HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-15, Page 8«■ -Th# Timts-Advocate, Novambtr 15, 1956
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Ontario Federation Women
Plan Leadership Forum
In representing the farm wom
en’s section of Huron County at
the annual meeting of the
Federation of Agriculture in
Toronto, may I say that I was
delighted to be of service again.
I greatly appreciate this privi
lege extended to me. Through
pH the years since the federation
was organized, I have been keen;
ly interested and workd for its
best interests whenever oppor
tunity presented itself.
One highlight of the women’s
meeting; of the Ontario Federa
tion of Agriculture was a pre
sentation of the proposed “First
Provincial Leadership Forum'*
to be held at Prudhomme’s
Gardens Centre, Vineland, Feb
ruary 17 io 23, 1957. Mrs. Mary
Tuckey, chairman of the Provin
cial Women’s Committee, out
lined details of the proposed
Several organizations have
worked together to formulate
the program. It is designed to
teach the students the principles
and techniques required to be
come successful officers and
community leaders. It is hoped
the inspiration received and op
portunities presented for discus
sion of farm problems, will
make for better* confmunity life.
The Department of Education
has agreed to provide for the
cost of the staff members. The
Department of Agriculture will
provide travelling expenses for
10Q delegates. The accommoda
tion and meals for the week will
amount to $40 per person. The
delegates attending must remain
for the full course,
Following the presentation the
ladies were divided into groups,
PLUS $2.95 $4.75 $5.45VITERRA
MEAD'S VITAMINS, Oleum Percomorphum
10 c.c. $1.10 30 e.c. '$3.00 ’ I
MULCIN, 4, 8, 16 oz..................................... $1.50
POLY-VI-SOL, 15, 30, 50 e.c.......................... $1.95
TRI-VI-SOL, 15 ,30, 50 e.c.............................. $1.50
Cod Liver Oil ..........................4 ■ 01. 750;
With Viosterol, 10-D .......................4 oz. $1.00;
5, 10, 20 oz.................. $1.00,
AYERST ALPHAMETTES .................. $1.00, $1.85
AYERST 10-D COD LIVER OIL .............................. $1.00, $2.25
DR. CHASE'S ENERJETS ..........................................,......... $5.95
FROSST NEO-CHEMICAL FOOD-Liquid .. $1,85, $3.95, $6.85
Capsules ,............... ................................... $1.95, $3.4$, $7.65
FROSST OSTOCO DROPS ......................... $1.45, $2.40, $4.25
GERITOL .....’................................. .......... $1,35, $3.29, $5.49
Capsules ...................................................................... $3.29, $5.49
HORNER'S MALTLEVOL ........ $2.00; Maltlevol Twelve $3.60
AND COD LIVER OIL ......................................... $1.00, $1.75
25's, 50's, 100's —.............. $1,40, $2.50, $3.95
RYBUTOL ____ _________ ................................. $1.98, $3.49, $5.95
SCOTT'S EMULSION ................................................... $1.00, $2.00
Capsules, 50's, 100's ...............__............................... $1.65, $3.00
VI-DELTA EMULSION .......... ...................................... $1.68,
WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER EXTRACT ..............................
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lOG's? IM, SOMs ......................................... $1.15, $2.29,
IDAMALT—Extract of Malt and Cod Liver Oil
1, 2, and 4-Lb. -------------------------- ------- 750, $1.29,
COD LIVER OIL, B.P. Standard, 16«............
High Test, 8 cz., 16 oz, ...........................
CRE-O-TONE, 16 or,
VI-CAL-FER 12 ...
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900, $1.50
........ $1.25
$1.95, $4.95
Order Now!
Photo Gift Cards
Made From Your Own Negative
25 for $3.50
50 for $6.50
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25 for $2.50
50 for $4.75
100 for $9.00
Friday, November 16 — Bring the Children
3 ALE!
to express their opinions • on
personnel and finances for the
Leadership Forum. The reports,
while not summarized, brought
out some interesting conclusions.
1. A delegate attending the
P.L.S., should be one of pleasing
appearance with personality but
with ability and power to change
existing conditions.
2. Do not send the “sponge
type’’ — one who absorbs but
cannot give out.
3. Give full support at county
level from all organizations who
will benefit from the school.
4. The delegate could be re
quired to pay a small amount,
as registration fee — $2 to $5,
if all other expenses were looked
Farm Forum
Mrs. Edith Storr, provincial
secretary of Farm Forum, gave
a practical demonstration of the
various phases of forum work,
by the use of illustrated charts.
