HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-09-27, Page 8Burglars Loot Five Cottages Thieves entered five cottages over the weekend at Turnbull's Grove, two miles north of Grand Bend, taking articles valued at hundreds of dollars. Entry was gained by smashing doors of the cottages. Four were owned by Americans, the fifth by Harold Bonthron of Hensall, who reported the loss of a mantle radio valued at $15.00. J. O. Buckeridge, Birmingham, Mich., lost binoculars, raincoats, radio, electric clock, and fire ex­ tinguisher. Losses at other three cottages have not been determin­ ed. PC George Mitchell of Exeter investigated. a fine cut with a DISTINCTIVE flavour Th® Thrifts* Advocate, September 27, 1956 roll your own cigarettes with OGDEN’S QUALITY FINE CUT This Week In Thames Road By mrs, William rhode 1 ;Competition Keenest Lin Children s Show Prefects It Poultry Barre Erie. El e a ill Webster, Ar and Wright I 4, 5U, EPS 11 ;PS It; grades 1 and 2 . 3, EPS 2: kindergarten, •Is •k Cather wk, E Hicks K. Hicks SV erel Suss in? . Fii 5U: and ex e, Hlelx lkbei due; . D. Light- pullet, •oekerol ss 51’; iner C; •ks, H. The Story In Elimville, By VlRa, ROSS SKINNER 12. . EPS Manual Training jtirades 7 and 8, metal. Kenneth j Leatherdale CE, Boh Matheson CK. > David Wright CE; grade 8 and j under, bookends. Amu ... . ■ -T ~crr-Grunt Skinner 6U, Henry Koon- 1 Mrs. Norman Jagues of Zion mans GU; serving tray Robert i visited on Monday with Mr. and LCah/Ik rti * l>vh»T -Haim RTT TPzxitrtln ; _ ___ - »* « ~ The Brakes On My Lil' Sport Car Aren't Working . . .And I Can't .Will You Fix'Em?Drive It At least he’s keeping out of trouble! Before YOUR brakes reach the danger point, better drive in for a check-up and necessary re-lining or adjustment. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery were guests at the Willert-Wil- lard wedding in Exeter x>n Sat­ urday. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Cas­ well of Brantford spent the week­ end with the- latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore. Miss Marilyn Moorgs and Mr. Kenneth Featherstone of St. Thomas spent the weekend with Rev. W, J. and Mrs. Moores. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Bullis, Randy and Renneth left on Mon­ day morning for Winnipeg. The Story In Special Service Marks Harvest Sunday, September 23 was the occasion of Harvest services in the Exeter Pentecostal Church. .An appropriate message was de­ livered by Rev. L. Krause. Mrs. K. McLaren’s (?lass sang and "A I call to Harvest” was given by ' Mrs. T. Jolly. The service included the dedi­ cation of Deborah Anne Smart, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart of London, and grand­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ ford Blanchard of Exeter. The Pick | Of Them I All! | Buy White Rose Gasoline. jU For Fast, Dependable i s Car Service, See ... j Gle^ Lockhart PHONE 691-R NORTH EXETER | . ' . .....I"""”..... ...... ... , K „ , Mrs. Philip Mureh, Mrs. Har- Aivin Gbaw'VJ"’. j^eU^Mrs^ Alvin Cooper mid nmns vu; pvi Viiig tfay, Luw<. I vlSnca OU IHUUUay W1U1 UHL', a Heywood EPS^grad^G mtd S'; ; Mrs. Wm. Mutch of Parkhill, lawn ornament, Fred iiydr. IP; ■ Mr. and Mrs. Milan Nash and Hom-v11 K‘X,nmansyGu',hroe er ’ ^ly of Tpronto visited with Huuy Koopmams mi. ! friends here Qn Suftdayt F Asmrs p-iroi Hendrick 4S Joan < Miss Emma and Elvira Struth Gimnthe'r d. FianeeA c.: of Baden