HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-09-13, Page 17Crediton Comments Ladies' Meeting ( Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Faist and Mrs. H. Schenk was in charge sons, who visited with Mrs. M. of the devotional period when i Faist, attended a wedding in - ;the Ladies Aid and W.S.W.S. of Stratford on Saturday and re- thc Evangelical U.B. church met turned to St. Thomas on Sunday in the church on Thursday eve- accompanied by Mrs'. Faist. ning- i Miss Matilda Oestricher of Scripture was read by Mrs., Windsor is spending some time Alvin Fmkbeiner and Mrs. E. ................. M. Fahrner played a piano solo. Rev. Stromc gave an inspiring talk on ‘'Stewardship."”' Mrs. E. Wenzel presided for - .Jfeiagss. Decision was made to ' blankets for boys’ farm ^^■iisa Craig. District rally will fBFheld at Zurich on Wednesday, September 26. Personal Items I Authority Reports The Time»-Adv®c«*«r ItptwnJw 13,. M Miss Matilda _ Oestricher of at the home of her^brother, Mr. William Oestricher. Mr. and Mrs. William Gilmar­ tin and son Danny, of Lambeth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs./Jos. Woodall, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Clark spent several drfys in Brampton with Mr. and Mrs,. H. D.ale. ; Due to the various fair shows Rev. A. Raoson was in charsp Exetei next week, Crediton of service in ^the United Churfh the S’W' morning .following his °Hn mSv £tS^®ts’ vacation during the month of* August. . | School re-opened last week; with 14 new scholars in.attend-; ance.. Teachers - in charge are Mrs, R. Molitor, principal; Mrs. F. W. Morlock, and Mrs. Lome' Preszcator. Mr, J. R, Butler has returned from his summer home in Hunts­ ville to resume teaching duties at RCAF school, Centralia. t W.O. 2 J. Wade of RCAF Sta­ tion .Centralia has received a posting to McDonald. Man., and will leave shortly for his • new appointment'. on on Monday evening, Septem­ ber 17, rather -than the usual! date. Mr, Solomon Reaver of Detroit, a-, former Crediton resident, called on friends here on Satur­ day. He was accompanied by relatives from Detroit. * Mrs. J. Hirtzel, Maurice Hirt­ zel, Lawrence Hirtzel of Central­ ia and Mrs. Emerson Wein, El­ eanor and Orville, spent the weekend in Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Renney, who on Sunday, marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage.Mrs. Renney was the ""former I Dorothy Hirtzel of Crediton. 1 ' ‘ 1 1 - J J" ... « Progress In Conservation I Authority. The Minister of Plan- Mu«t Level Spoil Bank ning and Development has as-* sured a grant of 50 per cent of the costs and contribute 90 per cent of the Authority’s share. The remaining 10 per cent will be shared by all other member municipalities of the Authority. In recognition of the service ren­ dered to the Authority by its Chairman, it was unanimously j agreed that this-structure shall foe known as the Morrison Dam. Due to the shortage of steel, the original recommendation, which called for control gates in the dam, had to be revised. The new plans will allow for an overflow type of spillway, pro­ viding the same amount of stor­ age in the reservoir. Arbor D*y In'Ad*)j»id* Tfoe annual Arbor Day pro­ gram took place in Adelaide Township on May 4, with the co-operation of Mr. Walter F^asey, Adelaide Township rep­ resentative and owner of the property where the planting was I done. About 3,000 trees were , planted by 60 school children. The Department of Lands and Forests assisted in the program and provided a .demonstration With a tree- planting machine. The weather was discouraging, but in spite of this the teachers kand pupils did a fine job of plant­ ing the trees. Cold and mud were quickly forgotten when the cho­ colate milk and doughnuts were distributed, Suitable prizes were presented to each school taking part. A group of twenty Girl Guides from companies' in Huron Dis­ trict helped to replant a section of the. Authority Forest which had been hard hit by last sum­ mer’s drought. The planting was done as part of the requirements for the Woodsman Radge. Scouting in the District re­ ceived a helping hand from the Ausable Authority in. keeping with the 1956 theme of a “Con­ servation Good Turn”. Members of the 1st Exeter Troop plarited 50 trees each in the Authority Forst, and at the beginning , of June'a one-day course was given -to Scouts from Huron District on the requirements for the Water conservationist Proficien­ cy Radge. Assist Tr** Planting A number of persons in the watershed planted trees on their own proprty with the help of the Authority. Roth hand-planting and planting with the Authority tree-planter were dbne to im­ prove woodlots and establish shelterbelts. Three thousand pine, cedar and larch were provided by the Au­ thority, free of charge, to cottage Owners wishing to do planting on their lots in