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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-10-04, Page 7
London Church Scene Of Rites Betty Lou Schwartz and Carl E. Morley, both of London, were united in marriage by the Rev. G. W. Goth in Metropolitan United Church on Saturday, September 29, in a setting of autumn .flowers, ferns and cath edral tapers. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L, E, Schwartz of London, former ly of Crediton, and the groom is the son of Cyril Morley, Park hill and the late Mrs. Eunice Morley, Harry Hoffman of Dash wood was soloist. The bride wore aft ' imported floor-length gown of antique peau de soie with fitted bodice, a softly shirred bertha and yoke of nylon tulle and lily point sleeves. The full skirt of net over satin, appliqued in sequins, extended into a cathedral train. A headdress of satin and seed pearls held her imported silk illusion veil and she carried a bouquet of orchids and steph- anotis. Miss Dorene Baker, Grand Bend, was maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Hel en Kenny, Miss Jean Mari* and Mrs, Ray McCarter, Exeter, They wore ankle-length gowns of beige embroidered tulle* and net over taffeta with picture, hats of rust nylon chiffon and carried bouquets of yellow roses and bronze ’mums. The flower girls, Judith Ann McDonald and Linda Lightfoot, Denfield, wore floor-length rust nylgn chiffon over beige taffeta and carried baskets of roses and bronze ’mums. Fred Morley, Leamington, was his brother’s groomsman and Morley Lackie, Belle River, Reg inald W u e r t h and Claire Schwartz, Crediton, were ush ers. The bride’s mother received the’ guests wearing a dress of brown Chantilly lace over beige taffeta with brown accessories and- an orchid corsage. The groom’s stepmother chose . a navy crepe dress with rose and navy accessories, and a pink rose corsage. For travelling the bride wore a mauve and grey tweed en semble with mauve and black accessories and an orchid cor sage. The couple will live London. Exeter Dairy Nordic Automaticin 5 B 1. 2, z Phone 331-J Daily Doliven Undercover Phone 50 DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU Ethel's Beauty Salon PHONE 18, GRANO BENO ©pan 9 to b, Monday to Friday 2 Friday Evening Till 9.00 SATURDAY 9 to 12 Two Experienced Operators: Eleanor Wasnidge, Ethel Desjardine, Proprietress Clandsboye Wl Sees Fashions Clandeboye Women’s Institute met at the public school when the seventeen 4-H girls, “Nifty Needlers” modelled the dresses made in their recent, project, "Cottons may be smart.” Mrs. E. Lewis presided, and, on behalf of the branch, pre sented each girl with a piece of silverware in the same pattern .they had received for complet ing each project. Roll call was answered with a sewing hint. Mrs. R. Williams, convenor of the I-Iome Econom ics and Health, spoke on the “Dry Cleaning of Clothing.” Mrs. Andy Carter, Mrs. Alex Macintosh and Mrs. G. Eaton were appointed to arrange for the program planning meeting of the Extension Service of the W. I. to be held in the United Church in October, Other In stitutes invited to attend were Lucan, McGillivray and River view. A 'donation of three dollars was made to .the Canadian In stitute for the Blind. The host ess prize was won by’Miss Reta Armstrong and Mrs. Joe Carter won a memory contest. . Miss Phyliss Lee presented gifts to club leader, Mrs. Jack Hearn an and her assistant Mrs. D. Kestle, on behalf of the m,embers. II .......... CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend h Lefter Frtjm Crediton By MRS. J, WOODALL t. European Holiday few grow 3 Sewihg Machines All In One REGULAR SEWING MACHINE—For perfect •straight stitching. ZIGZAG MACHINE—For darning, mending embroidery. 3. “AUTOMATIC SEWING—Producing continuous zigzag embroidery automatically, Easy to Operate ☆ S-L-O-W Speed ☆ Smooth Starting Well-Designed Table ☆ Good Lighting - ■; ☆ Non-Jamming Shuttle TRY AND YOU'LL BUY NORDIC Hopper-Hockey FURNITURE ’ Phone 99 Exeter Cheese is a most valuable food and would you believe it—-there are more than 40 kinds of cheese made in Canada. October is Cheese Festival Month and what a wonderful variety awaits you right now at your food store! A free set of Marie Fraser's Cheese Recipe Booklets is years for the asking, Write ioday. DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA Dot’sBeauty Shoppe Jack Smith Jeweller) Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave ^Dorothy <5. Pfaff, Prop.' Phone 71-W Exeter '■Latter From Brinsley By MRS. CECIL ELLWOOD J Tim-gy-AriwceH October 4, If 56 Breath-Taking Scenes Mark Germany Trip By MRS. J, M. SOUTHCQTT i