HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-01, Page 15* FOR SALE TEAM OF HORSES—Apply Frank 1 Centralia, phone 378-W12 Exeter. lc The Tinw«*A<iw»t«, Novomhrr 1> 1954 strayed EMPLOYMENT WANTED TENDERS WANTED BABY CHICKS FOR SALE of Whalen. STOCK WANTED HELP WANTED WANTED SERVICES YEARLING—From Lot 4. Con 15, Stephen Township, a yearling cattle beast, tip of left ear cut off. Kindly notify William Katz, Credi­top, phone 14-J. 1:8c 1 AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any -size. any age. —G. J, Dow, .phone S3, Exeter. i2tm WOMAN desires typewriting and bookkeeping, to be dope at home. Rhone Crediton 47-r-2, 1* You Don't Need A License To Hunt For Bargains Her DUCKS, alive or dressed. Apply /lordon Ratz, phone iy.l-r-3 Dash- -------——,--------——12 J^KrIGERATOR, 7 cu. ft. Kelvin-. Refrigerator, still under guar- small size Quebec heater; » Size baby crib; men’s brown gabardine topcoat, size 38; girl’s green soat, size IQ to 12. Phone 285*412 Exeter or apply at 325 Al­ gonquin Drive, RCAF Centralia. lc 4 HEIFER CALVES—Onto Lot 15, NE Boundary, Township of Us­ borne, I blue roan, a Hereford^. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Ap­ply Jack Stewart, phone 54-r-7 Kirkton. j* Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen on a Tractor and Mower in exchange fur a 1949 Tractor and Mower. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before the 6th day of November 1956. 1949 mower may be1 seen, by getting in touch with the *Road Superintendent, Lawrence Hill, Crediton.F; W. MORLOCK, CLERK 2o :1:8c WITH YOUR EXE on the Grade A Large markets 6-7 months away when returns to poultrykeeperB are best—order pullets now—or soon. Bray has wide choice laying breeds. And broilers, for regular markets. Order in advance, Altha Hatchery often has chicks on hand, ask us: Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246-W. le wood: equipment for 3 h.p. garden tractor, including buzz saw, snow blower, 4’It. land roller, 28-ineh cut spinner lawn mower and 40- inch scythe mower; hand lawn mower; onion seeder; cabbage slicer; many other miscellaneous items.TERMS: Cash.CLAIRE MELICK, Pcop.GLEN WEBB. ClerkALVIN WAL-PER, Auctioneer25:1c 11 GOOD PIGS, 10 weeks old. Phone- Granton 72-r-7» SOPRANO SAXAPIIONE, low pitch, suitable for band or orches- tra. Apply E, L. pa vis. Exeter, 1:8* CORN PICKER, New Idea, J-row, first class condition, priced right. Apply American Separator Sales, Goderich, Ont., phone Carl 2-821. 1* DURHAM HEIFER, all red, from Stephen Township, with horns, brand on right hip. Phone Dash­wood 163-r-4, lc 2 TABLES, approximately 3x5, suitable for basement use. Apply D. S. Butler, phone 569-J12. ' 1* MANURE LOADING—Apply Kor- man Whiting, Exeter; phone 655-W evenings. __________ life RELIABLE GIRL or woman, to live in, 2 schooL-age schildrcn, $511 monthly, room and board. Apply Box ”S”, Times-Advocatc. lc LOST PAIR OF BIFOCALS, in brown case, Finder please leave at Times- Advocate, ,1c WANTED,TO RENT—Young couple and 2-year-old child require un­furnished 4-roomed suite or small house. Write to LAC Allen, M. B, c/o Mr. S. Carter, Cookstown, Ont, _____ ___________________25:1:8c FOR SALE SET OF SCALES,' in good shape. Exeter Salvage, phone 423._____lc 2 GIRLS’ COATS and leggings, red, fur trim, good condition, size 4 and 6Ki boys’ navy blazer, size 14. May be seen at Brady Cleaners._____1* COAL & WOOD RANGE, small, cream and green enamel. Apply to Mrs. W. H, Thomson. 252 Main Street. _____1* PICKED winter PEARS—.$1.00 a bushel; choice mild honey, 22c lb., your containers. Apply A. Noakes, Hensall. 25:1c 10 SHEEP and 1 ram, Leicesters, all good and in their prime. Dr. James Bell, Hensall.___________25c PORTABLE TYPEWRITER, used, Remington, with case, in new con­ dition. Apply Marilyn Mousseau, Kippen, phone 694-r-5 Hensall.25:1c WASHING MACHINE, with pump, like new, 1 year old, $75; Hostess refrigerator, A-l condition. 