HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-10-04, Page 1Eighty-Second Year of KIRKTON SCHOOL STEALS SHOW—Pupils of Kirkton school won both parade and drill prizes in competitions at Kirkton Fair Friday. School children highlighted the entertainment during the afternoon, See Fair story, page 11. - v —T-A Photo ’Sunday' BooMegger Offers Drink Variety A Hensall boqllegger, who‘was [ pay for the administration raided by police during church justice.” A. W. Sillery, Seaforth, repre­ sented Allan. Lawrence Legate, of Kitchen­ er, formerly of Hensall, charged with issuing checks4 under false pretenses, was given two weeks to pay off debts at service sta­ tions in Seaforth and Exeter. He was .ordered to post a $500 bond. raided by police during church hour and who offered his cus­ tomers a diversified selection of liquor and beer, was fined $100 and costs in magistrate’s court. Wednesday. Willson Allan, Richmond St., pleaded guilty through a lawyer of keeping be’vcrage for sale. Constable John Forde, of Exe­ ter, who led a six-man raid on the Wilson home Sunday, Sep­ tember 23, at 11.,30, said he had confiscated 213 bottles of beer and six bottles of liquor. “.Don’t tell me Hensall has two outlets,” commented Magistrate Dudley E. Holmes, surprised at the.amount seized. Said Crown Attorney Glenn Hayes; ^Church' ‘.was on at the time—you wouldn’t. think busit ncss "wciuld be th.at^ood.” - lawyer quipped: “Maybe Fthpy were holding church there.’’’ -• “He has a very diversified se­ lection to offer his clientele,” , said the magistrate, perusing the list of 'liquors and beers, ‘He > doesn’t believe in putting all his . liquor in one bottle.” j “Perhaps he has discerning customers,” said the crown at­ torney. “I think I’ll make the penalty, or tax, however you want to put it, a little heavier in this case,” the magistrate said. “I’m going to see if we can extract a little more in charges of this kind to Hospital Full, . Beds In Hall South Huron Hospital, . erected only four years ago, is already experiencing dif­ ficulty in providing accom­ modation to meet the needs of the community., For the past two months, the hospital has been filled to capacity. This’week, emergency pg*./ tients had to be placed in the hall, as all rooms were oc­ cupied. A EXETER, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 4, 1956 .Inn. ....... ... .T Reeve Casts Tie-Breaking Ballot To End New School Controversy Hear Plans For Industry Mayor R, E. Pooley said the four town representatives who attended the promotion confer­ ence in Toronto this week brought back a number of ideas to improve the town’s campaign to bring more factories here. The mayor reported the con­ ference, attended by 500 munici­ pal representatives from Ontario, was by far the best of its kind ever held, Reports on the conference were given at council meeting Wed­ nesday night. Those who attend­ ed were Reeve William McKen1 zie, Deputy-Reeve Ted Mawhin- ney, and Councillor Alvin Pym. Organize Committees Committees to encourage town planning and study water re­ sources in Huron County were appointed at an executive meet­ ing of Zone 1 of the Midwestern Ontario Development Association in Clinton last week. Mayor J. E. Huckins, Goderich, will head the planning and de­ velopment committee and Mayor Dr. E. A. McMaster, Seaforth, is chairman of the water resources and conservation board. ReeVe William McKenzie, Exeter, was appointed to the latter. R. D. Jermyn, Exeter, presi­ dent of the'zone association.'was chairman for the meeting, which heard several industrial promo­ tion experts. Urges Planning J. D. Oaks, Guelph, president of the Midwestern Association, urged the use of planning on as large an area basis as practical and stated that land-use plans were of value for the projection both of the taxpayers and in­ dustries. R. C. Drew, manager of the Association, outlined progress of, the year-old group. Zone representatives planned to make a strong protest against 'the/curtailment of passenger and express rail services’ in.‘the middle and northern sections Of the county. MBS .x x- f •• NEW HENSALL SCHOOL—-This is the architect’s sketch a debenture loan on a split decision. Reeve Norman Jones’ of the new six-robm Hensall Public Schbol which will be «-----------........................