HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-10-04, Page 13l if 1/ VOLUNTEERS BUILD FOR 57 CHILDREN—The White family of Bowmanville, "Ont., just keeps growing and growing and now there are 57 children. The children do not all belong to Mr. and Mrs. White but have been adopted or just given a home by the couple, who refuse to turn a child away. Accommodation at the White farm has been enlarged but not fast enough to keep pace with the additions to the family, so carpenters of the union local at nearby Oshawa staged a fast attack on the prob­ lem. Here they are at work on a new .dormitory—and it’s evident they have many superintendents Helping them With the sawing and hammering. -^CPC *'Th* Timtf A^vocat*, October 4, 1955 I w Better Results Than Brooklyn Box Office CLASSIFIED RATES 25 wprd$ pr less 70 Mor« Than 25 Word? < 2p P*r Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS Moro Than 25 Words - 11/jp Per Word 200 OFF ad paid with order pr by Saturday following the last insertion 40^ i i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED CABBAGES, choice quality; eauli- Hower, beets, .suitable iw canning- apply to tviltred Mousseau, R.R. j, Hensall, Highway 2l» miles west oi Hensall. Phone 92-r-2. z.urich. 4 c GIRL'S CLOTHING—Grey coat, fur trimmed, $15; wool coat, jslo; two grey skirts, one blue skirt, $1 each; ail m good conuition, size 12, Bracy Cleaners, Exeter. 4* Guaranty Trust REALTOR JJ kK, HENSALL( sireet location —* solidMain „......h<nne, hot water oil heat, modern '• ‘ -- *•• finer ) brick WOMAN for household duties at. South Huron Hospital. Apply to superintendent. ‘ 4c reliable man to work in our elevator. Apply Cook Bros. Milling Co.. Hensall, phone 24 (office) or residence 03. 4c SHETLAND PONT, with single narne.-s and 4-wneet buggy: aiso 2 ^addles, one soit girl’s saddle, .and a haru saddle, Rhone 225 Zurich.4c at OUTBOARD Motors And Boots * .» a furnace new, we HAVE THE VERY ONE FOR ENGAGEMENTS Mr. Samuel Ropp of Zurich to announce the. engagement daughter, Ira Marie, to Mr. GOES, SNOW ARRIVES—Old Man WinterAS SUMMER invaded early autumn to plant a deposit of show in several sections of Southern Ontario, necessitating .the appearance of snowplows on the highways and snowshovels on porches. Little > Yollande Legault of Stayner, which had four inches of the unseasonable stuff, liked the snow until she was ‘ told it would likely kill her pretty flowers still blooming in the garden.s. —CPC CLOTHING — Youth's light blue jacket', size 36, $6.00; lady’s wine 2-piece suit, size 18. -17.on, May hex seen at, Mid-Town Cleaners, 4* ' FOR SALE 9 STOCKER CATTLE. Hereford.1 Phone 165-r-S Dashwood. 4c. 'BOYS' SIDEWALK BICYCLE, 24- j inch wheel, C.C.M., in very good condition. Phone I65-r-5 Dashwood.4 c SEWING MACHINE, " new, portable i electric, 1936 model, heavy duty, : automatic super deluxe, in No. 1 1 condition. Apply Mrs. Lloyd Mason,21.2 miles west of Dashwood, phone 47-r-l. 4c BE SURE before you buy! Havp, a Spencer “preview". See how lovely you’ll. be |n an exquisite Founda­ tion and Bra designed for you. Mrs. Pearl Baynham, 171-W Hensall.4c OIL BURNER; also fishing rods and reels. Apply Arthur Scoti, phone 45-R Exeter. 4c TURKEYS for Thanksgiving at prices that will amaze you; 8-25 lbs. Phone I7l-r-14 Exeler. 4c SEWING MACHINE, electric, $60. Apply 143 Main St. 4 SNOW SUIT; 3-piece, to fit 3- year-old girl; worn one season. Will sell for half price, May he seen at Brady Cleaners. 4c, PUPPY, part beagle and part. Pomeranian, taffy colored, $2.00. Phone 769-R Exeter. 4c 109 riILLETS, Barred Rock, 6 monjhs old, starting to la.v, Donald Robinson, Ailsa. Craig, phone 603- r-21. ■ 4:11c 2 - P T ,T<3 C 10 CHESTERFIELD And spring-filled mattress, all for $18. Sandy Elliot, phone 476. . 