HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-10-04, Page 5Don't Take A Chance GET YOUR CAR WINTERIZED TODAY at Snell Bros. Ltd. Phona 100 Exeter r In. Memoriam \ Cards An appropriate card, ack­ nowledging g donation to the Canadian Cancer Society, In memory of the deceased, will be sent to the bereaved fam­ ily. Ask the funeral director, or eontact the local Branch of the Perth-Huron Unit, -Cana­ dian Cancer Society. Ll OYO PORDtf KOALKlDf Our best advertisements are our satisfied customers. Ask anyone who has bought BLUE COAL from this friendly coal head­ quarters. Our phone number is 299. BEiyiWv! Th* Tim»»-Acivac«i», OcfaUr 4, ! " """""I""'1... "“■ ... I I-....""41'lil I Cornish, Mitchell & Co. I CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS j H. 4. C.rni.h, U F. C.rnl.h, 0. MIUh.ll IW» Sl«d«< W. B, Suchard 1 DUNDAS ST. Di*I 2-2651 LONDON, ONT; ,1 Trost Unveils I Historic Plaque i Ontario’s first of the new his-, toric sites was unveiled by Pre-' mier Leslie M. Frost at Portf Carling, Muskoka, on. Wednesday ■ afternoon, September 26. i This is the first of several pla-1 ques to be placed later under decision of the Archaeological and Historic Sites Advisory Board, set up by the Legislature at its. last session. The Port Carling plaque com­ memorates the lock built" in 1869-71 by the Ontario Govern­ ment, controlling the drop be­ tween Lake Rosseau and Joseph to‘Lake Muskoka; it was rebuilt! and reopened three years ago by* the Ontario Department of Public Works, and the region is one of the many attractions in Ontario’s vast vacationland. The -Premier will also at Port; Carling, officially open the new I Island Park, the events linking with the 60th anniversary of in­ corporation of the Village of Port Carling. With the Premier will be Hon. William Griesinger, Min­ ister of Public Works and depart­ mental officials who took part in the construction, Travel and Publicity Minister, Cathcart, and Mr. R. J. Boyer, M.P.P., Muskoka. The event has been timed to fit in with the Muskoka Caval-| cade of Colour, commencing ’ Sept. 22-23, and continuing this | weekend of Sept. 29-30 with j events taking place at. Huntsville, I Bracebridge, Gr.avenhurst, Port j Carling, Windermere and Port! Sydney. - • The second and third plaques to be unveiled are planned for Queen’s Park early in October.. Two plaques are to be unveiled; one commemorates Queen’s Park, which was opened to the Public in September 11, 1860, and the Parliament Buildings in 1892. The second is for King’s College, predecessor of the Uni­ versity of -Toronto, and which was opened for residence in 1845 and became University of Toronto in 1850. The Queen’s Park Parliament Buildings plaque will, be placed j on the east side of the main sidewalk, main entrance to Par­ liament Buildings and the King’s College near the east entrance. | Personal And Social News Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Morenz, Detroit, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Watts. Mr. Pat Hennessey and Miss Patricia Benjamin visited with Mrs. Leo Hennessey over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vise, Burlington, spent the weekend with Mrs. "Hennessey and other fyiends. Mrs. David Weston, Wood- stock, and Mrs. Cecil Walker of London visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Herman fcowe. Mr. and Mrs. 'Herman Prior left for their home in Portage La Prairie after a five-week visit with his sister, Miss Olive Prior, and other relatives in Ontario. ’ Mrs. Harry R. Heath, Calgary, and Miss Phyllis Lawson, Lloyd- minster visited their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. George Law- son over the weekend. Mrs. Heath is on her way to England on a visit and Miss Lawson is returning to Africa as a mis­ sionary. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns and Mr. Howard Johns spent the weekend in Port Hope and attended the 75th anniversary of Welcome United Church. Mrs. A. Raeburn-Gibson of Hanover is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jack Doerr. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Lindenfield are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Floody, of Windsor. Mr. Ted Walper spent a two- week vacation in Windsor, De­ troit, Romeo and Pontiac. Miss Margaret Hoy, R.N., of Stratford, Malcolm Hoy and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Aitcheson, Avonton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. A. Smith last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cutting, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Morton and baby, Mr. Clifford Cutting and friend of Shallow Lake spent the weekend with Mr. Everett Sims and Miss Agnes Cutting. Sunday guests included Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tomkins and sons Brantford, Mrs. Marjorie kins and Laverne Wicker, • AfarvsMr.' and Mrs. W. H. quietly celebrated . their wedding anniversary on bcr 3. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson and Mabie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKinlay, Sarnia, on Sunday. Mr. Melvip Coward, Danny and Linda Mae,’ London, visited on Saturday i with Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates. Out-of-town relatives -and friends who attended the funeral "of James V'. Taylor included: Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dearing, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ford, Detroit; Mr. John Taylor, St. Clair Shores; Mrs. Alice Holtzman and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Zimmerrhan, Pontiac; Mrs. Mer- vin Brokenshire, .Hagersville; Rev. and Mrs. D. R. Sinclair, Dundalk; Mrs. Clarence Spar­ ling and Wanda, Gorrie; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Frain, Bluevale; Mr. Jack Anderson, Amherstburg; Mr. Numan Hills and Gerald Hills; ' Mr. and Mrs. James Schroeder, Mr. Leroy Schroeder and Shell Oil representatives Mr. C. Kappler, Mr. S. Milne and Mr. R. Woolford, all of Lon- of Tom- of St. Wood 55th Octo- -Jiff SHDHS ATHLETIC SOCIETY—Jules Desjardine, seated, right, was chofcen president of SHDHS Athletic Society in elections held last week, Jane Farrow, seated, left, is vice- president. Standing are, left to right, Barb Tuckey, publicity chairman; Helen Down, secretary; and Joan Ravelie, treasurer. —T-A Photo i if ■II ,' i i I I 291 ... .1 STAPLERS 5 MODELS Tot, 77 and Standard Staples J I X The Times-Advocate s Jh»nnnuinniiiinniuii|iiuiii»iiiniMnii|intnitiiiniiiiuiiuiinitl>ni»iiiiiniminiillininnnintn,llim,i,.,lil.v* # Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates visited in Strathroy on Sunday with Mr- and Mrs. William Bird who on October 3 celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Bird is Mrs. Coates' aunt and a . sister of Mrs. T.. Willis, Centralia, and the late Mrs. Wm. Hodgert. i: \ Exeter Berlou moth-protection mart's suit costs only 20 RUGS Any Size Expertly Cleaned Mid-Town Cleaners 230 William St,, Exeter b MID-TOWN V DON'T GIVE FIRE 5 . 470 370 390 2 Lbs. 250 Bank of Montreal Children should be taught at an early age to respect fire not fear it They should be made aware of its uses and benefits, and also its dangers. They should be urged to cooperate in the family job of fire prevention. Remember, children, like adults must be taught fire safety. Their lives depend on you!. Space Contributed In The Service Or The Community By John Labatt Limited FOR ZOO—This 100- turtle certainly wasn’t WORKING WITH CANAblAHS IN EVfcRY WALK Of LIFE SINCE 1817 CHASE & SANBORN .COFFEE Large 6-Oz. Jar ....................... $1.49 DOWN PAYMINT OF M> - $2.50 FOR A $50.00 BOND, $5.00 FOR'A $100.00 BOND, FTC.-BALANCE IN EASY INSTALMENTS OVBR A YEAR. .. It/Y YOUR iONM TODAY - ftreash or byKELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES ' Large QVz-Oz. Pkg. .............. INSTANT PUDDINGS .....3 Pkgs. 250 TENDER LEAF TEA BAGS 60 Bags..... 690 30 Bags.......380 COULD & JORY wa- ............ . ........................ . ' EXETFD.......... INTERLAKE TISSUE Price ................ 2 Rolls 230 THREE HOSPITALIZED—Three persons were sent to hospital and damages amounted to $1,800 in a three-car crash at the intersection of Highways 4 and 83 on Saturday. ’ Police charge one driver, who was travelling east on No. 83, drove through the inter­ section without stopping and hit a car on No. 4. —Geo. Noseworthy berlou WOTHSPRAY P'O,,1,SJ ij m.for5YURS.'<W mart's suit costs only 20 cents per. year. Berlou guarantees in , writing to pay for all moth damage within 5 years! DC DI All 5 Year Guaranteei1DCllLuy MOTHSPRAY Teach Children Fire Safety Early! Clean-'n Eoiy ribbon chango with Ro ya I't •xduiivo Twin-Pelt. 10W DOWN PAYMENT with terms you ten easily oflori Easy Terms For Students Times- Advocate Phone 770 MFp PON i GIVE rIRE A PLACE TO START! PUBLICATION STAFF—This group of students is responsible for publication of the SHDHS "Ink Spot'.’ and the "Hi-Highlights” column in TheTimes-Advocate. They were elected to their posts last week. Front row, left to right, Julija Gulens, vice-president; Helen Taylor, president; Allison Clarke, literary editor; centre row, Heather Mac- Naughton, social reporter; Judy Desjardine, publicity chairman; Connie Ostland, sports reporter; back row, Allan Taylor, circulation manager; Charles'Mickle, reporter; and T!“ ............. manager. —T-A PhotoJim Etherington, production - ■ r ■ • I i Gefffie moFFforyot/r /&, JELLO Price .. IL. SALAD*DRESSING LjjjMiracleWhip, 16-0z. Jar j SNOWFLAKE FLOUR 7-Lb. Bag PITTED DATES Price ................. INSTANT MIL-KO 1-Lb. Box .... 330 3-Lb. Box .... 950 BURNS SPORK 12-0z. tin ..... BOUND year-old “pinched" by Police Chief Arnot Laking fob speeding aS it ambled along the highway at Pickering, Ont. No one seemed to know where it came from, but the chief knew where it was going— 16 the Zoo—-Where, it would prob- ...AT Pxcter Branch! C. E. SHAW, MaWcf Centralia (Sub-Agency): Open Mon., Wed. and Ft?L Grand Bend (Sub-Agency); Open Tuesday and Thursday Crcdtton Branch! CLARK IRWIN, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and on Friday 4.30* ft p.ftt.) Dashwood (Sub-Agency)! Open Mon., Wed. & F.tu Hcnsall .Branch:... ... KENNETH CHRISTIAN. Manaeet