HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-09-20, Page 13By MRS, J. H. PATpN Lucanmitooisthctnews Shower For Bride-»l«ct The Ladies’ Guild of St. James Church and friends met in the Sunday school room on Tuesday evening to honor Miss Joan C. Murless, bride-elect of Saturday, September 22, when she will ex­ change vows with Alexander J, Boggs at St. James Church. Mrs. Mervin Carter welcomed the guests. Miss G. Tomes and Mrs. Carter conducted contests feaLJIrs, J. H. Paton gave a Mrs. Carter read an jj^Kess and Misses Mary Carter Elaine Hodgins presented the guest of honor with ward­ robe and train cases of Mc- Brine luggage and other gifts. Church Notes At the regular evensong serv- . ice on Sunday the rector, the Rev. J. P. Prest, dedicated a cross and other gifts for the Suiiday School from the/ summer vacation school. On Sunday, September 23 the service at St. James will be tak- . en by the Rev. A. A. Neild, rec­ tor of Christ Church, Centralia, A young school class had been asked to write an essay on win­ ter. One child’s composition was: ‘•In winter it is , awful cold. Many people die in winter, and many birds also go to a hot climate.” SUPERIOR Propane Limited Your Distributor for Propane Gas and Appliances for Farm, Homo and Industry Call Stratford 4174 in exchange with the Rev, J. J- Prest who will take 3rd an­ niversary service at Christ Church. The Rev. Edgar Roulston con­ ducted the Rally Day service at the United Church with Mrs. T. Collins assisting. Personal Items Mr. John Thompson returned home last Monday from St. Jos­ eph’s Hospital. He fell while us­ ing the combine and suffered a fractured leg, • .Mrs, Dave Kestfe spent last week in St. Joseph’s Hospital, following an operation. Mr. and Mj.‘s. Wilfred Cunning­ ham and Joe Cunningham, Mrs. J. Ritchie, and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Harper and Joan of St. Pauls were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ritchie at Baden on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Sam King and Marlene of Crediton were Sun­ day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Karl O’Neil. Mrs. Emily Neale of Harriets- ville spent the weekend with Mrs. Aimer Hendrie. Mrs. John Thompson of Ailsa Craig is spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. T. Collins. Mr. Jack McEwen was pleas­ antly surprised Saturday eve­ ning when relatives and friends called to spend the evening and wish him. a happy birthday Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Het­ trick of Kirkland Lake are spend­ ing this week with the latter’s aunt, Mrs. T. Collins and Mr. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan and Myrna spent Sunday evening with Mr. and ‘Mrs. J. H. Paton. At the tumbling achievement program in Lucan on Monday night pupils from this district who competed were Hazel Simp­ son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson and Laura Hod­ gins, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Hodgins, who tied with Susan Roberts for champion crest in the beginner’s class, Mrs. Joah McLean is instructor. X PEDDLER’S STEEL AND ALUMINUM ROOFING ON HAND Experienced men to put your roof on. PEDDLER’S HAY. CARRIER AND STABLE EQUIPMENT See us before- vou buy your baler or binder twine. I SCOTT'S ELEVATOR LTD. i Phone 63 Lucan, Ont. | > i ■ 11 ii i ui,i 111,11111 i in 114 i 111 < ■ n1.1 > <■ i ■ i ■ t >i 111 ■ i ■ ii ■ 11 it I r < >■< i ■ ■ > ■ ■■ n 11 >■ >11r >t■ tiit ii i initiiiii i ■■ i ■ «,i i ■ ii.ii '^.4 in i in 1111 in 1111 ii mi it uni tiiliui tn II I in iitttt ii ii mi mini in it HinKii 11111 iiimitii > 11 ■ ■■ in iim tiiil<in>>>itiiiiiii Ulis' S . • 3 3 ’53 ’51 ’50 ’51 $1,295 1,195 CHEVROLET COACH CHRYSLER SEDAN CHEVROLET SEDAN PREFECT SEDAN . ’51 AUSTIN SEDAN.... ’.49 PONTJAC SEDAN, Choice of 2 .. ’49 METEOR SEDAN ......... ’49 CHEVROLET SEDAN .. / t As well as the, list above, we have a number of other top-notch cars that have been reduced by at least $100 in price. SAVE NOW AND BUY! £ Reg Armstrong MOTORS Your Plymouth • Chrysler • Far^o Dealer PHONE 216 EXETER ?'4iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiiniiii.......iiiiuf........it iitiiiiiiiiiiiint iHiiiniiiiii ................ Tot Victim Of Pillow The village w4s shocked Wednesday td hear of the sudden death of Gladys Elearior Emer­ ick, five-week-old daughter of Mrs. Eleanor Emerick and the late Harold Emerick who was ac­ cidentally electrocuted last May. The child smothered in its pil­ low, C. Haskett and Son, Lucan, were in charge of funeral ar­ rangements* ’which were held from the mother’s home, Alice St., on Friday, September 14. Rev, Edgar Roulston of the Lucan United Church officiated, Interment was in St. James cemetery. Pallbearers were four little boys, Victor, Billie and Karol Neil and Perry Ardiel. Besides her mother, the form­ er Eleanor -McRann, she is sur­ vived by three sisters, Shirley, Elaine and Betty, also two grand­ parents, Mrs, Cecil Neil, Lucan, and Mrs. Maud Emerick, Both­ well. Two weeks. ago baby Gladys won a spoon at the Mary Hast­ ings picnic for being the young­ est baby present. Exchange Vows in City Church In a . setting of white gladioli at St. Aidan’s Chapel, St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, September 8, wedding vows were exchanged by Devona Beverley Brooke and William Allen with Rev, A, J. Ostle officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Grant Brooke, Lucan, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Austin O’Neil, Parkhill and the late Mr. Earl Allen, * The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white nylon tulle over blue taf­ feta, fashioned with Queen Arine collar, fingertip sleeves, and waltz-length “skirt. A beaded tiara formed her headdress and she carried a white prayer book Crested with rosebuds. Mrs. Ronald Coleman was her sister’s only attendant and wore a blue taffeta waltz-length gown with a corsage of pink carna­ tions. The groom was attended by Mr. Harold Brooke, brother of the bride. At a reception held at the home of the bride’s grandmother, Mrs, Thos. Brooke of Lucan, Mrs. Brooke received in a navy crepe gown with red accessories and red rose corsage. The groom’s mother also chose a navy gown with red accessories. iFor a wedding trip to 'the U.S.A., the bride,donned a navy and white erisdhible. On their return the young couple will make their home in Lucan. Falls Down Mrs, T. D. Orme, her niece Miss Dorothy Wildern and son Murray have returned from a few days’ visit with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilkins of Hillsdale, Mich. While there Murray had the misfortune to fall down the stairs. Extra heavy stair carpet prevented broken bones but he is badly shaken up and will be confined to. his bed for a time. Lucan Pigeons Winners When 182 birds from 21 lofts were recently liberated from Peterboro, Lucan pigeons made a splendid showing. (1) Norman Hardy'738 y.p.m. (2) Norman Hardy 736 y.p.m. (3) Jack Hardy 73Q y.p.m. (9) H. Hardy 641 y.p.m. and (14) Clarence Hardy 585 y.p.m. W, I. Winner,* The Lucan Women’s Institute had four entries at the Western Fair and. won three prizes. Mrs. L. Morley wdri third prize of $3 on her leather purse, Mrs. Wm. Brownlee won third prize of $2 for bran muffins and Mrs. Mur­ ray .Hodgins won fifth prize of $1 for her aluminum tray. Booster Nite Planned A monster Booster Nite is plan­ ned to take pldce in the Lucan Memorial Arena on October 5. Special entertainment will fea­ ture Captain Norman Rawson from Montreal, Who is Canada’s outstanding orator, arid Vince Memford’s Variety ■ show which is coming from Brdmpton for the big night. The Business Men’s draw on the same night will be another added attraction in' which $100 will go to some lucky person. cash bingos will. bd held along with a drAw for $25 for the hold­ er of a lucky hand bill. Personal Item* Mrs. L. Slioldice and Dr. and Mrs. Marvin, Smout of London were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Atkinson. last eris^hible. On their home in Lucan. Stairs YOURE NOT A GOOD DRIVER IF YOU’RE A SPEEDER Speeders don't really "get away- with it". They just use up borrowed time. Accident facts prove that excessive speed always catches up with you eventually. All speeders are potential killers. HOW GOOD ARE YOUR DRIVING HaEHTS? ©■FARTM«»*T’ OP MMWWAYt * ONTARIO ........ ................................. To Erect Bridge On Butler Street A a recent meeting it was de- ided to go ahead with the build­ ing of a bridge on Butler St. which will make a decided short­ cut, not -only to Main St., but also to the arena and public school, for those living in the north-east part of the Village. It was $ecided to remove a large dead tree on the ball grounds which has become an eye-sore. Promote Pupils At Sunday School Lucan United Church Rally Day, promotions: Intermediates to Seriiors-Merry Roberts, Wayne Culbert, Terry Culbert,. William Chown, Barry Black, Clifford Acheson. Juniors to Intermediates: Di­ ane Hickson, Jean Cochrane, May Cobleigh, Marilyn Culbert,. Ilene Donaldson, Robert Chown, Wm. Darling. Primary to Juniors: Barbara Park, Margaret Cobleigh, Susan Bridger, Ann George, Elaine Emerick, Joan Schluter, Evelyn FraynOs, Nancy Watson, Barbara Ready, Linda English, Jerry Butler, Robert Strawhorne. Beginners to Primary: Carol Thomson, Nancy Park, Marilyn Hearn, Sylvia Brown, Donald Kew, Bert Walker, David Stan­ ley. 