HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-09-27, Page 11MlwFRgfRyr Just Picture The Results You Get From T-A Classifieds CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less 70 More Than 25 Word? — 2f Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 400 ,L More Than 25 Words — W*' W Per Word Jf W OFF W^ad paid with order or by Saturday following the last insertion FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE C E M E N T — Expecting car this week, Leave your order1 for off- car discount, Exeter District Co-op, phone 287. _______, 27 c 40 STEERS, averaging 700 to 800 lbs. Ually Wein, phone 54 Dash­ wood._______ 20:27* USED PIANO, in good, condition. Apply Mrs. Sim Roobol, Main St.. Hensail, phone 44.____________27* 500 PULLETS, Hamp Sussex, start­ ing to lay. Apply Aub Farquhar, Kippen. ________________27c RUBBER-TIRED WAGON, large, $5.00; several good, used stove pipes, 6"-7”; 2 scuttles: pokers; 2 grape­fruit trees, in pots; flower pots; strawberry plants for fall planting, 81.00 a. hundred; Quebec heater. Apply J. W. Powell, 00 Victoria St., Exeter,______;____________27c PIANO, Wright’, in good condition, reasonable. Apply Mrs. E u n i c e Stone or phone 311-W Exeter. 27c WEANER PIGS — • Allan ‘Westcott, phone 176-r-32 Exeter.. 27c Town, Topics Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hein­ buch, Gidley St, were guests at the Coxson-Myers- wedding in the U.'B, Evangelical Church, New Hamburg, on September 21. Mrs. Heinbuch was a guest at the trousseau tea given by Mrs. Floyd Meyers, R.R. 2 New Ham­ burg, the previous week in hon­ or of her daughter, Shirley. Ear­ lier in the month, Mr. and Mrs. Heinbuck entertained at tjipir summer home at Bayfield in honor, of Miss Myers and Mr. Coxson. Glen Belling a;ul Al Drum­ mond, of the inspecting Staff of the Bank of Nova Scotiia, visited with the former’s parents, Mr,, and Mrs. Robert • Belling, on their way through to Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. .Larry Snider flew to Montreal last week to see a preview of the 1957 Ford cars. Corp. Heriry Dyck, Mrs. Dyck and family are visiting with Mr. and-Mrs. Charles Godbplt for two weeks before being transferred to St. Hubert, Que. GIRLS’ WINTER COAT, blue, 12- ycar sign, new condition. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 27* BOOKS -All Rinds, 25d each or 5 for ?L Set of Thaekery and Balzac; Conner thermo-tuh washer with pump, 3 years old, $75: Presto cooker, egg cooker, s a n d w i q h toaster; Bissell sweeper; wash tubs. Apply 113 Columbia Drive, RCAF Centralia, or phone 707-J12? 27c HARD -COAL—Orders received this week. Still at summer prices. Phone 287 today. Exeter District Co-op.'27c OIL SPACE HEATER, like new. Also gravel box and hoist. Apply Exeter Salvage, phono 423.____27 SPACE HEATER, used 3 seasons. Phone 20-r-22 Credlton._______27c CHESTERFIELD SUITE, new, pink and black. $125; 2 end tables, new, black, $30; chrome kitchen suite, new, red, $45; oil paintings; blond end tables: vacuum clearter, and other household items. Apply 152 Columbia Dr., phone 285;M12. 27* OIL SPACE HEATER, like new. Also, gravel box and hoist.. Apply Exeter Salvage, phone 423._____27 6 TONS OF COAL—Will sell reason­ able, Mrs. W. Balkwill, John St. W. or phone 123._______ 27c COOK STOVE, Findlay enamel, coal or wood, with warming oven and reservoir. Apply Les Thomson, phone 400-W or apply 169 William St, 27* 14 COWS, purbred young Aberdeen Angus, due in February and March, bred to a registered Aberdeen An­gus bull. Will sell reasonable. Ap­ ply Wally Wein, phone 54 Dash­ wood;_____________________-27:4c NEW SEWING MACHINE, portable electric, 1956 model, heavy duty special deluxe, in No. 1 condition, Apply Mrs. Lloyd Mason, .phone 47- r-1 Dashwood.