The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-09-27, Page 12/ S«cond Lint in \JI V tl pS m I I QI IU Mm I'M ...................... , Biddulph Organize For Season Home Matron fco mur m 4 ei The Orpha Club met at the’proving rapidly after his recent and separate and union schools Mrs. John Brown, a highly re-ifant son arrived hrime from mK», h. hL&on home of Mrs. C. E. Kennedy on J operation.^ .. . . i ......................«... i..,., , rjwcs<(|ay gybing and elected of­ ficers for the coming year. . .. -----4 . .. . .President is Mrs. Mrs. Joan and Mrs. Wm. Sturdevant on 'Mr. aiU Mrs. Blynn Hubble of Wayne, d Mich... visited Mr. Mrs. John Brown, a highly re­ spected resident of this coni St ar lite . «,• spent a few days with "MiDriVA-ln TnPAtrP [Mrs. Fred Elston,, Detroit. LZIIVC7 III | Mr(! Tsaafk .irif| 5 Miles gast of Grind Bend Lltix iAia.4.1. 11 A oi-l i MWIUUXL Wt’XV xywUL iVXSHUI>5 Mile$^West^N<x 4^ Highv/ay M1, and- Mrs. Will Isaac. FRIDAY & SATURDAY September 28 and 29 "LAW VS. BILLY THE KID" dr Scott , firady dr Betta St. John TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY October 2 end 3 "MEET KEYSTONE KOPS" k Abbott & Costello CLOSING SAT. NIGHT SEPTEMBER 29 Brownie's $j| DRiVE-IN yt ^11 THEATRE ||tf CLINTQN, ONTARIO Box Office Opens at 7:30 p.m. First Show at Dusk 2 Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear Children Under 12 in Cars Free THURSDAY & FRIDAY September 27 and 28 "THE BRIDGES AT TOKO-RI" (Colour) k William Holden k Grace Kelly . (Two Cartbohs) Saturday & Monday September 29, October 1 "THE FAR HORIZONS" k Fred Ma^Murrey ★ Charlton Heston (Two Cartoons) S' E Personal Items ; weik Toronto! Cochrane^ IvonsT’ Mrs.”* Marj last WiUl Mr* ana Roberts; secretary, Mrs. Kenne- Alrs. Will Isaac. dy. Plans were made for the Air. and Mrs. Sam Skinner f Christmas project. and Karen Avere Sunday guests; The Grand ------ I------ ,of Mr. arid Airs. Will Aiorley, i Bowling League had an organL Mr? and Airs. JahrtKawalch.uk , Whalen. ’ zation meeting Friday evening,.and Larry are holidaying at San- Air. and Mrs. Al. II. Elston ac-’and Pres. Joart Cochrane re-idy^Lakc, Moti.^ . , » ’ companicd by Aliases Aliriam; ports eight teams toady to go. " ” ” and Dinah Eiston of Edmonton Airs. Bruce Tiedeman and Airs., spent a few days with "Air. and A. Gill are managing the Grand . pencj a]]cvs this ycar> i Mrs. Garnet Isaac and Alar-! Personal Items I jory, also Airs. Tom Quinton of i Air. and Airs. W. F. B. Alac- : London were recent visitors with i Laten spent a few days in King- .’I::. jston whore their son, Bob, on-i - Airs. Irene Hicks, Bill and rolled in an engineering course Alaxine of Clio, Alich., also Air. .at Queens University, and Airs. Geo. Aliller of Flint,! Weekend Visitors with Airs. . Alich., visited on Sunday with;Irene Ilayter were her son, Air. Mr. and Airs. Geo. AIcFalls. On! John Hayter and family of Delhi, Saturday evening they all at-! Air. and Mrs. Hoon of St. PelOrs- ; tended the thirtieth wedding, an-{burg, Fla., and Air, and Airs. • niversary of Air. and Airs. ’ Art ’ Johnston of Detroit and Mrs. j Ford. Chrisholm of Windsor. Aliss Joyce Fischer spent the Airs. F. T. AIcLood of St. weekend in London With Air. and Catharines is spending a few Airs. Lloyd Stanlake and Air. j weeks with her daughtcr( Mrs. and Airs. Joe