and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shirley Jacques is, Kathryn Hicks' Hannah of Toronto spent a few Mi; eosums, Shhley with Mr. and Mrs. JTedDianne Stone. Betty Dixon EPS.Larry Bullantyne 5U, I.arry Lovle ! LUnnington, UIS; snapdragons, Shirley Genttner I Ml’, and Mrs. Wm. Routly at- e, Yiate^Hern^lT; ’lirry Lorte ’ tended Thorndale Fair on Sat- los: African marigolds, Joan Guen-; urday where Mrs. Routly was a lher D, Shirley Reynolds 1U, Di- i iudge in the women’s depart- anne Weber 4S, Larry Ballantyne ' ■ 5L.T. Grace .McKenzie EPS:’ petunias, Shirley Reynolds 1U, Huth Cud- I _ _____ _____ -- iSon’^im iS’sonG'Ts- turned home on Saturday after Baglson I >S, Gary Bagieson 4S. ~ zinnias, Jacqueline England C, Marilyn Galloway C, Joan Guenther D, Grace McKenzie EPS, Shirley Genttner EPS; flower basket. Judy Snelgrove EPS, Toni Ellerlngton, EPS, Dianne Weber -IS,. Larry Lovie IDS, Marlene King C. Writing Grades 7 and 8, Sadie Van der T^ian TP, Carol Haider CK, Mar­ jorie Hodgert EPS. Martha Coch­ rane EPS; grades 5 and G, 'Wend.v Van der I.aan ID’, Doris Scott EPS, Judy Snelgrove EPS, Gloria Honsberger EPS; j,... Genttner, Susan Dlnnfty, ( ____ Gackstetter ID, Anne Johns 21’; grade 3, Peter ~ ’ Harness EPS, ......................... ........... Linda Itilwards JdPS; grade 2, Larry | Willert EPS. Barry MeKnight BPS, Darlene Snell EPS. Ituth Cudmore 10U: grade ' " Faith Anne Lawson C, Art Grades 7 ___ .... EPS, .Marion Bellin; McMillan BPS, V .. .... ........... CE; grades 5 and 6, Dianne TVillert a;id Judy Snelgrove EPS, Donna Heywood, 5 IT, grade 5 C, Anne Hockey and Veronica' Francois EPS 7; grades 3 and 4, Jimmy Dixon, Bobby Higgins, Linda Edwards, Jim Carscadden, all EPS; grades 1 and 2, Marie Corey C, Ernest Kerr EPS, Joanne Tennant BPS, Henk Gossar EPS; kindergarten. Robert Grassick, Honey Wein, Gar vie Fritz, R.enny Plantenga, all BPS; Canadian scene, open to al] grades, Mary Shaw EPS, Grace McKenzie BPS, t Marion Belling EPS, Arlene Love> HT. Scrap books—-Grades G to 8, Betty Dixon, Mary Shaw, G..... Kenzie, 'Dianne Delbridge, grades 3 to> 5, S.:____ ... Linda Walner EPS, Marla tliOrne C,. Sharon Faulder C; 1 and 2, Brvnn Bavnhain, Hammond. Phviiig Madge, Jermyn, all EPS. Cooking Drop cookies, grade fi and ....... Marilyn Galloway C, M a r g a ret Brock 7IT, Grace Eagleson Margaret Oke JU; grade 8 ...... under, Carol Hendrick 4S, Marlene King C. Lana Keller EPS, Sheila Keller EPS, Sewing ’ ' ' Grade fi and under—Darning on sock, Carol Taylor IOS; tiand- dressed doll, Linda Johnston EPS; pot holder, Margaret Hyde ,llj, Linda Johnston EPS; grade 8 and under, wearing apparel, Dianne Johns 2U, Barbara Byford CE, t Joan Barrett CE, Barbara Henwood CE, Shirley Dodd CE, Barbara Moore EPS, Sharon Ajmieton EPS. Teena Van der Neut BPS, Jane Dettmer BPS; . embroidery work, Dorothy Dickey, Joyce Dickey, Mabel West­ lake 1U, Betty Duffield 12U, Jane French 12LT. . Fruit Northern spy apples, Betty Dixon EPS, Jimmy Dixon EPS, Billy Jeffery -10U, Karen. Finkbeiner C; McIntosh apples, Shirley Reynolds 1U, Bob Hodge C, Jimmy Dixon EPS, Marlene King C, Betty Dixon BPS: snow , apples, Marlene King C, Eric Finkbeiner C: delicious apples, .Timmy Dixon EPS, Belly Dixon IGPS, Marlene King C; tai­ man sweets, Jimmy Dixon, Betty Dixon, Bill Morenz 11S, Karen Finkbeiner, Eric Finkbelifer C: pears, Jimmy Dixon EPS, Gerald Finkbeiner C, Margaret Oke, JU, Allen Oke 1U, Ruth Cudmore 10U. Grain ' , Oats, Francis’ Skinner GU; barley, Wayne.' Hern 7U; wheat, Barbara Hern 7y;, ensilage corn, Robert'Rey- nolds 1U, Eric Finkbeiner C, Dun­ can Etherington 10U, Bill Brock 7U. John Etherington 1U. Roots And VeVgetables Red mangels, Lloyd Stewart 5U, Barbara Hern 7(1, Billy’ Jeffery ’2P; white, mangels, Arlene Love JR, ‘Wayne Hern 7U, Billy Jefferv table turnips, Frances Skin­ ner G(T, Gary Beavers 2(J, Eric Finkbeiner C, Robert Reynolds H’, Arlene Love 1U; beets, Anna Hern 7U. Luth Cudmore 10U, George God­ bolt EPS, Francis Jackson C, Mar­ garet Hyde ICT; storage, beets, Mar- frt’de J (T, Francis Skinnef '’I? A>’leim Txive nr, Sharon Mills <>U, Brie. Brown KlS; domestic cab­ bage, Sam Klngma 5U, Doug Light- .foot C, Brian Sanders EPS, Sandra England C, Harry Kingma 5U; !Vln^s „ran*J2,!5‘ Douglas Galloway U Galloway C, Brian San- ‘V‘'5 MeDIll, Elsie GosarBPS; chanlenay carrots. Eddie Dyk­ stra BPS, Margaret Oke 1H, .Bar­ bara W’ells EPS, Gloria Chambers , Gerry VerkTrk. - Reynolds in, T.n”,;"“'J- "JUI 1111 Jxu.ningEPS Helen Hendrick EPS, Tommy Ellerlngton EPS; pickling cucum­ bers, Eric. Finkbeiner C, Allen Hay- id* Tj&wtence .Bricker 4K Rb* bej't Reynolds^ JU; Francis Skinner EPS, 'Daw: Russell 7$, Lovie in Koi Ioan E ’ia Beck................ Douglas Fletchei le, 10V. J- y polatoei 'ley Gent t I, Elsie (■ ; late poi Doug Gallowt C. Carol Fa, •IS; field betti Eric Finkbftli... ., ............................. C, Doug Galloway C, Gary Engle- sOn 4S; t----'.......' * " ’ bciimr -IS, Lloyd Steiv Dawsoi Brown Swine Bacoi Etherli Marlem M .......... Darlene. Feel Full of Vigor; Years Younger. MEN, WO MEN °L40' 5?«co-■ ’old.weak.worn-out,al) in, exhausted. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets Often needed after 40 — by body old, run­ down because lacking iron; increases vim, vigor, vitality. Thousands feel full of iiep, years younger. Quit being old, ‘'Get-ac­ quainted’' size costs little. Bo wise, get pep, new health, quick thrifty way. Try Ostrex today. At all druggists. 1 ................................... 1 ment. Master Donald Kerslake re-r< 'being a patient in South Huron .Hospital for the past week. j Mr. Lewis Woods of Stokes I Bay spent a few days with Mr. I and Mrs, Jackson Woods. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred I ton spent the weekend i and Mrs, wel. I Sunday uve v.iunn’Mrs. Wm. Johns were l.„. ---- grade 4, Shirley; Mrs. Dan McGugan and Mr. and Anne Johnsr02i" Mrs< J’ D- McGl>gan of Alvinston. Snell eps. Marlene Mr. and Mrs. S. Koopman and KPs'f o' t^ ' family of Chatham Visited with Lloyd Vogan visitors with Cunping- with Mr. of Listo- Mr. and Mr. and i ijiq I& JORY.Anniversary visitors: Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner of Lon­ don with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Finkbeiner and sons, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Sweitzer of Grand Bend with Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer, Ron and Barb­ ara. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold, Ruth and Mrs. Nelda Ruthledge of London, Mr, and Mrs.'Philip Fassold of Dashwood with Mrs. Milton Ratz. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Duncan'and Peter of Stratford, Mr. John Lamport of Toronto and' Miss Wilma McNair of London with Mrs. Lamport and Tom. Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Harlton with Mr, and Mrs. Karl Guenther and Janet. Mrs. Dave Sheppard 'hnd Mrs. Gordon Fraser of Parkhill with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheppard and Dave. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Scott, Shirley and Larry of Cedar Swamp, Mr. and Mrs. V. Den- omme of London with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pickering and fam­ ily. Mr. Jack Brooks of Chatham with Mr. and Mrs. Matt Sweitzer. Mr. and Mrs. Albert of Crediton with Mrs. Ratz. Mi', and Mrs. - Arthur of Parkbill with Mi-, and Mrs. Cliff Russell and sons. Mr. Garfield Finkbeiner of London, Mr. and Mrs-. Elgin Webb and Mrs. J. H. McGregor of Grand Bend with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner. Mr-, and Mrs. Harry Sheppard, Dave and Mrs. Lamport attend­ ee the McNair-Thompson wed­ ding at Vannick United Church on Saturday. Gaiser Jacob Webb Exeter Hqt idea for cool proifts—T-A Want Ads! & SONS LTD.Phone 38 PHONE 178, HENSALL, ONTARIO Says Here's Your Chance 1, Richard Frayna BPS. McKillen BPS, Barbara Sharon Passmore 10U. aiid iS, Grace MeKenzle “ '••jK EPS, Marlene Barbara Henwood Shaw, Grace Me- .'r-i>n xitje, all "EPS; Sharon Mills fill, ------ ' Silver- grades Linda. Karen 7 LT, Grace Oke JU; under, J ns. and Lana Keller EPS, Sheila 5I 1 Mr. and Mrs. 0. KoOpman on Saturday. Mrs. Franklin Skinner and family visited on Saturday with Mr and Mrs. Arthur Ford who were celebrating their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parson and Susan of Hensall and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell. Phone 102 for HARVEYS TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE I RED COHOE SALMONFANCY • Clover Leaf, 7% Oz. Tin BLUE & GOLD PEAS 15 Oz. Tins ................... 2 for QUAKER OATS 5-Lb. Bag.......... SCHNEIDER'S LARD ' Price ......................... CHERRY PIE READY Stafford’s, 20 Oz. Tin . ■ PHONE 16 ..... ......... .................................. .—t—.............. ONCE Wood Finis NOW with l t 2 Lbs. 390 350 510 390 290 WHIZCHEEZ 16 Oz. Jar .... 590; 8 Oz. Jar .... 330 CLARK'S . PORK & BEANS 20 Oz. Tins ................ 2 for 390 BRUNSWICK SARDINES Price .......................-........ 3 Tins 250 !; SHREDDED WHEAT J Price .................................2 Boxes 310 TIDE (New King Size Pkg.) 25^ Off Reg. Price .................. $1.34 Iing was a job for experts only I you’re the expert! '56 BUICK HARDTOP 5,435 miles, automatic, dealer’s demonstrator. '55 FORD CROWN VICTORIA Automatic, radio,- two-tone, w- wall tires, etc. One the girls will ^ove! '55 FORD FAIRLAINE SEDAN Radio, dual exhaust, 11,000 miles. '55 MONARCH SEDAN Automatic, radio, dual exhaust. Just broken in. '55 PONTIAC DELUXE COACH W-wall tires, etc. Only driven a few miles. '54 MERCURY MONTEREY SEDAN Automatic, radio, two-tone, new W-wall tires. Glory in its beauty. '54 DESOTO SEDAN Automatic, two-tone. Low slung and handsome. '53 CHEV 210 SEDAN Two-tone. See this original. '53 PLYMOUTH COACH Fold-up seats for easy entrance. '53 PONTIAC! SEDAN Two-tone, Lots of mileage loft. LOOK I s WORTH I . 