________________27c SUBSCRIPTION SPECIALS — Save •money on these: Life, 70 weeks, $7.70; Time, 78 weeks, $6.87: Sports Illustrated. 65 weeks, $6.87; Wo­ man’s Home Companion, IS months, $3,00; Colliers, 40 issues, $3.00. Ex­eter Times-Advocate, phone 770, 27:4:11:18:25 PEARS & PLUMS—Italian and Ger­man Prune Plums and Bartlett Pears. Apply to Wilfred M'ousseau, R,R. 2 Hensall, 2 miles and| a half west of Hensall on Highway 84. Phone 92-r-2 Zurich. 27* 2, LADIES’ COATS—One gabardine, wine: 1 muskrat, fur coat: both in excellent condition, Size 38-40; $15 each, Can be seen at Brady Clean­ers^__________ „ ,_______29* ANNEX ‘STOVE, white- enamel, with pipes, nearly new. Apply to Harold Corbett, Lucan, phone 51.26c GIRLS’ WINTER COAT, wine, with bjack velvet trim, size 14, $10. May be seen at Brady Cleaners.____27* LADIES’ WINTER COAT, dark brown doth. May be seep at Brady Cleaners, Exeter._____________27* 350 PULLETS, Sussex Cross red. starting to lay, $2.00. Phone 43 Credlton. 27 c 11 PIGS, 6 weeks old September 29. Apply William Bender, Credlton. _ _______ ___________________27C I-H “M" TRACTOR—With or with­out. loader, in first class condition. Lome Becker, phone 118 Dash­wood.___________27 c GRAIN DRIER, portable, 200 bu.; 40-ft. grain and bale elevator; 8-ft. heavy duty John Deere disc; 2- row John Deere staik shredder; 2- furrow Ford plow. Apply Gaiser Bros., Dashwood,_____ ____131fc 1951 KAISER SEDAN, hydramatlc, radio, in very good condition, $800.00, 1951 Buick .Century, fully equipped, $2,000.00. 109 Empress Ave., RCAF Centralia.________27c .JUNIOR BED, complete; bed; 2 overcoats, size 38; 2 jackets; suit; lady's fall coat, size 3 6. Apply 109 Empress Ave., RCAF Centralia. 27c SUGAR BEET WAGON, with rack; also tractor sugar beet lifter for Allis-Chalmers CA, B and C. Ap­ply William Muller, R.R. 1 Credl­ ton. phone fiS-r-12,__________20:27* '50 METEOR COACH, radio, heater, slip covers, low mileage, reasonable. Phone 226, Exeter. _____SOtl’n nc GET YOUR ’'HOLIDAY”' regularly. Subscribe to ’Holiday" at a wonder­ ful bargain price of 14 months for $3.79, a saving of $3.21 over the news t a n d price. Exeter Times-’ Advocate, phone 770._____8:23-10:25 LADIES HOME JOURNAL—Save half the single copy price by sub­ scribing now at the special rate of 23 months for $4.03. ’ We’re agent for all magazines. Exeter Tlmes- Advocate, phone 77U. 8:23-10:18 APARTMENT, furnished and heat­ ed. Call Exeter 788-M. 27c IN HENSALL —Six-room cottage, all modern conveniences, oil fur­ nace heating, centrally located. Available October 1. Apply Herb Jones, phone 671-31 Hensall. 20:27* 2 HEATED APARTMENTS, upper and lower, furnished or unfurnish­ ed, seperate outside entrance, hot and cold water, toilet and bath. Apply W. F. Abbott, phone 453 Exeter or 170 Victoria St. 20* UPPER FLAT, 2-bedroom, 2-piece bath, hot and cold water, private entrance, available now: M mile off S3 highway, Di miles- west of Exeter. Apply Stuart Treibner, phone 3S-r-16 Dashwood. 20* 3-ROOM APARTMENT, unfurnish­ ed, heated, hot and cold running water, sejjerate entrance. Apart­ ment consists of large bed-sitting room, 2-piece bath and pantry, use of basement, Would suit 2 working girls, man or woman. Apply to Mrs. Whitney Coates, R.R. Centralia, phone Kirkton 39-r-3,_______13:20c APARTMENT, 4 rooms, on Main St., ideally located above Gould & Jory store. Apply at Gould & Jory.‘ 13tfn 2 - BEDROOM APARTMENT, un­ furnished, available September 15.1 - bedroom apartment, furnished, available October 1: also store, for rent, Apply John Ward, phone 318.27* APARTMENT, furnished, including frig; utilities paid, Phone 8 Credi- lon. 30tfc FOR RENT 2 APARTMENTS—Apply Tasfy-Nu Bakery, phone 100, Zurich. 