4c CHESTERFIELD SUITE. 3-picce, in good condition. Phone 77-J Credi­tor;. 4 c. APPLES—Choice Macintosh, Spies. Delicious. Kings, Tomin Sweets and Snow. No. 1 .$2.00 per bushel: No, 2, $1.00 per’ bushel. Bring your own container. Apply Stewart Middle­ton, R.R, 3 Clinton, phone HU 2- 7525. 4:11:18c .SKIRTS — Four full-flare summer skirts, size 12 to 14; one pair black pumps, size 5: also all kinds of crochet, articles. Box 36 HensaP. Ontario, 4* 190 BALES Ob’ ALFALFA and ciover hay. Apply Aaron Wein, phone 2|> Crediton._____________V SORGUM, 26 rows, 5(1 rod long, $2,110 per row. Apply Alex Desjar- uine, phone 41-r-l Grand Bend. 4c 4 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, springing, 1 due soon. Apply Charles Fisher, phone 17ti-r-5 .hxeter,__________4* SET OF DRUMS, large drum, small drum and set ot symupls, complete. Apply Calvin Wein at Larry Snider Motors. ____ _____________4* POTATOES — 51.50 a bag. ApplyPeter Van Dorssalaers, Highway 83.Dashwood Road. .________4* LADIES' SUIT, dress, coats, size 1-1-16; also ladies' winter coats, size 38-44, child's 3-piece winter outfit, size 5. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. ________ 4* BOYS' NAVY BLAZER, size 8, excellent condition. May be seen at' Brady's Cleaners.______________4* HEATER, Cosy Home, coal and wood, decorated with nicke), Set in frame, to allow close to wall In­stallation. Mrs. Roulston, 544 Mam St. S., Exeter, phone 5. _____4c. BEAN THRESHER, George White, .in first class condition. Apply- Maurice Irwin,, R.R. 5 Chatham. phone Elgin 2-4066.__________4:18* RUBBER-TIRED WAGON, large, $5.00; several good used stove pipes, 6"r7”; 2 scuttles; pokers; 2 grape­ fruit trees, in pots; flower pots; strawberry plants for fall planting, $1,00 a hundred: Quebec heater; se,veral feet of piping, UH a foot, with elbows and T’s; Banner dustless ash sifter, S3.00; baby crib with drawer for clothes, on casters. Apply J. W. Powell, 90 Victoria St., Exeter,_____________ 27:4c 14 COWS, purbred young Aberdeen Angus, due in February and March, bred to a registered Aberdeen An­ gus bull. Will sell reasonable. Ap­ ply Wally Wein, phone 54 Dash­ wood.' ________________27:4c SUBSCRIPTION SPECIALS — Save money on these: .Life, 70 weeks, $7,70; Time, 78 weeks, $6.871 Sports Illustrated, 65 weeks, $6.87; Wo­ man's Home Companion, 18 months, $3.00; Colliers. 40 issues, $3.00. Ex­eter Times-Advocate, phone 770.27:4:11:18:25 i kitchen. One of Hensali’# homes. Terms available. , _/L, -A- JL.M M iT HENSALL Solid brick, two 1..... modern kitchen and new Available with terms. JU -IL, ^/L. m>s >r HENSALL Solid brick home, attached 4, bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, hot water heating. ... „. decorate d throughout, spacious grounds with additional lots, most suitable for a duplex; well worth investigating. HOUSEKEEPER—Full-time, to Uro in if possible, prepare luijeh for boys, light housekeeping. Apply Armstrong's Restaurant. . 4c bedroom home, ’ i furnace. garage, modern nicely Guaranty Trust REALTOR R. B, Paterson — Phone 61 Hensall 19tfc HOMES—C. V. PICKARD—HOMES $1,500.00 with small monthly pay­ ments. ,We have just listed this 3- bedroom house with modern kitchen and bathroom and almost heating equipment. Garage, price $6,000.00 CRED1T0N — Brick house, centre of village, modern kitchen-, bath up and down, good basement with furnace; extra lot. This pro­perty is in good condition through­ out. Moderate price, EXETER—Cash $1,500.00. No, this is not the total price, but this amount down will give you posses­sion of comfortable four-bedroom home with all modern conveniences Including oil heat. Balance in easy payments. EXETER—3-Bedroom Brick in best of condition. This compact home has a dining room. It is oil heated and has good garage. .