HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1867-8-15, Page 1• ___._ , fPwq ,^ 1.r v t'a t 7 -••,'r t •• a wow;:.. 1 ,. all ,` ; - , ,.i,,. ; -d9 ,....,--..wu.r— 41 14..0• jltk . -=`_ '. 1' f r . • , %VIa.LY1k I. ' IJDITIU. . r W. T.DOZ,EditorandProprietor.I Tho Gro:ttost Possiblo 3,1od too the Groatost Possiblo Numbor.'• , -_---._- _ .- . , - - , ___.- -sass - . , - --- _. ---' --- - '--- tE1.50 L'Elt ANN.IN ADV INCE1 it . . GODERICII, ONY rA1110, 17. Us, T1IUIti 1 AY, At'l a t5,• 1867. i )VOL. XX.'—rO 29 , -- - — _ ri011?t 3S i4irt[tozD • NEW G 0 0 D S 1 A Blif 1EF C U CES. THE SOLDIER AND THE •"" rip un thousands ad had trao eek$ d I fighting with strati Cher i na c rrible anner• 1l ,,too W,rtetoq. • 13110i1us9 pirtetole thew who had been Ppared Bmlo eureka of OaIf ll'uahin,nre' a thrr in •horrible =ansa I The l.midun Timer hr a pilon arnap•ts Dp UtMrr alru •ktero SII around Cham t4 m. _.___ __.__ -__._. __..__.- _--.--- r 1 a thtu (ormrr selrex. lilumuv, atsrrind, .,ryltble pl• 1 the ba noel. TLe 1{uae• s f u('the c.mer of a)uul,g English gentleman, (rosining, they laboured sled went through iaas yielded att last, and fled in aQn •ht Lad Aiej(lical. r Malootm Nlwholns.n. 9 ^ & T A r ♦ ' I A T . B U T L E B. S , I nand 11•rvey WAA., who came m Dublin, _ • + BUROIUAL UPEKATIVE ANDMECHARIU• D 1 Z' 11N 1 111x' f and devolod himself w,lk great energy to the t►e iccuAlowed routine, hupolesd, where Jiao dee pursued by the victorious Goilish, littrehwr•(1 ;•[uure. AL - I St:AtiQ'IIeiy, TOy , dt Fancy I develiIanent of the ludustrial res ,urtrs of nelAing remniued W hop. for, wan) of life who were alrx, themselves, terribly cut up p>iY$iCIAY Sur eon suit AeCoucLaur T O - r n I., it Is B t. Ir• Iliad, ahich,he aad sere magnificent, bill .I Tale e the.4legC Of SebastOp01• and droghtervd. Mwa,hesler, C. W. r I D 3M T T 119'V •" SIlROICAL A AlM•HANICAL Goods Store. una•ccuntabl ueglect,d. All that was and des airing. ,Chat pow Aid they evore fur Une hour alter the repulse of this aortic; Fnbruoq Tth, 1861. w3yr i RLECTRUpA'fH18'f, S e. D•.TirT,'Iourued.C• w. I rieeelad b. mine Ike cent rat erdas wse death on the nidd, who each one endure) in I an afli sr, witdl seld:rrs IernnK slretcberv, ___ _ ___ - 1 TENTH inserted in either 1'la 1 131k 1.; Ci1 13 fg I neede 1, o tit;&e by counirerpro I roue wa, l'rl`rr Nnl'r(•Nil\'P dot hUrrUlY grew rano tiro■ wwl►ted urrr the ground uu,x,Je of tM tirvt $OBE$T J• BLOAN, l • D tura Gnlr, KJrer, nil Vulcan $enure vale o l rftA ordan'pate byB'ere death T Yet thia.aw. dcr ir, -Li, h wade + ItalRuhheron arose .he tern,• 1-r I'.•rrh est, a. reit-wiW„tet psi” Ly u.".,i of all kinds, at'to and prion". excelteut Mr. deep Wedge was • gentleman who Ps .&u,J, morrarg, tet thio woan. Af lliu) I TT 871 ii;t osrc..ue ealil sue firxt cF.u,s'liuiab, felt r daeP ioleresl in our peuyls, wJ 4e h:rl Cunfinutrl. thou" machines, and renJPm+lrlhom u reek- t w.suJcrrd r:uuY,.r faint yaw", P E[Y•ICIAH, SDOUOOY, LX-, V. ' g, '() ,Are over ib. Post udi.e. West tltre,rt .0ony• 9 ) • - ".on ria G ie A combat, Irsu.forwc,l them in• '• I'Lere is some pour feGow, ' said the ur1l- ' tS,dtrirh, w JaaafrrIatk.lato ,wIls-ylv ro unliniiti"f rmouuL of rerpilsl, rid L r. Tsile were no boots iu the hsee b el to demons. Then, as though Iliy viewed I e ro rie[rxol Ei lisb mines, and G r• was ulrnt and de arrd. Ypt once Lionel `r' HRRK teat* ■urse"n in the If, 8. A. durinN --- - -- - The Dentiden t iotbes-11'rir er , arg P P t6 i I lbw Russians sus Il,e authors of lhcfr muury, ••O, :r ere), mercy cried s voice. lT R di though a ooug mon, realized an saw a large boat filled with men crosaung his ) p I They saw a wounded man wrnhmg noon the 1. war. One of the'"OL0■t nil. wan. FIRE &MARINE K• ,Le L.•,a .e, u ,•u their hassle ill I the wrath on D: S. Ifo" „al firanrrr '• U. A, Jtnu.. 1.6c heel iu u>.' I w h„4"xlr suit retail. ,,,e„re lurtune, 11 hat Irelwd wanted, fhvre- wake hrhind hie. - lee pullet tF.e brrdrr ill g thio r and in agony. bluug hon up they y 1 y.+, . ALL R[GHT AGAINI aid iu the , &kid ch Ihr•ir au11'rriu roam..vl . ApswaW .per, ,, (r Ili, IOIh Arm Curr a fear, aril Ilio press, was m me N'Yfacto go- his own ro n, auJ wuu was 1'ar awry Icoui within lbrm, sod s cin ui forward in the g Viek.burs, M,.a,, kc.,drr, --- Z1N 14 UXI .1 C lis r e►tabliabed • comPa+., and Nrt w farlor r sr Ll ail Nom+d. 1' Y plrn'd him un r st the sea (Mice and Hr•dence.-Mr. T• O. Jackson'- + r o0 lteama of Blur line Meam•laid tMter y g' • i cbuge. with the i.rpetuudrt) •ted Crauti.; uu- ••lake me out to the err. Take me to nu t♦ Pa r 1:,0 Reams Cn•am Irid, BhN laid, ing in the nrigl1111,W tuod of Dublin. 'lin An hour's hard pulling, and the ship• of set tel uudmai, they drove the Rosea,. buck' hos ital. I am murtrll wounded,” ' w. ref Lrww W:nrhe.. 1 I Ii1L IiGi-I fl i DH,iyS l% FIRE ASb1.YANCt company "1 P°' e/4rblixhed an indult al ma¢aziue to make LIN alters were close to him. Ile rowed for P 1 g f N B-Qunwll■uons on surgical cYw- atteud. ( C I 1. un Enal.nd, ru.l•IuLr't +n I:rn, u"e c i •"J from the Irrnchws when tor) dural to venture, lbo mens w(► ell pan. oIthe ci,onwy- HOTOG8IPH LLIIII 1 1 I Ike.:hate Ira r.t .rid heal otire•,la Vionda. I known the wane of Irelsur on rho ae had, • rhdr lomgeq and Theo Jireeter his course amt he• J the grouud with the d ing aid the ••Slurtall + \Chat wi 1 we do then "" Wnnbam. C. W.t dlluah 11th, ltls't, w13 Sure P R Variously Tinted Noto Papers. i •n,l it. latent wealth or"he other. Afirr a I w tins clearer& ship. A )fun was fired, u the I p" Y t ' _ i $ORACS HORTON, Sent• G0 IfeaaN Blue end Cream`laid I few months lire ivagrbin«s suddenly stopped, watchful s•nlinnl saw a stmitge boat coming. I deYd. , "1'r►e wa-tale we to 1 urJ lOylan (i. M. Mga[[OKINC:. M.I7• ( A sortie was to be made thi,day upon the tem." :. THE PROVINCE: ' bet this was because olrjeM for which it U'Arav balloued to them Ilial he wee a •Lord Rw Ian -what, for T” ICENTiATE atil53 I PRYMCIANIII ROVINit1AL INSURANCE. Com ■ ter ) British linea It was bre J that the Briti*h i p ay F O O I/ 8 C7 A P I wait started had been effectually accowpli•k• rousted pritDnwr. lustfully the Nbip was all K Canada, He■d Us4.r rtumutr. WI'1 oke solders, halffrmish.