HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-08, Page 10' • 4 * 1 • Dashwood Wl Members Enjoy Hallowe'en Party The Dashwood W.L meeting was held Tuesday, October 30, as at’ Hallowe’en party, The educa­ tional group with Airs. John Rader, convener, was in charge. Costumes were judged by Airs, Glen Webb and Mrs. Irvin Devine. Winners were:-Airs. A. V. Tieman and Airs. E. Koehler. Roll call was answered with "A frightening experience I have had.” Mrs. A. V. Tieman dis­ cussed the motto, “If you wish to gain affection, bestow it.” Mrs. A. Kuntz had as her topic ♦‘Hallowe’en' story.” She dealt with the origin of the day, and traced the changes down to the present. Airs. T. Hopcroft read ‘‘The Commandments of Wom­ en’s Institute.” Airs. J. Rader and Mrs. Tieman conducted con­ tests.Airs. Kuntz presided for the business. Airs. Alervyn Tieman reported bn the convention held at London. It was decided to cater to a band banquet on November 16. The 4-H leaders brought in their reports of what the girls required for the course and who the girls were. Three Institutes will be invited to attend the Christmas meeting. Four new members have been added. Surprise Party Mr. and Airs. Clare Alelick and son, Melvin, who moved to Komoka last week, were pleas­ antly surprised wnen Air. and Mrs. Cliff Salmon had them as dinner guests Friday evening. They were invited to come to the home of Air. and Airs, Wallace Wein. -On their arrival, they found all the neighbors gathered. After an evening of games, Mr. and Airs. Alelick were presented with an electric clock, and Alel- vin, a New Testament. Choir And Minister Guests A Walther League Reformation Service was held at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Stratford, with Rev. K. Zorn, guest speaker, and Telephone Round-up Every parent knows how easily a two-gun cowboy can lose track of time especially around mealtime. t But she also knows it’s a simple matter to round him up by telephone. And any , vague feeling of anxiety about where he is or what lie , is doing is quickly dispelled by that eager voice at the other end of the line. Yes, the telephone is a convenience and a comfort, all day long. It means fewer meals grown cold because youngsters or hus­ band ar© late getting home. It means more security when you’re alone at night. It means more tilings done with less time and effort.. * Yet this endlessly useful servant works for you for just A few cents a day. * THE*BEIib TELEPHONE CMMT OF CANADA the choir of Zion Lutheran Church providing special musical numbers. Ladies Aid Plans Supper The W.S.W4L of the E. U. B. Church, held their regular meet­ ing Friday evening with 'Airs. Stuart Wolfe presiding. Mrs. El­ gin Wiegand, Mrs. ‘Art Haugh and Mrs. Eben Wiegand read passages of Scripture. Mrs. Carl Oestreicher gave a reading. Mrs. Mervyn Tieman and Mrs. Lloyd Esgleson sang a duet, , Mrs. Letta Taylor, the presi­ dent, presided for the business. It was decided to have a Christ­ mas supper with the husbands on December 7, Infant Baptized Albert Boy, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Biesenthal, of Copetown, was baptised in Zion Lutheran Church on Sunday by Rev. K. Zorn. Mr. Siegfried Miller and Miss Gertrude Biesen- thal were sponsors. Mr. Howard Weiberg, of Water­loo, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Weiberg. Walther League Rally The league rally of the Blue Water Zone was held -at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Strat- ford, oil Sunday. A number from here attended. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weber and family, of Uxbridge; Miss Thelma Weber, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schade, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Weber. Mrs. Ada Patterson, of Grand Bend, is visiting with her daugh­ ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader. Personal Items k Mr. Robert Wein, of Sudbury, spent the week-end With Mrs. Herb Wein. Mr. Siegfried Miller, of Water­ loo, and Air. and Airs. Waiter Biesenthal and family, of Cope­ town, spent the week-end with Mr. and AlH. Rudolph Miller. Mr. Frank Biesenthal, of Pem­ broke, visited with Sirs. Jacob Schroeder. Air. and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg and Air. and Mrs. L. H. Rader. Mr. and Mrs. John Denomme, Of Waterloo, spent the week-end with their parents, Mt. and Mrs. Alorr.is Denomme and Mr. and Mrs. Ed DOnomme. Air. Arthur Truemner, of To­ ronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore RadCrf Air. and Mrs. Urban Pfile, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ken Greb, of Centralia, spent Sunday at Cleveland, Ohio. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Haugh and Shirley, were ■ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knechtel, Mr. and AlrS. Rufus Second Line In Biddulph By MRS, H. ELSON Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister and boys visited on Sunday with Air. and Mrs. Harry Finkbeiner or Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blair and family of London were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blair. Rev. Canon and Mrs. James of Port Burwell were guests of M, H. and Mrs. Elston for a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Atkinson and family spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eagle- son of Greenway. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake and girls of London spent Sun­ day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fischer. Miss Judy Hodgins of Gwen Sound is spending a few weeks’ holidays with her grandmother, Mrs. Jessie Lewis. Mr*, and Mrs. Ed. Willard and family of Mount Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Willard of Camp Bordfen spent Sunday with Airs. Jessie .Lewis. Mrs. Eli Hetheriy and Mr. Frank Mitchell and family of London, Mr,, and Mrs. Tom Smith of Exeter, Air, and Mrs. Lome Hodgins and family of Lucan were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith. Mrs. Robert Atkinson of Tor­ onto and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Mdrley of London spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon At­ kinson. Air. and Mrs. Joe Bryan of Granton spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Will Isaac. •The teacher of S.S. No. 9 Bid- dulph (Mrs. Isaac) and pupils entertained the mothers of the pupils and a few ladies of the section on October 31. They put on a splendid program follow­ ing the Hallowe’en masquerade. Letter From Brinsley By MRS. CECIL ELLWOOD Mr. David Dundas of St. Thom­ as spent the weekend with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Etue of Detroit spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Keogh. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Odd and Carolyn spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. ,Alrs. Roy Hamilton of Lucan visited with her sister, Mrs. Earl Dixon, on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fenton and children spent Sunday .with Air. and Mrs. Harold Knapton of Thorndale. Mr, and Mrs.- Hubert Carey and children spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Airs, Andy Keogh. Mr. and Airs. Jas. Trevethick called on their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Alts, Carl Trevethick of Ldiidon on Wed­ nesday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton called on Alt; and Mrs. Gordon Banting of Lucan on Sunday.The ladies of the Anglican Church of Brinsley are holding a bazaar in the basement of the church on Friday afternoon. u lJUTwpw» riw.. ..... .... .......... Centralia By MRS. FRIO BOWDEN C.O.l.T. The Centralia Wo-He-Lo C.G. I. T. began their regular meet­ ings on Tuesday. Joyce Fischer was elected president for the coming year. Shirley Rollings is vice-president, Gwen Lightfoot, secretary, Cathy Hodgins, as­ sistant secretary. The treasurer is Karen Essery; assistant treas­ urer, Blanche Rollings; press reporter, Margaret AIcCutcheon; sunshine secretaries. Arlene Glover and Joyce AIcFalls; pi­ anists, Allison Clarke and Carol McCurdy. The girls were awarded Chev­ rons after* a successful year of work together as a group. "Smiles ’n Chuckles”"- chocolates were sold on Saturday when