(Price l'e" duced. EXETER—3-Bedroom Brick. Cot­tage, J-’ery nice bathroom and kitchen. Choice location. Well treed lot. Immediate possession if -de­sired., EXETER—$3,600.00 full price for 11a storey frame covered with as­ bestos shingles. Close to schools. 3-piece bath. Good basement. Pos­session to suit purchaser. BRICK COTTAGE and<l acre, Ex­eter North; 3 bedrooms and usual living rooms; hydro and bath, Price $4,500.00 with low down pay­ ment. new Total Stic near HOUSEKEEPER — Dulles include homework and caring for 2 small children; a-da.v week; sleep out. Phone 187 alter 5:00 p.m. 4:I1« AVAILABLE AT ONCE—good Raw- leigli business. Selling experience helpful but not required. Car neces­sary. Write at once for particulars. Rawlelgh’s Dept, J-202-TT. Mont­real, I’.l). 4C START A permanent business. You begin earning money the .first day. Strictly own boss. Openings in your roundings. FAMILEN, Dept. Station Montreal. year-roupd good your stir- A.. dC COULD YOU use extra money? Stanley Home Products has open­ ings for 2 demonstrators. Car help­ful. Reply Bqx "K", Times- Advocate. 4* MAN. to" help at Centralia Farm­ ers’ Supply. 4c LOST BINNOCULARS—Large pair, in a carton, at Grand Bend. Reward. Finder please notify Guenther Tuckey Transport. 4c NOTICES FARMERS—Please direct all calls with livestock to Mi*. Hub'ert Cooper, phone 599-J3 Exeter until further notice. Ned Armstrong, Ex­eter. , .4* ANNOUNCEMENTS GRAIN DRIER, portable, 200 J?u.; 40-ft. grain and bale elevators' 8-ft. heavy duty John. Deere disc; 2- row John Deere stalk shredder; 2- furrow Ford plow. Apply Galser Bros., Dashwood. __________13t(c BIRTHS MEIDINGER—Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Meidinger, Zurich, announce the birth of their daughter, Deborah Mary Theresa, at South Huron Hospital, October 2, 1956KIMS—-Mr. and Mrs. Evan Sims wish to announce the birth of Hheir daughter aJ,;= St. Joseph's Hospital, London, bn September 38, 195Bi- Don t Take A Chance GET YOUR CAR WINTERIZED TODAY Snell Bros. Ltd. Phone 100 Exeter Thanksgiving CLEARANCE OF ALL Brenner Garage Grand Bend, Phone 3 GINGERICH'S^. HEATING" ENGINEER fpERHAPS YOU NE&D> GINGERICHS sHEATING-IiGHTING’PLUMBING \OIL BURNING-AIR CONDITIONING \/\ EQUIPMENTS SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL REPAIRING MOTOR REWINDING AUCTION SALE f Qf Real Estate IN THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL I SATURDAY. OCT. 13. 2 P.M. | REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 46, Wilson Survey, Brock St.Upon this lor. is situated a 4-room frame house with insula stone sid­ing: bathroom; built-in cupboards; town watPi* and hydro.This house has Jun. recently been ' built and buyer can have immed- lat e pos.sesF.ion. I TERMS; J|;% da.v of sa’e, balance J In 30 days. Sold subject to reserve • bid. JLM SANGSTER, Prop.ED CORBETT, Auctioneer ; 4:11c i The Grey-Bruce Hereford Breeders are holding their ANNUAL AUTUMN SALE Qf 14 Bulls and 20 Females at theMARKDALE .SKATING ARENA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 195$ at 2:00 p.m. All hulls are eligible “ for 25% premium up to $75.00.______ 4:1 lr The Grey-Bruce Sheep Breeders. are holding the ANNUAL SALE .Of Sheep AT KEADy SALES ARENA SATURDAY; OCTOBER 13, .1956 40 .Pure Bred Rams and 60 Pure Bred Ewes of Oxford, Shropshire. Leicester, Suffolk, Hampshire and Southdown breeding.•Government graders will grade all rams at the sale. 4:11 The Grey-Bryce Aberdeen Angus Breeders Association are holding their ANNUAL AUTUMN SALE Of 9 Bulls and 21 Females AT AVALKERTON SALES ARENA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1956 at 2:00 p.m.All sires offered are eligible for 25% premium up to $75.00. 