HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-10-04, Page 14t 0 R s rt I 9 i . . Destroy Your Farm ... I Wipe Out Your Savings? f Your only protection against loss is adequate ‘ insurance. We have been writing farm fire insur­ ance in this area for 81 years and have saved many from ruin, See us for low-cost farm fire insurance. HELP PREVENT FARM FIRES Don't . . . . i Spot checks for fire hazards ’ council, which has endorsed theI f. • in Exeter buildings will*be made fire prevention campaign. 1 during Fire Prevention Week, ..........—— — j October 8 to 13, by members of the local brigade, Chief Irwin (Ford said Wednesday, j The local inspection drive, started last year, will be part i of the nation-wide campaign to clean up rubbish and trash in basements, attics and outdoors which constitute potential fire breeding grounds, survev ^of^the *ttnvn WerinpsrLv weeK campaign, me origaae afternoon^and^ to pick'ou? horned plans to test l°cak schools on fire hero S there Studcn.ls w*u be timcd t0 I for hazards. Business places will also be checked. “Don’t give fire a place to‘‘nest0 stnrt c-iz>rr«5-M r*/ 4-ua zlaum ,i paign. ‘We’re asking everyone i„ town to co-operate in this clean­ up drive to make Exeter a safer place in which to live,” said Chief Ford. “A thorough clean­ up in and around buildings - is | one of the best ways to prevent. fires.” i The town-wide inspection is be-( ing made at the request of town I In requesting citizens to co-! operate in the clean-up cam­ paign, brigade officials ask resi­ dents to let them know where fire hazards exist so that steps ‘ can be taken to eliminate them. t “If anyone knows of a place which should be cleaned up or ■ need attentions, we hope he’ll, let Us know so we can do some- ; thing about it,” Chief Ford said.! During its Fire Prevention ’ Week campaign, the brigade i see how quickly they can evacu- ; ate the buildings. j Captain of the brigade is Er- u.+i. i ’■',‘nest “Hap” Wells. Lieutenantsis the slogan of the cam- I are Buss Snell and Frank Creech. I The members include Ed ini Hunter-Duvar, Beg McDonald, . I Nelson “Punch” Wells, Fred Simmons, Aljoe Sanders, Bay Smith, Bill Musser, Lloyd* Ford, Hilt Laing and Wes Byckman. The local brigade is rated as one. of the best in the district. It has received numerods tributes for its promptness and efficiency in fighting fires. STOP FIRES , 1, Star# Hay arjStraw Until Dry. 2. Daisy RuRbir af Lightning Rods, Cablet and Elevation Rods. S. Daley Cheeking Fusee and Providing Insulation for all Wires in Hay Mows. ' 4, Hang Lanterns Carelessly —Don't Carrry Them in Hay Mows. Iftieka in Barns — to do so May Result in Complete Loss. \Canaidas Fire Losses Among World's WorstI Before They Start Insurance Cant STOP Fires But It Will Pay Losses Check Your Home For Fire Hazards Fire Prevention is everybody’s job—lei’s all help to reduce the tragic toll of life and property. ... Inspect your wiring, your stoves, your flues and clean up everything in closets, -attics, store houses and grounds in which a fire might start. Be on the alert for fire hazards—not just this week but every week. “One of the best ways to pre­ vent home fires is to have your home inspected for fire hazards by firemen who are specially trained to look for—and find­ potential danger spots,” So declares Fire Chief Irwin Ford who, in co-operation with the Canadian and International Associations of Fire Chiefs, is sponsoring a nationwide cam­ paign for home inspections as the most effective means of reducing the toll of fire deaths among children. ■ Canada’s per capita fire L . * ' country in the world, with i house catching fire every seconds, Most of these, said chief ’to-day are' caused human carelessness, •The convicted “firebug” who, through incendiary means, cost Canada thousands of dollars and many lives, lias a careless coun­ terpart who unthinkingly tosses away lighted cigarettes and matches, smokes in bed, and doesn’t worry about children playing with'matches. But th^re are five other home' “firebugs” who start more than 85 per cent of all home fires. .“There’s the dope who doesn’t inspect, clean and repair his heating system and chimney at least once a year and thereby causes one out of very four home "fires,” he*said.' “There’s the self-styled ‘Edi­ son’, the electrical wizard, who burns down one' out Of every eight homes. He favours frayed cords Lor electrical appliances and lights, overloaded circuits', misuses appliances and puts ii|. heavier fuses than "the 15-amperO type which blow quickly when overloaded. “Then there are the men—and women—who, between them, manage to start one out of every ten houSe fires. The kitchen fire­ bug has a greasy stove,’ leaves unwatched burners to ignite pot­ holders and’ easy burning items piled too. near the open flame; her sister is the fool who quick­ ens fire with kerosene - and sometimes grabs a gasoline can by error, She also uses gasoline for dry cleaning and keeps this, and other fiery fluids in her home in breakable bottles, leaky cans, etc.” • . With the. winter heating season coming on, , firemen here and elsewhere can expect the usual rush of ‘furnace’ fires which originate when a careless hus­ band empties hot ashes and coals into wooden or cardboard containers or dumps them on the basement floor next to wood­ en walls, old newspapers and rubbish, and thus accounts for one out of every eleven home fires. He cited the case of an attic fire which, caused heavy loss here last winter—and also gave the firemen a great deni of dif­ ficulty. The ‘tidy’ housewife had gathered all the'old newspapers, magazines, hat boxes, suit, boxes and other inflammable material and piled it on the stairs which led to the attic. She placed her burning cigarette butt On .the edge of one of the stairs treads; it rolled down’ into the mass of combustibles and half an hour later she smelled smoke. Two firemen were injured when the attic stairs collapsed. Damage to the .home