■She referred to Farm Forum as
the hub of the wheel.
The forum office, at 409 Huron
street, Toronto, is not merely a
place for sorting forum litera
ture and compiling of reports.
Since U.N.E.S.C.O. has given
special recognition to the worth
of Farm Forum in Canada, visit
ors from various countries have
visited the forum office. This
past year four Have come from
Pakistan, one Hindu from India
was interested in- milk for school
children, South America, Thai
land and Germany sent visitors.
Holland had received the report,
from U.N.E.S.C.O.
Reference was also made to
probable changes to be made in
O.F.A. policy — five zones in
Ontario would be increased to
eight — including more territory
added from Northern Ontario.
The Women’s Day may be
abolished in favor of a combined
main meeting of men and
It was a pleasure to meet once
again Rev. H. Mahoney, a. for
mer pastor of Exeter,' who con
ducted the opening devotional
services of the main meeting of
the Ontario • Federation of
Infants' Snow Suits
Sizes 1-3 — Half Price
Children's Winter Dresses
Half Price
Phone 474
DONATES WHEEL CHAIR—-Local chapter of the Eastern Star recently- donated a
wheel chair for the use of residents at the Huron County Home for the Aged,
Clinton. First to use the new equipment was -Chester Hodgson, above, a native of
this area, who tried ot out during the presentation ceremony. Left to right are Mrs.
Harvey Johnston, wife of the manager; Mrs. Fred Lobbs, benevolent chairman of the
O.E.S.; Maurice Quance, worthy patron; and Mrs. Shirley Dickins, worthy matron.
Kippen Groom
Wed At Wiseton
A wedding was solemnized at
Wiseton United Church manse,
Saturday, October 27, 1956,
when Patricia Florence Powers,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Powers, of Macrorie, Sask., be
came the bride of William Thom
as Kyle, of Kippen, son of Mr.
and Mrs. William T. Kyle, of
Kippen. Rev. J. Rainey per
formed the ceremony.
For her wedding, the bride
chose a street-length dress of
blue bengaline with pink acces
sories, and a Sweetheart rose
corsage. Her bridesmaid, Miss
Joyce Moore, wore a dress simi
lar to that pf the bride, in grey
shade, with accessories in red
and white, and a red rose cor
sage.Don McLellan, of Hensail,
attended the gro’om.
The reception for 40 guests
was held at the Macrorie Hotel.. Production of chewing tobac
co in .Canada in 1955 amounted tq 1.3 million pounds, less than ; Mr. and Mrs. Kyle will reside in
half the 1954 output. 1-Iensall..
............................... ........................................ .
Your Hobby
We’ve often heard it said that
having a hobby can keep you
interested in life and keep you
young". Of course there'are many
kinds of hobbies but we can’t
think of any better one for wom
en -than cooking. Experimenting
with food and fixing it into nu
tritious and attractive meals for
your family can be fun.
Soon we’ll be flunking of Christ
mas ‘baking and we hope you’ll
remember our column and send
us'some of your favorite meth
ods of baking fruit cakes-, pud
dings- and cookies. ‘ ’
• One thing we never have felt
we had' too good luck baking
is tea biscuits. They never turn
ed out as light as we like to
have them.- This week we tried
out a recipe given to us by Mrs.
I. C. Cowan, and had the best
luck we’ve had to date. Maybe
you would like to try it.
Mrs. R. C. Dinney was chosen
I “Sorority Sweetheart” at tlie an
nual Sorority ball in the Legion
Hall last Thursday evening. She
was crowned by Miss Jean Tay
lor, last year’s Sweetheart and
given 'a corsage by Mrs. Ted
Jones, the6 president, and a gift
by Mrs. Don Gaiser, last year’s
president of the Sorority.
Spot dances were won by Mr.
and Mrs. Griff Thomas, Grand
Bend, Mr. Bev. Morgan and Mrs.
Bev. Alexander and Mr. and
Mrs. Art Fr'ayne.
Johnny Downs and his orch
estra provided the music. Mrs.
George Dobbs contributed a
Dot’s Beauty Shoppe
(South of Jack Smith Jeweller)
Nature!!# Permanent Waving-
Lustron Cold Wave
Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop.
