HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-01, Page 19■J OF. FOOD—Al Scholl’s new market in Hensail fea- TO OU£ NEIGHBOR, ALF SCHOLL Al Scholl on the opening, of his Super-Save Market w. o Goodwin Your Tip Top Tailors Store PHONE 16 HENSALL Nine Employees In New Market The friendly and co-operative • staff at Al’s Super Save Market ■ includes three full time and six. part time clerks, all from Hen-t sail. Many of them have been* in the store for more than four.1 years. ; The full time employees are Mrs. Elsie Carlisle, who has been with the Scholl’s for seven years; Miss Carol Richardson, and Keith Volland, who is In the meat department. I Part time clerks include Mrs. Muriel Rumpel, Mrs. Mary Hil- J debrant, Mrs. Marg. Knight, j Mrs, Dorothy Mousseau, Mrs. ’ Donna Corbett and Jim Bayn- ; ham, the delivery boy. ; on the opening of his new store Al's Super-Save Market The TlmeihAcIvgcete, Novttnbar 1, 1956 ww ............................................ .liMHIIHimiimUlillll. 1 OFFERS COMPLETE SELECTION tures a 'full line of groceries/ fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, frozen foods, fresh and cooked meats, baked goods etc. All modern equipment and new display cases put the food within easy reach of self-serve- customers. Four of the staff, shown in front of the dairy counter, are, left to right, Mrs, Dorothy Mousseau; Mrs. Donna Corbett, Carol Richardson and Mrs, Muriel Rumpel. —T-A Photo Get Your FREE • Tumblers at - Al's Market This Weekend On The Opening Of Yavr New Suptr-Sava Market BEATON BAKERY PHONE 35 HENSALL. Letter From Kippen Playtex 17 REG- fl T.M.If* ' •T/ > ////• Baby Pants New Super Save Market First In London District Besides featuring the opening of its completely-remodelled store, Al’s Market in Hensail also celebrates its initiation in­ to the Super Save group of supermarkets this weekend. The Hensail store is the first in the London area and the fourteenth in Western Ontario jo join the Super Save group since I TRY OUR DELICIOUS Tasty-Nu Bakery ZURICH Buy Fresh, Nutricious wholesale branches throughout Ontario. The company also spon­ sors a -group of medium-sized stores under the Red and White banner and their smallest group, called Luck Dollar Food Stores, takes in the smaller merchants. At the present time, National Grocers sponsors more than 500 group stores in Ontario, Al’s Super Save Market -will be serviced by the London branch of National Grocers. Its warehouse is one of the most modern and efficient in Can­ ada. Although backed by National Grocers, all Super Save markets retain independent ownership t in order to bring customers im­ portant advantages of this type of operation. These advantages include: —Intimate knowledge of 'the, customers’ likes and preferences as to quality, brand and variety; ■‘—The freedom of action . . . the ability . . . and the willing­ ness to cater fully to customer likes and preferences; —Store method and operation geared to pleasing district food shoppers. By grouping together, under the Super Save banner, the in­ dependent merchants as sure customers of benefits not dup­ licated by single-store operation friendliness and personal interest in customer satisfaction not even closely imi^ted in cor- poration markets, • ' I it began expanding out of Tor­ onto in May, 1955. ( Stiper Save Markets are a group , of independently owned supermarkets working together as a team to bring food shop­ pers the consistently low prices resulting from ,the economies of mass buying—plus the known ad­ vantages of individual owner­ ship and' operation. .Their motto is “The Finest Foods at the Fairest Prices.” The group started in Toronto several'years ago and met with such success that it has been steadily expanding since. All Super Save Markets must be in the supermarket class, of­ fering a full’ line of groceries, fresh fruits, • and vegetables, dairy products, frozen foods, fresh and cooked >meats, baked goods etc. Volume of business must reach a stipulated stand­ ard in order to share in the mass buying economies. Super Save stores are the largest class of markets spon­ sored by National Grocers Com­ pany limited, which has 31 IT'S A TREAT TO EAT" Al's Market YOU'LL LIKE ITS SPECIAL FLAVOR Hugh Doig Passes Mr. Hugh Doig, 32, died in Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday after being confined to hospital for two weeks. He was born in the Kippen area and was the son of Wm. Doig and. the late Mrs. Doig who pre­ deceased him in June of this year. They lived in 'Kippen district, moved to Staffa and then to R.R., 6 Goderich area. He was a member of Carmel Presbyter­ ian Church, Hensail. ’ Funeral services were con­ ducted Tuesday at Bonthrqn’s funeral chapel by the Rev. D. MacDonald. Burial took place in Staffa cemetery. 