Mordush. |C. Chapman, Air. Chapinan and Mr. and Airs. Ed Willard and'family. Betty Arin of Hamilton spent! Air. and Afi'S. John Alanore Sunday with the latter’s sister, ’ and Jane attended the Hydro Airs. Jessie Lewis. i Convention in Windsor last Week, Air. and Airs. Allan F. Elston) Air. Peter Eisenbftch is im-| attended a surprise party on Friday evening given in honor of Air, and Airs. Elmer’ Powe, who celebrated thriir tenth wed-' ding anniversary. ) Sunday visitors with Air. and ‘ —Continued frrim Page 6 Mrs. Cris Fischer wrij.'O Air. jnd! K? KuS!.. {.ui-mnt, jcii.v, : j Sunday. nyutuiisi »»u. jlvkmuw* Alif?s Afttry I'ran Sturdevant dy. Plans were made for the, is vacationing with her aunt, - ■ ■ • ./ I Airs. Ellison Whiting, at Cen- Bend Women’s' tenary this week. and separate and union schools i in Hay township AVere set .at _ ............. (recent meeting of the council.;munity for many years, died I The rates included: Dashwood, I at her home on the 81st conces- ;14 mills; Zurich,. 15; Dashwood I slon of Stephen on September 14 jfire protection, five mills; Hay in her ninety-sixth year. j township, school area, nine mills; ■ she was the former Elizabeth ■ Stephen township school area,! 71 K1— 1OC1 seven mills; V.S.S. 9 Stanley, j nine mills; S.S.S. 1 Hay, eight I mills; S.S.S. 1 Stanley,’ 12 mills. I Council authorized a grant of | $300 to the Huron-Perth unit of ; the Canadian Cancer Society. ; general canvass was held in Wellwood j Usborne. .andJLarry^are holidaying at San- 'Dr. Judith Brigham has re-.,_ _____ __________ turned from a three week visit The grant was given because no to Louisville, Kentucky. k-..,-./ ___ _ ___ Mrs. Jas. Patterson is visiting J Hay, as it was Irt Stephen and her daughter, Mrs. Wellwood Usborne. Gill. Grant of $4.00 for each of the Air. and Airs. Neil Chamber- exhibitors in the 'Hay Township lain visited Air. and Airs. Reg; 4-H Calf Club was approved. Pinncy of Beechville on Sunday, j Petition for drainage work as signed by a number of land­ owners in plan 24 and farm lots Ni6 and SiS L.R.W. was turned over to the townhip engineer, C. P. Corbett, of Lucan, for approval. The trtx fate bylaw provided for a statutory penalty of two percent to be added on and after Dec. 16, 1956, and one half of one percent interest prir month after Jan, 1, 1957, on overdue taxes. Township assessor, George Armstrong presented the 1957 assessment roll. Third reading of the bylaw ap­ pointing C. P. Corbett, of Lucan, as engineer under the Ditches and Water courses Act was given third reading. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pask have purchased .the house formerly owned by Air. Fred Turnbull. An interesting musical even’ ing was spent at thri-home of Mrs. Geo. Ecclestone Saturday evening by her friends and neigh­ bours. ■ They were well enter­ tained., by her house guests Dr. Boyd Neel, Dean of Toronto Con­ servatory, and concert pianist Mr. Ray Dudley who have just returned from a concert tour in Europe. Mr. Dudley will appear with the London (Canada) Sym­ phony as guest pianist on Oct. 31. C^jS ^iSchePvV^6 ¥F'Jnd H- Fuss; currant jelly, Airs, k Alvin Fischer and Air. arid Airs. Thomson, Mrs. H. I-’Uss,- any con- — ■ serve, Mrs, R. Luxton, Airs. Harold Gudmnre,Green tomato pickle. Mrs. I. Armstrong; mustard pickle. Airs. 