was estimated at $8,000. '‘Fortunately for that par­ ticular family, the alarm came in daylight. Had she not detected the smell of Smoke until night, chances are the four members of the family would have been Suffocated or burned to death, the Fire Chief declared. If every home owner knew what every “burned out’’ family knows, every house and its** contents would be FULLY protected by Fire1 Insurance. Ask yourself this question: “Will the insurance on my property cover today’s increased values and replacement costs?” Even though your in­ surance may have seemed adequate a year ago, you’ll do well to review it again in the light of higher costs, additional furniture, clothes, equipment, etc. Consult any of the agents below for competent service. CAREFULNESS PREVENTS FIRESa W, H. HodgsonI PREVENTION WEEK Published in the Public Interest by these Members of the * INSURANCE AGENTS' ASSOCIATION - I Usborne And Hibbert MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ' ?• Head Office Exeter, Ontario w Martin Feeney, R.R. 2 Dublin, President » E. Cliyton Colquhoun, Science Hill, Vice-President DIRECTORS: Harry Coates, R.R. 1 Centralia; William A. Hamilton, " Cromarty;. Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1 Kirkton; Alex J. Rohde, R.R. 3 Mitchell; AGENTS: T.‘ G. Ballantyne, R.R. I. Woodham; Clayton Harris, R.R. 1 Mitchell; Stanley Hocking, Mitchell. W. G. Cochrane, Exeter, Solicitor Arthur Fraser, Exeter, Sec.-Treas. October 7 to 13 Don't You Be Guilty! Study These Rules To Prevent Fires ■t**»See that all witiftg fxlertfipni are tarried 6ut by qualified and experienced wir- . in* tantraeterX. This- ensures «, final Check-up by the wiring Inspector of the Hydre-Electric Fewer Cemmissien ef Ontario. Noyer use fuses larj'tr then 15 amperes en branch circuits in your home, 3— Don’t "plug” fuses by inserting coins behind them. The fust serves similarly to "the sifety‘valye Of a boiler. ► 4— Moke frequent irtipectieni of flexible cords. * ” 5—Don't han* up ahy electric wiring on hails. Don't feck extons'em cords to base- ; boards «r wells. J combustible away from all heating elements. • . 7—Keep. light bulbs away from clothing, paper, window curtains, etc. , f-^Nevar Ute art Irin, toaster qr lamps as bed warmers. tbrtibustlblo cleaning fluids in your electric washer. • DONT^^-urtder any’ circumstances use a Portable Electric Heater in the Bathroom -------- x 2 loss is one of the highest of any -----......______. —i., ...utj 0n6 80 the by INSURANCE PREVENTS LOSS C. V. Pickard W. C. Pearce Clark Fisher George Lawson m .«■ When fee groat a lead h-placed -on a circuit, er when a “short" P IICD bc'lpra# the fuse “burrtf cut" and tuts Off the power. This is your fllwV tpwffo**: S.URE TO REPLACE A FUSE WITH CORRECT r Vielatteq ff the<e rule* raiulflng in fire, may invalidate yeur Fira Insurance Policy CdNTRibutlD IN THE INTERESTS OF FlftE PREVENTION BY Commission I and groan world Oft its ear. Keep mentally cool even if you are physically not if fire breaks out m your home, hotel or else­ where. Cool thinking may save your life, according to Captain “Hap” Weils, Who cites the case of a number of “thinking” persons in a United States hotel fire which took a heavy toll of life. The smart people, unable to reach safety, kept the doors of their qrooms closed, placed mat­ tresses and ' other “stuffing” along cracks, turned on the bath taps and dropped close to the floor where the air was better than it was oh a higher level, They survived. Here are the rules he outlined for your safety when fire strikes: Get out1 of the house the min­ ute you discover a fire or smell smoke. If you think there’s a fire, don’t open doors. Feel them first and if they are hot, get out another way or block the doors with furniture or mattresses to keep out smoke and gases. If you can’t get out, get close to the floor. f Hold your breath and cover j your face 'if' you have to make a. dash through smoke or fire, and don't jump or drop from upper-storey windows except as a last resort. Wait for the fire­ men—they’ll be there within min­ utes. Don’t ever go back into a burn­ ing building for any reason. Your life is worth more than money, jewelry, clothing; smoko and fire gases from even the smallest fire may bo deadly, Unless the fire is small and you are cer­ tain you can control it with the right extinguisher, don’t waste your time or your life trying te fight it. Get away from it. Use the nearest telephone to call the fire department. Always be ready to use differ­ent escape routes from any room ifi the house—-and take note of possible emergency exits when \ Of course you know the famous SPARKY by now! You know he is the symbol of fire pre­ vention and, most likely, you already know some or all of his rules. But does the spirit of this nationally famous symbol really live in our town? Does each of us know as much as we should about protecting our homes and families from fire? Do we cooperate with our Fire Depart­ ment in its fire prevention programs? Are our. . children being fully educated to both the uses and the dangers of fire? Scientific advances on so many fronts today stagger our powers of belief. Yet in some ways we are not keeping pace. We have to be urged to Vote. We have to be urged to visit our doctor and dentist. We have to be urged to drive safely. And, yes, we even have to be urged to learn how to be careful of one of our oldest tools—fire. Some good rules to remember are: Don't smoke In bed—Keep matches away from young children—Don't overload your wiring system—Check electric cords for fraying—Cledn out junk from your attii and basement—Be careful with lighted cigarettes—Learn to use your oil stove correctly—Watch out for sparking thimneys—Don't use flammable cleaning fluids-Don't use ordinary extension cords on healers or irons! Most of all, remember what Sparky says: ’frV * Xj — The Council Of The Town Of Exeter AND THe IXfeTBR FIRE DEPARTMENT flWitritiifrifr a JL