6 cu, ft.. $50; 9 cu. ft, refrigerator with full width freezer, A-l condition, $150. Phone 184 Lucan, Mrs. A. Simpson. Box 295, Lucan._____25* Feed Co-Op To Your Livestock. This Winter SEE US FOR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP Phone 287 Beside CNR Station 25:1:8 FEED TURNIPS — 10d a bushel,Apply D. Boersma, R.R. 1 Exeter, phone 36-r-22 Dashwood._______1* CHICKEN HOUSE, 12x18. good roof and siding, hydro. Apply Ro- bert Raeburn. Hensall. lc ROAN BULL, Shorthorn, service­able age. Apply Albert Rader, phone 47-r-17 Dashwood. 1* 2% ACRES TURNIPS—Apply Leo Regler, Mt. Carmel, phone 163-r-13 Dashwood. - . ic PULLETS—Lakeview ArbQi- Acres White Rocks and Leghorn x White Rock pullets. Ready-to-lay at $2,25. The Lakeview Hatchery Ltd. of Exeter, phone 7. _______ lc FEED TURNIPS—Stanley Thomp­son, R.R. 8 Parkhlll, phone 605-r- 13 Parkhill.________'__________lc DINING ROOM SUITE, in good condition, consisting of extension table, chairs, buffet and china cabinet; priced very cheap. D. E. MacKinnon, HensalJ, Ont., phone 116-J.________________ 1» FRAME building. 10’xl6’, cover­ed with rolled brick siding and wired, for electricity; situated at Elimville United Church, Apply to any member of Trustee Board. 1* MAN’S SUIT & TOPCOAT, size 40. good as new. May , be seen at Brady Cleaners,________________1 GREEN WINTER COAT, with Russian squirrel trim, size 16-18. Apply Brady Cleaners.__________lc 8 CALVES, around 550 lbs,, out of purebred' Shorthorn cows; also 2 cows and one yearling bull; 1 black team. E. Sparks, phone Clinton HU 2-9284,______■______________lc ANTIQUE SCALES, 200-lb.; powder and shot horns: iron bam door holders; 1-lnch auger: wooden mal- lots; 2-; 3- and 5-gallon cidei- jugs; door bolts; barn door hinges; anple and pear corer; 6-inch stove pipes and elbows; large iron 'garbage can; brass curtain rods. Apply J. W. Powell. 90 Victoria St. 1* GRAIN DRIER, portable, 200 bu.; 40-ft. grain and bale elevator; 8-ft. heavy .duty John Deere disc; 2- row John Deere stalk shredder; 2- furrow Ford plow. Apply Gaiser Bros., Dashwood. ______ 13tfc '50 METEOR COACH, radio, heater, slip covers,, low mileage, reasonable. Phone 226, Exeter. ______30tfn nc GET YOUR “HOLIDAY'' regularly. Subscribe to ‘Holiday’’ at a wonder­ ful bargain price, of 14 months for $3.79, a saving of $3.21 over the newstand price. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770._____8:23-10:25 LADIES HOME JOURNAL—Save half the single copy price by sub­ scribing- now at the special rate of 23 months for $4.03. We’re agent for al) magazines. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770. 8:23-10:18 ■iSFRIGERATOR. automatic. 9 cu. |Ft!, used 9 months; baby carriage, o years old, in excellent condition. Apply 218 Algonquin Dr., R.C.A.F. Centralia, phone 991-W2. 25tfc Town Topics Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brady, Mr. and Mrs. B. Tuckey, Messrs. Kevin.Delbridge, Dor Welsh and , Jim Chapman, Mrs. Leo Hen- ' nessey and Jim of town and Mrs. A. Horton and Larry of Camp Borden* attended the Hen­ nessey - Benjamin wedding in Chatham on Saturday. Mrs. Rod Ellis accompanied them to Chat­ ham and visited with Mr. and Mrs. David Gordon, former res­ idents of Exeter. Mr. Elgin McKinley, of Varna, and layman, of the United Church was guest speaker at. the morn­ ing service in Main St. Church. .'Mrs.,Bessie Taylor, Nelson St., spent Sunday ih London, the guest'of Mrs. Chester Taylor and Mrs. Alex Reeder. Roger Luxton of Mitchell spent the past week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Luxton. ALF ANDRUS 403 ANDREW ST; PHONE 719 \ Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work — Oil Burners----- FEED TURNIPS — Apply Harold Kerslake. R.R. 3 Exeter. 1» OIL HEATER, complete •with tank and pump. Apply Malcolm Spence, St. Marys, phone 115-r-9 St.' Marys, lc CABBAGE, large heads. Phone 152-W Exeter. l*.i8* COMPLETE SET of modem kit­ chen cupboards, 8 ft. In length; in­cluding sink, taps, arborite ton. drain trap; painted throughout. Apoly William MacLean, phone 659- J Exeter. * 1;S* BALED STRAW, a few tons. Ar>-- ply Times-Advocdte. 