4:11c t i { AUCTION SALE Of R«#l Estate, Tractor Truck, Auto, Implement* and Miscellaneous Item* 0n the Premi'ses WJNCHELSEA Inborne Twp.. st. Mary'* RoadThe undersigned auctioneer r«* reived jiistructJons, to sell by pubJid auction on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1 ;$0 P.M.-REAL ES'l'ATE: Consists’of part of Lot in. Con, 7. Usbome Twp(. 2O.-acre farm of din Ice clay loam, all tillable land., with no buildings; Jr.nd weij drained and in choice state of cultivation.Terms of .Real Estate; 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days.. Sold subject to a reasonable: re­serve bid.AUTO. TRUCK d- TRACTOR-r 1919 Ford L’oach, in good condition; 1951 Ford Tractor, in guaranteed condition; 1952 Ford Ton Pick* up 1'ruck, in guaranteed condition! 14 ft. rolling home. IMPLEMENTS A-. M1SC. ITEMS—- 2-furrow hydraulir .plow for Ford’ tractor and pick-up scttffler; Ford pulle.v: Inthrow horse-drawn disc; walking plow; cultivator; 3 rows snow fence; in rods galvanised fence; large quantity inch lumber: large quantity 2x4, 2x6, 3x8—12 and 14 feet long; steel piping and angla iron; chicken feeders; galvanized trap, nests; block and tackle; cross­cut. saw; carpenter tools: many articles ioo numerous to mentipn.TERMS: Cash. , . WILBERT BATTEN'. Prop.' GARNET HICKS. Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer < a BIRTHS ADAMS — Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams, Grand Bend, announce the birth: of their son, Gordon Douglas, at South Huron Hospital on October, 1. 1956; a brother for Lyle. Lois and Deborah. BONNELL—Mr. a.nd Mrs. Borden Bonnell, Grand. Bend, .Announce, the birth of their . son, ■ Charles Wayne, at South Huron Hospital, October 1, 1956; a brother forDianne. Gloria and Borden, Jr.DATARS—Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dat- ars, Grand Bend, announce the birth of their daughter, Janet Elaine, a sister for June, at South Huron Hospital, October 2, 1956.DIXON—-Bill and Marilyn wish to announce the birth of their daugh­ter, Mary Christina, at Victoria Hospital, London, September 26, 1956. FORR.EST—Edison and Elva For­rest. R.R. 2 Hensall, wish to an­nounce the birth of their daugh­ter, Joan Carolyn, at Clinton Community Hospital on Septem­ber 28, 1956; a sister for Robert, Bruce and Donna Lynn, f Mr. and Mi’s. Wen­dell Gamble. of London, a daugh­ ter. on September 27, 1956. at St. Joseph's Hospital; a sister for Gary and Neal,LEE—Jean and Claus jjee Cnee Jean Snell, R.N.) are happy to announce the. birth of their daughter. Patricia Jean, on. Sep­ tember 25, 1956. at St. Joseph's Hospital, London; a -sister for Ollen.MOSHER—F/O and Mrs. K. B. Mosher, RCAF Grand Bend, an­nounce the birth of their son, Robert. Douglas, at South Huron Hospital on September 27, 1956; a brother for Jamie and the twins, Sara, and Debra,SHULMAN — Mr .and Mrs. Tony Shulman, of Embro, wish to an­ nounce the birth of a son, Mark Andrew, on September 25, at Ingersolll Hospital, a brother for Marcia and a grandson for Mr. and Mrs. .Ernest Pym. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. And Mrs. Albert Norman, of Mitchell, announce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley Jean, to Mr. Beverley Joshua Heywood, of Stratford, son’ of Mr. and Mrs. .Gordon Heywood, EXeter. The mar­riage to take place on Saturday, October' 13-, vjtfc- S;00" *p.-m.., hi "Knox Presbyterian Church, Mitchell,^ Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Benjamin of Chatham wish to announce, the engagement of their only daughter, Patricia Ann, to Mr. Patrick Louis Hennessey, son of Mrs. Hennessey and the late, Leo J'. 