HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-08, Page 7... Garagos . Sunday And Evening Service Open this Syjuday,., Wednes­ day ’ afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week............. Snell Bros. Ltd. Garage LLOYD fORDf? KOZU-KlDf The Koal Kids say that our de­ pendable BLUE CPAU moves in circles far above all, ether fuel. We sell good, safe BLUE COAL- that will add happiness to the family circle, (bl u e co ! EMpran »'..¥¥"«..rrojWGT To Huron Presbytery Mrs. J. Y, McKinnon, London, first vice-president of the Lon­ don Conference Woman’s As­ sociation of the United Church, was guest speaker at the fourth semi-annual meeting of the Wo­ man’s Association of Huron Presbytery held in. Goshen Unit­ ed Church on Thursday. At the mornifig session Mrs, McKinnon answered many points arising from the question box which •'was in charge of Mrs, R. Boyce. At the afternoon ses­ sion she told of her trip to Europe and also outlined plans to furnish men’s and women’s residences,, in. "'connection with the University • of Western On­ tario at London. One. house has- already been bought for a. men’s residence and the purchase of. another house for a women’s residence will be made next spring. Mrs. McKinnon explained that the London Conference W.A. has taken on the furnishing of these residences and each local as- [sociation is being asked to con­ tribute the1 equivalent of 41,OQ for each member. Morning devotions were in charge of the Auburn W.A. Mrs. Nelson Reid of Walton presided and a welcome was extended by Mrs. E. Hager of Goshen. The afternoon session was opened by devotions in charge of Varna W.A. Each branch was urged to compile a history of its organ­ ization. An invitation to hold the semi­ annual meeting in Londesboro next fall was accepted. At noon dinner was served by the Goshen ladies. News Budget From Blanshard By MRS, GLADWYN HOOPER i Marks Anniversary In celebration of their fiftieth! They have a family of Mght, wedding anniversary a family ’four sons and four daughters: dinner party was held for Mr. Mrs. Keith McLaren (Ruth!, and Mrs. Samuel .Tory In James Street church parlors on Tues­ day evening. Following the turkey dinner, Rev. H. J. Snell ’baptized four granddaughters of the couple, Sharon, Patricia, Cecile and. Sheila Munro, daughters of Mr- and Mrs. Cecil Munro, London. In a short program Stephen Kendrick sang two solos ac­ companied -by Ken Rennick, Mrs. Ken Rennick gave a read­ ing "The Touch of The Master's Hand” and Ken Rennick played accordion solos. - Mr. and Mrs. Jury wer| pre­ sented with a silver tea service py their sons and daughters and with a basket of gold mums and a gold cream and sugar by the grandchildren, Open Hou** On Wednesday held open house on Simcoe Street, Joryv was door .1 received the guests, Mrs.„ Laura Harvey and Mrs. Lillie Smith of London poured tea in the after­ noon and Mrs, Wesley. Johns and Mrs. Elmer Reeder in the- evening, Daughters and daugh­ ters-in-law assisted in serving, Mrs. Jory is the former Ella Frayne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Peter Fra.yne, of Exeter, The couple were married by Rev, A. H. Going, pastor of James Street Church, in a quiet cere­ mony at the bride’s home, No­ vember 7, 190(5. They farmed on the groom’s farm on Concession 2, Stephen, now farmed by Harold Fahner, until 12 years ago when they retired to Exeter. They are members of James' Street United-Church, and Mrs. Jory is an active member of the Woman’s Missionary -Society. TV ’Sins' Rural women of Ontario, voiced their opinion of Canadian tele­ vision in a report released Mon­ day which calls for less drinking! smoking and sexy caressing on the TV screen, They would like, instead, to see more historical drama using Canadian players, and more spe­ cial feature programs on tradi­ tional celebration days, such as Dominion Day, St. Patrick’s and St. Andrew’s days. Mrs. George Wilson, of ’ St. Marys, representative to the provincial radio council from the Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario, .presented the report to the annual board meeting of the FWIO. ... "Because of the ever-increas­ ing influence on our. daily lives, it is our responsibility to advise radio and television stations on the type of programs we need,” she said. "They welcome it,” The evaluation survey sent .out last spring was answered by about, one-quarter of