1* WHy STIFFER the.agony of Rheu­matic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when RUMACAPS will heln you to welcome relief. Ask your Druggist. NEED GLASS? — We can supply glass for car windows, house win­dows, table tops,-shelves etc. Cut and ground to size. We also do glazing, Fisher’s Hardware, phone 29 Exeter. ' lc 19 PIGS, 8 weeks old, and 2 sows, bred 5- to 7 weeks. Apply Allan Becker. Dashwood. 1* COB CORN. 100 tons: also used forage blower. J. W. Gardiner, phone 21-r-10 • Kirkton. 1* IF YOU HAVE an attractive figure, keep it. If not—get it. Let me show you how smart you will look in a Spencer Foundation designed foi- you alone. Mrs. Pearl Baynham, phone 171-W Hensall. , lc SPACE HEATER, oil. new. still in crate. Original Price $135. Will sac­rifice. Phone 165 Grand Bend. 1* COB CORN, right from picker. Order now. Apnly Douglas Stephen, phone 41-r-4 Kirkton. 1* 2 RAM LAMBS, Cheviot. Apply Milne Pullen, phone 17-r-2 Kirk- tOn. ,' ■ 1*. 700 BALES OF STRAW — R. B. Williams, phone Kirkton 44-T-9. lc One Look Is Worth 1000 Words Following Models In Stock SEE 'UM ,DRIVE'UM PRICE'UM '55 FORD FAIRLAINR SEDAN’ Radio, etc., 13,000 Miles *55 FORD FAIRLAINE SEDAN Radio, etc., 18,000 Miles '54 MERCURY MONTERE5/ SEDAN Radio, Automatic, New Tires, 29,000 hiiles, '54 MONARCH SEDAN Radio, power brakes. '54 FORD CUSTOMLINE SEDAN Chrome Wheel Rlnfcs '54 DESOTO SEDAN Automatic; Radio, etc, '53 PONTIAC SEDAN Two, Tone WPYLMOUTH CLUB COUPE w Mileage \ BUICK SUPER HARDTOP toniatic, Radio, etc. *53 MONARCH SEDAN _ , Automatic, Radio, W-W This ’51 DESOTO SEDAN a Radio, Automatic, W-W Tires '51 Ford coach ,Maroon th cctor Whatever You Want in New Used Makes; ojr Models Let Us Give You a Price Bob Cook MOTOR SALES PHONE 178 HENSALL; ONT. Located Next To C.N.R. Tracks Tires, 29,000 CLUB SEDAN x ’51 FORD COACH Radio, New W-W Miles ‘ ’51 'sTUdebaker COUPE Radio* etc. '51 STUDEBAKER Automatic, Radio ’50 DODfeE COACH See This Ode : '60 FORD COACH Epulpped With Radio ’49 DODGE COACH '49 MEtEbR SEDAN '49 FORD COACH '49 STUDEBAKER SIsDAN Radio' '49 ’47 '47 AUSTIN SEDAN CHEV COACH NASH SEDAN ’49 DODGE 1 TON Buit To Last MOTORCYCLE Harley Davidson, Cheap 3 e SAW LOGS—Woodldt owners will be paid best cash prices direct by mill for good, spund Hard Maple Saw Logs and Standing Timber. T. A. Young, Staffa, Ont., phone Dublin ll-r-3. 11:18:2,5:1c FOR RENT FARM HOUSE—If wanted, with use of barn; reasonable rent; on high­way 4, -near Clandeboy.e, H. Brand. R.R'. 1 Clandeboye,_______ 1* UPPER DUPLEX—All conveniences. Phone 181 Exeter.__________ lc 3-ROOM APARTMENT, furnished and heated; available December 1. Apply 68 Sanders St. or phone 144. • , lc 2 'LARGE APARTMENTS, unfur­nished and nicely decorated; 1 up­ stairs and 1 downstairs: situated op east side of town. Rent very reasonable. Phone 441-W. 1* HOUSE—Apply Roylance Westcott, R.R, 3 Exeter, phone 176-r-14. . 1* DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT, fur­nished or unfurnished. Mrs. Harold Beaver, phone 602-’W,__________lc BED-SITTING ROOM, large, 2- ^iece bath and pantry, heated and Utilities paid, private entrance, available now. Apply Mrs. Whitney Coates, R.R. 1 Centralia, phone 39- r-3 Kirkton. 1* 3- ROOM APARTMENT, upstairs.No. 4 Highway, 1% miles south of Exeter; electric range, refrigei-ator, separate 3-piece., bath, private ent­rance. partly or all furnished, all Utilities supplied, Apply Exeter 37,8-Wl.______________'_________1* APARTMENT—Available November 15. Apply 16 John St., phone 202, Godbolt Apartments.______’____1* APARTMENT. 2- or 3-.roomed. Ap- ply to the Times-Advocate. lc 4- ROOM APARTMENT, private 3- piece bath; oil heated; unfurnish­ ed; quick possession; $35 per month. C. V, Pickard, Realtor. '_________________________18tfc APARTMENT, ground floor, fur­nished, heated, hot a’nd cold water, built-in cupboards, use of laundry for washing, private entrance. Blatchford Apartments. ______25* 4-R00M APARTMENT, heat.ed, hot and cold water, private entrance. Apply Penhale Apartments, 70 John .St, E.. phone 294-R.