Phorte 71*W Exetef
Quick and Sure Tea Biscuits
(Mrs. I, C. Cowan)
2 cups all purpose flour
4 tsps, baking powder
1 tsp. salt
% cup Mazola salad oil
3/4 cup milk-
Mix and sift dry ingredients
together. Combine salad oil and
milk and .pour all at once over
entire surface of flour mixture.
Mix with fork to make soft
dough. Place on lightly floured wax paper and knead lightly 10
times. Roll out between two
sheets of waxed paper. Remove
top sheet and cut biscuits with
two-inch cutter. Place on un
greased baking sheet. Bake in
hot oven 12 to 15 minutes. Makes
18 small biscuits.
Now for another simple cook
ie recipe which even our young
cooks could make. No baking is
required and the cookie roll can
be kept in the refrigerator and
sliced as needed. We brought
this recipe from Buffalo.
Marshmallow Roll
(Mrs. G. N. Davis)
lb. graham wafers
lb. marshmallows,
lb. cut dates
cup nut meats
Reserve cup wafer ______
Pour V2 cup milk over the mix
ture and form into a roll. Cover
with remaining wafer crumbs
and place roll ill refrigerator.
Slice to serve.
Fro in Gary, Indiana we
brought a recipe for Bavarian
Mold which is really ‘a glorified
angel cake dessert. Mrs. Bucci-
cone, who gave us the recipe,
uses it as a birthday cake and
it surely would make a very
pretty one, 1
Bavarian Mold
(Mrs. Vai Buecicone) '
1 pkg. strawberry jello
1 cup hot water-
cup ice water 1
2 ten-oz. pkgs, frozen straw
or 2'/z cups sliced, sweetened
fresh berries
2 cups cream, whipped
1 ten-inch angel cake,
Dissolve jello powder in hot
water. Add ice water and chill
Until slightly congealed. Beat Un
til light and fluffy.Drain berries
reserving the juice for glacfc.
Fold berries and whipped cream
into jello. Tear angel cake into
nieces -with a fork (do not use
browned edges of cake.) Alter
nate pieces of cake and the jel
lo mixture in a 10-inch tube pan.
Chill until firm. Unmold on serv
ing plate and drizzle with ruby
glace before serving.
Ruby Glace
1 cup strawberry juice: 1 Tbsp.
Cornstarch: 2 or 3 drops red
food coloring:^! isjg, soH butter.
Asian Lands
WMS Topic
Using a map, Mrs. Lloyd Tay
lor gave the geographical and
historical story of Malaya, Indo
china and Indonesia at the
meeting of James St. W.M.S.
Afternoon Auxiliary held in the
church Thursday afternoon.
She said that for 300 years be
fore gaining their independence
the islands of Indonesia had
been controlled by Holland who
did little toward progress except
to fill its own coffers.
Mrs, V. Armstrong told of the
religious life of Malaya, and
Mrs. Jack Carr of Indonesia.
There is a national -church
council in both countries. The
average income of the people of
Indonesia is $45 a year, yet the
Christian church is practically
Mrs. C. E. Zurbrigg presided
for the business. Mrs. C. W.
Down, temperance secretary, re
ported- that hundreds of alco
holics in Canada treated by
Alcoholics Anonymous had b
record of. sobriety for five years.
Mrs. Herman Powe, reporting
for the United Nations, spoke of
the co-oepration on the Seven
Seas, mentioning tasks under
taken by organizations and
special agents of the United
Nations to keep navigation of
the seas open, to give regular
weather reports, to settle dis
putes, to conserve seas’ re
sources and develop them, to
experiment on.products of the
seas for food, to draw up 'and
codify -laws for the safety of
travel on seas. A great improve
ment in fishing vessels and
fishing technique has increased
Hie- value of the fishing indus
, Mrs, Sam Jory asked that the
mite boxes be brought in at the
December meeting.
■’•A vocal duet was contributed
by Jeanette Tayloi* and Pat
ricia Cann.
The church parlor was decor
ated with flowers from the
golden wedding anniversary of.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jory and
snapdragons from the garden of
Mrs.-f-Frank Coates.
The slate of officers for 1957
was presented by Mrs. H. J.
Snell for the nominating com
mittee—Mrs. Ed Westcott and
Mrs, William Welsh.
Mrs. C. .E. Zurbrigg was re
elected president and vice-
presidents are Mrs. V. Arm
strong, Mrs. .Herman Powe and
Mrs. H. J. Snell; recording
secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Taylor;
assistant, Mrs. H.' Shapton; cor
responding secretary, Mrs. E.
