
i occurred near Elginficld.
L Mrs. Love was first taken to
I the home of her sister in London
but later removed to hospital
for x-rays. She will be required
! to wear a cast for some time.
Mr. Love escaped without any
The Love car narrowly missed
striking another vehicle which
passed seconds before the ac
cident happened.
Mrs. E. Smith
Dies At Home
The sudden death of Mrs.
Emmerson Smith/ 62, occurred
Saturday evening at her home,
on Lot 2|, Con. 2, Tuckersmith.-
She was the former Edna
Theresa Dcsjardinc, who was
born on the Sauble Line, between
Bayfield and St. Joseph.
After her marriage to Mr.
Smith, they lived ih.kippen and
moved to their farm 25 years
ago. She was a member of Car
mel Presbyterian Church
Hcnsall. .
She is survived by her
band, three sons: Jolin, of Kip
pen; Grant, of Hcnsall, anc
Gerald, of Kitchener
daughters: (June) Mrs, .........
McCowan, of Brucofield; (Mona)
Mrs, John Norris, of Fullerton;
(Olive) Mrs. Arthur Varley,
Seaforth; (Marjorie) Mrs.
George Varley, Kippen, (Hazel)
Mrs. W. Cleary, Toronto, and 15
grandchildren; one sister, Mrs.
Thomas Movers, Zurich; one
brother, Herb Desjardine,
The body rested at • the Bon*
thron funeral chapel, Hensall,
where a public funeral service
was held, on Tuesday. Rev. Don- old MacDonald officiated.
, Burial was in Exeter Ceme
The Town of Exeter
And Best Wishes
Oil behalf* of the citizens, the Mayor and members of countil take this
opportunity to ^welcome Exeter Furniture Limited to our community
and to express our sincere wishes for the success of this new industry. .
We look forward to a pleasant association for many years to come.
n vThe Corporation of the Town of Exeter