HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-09-13, Page 16P*3t 14 Th* Thnes-Advodit*, S«pftmb«r J3, 1956 ■........................................ . ,!!I«UM W'H CANADIAN PROPANE GAS A APPLIANCES « Activities By HAROLD RlgSQN Greetings la Lucan and Dis- Lucan And District News News Of GRATTON & HOTSON Phon« 156 Grand Bend f KOALKIDf) -WHO GIVES THANKS F THE PROPER t WA Renovates UC Parsonage At the regular meeting of the United Church Woman’s Associa- Clandeboye| XI Attend Silver Anniversary j g Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lewis and i = Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lewis, at-; | tended the silver wedding anni-|j i versary of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer | = j Armitage, Thamesford on Satur- | i day, Sept. 8. The couple were i presented with a tri-light lamp' j J from the family. ' ! Personal Items I Mr. and Mrs. Andy Carter at- j tended the wedding of Mrs. J Carter’s nephew on Saturday , when Robert Raycraft Lewis and j Miss Marian Kathleen Hudson j exchanged marriage vows in Ebenezer United Church. I Mrs. Carter assisted at the tea (table at the trousseau tea given by Mrs. Wesley Hudson, Thorn­ dale, in honor of her daugher. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carter and Mrs. Patricia Carter attend­ ed the Raymond - McWilliams wedding in the Wingham United ' Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Carter visited Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mc- William in Wingham on Sunday. Mr. vjoe Robbins and Mrs. Emily Neale of Harrietsville were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Aimer Hendrie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T, Mullins of Detroit are spending a few days | with Mr. and Mrs. MacMcNaugh- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simp­ son, John Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter and Miss Shirley Rogers of- Kirkton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Banks in Sarnia on Sunday. The Clandeboye Women’s Insti­ tute will meet Sept, 19 at Clan­ deboye, in the evening when Club girls will entertain. The Club Leaders, Mrs, Arnold’ Blake and Mrs. David Kestle will attend the • Fall course in London, Sept. 18, and 19, Pupils in grade 1 at Clande­ boye School No. 4. and 12 are Patsy Bradley, Nancy Hill and Erwin Gebel. Miss Marilyn Eaton and Miss Phyliss Lee, R.R. 1 Clandeboye, took part in the 4-H Homemaking Club Program at Western Fail’ on 'Monday, Farmers here, are hoping the weather will be better so they can finish the grain ’•harvest, some have sowed, fall wheat this week, Lucan Horse Winners “Pauline Volo”, owned by the Hardy Bros., won two thirds at Goderich on Labor Day-and two thirds at Melbourne on Saturday, September 8. On Tuesday, September 4, at Batavia “Floating Rhythm,” owned by Sheridan Revington, won a second. Wedding StationeryBy MRS. J. H. BATONAuto Crash Cuts Hydro At 3.45 a.m. last Saturday, Miss Gladys McRann was return­ ing home from London alone when her car hit a soft shoulder, near Birr, and went out of con­ trol, hitting a hydro pole. Miss McRann was taken to st. Joseph’s Hospital where she re­ mained until Sunday afternoon The car was badly damaged. Hydro was off in Lucan Jar an hour. L-tans Club The Lucan Lions Club held its opening fall meeting in the An-, glican basement last Monday ' night with Mrs. Wm. Brownlee's' group of the Ladies’ Aid cater- ......,.............. _ ing for the dinner. Most of the {ley B. Hudson, entertained at a Popular Bride Receives Gifts Complimenting Miss Marion Hudson, whose marriage to Rob­ ert Lewis takes place Saturday, September 18, several hostesses arranged showers. Mrs. Ronald Hudson was host­ ess for a grocery shower at her home. Miss Marie Lewis entertained neighbors and friends at her home when a miscellaneous shower was held. A. neighborhood -party and show­ er for the bride-elect was held in Ebenezer school. The staff of London City Gas where Miss Hudson is employed arranged a dinner party and presented gifts. The bride's mother, Mrs. Wes- s Make sure the wedding invitations are correct in. every detail. We have a large choice from which you may select. 