HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-15, Page 7IQBtegion Auxiliary Mourns Member Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary met in the Legion Hall on Tuesday evening for their November meeting.. At the . conclusion of the opening exercises the chart­ er was draped in memory of Comrade Gladys Luker, The president, Mrs, E. R. Davis, who chaired the meeting, handed in $30,50 from the mys­ tery bake sale which she- con­ vened. At the Christmas meet­ ing members will exchange gifts. It was announced that the auxiliary was well pleased with the results of their recent draw. Mrs. H. Horton won the mystery prize. Bingo followed with freshments rounded out the cial hour, Evening Auxiliary Meets The November meeting of Evening Auxiliary was held in the" schoolroom of the United Church on Monday. Mrs. E. Chipchase, president, was in the chair, The devotional was taken by Mrs.'G. E. Walker, assisted by Mrs. Gordon Munn. Mrs.. Munn conducted the study period. The, group donated $XQ to be sent to the Hungarian Relief Fund. Mrs, Jack Corbett, Mrs. Lorne Chapman and Mrs, D. Joynt were appointed a nominat­ ing committee to bring in the. slate of officers for the Decern-’ ber meeting. A social hour was spent with hostesses Mrs, R. Broderick and Mrs, H, McEwan, ’ Kinsmen Visit London Club Member? of the Hens all Kins­ men Club motored to London on Monday evening and Were guests of the London Club on th?ir ad­ vertising night, The members were lucky as the majority of them won prizes, President L. Tiberio was presented with a gift. HENSALL ARENA re- so- the FRIDAY Evening — Public Skating SATURDAY 2;Q0 p.ni, Skating to 7:15 p.rri. — Skating Public School Children p.m. ,— Adult Skating SUNDAY 3:00 p.m, -- Skating , Student Fainily Ticket, $5.00 Season Skating 350. 250, 15,0 ALL NEW MUSICI Phone 150 HOnsall hlensal And District News . CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maud® Hedden* Phene 5 Mrs, Archie McGregor* Phene 6B2-r-31 Honor Fallen At Cenotaph Remembrance Day was ob­ served, here on Sunday with a service at the cenotaph in-charge of Chaplain, Rev. C. D. Dahiel, with Rev. Donald MacDonald as­ sisting, when wreaths were placed: Provincial by John Pass- more; Legion by s. G. Rannie; Legion Ladies Auxiliary hy Mrs. 12. R. Davis; Village by Reeve N,‘ Jones; Hay Township by Reeve V. L. Becker and Tucker­ smith by Reeve J, Doig. Last post and reveille was sounded by Flt./Cadet Bleau of RCAF Centralia, Parade mar­ shall was Sydney- McArthur; Color bearers for the Legion were Roy Smale and Jim Tay­ lor, Ladle? Auxiliary, Mrs. H. Horton and Mrs. W, Brown. Members of the Legion, Ladles Auxiliary, Council, Girl Guides, Brownies, headed by .Bannock­ burn Pipe, Band from Varna 'marched to the United Church where a special service was held at IX a.m, with Carmel and St. Paul’s Churches uniting, Rev. Donald MacDonald, guest speaker for his sermon- topic chose the text “Quit yoy like men, be strong” with the theme ’‘Righteousness, the- strength of Nations.” The choir under the direction of Sz G- Rannie, with Miss Greta Lammie at the or­ gan consol rendered , “Onward Christian Soldiers" and "a male quartette composed of Messrs. -Orville Taylor, Harry Horton, W. O. Goodwin and Sam Rannie sang. Rev, C, D, Daniel conduct­ ed the service. Kinettes Raffle Yuletide Cake Members of the Kinette Club made a house-to-house canvas on Tuesday night to sell tickets on a three-tier Christmas cake and met with a fine response. The draw will be held Bn Sat­ urday, December 1, qt 9.00 p.m. ' at Drysdale’s Hardware. The cake, which is on display in Drysdale’s Hardware window, was made by Mrs. William Cald­ well of Kippen. Proceeds' are to help in Kinsmen work, At the