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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-10-04, Page 16
11 Th© TimarAcIvocat©, October 4, 1956 Lucan And District News Anglican Ladies Plan Activities The Ladies’ Guild of Holy Trinity Church met in the Par ish Hall last Monday evening with the president, Mrs. Harvey Hodgins in charge, Mrs. Erwin Scott at the piano and Mrs. Guy Ryan’s group as hostesses. Miss Lina Abbott read the scripture les§on. Rev. J. P. Prest spoke briefly and asked for the assist ance of the Guild in the pur chasing of a projector. A letter from Mrs. Murray Hodgins thanked the Guild for catering for the vacation school. The evening’ was spent in plan ning and forming of committees for the following three big events--the bazaai* and tea in the church basement Friday, September 28, the silver wed ding anniversary dinner October 6 for Mr. and Mrs: William West- ney (nee “Tiff” Martin) and' the wedding dinner in the Com munity Centre October 27 fol lowing the Atwell-Ashworth wed ding. United Church Baptizes Three At the communion service the Lucan United Church last Sunday, 18 new members were received. The pastor, Rev. E. J. Roulston, baptized three child ren, Joan Kathleen Lockyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lockyer and Peter Charles Roulston and Philip Edgar Rouls ton, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Roulston of Kitchener. Following the service a family get-to-gether was held at the parsonage. Attending were Mr. and Mrs: J. H. Thompson and son Robert and daughter Mary Jane of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Young of Lambeth, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rappieport of London, Mr. Mervin Hord of Ilderton, Mrs. William Long of London and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Young of Denfield. J5th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy entertained over 40 relatives last •Wednesday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. R. Love of Shipka who were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Love were presented with a purse of money. Mission Society Studies Asians The W.M.S. of the Lucan Un ited Church met in the church parlors last Thursday afternoon with the vice president, Mrs. Alex Young in the chair and Mrs. E. R. Pitt’s group in, charge ©f program and refreshments. An invitation to visit Ailsa Craig October 11, was read. Mrs. Clarence Lewis took the Study Book “East of Burma.” Mrs. Wm. Aylestock read the scripture and Mrs. Myron Cul- bert led in prayer. Mrs., Pitt and Mrs. N. Wasnidge read poems and Mrs. Ed. Butler companied her own solo on accordian. Show Features Booster Night Lucan Business Men are stag ing their annual Booster Night at the Community Memorial Centre, Friday, October 5 at 8.30 p.m. Captain Norman Raw- son- and the Vince Mumford’s Variety Show will be special features. A $100 draw and a $25 lucky number draw will be ad ded attractions. The lady coming the farthest will receive a bou quet of Dale’s roses. • W. I. Tour On Thursday, September 20, twenty-nine W. I. members and friends went on a tour visiting the Sovereign Potteries, Rankin’s China Shop, Bell’s Home, Mo hawk church and the Rock Gar dens. Breaks Collar-bone Jim Thompson, 19-year-old son ©f Mr. and Mrs. James Thomp son, an employee of the Lucan Hydro, had the misfortune to break his collar-bone/last Sat urday. He was working in a tree when his foot slipped throw ing him against a branch. He will be off work for a couple of weeks. Personal Items Mrs. Warner McRoberts spent last Sunday in Cromarty the guest of her sister Mrs. Mac Laihond and family. Lucan Public School pupils had a holiday last Friday while the teachers attended the- con vention. in ac- her Now Is The LET US WINTERIZE YOUR CAR TODAY Snell Bros. Ltd. Phone 100 Exeter Superview Binoculars 7x50 Fully Coated Lenses Fine Leather Case only $39,00 Canada'* most popular Binocular, fnjey a pair far Hunting# Sport*# ate. A. G. Hess Watchmaker and Jeweller H&S Installs i New Officers Pinch-hitting • for Mrs. C. L. Cush’ng, Mrs. Stanley Knight of London, a former H and S Council president and former district chairman, installed the following officers at the open ing meeting of the Lucan H and S Association in the school audi torium last Tuesday night: pres ident, Mrs. Sheridan Revington; 1st vice, Mrs. Clarence Haskett; 2nd vice, Mrs, Calvin Haskett; secretary, Mrs. Don Revington; recording secretary, Mrs. J. P.| I Prest; treasurer, Mrs. Cliff Cui- (bert; executive, Mrs. Ralph I Smith, Mrs. George Thomson, (Mrs. Clarence Young, Mrs. Ro-| bert Kehl and Mrs. Ivan Hearn. > The registration of 25 old. members and nine new ones, as j well as a welcome to the staff 1 1 and chairman of the board were» held in the hall prior to the meeting, which was presided over by the new president, Mrs. Sher idan Revington. Lunch conveners named were: October, Mr. J. W. Smith; Nov ember, Mrs. C. H. George; Dec ember, Mrs. Murray Hodgins; January, Mrs. J. B. Ready; Feb ruary, Mrs. Bert Thompson; March, Mrs. Cecil Lewis; April, Mrs. Harold Ribson; and May, Mrs. Jas. Freeman. A bake sale was planned for October with Mrs. Bert Thompson, Mrs. P. Grudge, Mrs. E. Butler and Mrs. J. P. Ready as hostesses. Mrs. Knight congratulated the branch on its splendid attendance of nearly 50 and urged as many as possible to attend the Region al Conference at Knox Church, Woodstock, October 30. She com-j plimented the president on the way in which the meeting was conducted. The program consisted ofI short adresses by Harold Whyte, chairman of the school board, Wesley Clow, principal of the school, B. H. Elliott grade 5 and 6 teacher, Harold Ribson, arena manager and recreational director and solos by two small girls, Marsha and Jo-Ann Rib son. Arena Activities By HAROLD RIBSON Arena activities this week, have held the same tempo in the paint and repair department, along with general preparations for the “Gala Booster Nite,” this coming Friday. This pro cedure provides us with a break for touring the town, recrea tion-wise. The Boy’s Club held their _ ond meeting Monday night and things are humming. Plans are being made for an active __ son beginning with a dance on Saturday, October 13. The first project of the Drama Group is to supply the enter tainment for the Annual Child ren’s Halloween Party, with a novel approach toward enter tainment. Following the child ren’s party, they are having a Costume Ball. They also plan to go into rehearsals for a 3- act comedy. Senior rehearsals for a Color ed Musical Review, to be pre sented by the- end of November, start Tuesday evening. Friday, being a school holi day, yours truly worked out a number of children from the Public School, in preparation for a coming Field Day, weather permitting. The potential of ath letic ability, was surprisingly good. Speaking of surprises, don’t be too surprised if the “Lucan Irish.Six” come up with a ter rific hockey team this year. We noted Jack Ready their man ager has that “Cat that ate the Canary” look. Lily Belle Says! x “Have ya wondered what shen anigans Keeps folks all’ on the go? Why. just ask the Lucan Rooster And he’ll say the Booster show. Sure he’s mighty proud and willin’ To be crowin’ loud and bright For he’s pleased to be announc- . in’ There’s a Gala Booster Nite.” 1 Wins Two Scholarships I Paul Joseph, son of a former Lucanite, Marion Chown, and the late Samuel Joseph of St. Thom as recently won the $400 Atkin son Foundation award and a $500 Dominion-Provincial bur sary, at the St. Thomas Colleg iate Institute. He is enrolling for an engineering course in the School, of Practical Science at the University of Toronto. Mrs. Georgs Crouse Mrs. George Crouse, the form er Margaret Shipley of Blan- shard township, died in Oshawa. Her first husband, Jack Wad dell, died a number of years ago and her second husband, George Crouse, in 1948. Inter ment Was in Oshawa. She is sur vived by one son, Earl Waddell of Whitby and two sisters, Mrs. Fred Armitage and Mrs. Jack Knowles both of Lucan. , Personal Items Miss Marilyn Brownlee has ac cepted a position in the Synod office, London, as secretary for Canon C. J. Queen. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot, Gould of Detroit spent a few days last Week with Mf. and Mrs. W. T. Amos. Mrs. Irving Gibson and grand son Ronnie Woodward, spent | last Thursday and Friday in | Kippon the guests of Mr, and Mfs. Wilmer Jones. Mrs. Josephine Grigg of Lon don spent last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Leo. Mr. and Mrs, Edward E. Hod gins of Chicago have “home after spending a with Mr, and Mrs. T. gins. Mrs. Hugh Kennedy Craig was a guest of sec- sea- returned few days A, Hod* of Ailsa __ _ ____ _____Mts. Jo& Murray for M few days last week I Hardy Pigeons Capture Race Mr. Frank Hardy, one of the original members of the Forest City Pigeon Club and one of the founders of the Canadian Pigeon Union, has been racing pigeons for over 35 years. In the recent 300-mile race from Perth to Lon don he was not only the winner but he and his sons had several other winning entries as shown below. y.p.m. y.p.m. y.p.m. I y.p.m. y.p.m. (1) Frank Hardy (2) Clarence Hardy (3) Frank Hardy (4) Jack Hardy (5) Jack Hardy (6) Frank Hardy Clarence Hardy 959.3 y.p.m. Norman Hardy 787 y.p.m. Former Rector Performs Rites A quiet wedding was solemn ized in the Anglican Rectory at Dorchester at 8 p.m. Saturday, September 22 when the Rev. L. C. Harrison, a former rector of Holy Trinity church Lucan and St. James church Clandeboye,. united in marriage Alice Hag-! gar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I Charles Haggar of Lucan and Albert Gilmour, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gilmour of Clande boye. Their only attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott (nee Edith Haggar.) After a honeymoon to the 1009.1 1001.1 1000.0 992.3 southern States, the young couple ; largel’ will make their home in Lucan, I • Diocesan Guild Meeting | Mrs, Cecil Lewis, Mrs. M. O. I Smith, Mrs. Allan Scott, Mrs. j Clarence Haskett and Mrs. RoyIClarence Haskett and Mrs. Roy Stanley attended the Diocesan Chancel Guild meeting and din ner at St. George Church, God erich last Wednesday. The meet ing began with Holy Communion followed by a demonstration of the setting of a communion table by the Rev. J. F. Wagland, a former Lucan rector, and a demonstration of altar flower ar rangement. The rector, Dr. Tay lor, displayed the church mu rals. Anglican Church Scene Of Vows Baskets of colored gladiloi and ivy formed the setting in Holy Trinity church, Lucan at 2.30 p.m. Saturday, September 29, for the double-ring ceremony, when Dallas Elleretta Hodgins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Hodgins, Lucan, exchanged mar riage vows with Robert George Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Robinson of Ailsa Craig. The rector, the Rev. J. P. Brest officiated, and the former or ganist, Mrs. C, W. Hawkhsaw, provided traditional wedding music and accompanied the solo ist, Miss Gladys McRann, of London. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was clad in a floor-length white nylon silk chiffon gown, styled with shirred bodice and bouffant skirt. A coronet headdress of lace and pearl shells held an elbow-length veil of fine White rayon net. She carried a white Bible adorned with red roses and streamers. A necklace and ear-rings of white rhinestones, a gift of the groom, completed her ensemble. The bride’s only attendant was her sister, Miss Helen E. Hod gins, who wore a waltz-length pink silk embroidered nylon gown and carried a cascade of red roses and carnations. The groom was attended by Don Robinson of Ailsa .Craig and ushers were Lawrence Hod gins of Denfield and Glayton Jacques of London, At a reception held at the home of the bride’s parents, her moth er received in ah Alice-blue crepe with black accessories and corsage of red roses and carnations. She was assisted by the groom’s mother who chose a navy blue crepe with red acces sories and a red rose corsage. Assistants at the reception were Mrs. Wilma Avery and Mrs. Agnes Ashwell, For a wedding trip to the States the bride changed to a blue nylon wool suit with navy accessories and corsage of red roses. On their return they will make their home in London. Teacher Injures Hand Mr. Maurice Pearce, 62-year- old teacher at Medway High School at Arva, was admitted tp St. Joseph’s Hospital last Monday after his left hand was badly cut by a power saw he was using at his home. New Druggist Mr. Jack Radcliffe of London, formerly of Granton, look over the Lucan Drug Store, made va cant by the death of Mr. H. S. Stanley. He. is a 1930 graduate of the Toronto College of Pharm acy and has many friends in the Lucan and Granton district. He has lived in London for the past 5 years. Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary of Lu can United Church met in the church parlors last Thursday evening with the president Mrs. George Paul in charge and Mrs. Howard Kew’s group in charge of program and refreshments. Mrs, Kew was assisted by Mrs. Erie Young in the worship ser vice. The tying of three quilts for Korea, replaced the Study Book. 94th Birthday * Mr. Will Downing celebrated; his 94th birthday last Friday. He still enjoys good health. Alice St. residents could* set their clocks by his going for his mail each w morning. He and Mrs. ‘ ' attending Sunday. Downing seldom miss the United church on Hotel Changes Hand Mr. John Casimer the Lucan Hotel to Murphy of Kitchener Report On Saintsbury By .‘ARS. H. DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. James Barker entertained on September 25 in honor of the former’s mother, Mrs. Lome Parker, who was celebrating her birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lome Bark er, Lucan, Mrs. J. Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. II. Harvey and family, all of London. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mc Donald, Howard 'of Exeter and Joyce- of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels of Springfield spent the weekend at Orillia and Coldwater. Mrs. Fred Davis spent Sun day at the. home of Mrs. W. J. Dickens, Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keogh, London. Mr. Garfield Latta, London," spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta. Comments About Kirkton By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS II E s s 52 3 3 :: 2 s s S S s I is i LUCAN Booster Nite Friday, October 5 • 8:30 COMMUNITY MEMORIAL CENTRE 3 Featuring Canada's Outstanding Orator and Humorist THE REV, CAPTAIN NORMAN RAWSON . of Montreal also THE GREAT VINCE MOUNTFORD and 5 BIG ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE, TORONTO Sava the Handbills <•— Cash Prixa for Lucky Draw PEDDLER'S STEEL AND ALUMINUM ROOFING ON HAND Experienced men to put your roof on. £ TURNING SOD FOR NUCLEAR STATION—Premier Leslie Frost, at left, of Ontario, and Trade Minister Hon. C. D. Howe are seen turning the sod for the first atomic power station to be built in Canada during 65-minute ceremony attended by some 500 guests at Des Joachims, Ont. The new 30,000 horsepower experimental station, to be com pleted in 1959 at a cost estimated to be close to $17,000,- 000, will provide Canadian scientists and engineers with the knowledge they must have to design and build much • and more economical nuclear-electric power stations. -—CPC Clandeboye Comments By MRS. J. H. PATON Harvest Thanksgiving services were held at St. James Church on Sunday, September 30. At the 11 a.m. service the Rev. M. H. Elston, of Centralia, was guest speaker and Mr. Allan El ston, soloist. At the evening serv ice the guest speaker was Canon C. J. Queen, diocesan commis sioner of the Diocese of Huron, London, with special music by the choir. Th church was dec orated with flowers, fruits and vegetables, which were later taken to South Huron Hospital, Exeter. W.A. and Ladies Guild Mrs. Andy Carter was hostess for the September meeting of the W.A. and Ladies Guild and presided for the W.A. meeting. Roll call was answered with a verse of scripture containing the w ord “Thanksgiving.” Mrs. Prest read the Scripture and the Rev. J. P. Prest led in the Litany. St. James Church is to be host ess for the fall Deanery meet ing of West Middlesex. October 23 was set as the date and con veners are Mrs. A. Carter, Mrs. A, Hendrie and Mrs. P.’ Poole. Mrs. Ray Hodgins presided for the Guild meeting, Novem ber 3 was the date set for the bazaar.. Plans were made, to pack a bale on Thursday at Mrs. Tomes. Extension Course Meeting Clandeboye Women’s Institute were hostesses for the meeting on programme planning at the United Church on Tuesday with Mrs. Elston Armstrong, of Armi tage, Ont., from the Women’s Institute Branch and Home Eco nomic Service, Toronto, as lead er. Lucan W.I. members at tended. Personal Items M Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Tomes of Hamilton visited on Saturday with Mrs. E. Tomes. Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitt re turned home on Friday from visiting friends in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer, of Petrolia spent the week-end with the latter's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Banks of Sarnia spent the week-end with latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simpson. Mr. Omar Cunningham re turned home Tuesday evening from a motor trip* to Winnipeg with Mr. Walter Vail, Mr. Lee and Mr. A. Morgan. Not feeling very „well, Mr. Cunningham’s condition grew worse and he was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital on Wednesday night. Mr. William Wilson returned home from Byron Sanatorium where he has been a patient for the past year. Mr. Errol Cunningham and son Donald, of Glencoe, visited with his mother, Mrs. Omar Cunningham, on Sunday and called at St. Joseph’s Hospital to visit his father. Mr. Elmer Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson of Pontiac, Michigan, spent last week with Mrs. Hiram Cope land. The exterior of the Anglican Church has been painted this past week, The Paul Brothers and Shirley motored to Sudbury Thursday for a singing engagement. The sympathy of. the commun ity is extended to Mrs. Ira Mar shall in the loss of her brother, Fred Lankin. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hamilton of Preston spent the weekend at their home iq Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burgin celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary this week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Payn ter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Paynler Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson of Pontiac, Michigan, Mrs. Hi ram Copeland, Miss Ethel Cope land, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Blackler and Dawn, Mrs. Wm. Urquhart and Mr. John Berry were dinner guests Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Garth Blackler. Mr. Bob Anderson of Wlieat- ley spent the weekend with the Burgin Bros. • Mr. and Mrs. Les Fairbairn *o£ London visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blackler. Miss Shoebottom of London spent last week with Mr, and Mrs. George Hamilton. ■ Mary: Did you have the porch seat painted yesterday?” Mother: “Yes, ’why do you cisk? Mary: “Well, Bill and I sat onUU VIOAU 11X13 ex V1IV Xi 1YXX t J^llAXVX UXtlJ. » »¥ VlAj J-Jlll Cl JI VI X OClb Uli Cunningham of Ingersoll visited it last night, and Bill got paint his father on Sunday, on his trousers.”on his trousers.” s s S I PEDDLER'S HAY CARRIER AND STABLE EQUIPMENT See us before vou buy your baler or binder twine. SCOTT'S ELEVATOR LTD. j Lucan, Ont. I * 1 s' - " & 5 Phone 63 5 5 6 if 5 S S 2 s B i i Rubber Stamps AND ALL TYPES OF Marking Devices Rublaer Stamps Made To Order . , . Bank Stamps Circular, Oval and Rectangular Stamps » . . Stamps wiOh Changeable Dates and Numbers . . . Signature Stamps ... Die Plates for Ail Purposes Printing Wheels . . . Numbering Machines . i Stamp Racks . . . 5 2 i I The Times-Advocate 5 S J . I How This Newspaper Helps Advertisers,,„ 4 earning this symbol <5 By A well known symbol is like a good repuUtionMiffiOhH to establish and even more difficult to maintain. " Lucan Personals Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Haas, daughter Mrs. Thos. Mauren and granddaughter Mary of Buf falo were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hedden. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cummins of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham and family of Chatham spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Has kett and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett. Last .Sunday there were no church services in Holy Trinity Church except the 8 o’clock fam ily comunion service at which a number of parents took their little people to the altar rail for a special blessing. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Flynn are spending the winter with their daughter Mrs. Allington, of Lon don. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Borden of Stratford were weekend visit ors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Acheson. Miss Ida Porte, who has been hospitalized for over li years was brought home from Preston last Friday by Miss Catharine Bawdcn of Toronto. Mr. Howard Kew and Mr. L. Vincent are spending a couple of weeks in Toronto installing a Keith organ in Christ Anglican Church, Mimico. Rose Marie Robb and June McKenzie were Sunday visitors 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb. Rev. J. P, Prost was guest speaker at the Harrietsville United Church's anniversary service last Sunday. Miss Meryle Law of London I was a Sunday guest with Mr. l and Mrs. Murray Hodgins. I Mr. and Mrs. Art Black and family have returned from a visit to Oshawa where they were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. W, Barrowclough. Mr. Black’s mother, Mrs. D, Black, of Osha wa. came home with them for a visit. Mr. Herb Stretton is able to be home after his recent opehJ- I has sold Mr. CJrl and he is During your daily activities—in your store or in your home—you come into contact with many trade mark* that symbolize an assured measure of performance or quality. 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