______ lltfc IN HENSALL, 4-room apartment, heated, downstairs, 2-piece bath, private entrance, garage optional. Available November 1. Apply "to Mrs. J. Smiilie, Hensall, phone 122- L________’ _____________ 2 APARTMENTS—Apply Tasty^Nu Bakery, phone 100, Zurich. 9tfc APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, toilet, hot and cold, water, on Shinka highway. Phone 6-J Crediton. 16tfc Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers. Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE. EXETER SEWING MACHINES — Electric portables, by the week. Hopper- Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Ex­eter._______ • 8tfc APARTMENT; furnished, self- contained, hdt ,,and cold water on tap, private bath with * shower; private entrance, newly decorated, heavy duty wiring,, built-in cup­ boards; available now. Phone 400-W evenings.___________________30 tfc ELLIOT APARTMENTS The 12-suite steam-heated apart­ ment building in the centre of town has self-contained 1-bedroom apartments with private bathrooms, plenty of closet space, stove, re­ frigerator, (some fully furnished): janitor Service; plenty of hot water and parking space for cars; very reasonable rates. 'One Vacancy now. SANDY ELLIOTPhone 476 or 787-J Exeter •8:9tfc ................... i „ NOTICES CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ List of 1956 Municipality of the Township of Usborne, County of Huron . Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters’ List Act and that I have posted up at my office in the Township of Usborne on the 25th day of October, 1956, the list of all persons entitled to Vote in the skid municipality at municipal elections, and that such list ’ re­mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to- take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor­ rected according to' law, the last day of the appeal being the 10th day of November. 1956.Dated the 25tli day of October, 1956.H. H. G. STRANG. Clerk, R.R. 1, Hensall .____________ ___________ lc TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE COURT OF REVISION Court of Revision on the 1966 Voters’. List will be held in Town­ship Hall, Elimville, on Monday, November 5, at 3:00 p;m. H. H. G. STRANG, Clerk _______ _______ ______________?lc VOTERS’ LIST 1956 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Notice Is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 Of the Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up at my office in Crediton, Ontario, on the 15th' day of Sep­tember,* 1956, the list of all per­sons entitled to vote in the said Municipal Elections, and that such list remain there for inspection.And I hereby call upon all Voters to take immediate steps to have any errors or, omissions correct-* dd acCdrdlng to law, the last day for appeal Being the 7th day of November. 1956.Dated, at Crediton, this 22nd day of October, 1956. F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk-Treasurer .................. ,,25:1:8 (Section 12)Of,ERIC’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ Lists, 1966 Municipality of Town of Exeter, County of Huron . Notice Is hereby given that I have compiled with section 9 of have posted up at my office at 394 Main Street, Exeter, on the 29th day of October, persons entitled Municipality at and. tha-t such for Inspection. And I hereby __ ___ _____to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor­rected according to ’ law, the last day for appeal being the 12th day Pt November, 1958.Da,ted this 29th day of October, .16B6r.-,.... ■............... .... -----, on the 29th 1956. the list of alt to vote in the said municipal elections list remains there tall upon all voters HANDLE YOUR CORN THE MODERN WAY This year's corn crop is top soft to crib. Let us arrange to pick, shell and dry your corn ready to put in your own bin or market. Rhone Edgar Cudmore, 171-r-14 Exeter. • 18:25;l:8c fJaVE YOUR SAWS sharpened and set today, the Foley automatic way. Stew’s Sharpening Service, 105 Sanders St. E.. Exeter, phone 454. 