'Hennessey, Ex­eter. The marriage will take place on Saturday, October 27. 1956, aL 2 p.m., in Park St. United Church. Chatham. 4*Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ecksleln, of Dashwood, wish to announce, the engagement of their younger daugh­ter, Marjory Pearl, to Mr. William Twambley, son of Mr. and Mrs. C, 5V. Twambley of Lqndon, Ont. The marriage to take place the latter part of October in Dash­wood. 4cMr. and Mrs. Charles Regier of Ml. Carmel wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Shir­ley Elizabeth, to George Alfred Fresard. of St. Clair Shores, .Mich. The -------------------------------- '50 METEOR COACH, radio, heater, slip covers, low mileage, reasonable. Phone, 226, Exeter._______30tfp nc GE’i’ YOUR "HOLIDAY’’ regularly. Subscribe to 'Holiday” at a, wonder­ ful bargain -price of 14 months for $3,79, a saving of $3.21 over the news tand price. Exeter Times-, Advocate, lihone 770.____8:23-10:25 LADIES HOME JOURNAL— gav.e half the single copy price by sub­scribing now at the special ••rater-.of 23 months for $4.03. We're agent for all magazines. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone • 770. 8:23-10:18 FQRRENT •i SMALL APARTMENT, downstair, private entrance, hot and cold water, oil heated, cupboards, bath, Available now. Phone 242 or apply 41. Simcoe St.___________ 4* 3-ROOM APARTMENT, furnished, hot and cold water, private bath; 4- room apartment, unfurnished, hot and cold water,, heated. Apply Pen- liale Apartments or 70 John St. East, phone 294-R.___________41fc U'PSTAIR APARTMENT, 3-room, newly decorated, partly furnished or unfurnished, heated, ‘use of laundry, reasonable, rent. Apply 71 Ann St. or phone l-.l,_________4c 3-BEDROOM EJ&CK—This home is in wonderful condition. ' Bath on first and second floor; spacious living and dining room; oil heated; water softener, water healer, etc; ideal location. Moderate price with terms We have enquiries for farms. If you are interested in selling'please contact us. We have several other homes in a wide price range. If you wish to buy or sell see C, V. pickard, 394 Main St,, Exeter, phone 165 and 628. 7:26 NEW. MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace; east side of Exeter; close to schools. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St. tic GRAND BEND—3-bedroom coLtage, full bathroom, winterized^ nicely treed'-'areav, Price $5,000: Terma«.:C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Ex­eter. 14tfc FRAME H OUSE, l’i-storey, in­sulated, nicely decorated, hard- : wood floors, new oil furnace; with income—3-room ground floor apart- .ment, private entrance, 3-piece bath up, 2-piece bath down. Reason for selling—ill health. Apply J. W. Powell, 90 Victoria St. West. 16tfc HIGHWAY 200 ACRES, brick house, bank barn, silo, driveshed.. n . bank150 "'ACRES, ” brick barn, driveshed.100 ACRES, brick barn, drjveshed.75 ACRES, frame barn, silOj. > house, house, DEATHS HEYWOOD—At his late residence in Elimvilie on Sunday, Septem­ber 30, 1956. James $. Heywood, in his eighty-sixth year,HOGARTH—At her Jate residence. Exeter, on Saturday. September 29. 1956. Almira. Whiteford, be­loved wife of the late Stephen J. Hogarth, in her ninety-third year. FAHNER^-AI her late residence in Credliton, on Friday, September 28. 1956. Mrs. Emma. Fahner, be­ loved wife of the late Charles Fahner, in her seventy-eighth year. • 'TAYLOR—In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday. September 25. 1956, James Wilson Taylor, of Exeter, beloved husband -of Norah McInnis, in his forty-eighth year. wishes of his .....