'Lloyd Jones, Mrs. I. Armstrong; pickled onions, Mrs. E. Thomson; pickled cucumbers, Mrs. W. Hillery, Mrs. R. Luxton; beets. Airs. Har­old Simpson, Airs. Hugli Love; chill sauce. Airs. C. Horn, Airs. Hugh Love; canned chicken, Mrs. it. Fuss; canned beef, Fred AIcGly- mont; jar collection of fruit, jane Doherty, Jean Harrison, Centraild, .lean Henderson, Hensall, Alarilyn Jory, Exeter, Dianne Thiel.Honey, South Huron Dlsti'lPl High School, I-’red Hotve.; honey in sections, Fi'ed HoWe; maple syrup, Fred McClymont, Airs. W. Ilaugh; maple cream, Mrs. IL laixtdh, Airs, H. CudnTord; chocolate fudge, Airs. Roy Morenz, Mrs. R. Luxton; divinity fudge,. Mrs. H. Cudniore, Mr§. E, Thomson. Meats and riMads Cured lidm, Airs. H. Fuss; aSsort,, Mrfi. H. Fuss; salmon loaf, Mrs. , A. Passmore; sdihd plaid, Mi'S, meat pies, Mrs. E. apples afi dessei't, Mrs. ■. Mrs. ft. Mordnz: salad Harold Fischer. Glean Profits from TA Classifieds m^iil.e^iiAiW.ii.11 iii.iimi.i...... ir.iiij ii THEATRE Grand Bend FRIDAY & SATURDAY September 28 ahd 29 : "riders OF The PURPLE SAGE" ( k G. Montgomery ★ L. Roberts •’ Giving you l&ts of action 1 excitement. , C6MICS Ii I____ __________________ | so long aS you give us your pat- rdnage and at your own price. | Admission: 25{4 and 50tf j2 Shows Nightly — 7:30 and 9:15 and Fair Winners t -R.Ugs I laOVp, mis. j.'tii^. DWrifu E.imat, Mrs. Cai Avein, Exeter, in- ' Y/’ue.a T « TtrtAlrAr PLAYERS GUILD will maet at th* TOWN hall Wed., Oct. 3 8:15 p.m. Open meeting for reading and casting play “Peg O My Heart” to be directed by Mr, John Goman. ’ , Everyone Welcome k fant son arrived home from hos­ pital last wOCk. Airs. Fred AfcLinchey is visit­ ing this week with relatives in Detroit. Aliss Viola Curts of London and Aliss Evelyn Curts spent the Weekend with relatives in Mich­ igan. Mr. Dawson Woodburn of Tor­ onto spent the weekend at his home. Mrs. Ed Stewardsort returned home after spending a couple of weeks at Crihtralia. iS'illlllillll|il|liii|ll»IIIIIIHIIHHi|llll(l|l|lllllllll!HHmil|llllUIIIIIIIUIIHHIIIIIIIIllllll"«HllilUIIIIII>HlimillO'^| THEDFORD FAIR I September 27 - 28 I PARADE AT 1:00 P.M. j Concert and Dance in Arena t | „ Lloyd Wright ahd hie TV Entertainers I iBrophey and was born in 1861 I on the 11th concession of McGil- jlivray township where she spent ! her childhood. In 1882 she was j married to John Brown and they made their home in Adelaide I township for several years, re- turning to Stephen township, where they farmed until 1915. From 1915 until Mr. Brown’s death in January of 1919, AIr« and Airs. Brown were superin­ tendant and matron of the Hur­ on County Home. Mrs. Brown re­ turned to Stephen township where she spent.the remainder di her life, Interested in the church and the community, Mrs, Brown was a ’member of Greenway United Church and had organized tlte Ladie’s Aid. of the former Mpth- odist church. She served as its president for 15 years and was honorary president until her .death. She was predeceased by her daughter Minnie, Mrs. John Hay- tei’j and a son William. Surviving are a son Dean of GtCenway, 9 grandchildren, 22 great grand­ children and 5 great-great grand­ children. Following a prayer service at her home last Alonday, a public service was conducted in Green­ way united Church by the Rev. A. E. Holley. Air. Aiorley Pollock was soloist. Herbert Harlton, Elton .Curts, i