'triet, from your newly appointed.; Arena Manager and Recreational } church school room °Wednesn ‘Director. Here, I’d like to con-1C o c t o Vr 2 4 ‘vey the enthusiastic response of Sate for the annual ^urkev sun wife and family to the friendly 10r annua* tuikey sup- i spirit and genuine welcome from ■p with r rr your community. ’ M1S’ Q’ H’ Georce Jn the i On? week under the belt and at this stage, yours truly is still) “in the woods” as regards who’s; who: 1 by the pleasantry of one and all. < The past week was rather quiet 1 Arena-wise. Concern over the late harvest undoubtedly had' some effects; however Friday night, folks of Lucan and Dis-; trict, rallied forth to support the local branch of the Legion, on their “Gala Night.” ! Saturday night Roller Skating, to despite its “ups and downs,” en-; Mrs. Erie Young, giuuy, joyed the best attendance so far ’ convener, asked Rev. E. J. Rouls-; roller skating left and rollers will ‘ ice. Mrs. Donald'Revington con- be replaced by blades. j tributed a solo. Mrs. Young in , Speaking of bllides, the young i troduced the guest speaker, Mrs. I Irish Blades are starting to talk j Yens Andersen, who told most hockey. With ice only five weeks | humorously and interestingly of away and the evenings on the her trip to Denmark, of her day cool side, the topic is understand- in Sweden, and weekend in Ham- able. Yep! Hockey talk is started; burg, Germany, and by all reports, the “Irish i . ., Six,” anticipate a stronger team.) AnO ICAn Grni m Oh yes .... Lets not forget the I ■ * 11 OUP hockey dance, scheduled for next) nL_, A ^4.1. .txt « Thursday night. iHlaOS ACTIVITieS day, October 24, was set as the With Mrs. C. H. George in the chair, arrangements were made for flowers to be placed in the sanctuary each week. nteasantrv of one and all. I fKX” tember 30. ' Mrs. Ira Carling, convener of the parsonage committee, gave a report of the extensive reno­ vating and decorating done at the parsonage and Mrs. Roulston thanked the W.A. and invited all despite its “ups and downs, Warm up that one spot of family ! Contentment. Order BLUE COAL I —the coal of unquestioned heat ; content. Order now and you'll be pleased with our prompt, polite delivery. > i Phene 770 ■Advocate fc Exeten*. k: church members and adherents; meeting was spent in lining up | trousseau tea for her daughter, to call, the season’s activities. I Displaying wedding and show- Alm. VnfTrtCf rfVAlirA » m I rtilN’c Miw 7t/Trt Uiini rtn PEDDLER'S STEEL AND ALUMINUM ROOFING ON HAND . Experienced men to put your roof on. I er gifts were Mrs,. Mac Hunter Mr and Mrs Tari- I and Miss Marie Lewis. The trous-■ - and Mrs. Jack Cummins seau was S(lown by Mrs. Roland 'Hudson. Miss Gloria Hardie dis­ played quills. Linens were shown ! by Miss Shirley Hartwick and I Mrs, Harold Hartwick.I Miss Betty Jean Hobbs invited • guests to the tea-room. At a table adorned with lace cloth and decorated with low-cut pink and white gladioli and tall white tapers, aunts of the bride and groom-elect poured tea. They were Miss .Sadie Hartwick, Mrs. Earl Young, Mrs. Hugh Carroll and Mrs. Andy Carter. Assisting in the tea-room were Miss Aileen and Elizabeth Weir, Mary Grover and Margaret Hud­ son. Frank Harrigan Retired Farmer Frank M, Harrigan, a retired farmer, died suddenly Tuesday, September' 4 at the House of Providence, London. He lay at rest at the C. Has­ kett and Son Funeral Home from where he