HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-09-20, Page 60 Tht Timti’Advacate, September 30, 195<f SPORTS By PQN ’’BOOM BOOM’* GRAVETT Sports Editor 'liuiiitiuuiiininu<mintuuMuii<uuiiiiiiuiii><uiiitiiiiiiiuiii<i>i»i»iiitiii>iii<iiiii< This corner recently reported that one of our A’l defencemen., who starred with EXETER MO­ HAWKS. when they dunked GODERICH SAILORS out of the running for the league championship last year, had been offered $12.00 a game to play for the TARS this season. Goderich hockey officials apparently branded our statement as “ridiculously incorrect'1 and an alleged GODERICH SIGNAL-STAR SCOOP claims we are “tying our typewriter to phantom clouds in an effort to make something ’out of nothing.” Well, my Goderich friend, you’ve got your SIG­ NALS crossed on this deal. Apparently your GODE­ RICH HOCKEY OFFICIALS cried on your shoulder that the thought of paying such a huge utterly ridiculous. That amount can’t be out of the way big pocketbooks up in Goderich because .you looked after one of your players at sum was for those last year TWENTY DOLLARS a game, according to" JACK EVANS, your GODERICH SAILORS’ MANAGER, who made the statement right here in our newspaper office. He should know. If some of the Goderich officials didn’t give you the run around on this deal, then everyone on the executive doesn’t know what’s going on. We got our information through an official of the MOHAWK aggregation who in turn got it right from the horse’s mouth, as the saying goes. Maybe it takes a little longer to get to the tailend of things. Anoth.ef one of those clouds has just floated overhead that you were talking about to remind us that the defenceman involved has a girl friend who plays softball for STRATFORD KROEHLERS ladies . team. She also let us in on the news at the HENSALL BEAN FESTIVAL after they trimmed GODERICH DODGERS in an exhibition game.★ ★ * * * * CUFF CLEANERS—A special salute should be in store for TOM RAWLINGS and the ZURICH LUMBER KINGS who brought the ALI7-ONTARIO “D” TITLE back to Zurich after an. absence of some 21 years..We think that PLAYING COACH RAW­ LINGS deserves a good pat on the back for bringing • his boys through the way he did. BOB KOVACIC was a dream come true for* TOM’S coaching worries as the YANKEE import chalked Up a 12-2 mound record and hit over .300 for the season. On the whole the team came through when they had to. Tom, in. an interview, said that he felt the only time the club really hit a slump was in the round robin series with DASHWOOD TIGERS, who took first place and the MITCHELL LEGIONAIRES who bowed -out -of contention for the GROUP TITLE. Once the LUMBER KINGS got out of the HURON- PERTH they stopped MOORE CENTRE in three straight and LISLE RED SOX in two straight to bring O.B.A. honours to the Zurich ball team and the town it represented ... It is very douptful if the Kings will challenge any other teams for competition as the No. ! liurler Bob Kovacic is heading for home at the end of this week and it is getting a little too late in the fall . .. .. DASHWOOD TIGERS are- still in the hunt for that INTERMEDIATE “C”' CROWN and with the breaks that a ball club always needs they could very well make it ... We would like to see them come through and bring the second crown to this district and to the Huron-Perth League . . . EXETER KINSMEN MIDGETS who dropped a 17-5 verdict in PORT ELGIN last week will be out to square their series on Friday, September 21, in EXETER. The boys will have to win this one if they don’t want to pack up their gear for the year. T’OTHER CUFF—CHUCK PARSONS, a local baseball enthusiast who was transferred from the local BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA in Exeter to the STOUFFVILLE BANK, is a member of the STOUFF- VILLE RED SOX who recently won the TRI-COUNTY LEAGUE baseball championship . . . CHUCK was a big