9tfc NEW. MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace: east side of Exeter: close to school?. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St. t,fc GRAND BEND—3-bed room cottage, full, bathroom, tvfnterized; nicely treed, area. Price $5,oon. Terms, C. V, Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Ex­eter. litfc j BABY CHICKS FQR SALE ■ BRAY HATCHERY hag broilers and j pullets. They suggest you order in advance, although they hatch week­ ly, and may havo some on hand. Ask us for list, full Information, I agent: Eric Carscadden, Exeter, I phone 216-W. 27c NOTICES IN CENTRALIA, 4-room apartment, hot and cold running water, built- in -cupboards, partly furnished,’ nicely decorated, heated, available October 1, Phone 732-J12 Exeter, 27 c APARTMENT, heated, 3-piece bath, modern kitchen, private entrance. 'Apply Clayton Roszel, phone 90-r-J Hensall._______________________20c FURNISHED COTTAGE, Immediate possession. Phone 276 Exeter. 27c 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, on high­way, -2 miles west of Credlton: basement; hydro; garden; near school: $20 per .month. Apply to Garfield Hill, Credlton, R, 2, 27* 3-ROOM APARTMENT, upstairs, heated, hot and cold water, partly furnished or unfurnished. Available Oct. 1, 1956; reasonable rent. Apply 74 Anne St. or phope 1-J,____ 27* NEW HOUSE, 4 'rooms and bath, hot and- cold water, furnished or unfurnished, winterized, Phone 97 Grand Bend.______________ 27 APARTMENT, available October 1. oil heated, hot water, furnished or unfurnished, Beavers Hardware, Exeter. _____________‘______20c APARTMENT, extra choice, cent­rally heated, hot water heating system, complete privacy, all ■ mo­ dern conveniences including laundry facilities, garage, garden ground, attractive surroundings, rent rea­ sonable. William Oestricher, Credl­ ton. 27tfc APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, toilet, hot and cold water, on Shipka1 highway. Phone 6-J Credlton. ltitfc Floor Sanders Flopr Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE. EXETER 3 Big Shopping Days 3 - Sept. 27, 28 and 29 nOULAR SEWING MACHINES — Electric portables; by the week. Hopper- Hockey Furniture, phone 99. Ex- eter. _____________________8tfe 4- ROOM APARTMENT, heated, hot and colli water, private .bath, Ap­ply Penhale Apts, or 70 John St. East, phone 294R. 30tfc APARTMENT, furnished, self- epntained, hot and cold water on tap, private bath with shower; private entrance, newly decorated, heavy duty wiring, built-in cup­ boards: available now. Phone 400-W evenings.______■ 30tfc 5- ROOM COTTAGE, modern kit­chen, 3-piece bath, full basement with furnace. Apply William Hat­ ter, phone 219-W.______ 13:20c UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, 4 rooms, ’ heated, with hot and cold water, 3-piece b.ath, built-in cup­ boards and hard Wood floors; all freshly decorated; also use of base­ ment with laundry tubs; private entrance: ground floor. Phone 300 after 6 or call at 251 Carling St. , . 20* ,ELLIOT APARTMENTS’ The 12-sutte steam-heated apart­ ment building in the centre of town has self-contained 1-bedroom apartment? with private bathrooms, plenty of closet space, stove, re­frigerator, (some fully furnished}: 'janitor service; plenty of hot water and parking space for cars; very reasonable rates. One will be vacant August 15. SANDY ELLIOT Phone 476 or 787-J Exeter . . <t.. -y., .. $;91fc REAL ESTATE Red A t White to'! AYLMER CATSUP KLEENEX = .. LIBBY'S BEANS CAMPBELL'S SOUP ° White Cross Toilet Tissue ........................... Libby's Tomato Juice, 20 Oz. Tins ........... Brunswick Sardines, a real buy <............... Campbell's Chicken Soups, 10 Oz* ........... Blu^ Bonnet Margarine, Yellow Quick ..... Culverhouse Fancy Peas, 20 Oz. .............. R St W Evaporated Milk, Tall Tins ................. 8 for $1 Champion Dog Food, 15 Oz. ................ 9 for $1 Libby's Fruit Cocktail, J5 Oz ............. 4 Tins $1 A-5**- <«4 3 9 Rolls, $1 .... 7 for $1 11 Tins $1 . 6 Tins $1 » 3 Lbs. $1 ?. 6 Tins $1 #Pork Loin Roast Loin Pork Chops Cottage Rolls Swift's Sausage. 5 tor 6 for J>f 6 tor $1 9 for $ J Guaranty Trust REALTOR ■ ☆☆☆ HENSALL Main street location — solid brick home,-- diot water .oiL heat, modern kitchen. One of .Heqsall's finer homes. Terms available. ☆ ☆☆ HENSALL Solid brick, two bedroom home, modern kitchen and new furnace. Available with terms. ☆ ☆☆ HENSALL Solid brick home, attached garage, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, .modern kitchen, hot water heating,' nicely decorated throughout, spacious grounds with additional lots, most suitable for a duplex; well worth investigating,, Guaranty Trust * REALTOR R. B. Paterson — Phone 51 Hensall 19tfc s e PRODUCE Large Sunkist Oranges 3 DOZ. $1 Washed Marsh Potatoes 10-L.b. Bags * 3 FOR 51 Grpefruit 12 FOR $1 Rick’s Foodland ' PHONE 571 Your Red A White Supermarket EXETER DAIRY FARMS FOR SALE 100-acre farm in Stephen Township i suitable for livestock or cash crop farming; Modernized brick house, large "L"-shaped bank ’barn, milk­ing machine, drive shed, never fail­ing water supply, well fenced and j drained. Close to town, church and school. This farm has an adjoining 50-acres grass farm that can he purchased1 as well. Very reasonably priced as owner is in ill health. Write or call HERB MITCHELL 4-4501; residence 7-0985. v Canada Trust Realtor Huron & tri& Bldg. London, Ont, ____________, 27c HOMES—C, V.'PICKARD—HOMES $1,500.00 with small monthly pay­ ments. We have just listed this 3- bedroom house with modern kitchen and bathroom and almost new heating equipment. Garage. Total price $6,000.00_________, 6tfc CREDITON — Brick house, near; Centre of village, modern kitchen, bath up and down,* good basement with furnace; extra lot. This pro­perty is in good condition through­ out. Moderate. price. EXETER—Cash $1,500.00. No, this is not the total price, but this amount down will give you posses­ sion of comfortable four-bedroom home with all modern conveniences Including oil heat. Balance in easy j payments. j EXETER—3-Bedroom Brick in best of condition. This compact home, ha? a dining room. It is oil heated and has good garage. Price re­duced. EXETER—3-Bedroom Brick Cot­ tage. Very nice bathroom and kitchen. Choice location. Well treed lot. Immediate possession if de­sired. EXETER—$3,600.00 full price for 114 storey frame covered with as-1 hestos shingles. Close to schools. 3-piece bath. Good basement. Pos­ session to suit purchaser. BRICK COTTAGE and 1 acre, Ex­ eter North; 3 bedrooms and usual living rooms; hydro and bath. Price $4,500.00 tvith low down pay­ ment. 3-fiEDROOM BRICK—This home is in wonderful condition. Bath on first and second floor; spacious living anil dining room; oil heated: water softener, water heater, etc: Meal location, Moderate price with terms We have enquiries for farms. If you are interested In selling please contact us. Wo, have several' other homes in a wide price range. If >ou wish Jo buy or sell see c. V. ■ piekard, 394 Main St, Exeter, phone 165 and 62^3 | Cement Block House and 8 Acres of Land Good Water 3 Miles South of Grand Een<l in the Pinery For Quick Sale $2,800 “Cash Write or Phone TOM SEMPLE 137 Palmerson St., Goderich' 20:27* WANTED I ——r—— GOOP USED GASOLINE PLATE j or stove, or good coal oil stove;* also gasoline engine operated wash­ ing machine. Please write Box 218 Si. Marys. .................27* i STANDING TIMBER, soft or hard- ■ wood. Highest prices paid. Earl ! parsons, phone 5u7 Exeter.' 