was taken at 9 a.m. Friday, September 7 to St. Pat­ rick’s Church, Biddulph. Requiem High Mass was sung at 9.30 by Father J. A. Mackesy, Interment was in the adjoining cemetery. Pallbearers were Joe, Bill, Jim and Frank Harrigan and Harold and Raymond Whal­ en. Son of the late James and Mary Harrigan, he was born on Highway 23, Biddulph. He farm­ ed all his life in Biddulph Town­ ship and the west until he went to the House of Providence six years ago. ' He was unmarried and his only survivor is one brother, Leo Miss Belle Martin of London I ?uaIr^an’ Biddulph, Town- spent last weekend with her sister, Mrs. T. A. Hodgins, and family and celebrated her birth­ day with them. Two-year-old Janet Henson has returned home from South Hur­ on Hospital in Exeter. Mr. .and Mrs. Cameron Colbert and family of Ilderton and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Colbert and fam­ ily of Arva were Sunday, visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. William Brownlee. Mr. and Mrs.. Wilmer Jones and family of Kippen were Sun­ day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irv­ ing Gibson. The Public School re-opened on Tuesday with a small increase in the enrolment. Principal Wes­ ley Clow has charge of grades 7 and 8; Mr. H. B. Elliott, 5 ■ and 6; Mrs. Art Black, 4 and. 5; Mrsj William. Allison, 2 and 3; and Mrs. Harold Cobleigh, 1 and ar &U? ; Persil this season. Only three weeks of ,■ ton to conducUthe'worship’ser*v-i Jm , ......—.■r roller skating left and rollers will i ice. Mrs. Donald Revington con-! To£?nVj wer1 w eek^n? be replaced by blades. »tributed a solo. Mrs. Young in- ‘ wlth Mr’ and Idrs' Cal Hask- • Recent guests with Mr. and i Mrs. A. E. Parry included Mr. ! and Mrs. George Deave of Rex­ dale and Mr. and Mrs. J. Parry of Toronto, , Miss Joan Murless, bride-elect, of Clandeboye, was a Thursday guest of Mrs. M. O. Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Art Haskett of Toronto spent a week with the i former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. I Will Haskett. I Miss Ann Knight and Mrs. I Peggy Dodds ,of Saskatoon and I Mr. and Mrs. FrdU Dobbs of ■ Exeter were Wednesday guests I with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy. | Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coleman ) have returned home from a hol- j iday trip to Coldwater where ) they were guests of Mr. and Mrs, j Fred Davis. j Mr, and Mrs. John Knight I (nee Lillian Hardy) are happy I to announce the birth of a daugh- •! ter, Lynne Marie, at Victoria j Hospital Thursday, September 6, a sister for Donnie, Among those from a distance attending the Allen-Brooke wed­ ding last Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen’ of Londes- boro, Mrs. Ainsley Neil and Jan­ ice of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Aust­ in Neil, Mrs, Flynn, Miss Dor­ othy Allen, Don and Gary Allen of Parkhill, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Horne of Winnipeg. Rectory visitors this week in­ cluded Mr. Burton Hayes on Wednesday and Mr. Ted Brown on Sunday. Both are from Bervie. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bawden of Toronto were Saturday guests of Mrs. Helen Watson. Lily Belle says: “Be a Lucan Booster Jest like ya uster Yer Booster Nite’s makin’ hay So “bed down” the cows chickens And git set to raise “Dickens” ’Cause yer Booster Nite is on its way”, fer and the The Most Economical Transportation Possible! The VOLKSWAGON AT THE EXETER FAIR Hunter-Duvar . AND SONS LTD. Holy Trinity Evening Auxiliary met on September 5 in the base­ ment of the’church, Ten mem­ bers attended. Several ladies agreed' to at­ tend the Diocesan Evening Branch Council on September 29 and 30. It was decided to entertain the Senior W. A. sometime in Oc­ tober. Mr. Prest asked the group to