„ Ward Neeb, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb, of Fl.R. 3 Dashwood. The wedding will take place the latter part of October. 4*Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker wish to announce the, engagement of their daughter, Caroline Joanne; to Jack Craig McGee, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGee. The wedding to take place October 27 In Crom­arty Presbyterian Church, at 4 o’clock. 4 marriage io take place Satur- October 20, at 10:30 a.m.. atLady of Mount Carmel Church, Carmel, Ont. < 4c CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late. John Ed­ward Gunn wish to thank their many friends, relatives and neigh­ bors for tire kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement, and for the spiritual and floral tributes. Special thanks to Sisters and staff of St. Joseph’s Hpspital, Drs. HessiOn, Lewis and Butson, pallbearers and honorary pallbearers, Father Kelly and Rev. Strome. 4* The family of the late Mrs. Al­bert Morenz wish to thank their many friends, relatives and neigh­bors for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and the beautiful floral tributes received during their recent and sudden be­reavement in the. loss of a dear mother and grandmother. Special thanks to Rev. Holley, Harry Hoff­ man and Dr. Gulens and any who helped in "any way. It was de.eplv appreciated. 4* Mrs. Peter Doyle and family wish to expi’ess their sincere thanks to neighbors, friends and relatives for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy during their recent sad bereavement; for the, many spiritual bouquets and sympathy cards, also to the ladies who helped at the home. Special thanks to Rev, Father Kelly, the. Hoffman funeral home and all those who- assisted in any way. 4c The family of the late Mr. James Taylor wish to express their sin­cere thanks to relatives and friends for their kindness and sympathy extended, fo them during their re­cent sad bereavement, for beautiful floral tributes and sympathy cards, also for kindness extended tn Mr. Taylor during his illness. Special thanks to Rev. S. Ke.rr, Jlev. D. Sinclair T.C.C.f Huron men. Circle, Meveu ivlped I wish to thank,all those who so kindly remembered me with visits, flowers, ' ' ’ ■ - * * •* - patient r'7L .\"S. Kerr, Rev. .. T.O.O.F. I,edge. Pride Of Rebekah Lodge, Exeter Fire- Exeter Saddle Club. Caven Caven Sunday Schoo). Mr, and Grade 12a and all who in Any way. THE PRINTER nd treats while a Joseph's Hospital, 4c 2 APARTMENTS—Main St.. Ex­eter: 5 - room 'downstair; 5 - room upstair; new -oil furnace; unfur­nished; utilities seperate: available latter pari, of October. Also a 2-car garage for rent. Phone 378-W1.■ ■ . 4c GRAND BEND — Modern 6-room ■Winterized house beside river, near lake. Quiet surroundings. Hot and cold water, 3-piece bath. Heatalator fire place. Partly furnished. Phone 32 GrAnd Bend._____________ 4c APARTMENT, 3-room. unfurnish­ed, consists of bed-sitting room, bath, and pantry. Private entrance. Heated, with all utilities paid. Ap­ ply to Mrs. Whitney Coates. R.R. 1 Centralia, or phone Kirkton 39-r- 3. 4c APARTMENT, self-contained, fur­nished, redecorated, central, reason­able, seperate entrance, excellent for business girls or couple. Apply Tinies-Advocate.________'_______4c APARTMENT, lower, extra choice, centrally heated, hot water heating system, complete privacy, all mo­ dern conveniences including laundry facilities, garage, garden ground, attractive surroundings, rent rea­ sonable. William Oestricher, Credl- ton. J ' 2<tfc 4-R00M COTTAGE—Phone 259 Ex­eter. 4 c 3-ROOM APARTMENT, furnished, ground floor, with private entrance. Hydro and water will be paid. Ap­ply 321 Huron St. W., phone 673-.T after 6 p.m.