•J, lulffroun, might "U, take mo there. I have a cenfsssioA _aF, l.• L Ase et'rasoxe, C. E. Ite•ideace-•tM I WITH A ' risk• un Coomry ■aJ Gryr Pruiwrtr,, Marino QF ALI, WEI(.Il i i AND PRICLS ad during its brief and proNl»run+ carrrr,a iJ . alive, rhe decks wen thronged with men. g to runke of imm., re im•rurturcc. 11"te ur ! pease formerly ooeapied by i1r. Beet, fNeW A MagnNleent Sky -LI t nab okra a uluw ratrsu any of her Snt lees • Me Harvey Wad;;* found that the Owe and Li{ht {teamed all around, suit !or{.s were TeIJ u\ s ♦i.oroun whack it • lar a mala. wl9 utficr, • r ♦ atlentiuu it n•qua'ed must be leered l0 dun • down W him, w that he tniehL ftolea Tbreo thousand picked men sur 0 sygoun•`d it rill M lou tale." E CaledOoia Terrace, Uudwrieh._ AYD Si'LF.NI)IDLl• FUII\I I>,;n Ho$ACE so$TOH, 7 5,000 E\ ELOPES ! g a 1 d tgthe sonless 1'rommnot ■moue term wfd Al coir the party hour ed uR wirb the schemes of a h, her and nobler eharaeter. hi. bet. Lieoel a pram forward, .wised a Captain Alexis ArLroun, who crow ile.trnde w wrodrd man, and with huty steps sought -_-" -Ur. astanfiurx. - _ , tD tD _' Aleut. A;I l'ulun ostia , Riaea •ml Kinds. in theme•ilime•his ente,tainments were sen rope, iasieced his bo•q rr:J in a momwJit A • ( - r ti 1 . firs ebarger, his tree Bushel, Lu eye blaawLa the gentbl'■ teat. l,.od It.aw, waw stand /" RADUATE of the Me.he.l Itepart.neel of - •,tyle of splendour ahnost unp"rsilelyd, Y more Hood upon thio deck tel Ihr ship. Tho lVI Vnnnrn U....now. Toronto. sod I■t" olthe • 6 ---_-- O , T ,oAI IJ I breame a millionaire. lin Luce was fur• Crnt.i I cam° forward to greet Lim. with martial ardour. rte,; ruhuul u the wounded eau war earned M O (• j All the Pnyuhr f+:agatinea rcceired i •Forward-adenes I" there. Nosgqtai ■.d Ihatrenrr , New York. )te•r•Iwww r * { nistied in the most a,atly maturer, and hi• •':\u es,:aped prirnner 1" lie crie.F. "Wel• , D Itic Its '. (Hahsj Bayseld, wr9 tw•e Ee Le 1V • O .,a a•,.•.. u• publi.he L I TM final of mil" igarcLeJ nets( the gate I 110, o ie this ldste Y' said A h w ,are l o • owg.wwlian.•rr•nntt'puyable Itastewrlhr theme of general rJmirrtimi.Icomeon guard of an }:nglish ahilr, But uickly. Atonccaterinuacaiuunudebrgnn. y q "k o lural -ht ly to me. I,,w we to 1), Ito." (ioodln.. ,$ M iscellancous I3 OOk9 ale had in Au ttllar a quainny e( the rhurc" I rho may )oa be, sir -and how in the world Ilundrrr! of un■ oumd (oath their voile s - ARRISTRA ATTORNEY SOLICIT ; BF.OS q, mfonn bis ted palma., sal rho pmMs Irom ora to twrlvrgears. Nu g p 1 epork to vine pnratel). I have to make r 1 gun+rale, that ►n brie at much expense, "ore rMr{sal hr .dvarr• u" haul aiwncs. Alan, au rxteusive stuck est vistajos, which Le Jrclarcd to be 1110 'div& you racape Irom • Itusmu prison Tri upon the Hritish liner. Trois tel ahrr shout 1 or. Sce.,Unnasicw, (;. W -groes : UP fined u . pas ruuau, ,e 8TS WARTS' New tlrtck $ORALE $O$TAIi tel the yen old. Marley, the fine o!r family seer I rSaweJ the ban, and lowered myself down at. 1 cuufresiuu of immense imperrlate." I i , en skirted the advancing hest. and (( our".& 'Confession I Here tale this men in the tsar■ Wrt.ua's BlOek, West gat Galtswc0 Blo.-k. or er or Hamillo■ alert ■nd Fqusre, Ahem. (' Q,,L BCO1 S of the L Touche", was in the Landed Es I by.a rope , My name is Liouel D'belay, their+hot u n toe British cam Jl11tars ` q r arious School P• house W mil aeon." cued tenvl Kr Ins. aril eOor weal Oi Ulugnw House. U.a4•nrh, is sra•h a ■tale sus to rcmbr Uew lbs U,,,[wrr"a•Ysrr 3.tst.186e. awl taloa Courk, and Al r. llarr«y N'aJge war crptam iu her to xjaety's ;L1th regiment and p" I+ - _ ._- Sunni in thec )oil". and the best advised Lw the dwelared the purchaser, making r deposit tel I I w.w iAen prisouer st 8eb atadwl, aid Pent ant lhrir hu ail DomLe h, to c trough the slur ••My lord," called nut t r xuI,ct h men t Tome .Ns Ibioorw. aa•on,pd,Nhneut M frit -cuss work in hn.deheste -- --- A ver lar and varied stock of Ladies •lain;! lArn eurvrd pwth, to carry\tearful Jra- ••u rune sus roar ser •reran. Lill firm our era] Lr•uunJ an. '1'h.nrJ.w,nsutul Itenry Pk•- A,vIS f re £12,000 in pan payment. In tlrP meautime to Odessa. I came them three days ago, truetaun iuW the esu►a w'Lero the fell, and A TTORYISS, SU1.