the Authority’s sub­ division at Port Franks. An* agreement has been ap­ proved by the Authoriy which Woud give the Sarnia Roy Scouts Association a lease to a section to Authority property, bordering on the "cut”, west' of Highway No. 21, and in the same agree­ ment the Authority will purchase from the Association a strip of land south of the “cut”, for development aS a recreation area. Picnic tables and .waste containers will be provided for the section adjacent to the highway While plans are being considered for the development ol the more inaccessible portion as an exten­ sion of the existing cottage sub­ division owned by the Authority. (This account of the activi­ ties of the Ausable Valley Conservation Authority is re­ printed from "Our Valley”, a Department of. Planning and Development publica­ tion reporting to the people of the 19 authorities ip On­ tario.) ' x The adoption of the second major water c o n s e r v at i q n i scheme, namely the Morrison Dam at Exeter, and the re­ election by acclamation of John A. Morrison as Chairman, and Freeman Hod gins as Vice-Chair­ man, for the sixth consecutive year, were highlights of the-An- ■ dual Meeting held at Parkhill on February 8. At the Authority meeting in December a Historic Sites Ad­ visory Board was appointed with Mr. G. C. Henderson as Chair­ man. Its purpose is the pre­ serving and restoring of objects and places which would be of historic interest' in the' water­ shed. The Authority’s concern for water conservation in the area was clearly shown by its unani­ mous decision to adopt the build­ ing of a damjn Usborne Town­ ship as Scheme Nd, 4 of the ........ ■■■iiiiig———■................ . The PREMIER TRUST Company 428 Richmond St., London Telephon* 4-2716 Built-In 'COMPLETE WITH DELUXE TOOLS More Work-Saving Gonvenience -More Time-Saving Features Only Canadian Tire gives you ALL THE BEST FEATURES of the best cleaners — and at a bargain­ price., The country's leading engineers and design­ ers have incorporated the "most wanted" features, plus exclusive new advantages in the beautiful, 1956 Master Vac. Priced many dollars below com­ petitive makes, and we believe the Master-Vac is superior in design and performance to any other cleaner ever, built. WE'LL PROVE IT TO YOUR * SATISFACTION ... OR YOUR MONEY BACK! No Down Payment Terms arranged to suit your budget. GUARANTEED Investment Certificates T Here It Is! The Sensational i VACUUM CLEANER Mure Powerful Easier To Use Worth $99.50 Comments About Centralia By MRS. FRED BOWDEN GET ALL THE BEST FEATURES OF THE BEST CLEANERS 4 CASTER-COASTER—The Master-Vac fol- lows you from room to room. Ball bearing rubber wheels gild® easily and keep canister upright. --L-SWIVEL-TOP—Clean from floor io celling s without moving the Master-Vac. ■JL POWER-PLUS—Oversize % h.p. motor pro- n duces up io twice the suction, gois mor® embedded dirt, whisks away stubborn lint , and hair. * 4 TIP-TOE CONTROL — Eliminates stooping and binding. _4 YOUR HANDS NEVER TOUCH THE DIRT A -"King-size" disposable filter paper bag e collects dirt; you throw away bag, dirt and all- There’s no struggling to remove the »’ paper bag from the Mister Vac. . . . The throw-away bag la automatically removed . from the cleaner when you lift the lid* 4 NO DUST LEAKS—The M»»t»r-Vac "triple- . play” Biter eyiiem trap* all the duet, even the tiniest particles can’t escape. Hay­ fever sufferers will appreciate this allergy- prpof feature. TIME-SAVER TOOL CLIPS—The aitach- manic you want io use clip conveniently to ' the side of the Master-Vac ... right at hand when needed. 4 WORK-SAVER TOOLS AND ATTACH­ MENTS—Include (1) Combination Rug Arid Floor Tool with built-in comb and floating ■ ■ action brush; (2) Crevice Tool; (3) Dusting Bruih; (4) Upholiiery Nozzle; (3) Wall ana Upholstery Brush; (8) Swivel—make* every tool more versatile; (7) Extension W8nd» —lock in a second—separate Instantly. II I The Farm Pond Advisory | > Board now requires that the* spoil? [back be levelled on any pood- i built with Authority’s assitance. I j To keep members informed of < , ponds built in the area, the new} application form must be signed i by the municipality’s representa-! five before engineering or a grant is provided. Owners of 114 ponds have received engin­ eering assistance and subsidies totalling $4,154 since November | 11955. This; brings they total of I ponds built with the assistance of I the Authority to 487, at a cost of I over $17,000, since 1952. ’ I The Public Relations Advisory I Board made use of television for j the first time this spring in its program pf acquainting people with the work of the Authority. A panel discussion carried over 'CFPL-TV, London, was conduc­ ted by Mr. Roy Jewell, who questioned Mr. Morrison, Mr, Andrew Dixon (Chairman of the Public Relations Advisory Board) and the Field Officer, Mr. Hooke, on the