factor in the RED SOX winning the title for the third straight year as he was one of their regular mound staff . . . ORILLIA and SUNDERLAND, the league leaders, were the other two teams in the TRI- COUNTY LEAGUE. Midgets Drop Opener I o Port tlgin Team Port Elgin Pontiacs pounded out an 18-hit attack and took advantage of the worst fielding display of the season by the Exe­ ter Kinsmen Midgets, to trounce the locals 17-5 in the first game ■ bf the best-of-three series in the O.B.A. ■ Midget playoffs Friday Afternoon. Exeter started the game off with a bang by scoring three runs in the first inning and look- to be well on their way to vic­ tory, but a battling Port Elgin club sent 13 men to the plate before three outs could be com­ pleted by the locals in the bot­ tom of the first. Eight runs off seven hits and four miscues by the Exeter Midgets resulted in the biggest rally inning of the game for Port Elgin. Port Elgin Midgets added the balance of their Scoring in the third, fourth and fifth innings by registering 3-2-4 runs respect­ ively across the plate, Exeter scored, their final two markers in the Second and sixth innings. The Pontiacs alternated pitch­ ers Ray Fenton and Oz Harper on the . mound in A successful attempt to hold the Kinsmen Midgets at bay. Shortstop Bob Bell was the hitting star as far as Port Elgin | was concerned. The fast Stepping! .youngster pounded out four hits in four tries. One of the four safeties was a double. Tom Armstrong and left fielder Jim Wilson each rapped out three safeties while Al Harper, RoSs Dudgeon and Don Snyder i were credited with two bingles | each." Tom Mitchell and Ray Fenton collected singles to round out the hitting outbreak. Doug Siilery, Barry Glover and Cy Blommaert got two hits each for Exeter as the single safety fell to Jim Russell. Cy Blommaert and Jim Russell each picked up a double in the losing Cause. | Elmer Ince started the pitch­ ing duties for Exeter in the cold ;and windy evening but couldn’t 1 find the range so he was relieved I by Fred Hunter in the first in- I ning. | The Exeter Midget mound staff I didn’t walk a single man but • was lilt hard by a good bat- j swinging club who couldn’t seem I to do anything wrong. The eleven : errors made By the locals were ! all that was needed for the Port ! Elgin Poiittacs to rap things up. Score by Innings: R H E Exeter ........... 3in nni fl— 3 7 it Port Eljsrifi ......... SO.", 210 X—17 .18 1 Hatterics: E. Ince. F'. Hunter (t) and n. sniery: n.- Fenton, o. Har- i nar (1), Fenton Cf>) and A. .Harper. A Zurich Wins OBA 'D' Championship, Dashwood Advances In 'C' Playoffs i ALL-ONTARIO INTERMEDIATE "D" CHAMPIONS—Here are the happy faces of the 1956 Zurich Lumber Kings who brought the Int. “D” title to the proud town of Zurich. The Lumber Kings started the season off in low gear but fought back to capture the Huron-Perth league title. From there they took the group honours from Dashwood Tigers in a thrilling five-game series. A strong O.B.A, Moore Centre club was knocked out of the running in three straight games by Zurich. Lisle Red Sox was the' next and final team that the Kings demolished in two straight to make a clean sweep of all O.B.A. “D” competition and carry home championship honours. This marks the first time in 21 years that Zurich has won an O.B.A. title. . —T-A Photo Skating, Club Makes Plans The Exeter Figure Skating Club looks as though it will be operating again this year. Mrs.. Chuck Snell, who has been a very active member of the group, is holding an open meet­ ing on September* 24 in the local arena to see how many people around Exeter and district are actually interested i n figure ska.ting in this area. “The more members the less the registration fee is to join as the club is definitely not a profit making organization,” re­ ports Mrs. Snell. This, meeting will not see an election of