The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-09-27, Page 14bride’s mother wore mauve-rose
peau de soie with bead trim, pink
and black accessories and cor
sage of pink roses. The groom’s
mother chose a gown of toast
lace over taffeta, bead trammed,
with matching hat, brown acces
sories and corsage of yellow
For a wedding trip to mid
western United States and West
ern Canada, the bride donned a
charcoal suit with pink and black
accessories and white orchid
The couple will live in Lon
(Miss Hudson, being the first
bride in the new Ebeneier
church, was presented with a
white Bible.)
Present Bars
To Tumblers
# The Lucan and district tumb
ling class held its achievement
night in the Stanley Hall last
Monday evening under the dir^
ection of Miss Joan McLean. •*
A good attendance of parents
and friends enjoyed the drills,
cartwheels and flips staged by
the beginners, intermediate and
senior groups.
The program concluded with
the presentation of 41 bars out
of an original class of 60.
The following champions re
ceived crests—Beginners, ’Laura
Hodgins and Susan Roberts
(tied); Intermediate — Louise
Cochrane; Seniors — Shirley
Emerick and Ruth Cochrane
(tied) Champion of all classes
was Mae Cobleigh who received
a pearl necklace.
Other members included:
Beginners Karen McAllister,
Hazel Simpson, Marie Cochrane,
Mary Ellen- English, Mary Ann
Mitchell, Marilyn Hearn, Daisy
Cobleigh, Maureen Smith, Joan
Nagle, Heather Knight, Jimmy
Nagle, Donny Kew, Gordon
Mitchell, Margie Holland.
Intermediate — Patricia Cob
leigh, Nancy Park, Norma
Davis, Bobby Cochrane, Ruth
Frost, Linda Currie, Helen Sigs-
worth, Barbara Nagle, Billy
Sigsworth, Paul Revington.
Seniors—Jean Cochrane, ’ Nan
cy Watson, Barbara Park, Mar
garet. Cobleigh, Marilyn Culbert,
Elaine Emerick, Betty Ann
Young, Nancy Schram, Barbara
Ready, Ann George.
Boys In Car Accident
Four Lucan boys, Bernard Av
ery, Tommy Wilkinson, Clifford
Weekes and Glen Frost, all em
ployees at the Glendale Trailer
Co., London, were returning
from a 'party about 12.30 a.m.
Saturday when they ran into a
parked car on Richmond St. All
were shaken up and sustained
minor injuries but only Clifford
was kept over-night in St. Jos
eph’s Hospital. The car was bad
ly damaged.
Religious Education
Religous Education began last
Friday in the Lucan Public
School with Rey. J. p. Prest
of the Anglican Church, Rev.
E. J. Roulston of the United
Church and Rev. F. P, Thom
son of the Pentecostal Church
in charge.
Pot-luck Supper And Presentation
Holy Trinity Church Choir and 1
Altar Guild held a pot-luck sup
per in the church basement last
Tuesday evening in honor of one
of their members, Miss Marion
Ashworth, Miss Ashworth
Sresented with a canister
read box and garbage can.
Lions Organize
Farm Calf Club
. Mrs. Wm, Brownlee’s group of
Holy Trinity Guild catered for
the Lions' club -dlmmr meeting
last Monday evening, one of the
Important items of business was
the decision to form a calf club
for juniors 12*14 years and sen
iors U-21. Ati. invitation is ex
tended to- all farmers and sons
to attend an organization meet- i
tog. .on Qetohr * 1
with. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb were
. recent visitors with their daugh
ter Miss Rose Marie Robb, Sar
nia, and called on Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Park at Petrolia.
Mr. Robert Holmes of Toronto
I spent last weekend with his aunt
and unde, Mr, and Mrs. Harold
Butler, Sr.
Mb. and Mrs. John Park and
Jackie spent Sunday in Sarnia,
the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Len
Lobsinger and family.
Dr. and Mrs. Joe Orme have
returned to Toronto after spend
ing a few days with Mrs. T, D.
Orme and Murray. The latter is
slowly recovering from his re
cent fall.
Mrs. Stewart Ravelie of Grand
enhead of Calgary was a recent
caller on Mrs. Irene Coursey
and other Lucan relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodgins
called on Miss Ida Porte at Pres
ton last Thursday on their way
to Buff al .
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Hill of
^Woodstock called on Lucan
r n * i r lj _ ■ friends last Sunday.JO D 1*1 Cl 6 S nQITIB Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hod-
-i i- i’ mns were Sunday visitors with
wIUh, folnLc^ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McLean. Thethe setting at the home of the [alter is slowly recovering from
wm;6 s 5®t*ents, fMr.j and JMrs. licr* recent illness.
ct News
Exchange Vows
William Grover, for the wedding
of Mary Louise Grover and Roy
William Ironside McComb, son of
Mr. and Mrs. William McComb,
Elginfield. The Rev. George
Simpson officiated and Miss El
is amae Elliott played traditional
The bride wore a ballerina
length gowp, fashioned with fit
ted bodice of tulle fan-pleating
topped- with a lace bolero. The
bouffant tulle skirt featured in
serts of lace. A crown set with
irredescent sequins and seed
pearls, held her finger-tip illu
sion veil and she carried a cas
cade of red rosebuds.
As maid of honor Miss Joan
MacKay of St. Marys wore a blue
ba'llerina-length gown with match
ing .headdress and carried a cas
cade of white baby ’mums and
pink roses.
James McComb, brother of the
groom was best man.
Receiving guests, the bride’s
mothei' wore a rosewood dress
with navy accessories and cor
sage of baby ’mums. The groom’s
mother wore a turquoise dress
with navy accessories and yel
low rose corsage.
For the wedding trip, the bride
donned a blue tweed, suit with
black and white accessories and
corsage of pink rosebuds,
Exchange Rings
In Trinity Church
Lighted candelabra, baskets of
white and yellow gladioli and
ferns and an altar adorned with
white ’mums and snapdragons,
formed the setting in Holy Trin
ity Church at 3 p.m. last Sat
urday for a double-ring autumn
wedding, when Marion Elizabeth
Ashworth, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, D. A. Ashworth, Lucan,
exchanged vows with Roscoe
Minor Carlyle Hodgins, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey H. Hod
gins, also of Lucan. The rector,
the Rev. J. P. Prest officiated
and the organist, Mr. Ken Clarke
provided traditional wedding mu
sic and accompanied the soloist
.Mrs. Jack Elson, who sang “The
Lord’s Prayer” and the Wedding
Given in marriage by-her fath
er, the bride wore a floor-length
gown of white crystal taffeta,
with a V neckline trimmed with
seed pearls and iridescent se
quins. Her ensemble was fash
ioned. on princess lines with lily
point sleeves and fell in a slight
train. From a cap of tulle and
lace, adorned with seed pearls,
hung a shoulder-length veil of
silk illusion. Her bridal bouquet
comprised a white, orchid and
stephanotis with ivy cascade.
The bride was attended by her
sister, Miss Margaret Ashworth,
R.N., of Sarnia as maid of hon
or and Mrs. Milton Price-and
Miss Barbara Marshall of Lu
can as bridesmaids. All chose
similar princess ballerina-length
gowns of copperstone crystal
charm, with matching headdress
es. They carried cascades of
bronze and yellow ’mums with
ivy entwined.
The groom was attended by
his brother, Bev Hodgins of Lu
can. Ushers were Gerald Hod
gins and Arthur Ashworth.
At a reception held at Hook’s
Restaurant, London, the bride’s
mother received in a gown of
turquoise with black accessories
and corsage of yellow roses. She
was assisted by the groom’s
mother who chose dior blue taf
feta, with navy and pink acces
sories and corsage of pink roses.
For a wedding trip to the east
ern United States the bride
changed to an English tweed suit,
pink hat and black accessories.
She wore a white orchid corsage.
The young couple will reside on
Main St., Lucan.
Psalm-board Dedicated
In remembrance of her hus
band, Corporal Frank H. Egan,
killed in action, September 25,
1944, Mrs. Kay Egan presented
a psalm board to Holy Trinity
Church. At the morning service
last Sunday, Rev. J, P. Prest
dedicated the board.
Cub And Scout News
Lucan Cubs and Scouts held
their Fall opening meeting in
their Scout House last Thursday
evening. Plans for winter activ
ities were discussed and Septem
ber 27 set as the day for the
paper collection.
Jack Young, scout troop lead
er and assistant Cub leader, was
presented with a wallet, prior to
his leaving for Acadia College,
Personal Items
Last Wednesday evening Rev.
and Mrs. J. P. Prest attended
the consecration service of St.
Barnabas Anglican Church in
London Township, which is now
in charge of Rev. W. E. C. Vol
lick, formerly of Brinsley.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Darling
of Grand Betid were Wednesday
guests of Mr, and Mrs, Gordon
A. C. Douglas Stone was a
weekend visitors with his par
ents.- "
Mr, and Mrs. P. O. King of
Oakville were weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs; J. W. Smith.
Mrs. Les Franey, Mrs.
Lachie and Danny and Mrs.
Lachie, Jane and Bill wore
nesday guests of Mrs. M
Rectory visitors included Mr.
and Mrs.- Alex O’Neil, who re
cently celebrated their 50th wed
ding anniversary, on Wednesday,
and Rev. Norman Knox of Exe
ter, on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Haskett
spent a couple of days last week
______ in Brantford, the guests of their
No age’ daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Cook and
| famfly.
The “D r Am a Group” will meet Mr. and Mrs; Morley Smith of
Friday night at 7 p.m. in the Carlisle were recent visitors with
arena committee room, it is Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb o£ El-
hoped more adults will attend, ginfield.—pmaso Turn to.Pace ,1SL. 7“.. JJ‘“ “ ‘..............*
WR^Taroid Corbett, Mrs. Alex
Young and Mrs. ^oe Murray.
September Brides
Show Trousseaus
Mrs. D. A. Ashworth enter
tained at a trousseau tea in hon
or of her daughter, Marion,
whose marriage will take place
September 22 in Holy Trinity
Church. Assisting in receiving
the. guests, was the groom-elect’s
mother, Mrs. Harvey Hodgins.
The bride’s-elect sister, Mar-
aret displayed the wedding gifts,
Mrs. Don Young, the china, Miss
Loreen Hodgiris, the linens, Mrs.
Milton Price, the kitchenware
and Miss Barbara Marshall, the
Mrs. Harold Corbett, Mrs. Keith
Riddell, Mrs. Fred Grieve, Mrs.
Stuart Keith poured tea. Mrs.
Ralph Smith and Miss Alice Hag-
gar served in the tea room and
Mrs.. Jack Murdy, -Mrs. George
■Jlodgins, Mrs. Roy Stanley, Mrs.
Charles Soveriegn and Mrs, Jack
Elson assisted in the kitchen.
Trousseau Tea
In honor of her daughter, Dal
las Elleretta, whose marriage
to Robert George Robinson will
take place in Holy Trinity
Church, Lucan on September 29,
Mrs. Evan Hodgins entertained
at a trousseau tea last, Friday
Miss Gloria Beech displayed
the wedding gifts, Mrs. Dorothy
Lightfoot, the kitchen ware, Mrs.
Lyle Warrel and Miss Tina Eiz-
enga, the linens and shower gifts
and Mrs. Jean Robinson, the
Mrs. Reg Wilson and Mrs. Os
car Hodgins poured tea and
Misses Rowena Abbott and Hel
en Hodgins assisted in the tea
room,. Mrs. Clarence Davis and
Miss Dorothy„Holmes had charge
of the kitchen.
Boy Catches Hand
In Meat Machine
Frank Egan, teen-age son of
Mrs. Kay Egan and the late
Corporal Frank H. Egan, had
the misfortune to catch his left
hand in the tenderizing machine
in the Revington meat market,
late Saturday evening.
Machine and boy were rushed
to Dr. C. H. George to be freed.
Frank was then taken to St. Jos
eph’s Hospital where he under
went an operation Sunday morn
Hockey Club Dance
The Lucan Hockey Club staged
a most successful hockey dance
at the Community Centre last
Thursday night, The committee
in charge is planning another
one in December. Music was pro
vided by Don Robertson’s Ranch
Boys of Wingham.
Carlyle Cartel' of Clandeboye
won-the $50 draw.
The "Irish Six” hockey team
dance Thursday night, was a
"bang-up” success. The crowd
i enjoyed dancing to the music
of the COX Ranch Boys.
I Speaking of music, what of our
i local and district talent? it has
I been suggested a local group
i or two of both western’ and mo*
jdern musicians would be favor
ably received. Let’s hear front
you interested musicians. We’re
all sot to organize. Yours truly
lias a "soft spot” in this direc
; Roller skating has been hold
ing its own, with the accent on
Friday and Saturday nights,
The /‘Boys Club” meeting is
I scheduled for Monday night at
7 p.m. in the arena, All boys are
requested to attend <
( Atbllf fl t.
October 7 is the-date set for
Thanksgiving services at Holy
Trintiy Church.
Mr.and Mrs. Robert Johnston
of Detroit were weekend visitors
Bend and Mrs. Pearl McGregor
and three sons *
Sunday visitors
and uncle, Mr,
Mr. and Mrs,
and Nancy have ..................
motor trip to Timmins, Ont.,
where they were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Smith.
Mrs. Harry McFalls has re
turned • home to London after
spending a few days with her
daughter Mrs. Sheridan Reving-
ton and family.
The pupils of Mrs. Warner Mc
Roberts, teacher at the Whalen
School, were among the child
ren who braved the .wet and
cold to parade at Exeter Fail'
last week.
of Forest were
with their aunt
and Mrs. Tom
George Young
returned from a
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