[CLTORai, ae., diode woesde said (Ientic'mr•r.s' there were mysterious whispers in commer- and n' 1 am here, free front broods..." ) •scup, Ly any u+rau. 1 have dreadtul ` TCa C. W. Uiut-GaAtltl'a MSW w^' N• I xpread hsroc and ruin •rumrd. I4uketx rlir,.res W mrkt rgaLast Lim., 1 am a dyihi( L i Tt i i . Ill 12 T . ctrl eircla that all was out right, and ulti- Thu+ Lionel spoke, and as he stood then ICZA.14 O e AC'rUKK.K AND DEALER IN FANCY Sa SPORTING GOODS meal it was annonncnd iu the IxahimubW I the crntrr u(a thourur wee, with Wyche went •hooting in acorea (row the rdTrront watt." dL, K ea nt.stsraa l il ritovs, Plourha■"J C..un 1 err Jr• I , i ) loosen TLe IW,11 battery was one masa tel Its la", alsrtled at ao slain e a s erA, • sr.. r. Us. le►sen wdi i.Ira.r Lnur m the nnunont• R• " y •Iwo s on hen ail of which are bought sod intelln nee of the Dublia re that Mr. and law w Bashi" • o n Lim, his noble costal• K K i"' l,' dvinch.Ausastt7U, lee!• ,w10fV11 _ Photographs taken in eTerT etylt sonp1toe. T,n,Copiprr end Sheet Irons Ware.d 7 r.. ifs Pale f ,6 F"i Beme, and lire mond bower vomited forth an beckuurr the sulrien to surruand the, J _ the klus,tStore Depot, Market Square, Uudw- imported direct from the R<at Burop,enu I IlSryey Wade had left low• fur • ehurt trueueuce, ptercwg ryes, ,truly (urns, snit ern tion of horrible ower. FSer un slid known to the •'nand 041 Arnbrotvpe. ■nd D• rush. - and American Manufacturers. visit to Ital•, where he was required to ars• I (rank, manly bearing; gave ham an ivatant p F ) i • 1 the roue ia'u which the womded m. era Lown,\ uennrt J •. Ph'sor hN. A to mortar were called into uisitr.A at thio A R RI S T E R A N D A•. TORNBY•AT s r'""P fav t2 Q Q L C T L )' g' 1 re q was taken. OSleron w ho rt t4cro wnttang, o'l'io°k of asset srJ Nur. N'o.al fl arias ales)• us Ever thio m Stock will M wld •tater Ihenliute •signature in •will csae,in wbicA I pupulw uy, which the preedge thrown arom,d aide of lLc tower, to give rfl:,rt to Ihs cert r B Law, ted Soboilerirebawwy. Cosa 9 pend. I,;.p AI,HI'MS, yr d ch.".e 9 •mail auhunee w cost. a prince wall nue of the parties. It soon him Ly Lu d:.riug escape, higthtaued to K duo► f up in surprise, : i Crowe aw, and U.Jeawb.Ja•adtwoot. Ofce K. L. J , um rcmna !s torn,• for 1hr'IiM•nl r HO1.RSALF. AND H}.TAIL. Ibnspind that &Lis eutcrpna ng grupemrn I euthw,uani. anuli^, and help guru the Rntieb tine. "f Le •alfa," fin cord, est Ching sight of the ,f' • Court NOurq viL•e0 parr„ria •e ui.hr o,vn, I:•rls ..i:eni••d lhxn arrant !holo tuuntry shook wick tiro iucenrnut roar• wouuJrJ mar.'• fro`e, ••1'bi:ip[ru.” Urltror s :'z': ., i Ir Uw10, Lanip{ea.,nr..,A'e. Old Imot,Cop- was not likely to return to the orm,try •bleb F'ur • wument •paws falloweel Li+ speech trig anA a:plosions 1 Irce turned {rah. --- rmprovemn.t. W eo.h.e Ito, to merit a anise's- p a,, w t Rags \Carol rhclrisg■ a•d Sheep kind ; thePopular Ballads he promised to re,enerstr, and many of those but Puddenly the boa"wain stepped furwrrd. )'urioual lire Itussiax ressed forward M. C• c,e mwron. ante and , r .ease .I ,Le same, eke■ In ereh.nCo. rill is whom he ins i d confid.•nee have come to "Hurrah I ' bP elled. "llurrrh, for the y p "Speak not to me," t1 ied Philippe. •-My E. L. JJIISanN, __ — --- -- :kings, Vocal and I,ttrumental Musie, J' sea y against the Bntirh. At their trcoches, stern, lord, have wme unu here to take down m , A , 1 RRTATEIt, A1'rUR?IBY, CQNVBY - paraoral in two dr i nett e, and bile conclusion that it would Le better with- t Nalleut gentleman I Three times three, hse surd, fierce hr and alp that words ern sus y K,ta•tur a,esl.0 a,dtrieh,C.W C.odt- March I. 1x67, watt OT n*TI + * II(yTT Cl ill wurdt." B •,u sesta , __ .._ _ _-___.. _- .--_ l/lt1\ 1111 rill ll Sr/ ) • out truth mJwtnrl upereWn to dw'uluyn its boyo 1 Ilip, hr I llurrrb I g ) al _ _ _ _ _ Q wld al i'ubluLec s Pntxa par".• poral the Ihitish soldi«n. W list err lord {raglan a led .rorwsrd wme ufattrs, gsnolaor de Wwliwr. - '11 TEL, GODEBICH - At I a'fll'j,$g•d• resources_ _ _ Tbru . sac oath from the recited ehihs lira for s Kussun sortie T And uuw, u, r j1QE 9wMerihet ales f ken Ike I -" '- ram n xucb a reroandm chart ex onl y hiit aiwhat Philp mig peel. (o take AR1tiSTERR, 90L[CITURS, CO, - 1 y ps mi•el Goderich. June ".glh.tiS67- w4'a p' a gg ) the lhow►"ds, •deuced i t their fury, he down what Philo mi h Terrible Pat+t1 Accidrut. lhni.h •adore caq give. The captain and F{w r t as). var•acss. Sea. UIWs. Over t►t Bles, of `` r' QOSK F.R. PdOPRiETOft. TQE variety -sad beat `Skllk of . ' _- — _ -,-- -- uflioxn caught the iofnction, and joumrd in their prennune waved high in lbw air, and lire " 11) lord, vino eundemmd m1 Ibseter, ♦• UeUw,k SoasU.detirh. ' 1E. above a .noatylearwtlrtnunled tea a GIYtILLER tbe cheerio.. '•Hip hip -hurrah Y" The I cannon from their own forufieations, and the Cr Wn IYArer py. J & J SEE A MAN 1,ITr:RARY CUT Te i'MCM. p y, d a a r Ile was IanO• SOISERY & GLOVES 1 guns from their own ranks heralded their ape nut -I acknowlhlge myself as platter of the tmwenve Ito set 4igL, orer4wpkmolr tk ItrrAun a a I Inuit t':undrr of their cheering ochre) err ranch, the llritish stood unnwed• cureless of whole scheme. I Was m the pay of Ls uncle, ted Lake Harusi-nooti Ombatds. Ussione add I Accidents seem to he of frequent occur. awa ,,.ser thu sea. - V .1 oho Daotwsa - f i M yi s I:1 'C[i& CUIJNTIEr1. r a ) dao er, seekin onl in vent their. uenchless . - f RunI W■ikuu. wed. Board 1 dS m bI rents ouwa der.,, and acarol •Jur aaa.x' K K y t who wuhad to kill him. Tatole his loners, \R RtS'rvL,ATTORYEY.SOLICITOR'I`Most'a'rpod••L0"••r' •1•[IOvh - CIIAS. R. ARC1118ALD. 1 L ; i ) p 1 Le captain sonducted Lionel to hie cabin __ t1tl we One nut called upon to rciaae au and be cap Lim muro cted Lionel short Lia rage upon the LrsdA tel tLwe who Jaind b invented one which induced him to wwuder B u Chancery, he Oahe, Market Bgere ! Gotledeh. Au¢asl 22nd. 1866. ra03 1 rdrretureo, Ile at once became the hero of attack them unlade of the pmp where he wq ►rrreted. CtrwrNKugaasrdtreetiv ,Jlneb• f::f O,nmerelall[utel.Qlte6e111:.N' ___ _- - . A ►ccidrul, either from th« etiecu of 'h, our 1/.,L l ! or sheer ca.relearues ou lite part tel We un- TLe Russian. Ppnng lorward. 