the girls, dressed in their uniforms? walked from door to door carry­ ing baskets decorated with the C.G.LT. colours. After a successful afternoon the girls returned to the parson­ age for refreshments. The group is assisting the minister in plac­ ing church calendars homes of the members congregation. Personal Items Rev. -J. T. and Airs, . „ and Airs. J. Essery _ attendod the Christian Education Insti­ tute at Ontario Street United Church in Clinton on Monday evening. Air. and Airs. Henry Hodgins of Lucan and Airs. Harry Car­ roll of Saintsbury were visitors at the home of Air. and Mrs, Arthur McFalls on Friday of last week. Mrs, Wm. Bowden, Air. and Airs. Fred Bowden, Marina and Aiargaret Rose attended the an­ niversary service in the Kirkton United Church and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. R, Paynter. in the of the Clarke Knechtel, JoO Knechtel and Barbara Nielson, of Petersburg; Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Burm- meister, • and Mr. aiid Mrs. Elmer Rader and boys. This year- •>> NEW HAWK SERIES, featuringa new,.supercharged, 275 hp. version Of the famous Golden Hawk. Here arO^pofts cars with a difference— exciting performers that are practical, comfortable 5-paasenger family cars, too! !■$ '.fit- We called in our engineers and laid it on the line. 1 “The only way to beat them is with quality,” we told them. “You’ll have to give us a car that really is way ahead of the rest!” They worked at it—and. they got enthused—at the idea of building better'cars instead of more cars and they did it! . . They did it in a way that’s thrilling to see, wonderful to drive. They did it with: Supercharged Power—a new jet stream supercharger packs even more ekeitement’ into the performance of the fabulous Golden Hawk. - Championship Economy—It’s been a Studebaker tradition to bo best in economy —and this year, brilliant engineering makes it eve'll .more outstanding. Twin Traction —The miracle power control that keeps you froth slipping on ice » pulls you out of mud and Snow where others get stuck. And there’s plenty more—you’ll see when you see and drive Studebaker ’57 at . your dealer’s soon! When you buy Studebaker you buy - CRAFTSMANSHIP,, in a cat more sojidly built. PERFORMANCE, in a car more thoroughly tested. • DEPENDABILITY, in a car mote completely inspected, • SATISFACTION, in a car you’ll enjoy longer. •x’: ■# 'h . / ■ Studeb aker-Packar d of Workmanship OF CANADA, LIMITED comes first! ’I- •J • W?>.VWA‘?W*'WAM NEW SEDAN SERIES---Headed by the magnificent President Classic—A new. ’ suspension provides the benefits ot the most advanced engineering developments bringing you a new Luxury-Level ride—the smoothest you’ve ever known. NEW STATION WAGON SERIES led by the beautiful new 4-door Broadmoor. They’re the only wagons in the world that ride as comfortably as a fine sedan. : 4Mfr Phone 210 i Graham Arthur Motors ■ ■■■ ■■■ . -..........................-............................................................................... ■■■•..... Craftsmanship makes the big difference! STUDEBAKER ’57 IS HERE! C red it on uiurcn Laaies Donate To Boys' Farm Thank offering meeting of the Ladies Aid and W.S.W.S. of the Evangelical Church was held in the Sunday school rooms Thurs­ day evening with a good attend­ ance. Airs. F. Morlock was in charge of the program. Airs. AL Faist read the scripture and Mrs. G. Strome favored the meeting with a violin solo. Rev. Stroma spoke on Steward­ ship and Mrs. A. Gaiser and Mrs. E. Wenzel sang a duet. A missionary playlet entitled "Thanks Please" was presented by Airs. L Ratz, .Airs, W, Weber and Mrs. L. Lampert. Thank offering gifts were received, Airs. R. Krueger took charge of business. Four woollen blank­ ets and several quilts were pur­ chased for the Boys’ Farm at Ailsa Craig. A baking sale will be held on Saturday, November 17 at 3 p.m. in the, -Community Centre. Carpets are to be pur­ chased soon for the church. W, A, Bazaar Alembers of the Women’s As­ sociation of the United Church sponsored a bazaar in the church school rooms on Saturday, Rev. A, Rapson oppned