conclusion of the can­ vas members- met at the home of Mrs. Jack Drysdale for their meeting. * Personal Hems Mrs. J. Bonthron left Tuesday for St, Petersburg, Florida, to vacation for the winter months. The Misses Margaret and Al­ ma Bell, Toronto, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell; . . Mr. William Pepper is a pa­ tient in St. Joseph’s Hospital,. London. Middleton's Drugs HENSALL PHONE 20 Qf Quality 1 LIP STICKS ★ FACE POWDERS * CREAMS | At Prices that Save you Dollars I CUTEX, LONGTEX, POLISHES AND LIPSTICKS | POND'S AND WOODBURY CREAMS 1 SPECIAL — 140 SAVING! SHIELD TOOTH PASTE — Regular 590 for 440 I FARMERS! Come to us for your Veterinary needs. i Sulphas and Bacterins and Mastitis Needs '..IUU Illllllllllll)ll(llllllllllll>llllltlll>lllll(lllllllllllllllllllllllllltl1lllllllilllllllllltllllltllllllillltlltlllllllllllllll>^ For The COLD Weather Ahead Come in to,see our complete line of MEN'S AND BOYS' Suburban COATS i Plaid Shirts, Sox Underwear, Caps SweatersUhF FULL RANGE OF I RUBBER FOOTWEAR I. V Super Save Bonus Offer REVERSIBLE, LUSTROUS TAFFETA WITH A $5.00 ORDER * SUPER $AVE (SAVE 10. JAR) ■ 4 M ssss /I CLARK'S kernel BALLET COLORED 29c 29 25 DOLL CHRISTMAS ■ HENSALL Open Fri. & Sat. Evenings EXETER HEADS JUMSO STALK 5 LB. BAG MARSH TOMATO Toilet' TO SHOW O(/A APPAtCMTnW AO* YOU A PATAOWOA AW AAfPWSMP On Our Grand Opening 2 Week# Ago WE ARE REPEATING THESE "SUPER SAVERS'! Bags Of Groceries TQ THE FIRST 50 SHOPPERS ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 2 ROLL E PKG. Xl3C Farm Fresh PRODUCE CRISP ARIZONA-r-H E ALTHFUL Head Lettuce GREEN PASCAL LARGE FROZEN FOODS VALUES FEATUREI LIBBY’S g.Qz, Pkg*. French Fries I2 33c BIRDS EYE FILLETS Ocean Perch - 35c BIRDS EYE FRENCH STYLE 12-Oz, Pkg. Green Beans pks 25c Quality MEATS Picnic BONE IN Shoulders 39c lb Boneless Picnics ^Wieners 3 lbs, $1 Macaroni Cheese 35c lbNEW CROP—FLORIDA Clinton Woman Wins Bingo Pot Winners at the Hensall Leglpn bingo held last Saturday night were: Jackpot of $95.00 was won by Mrs. Elizabeth Castle of Clinton in 57 calls. Other win- ners were Mrs. Leo Meidingcr (3), Mrs, Q, Smith, Albert Be­ dard, R, Pepper, Mrs. C. Wat­ son, Centralia, ■ Mrs. Mae Mc­ Lellan,’ Bill Bedard (8), Judy Grjdzack, J. Brintnell (?). Bill Carlisle, W. Adkins, Mrs. Sillery, Mrs, Reichart, Miss Alma Bell, Toronto. This was the last bingo of the season. Presentation Mr. and Mrs. Carl WiUert of ■Zurich (nee Margaret Willard) were presented with a purse of money at a reception heid for them at the town hall, Hensail, Friday evening. Glenn Thiel read the presenta­ tion address and Hugh Clausius made the presentation. Desjar- dine orchestra provided dance music. Successful Sale Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hensall sponsored a successful apron, bake sale and tea in the lower lodge rooms on Saturday and re­alized $92.25. Convening the var­ ious projects were baking, Mrs. E, Chipchase, Mrs. H. McEwan; aprons, Mrs. E,- Shaddick, Mrs. C, Volland; tea, Mrs. W> R. Bell and Mrs. S. Dougal; plants. Miss Mabelle Whiteman, and Mrs. W. Parke; candy, Mrs. H. Lemon and Mrs. A. McBeath. Egmondville UC Wedding Scene A double-ring ceremony was performed in Egmondville Un­ ited Church Saturday, Novem­ ber 3 when Rev, Dr. J. Semple united in marriage Avis Leila Forbes and Arthur Scott Parker of Hensall, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adin Forbes, Egmondville, and Mr. and Mrs. William Parker, Hen­ sail, are parents of the groom. Wedding music was provided by Mrs. Grace McLeod, church or­ ganist. The bride wore a gown of Chantilly lace and net over taf­ feta styled with a strapless bod­ ice over which she wore a matching jacket with a small collar and lily-point