1'he libea 1 stole Lis sew&, aid urmped thuet H"ssian 1t ti 1 the foreeretle. met. Thr +duck ■rid tine shock wax terrible. } b /7 {{&iii tttJJJ fortunate@. 1"hi+mnrning we have to record ••(`r Hain ll'Artt ) letters wbich none but 1 had writVn, nml William T' iiaya• ,atuct+on •'fir CommlaBlon. IN - I another hnrri Lle arcidrnt, which took place ( f j you are the first man The British, who kind reserved their fire, sus buried in ills camp. All thMse thing• I had during tins war, that has escaped from a contrived, aid yet he never suspected me. ` TTORYRY•AT-LAW, ULTCTT.OR iN rOtIN 11ICRS, Proprietor. This ix 16 ' a short d'rwuce w,•at of chi. city on the loon itheir,,amara crossed tbuaa of the Il ca.rrrr ,♦,".ry Pnldlr,Conveyeacer,be. J, rrge°tood heatcuantry Bonet a Warsaw i0DEUIC-1i a CI,INTON- ;R CIK ©I` Gib ! . rrrnlail Rlie? n prison. d ou Jet lth m the yy JIAew,overC. B. Ambdwid'e LEA H r (R J hue of the U. 11'• It. The man had etident i Ituwsiane, puurr3 t" upr+n teem r b]star In Whet I nit wnh ■pperest monde t c lira U der, rb, C.M. .`e a.erJ obargr■ a w.wMr le aaaapr Hwwa r r. • grog, ,.d hr T hs, ha -sod )du lett them lkr retera vl3rt9 d I ly been lying down on tire track ween tile' and aratLing lire. 1)owa full the +Iain iu tis,e nl'Lis arrrn, was all intended w erimin- Cowbb•a Bleck. seaMnrlrell. fiase Proprrtetor. oa mg(.x ZLsetill)ljr'ilkt'tl I1 .Z•"= . im preuien that ou had commnled esicids T 1u0 Hw.es. H.writ ted l:arrraSes fur Hae. e• - `t' "'k" m,ahs occurred, end had beau tossed about p y hes s, Their Ixecs wen pas find b others, Mosel to Lend on Real PrIDertT abandons Neswr ort `ALES n( ma,.rll.,« as P...[erty in Co.krwh GODERICH, C, YV . p which thry will Ins wort naly to bcliere Uf C p s 7 els him, 1 ate duan, 1 wish w gin tk a sJ from tido to Bide h) d paining abort ai ch they win." who prcased nprwanl to Groan ucel with the a m) Jyisg lraumuo), for 1 would make ___ ___ _ eerySaurday, auJ m ('hens ovary W.•J- thno.h the night. lie was krrfuly mtu. English. For • while there wee a sharp my peace with clod." is. L. rloyle. TIiB li ITISII EXCIIANCE iIOTEL ntada( . Febrasr' 17, 1Stw, wl7 "It mw rather better tope herr where [ our clashing and wain in of steel k. the heron• 1 laded, and presented • borntw a.J apprllinK than swim m b thatro [ i " ll'retrhed man I" tried Lord ItaglSri, as R M advanced un Prnpeny L r immediate • , S •,once. Both arms were cut offal the R l ) pas aid U o,n th , Pte were plunged into either rank. The Eng femi n. c" Wretc het gaitkly ,pekoe cos Bal R R i S T F: It, Ac,: Oonratcli, C. W. r'cand p..mpt men........1, - ppe as the tluu silken rope suss brought from eke Lair rushed furw.rd in irresistible fur lie - Ornos 4aMag's'e Ntw Bfoek. Iii TL- Fenmm k.nJ „cher Sale ptm,•tuaayatteed- wa/ shoulder, hit right leg severed from the I+d) bust into the cabin. 1 thinion. "Wretched non, do you •Blum - _ _ tdtot4nwnhw,t the .wooly. i ww a Me SAVACE •I the hip, "ted the left ons .also cut oR a ,,q„ted heavens I” bro These ,orated ould sta rill in one ent thin on calk T AN GUS McDOICALD, Proprietor• 0 hl.I KL EMAN'B Atrhoot oft, I e •n.wsemrnt. You did note cu rve down b nthat 1'hiLppo malt the wth, a. Y, 1r,Iaobd. wit Market "men,Uarkneb e;YR and sells Sew York Drafts -Greer.• ltftlP e. %a the knee. Ue. tet the fret, his broken lour, wt.o could nand T lMwn went iSTE ATTORNEY • AT •L.Aw, --- --- - beaks-SalionSlcurrency-Staleoorey bft our, w'as entirely gone, ad thio halt' of I rope, aid vine I" ) rho I(axuaR 1 backward fthy relrrted, they fake this down, Yuu hear all the T' ( 77 ARIL R, T U P}f•,ra will he epareJ ria lire pert ol'the the right one also mangle.). A+ the mail rcn,uted, they staggered, the) nsled ; they he asked torning to those who stood around. B Cn. v.y.nuer, •til. U A•..-H1ake'a Bluck; I A\ proprietul of the above hotel to render Money to Loan on Seal L'statei and unrurrent money, at current r•N of train going wool, yesterday morning, wall . "1 Lr r -d i did, M) hahra brat marks ret I wain& aue•m u•d w rsll Drives b the fibrae n," nepli•d Lionel, Itughin and ■howin hie ) V )' 1 '• Aod now, Ph,ippo, hate )uu a,ything tppurite tae Putt Oat ,Urdear+ch. sw17 bas house ail that can be required h the APP1fA1CP,R to •MTrull sRd lessCOmpawy axehvig.. approaching Sdton a Cub the driver saw hoods, all cul ad macktd by lM halvl,thos •oldien of }:"gland, .t the (pint of lbs he)• mon to confess T" J aatary 3.111". travell' communit Give him a call. or Upper l,U. ill. 19th Lim. la6L, w4T•lyrs wme dark object ahead lying en the track. I onet, they ware cumpalled to lull back fur a „ Yet. Ile who aided me, who carried Wt y rope. April 17th, LY6T, w12 way M■akar 8yu.re, i:ondenek. -- a - -- The bbke. wero put on, rod toe train stop- :Nnrny hours were taken op in conversation, t Alexiywho had been seen ever where •mid the thing throggh wnh fiendish ingcetilr, ' .r. Irrwnob C. Ilaldap I N $ II R A N C E • peA, tin going up to the Once, they d'• and VArcey became a great favourite. 1'he 1 suss USleron." SOLICITOR iN Ira11d o 0ll, covered the remains of a man, hprinbly I the thickest of the fi¢ht, whore voice had " Ualerou It cried Raglan, turning toward ATTORNEY-AT•LAW. O ET -' captain told him that a ship wuuld be leaving made itself heard amid all the din ad con- CMnorry,.7nnva r•deer, Sur ,Sac , O,.Ier is REOfpTER oN Im r wod F•rmsa•d Wilk ma, I d, said removed them to one side, a:d hiit secrct•r , who at t w ernlJen toufsssiou "air C, W- and Rayarl,l. n,' O.icr.-1 y' CANADIAN H T s : Land Iter c.lr, p u g `' lips lie e,, !d be p on lbw from Ila P, ad Biu.•k, rte boon, sad ![r. Pea cab OLI1To1f, C. W. (n M.TRus)IAN. .Pira, Marine and Life IIi5Rr3GeeS thea sent ward b..ck to rho aslion here tet I that he c..u!d be put on board, i(he wuhwd to fusion, now relied among the panic arickas Mood upright, polo u marble. tl.yte41. y - Undrricb; ht■rvb 1, tiIT1. bt■rsetSgwarw arrra:Tc:, ux ar:AFUNAla,.k ries•"• the occurrence. A hand car was immediate go, I)-Arcey then returned aJ ole d the Woks, ad shouted out to them W ntturu to .. gee. O■leron. I declare with my + tT Mr. Ilal,l.a will be st his branch ante, R'. i 11DlIDL'111T/' PFOL•tlelar. < I of res,) aid two air three man went f tLr suck. dying breath, tb a Ae is the lwriau spy," out and brow hl the. bol back. Alderman sw.wt )rep of he cap Uu d nett dos) ed nd ul of ha is it thus la retia Mfuro • 8.yieA1, evay Norday Irom las a. m. tell h p,ro. ORce-J. F, (%, llaldrn't 1.RwChs,r.Mre, K y MJr rJiru to lire ca Iain, rind as bre dccrnJed f +, "'fn false 1 ' yrlhd (lrlerao, arHing fu • •wkw3d Take Notices flo ora voila then informed of the frets. aid I F --=-- HEtaabliAmeat a furnished web all the S7ry'n Rl.ack.enrner Court &louse 3quutaud K from the rack to n carried l the jolly tur, handful of half ntarval iPlandcrs . ward Wwardx I'Lillippo. •• tiler and _._ - - T the murrina erre ehnrty afterwards put into i „ 1'ho men were stung by the aunt. (grip villin I" $• 'Raul- 1S. S. i regiNremeats eesealial is the tr•.•mmrtW Wes: St.. Goderich, C. W. 1ve hi •r" fur C r --three ti the jolt) furs munaurs redound«d Ihros h eke rake. A sin •IlAjllugn te■•l•, wllru .IUJIN HALDA?T, JR.. a co0in and akin to the dead•house at the Kava him author "three times triune" of g i "Sent him 1" crier Raglan to !be wldian, ' " Agent. City Hospital, at which place we slaw them. they loon»J (air tiro cbage. who at once bound him tightly, Q H j,L_'M .., 3i alk 'W --- --- - cha•n. Gmlwricb, 27th Sept..18LC. w16t1 Aa rrrqunt wY held yesterday attennwn TLe Plumper was but a short time in d hie wh w figura emerged from the ug the [ aMrrm that Unlernn u n It,, .lion . ,y ARD _ - __ __ whizh asadjorrned }ill Mouda) oral. The «tin Iu .,umtatine la. Lionel a rival rind file which wrrouud,d ad oreihung the i,rwk among hi" psp«ra. " I'"'..." ht O R ' - PRINCE OF OR111'GE t10TEL AY[,Tl f. PULL(ICR, }avis, tae Deputy folluwir-g is a dcaerfption of the d.ceasrd : K t '( P ar Itf111Nh line, end fled tow■rel the Ituwniana. wallet. Ahura ell; fill hp the plank in the wit GODERICH FATIF - (I hiLL there sod fuunJ a friend wbu su 'tied tum LAW / DIINGANNON. SheriRhall been appoml eaicl.l Asntgr" black hair, inclined to curl I black bewd, fP TLe ranks pawed Ihr a moment. I h, man recess in his room-tbe plank which forms AND wA1, money, which Wes absolutet vramsrr Oatai s Yaw n^mritrn. Krrnsto N $TONS ev under the insolvent Act of 1864 rot the an inch and a Lr:f Ino¢. wwJ full, except I as fin was nm • •tale tet dc•sututiuLY TLe never 1,rld hie gnu n rcnsAJ and wade signs of bum tLr Buoy. Them, Ituraire golf -Rein G O D E R I C II . a 111.AC)C. llaittd ('ountlep of Huron and Bruce. I Lill] f 1' iL(•11 Ol',' I 4 ) illation• Star Otbce in C•Inera'r $pock, Kite I the muustachC ; hi •h ctrrak boors ; onl lour from Sv:wstu I was most loom ted @ • totters-1{us.inn puaanl nate, ail will be IuuuJ, 1IE T{lBS1iR1itF:HltT:(i3 T(1INFUBJI t(•rlth in upperjaw, and one in the lower; I L ) P' s•N'he aro you T What d`- von want . and "rove his guilt.' I'rr'larietoLa•. T lhv lISt,ItlBFdBF;S TOe rf ORM tx ow+kin ; eyes Larry I height ■bout 1. fret Por,Log. The heart of the young soldier shouted- Alexis, spurring Lt horse toward 1'L:Ilippo •puke all these things with great N. B.-CnnrPyancing. honey, lett 02 (ton street. rwrnonable terms. Disputed and defaetive Ample .re.mom,i.o.",• February 201%. IA6t. w60 rind wnhin him as e, read the tun accusal c and Rr Ifair hh,,.,I,lManul.rt"owl rH,bas 6or7 inches; suet Luilt; clothing rou'_h. K him. •I the Lon ible sufferings cull ewdured b bis npidny, er though ha her nut r •hurl ams . h..,e.nyu„”. sail g.`..1 n - - - --- nn h.nd • oumlrr alb. I but good j no test; shirt of wool, checked , y ••11• b) the holy li{ht of heaven, butrmy left in which to ry ,t. Hr fell back °zh•unM tills a road este (juiefed, Money to Lelid d h tulle + ,-dial n• Yet it ons what he ex scud. te+l wth is ranted. Wictch ! 1'bdi r pas 1 (;oil Ch, t)ec. 2t, 186G. swr4 ..Z.•.. rid and r:.b • cos brownish mit, drub I he mlisl, hu i K { [ rd, when he Ano spoken thus. tin" ne.. N1.01 l+a SUPEflfOR FANNING MILLS de PUMPS• I cloth; pant thick woolen and ot6 1 • I' Pe that !(a'bnelnpol wuu:,l be wlint do ou here?" " Brim a riest i st ! • hos r 4•" I "• Ppu" r I uerdil •ken town) no renin ace within K ,tri. - seen _ bnots, co.ih:de-Leel• much worn to one y y p: r 8 ped. rrry rcuonable terms. A['i Iy to Ht' w,.,dd ,roti „I„rly dr w .ltrmi.,n O\ hi K pl P l hie boxu,n for he knew the strength of the "li "r° 7uur ing low i desert l' cased " Priest I fkaro's au such hem is this Ft. ,1K[KIN(31i _ ____ `J N,tl..s.h«will rprrN,nthrm:uiirrWhrwtfrwm';)ire. itis r.mt era comp!r•t«I) Mrn t" 1'hilippo.throwingd wn Aiagun. camp." TT( YEY AT•LA W, SOLICITOR-lN ' _-- oal•,coekle,chese, Ste, l'rnmp.,..Rde[Jr order shn:ds, acid the sight altog•lher was one of PISS.•, aid tAe wesknees of the allies. iTe $. L. DOYLE, fow,d nut that Ilia own rc iment had suffer "}ndl C' )hnuh+l Alen+, with •mock '• U God ! mat I die unshnrrdT F'urgiro. A •ellwarr•nted- I the must awlui that could Ire conjectured. K in late h, '•fksertT I'r. hal Vdlian furgnve me I Oat have mere u m we I" CMAs r. Ac , dce., se. Glace-hmg• ROYAL OAK HO'rEL, Savain's new >p k. d,,, ,,,,sus N•f•„n .1., brtwsew FstrerswNn ed n+"Nt ao.renely by cold Snd starvation, and g K I As yet Lis haw«, or Any information concern- suit ,P -die-Captain L Arcey stands you TM wretched men Surer. in hie agony. atop erten .rich, 6 doom wets o[ Y. C• LUCKNOW. G01k ' fQh Jsn. la6'). w w,sdCwaJ,.iw Hord. i fbrr there was uo ton cr sen such then u tell stre t Lr O ell, trig, hien, bot nut Men learnt. 7•ht remains g y ret this-' •' 11' A) du gnu keep me confined T That -.. _.._ . -... l'atY r). MON r TO LR:+D. W2U - A1.,e.age"16rrtbe."W of Morr"Plor premmm wore buried iu the Puteti's Field last night,- Ito drew w pistol •rrr,m hi@ Lotter SnA mod mat's charge cannel affect mw,” cried _ NORTH BRITIS Free Press. Lionel xearchrd oat the steamer for 31whs. shut at the Ureck. The wretched ma grow- Galerom, with lire dvepe■t rgitetiou. wedl wteaC111.11VATfnt, whirl Murver vet and et ouceembarked. At bo anilyd out ret s ___ _._— _ --" lIEES CI1rpK6LL, heprtetor. a,krl lwLalrraMCNNAl1aIm11enlJiw sum wka - - 1M wrtrns of the +'(iuldwn Hnrn," tic gnarl rd end fulp. Alesis did not dridu to Jouk at " Crn it nal T" cued Phdippo. HoW N. Malo won. -- -- +ANTI ►aveuserllheuh 811FECB BY TILE SULTAN. y him, him, my lord, do nM Irl blur gas. Ile it u BAKK[aTFH, Attorney, Solicitor. &a N e• ST t)F ` DIES A Ll UO1L9• - HENRY DODD, thourhl of the chages which had taken ,, I;Is Q ■ERC.11WILE FIRE IND LIFE t K Come on I Crime on I'' he shouted w hie who diseL st•a m the Ituwieos all that they Chlatus, C. W. 4wl,snc) A7r rJ pT'•••.I r"' f Amon other hnrora shOwerrd on the 9etl• pf.icw itiuce he, with w ma) Salient euro - MONEY TO 1, .• D. - _ - - an in England, was a magnificent entertain• oleos, hied riled toward tho@e Lttrrin soldiers• "fen to the charge I" know of this a:my.' Good Accommodation for Trateflem. ZnftlrSnfClD QQa K K With ,lexis al their head, Ilse long line of " Itold him I"est, flied Airo, end Mar Aim ___ -. ____-__,r- _ READY -MAD - mootgiven in bandanall A eke mayor and lowers, tent many months hrdoro. WLst tVilllwm P•rwrer. NaTANI.Isflvn 1 d09. 1LlI rlJ,i eor{ronlion nl L.mdnn. An address 4y the high hoped then filled every brpeom I WINE +nlJien mored steel) up &"wad the trcr Chex. to tiro cellar Lenenlh, lineal him thorn." fTURYEY-.\'f-LA W, SnLi01'rOR IN Urrgunt+nuv0 tau A'rrRNTl*v.1loeT IXIIA _ r (l nor orratlun having Lown rear&, Was enelo"ed «nthudiwstic expeca.tiouit filled tlfe breSnh op The roll of musketry, the thrilling blasts of Such were 'Raglan's co.,smaiids, and A Ohw.nery, conveyancer. Sec. W .'yew Laeknow, .5th Much, 1866. wstf CAI'IrAl. £2,0016000, STERLIVG, l 1 1 II I N \/I a is a bxskrt of gold, •fid pnxeted to His thus" who naw la low on lira Crimean ai„a trumpet•, tire rattle of drown "IIJ,,ined 0,wir Gnleron wag borne away at otice. y1Gn1a r _ . Imperial •llnjwsy : and caused to bas nd those hearts whom death innpinng snoods tn rther, and mingled Iri "O, my lord,” cried vatiPpn,, gasping for Cd, 011lnmt• - - The `tultau, R teakin sen" Arabi returned air ; rand clamour. breath, • M InrA, Jo n,tise las IYArtt Fire Department. ' ►, R' e, Lad .hq.;ied forever. y 1 y' 1'. 1/. Ilwrnlln. ELLIOT r. IVSURANCEY rNevied on all elsAgrs o1 the folluwmg reply, which won afterwards fie dd not think of thin long. 'rhe Rub• "Forward 1" ,hnutrd .Maxi'. lflie id dead, clear •p ht charuar-du j r %% [Vi RNOiNEEIL ANU 811RV EYOR riskest moderate rates. I,j,scs prompt read iu Frnglith iII Musun,erflins nk: jour war ¢loony ami diafn•"xicg. Ihd (1, it 'I hey new no roldwra hofors them. Over Gee to his memory. U Gbd, forgive mr. h/ Lud A{rMter COnveyanter,Kraut mlma (ddgel Tle AAd CALLle Fardel. ly paid. _ T was hard fur s, gloriou.i an arm) to meet no y• Kyrie I i•Jfeisml-l:feisen R e . 11erc) 1" " isincerel thank the Lord Mwmr, alder- the fiinttrpntIt thew pnn,rd ewiR1), fwiooAl , -- iSeiY i roeer' and Trm rine" Ilon3e, Life Department. % ` risen and commons of the great and noble teniae a doupt through such atiuciuu. X4 addien war. there to meet therf or Oiler such agony ,f,nul, lire flin'ng troo J A i 1 yiy pK A L )<y 1 1t* vdtuo ol'tLe vuarxnlrr u'r"r,lr. b. Ihrir „ city of Lurldon. i sum Asppy do proclaim earelr "woes,. - sen;a;;r in Aandl) aroXtl" dinput:a„ for the , claiun w w ndrm ,as •lily, it were helser ARCHITECT 13(nn►Iflar. 1•rge Capital and sccpmulard prolibr, the" COAT• rhe gratitude whish i lee[ for the cordial a'd Th« w;nen of the \led'ternnran foamed rule. Nu cennonx poured forth their dead- todraw a yr{I, Ilia shrieks rang out through LAN9 A!tu arr,u.IKICATIUIt e of NuiM Wr;LT.InrnT,ht.f •l.Mr, r.rnaive h.stfer, Company can adopt rates lower tharm are pESTSf hearty reception I hue met aith Irom, your about tLn,teamwr ushe giro Lionel onward ly contents upon them. They nw sew elle- the air a, Isis spirit took flt„ht,andadtwrted Pinsgg.,'tc„gut n in . sed rnrrect algia I Aar.I.11 n..