0 0 0 9 WORDS '49 Chev Vz Ton Real Sound Condition Harley Davidson Motorcycle Cheap '52 HUDSON WASP SEDAN Hydromatic. Safest car on the road. ' ' '51 “STUDEBAKER SEDAN ' Automatic V-8. Lots of get up and go. '50 HILLMAN SEDAN' Real economy. '50 DODGE COACH Thoroughly reconditioned. '49 DODGE COACH >49 >49 Bargains At Sacrifice Prices FORD COACH METEOR COACH1 METEOR SEDAN'49 Needs painting, /49 AUSTIN SEDAN Needs body work. ’ '49 NASH SEDAN '47 DODGE CUSTOM Rough, '40 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Real good. '39 CHEV SEDAN Not bad. THERE'5 ONLY ONE WAY NO MATTER WHAT YOU PAY Tb Rteally Tell the True Conditlorb So See for Yourself BOB COOK MOTOR SALES PHONE COLLECT 178 HENSALL FOR DEMONSTRATION . Salesman: Bob Cook Res,, 188; Blighton Ferg, Res. 159-W V' vmiioway c, Brian San-WfS' ,Hilly AIcT’lH> Wl«if> Gosar stra, BPS, Margaret Oke JU, bara Wells EPS, -• ’ C.^Ge.rrj; VerkTrk. Wai’tin'Konlng Ellerlngton EPS; L...... V ■ — - • ter IS, bll: Spanish onions, Brian Sanders EPS, Dawson Hay ter jhs, Doug Arlene Love JOLT, Stan- 10S; hubbard squash, KPS, Sheila Hern nd Cf pie pumpkin, 4S, Elyse Lamport ;r .fill, "Deanna X.; Faulder C, ngk :er isk Ki . .. ■( Hay (ei 10.% Helei Douglas Lightfoot C; is, Sharon Faulder C, ner EPS, Betty Dixon losar El'S, J Im Fost er atoes, Jim Foster 1.W, £ C, Marilyn Galloway dder C, Orville Wein s, Gerry Heywood 5Tb er C, _poria]d Dundas melon,' Judy Ftn’lc- ri’en Finkbeiner 0, U, Elsie Gosar EPS. ’ IOS Bi FI nk help 6 r O, sift Go«a.r EPS, ;• citron, Cart ■own IIS. 125, Duncan ------on Passmore f, Darlene Frayn e ui-an Etherlngton, Marlene Fray no, over r, Sha i str, r Dimeai 6, li­ on 1U. ngtoi je Fr under F John Ethe; Cattles Beef calf, „ horn before Jan. 1. Donald Thompson 4U, John Ether- ington 1U, Glen Lamport I0U, Murfal cornlsh 7U,‘ born after Jan. 1, Murial Cornish. 7U: dairy calf,- born before Jan, 1, Wayne Hern 7U, John Bregman 7DTT; born after Jan. 3, Wayne Hern 7U, John Etherington ITT; hail er-broken calf, -■ 411, .John Brcg- Etherlngton 1U, ,ifigiiHxn jihjj Dor Wayne Hern 7U, ... HL ‘ ' i our John Corjftish 7U, Donald Thompsoi man Doris Pets • Ban i Gallow Shaw hoinor tarns, vay c EPS ’ C; J d. A .4. D. n. . plg'cons, -at, Light root, C„ D. 'Coward 2(1. M, , Erie Fmk- Sharon Abnipion 3 SwSl COLOR-TONED REZ*—to give to any wood the special luxury color of Redwood, Sage, Driftwood, Cedar, Mahogany, or many other distinctive effects through intermixing of these color tones. WHITE REZ—-for fashionable blond finishes. y CLEAR REZ PRIMER-SEALER—controls grain raise, checks warping and swelling. Used as an interior natural-grain finish Or'to prepare new wood'for painting. REZ-EX-^-A clear, high-gloss, protective top-coat-— suitable for hand-rubbing where the ultimate in fine hand-polished surfaces is desired. Also pro­ vides a tough, weather-resistant, natural finish for exterior woodwork. Rez makes it easy . < and inexpensive ... to finish wood.so as to bring out the hidden beauty of the natural wood grain, adding to new wood,.unfinished furniture, the kind of glowing, pro­ fessional finish that only experts could achieve before. But now you can do it—because Rez Wood Finishes are one of chemistry’s modern miracles . ■. . putting the finish in the wood, not merely on it, actually becoming part of the-wood itself. ' Yet you apply them simply and easily with brush or cloth— -,d Rez will never blotch or streak.- FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR, TOO! Inside: Rez imparts glowing beauty to furniture, built-inS, cabinets, panelling, beams and valances, Outside: Rez protects from wind and weather, while-adding distinctive, contemporary color to siding, doors, fences, garden furniture and other woodwork, WOOD FINISHES mS HODGE'S GENERAL STORE - CREDITON McKenzie s paint store - exeter GINGERICH SALES & SERVICE - ZURICH