-.......... erected this fall at a cost of $112,500. Board was able to site of the building, School Board hopes construction of the award the contract Monday night after council approved school’will be started this month. deciding vote ended a three-month controversy over the Variety Week For Police Her Taxes Up 1,400 Percent A Hensail lady can testify frpm experience that taxes in that village have increased 1,400 percent in 60 years. Clerk James A. Paterson reports that Mrs. Jessie Fish­ er paid ( her fifty-ninth tax bill to the village coffers on Monday. Her levy this year $70.50. In 1897 it was than $5.00. was less Group Needs Leaders To Operate Cub Packs 0Police connected reports of | The. boy, Robert McMillan, of two stolen cars last week to an RCAF Romeo at Clinton, who used the vehicles to get back to his ba’se after visiting his Ju­ liet' in London. , Barend Van Steeg, RR 3 Exe­ ter, reported Sunday morning that his car had been stolen from the garage during the night. Near Van Steeg’s farm, on No. 4 highway, police found an-aban­ doned car owned by Samuel Rea, London. The Van Steeg car was found parked opposite the rnain gate at RCAF Station Clinton. When contacted by police, Rea didn’t know, his cir.’was- gone -but;1 when he verified the loss, he ^olunt^eTW, the* information that Ih^^'lVAs. ah apartment house riearby for "'office girls which was. .frequented regularly by airmen. Police suspect the Romeo who. took the. cars was so engrossed in.his Juliet that he missed his ride home and had to find other means of transportation. OPP Constable Cecil Gibbons is investigating. Three-Year-Old Walks Mile OPP Constable John Forde re­ turned a three-year-old Exeter boy to his mother on Thursday after the lad had wandered near­ ly a mile from where she was visiting. T-A Inspection This Saturday To celebrate National Weekly Newspaper Week, The Times-Advocate will hold . an open house in its plant this Saturday night from 8.00 to 10.30 p.m. All the machinery in the plant will be operated and demonstrated by members of the T-A staff. The equip­ ment includes type-casting machines, automatic presses, folders, and metal casters. ■ A new feature this year will be .the demonstration of the mat-rolling machine which makes The T-A’s new printing process possible, 291 Main St., was discovered in Glenn Robinson’s store at the village of Centralia. His mother had been visiting friends at RC-" AF Centralia’s married quarters, Huron Park when the lad disap­ peared. Locate Girl Near Bend A 17-year-old Sarnia girl, ap­ prehended by police ; in woods five miles south of Grand Bend, was booked in Sarnia jail and charged with vagrancy, pn Fri­ day. The girl, Betty Stackland, ran into the Pinery when police ap­ proached her while she was standing beside the Bluewater Highway, ... : ... , OPP Constable John Forde, Exeter, assisted Constable R. Davis, Forest, in apprehending the girl. he said. Let Contract To Area Firm In a drama-packed council meeting at Hensall Monday night, Reeve Norman Jones cast the deciding vote to end the stalemate over the new Hensall school and paved the way for construction to begin this fall. The reeve’s ballot, which broke a deadlock over the debenture issue, eliminated the necessity of a municipal vote and gave the school board the money it needs to .build the school on a new, site. Shortly after the debenture by­ law passed, the board awarded the contract to Frank van Bus- sel, Lucan, at a price lower than the architect’s estimates. Total cost will-be .$112,500 instead of ■ the $120,000 originally estimated. Three months ago, council re­ fused to pass the debenture by­ law, objecting to the new site, so the board demanded a vote of the taxpayers. Before it could be taken, however, architects had to prepare final plans and call for tenders. Monday night, after tenders were opened, the board went back to council to request the funds again. Two councillors, Harry Hoy and Jim Sangster, remained op­ posed to the bylaw.-The other members, Lome Luker and John Henderson, signed a motion to pass it. With the issue dead­ locked 2-2, the decision rested with reeve Jones. “It’s carried,” Councillor Hoy was vehement in his opposition to the bylaw, both before and after the de­ cision, He charged the school board changed its mind eight times over the site. (The board originally wanted a new location, different from the one finally selected, but was persuaded by council ’to build on the old site. Before the final reading of the bylaw «ame be­ fore council, however, the board had found another new site which satisfied all but one oi its members, Trustee Jim Taylor favored retaining the site of the present school.) The new school will be built on property purchased from Al­ vin Kerslake, a former reeve, on the south side of town.