HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-10-04, Page 2The Times-Advocate, October 4, 1956 Motto < Has Appointed ARE YOU GETTING . BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA SERVICE? Midland Securities Corp'n Ltd. 3 s Editorials This newspaper believes the right to express an opinion in publie contributes to the progress of the nation and that it must be exercised freely to preserve and improve democratic government. Is your name in this week’s paper? 'Well, if not your’s, probably the name of some of your friends or neighbors. Not, of course, because they made the headlines. Very few of us do,. ' - But simply because you and your friends and neighbors are contributing to the useful. life and progress of this .Sreay-taking part in church and school activities, visiting, the sick, doing the manyythiiigs which make our com­ munity5; a better place in which to live. A weekly newspaper is a news­ paper about and for people like you reflecting the. community’s life ;‘attempting to assist in its leader­ ship. It wants to work with you ... to tell about you ... to serve you. That’s the job of a good weekly* newspaper and, with your help, that’s what we are "trying to do, editor, re­ porter, rural correspondent, advertis­ ing salesman, typographer, compositor, pressman, all working together.' Since this ,is National Weekly Newspaper Week, we want to remind you that your newspaper is “serving your community first.” Newspapers is sponsoring its second open house this Saturday, October 6, to show readers how The T-A is produced each week. You’ll probably be interested in the new mat-rolling process which was installed this spring to make possible the larger, more colorful paper you’ve been receiving. You are cordially invited to at­ tend. The treats are on us, By authority of our appointment by Bank of Canada as an official sales agent for the Eleventh Series of Canada Saving? Bonds Open House To celebrate National Weekly Newspaper Week, The Times-Advocate BIRTLE M FRANCIS EXETER Now that the three local fall fairs are over, it’s time for appraisal. Attendance at Exeter, Kirkton and Zurich exhibitions was discouraging. But the weather was responsible and you can’t change that. The loss in revenue, however, may prove embarassing, Exeter Agricultur­ al Society, which has had trouble fin­ ancing itself in recent years, may find itself in a more difficult position than ever. Some major undertakings may have -to be taken to ensure its survival. Kirkton fair, on the other hand, seems to be in a good position. It has built up. a reserve which will carry any loss that will be incurred this year. • ’■ The setbacks to fairs this year has already revived the controversy over whether the small town exhibition can survive any longer. Many in the past have expressed themselves in favor of a single county fair and their ranks - will be increased after this •'year’s .results. On the” other hand, there are those who have been working for the continuance of the small fair'. Among the more prominent.of these-has been Elston Cardiff, Huron ' MP,, who for . several years ‘has championed the local fair whenever he is called to officiate at 'an opening* Mr. Cardiff believes it is the small fair which provides the exhibitors for the regional and provincial exhibi- VISIT LONDON TOWER—Times-Advocate Publisher J, M. Southcott and Mrs, South- * cott are pictured .with a “Beafeater”, or Yeoman Warder, at the Tower of London, during their tour of the United Kingdom with members of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, The trip was organized by Motorways Ltd., a London travel company. ‘ ■ —British Travel Ass’n Photo Jottings By Mrs. J.M.S. ■ Enchanting Switzerland I s As An Official Sub-Agent For The New Eleventh Series Contribution Retirement of Charles Hensall, who has served as mail courier on Rural Route No. for 34 years, should remind us of the debt 'of gratitude we owe to those p;epple--who provide us with regular*' services that make life more enjoy­ able. Hundreds of people in this com­ munity and others spend their lives making This type of contribution to the well-being of their fellow citizens. Rarely,, however, are their services recognized. Indeed, so greatly are they taken for granted that the only com­ ment they receive is criticism when they occasionally err in their duties. These people don’t receive a . - . banquet in their honor, a hero’s re- . tions. Local