rivers in America than the u ♦ « j • Rhine. John said “Yes I knowIt is difficult to find time m the Mississippi, the Ohio and the our busy schedule to do any | Amazon are longer but there writing as we travel mostly all • * •- day and are ready to retire as soon as we are settled in our hotel and have had our dinner at night. Our buses are so arranged that the back of the seat in front of us comes down to form a desk or shelf but wjth the mo tion of the bus it is impossible to write legibly. Today we left, Mannheim in Germany at 8.15 a.m. and journeyed to Baden where we stayed a few minutes to view from the outside a .very beauti ful building which is the only casino in Germany. In some respects Hitler was quite strait laced and he forbade all gamb ling in Germany except this one one casino. We journeyed on through the Black Forest, so called because the density of the trees was so great that no light penetrated. Good highways have been built, both skirting the mountains and going to the' top, a height of 3,000 feet. The scenery was breath taking as was the decline as we neared the edges of the precipice and saw what could happen if we deviated on the pavement a few inches. After a coffee!break, we gra dually came down, the incline again until we found the Rhine river which we had previously followed. The Rhine Falls, the largest in Europe, are very pic turesque; the foaming water is forced through great crevices of rock or limestone. By the time we^eaphed Zurich it was quite dusk and as we made our way to Lucerne we Were reminded of the Sunday traffic at home as we met a con- tiual line of cars. Tomorrow we are looking for ward to a day in the Alps. We have had sunny weather every day that.we have been on the continent, crossing the Chan nel last Wednesday, September 19. We are quite comfortable without a coat during the day but the mornings and evenings' are chilly. We had no sooner mastered the English currency when we had to struggle with a different system in France, then Belgium, after that German marks and pfennings and now the Swiss. “It’s a bit of a,problem” as the Englishman says but we are all in the same boat and help each other out, At our first meal in Liverpool, we were not served our beverage until every one at the table had finished his “sweet” or des sert. At Endinburgh we were asked to retire to the “lounge” to drink our tea or coffee. We have to pay extp for our bever age—it is not included in the price of our meals. Only occasionally is butter served with a meal on the con tinent. If we ask for. it we quite frequently have to pay extra for it and then cannot eat it— it tastes more like lard. So “in Rome we learn to do as the Romans do” and find the differ ent customs interesting. I do not think any of us will ferget our travels of yesterday. At. 8.15 a.m. we left dur hotel in Bad Godesberg, the capital of West Germany, proceeded to Coblenz and to Boppard where we boarded a special river steamer, the Ursula, for a two- and-a-half hour trip down the Rhine River. High, wooded, hill country towered above the winding river and wherever possible vineyards were planted which were bearing purple, yellow and green grapes. Here and there a castle rose from the hills while towns and villages nestled in the valleys. Our courier, John Brown, told us that some American tourists told him that there were longer ——»»— 4Communion Service Communion service was held in the United Church Sunday morning. Baskets of flowers ad orned the rostrum in memory of the late James Taylor, form erly of Crediton. Anniversary services will be held in the United Church on Sunday, Oc tober 7. Rev. E. Roulston of Lucan will be guest speaker and Mr. R. McCutcheon of Cen tralia will be soloist. Personal Item* Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ryall of London, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Swartz and Mrs. Richard Whit ney of Detroit visited during the weekend with Mr', and Mrs, Roy Swartz. Mr. and . Mrs. J. Leary of De troit spent the weekend with Mrs. S. Lamport. Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Cress man and family of Waterloo vis ited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Krueger and Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fahner returned to Sudbury on Tuesday after attending the funeral of the former's mother. Mrs. C. Fahner Dies At Crediton Mrs. Charles Fahner died at her home on Friday September 28 in her 78th yearAfollowing a lengthy illness. Born 'in Stephen township, she was the former Emma Treitz. Following her marriage to Charles Fahner, they resided for 13 years in Man itoba, and later returned to Cred iton, where Mr. Fahner died in 1948. She was a member of the Evangelical U.B. church. She is survived by one son Lloyd of Sudbury; a daughter Mrs. Lome Morlock (Irene) with whom she resided; one grand son Glen Fahner of Toronto; two sisters, Mrs. J. Hirtzel and Mrs. H. Finkbeiner both of Crediton and four brothers, John Treitz of Fenwick, Charles of Seattle, Wash., Edward of London and Edgar of Saskatch ewan. The funeral, held on Monday from the Evangelical church, was conducted by Rev. Glen Strome and interment was in Crediton cemetery. Hoffman Funeral Home of Dashwood was in charge of arrangements. I Have you forgotten the most important things in your new fall wardrobe? Start with your figure. Let your Spirella corset- iere take your individual mea surements for garments that are styled just for you. Then your new wardrobe will be complete. Mrs. V. Armstrong 89 ANN ST. W.^EXETER Phone 125 For An Appointment In Your Own Home wipibuip-m dispenser Mayor Defends —Continued from Page 8 Mrs. Frank King. Readings were given by Mrs. Harold Jeffery and Mrs. Mervin Dunn. Current events were reviewed by Mrs. Ed Sillery and Mrs. R. E. Pooley gave the hospital report. Mrs. Garnet Hicks, Mrs. O. Tuckey, Mrs, Frank Parsons, Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin, Mrs. Roy Westcott and Mrs. Frank Lostell were hostesses. has been more strife over the Rhine, more lives Iqst< mere poems written about it, and it is the busiest river in th? world.” All types of boats plied up and down the river: house boats, fishing vessels and freighters carrying coal, lumber, and gravel, Trains and buses ran along ^he shores—it was a scene of activity, We lunched at Bingen on the Rhine at a porch restau rant from where we could see the Mouse Tower' in the poem we read in our readers of .fifty years ago. The Story In Elimville By sARi>. ROSS SKINNER **r Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Bell, Annette and 'Linda of Flint, Mich., visited on Sunday with Mrs. Thos. Bell and Mr. Chas, Stephen. Mr. and Mrs? Wm. Johns, visit ed on Sunday with the latter’s sister, • Mr. and Mrs, . Howard McLean of Kerwood. Mr. Wellington Skinner of Cen tralia visited on Sunday with Mrs. James Heywood, Miss Anna Routly, who is at tending her second year at Ry erson. Institute, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Routly. Miss Betty Stephens spent Sat urday in Kirkton. with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson. • Mrs. Frank Gollings of Gran ton is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Marg- ison, Bob and Barr.^ of London visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ford of Eden visited' on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Skinner. Thanksgiving services were held at Brinsley Anglican Church on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Neild, pas tor pf the church, preached in the morning. Rev. Mr. Vollick of London, a former conducted the evening Personal items Mf. and Mrs. Lyle and children of Exeter „„ cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl' Dixon. Gary, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Voison, has return- ■ ed home from Victoria Hospital after having menengitis. • Miss Winnie Keogh, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. I and Mrs. Andy Keogh, left fori Ottawa where she is a govern- ' ment employee. Mrs, Earl Dixon visited friends in Seaforth recently. Billy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prest had, his tonsils re moved on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Waymouth and children of Stratford spent I Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Fred! Fenton. Mrs. Ida Prest is under the doctor’s care. Miss Debbie DeFinney of Ot tawa is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Keogh. minister, service. Simpson were re- <i*This Week In Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE 4* /z. $1 for modern LENNOX automatic heating! ‘’Trade old troubles T for new pleasures!" SEE OR PHONE Lindenfields Ltd. No need |o scrap that old furnace,-, stove or space heater! We’ll take Old Smoky in trade during this nationwide better heating, drive—give you a liberal trade-in allowance- when you install modern, automatic Lennox* heating. You choose from the world’s biggest selection of warm air heating equipment: units for basement, closet, utility room, attic, crawl space'; for oil, gas, coal. Remember Jh'is, too • ;a Lennox-heating system is specifically ;'en'gi-’' peered for your home. And we’ll install it ac cording to exact Lennox specifications. It’sa onc®-ir>-a-!ifetlme opportunity Report From Grand Bend By MRS. E. KEOWN armingdjixtiry touch that ' makes this ailky lotlbn . Stillmore a-delight to -use! Just touch your finger-tip to this-magic action dispenser, and the slender^’'faucet” releases exactly the right amount. Use Elizabeth Arden Hand Lotion freely, from head to toe ... to smooth your skirt to loveliness with the fresh, sweet enchantment, of Blue Grass.or June’.Geranium. 4 oz. dispenser bottle ... §1.25 • ■ James St. CGIT Plans Activities The girls of James St. C.G.I.T. began their Fall activities on September 18 with a pot luck supper and social evening. On Tuesday they held their first reg ular meeting with 40 girls pres ent. The members have been divided into four groups with a leader and a junior leader for each. Plans 'were made for the com ing months and a report of their work was prepared .for the W.- M.S. Presbyterial meeting*, at Centralia. ’Y GO BY' Beauty Bar Myrland Smith, Prop. Individual Styling, Permanents Hair Treatments, Tinting Manicures, Facials 409 Main St. Phone 522 SUPERIOR STORES • z Thanksgiving! Let Us Count Our Many Blessings Prices Effective O.ctober 4, 5,8 ' 2802 IRr*TINS ly«Aylmer Fancy Pumpkin Gren Giant Nibl ts Corn tins' Morning Cheer Coffee ground Libbys Fancy Minc'meaf FANCY Monarch Pie Crusf Mix Oc'an Spry Cr'nb'ry Sauce Rose Sweet Mixed Pickles Delmorite Fruit Cockfail rANCY Y ’ Westons Sw'et Bisc'its A’SDRTED PKG, Cheery Morn Instant Coffee6^ $1.43 Apex Aspar'gus Tips FANCY TINS 2 FOR 39c 99c PER PKG. 15-OZ. TIN 16-OZ. JAR 20-02% TIN 1-LB. 39c 35c 22c 39c Heinz Ketchup 11- OZ. on. BOTTLE fawlr Chili Sauce 12- oz. ne. bottle wOG Heinz' Tomato Soup 3 ™» 35c Tomato Juice O, 20-OZ. *>< n £ TINS *> I c FANCY MACINTOSH APPLES ......... Per Bus. $3.39; lABus. $1.75; 3 Lbs. 350 The Best Place To Shop After All J. H. Jones Groceries Free Delivery Phone 532 A Morley Pinkney has re- from vacation and con- the service at the An-, churbh on'-Sunday morn- I Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Allen and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Devine on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Adair and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ulens vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stubbs and Mr. Delbert Mason and Mr. Billie Baird were weekend visit ors with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird. Rev. turned ducted glican ing. A’ bazaar and tea will be held at the United Church on October 13. Grand Bend Home and School club met on Thursday evening in the assembly room at the school with Major King in the president’s chair. A business session discussing fall organiza tion and transportation to Thed ford fair preceded a social eve ning. Mrs. Emery Desjardine and Mrs. Wm. Sturdevant assisted with the judging' at Thedford on Friday. • * , *- ■ ■ ' Topics From Whalen By MRS. F. SQUIRE Mrs. Mary Feeney and Jane, Mrs. Chalcraft and' Mrs. Dun- woodie, London, were Wednes day guests of Mrs. Geo. Squire. Mrs. Wynne, Londop, is visit ing this week with Mr^artd Mrs*. Bert Duffield. Mrs. Russell Brock, Chisel hurst visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Morley, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley, Exeter,' were in Elmira Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Bowman. Miss Marion Morley, Toronto, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs; La verne Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgson and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Birtch of St. Marys oh Sunday. Mrs. Finkbeiner, Listowel, is Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Morley, Carol and Jimmy Foster spent a few days at Miller Lake re cently. Mrs. LaVerne Morley attended a shower at Mrs. Kenneth Hod- ginS, Glendale in honor of Miss Shirley Hodgins, London, an October bride-to-be. Misses Marion Lamport, Mar ion Alexander, Mary McDougal and Margaret Bray of London spent the weekend at their homes here. Mrs. Ted McIntyre, Peggy and George of London visited Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ballan- tyne. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffery visited on Synday with Mr. Wil liam Luther" of Parkhill who is a patient in St. Joseph’s Hos pital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bray and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. John Bray, Agnes.and Margaret, were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Strapp of London. Miss Gloria Myers of London is visiting with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wanner of Sarnia, Miss Lois Jones, Clinton, Mr.' and Mrs. Ernest Pym and John visited on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Tony Shulman and family of Embro. Little Miss Marcia Shulman returned home to visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thom son, Janice and Earl of Wood ham, Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Jeffery were Sunday evening supper guests with Mr. and. Mrs. William Rohde. Miss Marilyn’ Gardiner was a patient ’in South Huron Hospital for a few days. The .sympathy of the commun ity is-extended to the family a.nd relatives of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Miller of Staffa who passed away recently. Shower For Bride-E^ect On Friday evening some 70 friends, neighbors and relatives gathered in Thames Road church basement to honor Miss Labelle Coward, bride-elect of this Satur day. To the strains of the bridal chorus, Labelle was escorted to a prettily decorated chair by Margaret Bray. The program consisted of a vocal solo by Miss Doris Elford and a reading by Miss June Borland. Margaret Bray read the ad dress and Judy Coward pulled in a decorated wagon laden with gifts- Several contests were enjoyed and lunch was served. _ j Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Knight i and Linda were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knight of WoOdham. Trade expense for sayings! Modern Lennox heating"' ■ to sdve, so why go through another winter of work and worry,, of .discomfort and sickness and sky-high fuel bills—when we’re making it so easy to trade all that for delightful Lennox Warm Air Heating? - " Act now! Call today for a .free, no- obligation HEATINC? SURVEY, EASY MONTHLY terms—and remember, Old Smoky’s part of your down payment. units are so efficient .they actually cut fuel bills. Trade chores fpr leisure! Lennox Warm Air Heating is all-automatic. (Household dust's filtered out, too.| Trade drying air for beauty‘air! Lennox-air is moistur ized to protect skin and hair from winter parching. Trade chills for comfort, health! Warm air Is quietly circulated to every corner. Perfect heat, day and nightl Trade summer heat for cool comfort! Lennox air con ditioning uses heating ducts for whole-house cooling.' Wow!1 Wow! The Story In Shipka Silver Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love were pleasantly surprised on Wed nesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy at Lucan on the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary! Guests were Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Harrison, Richard and Joanne, of Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love,’ Maurice and Arlene, of Exeter; Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Gill and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Datars and June of Grand Bend; Mr.-and Mrs. Lloyd Love and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Mellin,, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carruthers, Miss Maude Hodgins and Mr. Mansel Hodgins of Parkhill and Mr. and Mrs. | Stan Kayes of Toronto. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. George Love of Goderich visited Friday with Mrs. Milton Ratz and other friends here. Mr. and Mrs.’Jack Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sweitzer, Mr. and Mrs.* Stuart Sweitzer spent the weekend with relatives in Fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell and sons visited Mrs. Russell’s par ents, Mr .and Mrs. Edgar Webb, St. Catharines, over the week end. James Heywood District Farmer < Funeral services for James'S. Heywod, 85, who died on Sunday at his late home in" Elimville, were conducted at the Dinney , iuneral home on Tuesday at|*i. a i i 12:30 p.m, The Rev. W. J. Moores /VhS. HOgarth of Elimville United Church of- . a i i K?was ‘"'Dies At Home Mr. Heywod was born near- Mrs. Almira Hogarth, wife of Elimville and had spent all his■ the late Stephen J. Hogarth, *....................... af. home on Saturday in her ninety-third year. She was the former Almira White ford. Surviving are two sons, E. Gifford and L. Victor and two daughters, Mrs. Emalie Carter and Vivian, Mrs. R. E. Balk- Will. The-body rested at the Dinney ftffiStAl home where a private funeral was conducted by the Rev. Alex Rapson on Monday at 2 p.rh, inlerment was in E'xe- life in that district, He retired from the farm seven years ago and after living with his dau ghter for two years returned to Elimville. He was a number of the United Church. Surviving besides his wife, the former Lillian Herbert, is a daughter Mae, Mrs. Ernest Foster of St. Marys atid a grand- daughter1, Mrs. Norman Morgan of Centralia. He was predeceas ed by a. daughter, Mrs. Welling- MOTORS LTD, Exeter