the bazaar at 2.30 p.m. and contents of the several booths were rapidly dis­ posed of, Tea was served to the many visitors present. Presiding at the tea table were Airs. Francis Ciark and Mrs, Edwin Reaver, Mission Band The *United Church AlUslon Band held their meeting in the ■church basement with 21 mem­ bers present. Douglas Lightfoot- and Rich­ ard Colter were i'n charge of the meeting with Marlene , King, Kenneth Bender and Ronald Alotz taking part in, the pro­ gram. The story On Alexico was given by Mrs. Jack Galloway. Business was discussed follow­ ed by Hallowe’en games and lunch. Personal Hama Barry Alorlock, son of Mr. and Airs. Ray Alm-lock is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Air. and Airs. Gerald Zwicker attended the annual seed fair in Toronto last week. Mr. and Airs, Oren Grace of Dearborn, Alich., spent the week­ end with Air. and Mrs. Welling­ ton Haist. Air. and Airs. William Havti land left last week for Florida where they expect to spend sev­ eral weeks. Air. and Airs. Joseph Fink- beiner visited over the weekend with Air. and Airs. Eugene Fink- beiner in Barrie. Air. and Mrs. C. Berg pf De­ troit were weekend visitors with Mr. and Airs. H. Fahner, Mrs. H. Sweitzpr of London visited this week with Air. and Airs. A. Gaiser. Mrs. E. Gunn, Mary Veronica and Joseph Gunn spent the week­ end in Chatham. Air. and Mrs. Charles Green visited recently with friends in Woodstock. Airs. Edward Alorloclc and Aliss Ella Alorlpck spent a few days this week in 'Windsor withi Miss Lulu Morlock, who has re­ turned to her home in Windsor after spending several weeks in hospital. Mr. and Airs. Alvin Fihkbein- er and family visited on Satur­ day with Mr. and Airs, Arthur Amy in Paris. .Airs. Wesley Wein and son, Cameron, spent two weeks re­ cently with relatives in Jjlonaca and Avalon, Pa, Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs.^Wesley Wein were Air. and Mrs. Ronald Wein and Air. and Mrs, Jos. Orton and son, Ken­ neth, of Detroit; Air. and Mrs, Gerald Wein of London, Mr. and Airs. Gordon Stone and family of Usborne and Mr, and Airs. Calvin Wein of Exeter. Many Crediton friends attend­ ed the funeral of Airs. Harry BeaversICippen Mr. and Airs. James Young and family have moved from the village and taken up residence jin Exeter. On Saturday night, Keith Lov­ ell, 17, of Kippen, escaped in­ juries when his car went in the ditch as he swerved to avoid hitting a cow. The car broke off four guard posts’ and suffered $200 damages. The cow was not injured. Airs. Wm. Alexander of Exe­ ter, formerly of Hensall and Kippen, suffered a stroke and was taken to South Huron Hos­ pital, Exeter. Air. Robert Thomson picked a half box of ripe raspberries from his garden during the last week in October. Airs. Amelia AIcClymont is visiting for two weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, Air. and Mrs. Joe Ducharme of Dash­ wood, . Mr. Kenneth McLellan return­ ed after spending a month in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr of Winthrop were Sunday visitors of the latter’s parents, Air. and Mrs. Elston Dowson. Sunday visitors of Mr. Robert Thomson were Air. and 'Airs. Robert Stokes and Larry of Lon­ don and Air. and Mrs. Lome Schneider, Paul and Judy of Stratford. . ’ Air. George Saunders "and sons of Lucknow visited Thursday wiht Air. and Airs. N. Long. Air. Tom Kyle, son of Air. and Mrs. Wm. Kyle arrived home from Alaerorie, Sask., with hisj bride. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Orville Work­ man and children visited friends in Glencoe on Sunday. Now OPEN! Our Entire Basement Is Chuck Full Of All-New Toys Playthings galore in our store! See the latest amuse­ ments for children from the cradle up—they’re terrific! •1M Use Our Layaway Plan A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Article^ Lankin, in. Lucan on Tuesday. The former Lucy1 Young, born in Crediton, she was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.- John Young, and a-sister of Mr. Her­ bert. Young of -Crediton. Her early life was spent in.Crediton. Beavers HARDWARE PHONE 86 I EXETER