'Houdini' Squirrel Treats Audience Lucan has a baby squirrel as adept as the great Houdini. As least two Alice St. residents were greatly amused for nearly an hour last Saturday to watch it carry a cob of corn bigger than itself to the top of a clothes line pole and there balance itself, turn the cob round and round and feast to its heart’s content. New Member* The following new membere were enrolled in the Anglican Junior Choir; Steve Davis, Car­ ole Davis, Larry Lewis and Bry­ an Smith. The following new members were enrolled in the Senior Choir: Mr. and Mrs. J. Steacy, Mrs. J. Ffeeman Miss Dorothy Holmes. Shipka C. and Arena Activities By HAROLD RIBSON The arena is rapidly taking on a. “m?w look,” The decorating department has ‘taken hold’ and brightened up the interior. The color scheme? You guessed it— green and white. Real, inspira­ tion for the Irish Six, which re­ minds us--.they have a hockey dance coming up this Thursday might. . . 1 o Yours truly attended the* an­ nual meeting of the Recreation Directors’ Federation of Ontario, at the Y.M.C.A. in London~this past weekend. Had a chat with Len Gaudette, well known to Lu­ can and district as a hockey player and arena manager. Len is now in Aylmer. He has prom­ ised to bring a team of old Lu­ can hockey players, now play­ ing elsewhere, to Lucan for a pre-season game with, the “Irish Six.” The proceeds of this game will go for minor sports. This should prove to be a real at­ traction in getting hockey off to a good start for 1956-57. The local response to the or­ ganization ’ of various recreation activities has been excellent. I sincerely, hope that it will con­ tinue. On September 10, the B6ys Club was organized at a meeting in the committee room of the arena. There were 27 boys in attendance, ranging from 10 to 17 years, and there is another potential of at least 20 boys. Eventually this club will be div­ ided into various age groups. Officers are: president, Allan Ready; secretary, Jack Park; treasurer, Don Lankin. The Junior , Metal Craft is scheduled to begin September 19 in the committee room of the arena, under the guidance of Miss Doris Weir. The adult aluminum etching class is .scheduled for Septem­ ber 26, with Mrs. M. Hodgins instructing. Art classes should also be in progress by this time. A Lucan Booster I I Personal Item# Mrs. Alvin McLean is ill and her sister, Miss Hattie Hodgins, is waiting.oxi her, Cpl. ,and Mrs. Sandy Hodgins Arid Susan,- who were sdrit to Claresholm, Alta, a year ago, have been transferred to Aylmer where the Corpdral will be an instructor. They have been visit­ ing his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodgins. Mr., and Mrs. Dick Tate have returned home to Dearborn, Mich, after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cdcil Hod- giris. Mrs. John McLean attended the London Conference W.M.S. School for Leaders at Alma Col­ lege "and Mrs. Calvin Haskett, Mrs. G. E. Nicholson and Alex Young attended the jtesday session. Mr. Howard Cranston‘of don was a Friday visitor his mother Mrs. M. Cranston. Mrs. Warner McRoberts spent last Suiiday with Iter sister Mrs. Mac.Lamond of Cromarty. Mrs. Y. N. Prest of London,is spending a couple of weeks with her son the Rdv. L P. Prest and family. Mr. and Mi’S. . Robert Jarvie of Windsor spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don Roving- tdii. Mrs. E, J. Kew of Toronto spent last weekend with her son Mr. Howard Kew and family. „ Mrs. Writ Haggith, Mrs. wai­ ter Emerick and Ann, and Al­ bert Emerick of Bothwell attend* i on Mrs. Wed- Lon- witli H. S. Stanley Prominent Mr. H. S. (Bud) Stanley, well known Lucan druggist, passed away in st. Joseph’s Hospital September 11 in his 65th year. The body rested at his late res­ idence on. Main St. north, where a Masonic service was held on Thursday evening. After a priv­ ate service at his home on Fri­ day he was taken to Holy Trin­ ity church for a public service at 2.30 p.m. Attending were mem­ bers of the Canadian Legion and Auxiliary. Rev. J. P. Prest was assisted in the service by Arch­ deacon C. W. Foreman of Lon­ don and the Rev. J. A, Arm­ strong of Milverton. Interment was in St. James cemetery, Clandeboye, Pallbear­ ers were H. B. Langford, Harold Hodgins, Joe