Roy Whiting, Lloyd Brophey, t Lawrence Curts and Lisle W&od-! j burn were pall briai'ers and six1 great grandchildren were flower bearers, interment was in Grand ■ Bend’ cemetery. . | Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Brophey and family of Hanover, Mr. and Airs, Arthur Brophey and Karen visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Brophey of Toronto. Mi’s. Albert Pollock visited last Wednesday with her sister Mrs. Levina Kennedy ahd other relatives in' Bad Axe/ Mich, . Rally Day service will be held in, the United Church On Sunday at 2.45 p.m. Standard Time, Mrs. Lloyd Thompson and in­ F-A ,s 3 SAVE YOUR PAPER for the BOY SCOUTSWoodham By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE — Cotton string mat, Mrs. Mrs. JCus^su Jiodked ^ag mat, Mrs.’ Fuss, Mrs. Ldvk; llookXd yarn Shopping, bag, Mrs, Tlidinsort, Mrfi. Fdss; lunch cloth. Mrs. Gill, Mrs. Fuss; stuff I’d toy, Mrs, Thom­ son, Airs. Fuss: something useful from something .Useless, Airs. Love; dressed doll, Mrs. Siitipson, Mrs. Aloon. South Huron AVI Conipdtltlon— Hurondale, Elimville, Grand Bend. Teachers/ Wives Top Art Display Mts. G. C. Koch, Wife of SHDHS aft’ teridher, Gordon Koch, topped prizewinners in the firie arts and crafts section of this year’s fair with four fii‘sts and one second. Mi'S. Lldyd Heiid6rson, Exeter, another high school teacher’s wife, captured thr6e SdcdndS. First prize Winners included Floyd Buckner, Zurich;' Mrs. Herman Powe, Exeter; Mrs. Ed Gill, Grand Bend; Mrs. H. A. Fuss, Zurich: Mrs. W. Haugh, Brucefirild; Mrs. Marjorid Moon, Centralia; arid Mrs. Hugh Love, R.R. 3 Exeter. Oil Tainting — Landscape, Floyd Buckner, ♦-Zurich, Mi's, G. C, KOCh, Kgdtet-; buildings, Mr.4. Koch; still lire, Mrs. Koch, AlrS. Lloyd Hender­ son, Exeter; flowers, Alts. Koch, Mrs, McndersOn; Water sedne, AtrS. Koch, Floyd Buckner; Any , Subject, Mrs. Herman PoWe, Exeter, Airs. HendergOn. ‘ Drafts—Aluminum tray, Airs. Ed Gill, Grand Bend, Ml’S. John Mc­ Allister, Centralia; leather tooled handbag, H. A. Fuss, Zurich, Mrd. Gill; leather handbag, Fuss; sliell- Woi'k, Airs. Gill, Filas; dfflbrdidered Picture, Airs. Hugh Ltivd, R.R. 3 EXetei', Alts. William HAughl Ex­ eter; earrings, Airs. Alarjorie Modli. Centralia:' embroidered motto, Alts. Haugh, Flies. Judge—H. L. StUi'glS, Flower Starting at 2:30 p.m. Ron Chatten of Elora was a weekend visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Chatten. Dr, Nelson Gunning of Van­ couver visited with his nephew, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rundle spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Levy of Transvadl. Mrs. W. O. Stewart returned home on Saturday after visiting for a week with her brother, Ar­ thur Rundle, ahd Mrs. RUndle. Mr. and Mrs.' Jim McCulloch, John, David and George of Gravenhurst, Mr., and Mrs. Glen Fisher, Yvonne arid Glenda of Exeter were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bun­ dle. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dundas, arid Kathi of Dundas .visited on Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs, Nor­ ris Webb. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pringle, Mr. arid Mrs. Keri Pringle and family of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Copeland. • • Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy and Reg, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupri and Grace were guests at the McCurdy-Watson Wedding ill Anderson Church on Saturday afternoon. Saturday, Sept. 29 Please Pell Your Paper 3 S S £ * A DANCE 5 Every Saturday Night; A. _______ ; Hugh Dove; {Thomson; ?r ; Hugh IjOVP, Mrs, It. *>iurt;nz<> saiau j dressing, Mrs. Hugh Love, Mrs, tv. . Siller,v; cottage cheese, Mrs. AV.Sillery, Fred McClyfflont; minced meat, Mrs. E. Thomson. j Dairy Products I Butter, Fred M cd. for table use, white eggs, Mrs. Treibner, Tom eggs, AV. ft. D. Airs. AV, Sillery, Mrs. ... ,.... W. Ft. Home eamiefl ....Hurondale institute. EtHerington, Airs. R. Specials—Magle ri.uknis; rowuci, Mrs. Roy Morenz, Airs. IAoyd Jones; Domestic Pie. Competition, Mrs, R. Morens!. Mi's. I. ArnisUfong, Fred McCJymont: Domestic, cake, Mrs, R. Morenz. Mrs. Lloyd Jones; Five i Roses Flour, cake, Mrs. Roy Mor- i enz. Mrs. E. Thomson; pie, Mrs, Roy MOtenz, Mr#, J. Armstrong. Give Charrijaion Stiff Competition Mi's. K. A. Fus^, Zut’ftli, suc- cottage, che&se. We are going to keep open ckgs, Mrk Friday and Saturday nights just vey Hyde, w. " CURLING < MEETING EXETER TOWN HALL Thursday, October 4 8:00 p.m. Your presence will signify the interest » needed to form a club. Films and discussion on organization will tak£ pla'ce at the meeting. Z £ ROLLER SKATING At Exeter Arena FRIDAY-SEPTEMBER SATURDAY—SEPTEMBER 29 Skating Bach Night From 8 = 11 p.m. | ............................ ^tiitiiiiiiiliiiiiitiiiniiiin .............................................................. Kirkton Fair September 27 & 28 Program ?rse Show -* Palominos Musical Program by Loud $poakor Provided by Imperial Oil Ltd, Three 4-H Shows TRACTOR RODEO Admissidn 50$? Public School Children Free Dance Fi Afeahttean Hall Evetybady Welcome Good OiteMsIra Adrhission 500 I E. Thomson. --..A Fred Mcflyniotit, ari’ang- ' ' Fred McClymbnt; W. Hdugh, Jack TrellinSr; brown St.orey( Seaforth, Mrs. AV. Haugh; AV. Haugh, Flar- D. Storey, product, special, Mrs. R. D. Albrenz. Baking Powder, i ' Mrs. M. A. FusS, Zui’ftli, suc- = j cefisfully defended her champion- | shib in the home department of ■ Exeter Fair this year but she I had stiff competition from four | challengers. | A-Irs. Fuss captured 10 firsts i and 14 seconds in the knitting, sewhi’g arid garment-frisking eom- petitimis to win the class for the second year in a row. Last year, she succeeded Mrs. Edgar Dar­ ling, of R.R. 1/Clandeboye, aS' the champion. Mrs. Fuss’ nearest rivals Were Ml'S. Ed Gill, Gtarid B6ild( and MTs. Bdrt Thsmsdn, Klgpdri, Whd also Won a major share of prizes in the domestic and hoffie-dartried product .claSseS. Mrs. Ci'll copped eight firsts and five seconds'and Mrs. Thom­ son received seven firsts and seven seconds. Mrs. Hugh Love, ll.B. 5 Eke-' ter, placed among the leaders with eight firsts and two seconds. Mrs. Alarjorie Moon, Ceiitffilia, Captured Six firsts arid two sec­ onds. Other winners were Mrs. Har­ old Simpson, Exeter; Mrs. Doug- \ Mrs. W. Haugh, Brucefield, and Mrs. Ir­ vine Armstrong, Eketer. Hurondale Institute won the special WI Competition for best group Of five articles, Elimville placed second and Graiid Bend third. .Ladies Wear—Housecoat, Airs. Ed dill. Gi-ahd Bellfl, Alt'S. Alai-jorfS MoOM, Ceiltrklla; higiifkoWn, Airfi. Alarjorie