7c WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION ’’Where Better Bulls Are Used” For artificial insemination infor­ mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo’ Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. We have all breeds available —top quality at low cost 4:26tfc PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET'WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKERPhone 553 Exeter4c WHITEWASHING & CLEANING— Arrangements can be made. Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-r-19. 7;12-ll:15o ' REAL ESTATE HOUSE—Main St,, Hensall, frame, 6 bedrooms, 3 closets, large living room, kitchen with 'built-in cup­boards, town water, *2-piece bath, garage; 2 lots plus 10 feet. Mrs. Allan Townsend, Hensall, phone 141-J, 1:8c COUNTRY BRICK HOME Ideal surroundings, all modern conveniences, acreage of land to suit purchaser, short distance from Bayfield and Lake Huron. Reason­ably priced. AU enquiries to Ralph Cornish,. R.R, 3 Bayfield, Ont.This advertisement published free by . ALLIED FARM SERVICES, 243% Dundas, St., London, Ont. lc 100-ACRE FARM, Con 12, McGilli­ vray Township, excellent tillable clay loam; large barn; good brick house with hydro and bath; reason­able to -settle estate. Contact Mrs. Peter Doyle, R.R. 3 Dashwood. 25:1c NEW. MODERN HOUSE nearing completion, 2 bedrooms, oil fur­nace. Reasonably .priced. Apply A. Whll&mith, phone 270-J. lltfc Guaranty Trust REALTOR ■ , HENSALL Main street location. — solid brick home, hot water oil, heat, modern ’ " ’ ~ " ”’ finerkitchen. One of Hensali’s Homes. Terms available. ☆ ☆☆ HENSALL Solid 'brick, two bedroom modern kitchen and new 1 Available with terms. ☆ ☆☆ HENSALL Solid brick home! attached4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, ______ kitchen, hot water heating, nicely decorated throughout, spacious grounds with additional lots, most suitable for a duplex; well worth investigating. , Guaranty Trust • REALTOR ’ R. B. Paterson — Phone 51 Hensall . L i home, furnace. garage, modern 19tfc NEW, MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace: east side of Exeter; close to schools. R. E, Balkwill, 47 John St tfc HOMES C. V. Pickard Exeter BRICK COTTAGE; 3 bedrooms, living and dining room; best loca­tion: nicely treed lot. This home is in good condition . and is oil heated. Price $5,500.00. Terms may be arranged.MODERN BRICK HOME, beauti­fully finished living rtiom and din­ing room.- Kitchen is roomy and nicely arranged; 3 bedrooms; oil­burning furnace; water softener, etc.; ideal location; garage; reason­able price with liberal terms. FAMILY SIZE, 3-bedroom frame, nice sunporch, good roof; 3-piece bath arid oil-burning furnace; good ■lot with small barn; centre of town_ Full price $4,200.00. 3-BEDROOM BRICK, close to schools. This is a tidy home in good repair with all conveniences. Nice lot with garage. Terms, . $6,000.00—Full price for well-located 3-bedroom home. Modern kitchen and bathroom. Nearly new heating equipment. Owner will accept very small dbwn payment with moderate monthly payments. Immediate Pos­session.$2,000.00 or even less will give you possession of a comfortable’ home )vlth nice kitchen and bathroom. Oil heated. Garage. ' Balance like fent. <1 ACRE OF LAND with good brick house and small barn; edge of Exeter; house has good kitchen, 3-piece bath and heavy wiring. Quick .possession. • Reasonable price and- terms.CreditOrt BRICK HOUSE, centre of village; modern kitchen, bath up and down, good basement with furnace. This property is in good condition. Moderate price. . 