1 Mission Meetings A number of Kippen people attended the “Mission to the Nation” meetings which were held in Ontario St: Church, Clin­ ton, last week. , Music was supplied by differ­ ent choirs of the presbytery each night and at each service there was, a period of singing and a devotional period led by differ­ ent ministers of the area. The missioner, Rev. Stanley Searle of Rosedale? United Church, Winnipeg, brought mes­ sages of challenge and inspira­ tion to each meeting. Personal Items- Mrg. Wm. Bell and Mrs. N. McLeod attended a training course for leaders at Clinton on Thursday and Friday. •Mr. arid Mrs. Clarence Hutch­ inson of St. Thomas visited over the weekend with the latter’s brother and .sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Meilis. • . • Mr. and Mrs. Dickert and Merle visited relatives in Clif­ ford on Sunday. A number' from the village and district attended anniver­ sary services at Brucefield United Church on Sunday/ Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson visited bn Thursday With Mr', and Mrs. Ewassick of Stratford. Mrs. Joseph Ducharme t of Dashwood spent Thursday visit­ ing with her mother, Mrs. Jas. McClymont. Miss Margaret Sinclair Of Sea­ forth visited recently with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. aind Mrs. John, Sinclair. - Mr. ahd Mrs. Jim Biggar’ and children of Namaka, Alberta, who have visited the past month with' Mrs. Biggar’s mother, Mrs. Wm. Deitz and other relatives, returned to their home Thurs­ day of this week. Mrs. Lydia Doig who has been a patient in Victoria 'Hospital, London, having broken her hip, was taken by ambulance on Sat­ urday to the home of her son, John, of^ Grand Rapids, Mich. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon­ ard Lovell Sunday were the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al­ len Parker and Mrs. Peter Wil­ cox of Chatham. 1 Mrs. Clarence Priestap of near Mitchell visited Sunday after­ noon with her father, Mr. Rob­ ert Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. David Simpson nf Stratford and Mr. Wm. Cud- more of Seaforth visited -day with'Mr.- and Mrs. S. Cud- more. Mrs. Annie Harrison'and Gladys Harrison of Alice Dinsdale and Miss Ml Whiteman and called on other friends. and Display Cases i chosen by / HENSALLli Dairy Products PHONE 20 . r. Playtex Baby Pants. White, Pink, Blue. In silvery gift packages... 89£ Playtex Transparent Baby Pants. . In silvery gift tubes... 98£ i i ... Miss ______________ Parkhill spent the weekend with Mrs. Hill Food YEARS AHEAD Sun- Goderich I Phone Sherwood 34661 KITCHENER E. L. Mickle And Son Buyoti it Grain, B«»ns, Soybean, — Custom Chapping Daily Goderich Ahlarift ... ... ... More babies wear Playtex than any other baby pants. And once your baby wears them, you’ll be so delighted at the comfort and health-protection they give the baby .., you’ll always insist on Playtex/ Made of creamy, liquid latex Playtex waterproof Baby Pants are amazingly lightweight., . wonderfully strong ... have all-over stretchability for all-over comfort. ,n» don’t cut circulation ... take only ten seconds to wash and pat dry. Middleton's DRUG STORE HENSALL To Al's Super-Save Market We are proud to be associate “n and Mrs; Al Scholl, whose confidence in the future of Hensail and district is reflected in the opening of their new store this week. We are pleased to be able to supply Al’s Market with Packaged Beans and Cartoned Eggs. Try Them. We are Kd with Mr T whose confi< Frigidaire e Refrigeration Self-Serve Meats And Delicatessen You c’ Lai. RM^er”"’n ert$dneer#c| St" p»^hiblis Fresh Refrigerated Perishables In Self-Serve Display Cases Bottling Works Y