Moon, Airs. H. A. Fuss, Zurich; house- dress, Airs. FusS, Mrs, Gill; cobbler’s Apron, Mrs. Harold Simpson, Exeter, Airs. Fuss; fancy apron, Mrs. Fuss, Mrs. Simp­ son; ......................... Thomsoi slip. ___ _______ . Men’s Wear—Fane; Fuss, Airs. ton, Mrs. Work j Alar; las Exeter.! Infants’ | Child’s s s Jias Wedlakc, Exeter; t— ’ — ■ — - •• i j i Psychiatrist — You say some­ one in your family made a bril­ liant marriage? Patient —.Oh, quite; my Wild, you know. SENIOR CITIZENS SOCIAL EVENING Tues., Oct. 2 '8:00 p.m. ’ LEGION HALL Ladies Please Bring Sandwiches or Cookies i EXETER LEGION MEMORIAL HALL . X s e tartyl!f< camisolt’. Airs. Eleanor .„.>n, ‘Kipnen, Fuss; lady's balf- Mrg, Sinipson, Airs. Airs. T:Thomson Exeter: ; Fuss: spi shirt. Mi ... Maxim Wedlake, Thomson, jocks, Mrs, work Socks, Robert Lux- AlOOh, Moon; Doug- rt At: Parade ' TWO BANDS—Bannockburn Pipe Band end South .Huftm Distrld High School Bugle Band ure. Mrs, Gill, , Mrs. Thom- Thom son; p lay dress,Airs.Thom*son;dress,M rs. Moo 1 suit,Mrs.Thoms baby set. All*S. Gill,Mrs.Luxto knitted shaw , Airs. Moon IJv ng roc -Cushloii, Airs HughLove,R.R.Exeter , Airs Gill;n^enl^oolnh Ah Love . Airs.IrvineArmsrmifc..'Ex«lcr:tatted dolly, a [incheon cWh, ridge set. Mrs. Mrs. Harvey . 7. D. TjiiAn, taUcd centrepiece, and Fathroom JL Mt*s white embroidery, Mrs. napkins, Ait'S. Fuss; hr trig Fuss; centrepiece, I.L., ITyrle, Hensail, Afra. ii, A* R.R. 1 Hensall " ‘ Mrs. Fuss, Bedroom and Bathroom—Pillow slips, monogrammed,. Airs. Fuss, Airs. Gill; white embroidery, Aits. Giri, Airs, Fuss; colored embroidery, Airs. Ixwa, Airs. Gib: dressing table set, Airs. Gill. Airs. Thomson; laundry bag, ‘Mrs, Haugh, Airs. ThnniPon, , ’ Kltehaii—Flnur sack Arfinl^. Airs, Love, Airs, Fuss; crochet pnt-hoidoi Airs. I,nxton, Mr's. Fuss; mitts. Alisa Af, H. Brown, : Airs. Thomsbn. immr, Afro. Fnsa, jin, wn-. vrottrtft rtuilf, Mrs, Gill, Atl'S. ?i ito'l'F. Tillfin*. Airs. ...Loya, 1 Mrs. Fussi eS.bil61d*.red' bOsprtii > Mrs, Haugh, ; oven I5xetetr Fancy meaed . LdvO; ....... ....... ^,.A Airs. tWiwati; Apbiirpii*- num. Mr.«. GUI, ion iVeteran Winner Mrs. John Hunkin, Exeter, •| swept the majority Of prizes in the flowei1 department at Exetef Fair again tHis With 2]. fii'SlS and. three seconds. Mrs. Hunkin has been champ­ ion of the flower show for many years. She successfully defended Iirif title last year despite a brok­ en leg. »Among Airs. Hunkin’s major Wins was first pfi’ZC for the best' Cdllrictiori of perenhiais. She also displayed' the top , rio'vClty flow­ er.Mi’S. Hunkin Wdh first prize irt each rif tlife six aster Cbmpritb tioftS, including the best collec­ tion.Airs. Lloyd Reynolds placed sriCdn'd iri. thri class With five firsts and thferi serioilds. Mrs. W. Haugh, BfUcrifield, and Mrs. Hugh Love, R.R. 3 Exeter, received three first prizes. Mrs. Love won the largest single prize of the class-a $2.50 cash award for the best minia­ ture garden. She also won thri dish garden Section. Airs. Hd Gill of Grand Bend showed the best collection of an- tiuals and tlte best basket of cut flowers. other major winners in flowers were: All's. Harold Simpson, Mrs. Garnet Hicks, and Mrs. Robert LuxttJti, Fldwcl'8 Folliage, Mrs. W. Haugh, Bruce* field; pot flowers, Mrs. Haugh: lidveity, AM. Hugh L6Ve, R.R, 3 ISxelfir. Snapdragons, Mt'S. John Hunkin, 'EXOter, Mrs. Hlugh, MrS. Love: asters collection, Ml’S, Hunkin. Mrs. •. Harold . Simpsoft. EXetOr; whits asters, MrS. Huhkln, !