4If you wish to buy or sell proper­ty of any description see C> V. Pickard, Realtor-, 394 Main St., Exeter, Phones 165 and 628,IStfc 5-ROOKf HOUSE, in Cehtralia, covered with asbestos shingles; nice garden lot. Will sell reason­able. immediate possession. Apply Mrs. Alvin Essery, R.R. 1 Cen­tralia. IStfc 2-FAMILY HOUSE, lnsul-brlc, 2 bathrooms, oil furnace. Price $6,000; $1,500 down, balance by month for 10 years if desired.ELIMVILLE HOUSE, barn and 5 acres.BRICK? water garage, BRICK furnace, or one, __ ____ _in Exeter.BRTCK HOUSE, bath, oil furnace, FRAME HOUSE, room, kitchen, 3 room, one floor.BRICK COTTAGE, dining room, kitchen, - , insulated, storm windows, nace, £ AJLl’l0 garage, Wafit jfc chdap lor Wk "liotise H Easy r-*.V K.V.AkJ. -Utawe can show you farms of 50A ,AKnAiWatt Ah ftMTi A i-ot ma*.li.—C-Iailm... HOUSE, furnace.- bath, pressure system, attached in crediton. ... HOUSE, centre x hall, Oil fireplace, suit 2 families Separate bathrooms, garage,. 3 bedrooms,. full large garage, basement, living bedrooms, bath- llVing room, 3 ubedrooms, oil fur- ___ _ „ ____ _ o...... centrally situated. Quick possession. Do_you payments. * WOMAN to do housework, Phone 128 Exeter or 109 Hensall. _____lc LARGE Northern- Ontario Gold Mine requires men to be trained for underground mining- No pre­vious experience necessary. If you are 20 - 40 years old and willing to work, this is your opportunity to Jearn a skilled trade and earn good wages while doing so. Apply by letter to: Employment Office, Kerr-Addison Gold Mines Ltd., Virginiatown, Ontario. 25:1:8:15c. Young Man To Learn Linotype Operation High School Student For Saturday mornings and several after-hours. 1 These are excellent opportunities to learn, a valuable, trade. EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Phone 770 i Mechanic ii AND A Salesman Good Jobs for the Rigtit Fellows REG ARMSTRONG MOTORS Phone 216 Exeter UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Have excellent, openings for men resident in Stephen, Usborne, Hay, Stanley, Tuckersmith, McKillop townships of Huron County, must be well-known and highly regarded With sales experience. Must have some agricultural background. Car necessary.’ On this job you can be home nights. Prefer man who is semi-retired or one who could de­vote full-time. Repeat business makes this position fa life time occupation. Excellent Opportunity for advancement in company for those who are aggressive. Apply in. confidence to: Mr. E. McLach­lan, Vice President, Na-ChUrs Plant Food Co. Limited, London, Ontario. 25: AUCTION SALE Consisting of 55 Beef and Dairy Cattle and Poultry On the Premises Lot W>A 28. Con. Ix>t 10, HAY TOWNSHIP.Ha Miles North of Zurich, Goshen I->ineThe undersigned auctioneer is ... structed to sell by Public Auction on ' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1956 at 1:00 p.m. BEEF CATTLE: 3 Hereford epws with calves at foot; 2 Durham cows with calves at foot; Angus cow with calf at foot: 3 Roan cows with calves at foot; White Durham cow with calf at foot: Red Durham cow with calf at foot: Dark Red Durham cow with calf at foot; part Hereford and Durham cow with calf at foot; 2 part Durham and Hereford cows with calves at foot; Biack Angus cow, milking, due in Jan,; 5 Hereford heifers. rising1 2 yr. old; 2 part Hereford and Angus heifers, rising 2 yrs. old; 2 part Hereford and Angus steers, rising 2 yrs, old: 5 part Hereford and Durham summer calves; registered Hereford bull, rising 3 yrs. old, sire bv Elite Monarch I.P., dam Real Emblem. These cattle are best of quality and in market condition,DAIRY CATTLE: Holstein cow, carrying second calf, due in Feb.; Holstein cow, carrying third calf, due in Jan.; Durham and Jersey cow, milking, due in March; brindle cow, milking, due in Mai'ch: Holstein cow, milking, with calf at foot; 2 Holstein heifers, rising 2 yrs. old; 2 Holstein yearling steers.POULTRY: 20 Muscovy ducks, averaging 8 lbs. each: 20 New Hamp and Sussex cockerels, aver­ aging 7 lbs. each,TERMS: Cash.OSCAR DUCHARME & SONS, ProprietorsR. F. STA.DE & SON. Clerks ‘ ALVIN WALPER. Auctioneer DISPERSAL SALE High Quality Shorthorns the Premises, Lot 6. Con. 