26:27:4c TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE’ MEETING TO CONSIDER BYLAW | Take notice that a bylaw for raising $20i),000 under the provisions of the Tile Drainage Act will be taken into consideration by the council of the Township of Ushorne at the Township Hall, Elimvjlle, on the 6th day of October, 1956, at the hour of 5 o'clock in the afternoon.H. H. G. STRANG, Clerk • 13:20:27c STOCK WANTED FRAME H OUSE, l’a-storey, in­sulated, nicely decorated, hard­wood floors, new oil furnace; with income—3-room ground floor apart­ ment, private entrance, 3-piece bath up, 2-piece bath down. Reason for selling—ill health. Apply J, W, Powell, 90 Victoria Sb. West. 16tfc HELP WANTED L ......................... 1 CASHIER—.Relief cashier for lAric theatre, one night a week. Call1 M3-W daytime or 421 evenings. 27c OFFICE HELP, part-time,. pre,fer- | ably mornings. Apply Turkey Beve­ rages;_______ 27c ! NEED MORE MONEY? Become our representative in your surround­ ings. Highest commission paid. Free catalogue and details from: FAMlr/ LEX, Dept. 4, Station C, Montreal. 27c DEAD, DISABLED STOCK—Seven- day week service for horses, cattle, sheep pigs, calves.—Glen Kennedy, phons collect 168-W Lucan or Ex­eter 233. 12tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kind? of horses, any size, any age. —G, J. Dow, phone S3, Exeter, 12tfc acres in pasture, "3 acre* in a«* seeding, >3 acres mix timber, w* an.ee was in grain crop this years newlv-dug pond in bush, well fenca< and drained; ample- water at housa and barn.TARCED NG. 2—Smith Half L<4 10. consisting of 30 acres of lamb more or less, of good level clay loam, with IS acres of fall wheat sown, 15 acres of grass, remainder of farm under cultivation; well drained, well fenced, with a go<>4 water supply. POSSESSION—Parcel No. 1: Poa* session In the spring of 1957, with privilege to plow this fall, -or other satisfactory arrangements. Parcel- No. 2: Possession in 60 days, will! privilege to plow before.TERMS * C O N D I T 1 O XS OF SALE—The above properties will be sold, subject to a reserve bid, 10fr down on day of sale; halanc# in 30 days. J. R. McLEAN. THOS. W. DIXON, ’ Auctioneers „ 2T» HIGHWAY 200 ACRES, brick house, bank barn, silo, driveshed.‘ ....... ’ ‘ ’ house, bank150 ACRES, brick barn, driveshed. 100 ACRES, brick barn, driveshed, 75 ACRES, frame barn, silo* 50 ACRES, lnsul-bric barn, silo, driveshed.BRICK HOUSE, centre hall, oil furnace, 2 bathrooms, fireplace; suit 2 families; garage.BRICK HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, full bath, oil furnace, good barn. NEW FRAME HOUSE, basement, living room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms, bathroom, extra land. house, bank house, bank house, bank SERVICES 23tfc Is your corn too green to pick? Do you want to pick it soon and have it dry? Have it sprayed (U ran) Nitrogen using 15 to 20 gallons per acre (actually 60 to,70 Ips. of pure Nitrogen). This will' dry your corn grain in a few days and also help to decompose the stalk and pre­ pare your corn ground for an excellent crop next season. L, V, Hogarth, Exeter, Ont., phone 266.■ . 27:4c BUILD A Permane*ht Business—I have been selling Rawleigh Pro­ducts for 7 years, My business Is growing. I am my own bos.s. If you are interested, in a similar occupation there is an opening— j see me. Louis E, Johnson, Rawleigh I Dealer, 31 Main St., Exeter, phone 183. 1 13:20:27c ; NOTICES TO CREDIT QBS In the Eslate of Joseph Ravelle, deceased, , ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Joseph Ra­velie. late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on, or about the 11th day of September 1956, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors- of Exeter, Ontario, by the 13th day of October next, after which date the estate will he dis­ tributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice, has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executor* Exeter, Ontario,27 SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Im­ mediate service. Butler Bros., Lucan, phone 108 or 130-W, a 13:20:27:4:11:18:25* Don’t FEED MOLDY GRAIN Let Us Dry It For You Apply Edgar Cudmor-e Phone 171-r-14 Exeter . SOtfc CUSTOM COMBINING, 12-ft. S,P. combine; custom baling, square bales. Also manure loading. Apply Norman Whiting, Exeter, phone 655-W, evenings. 1.6tfc WHITEWASHING & CLEANING— Arrangements can be made. Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-r-19, 7:12-ll;15c In the Matter of the Estate of Margaret Doig Ketchen, Idle of the Village of Hen sail, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. ALL PERSONS having Claims against the Estate of the late Margaret Doig Ketchen, who died on or about the 1st day of August, 1956, are hereby notified to send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 29th day of September, 1956, AFTER the last-named date the assets of the said Estate Will be distributed among the persons en­titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. W. G. Cochrane, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor,for. the Estate’ . 13:20:27c AUCTION SALES Complete HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL On the Premises, HAY TOWNSHIP Con, 9, Blind Line, ' . 14 Mile East of Zurich and 2 Miles North The undersigned auctioneer re­ ceived instructions to sell by Pub­ lic Auction WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1956 Commencing at 1:30 p.m, HOLSTEINS: Cow. milking, due in May; heifer, milking, carrying second calf, due in Feb.: heifer, milking, fresh 3 weeks, with heifer calf at foot; 2 cows, milking, due in April; cow, milking, fresh one month;’.heifer, milking, fresh one week: cow,- carrying second calf, due in December; ? cows, milking, due in April; cow, milking, due in March; cow, milking, due in May; 7 yearling heifers; 2 Holstein heifers, due in December and Janu-" ary; 4 heifer calves. This is an extra good herd of cattle with high production and best of blood lines. Convince your­self by inspecting this herd before day of sale. HOGS: Choice Yorkshire sow, carrying first litter, due first week in December. Surge 2-unit milking machine, completely equipped, in A-l condi­ tion; If) milk cans: MePeerlng ham- mer mill, in good condition; Wol­seley Clip Vac clipper, like new, TERMS: Cash. No reserve. Everything will he sold as proprietor has other in­ terests. STANLEY SAUDER. Prop. R. F, STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALI2ER, Auctioneer 20;27c AUCTION SALE Of Farm Properties For Mrs. Mary Boland and John F. Boland 1U Miles North of West McGillivray CON. 14, MCGILLIVRAY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4 Sale' at 2:00 p.m. PARCEL ' NO. 1—Consisting of 100 acres, more or less, being Dot 11, Concession 14, McGillivray Town­ ship, on which is erected a frame house with hydro, two frame barns, one large drive shed, newly wired: and’ hen house. This is a. level farm of choice clay loam, with 40 AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate And Household Effects THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL SATURDAY, OCT, $, 1 P.M, The Estate of the late Mrs. Irene. FeeREAD ESTATE—Consists of Ont lot, upon which is situated a- 2* storey, 8-room frame hpctse, with basement, bathroom, tbwn water and hydro: also a garage.HOUSEHODD EFFECTS: Crosley Shelvador frig., automatic defrostl 2-burner electric stove: Thor wash­ ing machine: Duo Therm oil burnerl Clare - - - -- heater; suite; and beds: - dressers. ...