winners are encouraged ception or a place in the community’s history book. But they form the back­ bone of the community and in many Jinks, of 1 Hensail IN SWITZERLAND—No place that we have visited on the con­ tinent has so won our hearts as Switzerland, , There is an old legend that when God had locked away in the earth’s ‘surface all those minerals — gold, silver, copper, iron and coal—that were one day to be of use to mankind, He per­ ceived that, by an oversight, one little country in the midst of the Alps had not received its fair share of these treasures. “Well,” said the Creator to Himself, “since this land has been so unfairly deprived, of worldly wealth, it shall be all the more beautiful.” So God set to work and model­ led the mountains to majestic fortresses soaring skywards and then set on them their crowning glory, the - glaciers. He made waterfalls gush forth from the rocks, filled lakes -zwith blue water, crystal clear, and lavish­ ed loveliness in the valleys. Flowers By Every House True, this is only a legend but it is a lovely, restful land. The- simple life of the country folk with their small fields and gar­ dens, the cows With the bells around their necks and the flocks of sheep grazing on the mountain side is quite evident. The Swiss chalets with their by triumphs at their own fairs to enter larger competitions. If the smaller fairs __ ____disband, would the major ones long ways are responsible for its success ‘ survive? , ' . _ or failure. .... And, as Mr. Cardiff has pointed Sometimes we forget that. .4 out1, the local fair’'contributes to com­ munity-spirit,-too. . . Wei’e. convinced he’s right. No large fair, for example,' could provide the competition among school children that the .local fair does. Nor could it offer a feature spot for achievement days of local 4-H clubs. Nor could it give local homemakers the opportunity to display their skills. These competitions for youth and the ones which are basically for local people are - the strongpoints of the small fair. And these are the features Who's Stupid? Sometimes the stubborhess of a pig isn’t as stupid as humans' think. This article in the Seaforth News proves this point: “At the fire last week in Hibbert township, the owner, Elgaard Greger- sen, said he had tried without any success to get three pigs out of a pen in the root cellar under the gangway. In disgust he gave up and thoughts to ------ -------------------------- --------------- himself they could jolly well stay and • 'which must be emphasized if the local burn, but he was getting out. \ “After the barn was burned to the ground the pigs walked out of the open door of the ro.ot cellar un­ harmed.” ” \ MERRY MENAGERIE “Watch my perch. I'll be right back I" fair is' to survive. Stress on local competition "has been overlooked in livestock, horse and poultry competitions • and, as a result, these have oecome the most' vulnerable . and costly features of smaller •'fairs. ... " Professional exhibitors from out­ side points are reaping a harvest from local prize lists which their contribu­ tion to the fair does not warrant. The professional showman was once an at­ traction to a fair but his value is over­ stressed in this age. Many will scoff at the suggestion of restricting the exhibitors to a fair to those people in the immediate . .. , . , , . vicinity but it is an idea which hasStreet A parkmg Ot C1°se t0 consM«rable toerit Local fairs must cater to local people to survive. Let's Work Towards. • Aii expanded industrial promo­ tion program in Exeter and in Huron County. • Completion of the Riverview Park development. • A business promotion organiza­ tion among Exeter merchants. • A town plan for Exeter. Exeter ®ime£=^irtJOtate Times £i*tabll*h*cl 1873 Amalgamated 1924 Advocate Established 1881 Published Each Thursday Mornibg at Strafford, Ontario An Independent Newspaper bavofed to the Interests of the Town of Exeter and district Authorised -fci Second Class Mail* Post Offka Department, Ottawa Audit \ MEMBER: Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association, Ontario <Bur3a» \ Weekly Newspaper Association and Audit Bureau of Circulation. CfrtvMeyg, r AWARDS: 1956—A, V, Nolah TrOphyv general excellence lor newspaper* puMhhed in OMerk towns between 1,500 and 4,500 population; E. T. Stephenson Trophy for best frsiht pas* emdng Ontario weekly newspapers (also won In 1954)* 1953—AIL Canada Insurance Federation national safety award; Ontario Safety League award* P«id4n*Advanc« Circulation as September 1955—2,734 ........................................ - “ - - .It e..X As the "TIMES' Go 15 YEARS AGO Mr, Sandy Elliot is remodel­ ing the Ford -garage building into eight modern apartments on the Second and third floors. He Will on the north side of the building. Stewart Fuke, who has sailed the Great Lakes all summer as a steward on the Noronic, has ‘ resumed his studies at Western University, Rev. Douglas G. Hill, pastor of Gaven Presbyterian Church, has been appointed District Chaplain in the Canadian army and has tendered his resigna­ tion to the session of the church. During, a heavy windstorm last week, trees were blown down, apples and pears blown from the trees and shingles blown from roofs. 10 YEARS AGO < x Milk is now Spiling at 15 cents a quart, ah increase of 3. cents. Local garage w owners have organized to provide Sunday and evening service by arranging for one garage to remain,, open each week in turn. The first public library to be formed in Stephen township was opened this week in Centralia' in the building in which Mr. Fred Warner's barbershop is located. Mrs, Lome Hicks is chairman, of the tiewly organized library board. . Huron county hospital boards will meet. here, to discuss the shortage o£ nurses in the smaller hospitals. Hon. * IL T. Kelly, minister of health for Ontario, will, attend and Dr. Hobbs Taylor of Hashwood Will head the dis­ cussion, ............ ......... 50 YEARS AGO Wes Hodgins has disposed of his blacksmith business in Cen­ tralia and has moved to Wallace­ burg. u,,v..u ...... ___ ___ The Ross-Taylor. company is continue to operate his garage installing an electric dynamo to — i<- —i...:,.,:— light their factory so they will be able to run full time. The heavy fain of the past Week has put a different look on the face of nature and on the faces of the farmers. It has Washed the dust of weeks off the housetops and made the heart of man glad that he will escape the clouds of dust for a time at least. Mr. Ed Treble and George Anderson took part in a quot­ ing tournament in London. Ezra Brenner’left-Grand Bend this Week for Shipka where he Will assume the name of land­ lord at the hotel there. 25 YEARS AGO Exeter’s new talking picture theatre is nearing completion. It is fireproof throughout; .has an excellent stage for . theatrical purposes and Mil be equipped with the latest in sound pro­ duction. Mr, Leavitt deserves a great deal of credit for the enterprise, Mr. Eli King made a splendid showing with his Per Cheron horse “Jeffro” at the C.N.E. and Western fairs. Mr. W. J. Horney, whoso barns were burned on his farm near Kippen in July, will move to Exeter this month. Bev. E, L. Vivian installed the officers of Trivitt Memorial AY.P.A. at the Sunday evening service. President Miss Amelia . riraaMant Mice carved shutters and diamond- paned windows are very quaint, . but no matter lioW humble the home there are flower boxes at the windows and flowers in every corner of the garden. We arrived in Lucerne from Manheim on Sunday evening, September 23; , and we spent Monday morning sightseeing in the city. At noon, with each one carrying their lunch, we took a boat trip across Lake Lucerne and around the foot of Mt. Pila- tus. t p An electrically-powered tram carried us up the incline of the mountain through tunnels of rock to the summit, a height of 7,000 feet. -Much to our surprise there was a hotel there and we sal on the terrace and ate our lunch. ‘ It was a wonderful panoramic .. view of ‘ snow-capped mountains with the city of Lucrene in the distance... We came down the mountain in ca gins on an aerial cable-way taking. about 40 minutes to des­ cend where our. buses were - waiting to take us on to Inter­ laken. That evening we attended a concert at the Casino of Swiss songs, music and dances which . we thoroughly enjoyed after a long day’s travel. The flower beds surrounding the building were so full of bloom and color • with a green metal umbrella in the centre of each. A huge floral clock told the time and as each hour passed three little figures came out of a doll house and danced a jig. My problem is to ■ find olit hdw ?they produce so '• many flowers on each plant. Today we have made the jour­ ney from Interlaken into Italy * to Milan through the Susten Pass winding up to 7,470 feet and down again .'only to ascend another one, the Gothard Pass, 6,947 feet