Morgan, T. A. Hod­ gins, Lang DeCoursey and Joe Benn. Son of Mrs. Maria Stanley and the late James Stanley he was born in Lucan and attended pub­ lic and high school there-. He en­ listed in the 18th Battalion and lost an eye in 1917. After grad­ uation from the Ontario College of Pharmacy in 1919, he worked in Toronto until 1921 when he purchased the Lucan Drug Store. He was an active member of Holy Trinity Church where he held many offices. H& was a past master of the Irving Masonic Lodge 154 and a member of the Lions Club. He was a member of the Lucan Business Men’s Association and secretary of the Lucan Hockey Club. He was an ardent hockey fan attending all games at home and away. Besides his mother and his wife, the former Myrta Kent, he is survived by one son and two daughters, Clare Stanley, Mrs. Alfred Bromwick (Mary) and Mrs, Gerald Lewis (Helen) all of Lucan; two brothers, Mr. U, F, Stanley of Lucan, Mr. Frank Stanley, Toronto, and a sister, Mrs. T. C. McFarlane of Lucan. The Murdy Funeral Home had charge of funeral arrangements. Plans Drama Club For Intermediates In an appeal for talent to pro­ duce a local musical revue, Lu­ can’s new recreational director was pleasantly surprised by the number of teen-agers who re­ sponded last Wednesday at a meeting, at, the arena. This factor decided him to organize an in­ termediate drama society with the following officers-president, Beth Watson; secretary, Terry Culbert; treasurer, Anne Rob­ erts. He hopes the - next meeting^ scheduled for Friday, Septem­ ber 21, in the committee ro6m of the arena, will see a number of new faces from Lucan and district. This will not repla.ee the functioning of an adult group. ■Bride-elect Feted Twenty-eight friends of Miss Marion Ashworth, bride-elect, met at her home last Tuesday night to extend congratulations and best wishes prior to her marriage September 22 to Mr. Roscoe Hodgins, in Holy Trinity, Church. Contests were held, two of which were won by Miss Cath­ arine Benn and the other by MrS. Leroy Revington. Miss Ashworth was presented with a coffee table and. figurine. Two Sisters Become Mothers Mrs. Chas. Corbett of Lucan and Mrs. Don Hodgins of Ilder- ton are both in St. Joseph’s Hosr pital. On Sunday, September 16 Mrs. Hodgins became the mother of a baby girl, Sharon Eleanor, a sister for Jimmie and Tommy, and on Monday Mrs. Corbett be­ came the mother of a baby girl, Diane Muriel, a sister for Jane. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. R. Alyea were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ribson. Thirty-five members of Irving Masonic Lodge 154 attended the evening service of the United Church last Sunday, Ftarik Egan rind Frank Hardjj of the Anglican junior choir have been' promoted to the senior choir. Mrs. Murray Hodgins and son Ward had a “swell” time the past week—-though perhaps they are not enjoying it—both have the mumps Mr. and Mrs! Bob Coleman spent last, weekend in London, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dickins and Mrs. Phin Dickins. Mrs. Sheridan Revington and Mr,, and Mrs. John Campbell (nee Elaine Revington) are spending a few days in Buffalo taking in the rac^s. Policeman Don Laughton and family have moved into the house on William Stt. recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Dow Wilson. Mr. arid Mrs.. Cliff Abbott and Rowena and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins attended a joint birth­ day party for Mr. Arthur Abbott and his three year old daughter Muriel. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels and family of Springfield were Sun­ day guests of Mrs. Will Dickins. Mr. Stewart Park of Petrolia called On old neighbors on Thurs­ day.Mr. and Mrs. H. A, Mullins and family of London, were Sun­ day guests of Mr, and Mrs. Henry HodginS. Mrs. Isabella Braun of Cen­ tralia, Washington is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins and other relatives in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Stanley spent ^ast weekend in Toronto, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ vin Laidley pridr to the Laidleys leaving for a plane trip to Sask­ atchewan. Rev, J. P. Pitest attended the Huron. College alumni dinner last Tuesday night. Mrs. U. F. Stanley is visiting Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Mddre of Kelliher, Sask, and will take a Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Sweitzer, Mrs. Milton Ratz, Mrs. Jacob Ratz and. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaiser on Sun­ day at their cottage near St. I Joseph’s. Visitors with Mrs. Lamport and, Tom over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McNair of Denfield, Mr. John Lamport, Mr. Garryk Rodgers of Toronto and Miss Wilma McNair of Lon­ don. Mrs. Ernest Keyes of Exeter visited during last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner and sons. F.O. Eggins, Mrs. Eggins and family, of Ottawa, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pickering and family. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Reste- mayer of Dashwood visited Sun­ day with her brother, Mr. Roy Deitrich and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baum­ garten spent Sunday in Bothwell with Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Brown. The W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Jacob Ratz. Mrs. Jas, Clarke led the devotions and Mrs. Jacob Ratz gave an ad­ dress, Mrs. Cliff Russell presided for the business part of the meeting. Plans for a supper and variety auction were discussed, and ar­ rangements for the Anniversary services on Sept. 23 were made with Mrs. Jack Brooks of Chat­ ham as soloist Lucan Personals Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Drake and family of Kingston were, recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McLean. Mrs. Irene Coursey spent last Sunday iwth Mr. and Mr.s. Jimmie Turner of Saintsbury. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett were Sunday visitors with friends in Mitchell. Out-of-town friends attending the funeral of the late .H. S. Stanley included Mr, and Mrs, Lang DeCoursey, Dearborn, Mich.; Mr. Neil Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stanley and two daughters, Mrs. Hepburn and Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. Clarence Stan­ ley and Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Gord­ on McMehen. all of Toronto and Mr. Jim McMehen of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ritchie of London were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett. Dr. T. A. Watson, Mr. Jack Lankin, Mr. Jim Reader and Mr. George Ward have returned from a fishing trip to Manitoulin. The Dr. remained over and was joined by Mrs. Watson and Nancy who enjpyed a holiday at Key Harbor, Blind River and Iron Bridge. Sunday visitors with Mrs. M. O. Smith, were Miss Joan Mur­ less of Clandeboye, Miss Brenda Mason of London, Miss Beth Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lachie, Dannie and Charlene of Watterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer of Petrolia. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern, of Whalen were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert, Miss Elva Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Young, has entered the nursing class at Vic­ toria Hospital. Mr. Walter Daniel of B er vie was a Monday guest at the rec­ tory. Carolyn Thirlwell of R.R.. 1 Derifield has been awarded a $100 scholarship by the London Economics Association. Miss Thirlwell, who is a graduate of Medway High School, jvill use the mopey for further studies in Home Economics at MacDon­ ald Institute, Guelph. Dr. Edna Guest of Toronto spent last weekend with her brother Mr. Ernie Guest. Mrs. M.* Davidson is Spending a week with Pt. Colborne friends. £Help Wanted Male And Female FOR SHIFT WORK IN POULTRY EVISCERATING PLANT HI Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; 4:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m, j Appy in Person fo Canada Packers, Ltd. CLINTON, ONTARIO 3 x roll your own cigarettes with OGDENS QUALITY FINE CUT a fine cut with a DISTINCTIVE flavour MILK is my favorite drink, Helps to. keep me in the pink, Gives me pep, quick as a wink!” 11 traffic stopper, 5 z = 5I “Milk’s a real For taste it has no topper! It’s tops in nutrition, too, I drink lots ... so should you!*’ Exeter Dairy Phone 331-J Daily Delivery ed the funeral df Gladys Elea- trip to Calgary before returning nor Emerick* • I hoine» ' . WOOD Inside: use Rez for panelling, furniture or Built-ini. Outside: for siding, doors, fences, .garden furniture and other exterior woodwork. FOR ALL YOUR NtW WOODWORK'—INSID! OR OUT COLOR-TONED REZ WHITE REZ CLEAR REZ PRIMER-5EALER REZ-EX R: mill rMnul OF WOODWORK Si Color-Toned Rez Wood Finishes add nature’s own colors to wood, while bringing out all the beauty of the natural wood-grain. Add long-lasting weather protection, too! AND—you can do it yourself, for Rez makes it easy, makes you the expert! Ask us tor free illustrated folder, Hodge's Store - Crediton McKenzie's Points - Exeter Gingerich's - Zurich