___.... __tables: hall tree: wicker rockers; odd chairs: kitchen table: mirrors; lamps: clocks; mats: sealers: dishea; kitchen utensils: 200-gal. oil tanfcl lawn mower: wood; garden tools, and numerous other articles.TERMS: Real Estate—10day of sale, balance in 30 days; sold sub* ject to reserVe bid. Chattels: Cash.CHARDES FEE. Executor P. D. McNATTGHTON. Clerk ED CORBETT, Auctioneer IN Jewel -cook stove; Quebec 9-piece oak dining room chesterfield: china cabinet writing desk combination: spring filled mattresses; •••; bureau: round table: end hall tree: ■37:« AUCTION SALE, Of Real Estate/ Tractor, Truck, Auto, Implement* and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises. 1 AVINCHELSEA Usborne, Twp., St. Mary's Road The undersigned auctioneer re­ ceived'instructions to sell by publia auction on . • FRIDAY, OCT, 12, 1:30 P.M. READ ESTATE: Consists of part of Dot 10, Con. 7, Usborne Twp.» 20-acre farm of choice clay loam, all tillable land with no buildings; land well drained and in choice state of cultivation. .Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days; sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. AUTO, TRUCK &< TRACTOR— 1949 Ford Coach, in good condition; 1951 Ford Tractor, -Jn guaranteed condition; 1952 Ford 44 Ton- Pick­ up Truck, in guaranteed condition.Complete list of ‘ sale in next week's issue. , . . WIDBERT BATTEN, Prop. GARNET HICKS. Clerk ADVIN WADPER, Auctioneer 27« HAVE YOUR SAWS sharpened and set today, the Foley automatic way. Stew’s Sharpening Service, 105 Sanders St. E., Exeter, phone 454. ■' ' ■' ' " ‘___________7 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION “Where Better Bulls Are Used" For artificial insemination infor­mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattje Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. We have all breeds available —top quality at low cost. 4:2fitfc painting and papering CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKER Phone 553 y Exeter ..2L!!!",............... ............ . M F • GUARANTEED Investment Certificates . The PREMIER TRUST Company 428 Richmond St., London Telephone 4-2714 J DAYS emf£ UsbcI Cars sind Truolcs Exeter Motor Sales ^ELECTIONS!TQP^RAWER The cream of the Fall crop of used cars and trucks. Whatever you want in dependable, good­ looking transportation .. . we’ve got it now! TOP-DOLLAR SAVINOS! We priced these TD selections way, way down for this spedal event. Better hurry in while the choice is big. Check these Money-Saving . ’53 ’53 ’53 PONTIAC SEDAN Blue....................... DODGE SEDAN Two-tone, radio, solex glass . dodge sedan Marooiij white wall tiros, radio ’51 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ............................. $795 $1,295 . ’50 AUSTIN SEDAN .............................t< $395 ’50 PLYMOUTH SEDAN............................. $395 .. $1,395 ’50 PONTIAC SEDAN ...............................,. $395 ’50 HILLMAN SEDAN ............................... $195 .. $1,295 •’49 STUDEBAKER SEDAN......................... $155 ’49 STUDEBAKER SEDAN ......................... $595 ... $1,195 ’48 AUSTIN COACH ................................... $125 ’48 DODGE COUPE ..................................... $295 $1 245 ’47 DODGE SEDAN ................................. ... $ 70 ’46 MERCURYS (2), each............................. $250 $ 900 ’46 CHEV SEDAN ..................................... ’46 AUSTIN COACH ................................. .. $250 .. $195 $ 695 ’39 CHEV SEDAN, ’39 DODGE SEDAN Each ........................ .................... ........... $ 95 , ’52 ’51 ’50 RHONE 200 ’52 EXETERDodge • Desoto « Dodge Trucks DODGE ^EDAN Blue, sunvisor, top condition METEOR COACH Blue, automatic, radio ... DODGE* SEDANS (4) All in top shapc^ your choice. METEOR SEDAN Blue ................... Come in, call in... these won’t last long I