“! ! ___ ’ Fticks, Exeteri mauve asters, All Hunki .................... kin. pink Kimpst. Ml'S. Hi imide, Reyi Mrs. Mrs. Htttfkii Exeter kitif 1 ... - Mrs. Hicks, Diantlms. ltatmli; ’ Cudniore, African .... Mrs, Luxtot i Varna: ! nnlds, Mrs, d_ Love: pOreti kin,' Mrs. 1—_____ _ Harvey Hyde, Hensall, Mrs. Hicks double ’ Hunkli.. . ..... way, Exeter, ■ Mrs. ™.„ ttutikiH, Reynolds, ‘Woodham; “ ’ Hyde. Scablosis, ___ _... sweet peas, Airs. Luxtoi Atrs. Maurii ' Hunkif ’ Exeter.............. Mrs* Hunkin. 1............. collection, Mrs. Gill collcfdlon,. U " I' ftYeu t ‘ hoWM‘'Mte" ‘Gill 'uMri garden, Mrs. Dove: _ Httnldn: C'.’’ ’ Love, titru gfmthwft’i Haugh, AlrS, __ fi, Mrs. Hunkin, Mj Exeter, Airs. GarnSt , __....... . mdUve asters, In; purple asters, Mrs. Hun- Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Simpson; asters, Airs, Hunkin, Airs, n. Atrs. Hicks; bririch asters, unkin; coxcombs, Lloyd Rey- . Exeter: feathered coxcombs, i01ds, Mrs, Haugh; cosmos, Haugh; decorative dahlia^, “•T«*?kln, Mra. Robert Luxton, ... .actus dahlias, Mrs. Hun* polftPplit dahlias, Airs. Hunkin, tm k i n Airs.Ates. - Airs. n, Mrs, H liiwatleiifi, iiensait, lariKdlds. ...... n, Fred AicCtyniont, R.R, Frbncli : ‘ " M ......... .....i, Munkt: tlrimunond) phlox, l_„.„...... * ....nnniat phlox, Mi HUttgli ’ ' , Mrs. ■Harold Hunkin; Hunkin. "nA Hicks; r Mrs. Hun* narifmlds, 3. Ait’S. Reynolds, ....... .L.'., Mrs. Hun- single petunias, petunia,Reynolds,petunia, Reynolds, Mrs, pansies, Airs. Hunkin, Kay roses, i rose; AlrA. "HUnkim Reynolds; verbenas, ’ Airs; „ i; .sliifcU Airr idlvia, Atrs.^ ......... crested zinnias, Mrs. AfrS. ‘Love, Mrs, C. dahlia zinnias, Airs, ■ ■ 1. Mrs. H&UEI1 Mrs. Gill; . Airs. Hun kin: ............... Airfi. eter, MrA. Gill, Mw, Love; basket Hunkin Ltlkton; '/.A rose; lira. Tom Hern, Airs, “ ' ‘ Gill, FUN!FUN! FUN! MUSIC BY .CLARENCE PETRIE and his Night Hawks SPOT DANCES / s S i , DANCING 9-12 — ADMISSION 75/ Leather Jackets ahd Jeans Nof Permitted ' I ’ • ’ ‘Ibia. ....... ......................................... ■ ■ ....... . .i-......9...r .....—8 ' ..........Z- FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN!. FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! More Fun Than Ever! EXETER KINSMEN PRESENT THEIR SECOND X (j Arena Oct. 5 Six Hours Of Merriment 9:30 p.fn, t6 3:30 a.rrt.l ' TWO BANDS DESJARDINE'S — THE SEitENADERS HARVEST QUEEN WILL BE CHOSEN Aylmer 1 New And Old Time Dancing Square Dancers Featurihg Th* this FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! COMPETE .POR EXETER KINSMEN Dance I Organize a s6t and enter new cenipetition fo? square daiiders. cdutest i§ restfieted th amateur groups from Huron, Middles6x and Perth counties. Handsome new trophy donated by Kinsmen for the first time. ■ Admissioii: Men $1.00, Ladles 78/ Hern, . Hern, ; annuals, perennial^ table Tie-’ ’ ‘ \ Ex« ,s. txwet ris. .Move; llrtVrlfy, mmiatute iai-den. ftufus xKestie. dish MrS. Mrs, ____Judge—c. T, feailey, {>51. 'VSltltt'Hf I » T Tfi-PK ;....TT/. 1.1 ..nwrtW>h» 1 You’ve seen them on tv. New wtteh them in in a eoteb ful square dancing pertermaiieei ^liiiHifiiiiiihtihmiiiHhiiiiiiiiuhhiiiifriittiihniibithiiihHHmitiiJ I FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN!