HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-08, Page 5I
And District News
Save 160 on York Fancy
T omato
Velveeta Save 240
Mrs. Maudes Hedden, Phone 5
Mrs. Archie McGregor, Phone 682-r-31
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swE? <;■ .vBL. < ■vaKai
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NEW MARKET OPENS—Hundreds of people from the district attended the weekend
opening of Al’s Market; Hensall, where an extensive renovation program was com
pleted recently. The store, one of the largest and most modern in the district, fea
tures, new equipment and fixtures on the self-serve plan. Owners are Mr. and Mrs.
Al Scholl, who built the business up from a small meat market they purchased 10
years ago. . __T.A Photo
Stock Up for Winter! Choice Quality
D York Brand
» “U■ Dessert,
Save 100 on Green Label
Save 60 on Welch's 24-Oz.
Large 48-Oz. Tins
Flowers Adorn
Wedding Scene
St. Peter’s Lutheran • Church,
Zurich, with a floral background
of tall • standards of mums and
ferns, was the setting for a wed
ding on Saturday, October 27,
when Agnes Marlene Hiihter,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Leon
ard Hunter of Clinton, and Jack
Albert Adkins, son of Mr.^jmd
Mrs, Henry Adkins of Zurich,
exchanged marriage voWs. Rev.
O. Winter officiated.
Traditional wedding music was
provided by Mrs. A. Haberer
who accompanied the soloist
Ron Heimrich who sang “The
Wedding Prayer” and “The
Lord’s Prayer.”
Given in marriage by her
. iincle,- Joe Hart of Clinton, the
j^^ide was lovely in a ballerina
■Rngth gown of white' nylon net
,/r'over satin, .styled with a fitted
bodice of English lace, , Peter
Pan collar and lily point sleeves.
Her shouldef length veil of
French illusion lace was caught
to a coronet of sequins and pearls
and she carried a white Bible
, crested - with red roses'.
Attending as -matron of honor,
Mrs- Wilmer’ Adkins; of Crom
arty, sister-in-law of the bride
wore a gown of aqua nylon net
over taffeta with headdress of
sequins and carried aqua roses
and white mums. ' As brides-
inaids Mrs. Howard Smale, Hen
sail, sister of the bride, and Miss
Marilyn Miller, Clinton, were
gowned in yellow nylon .net over
taffeta, with matching ., head-*
dresses of sequirts and "‘Carried
.colonial bouquets of yellow roses
and white mums.
Flower girls, Shirley Smale and
Dianne Adkins, neices of the
bride, were frocked in pink ny
lon net over taffeta With match
ing headdresses and carried
nosegays of pink roses and white
mums. " ■ '
Wilmer Adkins was his broth
er’s groomsman and Howard
Smale and Earl Soldan of Hen
sail; of Hensall, ushered.
For the reception for 50 guests !
at the New. Commercial Hotel,
Hensall, the bride’s mother re- ,
ceived wearing a navy and white
ensemble. The groom’s mother :
chose a gown of navy and white, ;
and both wore a corsage of pink .
For travelling in the United <
States the bride .donned a char- ;
coal grey shehth drees Over ,
which was worn a blue tweed ;
coat, pink accessories and a cor- ,
sage' of pink orchids. * <
Mr. and Mrs. Adkins will re- i
side in'Hensall.
Guests were present from Tor
onto, Windsor, Kitchener, Clin*
• ton, Zurich and Exeter.
Mrs. E. McQueen was taken by
ambulance to South Huron Hos
pital, Exeter, on Wednesday in
the interests of her health.
Church Fetes
Pastor, Wife
'Rev. Donald MacDonald and
Mrs. MacDonald < were guests of
honor at a reception by their
congregation iof Carmel Presby
terian church. Mr. and. Mrs.
MacDonald are newlyweds, the
bride recently arriving frpm
Northern Ireland.
A floor lamp and a desk lamp
were presented to the couple.
Mr. Earl Campbell' read the ad
dressed made the presentation.
Glenn. Bell, clerk of the ses
sion, was chairman for a' pro
gram including a quartet- by
Mrs. John Love, James Love,
Mrs. Malcolm Dougall and Jim
Dougall;. piano .solo by, Carol
-Brown; a Scottish"reading by
Mrs. Robert Simpson; duett by
Mrs. W. Brown and Mrs. H. Belt
reading by Mrs. R. Y. McLaren
and a solo' by. Mrs. Brown.
The reception committee were
Mr. and Mrs. S. McQueen and
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Campbell
who presented Mrs. MacDonald
to the congregation.
Guest speakers were Rev. D.
J. Lane of Clinton and Rev. C.
D. Daniel of Hensall.
Over one^hundred and twenty-
five members and friends at
Missionary Group
Discusses Korea
The study of Korea was pre
sented 'by Mrs. C. D. Daniel at
the meeting on Thursday after
noon of the Women’s Missionary
Society of the United Church.
Mrs. Daniel stressed the fact
that the church had a keen in
terest in Korea which has only
8 per cent of a population of
twenty million Christian. The
standard of living is compara
tively low and the need is great
for more clothing and help.
Mrs. Dilling’s group provided
the program, study and devotion
al. Mrs. Daniel took the. Chair in
the absence of Mrs. Dilling who
is ill.
The devotional period was
taken by Mrs. C. Codk, Mrs. W.
R. Stephenson, Mrs. E. Kipfer,
Mrs. H. Pfile and Mrs. A. Row-
cliffe. Miss Motion Pepper fa
vored with a piano, solo.
The president, Mrs. Geo. Arm
strong, conducted the business.
Mrs. E. Geiger gave a reading
on stewardship. Mrs. W. B. Cross,
Mrs, C. Cook and Mrs, R. Peck
were appointed a nominating
committee to bring in a slate of
officers at the next meeting. A
bale of clothing will be packed
in the Church on Thursday, No
vember 15.
• Mr. ancl- Mrs. Tom Kyle,- a
recent bridal couple, have rented
an apartment m Dr. James
Bell’s residence, south of Hen
sall oil No. 4 Highway.
H. Bruce Glenn
Wed In Alliston
Miss Jessie Winnifred Buyers,'
' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Lome Buyers, of Alliston, was
married on Saturday afternoon
at 3 o’clock in Burns United
Church, Alliston, to Harold Bruce
Glenn, of Toronto, son of Mr,
and Mrs. John M. .Glenn, of
Rev. James Shilton officiated
at "the ' ceremony, and wedding
music was played by Miss Janet
McCague, who also accompanied
the soloist, Edwin Devlin, cousin
of the bride, in the singing of the
Lord’s Prayer and I’ll Walk Be
side You.
. Given in marriage by her
father, the bride was wearing a'
gown of white Chantilly-type lace
over- satin, styled with a fitted
bodice and V-neckJine appliqued
with seed pearls and iridescent
sequins. The bouffant skitt was
gathered to a basque waistline.
Her finger-tip veil was held in
place by a small crown, and she
was carrying an arrangement of
white shas.ta ’mums and yellow
Mrs. Keith Thompson, of . To
ronto, was matron of honor, and-
Miss Donna Jean- Buyers, of.
Alliston, sister of the bride, was
bridesmaid. The junior brides
maid was Miss-.Beverley Anne
Buyers, of Alliston, and Miss
Sandra Turnbull', of Angus,
cousin of the bride, was -flower
girl. The attendants were wear
ing waltz-length gowns of rust
velvet, identical in style to the
gown worn by the bride. Their
headdresses were shirred, ban
deaux of the velvet. The matron
of honor and the bridesmaids
carried bouquets of yellow shasta
’’mums. The flower girl carried
a basket of yellow shasta ’mums
and yellow roses.
William J._ Pardy, Toronto, was
groomsman, and .the ushers were
John F. Buyers, 'of Alliston, and
Ross Keys, of Exeter.
The mother of the bride was
in cocoa -beige lace and was
wearing frost White accessories
and a corsage of Talisman .roses.
The groom’s mother, who assist
ed, was in Dior blue embroidered
taffeta and was Wearing a match
ing beaded hat and a cotsag^of
pink roses.
Leaving, on a wedding trip to
Florida, the bride was wearing
an Oxford grey English worsted
suit with tangerine and, black
accessories and a corsage of
Talisman roses. ,
On their return, Mr.- and Mrs.
Glenn Will be making their home
in Toronto'.
Out-of-town guests at the wed
ding were from Port Colborrie,
Hensall, Exeter, Morrisburg,
London, Milton, Elora and
Middleton s Drugs
Sum*MUMlN& special deal .
£ * . t
htKadvises y°u on Your Drug Naecb/
| * Cosmetics, Toiletries ete»
TONI, regular, super and gentle, and PROM .... $2.00
Come to Middleton's for your Veterinary Needs
Officials Widow
Hensall Native
Inspector James P. Campbell,
60, head of the Windsor city
police detective branch Since 1946,
who died on Sunday, was born in
Aidborough Township, Elgin
County. He attended school there
and at Chatham, and joined
Windsor police department in
1929. Within three years, ho was
promoted to acting detective,
Four years later he became
detective ■ sergeant, and in 1946
took over the department. He
has been bn sick leave for the
past few months,
His widow is the former Jessie
Sell, daughter of the late Mt.
and Mrs, Jarnos A. Boll, of Hdri-
sall, who survives with a son,
Neil Campbell, of Cedar Springs.
Funeral services wore hold bn
Wednesday. ■
!rs. Wilbert Dilling is a pa
tient at Seaforth Hospital with a
heart condition.
Mrs. George Dalrymple is a pa
tient at Scott Memorial Hospital,
More Hensell
On Pace 16
NEW Liquid. Miracle for Family Washl
Wisk 49<
Emperor Grapes
Green I
Sunkist Oranges
2 lbs’c
It's a Pullan Product!
S qolL5 LB. BAG
Blade Roasts
tiiiiiiiiiiliiitluiiinniiiiiiKiiiiiitiiiiiiiiii ItiKilIllllIIlllIiiiiiiiuliliiilllitiittiiilHiiii
F ”
Open Fri. & Sat. Evenings
» ft
EAT 3?Beautiful Life-tike
Doll, in attractive
apparel, Vinyl plastic,
with skin-like texture
Variety of hair colours.
, ■ r,
With $5
39c lb
12-OZ. PKG.
Double Bed Size — *4"x72"
’ ■ With $5.00 Purchase
Reg. $10.95 Value