`...'q ■er'....n,d.us (r toe iraeuca le by mnuy other oNicw. graciooh Quern, my amXUPt Slly, ail wall aw toward Malts• She ploughed the waters, coil an showed Low grrlat hiit Leven his wrong. a r (hacr st tiro Huron Aretwa Mat, Mar p,obfir, at rely ma.onvoale rite.. TO FOTmeTs• - .PANTS. , fr(rrw him It yal highness the prinrr. of W air. yet never could her speed answer the int 'Ther herr fled. Victory 1 On 1” scream 1(hus 1'hdippo d,nJ ; but Alexa, fallu,if bet y't„Sn.t(,Jeneb. Ise •Ie71v1y Ilenmdlar. Mq 1A, 1 17w6inep°• , Special low raicA have been made for farm arrd the great En.linh notion. • I have Iwo I palirnl requirement■ of i)'Arcey, to whom rd Alexis, riding forward, and hek god in amid lire glnnons a»ewhe s of bride, died __-_ --- --- - - " - --- -- --- - - - ----• _wilding• and ether isolated risk•. Felt Hatay ohjettaLm view in riesling this and other pwrL I all delay was hateful, IIo paced the deck his sublime martial arluur, likk toe Sud of a warrior's death, sen morin hin , hla Inca Caasulate Oi thio United States o J. Do CAM R O N , The underaigord having Men appointed I of F:nrnle-oro to see• in these centies or 1 iu agitation now, for he was Iroubled with war' was Auric l un the Crimean plaiuw, thnro ha America. w.a. RRlnvae renal Twtt% TRAIL TO agent of the above Company for uderich I Caps' I rivilixad"n, what still remain" Ir, be dime in l &lie dee:•cat anxiety about hie faller• DI(I Over the ymrimd they palled -onward to naw It sleeping the warriors last lonZ slaver. 1) ATL to y lI t) T 1C L. i %d surrounding country, will be glad to re• Qpyy my own country to comploo the work which he yet live, or had le die, benest thio the second entrrnrhmwnt. "I'hore no wldieri ON{ce hours from 9 o'tllock, a• m,, to 3 The B ayfleld oeive ((rnnosals for insurance in both branch- Shirt . &C + II we have begun ; the otber to "how my desire tiendi,h persecetions and poisoning of his were seen, no pounds err@ heard, no Raga —xox— clook, p. m. (fonrerly kept by Mr. Lnhy.) as, and will always be read) to give iuforrna ' (jsissualry CAenP to establish, not only smon; my subjrcloo, l brother T Was hos YTt conscious, or had his w@re vi ihle. The Bu"+iunt marched for. CQAPfER X%. _ tion to parties wishing to insnm, I hut, between my people end the other naunr•a noble land lofty spirit sunk down beneath the ward, still firinar, still shouting, ,uPPORumg - i 1'or fn.h. 111. 1►#ct)on wit ONSTANTLY on hard, tie heat of Lrquo W m. I{fC11 A RTISON, Argent, , F'arope, that feeling of bn`therhood whieh I briskly' s•fferings caused by poixenou+ loaf, that their enema, had relrrated in fear or TRg rl.07Tata. Clgsrs, hr., and ion ■uenOe L.etkr, w Bank of Montreal, Wel Rt. 1s the foandatinn of human pmgreRs suit the this attack. They reached the second m1 - r )ORNS DAUvr1OY1 `itft,BAYFTEI.D C wit J g -- - I i."li w.•ra tlw yueatinns whieh erre hourly aL// oe■my er Nat... mato .n nttg• rrew't W mrirt ttrration go trainees, hopes to merit a rich. Mat let. 1866. sw70 glory of "ria aye." (Inod ch(rn.) I,erplexmg the mind of I,ionwl-the questions I tnsrhment. It sus+ merely • t WE line he lk wall D'.\mey rfode furinnly ap the ■here W pwJdic pwemnPrw, — •Mad with •ditch before it. It was luw,tha A S „tnatr .n .adder. --- • • whieh et could riot anawrr, ' ditch was mot dee the soldiers cou:d easil 1^ng ay.wue of treat which bit to Bescoa .- - -- BavMld. M.mAr. 1.w7. __ __ . THE tii,DEST ESTr Ii`I,i iii I%N'I' I a - 'I'6e V rOV11ir•INI LAMON'. F"meumes in hie rellr°unns apnn Ihr elate p y Ball. ilia face was radiant with exultation J ono Cwmpneu. crow it. II -T TOWN: n(hie fairer, thwelone in bis brolh.r's kande Victo I" cord Alexis, spurring forward and snit sit M Rpnrrld hu Muse on to ( B h n R A L CUMMI I H-. 1\GRNT 4_Z_ _ The KinGll("n Aiwa xsy" :-"Owin;t bi the hot blood would course like waves of firer h - uieVer sep he held mrtrw tig htl in his lT Cemm+r•oas^"Q"eA"'t. offie•Owtskma Cheaper than ever ! _- _- kin hnnr..pA naehin thio s"mm•t of tM q P • ; •c I thrangh his rein and, rialto kiR teeth, g clench..& Lnnd s Irttrr w41rh M n. Ik the me la from tM City Council not C- • K R earthwork with • Mand, while the long line aaMwviu,CMvevamvr,. '' Sur' Uaeens 89,,d ,.f Ing w large nos rxprclnd to be bj the ofR- he wuald groan m hu fierce dears for rem was morning, and a Janrry urn aheaw apom way.V,Nasee(Riaardme,l;.W• -- A. BMITH'8, einlx eenmteteti with the Prmincirl I:xhi. Beance. came prourinLa down upon him. lM fields, wbich wtro "nos deaerteJ h all PettrtK'fel•+'• At lest the bluero dl Valetta reeled hit "V'icMry 1" Tbxt was thio tut word of y OR l!AR1 pop AND O'. MiRR10N DJerchsnt Txigot. bitten, tars work than exp intemied will ryrd over lM blas waves, ad satin the ales- Alesis• F'oracareely had he spprared uproa livmng aniroah h sur inlnnwly cul J, ad [ w]T. be done ou the rounds to re are Limn the to of the crust, scarcely had his follow the I►kww ►rid enols, whieh to summer time Jk M WA RI)Ii vRax,X D C.W. Nmeaad (r Tii' 4uhaeriArr hiving meted l0 thio 1fnM DwdwM•k.J.N llMt 1Alrl --__ it P P' I m"r entered the hrrMar. dere Uo"el en showed their (sten whore the eminence, sparkled ao beautiful In The •nn, were now N'Ro", of ant tied aa- 1 i• MARTIN A M A N N fnr the forthcoming allow in the