help finance a projector io handle slides and film strips -for the church. He also suggested that the Auxiliary organize ’a junior, girls’ group. ’ After the meeting, members! joined the Senior W.A. for a story ; and slides on the study book, “Who Dares Stand Idle.”, Lucan Generous, Outsiders Lucky The following were the winners at Gala Night, September 7, at the Lucan Arena, sponsored by Canadian Legion 540. Clothes dryer, H. Conley, St. Marys; power mower, L. Wal­ ters,. London; easy chair, Miss June Borland, Exeter; floor pol­ isher, Miss Evelyn Frayne, R.R, 3, Lucan; mantel radio, K. Wim- bush, London. I Once again Lucanitcs were generous and gave everything to outsiders. Fete Counsellor At Weiner Roast The Lucan-Clandeboye Explor­ ers began their fall activities last Friday night with a “Cook- out” at the home of Counsellor Kay Haskett. Twenty-eight Explorers, Coun­ selors Kay Haskett and Rose Revington and Ex-Counselors Iva Hodgins and Joan McLean were present. Kay Haskett led in the worship service and each assist­ ed in the games and singing. All enjoyed a wonderful and hilar- j ious time-even the neighbors. In appreciation of years of most faithful service, retiring counselor Iva Hodgins, was pre­ sented with a sweater. The rain fortunately held off till after the weiner roast. i ship. Report From Mount Carmel By MISS S. VOISIN Mr. James Carey has accepted a position teaching in St. Thomas. Miss Cecilia Hogan’ has ac­ cepted a teaching position in London. Mrs. Peter Doyle has been on the sick list for the past week. Congratulations is extended to Mr. and- Mrs. J. Ryan whose daughter was professed on the community of the sisters of the Precious Blood on Saturday. Mr. Jerry Desjardine,- Mr. Grant McNair -and Mr. Jackie Ryan are employed at the tile yard in Elginfield. j PEDDLER'S HAY CARRIER AND STABLE EQUIPMENT See us before you buy your baler or binder twine. l SCOTT'S ELEVATOR LTD. | Phone 63 Lucan, Ont. | THE BUY-WORD FORi EXTRA POWER! SEE YOUR SHELL DEALER TODAY! Mathers Bros. I Phone 321-W North Exeter 3 for 39c BARGAINS BY THE CARTLOAD Aylmer Tomato Five Roses Flour Exeter BETTY CROCKER Get Better Marks At ! for 350 ISHDHS for 340 310 370 Attractive <*■ WITH THE Rugged New Cake Mixes CALIFORNIA' JUICY /'W Red Grapes Phone 38 3 for $1,00 230 .... 370 NOW IN YOUR CHOICE OF COLORS’ SCHOOL SPECIAL! Now $94.75 Other Models From $74.50 SLICED 1956 Royal Quiet Deluxe - Regular $117.50 WIN A NEW CHiV. In Our Exclusive Red & White Contest Free Lipstick! * ■ 5WIM Convenient terms can be arranged with payments spreading over the entire school year. You can pay for your machine while you use it. Get a copy of our booklet, “How to type your way to extra money and get better marks, too!” The Exeter Times-Advocate I """X..Ch Jermyn SHOWS OLYMPIC FORM* IN TRIALS—Flawless form is displayed by Irene MacDonald, who executes a front somersault, one of the intricate dives she hopes to per­ form in the Olympics'. Miss MacDonald is almost certain 'of winning an Olympic berth after her performance in (the trials held in Toronto, August 21-23. The Hamilton miss, 22, recently surprised the spurts world when she placed a close second to famed American diver Pat Me- ***■ »<** ......................... -...' ■ - . rWLl- > L ... u, : .. .... . ................,. .........‘ . • s TOILET TISSUE White Swan.......... TOMATO SOUP Campbell’s, 10-Oz. . GOLDEN, CORN SYRUP Bee Hive, 2-Lb, VITA B CEREAL Seven Cents Off! . Swfit's Premium, Half or Whole Fresh Lamb Legs . Rib Lamb C Loin Lamb Swift's Franks, 1 lb i LIBBY'S CATSUP The Family’s Favorite ........... WALNUT PIECES Supreme Fancy, 7-Oz. ................ CANNISTER SETS ‘ < Beautiful, 2-Tone, 6-Piece .......'........ $1.99 FIESTA BOWLS (Set) Colorful, 59c 69c / 75c PRODUCE SUNfclST Oranges Poly Bag 5 lbs. 59c Mi-