Stone; treasurer, Mrs. E. Carr;
assistant, Mrs. Alf H u n lc i n ;
Christian citizenship, Mrs, C. W.
Down; mite box secretary, Mrs.
.Sam Jory; Christian steward
ship, Mrs. E. Appleton and Mrs.
W. Morley; , supply secretary-,
Mrs. Edgar Squire; assistant,
Miss Nettie Keddy.
• Missionary Monthly secretary,
Mrs. Ed Westcott; Associate
Helpers secretary, Mrs. Milo
Snell;- press reporter, Mrs. H.
Powe; assistant, Mrs. J. M.
Snuthcott; pianists, Mrs. Wil
liam Pybus, Mrs. Andrew Doug-
all; group leaders, Mrs. V. Arm
strong. Mrs. Pearl Keyes and
Mrs, Frank King.
New Noble Grand
Conducts Session
Noble Grand Miss Ruth Skin
ner presided at Pride of Huron
Rebekah lodge meeting last
Wednesday night for the first
time since her installation. She
and vice grand Mrs, Gilbert
Johns appointed the’ 'standing
committees for the coming year.
Plans were made to cater for
a banquet of employees of Can
adian Canners, sponsored by lo
cal union 286, in-the Legion Me
morial Hall on November 16.
The degree team, with Mrs.
Delmer Skinner as captain, will
visit Brussels Rebekah Lodge on
Monday night to confer the de
gree on several candidates. The1
degree staff and lodge members,
Who are invited to attend a ban
quet which will precede the
meeting, will make the trip by
Myrland Smith, Prop. •
Individual styling, Permanents
Hair Treatments, Tinting
Manicures, Facials
409 Main St. 'Phone 522
Ethers Beauty Salon
Open. 9 to 6,..Monday to Friday
Friday Evening Till 9.00
SATURDAY 9 to 12
Two Experienced Operators:
Eleanor Wasntdgo,
Ethel Desjardine, Proprietress
Io' L L
ft I
Snug, Warm
And So Smart!
Sizes 6 to 12 *
Snow Suits
Sizes 2 to 6X
S 16.95
Sizes’ 6 to 12
“When you care enough
to send the very best”For the Whole Family
Of Regular Stock
WINTER JACKETS, 9 Only, Sizes 6 to 14 ....
3-PIECE SNOW SUITS, 6 Only, Sizes 6 to 6X
Blouses, Bras, Books, China, etc........................
79c /
' 4
Like Money?
Shirley Morley
Jill's President
Shirley Morley was elected
president at the organization
meeting of the Hurondale Jolly
Jills 4-H Homemaking Club held
last Saturday at the home of
Mrs. Bruce Tuckey,
Vice - president is Marilyn
Hicks, with secretary, Carolyn
Oke, and press reporter, Marian
May. -
Seventeen girls have enrolled.
The girls met again on Mon
day at the home of their leader,
Mrs. Arthur Rundle. They were
taught how to make a flat felled
seam and each girl practised
malting the seam.
And who doesn’t enjoy a challenge! The
challenge exists and the money is available,
TELEQUIZ, the extremely popular guessing
game seen on Channel 10, at 2 p.m.,
- Monday to Friday. To date, $12,920 has
been given away to successful contestants,
who have guessed the mystery object,
including a $1,900.00 jackpot to one successful
lady. The objects are intriguing, the clues
revealing and the money enticing. Take
a chance each day at two wjth TELEQUIZ,
An Entire Afternoon’ of Enjoyment
Channel 10 caters to the lady at home with
an interesting afternoon line-up of
programs. For your entertainment view
Love of Life ..... 12:30 p.m. Monday to Friday
Secret Storm ....... 12:45 p.m. Monday to Friday
At Home ..... 1.00 p.m. Monday to Friday
Tclequiz ................. 2:00 p.m* Monday to Friday
Matinee Movie .... 2:30 p.m. Monday to Frb^Atf
(Thursday Only: Fun With Foods 2:30 wW'
Matinee Movie 3:00 p.m.)
juice. Gradually add to remain
ing juice cooking until clear, 3-5
minutes. Remove from heat and
'add coloring and butter: Cool.
Drizzle over Bavarian M$cL .
325,000 watts
fr,c a f.Bl A’fp