11, HAY TOWNSHIP Miles East of Dashwood and Miles North or 4 Miles South .. of Zurich.The undersigned auctioneer is in­structed to sell by Public Auction on WEDNESDAY. NOV. 14, 1956 1:30 p.m. Sharp 2 white cows with calves at foot: 4 roan cows with, calves at foot; 3 roan cows, due time of sale: 2 red cows, due sale date; 9 red cows with calves at foot: 2 red heifers, rising 2 yrs. old; 6 roan and red yearling heifers; all young cattle vaccinated; 6 baby beefs averaging 600 lbs, each; roan yearling bull; purebred red bull, rising 3 yrs. old. This is dn extra high’quality herd of Shorthorns, a real oppor­tunity to improve your own herd. Plan to attend.No reserve as owner is giving up farming. JOS. SCHWARTENTRUBER, Prop. R. F. STADE & SON, ’ClerksALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 1:8c Of On Vi 1% ln- Icelved instructions to sell by Rub* lie Auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1956 at i:oo p.m. sharp Complete dining room suite; bur­ eau; table and chairs; daybed, Morris chair; occasional chairs; various centre tables; floor lamps; table lumps; 2 magazine racks; writing desk: chrome kitchen table with 5 chairs: 2 rocking chairs; oak Kitchen table and chairs: bur­eau; wardrobe; .kitchen cubboard; oak kitchen cupboard; National hydro rangette:’ Edison phonograph and records; Connor electric wash­ing machine, like new; 2 galv. tubs: drop leaf table: electric, iron and toaster: 2-burner hot plate; circu­lating coal and wood heater; Dutch hydro oven; electric smoker: elec­tric table model radio; ironing board; porch swing; 2 oak beds, complete with springs and matt­ress; dressers; commodes; Singer sewing machine; curtains; picture; quantity of bedding, comforters, quilts; large assortment of dishes, kitchen utensils, sealers; quantity of wood and lumber; step ladder; wire stretcher; lamps and lanterns; three 15x70 tires: two 20-lnch tires; jute and grain bags; hoes; shovels; cider barrel; lawn mower: bicycle chains; forks. Many articles " ‘ numerous to mention.This is an extra large sale and will start sharp on time.TERMS: Cash.CLINTON BROWN, Prop. GARNET HICKS. Clerk ALVIN WALPER. Auctioneer tOQ On 2^ Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Auto Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items USBORNE TOWNSHIP, the Premises, Ix>t D. Con. 7. Miles South of Elimville or 111 Milos West and 1% Miles ■pf Whalen.The undersigned auctioneer .is in­structed to soil by Public AueUon TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 1* at 1:OQ p.m. Sharp .,. CATTLE: Durham cow, mL'Iikbs*’. with calf at foot; Jersey opw, ipg, with calf at foot; Holstein cow, due. in Dee.; 3 Holstain hMf* era, bred 5 months; 3 yearling Hol­ stein heifers; 3, Polled Angus steers J 7 Durham steers: 8 Hereford steers. SHEEP: 4 Southdown ewes; *1 ram.AUTO *& MISC*. ITEMS: ’48 Feri •Coach, in good condition; Me* Deering mower, 5-ft. cut; Fleury walking plow; buggy; putter; quan­tity of new roofing; 3 large ga* drums: fanning mill; single shuff­ler: carpenter tools; complete blacksmith equipment, blower, an­vil, etc., long ladder. Many article! too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 3-Plec*. chesterfield suite, like'new; .day­bed; dining room table and chairs’ bureau; various kitchen table and chairs: sideboard; kitchen .cabinet; E—Ity -L.trlC washing machine: heavy duty rang- ette; electric radio; Ravmond sew­ing machine; antique bureau; odd chairs: centre tables; organ: pic­ture and picture frames: kitchen stove; cellar table: 2 steel bed­steads complete with spring? and. mattress; dressers: coinmodes; toi­let set; quantity pf bedding, com­forters and quilts, dishes, silver-- ware, kitchen utensils; galvanized tubs: sealers; etc., etc. ’TERMS: Cash.No reserve — everything will b* sold, JOE WHELTHAN and HERB ANDERSON, Executors for the Estate of th* late Daniel HicksGARNET HICKS. ClerkALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 1:88 like * newf„ *day« rocking-chairs; Beatty