___________________D APARTMENT, furnished, including frig; utilities paid. Phone S Credi­ted. 30tfc. 2 APARTMENTS—-Apply Tasty-Nu Bakery, phone 100, Zurich. 9tfc APARTMENT. 2 bedrdoms, loil?t. hot and cold water, on Shipka highway. Phone 6-J CrecUton, lfitfc IF YOU WANT TO SELL THAT TRASH UP IN THE ATTIC- OR, EVEN THE WHOLE HOUSE-JUST TRY AN AD IN THE PAPER cards and treats while a ......... In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and since returning home. Phyllis Hern. 4c INMEMORIAM FLETCHER—In loving memory of a dear cousin. Mary Elizabeth Fletcher, who passed away Octo­ber 9, 1955,Her thoughts were all so (till of its, She never could forget.And so we think that where she 1S' She must be watching yet.As angels keep their watch up there,Please. God just let her know* That we down here rlo not forget,I love and miss her so.It is sweet io remember a cousin dear.So 'Absent from me, yet ever so nea r,Unseen hy the world, she stands by my side,And whispers dear one death can­not divide, —L o v f n g I y remembered hv her cousin Priscilla Elizabeth Mack.4* dear who Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools. Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE. EXETER house, 1 uu,m, sni?. i30 ACRES, insul-bric house, 1 barn, silo, driveshed. BRICK HOUSE, centre hall, oil furnace, 2 bathrooms, fireplace; suit 2 families; garage.BRICK HOUSE. 3 bedrooms, full bath, oil furnace, good barti. NEW FRAME HOUSE, basement, living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, extra land, SERVICES Is your corn too greet) to pick? Do you want to pick it soon and have it dry? Have it sprayed (U ran) Nitrogen using 15 to 20 gallons per acre (actually 60 to 70 lbs. of pure j Nitrogen). This- will dry your corn grain in a few days and also help to decompose the stalk and pre­ pare your corn ground for an excellent crop next season. L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, Ont., phone 266. 27:4c SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Im- I mediate service. Butler Bros., ! Lucan, phone 108 or 130-W. 13:20:27:4:11:1S:25‘ SEWING MACHINES — Electric portables, by the week. Hupper- Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Ex­eter. _____Stfc A P A R T M E N T, furnished, self- contained, hot and cold water on tap, private bath with shower; private entrance, newly decorated, heavy duty wiring, built-in cup­boards: available now. Phone 400-w evenings. :<<)tfc UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. 4 rooms,* heated, with hot and cold water, 3-piece bath, built-in cup­boards and hard Wood floors; all freshly decorated* also use of base­ ment with laundry tubs: private entrance; ground floor. Phone 300 after 6 or call at 251 Carling St.•1* FEED Let UsApply Phone SIMS—Tn loving memory of a mother, Elizabeth Jean Sims, passed away October 8, 1950. Nothing ran ever take away The love a. heart holds dear,Fond memories linger every day, I Remembrance keeps her near. I --Sadly missed and always remem-J ELLIOT APARTMENTS The 12-suite steam-heated apart­ment building in the centre of town has self-contained 1-bedroom apartments with private bathrooms, plenty of closet space, stove, if.- frigbrhlor, (some fully* fttriiiMtM); janitor service; plenty of hot water and parking space for oars; very reasonable rates. Ono vacancy now, SANDY ELLIOT SINCE MY BABY'S DISCOVEREDTHE 6000 TASTY MILK OF HIGHLAND MU. DAffty HE NEVER WANTS TO COME HOME TO LUNCH ANYMORE IN AUCTIOM SALES bank bank bank I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age, —G. J. Dow, phone S3, Exeter. 12tfe DEAD, DISABLED STOCK—Seven- day week service for horses, cattle, sheep pigs, calves.