HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-10-04, Page 10Page 12 Th® Times-Advocate, October 4/1956
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Captures Two Awards
In Kirkton 4-H Show
A freshman at O.A.C., Donald;
Pullen of R.R. 1 Granton won
both calf and showmanship hon
ors in the Kirkton 4-H Beef
Club shows at the fair Friday.
Donald, 19-y ear-old son of
Milne Pullen, scored top marks
of the show with his Aberdeen
Angus steer and was judged
best showman of the club.
A club winner in 1953 and a
five-year veteran of 4-H work,
the Granton youth plans to show
Ins black steer in the guineas
class at the Royal Winter Fair.
Top heifer in the club was
shown by Terry Robinson, R.R.
1 St. Marys, whose calf scored
390, one less than Pullen's. Sec
ond place went to Howard Bal-
lantyne, also of R.R. 1 St.
Grant and Gordon Hodgins,
who placed second and third in
the steer section, won the same
prizes in showmanship. .
Wins Dairy Club Honors
Keith Stephen, R.R. 1 St.
Marys, led the dairy calf club
with top honors in the senior
heifer* section and in showman
ship. , His Holstein calf received
a mark of 376.
Tied for calf honors was Joyce
Crago, R.R. 1 St. Marys, who
won the junior section with 376.
Down To
Wayne Pridham placed sec
ond in the senior class and Nova
j Bertrand was runner-up in the
■ juniors.I Wayne Stephen won second
’ place in showmanship.
| Best Tractor Driver
Barry Stephen, R.R. 1 St.
Marys, won the driving compcti- <
| tion of the tractor club with a1
: mark of 269 out of 300.
! Masys»
! Ross Robinson, R.R. 1 St.
Marys, came second with 266
: and Jim Bearss, Science Hill.
I and Bruce Greenstreet, R.R. 1
! St. Marys, tied foi' third with ,
i 262. I
Local Teams
In 4-H Show
Boys and girls from Huron,
Middlesex, Perth and eight
other counties will compete in
the Western Ontario 4-H Club
Championship Show at Ontario
Arena, London, on Saturday,
October 6.
The young farmers will vie
for individual’honors in the var
ious beef, dairy and swine breeds
and will also compete in threes
for inter-club honors.
Champion dairy, beef and
swine showmen will be chosen
and they will compete against
each other for a grand cham
pion livestock showman award.
In this competition, contestants
will be required to show all three
types of livestock.
Poultry, grain and potato
clubs in Middlesex county will
compete at the same show and
prizes will be given for the best
display by a Middlesex club.
Thirty-one members from Hur
on County clubs have entered
the championship competition.
Team from the Exeter beef club
will include Gerald Wallis, Hugh
Rundle and Ray Cann. The dairy
calf team will be made up of
Patsy and Marilyn Marshall and
John Bregman.
Cancel Match
Tor District
i Late harvesting operations in
i this district have forced cancel
lation of a plowing match for
{South Huron this year officials
of the district plowmen’s associa
tion announced this week.
Secretary Alvin Passmore,
I R.R. 3 Exeter- said farmers
I have been too, busy to partici
pate in a match. The*competi
tion is expected to be resumed
• next year, however.
North Huron plowing match
will be held on the farm of
Arthur Colson, lot 11, concession
13, Hullet, this Friday.
Woodham Man
Wins Hog Prize
Ward I-Iern, R.R. 1 Woodham,
won first prize in the Joacon hog
carcass competition at Exeter
Fair, Secretary-treasurer Clark
Fisher announced this week after
receiving the grades from the
Reserve champion carcass
award went to Lome Passmore,
R.R. 3 Exeter.
Third and fourth prizewinners
were Charles Prout, R.R, 1 Cen
tralia, and R. D. Etherington,
R.R, 1 Hensall.
The past few weeks public ciding whether to feed corn and
livestock markets have been supplement to grass-fed steers
flooded with unfinished grass-1 figure the corn at $l‘5O a_ bush-
fed butcher cattle. The reason* ’ ” ’
according to the experts is the
jlush green pastures throughout
■ the province. Many of these
cattle were bought last spring
as speculative issues at high
prices due to abnormal demand
and will definitely show very
small profit margins and in
many cases-net losses.
The cry is, what can we do
about it? Every buyer and ship
per of livestock listens to the
same complaint daily every
where they go and many of
them have nothing to offer but
sympathy. Many farmers feel
that a producer association
; would clean up the mess-Tom-
pnyrot-the farmers, who think
thus had better begin, to get ed
Your opportunity for profit
comes from increasing the val
ue of the present weight of the
cattle about $3 to $4 a hundred
pounds. For example, a feeder
might take $12 to $15 loss for
each steer on feedlot gain from
a full feed of corn. But he still
might increase the value of each
steer by twice that amount be
cause oF*higher finish and grade
when he sells them.
Most cattlemen faced with de-
!Greyz Bruce Counties
5 Push Hog Marketing
I Two orders recently passed by marketing agency in . re-estab-
! the Ontario Hog Producers’ Co-.lishing the hog market in On-
i op directing hogs produced in' tario so . that competition will
Grey and Bruce counties were once again be a factor
declared valid last week. ' tahlishing price.
Decision regarding the valid-1
ity of the two orders was made!.
at a joint meeting of the Ontario F
Farm Products Marketing Board,: J*
the Ontario Hog Producers Co- .
operative and a committee from; J A A the Canadian Meat Packers I Q fVlCllGn
eh You’ll need to feed 2 Pounds l Toron- Huron County Soil and Jof corn daily for each 100 pounds Wtament Buucungs, xoron , Improvement Association
of live weight of the steers. Al ......".... .. - ’ —~ J.... ‘~
low one pound of protein sup
f0 1tmpjuyemnjjj. Absumunuil IS
................... ....................... ..4“^ a
plement for every 9 to 10 pounds | gruce countjes t0 move those {St-ooklln on Thursday, October
legumr”*hay per head’daUy H | Ss oljario Stock Yariffi 5'he trip, being organised by
the cattle are brought into dry- Yards; Ag G.-. Montgomery, ulot onio, lo operative aiocx xaras open farmers and their
But you should have choice-J in the county. The bus
Miiih nanahio nf tabinct ptocK Yaras in Baine. ! will leave Wingham at 6 a.m.,
The other order passed by the reach Kippen at 6,40, Hensall at
Ontario Hog Producers’ Co-op-, G.45 and Exeter at 7 p.m.
erative makes it mandatory for J Thursday competitions will
meat packing companies to pur-: feature the Canadian champion
chase hogs produced in the1 ship tractor class and the inter
counties of Grey and Bruce only secondary school tractor class,
from the three authorized points. 1
from”30V,to*"50* busheis oF corn I Earl Manning, representative
during the feeding period,
Extra cost of corn* and pro
tein supplement to finish grass-
fed butcher cattle is usually more than made up through
higher finish and grade at the
market. We admit it; does not
always show a profit but it does
place your investment in its
most advantageous position for.
negotiation-win, lose
Those who wish to
a garden must first
quality cattle .capable of -taking
the fullest advantage of further
feeding. Normally, a-90. .to 100-
day feed of grain beginning in
early August will put choice
quality yearling steers into the
choice slaughter grade at mar
ket time, Each steer will eat
or. draw.
live out of
live in it.
—Sat. Ev. Post
of the processors, indicated to
the meeting that the processors
would advise the Hpg Producers’
Co-operative within 10 days if
the processors will co-operate in|
observing the two orders of the i
hog co-operative.
Charles McInnis, president of
the Ontario Hog Producers’ Co
operative, said following the
meeting that the decision regard
ing the validity of the t\Vo orders
will greatly assist the producer, I
To All My Friends;
Mrs. James W. Taylor
Your patronage is greatly appreciated,
The trip, being organized by
Shell Oil Service
Snell Bros. LM.
Phone 100 Exeter
I want you all to know how much I
appreciate your kindness during the past
few weeks.
It is my intention to carry on business
as before with my nephew, Jack Taylor, on
the delivery truck.
Prices at Hensall Commuhity
Sale, September 27 were:
Weanling pigs
Chunks ...........
• Feeders ..........
■ Sows ...............
Holstein cows .
Durham cows .
Holstein calves 13.00
Durham calves 23.00
There. were 205 pigs
head of cattle sold.
$8.50 to $12.00
. 13,60 to 17.80
...21.00 to 28.00
61.00 to 68:00
105.00 to 140.00
124.00 to 142.00
to 18.00
to 50.00
and 60
Huron County
Crop Report
With no rain and fine weather
the week of September 24-29,
the harvesting of the spring
grain crop is now almost com
During the week considerable
progress was. made with the
cutting and vstoring of second
cut hay, pulling and threshing
of the white bean crop, seeding
of fall wheat and a start was
made with silo-filling.
Because o' this the six fall
fairs held in the county were
poorly attended, except the Bay-
field Fair where a good crowd
was on hand for the centennial
More farmers switch to Surge
Milkers for safer, faster milking,
We have complete equipment .to cKeek your, generator or.
regulator on or off the car. Don’t throw away your regu
lator — have it repaired.
Chub Edwards Operates Our Tester
Generators & Regulators
■s Batteries All Sizes
Safe Buy Cars
J53 FORD COACH, just like new
’49 CHEVROLET SEDAN, radio .
’4$ CHEVROLET COACH, radio, signal lights
’52 CMC %-TON TRUCK, just like new
South End Service
Russ and Chuck Snail
pwonp rm feXETEft
Kirkton Fair Winners
—Continued from Page {1 ]
phreys; corsage, Mrs. Fred Switzer, 1 St. Marys, Shean; dining table centre,- Shean, Mrs. Rate title; Christmas tame centre, Shean, Mrs.
riatciii'te: floral aesign, fiat, Airs. Jack Arthur, 1 St. Marys; best 7 spikes snapdragon (special), Airs, bred Switzer, Shean, Mrs. Thos.
Hern. , . ,House plants—African violet collection, Airs. Humphreys, Airs. Arthur; pink African violets, Airs, Armstrong, Mrs. Humphreys; blue African violets, Airs. Switzer, Airs. Humphreys; fibrous begonia, Airs. D. Gordon Dow, 1 Alitcnell; tuberous begonia. Airs. Humphreys; geranium, Mrs. Switzer; house
plants in bloom, Airs. Arthur.House plants, foliage—Asparagus springeri, Airs. Burgin, Mrs. Selves; begonia, Airs. Arthur, Mrs. Switzer; collection of four foliages, Airs. Arthur; collection coleus, Mrs, Humphreys.
FruitApples—Fred ’ AlcClymont, Varna, ■ 16 lirsts, six seconds; Harry Logan, Belton, eight lirsts, five seconds; Robert Ratcliffe, Science Hill, one second; best collection, Fred Afc- clymont.Flums—Logan, two firsts; McCly-mont, one first.Fears—Bartlett, Newton Clarke, 1 Woodham, Clarence Switzer, 1 Kirkton; Clapp's favofil'e, AlcClymont, Alex stoskopf, 2 Alitcheil;
Duchess, AlcClymont, Logan; Shel- donft Stoskopf, AlcClymont; other variety. Stoskopf. AlcClymont,.Grapes—Stoskopf, two firsts; AlcClymont, one second.
Grain and Seedsl'ield crop competition — Alilton Hooper, Mrs, Kae stepnen, Newton Clarice, ■
canning corn — T. A, Crago,Farmers Chub specials — \vneat, Alilton Hooper, Newton Clarke, Mis. Rae. btepnen, T. A, crago; oats, Alilton Hooper, Airs. Stephen, All’s. T. Hern, Newton Ciariie; Parley, Alilton Hooper.Alilton Hooper won first for fall wheat, oats, bariey, soya beans, jarge and small white beans, bantam corn and sheaf oats. a. Stos
kopf won first lor sheaf................and sheaf barley.Sebago potatoes,Airs. T*. Hern; green mountain potatoes, Harry Logan; Irish cob- Dler, T. A,' Crago, Clarence Swit- zd<; dooley’s, Thos. Crew, Clarence Switzer; Swedish turnips,- Donald Pullen, Elmer Armstrong; shipping turnips, Don Pullen, Harry Logan; heaviest turnips, Don Fallen; lield carrots, Fred AlcClymont; long red mangolds, Crago, Crew; giant white mangolds, Crago, Mrs. Hern; Legia- than mangolds, Crago, Crew; heavl- •est; mangolds, • Crago,
Long carrots, Mrs, Al. Gallop, Mrs. H, Burgin; short carrots, Mrs. Gallop, Airs. Eric Humphreys; par
snips. Crew, Mrs, Gallop; beets, Crago, Logan; tlat cabbage, Armstrong, Otis Sawyer; red cabbage, Mrs, Gallop, Armstrong: round cabbage, Gallop, Crew; cauliflower. Crew Sawyer; celery, Sawyer; red
tomatoes, Mrs. Humphreys, Airs. Gallop: - pink tomatoes, Sawyer, Airs, Gallop. •
Citrons, Logan, Airs. Gallop; pie pumpkin, Armstrong, Airs. Fred Roger; large pumpkin, Logan, Crew; watermelons, Logan; table squash, Airs. Hern, Crago; mammoth ■squash, Stoskopf, liubbard Squash, Airs, Gallop, Logan; banana squash, Crew, Armstrong; green or ripe cucumbers, Armstrong, Mrs. Gallop; table cucumbers, Airs. Gallop, Airs, Burgin; onions from seed,
Crew. Armstrong; onions from seed, Crew, Armstrong; onions from Dtitch sets, Crew.
Best collection of vegetables, Airs. Gallop.
White -rocks. J. D. Douglas, Stratford; barred rocks, J, D. Douglas; Wyandottes, J. D. Douglas; Jersey black giants, George Douglas, Stratford; R.T. reds, black minpreas, brown leghorns, J. ,D. Douglas; white leghorns, George Douglas, black leghorns, R. E.
Loupe, Kirkton; toulouse geese, George Douglas; pekin ducks, Geo.
Douglas,Pets. —1 Bantams-, Fred Cowdrey, Alurray Stephen. Teddy Arthur; pigeons. Gerald Francis, Fred Cowdrey. Chas. Gardiner; rabbits, Murray Stephen.
Showmanship—Don Pullen, Grant Hodglns. Gordon Hodglns, Howard
Dalian tyne, Ronald Jackson, Terry Robinson. Charles O’Shea, Pat O'Shea, Larry Aiills, David Tate, Donald Bragg. ’ .......
Kirkton 4-H Dairy Calf ClubSenior—Keith Stephen 376, Wayne Pridham 374, Grant Bertrand 372.Junior—Joyce Crago 376, *’Bertrand 374, Wayne StephOi Lyle Paton 366, A..dy McL-A Allen .Dow 365, Donald Carter 360.Showman-ship ■ — •••
Wayne Stephen, Andy McLean, Nova .Bertrand, _________ _ .........
Crago, David Wheeler, Wayne Pridham.
Klrkton 4-H Tractor Club
Driving competition — Barry Sfe- Phen 260, Ross Robinson 2R6. Jim Bearss and Bruce Greenstreet (tied) 262, Keith Stephen 260, Edwin ’ Hawkins 256. John Ready 230, David ['■’ heeler 232, Grant Bertrand 231,
■ Alnrray Shier sm.Races—Boys, 72 and' tinder. Wayne
Prance. Brian Hern, Clifford Langford: girls, I2a and under, Joanne Webb. Helen Evans, Bernice Format ; open. Afarwood Willis, Harold Doupc, Henry Koopmans,
Klrkton 4-H Beef Calf Club
Steer—Donald Pullen 391, Grant Hodgins 3X0, Gordon Hedging 379,Heifer—Terry Robinson 390, How
ard Baiiantyria 385, Chatt rt’Shea 375. Ronald Jackson- 370, Pat O'Shea363, Dondkl Bragg 365, David Tate364, Larry JtflliS 363.
School Fair
Grade 1-2, Sliaroii Fletcher. Faye Crago, Janis Duncan. Laura .French; grade 3. Sandra Walters. Iris Marshall. Marilyn ..ANhiin GayljJtDttf*
fall wheat
A. Crago,
-Keith Stephen 376, Wayne ~
Nova ____ 372, Andy McLean 366, David Wheeler 363,
- Keith Stephen,
Donald Carter, Grant Bertrand.Allen .Dow. doyce
Anne Johns; grade 5-6, Grace Allen,
Ruth. Miller, Joanne Webb, Marlene Frayne: grade 7-8, Jane French, Helen Humphreys, Nova Bertrand, Murray Stephen.
ArtWatercolor, local scene, Belly Stephens. Sharon Mills, Ruth Hern, Clare Hooper; Christmas Scene,
Grace Allen. Bernice Forrest, Barry Brintneil, Joanne Webb; grade ‘-2,
Sharon Fletcher, Barry Thomson, Ross Hern, Phyllis Allen; grades 3-1, Barbara Webber, Gary Beaver,
Sharon Thomson, Philip Rea; grades <5-6, Bernice Forrest, Ann Creery, Sharon Mills; grades 7-3, Nova Bertrand, Murray Stephen, Burns Stephen, Margaret Brock,
SewingLunch cloth, Betty Duffield, Grace Allen. Margaret Brock, Sharon Mills: felt belt, Darlene Mills,
Sharon Stone; quilt block, Sharon Mills, Margaret Brock,
CraftsBird house, Ralph Hern, Grace Alien, Murray Stephen, Allan Dow; hook cover, Alice Nyliuis, Betty Stephens, Sharon Stone, Grace Allen; serving tray, Bob Woods, Allan Dow. Ronald Marshall, Sharon Stone; book mark, Darlene Mills, Frances Skinner, Sharon Fletcner,
Sharon Stone,
BakingSchool lunch. Grace Allen. Sharon Stone, Dorothy Dickey. Bill Brock: date loaf, Ruth Miller. Margaret Brock, Rosemary Ratcliffe; grade 1-4. candy, Sharon Stone. Darlene
Mills, Bobby Miller, Phyllis Allen; grade 1-4, muffins. Margaret Levy, Sharon Stone, Darlene Mills, Sandra Dickey; grade 5-8, drop cookies, Nova, Bertrand. Linda Ratcliffe, Margaret Brock. Sharon Mills; grade 5-3. tea biscuits. Margaret Brock. Joyce Dickey, Grace Allen, Joan Robson.
Ontario booklet. Darlene Mills, Ronald Marshal), Sharon Mills, Ann Creery: snapshots, Ronald ATarshall,* Jane French. Douglas Heard; Sharon Mills; health poster, Ronald Marshall, Sharon Mills, Ann Creery, Helen Evans; collection of buttons, Ann Creery. Sharon Mills, Grace Allen, Freddy Cowdry. -
Houseolant, Carolyn Hern. Sharon Mills, Grace ■ Allen, Darlene Mills;
table bouquet. Ronald Marshall, Grace Allen, Burns Stephen, Ruth Miller: asters, Marilyn Johns. Sharon Mills. Lynn Pau), Fred Cowdry; best living .-.room bouquet, Ann Creery, Barbara Hern, Iris Marshall.
Turnip Sales
On Increase
The Canadian rutabaga, more
commonly known as “turnip” or
“swede” is being harvested from
Ontario farms. At this time of
year tractor-trailors and railway
cars daily carry Jarge quantities
to various parts of the United
States, and each year the do
mestic consumption is increas
ing also, according to the Field
Crops Branch of the Ontario De
partment of Agriculture. •
Weather conditions this year
have- been favorable for the pro
duction of 'a very high quality
turnip—smooth, attractive in ap
pearance, free from water core
and of excellent flavor.
Turnips are recognized as a
very good source of Vitamin C
or ascorbic acid. This is 'espe
cially true when they are eaten
raw, and they make an excellent
addition to salads where they
also provide a touch of attrac
tive color.
Science has done a great deal
ih recent years to improve the
quality of Ontario turnips. Some
varieties, such as the Laurentian
have been developed which have
a sweeter disposition than their
ancestors. The old adage that
—Please Turn To Page 14
Trutone White is the result of years of C-I-L
research ... a high-hiding one-coat white that saves
you dollars both in paint and labor costs,'
Trutone White is not only intensely white to
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paints have turned dirty and gray. Rain helps it
> shed dust and'grime,, helps prevent stains , from
eavestroughs,. downspouts, flashings and window
Save time, save paint, save dollars.
Have the whitest house on your street.
Ask us for dependable Trutone White,
the whiter white that cleans itself.
PHONE 181 Your CIL Paint Headquarters