high. It was breath-taking at times—as one looked below and realized one or two inches would mean a tragedy.' The mountain scenery was Something never to be forgotten ' as the sun shone' on the freshly snow-capped mountain tops and the clouds floated in between. I News Of Your i I LIBRARY I By MRS. S. M. LAlNG Those who enjoyed “The Far Country”, “In The Wet”, “’Round The Bend”, and many others, will be interested to know Nevil 'Shute lias written another best seller. This book, entitled "Beyond the Blaek Stump”, is a. story Of two frontiers, both Of which the author knows at first hand. One is the frontier of the west­ ern U.S., a froneier that now exists largely,,as a sympol and 4 beloved tradition. The other is the very real frontier of West Australia, a land of low undulat­ ing hills, rocky outcrops on the rose-red earth, and a blazing, cloudless sky., Nevil Shut4 has never been more witty or wise, with a group of delightful . characters-and a Salty, highly infectious humour. Howard Spring, another Eng­ lish author of such titles as “My Son, My Son”, "A Sunset Touch”, “The Houses in Be­ tween,” has recently added a new novel to his list. “These Lovers Fled Away" moves freely in space and time. The career >of the narrator be­ gins in the south of Cornwall iii the last, years of Queen Vic- Home Counties at the close of toria’s reign. It ends in the the second World Wat*. Through this long period of momentous stress and change the narrative moves from Corn­ wall to the dales of West Riding,- to Oxford, Manchester and Lon­ don. As is usual in Howard Spring's longer novels, what carries the reader on is nbt contrived “plot” ' or complication of incident so much as humait life itself, toll­ ing along with its even tenor broken by humour a Canada Savings Bonds Yielding 3.76% To Maturity Redeemable For The Full Face Value At Any Time X I as near as your telepnone A COMPLETE TRUST SERVICE IN WESTERN ONTARIO Call RATE B.-PATERSON, Trust Officer Hensail, Ontario, Phone 51 ■For • Estate Planning and Wills • Real Estate Services • ■Investment Management and Advisory Service • .4% Guaranteed Investments • 3%- on savings—may mail deposits , Or Contact Any Office Of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA A Toronto * Montreal •. Ottawa * Windsor Niagara Falls ♦ Sudbury * Sault Ste. Marie Calgary • Vancouver Business Directory ____________________ ____ ----n—~—r— DR. D; J. McKELVIE, D.V.M. VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 99 H^nsaii Ontario DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 273 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons BELL & LAUGHTON 3ARRISTERS,- SOLICITORS NOTARIES PUBLIC. ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich Office Wednesday Afternoon Parkhill Thursday Afternoons EXEJER PHONE 4 & ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENCED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large of small, , courteous and efficent service ’at .11 times. “Service thht Satisfies" PHONc 57-r-2 DASHWOOD USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Dffic i Exeter, Ontario President Martin Feeney R.R. 2 Dublin Vice-President E. Clayton Colquhouu R.R. 1 + Science Hill Director* R.R. Hamilton >Curdy R.R, Rhode R.R. Ag^i.ts Ballantyne Harry Coates Wm. A. " Milton Alex Centralia Cromarty 1 Kirkton 3 Mitchell Thos.G. Clayton XTarris R,R. Stanley Hocking SMicifor W. G, Cochrane Secretary-Treasurer Ai4htiil* ....................... B R.R. 1 Woodham . Mitchell Mitchell 1 Exeter W. G. COCHRANE, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensail. Office Friday Afternoon EXETER PHONE. 14 . DR. H. H. COWjsN DENIAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon PHONE 36 ARTHUR FRASER Income tax reports BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 —*-----„.b G. A. WEBB, D.C.* 1 *Oocfor of Chiropractic <'• 438 Main street, Exeter X-Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday .< Toes. A Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For Appointment * Phorie 60(5 N. L MARTIN" optometrist Aain Street, Exeter Open fevery Weekday • Except Wednesday Far ppointfnent PI,oh* 355, ....... ~ ............JL. 3OHN WARD CHIROP (ACTIC & DRUGLESS THERAPIST Rear of 429 Main St., Exeter Phone 348 Closed on Wednesdays ■* VIC DINNIN Savings Investments and ‘ -'nnulty Certificate* INVESTORS SYNDICATE of Canada, Limited » INVESTORS MUTUAL « df Canada; Ltd* Balanced Mutual Fund Share*