sleeves. Her fingertip yeil was held by a cor­ onet of tulle with-* sequin trim, and she carried a bouquet of red roses and white mums.The maid Qf honor, Miss Le­ ona Forbes, London, sister of the bride, wore a strapless bal­ lerina length gown of powder blue lace with jacket and match­ ing feather headdress. She car­ ried pink, chrysanthemums. George Parker of Hensall, cous­ in of the groom, was best man, A reception' was held at the home of the bride’s parents. The bride’s mother, received wearing a dark turquoise dress with accessories in white and a corsage of yellow mums. The groom’s mother was in pale green, with pink accessaries and a corsage of pink mums. For travelling the bride don­ ned a sapphire blue taffeta dress with charcoal coat and white accessories. Her' corsage was pink and white mums. Mr. and Mrs. Parker will reside in Sea­ forth. Personal Hems • Some 40 students from Grade 10 of South Huron District High School enjoyed a bus trip to Tor­ onto on Saturday where they toured the University, Museum and Royal Winter Fair.’ Included in the group from Hensall were Nelson McClinchey, Jean Hend­ erson,' Jerry McCljncliey, Wayne Reid, Ron Broderick, Gerald Regely and Murray Bell. Rev. G. D/ Daniel spoke to 500 collegiate students at Ingersoll Collegiate on Friday afternoon, choosing for his theme, “Place of Young Peoble in the hour of Remembrance-.” Next Sunday \vill be observed as Layman’s Sunday at the United Church. The guest speak­ er will be Mr. ’Cecil Wilson, teacher at South Huron District High School, Exeter. Mr. F. Pearson has purchased the residence of Mrs. Pearl Case. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mc- Creery, Sharon and Donna, spent the weekend wnth Mr. and Mrs. Bob Traquair and family at Sarnia. Mr, Milton Ortwcin, of London, was a recent visitor with his sister, Mrs. Ella Drysdale. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Gibson and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hall and family, of Sudbury, were week-end visitors with their .parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton. ’ 4 Mrs. Edna Corbett is visiting this week will? her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker. Mrs. Ncidinger VuSited this week with relatives in London, Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Dietz and Mr. and Mrs. George Baer spent the week-end in Part Huron. Mr. R, Y, MacLarcn is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Evans arid family in Waterloo. > Mr. and Mrs, Edmund Geiger left bn Monday tb take up resi­ dence in Londbxi. Mr. Dari Burt, bf st. Marys, who recently pur­ chased their dwelling is having it converted into a nursing home, Mr, and Mrs, Jim McArthur, Mrs. Donald Holts;, of Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. W. Hedden, of Woodstock, and Mrs. Ella Hod* den, of Exeter, were guests Sun­ day with Mrs. Catherine Hodden and Herb, SEEDLESS S6’S SATIN—CALIFORNIA Sunkist Oranges If set Pullan Product! Double Bed FANTAISIE , PATTERN BONUS OFFER! Beautiful Life-like Doll, in attractive apparel/ Vinyl plasticz with skin-like texture Variety of hair colours 6-PCE. PLACE SETTING HENSALL All Merchandise Prices To Fit Ybur Budget Yount For Only Reg. $10.95 Value With $5.00 Order COMPLETER With $5,00 Ordeb ...................................................................................................................................... . .functional arid oublc bumper com- W recessed grille and fives twice the pro* i-y bumper. )— KB“is YOURS FOR ONLY able in the Gokkn NEW WIDE-STANCE CHASSIS »■«. hCAViftf» wider, with!’1a lower centre of gravity. Wider chassis and spring base mean greater stability, flatter cornering and more ali-round comfort for you. 0-157*