Ixxt Week , (arrd that no boat w■n "in direct) tw hound in bonds or ice ad snow, rine Arose east of 1M earner of Rin ton , ♦ ) g i y than a sudden roar bunt u n their own. A.,.,, . ,m will r AVVI' UL CTI Ia, +I in Flt camber. Tho ceutraclR fur paih4 }:nglwrd, est that one would Se tM mea ro Alon the frozen mond RP meld n':\sea. shalt him wdl rocelw prompt WAIA-ITeoit=- Rlraet and Market &pure, BF•G`i TU INFORM ft lS 11LD CINTOM p I suddenly and appalingly. itmro •long line g [ K ) Ing and KI"sing anti fear carpenters' work day lar Marseilles, where hr ould aka the of twaten which lay elrre in front of tMm, spurred his hone, whose h.ohn thundered _ __ _ --- _---- opposite Mr. C. Crabb f Block em,tAat he is still able to sell for cub r ■,Q Q[ `t t', S 11Rv1` b«`n gnrn sit 1 Imo present well" can and ge directly through France to L^o- upna tAc niekw and ice hs Md Jo.g. )aeAl 1___ itY ( }ltls'r. Ilene al IM lowewl rats, / bent forth •volley of grnpN shat, ehsin shot formerly neCupitd by Memrs. Parker t (oro fn lgr rleoned out and dcepen,d, and dun. SmotMring hu impatienes, M prepara•A F mm the mint chamber which we bre t+ort prII E,Nl' I t i'3TilAlIk111lTYr Gult, drvggixta, ellen for alt ILL KINDS OF FURNITURE pump! put ih them; but lt:o contract for to w.il tall the next day, when he mould and C• utier. a hail rel hell*, a arnGe storm before infrodnmf o tM wan.° - J his TBR i,ARGKa4T, CARAPRRT, RiMT AND At ht shop n Kings L.sen itt ,at, a Po•iM wy thin work hall not yet been given out, runulaw oe hs wy. of shun whieh mowed down whnle Hoke rel Pon g"•• AND PATENT AGENT, ww M DUNCAN —` pdnnmd.d R.rnwnn. A t4wim-Rhwl arae► (niArr wnA an ans anti ct a de.ana is As M MORT FA9Fi1ONARLF: RTOCK OF It Liuror. llotel, O deAch. Uivt h:an • • (; attle, ,her and i • ria aro ter M Alexis, wnA Aarled to the ground I" gallant t•agbt ngAt of his sin a • di.meee•Aw nald OTTAWA • Cal!• V Al received at Li" store Wes' a1A• f•r' erCOted ; thrP rentor h"n ca, aremove l d sur one of der wnm err ; hurt r null SHaES ! Lodttieb Ott. 3. IPAR. svllw37 11 Ret Sierra, a large Rummer acek "f P p• yonlh, )ui r Ilia me. Himself in LM D V" Rtes BO n arm" of •iebry. sIN ■t AsA set fsed hi salsa awiAly Mward l4e Anwr, kw btu sew Tnwssrr M,uner with tN Crown Linda saA Un M` __ - -_ __- CHAPTF,R Six. Re Md (osg)t hi. fat R`ht-,Meted ►is hos lost eftadaunn, waA sew. l.>q eke M► Whwr t+^vr..." t Din the a; T. be. not id t NoM" and . he" w4,ch wpi l(l M sold at very setenty tart wr•wf. of their p►rwient IrwAtirwr pa.wtf..In^ennrsn.;i;bism.In,•ewpo• GALT "TERii,ITORY I1 Js 11 UR TpSH Ilei fir@ Mrrhaniai ITxll; spur(ulliw rimgx, IYtMltlwcr). 1•rwhich h. Aare, and w►t.► ►w ..vt( ralronn.rr;^nMa,r. Aylwuwn Pa. of ay Goose in lawn, bolA LOW PR1UF I 1 rwrh silty feet in diameter, to be made , Twt TaAITOR'a rate. p'orth fmm behind the mound sprang tM trismplraly, wa Ai, (wtker 1"oked low•. Ht t.t; Draw .nA okra eM aw ^' impol' d gid of his Owl Manufacture 2 I ACRF,S OF' KALT TRRRiTORY -,_ I a Pa rintwtldeni P office put up ; the ell RaldiPm, rein in Inn ranks from a crouch •rid "; Frew Ar Maar. Priva.Ibil. Ar,r+ws IM ser Itig Twa day Aroiw Her Rahrtni,nl. Tho g g 'Harv, ukt him w 1M taAla.' M e•tlwd •,en.A' .'ser par,,.r re- stowpruing oil the ntwrst styles of IdadiN' to base, sitwlM'on and sAjsttnt to ,,T ( ( Q ,hada nlpsirrd, end 1Aw inarinr and sea- Smith army, Relieving horrors such as nos '•I( P"at"re' •■AA"rely to tkeir Pert. Fmm NI in Richard, wise, •toed neer hiss, ani .,Anes elrwherr 1 Gents, and ChilAre.i Rew,a anA Rhee•, lbs Ri•cr Maitland, STA' jmm cast of the PH V if IELLA BOO i S I Ierior of the PRL . Minted, ¢Isted and longer ran all, aA nn pd' arMrlrlwlr dos•- IM •uAr..- (airy M that nn•xpoetod anti tM IAert M rnar..i tba Aotaq eery ruin q IM w lit 8 F ' 13E 0 E 8' which be in determined to aril at • Aaall ad- Goildrieh Rodway Station, and frmetiwR 'tw in grant variety. From .t rte ripe writ.. generally repaired. Thew are the Prig- eribe, Worked Sway in IM tre■t►sa, et RnrunP Phn et Inack in flood t and wogd. his briber'• roam. NM.A.CRaw•eki. Com- W ll. \colt,,,, Itsq• IaaM nn r sen as small profiu awA gniQlt G. t. Hailey -very cone"N•t fM a siding r tlpRl frwlama of tkr wMk 10 Ian d w. wraril) Mmlwd rip tlnw Mr•y Migt (■u to B)" For owbib &Ary a*nd thllr ,jrnaad. nWell, R.y+nald• wy boy." OW ►i1vw. riweasr of rewx I O•i•r'^1• a areeima' i• bis mwtiond of dning hastiness. into moo line. C•U and iaspecn and you will be sure I Tb• rnnl.roctnrs se to begro at nmrr, RMI inwards tM aln.l) pprngnwesmg lines. Their I Then was teen •eight which dew a. tont) as hos twbarei. .'wW fbrlNa• f(aa'jwa , IArrda, New.J.Ctsetwa,lana- t Call and see halon pnrebasiag tIM. Apply a• to ty, . the rewrtdS arrd boildingn are to be in so&rinM their Aardahife, plague• C;t1l•nrr; for horror. Ttreir belor"a anon Int° to i W pr R.1w,ea.EN.• Ytmu-II don. T. wf&ATHF.RALD, Wy. DCC.IAN. I g sad farmer, war mad edit bad lid1eS thoa f• Phnging t►eu bayrotn •t o• uotktr ; - tww. IR. Yr LL, paq.,lwtppe where' g, FUR 8 E. Oedwie►. wl b tom Ic la oMtt bJ tM 15tS ??rpt." r + 'r s Mt. In . I,tiwnls aSlr., .etfAveacr■,Ctloaul G 'ck, Mq A IA67. P ;'t )P"# , Y0T, 29 rv161( Tor•ea ,L,)e Aat•raA18U4r, Oram". April I% las7. wiq v lr 4 . , ' , . " ,i . , r u ... ,. .sew.... a d v ,. I ....n ..4jil, jty i , .,, . sees,, ` 1 ' .. "zs"¢s y, s.y s .td' a,, 'w eta P ., d" -. , , . 1 , is i). f "r i%r v3•# t •rnitil-r.iiir.. i `t "r i• ' I a• li b 1