work and pro­ posed projects of the Authority, glides taken, on the watershed were used to illustrate the an­ swers. Talks, illustrated with coloured Slides, were given to ten groups during the latter part of the win­ ter, and numerous pictures were •added io the Authority’s col­ lection to.bring it up to date. Calculates Erosion The heavy rains during the first part of May did much da­ mage to cultivated land in the watershed, as was shown by ari interesting experiment carried out by Mr. Andrew Dixon. Mr. Dixon removed a’quart of water from the Ausable River at Exe­ ter during the peak of the flow on May 11. The. water was fil­ tered .and the residue weighed at a stage of crumbly dryngss. One quart oT water was fouhd to contain .03 lbs. of soil. Further calculations showed that shortly after the rains, every 11.1 feet of river-length contained a five- ton truckload of sJil, or a total df over 350,000 tons of earth Which was typing lost into Lake Huron. Flowing at an estimated speed of 6 m.p.h., water from the source, witn its lead of soil, would reach the mouth in 24 hrs. The Authority has moved its office in the town of Exeter tp a more suitable location.. The new office, one block south of the pre­ vious location, provides greater space and more parking. With Exciting New Features SIMPLIFIED .TUNING CLUSTER CONTROLS SHIELDED CASCODE TUNER FAMOUS STRATOPOWER DELUXE CHASSIS Includes Outside London Antenna Berwick" (Model Illustrated) 21" ADVANCED ALUMINIZED PICTURE TUBE RUSSECIHEDE’CTIUC yOUR HOUSEHOLO APPLIANCE DEALER, I FOR SALES SERVICE j EXETER. PHONE 109 ' 1 s; t Do Your Shopping in CREDITON V Where .Service Is Friendly And-Prices Are Low For All General Trucking SEE THE "PHILCO" line of This Week's Specials! W.M.S, Meeting Mrs. R. Shoebottom, Mr!s. W. Elliott and. Mrs. Frank Osborne were in charge of the program for • the September meeting of the W.M.S. in the schoolroom of the church ori Tuesday evening. Mrs. Shoebottom opened the meeting with a hymn. This was followed by prayer by the lead­ er. ■ J . The scripture lesson was read by Mr's. W. Elliott. Mrs. Frank Osborne, with Mrs. K, Hodgins as accompanist-, sang a sold. The new study book on 1 South East- Asia and Korea was intro­ duced. . A temperance reading was given by Mrs. E, Wilson. Arrangements for the W.M.S. sectional convention to be held in the Centralia. church on Oc­ tober 3 were discussed. Mrs. Clarke closed the meeting. Personal Items Following the Neely-Wright wedding rehearsal in the church on Friday evening of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Neely en­ tertained at a rehearsal party at Armstrong’s Re'staurant in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. S. Raynham of Crediton were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Raynham on Thursday evening of last week. Mr. Wm. Blair has been a pa­ tient. in St. Joseph’s Hospital in London for the past couple of weeks. i ' $9 a Month SAVE *35 on THE FAMOUS “FILLERY A viry tpecldl purchase —af an amazing lew price. TH® ■i "Fillery’’ Vacuum Cleaner follows you up the stairs. NO DOWN PAYMENT Phdhfe 451 A WEEK A liar Small Down PaymonfThe Remington MacMillans ’Fhori* 37 iWtet Thin beautUul "design-award" British- built cleaner has high-pdwered super-suction, to get out the dirt — all tho way down. Kitten-quiet universal motor; Tip-toe control nwitch. Cdmplete with Extension Wands, Dusting Brush, Crevice Tool, Upholstery Norrie, Floor and Rug Brush, Wall Brush and, Spray Gun. 44“ CLIMBS THE STAIRS WANTED by-STUDENTS USED BY THE ENTIRE FAMILY! 436 Main St. Exeter Milton R. Robbins Needs TV Sets Quick Quaker Oats, 3-lb. box ...... Heinz Tomato Catsup, T 1-oz. ......... Burns' Chuckwagon Dinner, 15-oz. Hereford Corned Beef ................... Brunswick Sardines .......................... Kounty Kist Peas, 15-oz. .tins ........... Campbell's Soups ............................. Eddy Matches, pkg. of 3 boxes'.... Cheery Morn Coffee, fresh ground, 1 lb. Old Dutch Bleach, 32-oz. bottle ............... Sunbrite Javel, 32-oz, .................................. . Choice of Angel Cake Mixes ..................... 370 230 390 390 290 Call WEIN Trucking (PCV License Hauler) All Types Of Electrical Appliances at MORLOCK 3 Tins 2 for 210 2 Tins 350 ... 270 .! 990 230 170 .. 390 RADFORDS General Store Crediton PHONE 83 •CREDITON Buy The Times-Advocate EVERY WEEKMH W ■■■> I w V IbiMiR^k In Crediton From i<Phone 76-J CreditonPhone 52 BEFORE "COLD WEATHER" STRIKES! Insure Dependable Warmth With A CLARE MASTER FEEDI Umlhifcir DEALER OIL — GAS COAL Hodge's General Store Radford's General Store FEED SERVICE See our prices before you buyi x NOTE: See the Clara Hecla Furnaces on display at th* Western Fair in the Manufacturers' Building. . L. HODGE PHONE 7 CREDITON X. (Feed op Contract) L. P. Boulianne Phone 31-W Crediton Schenks MEAT MARKET Phons 45 Crediton