- Classes will continue in the old'school, at the west end on No. 84 high­ way, until the hew one is com­ pleted. “I’m relieved that the squab­ ble is all over—it was a nasty situation,” said School Board Chairman Howard Scane after the meeting. “I’m convinced tha site we have picked is the best one and we can build the new school there without disturbing the pupils at the old school.” Reeve Jones declined any comment. Bussel’s tender, lowest of those submitted, was $93,564.00. Other costs include architect’s fees of $5,613.82, contingencies of $2,806.- 92, furniture and equipment $9,000, drainage and landscaping $1,015.24, legal fees and deben­ ture costs $480. Plans for the new school, which features a modern design with a front of glass, incorporate six classrooms, one a kindergarten. It also contains a principal’s of- a aiuuu Au.ficc, nurse’s room and wash- . The club* is • rooms. Architects are Blackwell Ori Wednesday Meeting between Toronto con­ tractor R. A. Blyth and the Aus- able Authority executive to dis-1 cuss a new contract for the Mor­ rison Dam has been arranged for Wednesday, September 10, Fieldman H. G., Hooke said this week. The parties will confer in Exe­ ter in an effort to reach an agreement on price. Blyth, who was the lowest of three tenderers, refused to ac­ cept a contract based dn his ori­ ginal bid because of a marked increase in construction costs. Jamboree, Frolic, Show It's Active Friday Night year, will display their talents in a folk-dancing exhibition. The group is headed by Fred Har- burn, Cromarty, and includes the Ontario Bean Festival Queen, Greta Pfaff. The Aylmer dancers will also act as judges for an amateur square dancing competition open to groups in Huron, Middlesex and Perth. A new Kinsmen trophy, donated for annual com­ petition, will be awarded for the first time. Draw for the dream cottage will be the feature attraction of Grand Bend Lions’ frolic at the roller skating rink. Games and a dance constitute the rest of the entertainment. At Lucan, noted speaker Capt. Norman Rawson will be the feature attraction, along with a professional vaudeville show. Next Friday night, Exeter Lions will sponsor a frolic in the local arena. TL_ L ( ____ sponsoring a raffle for a port-; and Hagarty, London, able TV set and will give away --a free bicycle as^door prize,. I the school. Trustees include f . . ’ ’ ” .. - - - - - -- - - comprise the entertainment. District. residents can choose from a variety of major enter­ tainment events this Friday night, October 5. Exetei’ Kinsmen will sponsor their second Harvest Jamboree at the local arena; Grand Bend Lions are raffling their $10,000 cottage during a frolic at the summer resort; and Lucan is sponsoring a Booster Night. Kinsmen, encouraged by the success of their first jamboree last year, are offering modern and old-time dancers another six-hour marathon. The local service club decided to sponsor the marathon last year after hearing complaints that modern dances don’t last long enough. Seven hundred at­ tended the jamboree but only a handful were able to stick it out to 3.30. Features of Friday’s jamboree include the selection of a Har­ vest Queen, who will receive over 35 prizes donated by local merchants. Television Dancers The Aylmer Square Dancers, stars of a CBC-TV show last training is necessary. Volunteers will be fully instructed in their duties. Regular Paper Drives The group committee, which met Tuesday night, plans to stage regular paper drives throughout the winter. The drives will be held the third Saturday of every month. Scouts are planning a Christ­ mas tree sale 'this year. The boys will call at town homes and re­ quest a token deposit with each order for a tree. When' the trees arrive, buyers will be given the opportunity to choose the type and size they wish. WANTED: Eight adults to provide leadership for three Ex­ eter Wolf Cub packs. A. J. Sweitzer, chairman of the Boy Scouts Group Commit­ tee, reports 60 young lads are cagei\ to participate in Cub activities but the committee hasn’t the leaders for them. All but one Of last season’s leaders have been forced to re­ sign for t various reasons. Only one left is Cubmaster Bob Lux­ ton, who has led a pack faith­ fully for a number of seasons. Chairman Sweitzer said either men or ladies would be welcome to lead the Cubs and no previous To Broadcast SeriesMeet After 50 Years Mrs. Louis Fink of the Radio Range Station at Carmi, B.C., with her sister, Mrs. M. Box of Parkhill and their brother, N. H. Peterson, visited recently with Mrs. Sid Sanders. The four