the 1,450 Ontario branches, Recommenda­ tions made in the survey are to be sent to the Fowler royal com­ mission on broadcasting, the CBC and to the provincial radio council, Among the recommendations were: A call for more trave­ logues as aids to social studies to create better international understanding; more book re­ views and serials for shut-irts; biographies of famous -women, and hobby and handicraft demon­ strations. Advertisements should be "short and accurate,” the report said, and "advertisements are preferable to licence fees,” * Cromarty; Mrs. Leslie Thomson I (Mildred), Exeter; Leland Jury, j Pembroke, with the army at Petawawa; Ray Jory, Exeter; I Mrs, ;------ • Exeter;...:. i Kirkton, : Exeter,' There are 26 grandchildren and J seven great-grandchildren, iwa; Kay Jury, Exeter; Harry Beaver (Ruby), .......Mrs. Cecil Munro (Ilene), London; Clifford Tory, and Donald Jury, -1 free trial afters super ill Tx * mBBmMain fit. Bazaar ! Realizes $300 j At the W.A. and W.M.S. meet- jing of Main St. United Church ‘ on Thursday afternoon the treas­ urer reported the bazaar on Oc- Jtober 27 had been a success, thd proceeds exceeding $320.00, Mrs. G. McKnight conducted the W.A. business when plans were made to serve a congrega­tional supper following the De­ cember meeting. - The devotional was taken by Mrs. McKnight and Mrs, E. Car­ ter, Mrs, R, E. Russell presided for the W.M.S, business when it was decided to pack a bale of good used clothing, quilts an'd new blankets to be sent to Dr." and Mrs, Whiting ' at Hazelton, B.C. this month, » Mr. Sterling Ince showed pic­ tures 'taken this summer while on a trip to Prince Edward Is­ land. ‘ Act now) Take advantage of this trial offer at our expense, One daily Super Plenamins tablet pro, vides 9 vitamins, plus liver, plus 12 minerals including iron. If not completely satisfied with the • results you get after taking the / trial supply, re- r turn the regular package and get ■ all your tiioney • f back. 1 e;!Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Thack­ er and family spent Sunday with Mrs. T. Waugh of London. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and family spent Sunday with Mrs, J, W, Humphreys o.f Chat­ ham. John* and Gail Rinn of !St. Marys spent the weekend with Murray, Barry and Anne Thom­ son. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Thomson spent Sunday with Mr- and Mrs. Herman Paynter of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkin­ son, Mr, Glen Parkinson of Whal­ en, Mrs. Florence Chittick of Granton and Miss Adelaide Parkinson of Granton were Sun­ day guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ken­ neth Parkinson and Mr. Harvey Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs, Alonzo Knowles of St. Marys spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Thom­ son last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hoop, .er attended the St. Marys Jour- nal-Argus banquet at Lakeside United Church on Friday, Mrs. Jack Pickell of St. Marys and Mrs. Ken Hill and family of London- spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parkin­ son. Mrs; Fred Pattison spent Sun­ day with Mrs. John Hazelwood of London, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Tamblyn of Loiidesboro, Mrs. Bert Taylor of Auburn spent Sunday with Mr. M. E.’ Hooper, Mr! and Mrs. Jack. Thomson and family and Mr, Wm. Thom­ son visited, with Mrs. Jas. Mal­ oney on Sunday. Mrs. Cecil Mossey spent Thurs­ day with- Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Young of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Golfings, Mr. and-Mrs; Gerald Lawson , and family were Wednesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mossey. . * Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones spent Sunday at Port 'Franks. Mrs, Clarence Martin of St, Marys spent the weekend with Mrs. Jas, Mossey, Mrs, Denzil Paterson and fam­ ily of Belton; Mr, Clarence Mar- tiri. of St, Marys spent Sunday with Mrs. Jas. Mossey, Mrs. Martin returning with them af­ ter spending the weekend with Mrs! Jas. Mossey. Mr. and Mrs. W, B, Young of St. Marys spent Thursday evening with Mrs. Jas.. Mossey.Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills and Gwen were Sunday guests of, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Paton of Kirkton, Mrs. Kenneth Langford and the celebrants at, their home Their son, Kay attendant and KI it Kippen East Wl Treats Families Kippen East'Women’s Institute held family night on Friday evenings-when they entertained their . husbands- and. families to a turkey 'banWt, -in the Legion Hall, Hensall, . Mrs. William Kyle presided fpr the program, which included a sing song with Mrs. Jack Sin­ clair at the piano; violin selec- tion.< by Keith Anderson with Mrs. Ken McKay, accompanist, and violin solos by Joan Sinclair accompanied by her mother. Progressive euchre and bingo were played. Euchre winners for ladies were Mrs. Norman Long, Mrs, Stewart Pepper and consolation, Mrs,'Arthur Varley; gents, Stewart Pepper, Ernie Whitehouse and consolation, Nor­ man Long, family spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, ‘E, Trewartha, of Holmesville, Mr. Wes Mossey of Pieton spent the weekend at his home- Mrs, Wm. Wood continues quite ill at South Huron Hospi­ tal. Her daughter, Mis? Clive Wood R,N, pf Toronto is in‘ at­ tendance. * free 14-day Supply with 72-tablet 28-day Supply with 144-tabIet Size —All for Only $4.79 Size—All for only $7,95 For children 6 to 12, ask about free trial offers * Rexell super plenamins junier Andrew Johnston DRUGSPhona 447 A‘ Exeter ■v Phone 102 for:■■■ Presents JEWELER Phone 510 Ey^ter Husbands! Wives! Get Pep, Vim; Feel Younger Thouiendi of couple* »re weak, worn-out, ex­ hausted just because body lacks iron. For Dew younger feeling after.40, try Ostrex Tonic •Tablets. Contain iron /or pep; supplement dotes vitamin Bi, "Get-acquainted” size costs little. Be wise, get pep, new health, quick thrifty way. Try Ostrex today. At all druggists. HARVEY'S TAXI * 24-HOUR SERVICE SUPERIOR Propane Limited Your Distributor for Propane Gas and Appliances fori5 Farm, Home and Industry Call Stratford 4174 ' » i . O’ I 9 4 Instruments, steering piftenl and coiltroli blend in, uncluttered convenience its Pontiac's Mw ln«frumenr panel. A n*w fhr«»-p*»lti«n «wtteh' lets you operate accessories with enginh and ignition turned off. . A OENERAL, MOTORS VALUE *57 PONTIAC. . . Completely new from POWER to PERSONALITY --------------- -----—-------—ON DISPLAY TODAY-------------------- ----------------------' TO® Gifts HanB^Wi^welry gifts put a sparkle in their eyes at Christmas time. Choose jewelry-now for your rela- tives,. friends. Use^ our lay- wgRway plan—remember, your 'JRredit is good here. FOR 1957 Kg^Models On Display At Exeter And Zurich ....................... Balt in At Either Place For A Demonstration Ride 4. i '**' 4- Phone $08 Extf«r '■ t MOTOR SALES «* Phone 71 Zurich Hire's Pontiac s exciting neW Ir.iit •nd for 1957 , . . with new boldness in every It’s the biggest surprise of any year.,. 1957’s bright, brand -new Pontiac! One glance at these slim, trim sidelines will convince you that this is the ultimaLe in newness! Because Pontiac for 1957 is completely new —from power to personality « . . completely yours—from prizing to .. possessing! Completely hew in powerj did-we say? Well, yes . . . with a brand-new choice of engines, ranging from the economical Strato-Six with 148 horsepower, righ t up to the 283 horsepower Power Chief Fuel Injection V8 engine*! Completely new in personality, too? Surely, with Pontiac’s new Star Flight Body Depign . the only neW car in . the lowest-priced field with such supreme quality and style. And inside, Pontiac’s new interiors, new colors, new fabrics, new everything create a classic combination of luxury and beauty! And Pontiac is completely new all the Way inbetween; too—with striking new "firsts” for 1957. Triple-turbine Turboglide*, for one example. And revolutionary Fuel Injection*, for another, eliminating carburetors completely I But get the full story first hand. It’s on display-r-noic—at your Pontiac dealer’s! ' * There's the added safely of constant-speed •lacMc wind* »hi»ld wiper* •.. offered as an accessory on all models. Pontiac's new f«al filler deer hi det behind a glamorous exterior... readily accessible when needed. ★Optional alextra cost. All Pontiac models for 195“ have new de«p-dlsh clearing wheel*... practical Pontiac styling. Th? newness of Pontiac .K styling extends to these boldly-detienad tdii-lamp unit* as well. A "first" M Pontiac for .1957, fuel Injection* is the newest of new engine ad­ vancements in production <xirs ZURICH Phene 7S /PEARSON MOTOR SALES EXETER PONTIAC-BUICK-GMC TRUCK DEALER Phone 608 /