officers, but an ex­ pression of different ideas as to how the club may operate this coming season. The meeting starts at o’clock. eight Kin Kids Oust New Hamburg Exeter .Kinsmen Midgets . together eight hits Wednesday night to gain a 5-0 shutout victory and knock the visiting New Ham­ burg Midgets out of the O.B.A. playoffs. By virtue of the win, the King- men-sponsored club won the series 2-0 With one game tied. Jim Russell recorded his se­ cond win of -the scries as he threw a neat three-hitter while hanging up eight strikeouts and issuing four free bases. Cy Blom m a er t, Doug Siller y, and. left fielder Jim MacDonald each cracked out two hits apiece while single safeties fell to Jim Hennessey and Jim Russell, Hennessey, who guards the fist base sack with finesse for the locals, pounded out the only extra, base hit of the game in the second inning when the red­ head doubled to left centrefield. The New Hamburg hits, which were all of the single variety, were picked up by Ivan Schnarr, Don Scherer and Len Miller. The Exeter club played good all round ball as not one miscue —Please Turn to Page 5 hut W ha I lop Ayton, Tackle Corunna Next A three o’clock Saturday after­ noon game oh September 15 in Dashwood has eliminated any hopes of the Ayton Intermediate baseball club farther into downs. Behind the masterful three- hit pitching Lumber Kings Cop Title With Two Straight Wir$^ Zurich Lumber Kings are the Intermediate “D” AU-Ontario baseball champions for the 1956 season. The Kings routed Lisle Red Sox 17-4 in the first game in Zur­ ich and put the finishing touches; tx Howe.'’if on the series on September 15 in Lisle by hanging a 6-0 white­ wash sign on- their opponents be­ hind the artful two-hit pitching b of Bob Kovacic. Lisle, shorthanded for the first j 1 contest in Zurich, came out in full force for the second encount­ er to try to even up the best-of- three series, .Bob Kovacic, the Yankee right­ hander, had different ideas as he whiffed - nine men and sent them back to then bench via Rawlings; Bob McMullen and Carl the strikeout route. Bob’s speed was just too much for Lisle as the Red two hits innings, man 'in umph, Alex Wilson’s double in the fifth sparked the only threat by the Sox but with the bases load­ ed, big Bob fanned the next two and forced the third man out. on an easy ground ball tp short, The first four innings the home­ sters were set down in 1-2-3 order as they we^e baffled by the as­ sortment of pitches Kovacic of­ fered thein. Second baseman Doug O’Brien came through as the iop hitter ,we Mag. of the day for Zurich as he slam-' The Red Sox, who reported to med out a double in the second I have four players that couldn't inning and added singles in each I make the trip for the Wednesday of the fifth and eighth frames I afternoon game, will, have to to complete a three-for-four af-1 c°me up with some good pitching ternoon at the plate. i ar>d hitting in the balance of the series if they hope to stop the , Huron-Perth champions,. A '12-hit barrage, good for 17 runs, was led by the reliable Bob Kovacic, . Kovacic ran' up a total of six R.B.I.’s as he teed off oil two Red Sox pitchers for a dou­ ble, single ana a two-run homer in the second’ irining. The four- bagger was- a bullet drive that carried over the left field fence, Doug O’Brien and Bill Zubyk each pounded out a pair of hits with one of O’Brien’s going for an extra base. ’ Single safeties came off the bats of Bill Yungblutt, Tom Rawlings, Benny Gignac, Jack Haberer and Jim Attrill. The Lumber Kings, playing MV their home park, showed the op^y, position they owned the bases a?^ they stole nine of tnem with Bob ' Kovacic, Tow Rawlings and Don O’Brien leading the way with two each. One of O’Brien’s thefts was a successful steal of home plate. Of the seven'collected by Lislfe, left fielder .Roger Anderson slap- —Please Turn to Page 5 , eight Zurich batters. : ZURICH | Dour cr.Br.ien ! B. Zubyk. ss I B. Yungblutt, B. Kovaeic, ) ; T. Rawlings, Don O’Brien. B. Gignac, cl :r........ if > Ed Deichert, TOTA I LISLE i p. ■- I D, L. ' A. ■ S. i B. iR. I J. .V EAHRHPO i. 2b . 