were together for the first time since 1904, Rev. N. D. Knox; rector of Trivitt Memorial Church, will present a series of four sermons on “Framework of Faith” over CKNX Wingham this month. First of the talks will be heard this Sunday from 7.00 to 7.30. thirties. A. M. “Scotty” Easton, a life member himself, made the presentation. Left to right are President Reg McDonald, Mr. Easton, Mayor Pooley and Secretary Stuart LEGION HONORS MAYOR—Mayor R. E. Pooley, who served as president of the local branch of the Canadian * jjgiOn for six years, was presented with a life member- _ Ky at a meeting last week. The mayor has been active Dick. The Legion initiated six new members at the ..shme "the veterans’ organization since it was formed in the i meeting. ( —Geo. Noseworthy Mayor Members of Exeter Legion paid tribute to Mayor R. E. Pooley Thursday night when they presented him with a life mem­ bership in recognition of over 20 years service to the branch. A. M, “Scotty” Easton, a life member himself, made the pres­ entation during a regular moot­ ing. He particularly praised the tjiayor’s leadership of the branch I I Mayor Pooley served as pres­ ident of the branch for six years, was zone commander for two years and a member of the ways and means committee of the do­ minion executive, He has been welfare officer for a number of years and is a trustee of the j Legion building. j The mayor joined the branch I shortly after it was organized in the thirties. Before that, he ] The past year, he has headed the Huron County committee ap­ pointed to* compile a memorial record of veterans for the new courthouse. The mayor is the third local I veteran to receive a life >iem- bership. The’ others are Fred Wells and Mr. Easton. ’Six candidates were installed as members at the meeting. They wore George Noseworthy, Performing the initiation cere­ mony were President Reg Mc­ Donald, Secretary Stewart Dick, Past Presidents Andrew Bieflmg, Harvey Pfaff, Harry Holtzman and Garnet Shipman. Donations, of $25 each were made to trie Canadian National Institute for the Blind and to I Westminster Hospital, London. I Branch members and the Legion Pipe Band will attend Area Crashes Ihjure Four Charges have been laid against Gaston Charette, Sudbury, who was involved in a three-car ac­ cident at the corner of Highways 83 and 4 at noon Saturday. Police allege Charette, who was travelling east on 83, failed to stop at the intersection. He collided with a car driven by Spencer J. Francis, London, who was driving north on 4. A third car, driven by Mansell Mason, Grand Bend, was hit after the collision. Mr. and Mrs. Francis and Charette were admitted to South Huron Hospital. . The Sudbury man was released Sunday but the Francis couple are still con­ fined, although their conditions "are described as “fine.” Mr. Francis received a broken rib, face and scalp cuts, and Mrs. Francis received lacera­ tions to the elbow and forehead and ankle injuries. Constable John Cowan estimat­ ed damages at $1,800. Girl Suffers Injuries Linda Dinney, five and one-half year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dinney, Exeter, suf­ fered lacerations to the scalp, bruises and shock when she was struck by a car while crossing William St. Friday around noon. The girl was admitted to South Huron Hospital for treatment and was released Tuesday, Driver of the car was James Hume, Exeter, who was driving north On William- St. Constable John’ Cowan, who investigated’, said no charges will be laid. Two cars collided at the nor of Main and Hill streets day night but neither driver tained injuries. Elmer McBride, Exeter,, was making a left hand turn off Main to Hill St., collided with a vehicle driven by Victor Hey­ wood, R.R. 1, Centralia, who was driving north on Main. Constable Reg. Taylor, who investigated, said lights of oncoming cars pre­ vented McBride from seeing the Heywood vehicle. Godfrey At Royal Winter Arthur Godfrey, international- ly-famous television and radio star, will participate in the 1956 Royal Horse Show, being held in .conjunction with the Royal Agricultural Winter,,Fair at the Coliseum, Toronto, from Novem­ ber; & to 17, it was announced by i * Robert Raeburn is principal ofable TV set and will give away r. L:: r“---..................... —...........-........_ Gaines, parade and bingo will ; Douglas Cook, Bill Fuss, Ernie 'Chipchase and Harvey Keys.- " -IM. -IMMF ■■J SHDHS STUDENT COUNCIL-Prcsidcnt Bill Pollen, seated, heads the officers who willi govern student activities^ at SHDHS this coming year. Other members of the