efertric <1 NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of . Louisa Fanny Smale/ late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the late Louisa Fanny Smale, who died dn or about the 5th day of October, A.D. 1956, are hereby “hotlfjed to send, them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 10th day of November, 1956.After the last-named . date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the persons en­titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice.Dated at Exeter, Ontario, this 22nd day of October, 1956. W. G. Cochrane, Solicitor for the Executor. __________________________25:1:8 In the Estate of Donald RosS deceased. All persons having claims against the state of Donald Ross, late of the Village of Hensall, • in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 31st day of July 1956, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 3rd day of Novem­ber 1956, after which date the estate will zbe distributed having r.egard only to ' those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter - Ontario 18:25:6 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Milking Cows and Feeder Cattle At Lot 14, Concession 2, STANLEY TOWNSHIP 1% Miles West Of BrUcefield, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1:00 P.M. 30 head of. Holstein cows and heifers, some fresh, others due time of sale and in December; sortie Durham and Hereford cows; 15 head of open Holstein heifers, some registered, all vaccinated; 15 head of Stocker heifers and steers; also A few young calves; pigs, 20 York chunks. Plan to attend this sale as there is a good offering of livestock. Sale will be held under cover. •TERMS: Cash.D.ARCY RATH WELL. Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer . • - lc a■3 Graham Arthur FOR A GOOD CAR DEAL ’54 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION- SEDAN, two tone ’54 PONTIAC COUPE ’54 CHEVROLET COACH ’53 STUDEBAKER COACH, new 'tires and ring job ’51 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER “STARLITE” COUPE, automatic transmission ’50 FORD ONE TON TRUCK ’50 CHEVROLET 3 TON TRUCK * PLUS Several other fine choices of ’49-’51 cars on • our lot to choose, from. SEE US TODAY! a a X 3 i a 5 I 3 Clearing AUCTION SALE. Of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises. Main St. East,VILLAGE OF CREDITON The, undersigned auctioneer re- Graham Arthur MOTORS LTD. Phone 216 SHOPPING Now Is The Time To Slacken Up! All-Wool Topcoats $34.95Beautiful Cashmere Nylon Work Sox 790100% Nylon 1 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Item; Ort the Premises.South of Main Intersection, village of .dashwood The undersigned auctioneer is in­structed to sell by public auction Oft .SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, > At 1:00 p.m. Clam Jewel kitchen tango, new: COieman oh heater; 3 chesterfield suite, kitchen . anti chairs; leather rocker furniture; ” various ’centre "tabies: flower stands; medicine , cabinet: complete dinner set; assortment ol odd dishes, silverware, kitchen utensils: Thor electric washing machine; Duo-Therm oil heater; 100-gai. oil tank, linoleum rugs, 9X9, 9X12' and 7X12: COngolCum rug, 9x16; buffalo robe, new storm window, 44x68: 2 full sized wooden beds, complete with springs and mattress: % bed with springs; steel bed, springs and .mattress; dressers; commode: coal scuttle; . Suede Jackets SPECIAL, Reg.'$21.95 .... for $18.95 1956 like ■piece table studio couch; dining room stands; Boys' Jackets New Colors $7.95 and $4.95 dishes,” 1 Thor ___Duo-Therm oil u tahk, 250 Pairs Smart Suburbans As low as $18.95All New Smart, Warm . s $13.95 Values For $12.00 $7.95 Values For $6.49 $10.95 Values For $9.00 Flanelette Shirts Warm for Winter .. 3 Exeter i SPREE SLACKS I " All the Latest Shades Cuffed Without Charge Leather Jackets ONLY 79£ RED PLAID ALL-WOOL JACK SHIRTS $&9$ BARGAINS ON DRESS SHIRT5, SPORT SHIRTS A PLAID SHIRTS LLOYD FORD'S Jrtr sa a tai aka*. IA-.