—Glen Kennedy, phona collect 168-W Lucan or Ex­eter 235. 12tfc STOCK WANTED 55c Ducklings 55c.A GRADE,. OVEN READY) Smoked Hams 79cSWIFT’S PREMIUM OVEN-READY A-GRADE 4 TO B LB. AVE - - 16th ANNUAL SALE OF Registered HEREFORDS The undersighe’d will sell for STUTT BROS. •2; miles north-east, of Forest, 28 miJes north-east, of Sarnia, ’A mile east of Highway No. 21 ; SATURDAY, OCTOBER- 13 34 -HEAD: 18 bulls around 1 year old; 12 bred heifers: 4 open heifers-.Herd fully-accredited. Bulls blood, tested. 'Helfers calfhood vaccinated. All are .eligible for . American Registration. Sale at 1 p.m. Cata­logue oh request.’ S. O'NEIL. Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate and Household Effects THE VILLAGE OF HENPALL SATURDAY, OCT. 6, 1 P.M. The Estate of the lateMrs. Irene FeeREAL ESTATE—Consists of one lot, upon which is situated a, 2- storey, 8-room frame house, with basement, bathroom, town water and hydro; also a garage.HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Crosley Shelvador frig., automatic defrost; 2-burner electric stove; Thor wash­ ing machine: Duo Therm oil burner: Clare Jewel cook stove; Quebec heater; 9-piece oak dining room suite; chesterfield; china cabinet And writing desk combination; beds: spring filled mattresses: dressers; bureau: round table; end tables: hall tree; wickei* rockers; odd chairs: kitchen table; mirrors; lamps; clocks; mats: sealers: dishes; kitchen utensils; 200-gal.- oil tank; lawn mower; . wood; garden tools, and numerous other articles, TERMS: Real Estate—10% day of sale, balance in 30 days; sold sub­ject to reserve bid.Chattels: Cash.CHARLES FEE. Executor P. L. McNAT^HTON. Clerk ED CORBETT, Auctioneer ’t MOLDY GRAIN Dry It For YouEdgar Cudmore 171-r-li Exeter SOtfc CUSTOM COMBINING. 13-ft. S.P. combine; custom baling, square bales. Also manure loading. ‘Apply Norman Whiting, Exeter, phone 655-W, evenings. 16tfc WHITEWASHING & CLEANING— Arrangements can be made. Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-r-19. 7:12-ll:15c HAVE YOUR SAWS sharpened and set, today, the Foley automatic way. Stew’s Sharpening Service, 105 Sanders St. E., Exeter, phone 454. 7c WATERLOO ‘CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used” For artificial insemination infor­ mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-6441 between 7:30 and 9:So A.M We have all breeds available —top quality at low cost, 4:26Hc I SWIFT'S SAUSAGE MEAT, 1*Lb. Bag—390 SWIFT'S PREMIUM BACON, Lb. CiClke AAlX, PILLSBURY, e Niblets Com. giant Tomato Juice, ubbys • « ft ft 890 3 2 12 DZ. • Pumpkin, aylmer fancy ft ft 2 FDR FDR ♦ ft FDR 89c 33c 29c PRODUCE t Ontario Fancy Macintosh .3 lbs. 35c Mincemeat LIBBY’S 25 DZ, House Foil STUART’S 25 FT, MONARCH PIE CRUST, 18 Ox. ft BREEZE KING SIZE, White or Blue ... « • • »43c California, Flame. « « • »29c 310 $1.48 MAPLE LEAF LIQUID DETERGENT, Tins 360 Grapes 2 ubs, 23c California Head Lettuce LGE, HEADS 19c ERAV hatching weekly. Ask fo list Showing what's available. Al though they advise ordering li advance. Broilers and pullets. Full information, agent: Eric Carscad- den, Exeter, phone 245-W. WANTED STANDING TIMBER, soft m* hard wood. Highest prices paid. Eai ..k.,.. tn? . ■ ■ ■ . 2 for 330 LIBBY'S CATSUP, 11 Ox.230 RAW COFFEE BAGS, 1 Lb., GroundEMPLOYMENT WANTED AUNT MARY COFFEE BAGS, 1 Lb., Ground ... $1.13 EARLY RISER COFFEE BAGS, 1 Lb„ Ground 990 BABY CHICKS FOR SALE i I YOUNG LADY with previous exper­ ience desires part-time position, preferably office work. Apply to Times-Advocate. 4c PAINTING AND PAPERING . CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS , THOS. H. WALKERPhone 553 Exeter 4c GENERAL FOODS MINIT RICE s PHONE 571 Golden Yellow Sweet Potatoes 3 lbs. 29c