1 0 2 0 . . 4 .. fi 2 2 3 0 , !<b . 4 1 2 1 1 1) p . ..___2 n 1 1 12 I) » 5 1 1 9 II 1) lb .. 5,0 1 in 0 1 -£ .... 5 0 I)1 (1 1) > 5 1 1 1 II l> rf .« 3 I)0 0 n 0 ILS 38 6 11 27 18 1 AB R H PO A E . 4 II 0 8 I)0 - .‘Hi .. 4 0 0 0 1 1) I ...t “0 (1 II 1)0 (fi) ,___o 0 I 0 0 1) •f .... 4 1]II 4 0 1. b .... 3 n 1 3 2 1 . * 4 , n n 0 fl 2 0 p . •* 8 0 (1 0 '1 1) if .♦ 3 0 0 4 0 0 lb ..' 3.0 0 6 0 1) tLS 31 0 0 27 14 2 E 1 H 11 Gowan, c AnderaoiK, Sawyer, rl Scoti, rf .Rarker, e; Wilson, 21 Rawson, s; McMillan, Anderson, Guilfoyle, TOTA i Score by Inning?: R ! Zurich ................ 300 010 020—6 i Risle .................... OOO 000 000—0 | Batteries:_ Bob Kovacic and Tom 1 Gowan. Ii Plaster Sox ! In First Tilt | By scoring runs in evefy in- I ning they came to bat, Zurich iLumber Kings ’plastered the i visiting Lisle Red Sox to the I tune of 17-4 to take a 1-0 lead • in tlm best-of-five finals for the | AU-Ontario Intermediate “D” ] championship Wednesday night. The powerful Zurich ball 'club, who set down a strong r Moore Centre aggregation in a previous series in three straight games, _____________o__ ___‘appear to have the Ontario title came through as the top hitter, hi the bag, ■(,'" __ m’“ T’**1 med out A double in the second I of" the "fifth "and eighth frames I afternoon .game, 1 / \ ---------------— ternoon at the plate. Bill Zubyk led off a three run rally in the first by cracking out a double. Bill Yungblutt’s single, Kovacic’s walk, Tom Raw- ling’s safety and a timely double by first baseman Don O’Brien resulted in the three run out­ break. Bill* Yungblutt and' shortstop Zubyk collected two hits apiece, Single hits came off the bats of Dbn Hesse; Don O’Brien, Play­ ing Coach Tom Rawlings and Bob Kovacic. Eddy Deichert, who patrolled right field for the winners,-and centrefielder Benny Gignac were the only two players not to flash the hit sign in the game. Bob McMullen, who toed the rubber in the first game for Lisle, absorbed his second loss in the series as he gave up six runs on 11 hits. The tall right hander, who has a very awkward .pitching motion, walked six men and breezed a third strike past Sox.picked up a mere off his offerings in nine Kovacic didn't walk a recording his title tri- London Wins Golf Tourney The annual inter-station golf tournament for the Robert Mac- Nicoll Memorial Trophy was held at the Oakwood Inn Golf Club at Grand Bend on Thursday, with- RCAF Station, Centralia, playing host to members from RCAF Stations, London, Aylmer and Clinton. The winners this year of the. trophy, presented by the father of Flight Sergeant Robert C. MacNicoll, who was killed over Germany in 1945, while serving with the RCAF, were the the members of the London team whose four best scores totalled 320. ' Centralia was the runner-up with 324 and Aylmer had 334, with the Clinton team having a score of 348. • Another highlight of the after­ noon was the competition for the London Motors Trophy which was won by F/O E. Allen of RCAF Station Centralia. F/O Allen had a total of 72 and On the back /"■"I'!!!" 1 ......... / I single safeties. The Tigermen staged their big- Igest rally of the game in the fourth inning when successive singles by Rammie Wein, Ger­ ry Martene and Jim Haytfer, af­ ter Jack -Gaiser had been walked, scored three runs. The big Ayton bats- were al­ most completely silenced by the offerings of lefty Bob Stormes as the “plugger” only faced 31 men in the nine innings he toiled. Dashwood will now meet Cor­ unna in a best of three series ■in .their next rqund as they con­ tinue in the hunt for the Ontario Intermediate “C” title, •Score by Innings Ayton ........ Dashwood . Batteries: Hayter; Al Hepburn. i of continuing any the O.B.A.’ play- hit pitching effort by Bob Stormes, Dashwood Tigers trim­ med the visitors 7-0 to capture the best-of-three series playoff in a clean sweep 2-0. Bill Becker was the only Ayton player who) seemed to like the offerings of’Stormes as he pound­ ed out -a. double in the- third "iV ning and dropped in a single in the ninth frame for two of the three hits picked up by the visit­ ors. Thirdbaseman Don Wendt of Ayton was the only other player to gain credit for a scratch single off Stormes who had perfect con­ trol. He didn’t walk a man in the entire ball game. j The Tigers’ 10-hit spree was set | off by likeable second sacker, I Bob Hayter, who singled three times in five official trips to the.l plate. - j .Rammie Wein and Harry El-1 lio.tt each were responsible for two hits apiece in the bailgame while Jim Hayter, Jack Gaiser | and Gerry Martene rapped outi R H ooo non ooo—-o s 002 310 10x—7 10 Hob Stormes Switzenburg and and E 0 3 Jim Ken Tigers Play Thursday Dashwood Tigers, who scheduled to open their ___ playoff game against Corunna on Wednesday Sept. 13, have can­ celled the game due to wet wea­ ther. The encounter has been re­ scheduled for Thursday, Septem­ ber 20, in Dashwood with the starting time slated for 4.30 p,m. The second game of the best-of- three series will go to Corunna on Saturday afternoon. If a third game is neccessary, the teams will ’flip ‘a coin to decide where it will be played. were first Win First jin Ayton ■j Dashwood Tigers, the Inter- I mediate “C” champions of the I Huron-Perth baseball league, | made their first taste of O.B.A. playoffs a winning one on Sep­ tember 13 in Ayton as they chalk­ ed up an 11-9 victory to take the lead in the best-qf-three series 1-0. The Tigers, despite their vic­ tory, were called on to make some fine defensive moves against the power-hitting Ayton club. Outfielders Gerry Martene, Harry Elliott and Jack Gaiser I made some fine running catches I to preserve the victory for Bob Tanner.! Catcher Jim Hayter was the hero of the game as he blasted a three-run homer over the centrefield fence in the top half of the seventh-inning to give his team what proved to be the win­ ning runs of the ball game. " Previous to the stocky catch­ er’s round tripper, Harry Elliott had walked, Rammie Weiii, had singled and Gerry Martene had —Please Turn to Page 5 I nine, shot a 33 which is one under par, F ALL We Are Cleaning Out Our Lot For 1957 Model Trade-Ins, All Cars Must Be Sold At BARGAIN PRICES '56 Chevrolet 4-DOOR HARDTOP Special Two-Tone Radio, Whitewalls ” 5 '56 Chevrolet 4-DOOR DELUXE SEDAN Bowerglide Transmission Whitewalls ; EXCLUSIVE! GOLF TOURNAMENT--F/L K Craigj RCAF Station Conttalia, accepts the UMtoul Gam PLAY-BY-PLAY Cmrage by KIN ILLIS Slept, M "3:00 p.m, Sunday, Sept, 23, 3:00 p,m, Cleveland at Detroit Cleveland at Detroit RCAF i----------- --------------““ • ■ • • • - ....... London Mota Golf Trophy on behalf of F/O E. AlIeiTfrom G/C A/ M, Cameron, commanding officer of Centralia, following the inter-statjon tourney M Graiid Beiid. Allen shot low gross in the tourney, Watching the presentation ate, left, WO. Walls, and...rirtlit, JF./T, t>avin .JwrLXAQ GnAnntto nf tlWrt Ctfateafia,..trtoaw * af, towtn i................................... ,.........iltana: toast in oven tintn goldenTWdrwgluy and coat with,color-] 53 Chevrolet DELUXE SEDAN Beautiful Condition 51 Chevrolet DELUXE SEDAN Radio and Heater 50 Chevrolet Coach . felack, One Owner 49 Meteor 2-Door, Clean '52 Chevrolet 2-DOOR SEDAN New Car Condition' '50 Chevrolet ' FLEETLINE 2 Door, One Owner ‘ (Two to ’ choose from) '50 Ford Sedan Radio, Overdrive Dual Exhaust '53 Chevrolet 1-TON PICK-UP Low Mileage, Good Tires Get Our Price Before You Bi i * Snell Bros. Limited FHONE 100 Chevrolet and Oldsmobile / £KJ I ! I Exeter I