HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-09-13, Page 15Compete For $600Prizes j Urges Off icial H ar ■ ■ atr M mri I one born witii BafeIn Largest 4-H Show Ever Over 120 young farm boys and! Usborne Federation of AgricuL girls will present the largest s ture has donated $0.00 in prizes 4-H show ever staged at Exeter ’ ” * ” ‘” Fall Fair ne^ week. Members of six clubs will .be competing for $600 in prizes. LgAKgest club of the six is the ^RwJy-fArmed South Huron sugar ■pet club which boasts 30 mem­ bers. Each of these will exhibit four of their best beets at the fair. The beef calf cluh has the se­ cond largest membership* with 23. Many of these are already veterans of the 4-H beef compe­ tition and they’ll have their sites on county and provincial honors.! All of them are eligible to win! the Queen’s Guineas award at the Royal Winter Fair in Toron­ to. The new Exeter 4-H corn club and the grain club have 17 mem­ bers each. Top producer in the corn club is eligible for a $50 prize, donated by club leaders, if his yield tops 300 bushels to the acre. There are 11 members in the dairy calf club, which has been organized for the second .year. The memb’ers include four Hern brothers and two ’ Marshall sis­ ters, whose parents have promi­ nent dairy herds in South Huron. The Exeter Kinsmen poultry club has 10 members this year. They will display frozen chicken. Club leaders in charge of the competitions include: corn, I”*" ................................... . -----> | . to be distributed among 4-H members from that township. I Other special prizes are also ba­ ling offered. J Double Amount |Of Hog Prizes Prizes in the bacon hog com­ petition at Exeter Fair this year year have been doubled. The competition, sponsored jointly by the T. Eaton Co. and the agricultural society, amount to nearly $100. First prize is $25.00 for the best pen of four. Purpose of the contest is to encourage the production of hogs of desired quality, weight and finish foi- lean Wiltshire sides. Judging will be done on a car­ cass basis by a grading inspec­ tor of the marketing service of j the Dominion Department of Agriculture. I Hogs entered Jn the special must be sold by sealed tender or | public auction to the highest bid­ der. Another $125 in prizes is being offered in the bacon hog compe­ titions and sows of various ag6s. Winston Shapton, 'Don Easton ‘ and Harry Hern are in charge of this department. Seven classes are .provided fori uiuo jeaaers in cnarge ot tnc • Purebred sheep, with $26 in: competitions include- corn Ken I Prizes f®r each class. Don Dear-. Hem, AndrewDixon S' Car I “8 « ------- charge. Produce Display Features Section Feature of the fruit and vege­ table competitions at Exeter Fair will a display of produce packed in containers appealing to the consumer. Over $50 in prizes is being offered in this section, Special prizes will also be given'for the b'est fruit collection and the best vegetable display with prizes totalling $21 in each section. oMore varieties have been, ad­ ded in apple, pear and plum clas­ ses. William McKenzie, Andrew i Dixon, Cecil Jones and Harold j Hunter. form the committee in ' charge of these competitions. Prizes For Cattle Exceed $400 Prizes valued at over $400 are being offered in the cattle divi­ sion of the local fair. , Competition is provided for Shorthorns, Polled Angus, Here- fords, Holsteins, grades and baby beef, A diploma 4 is offered for the best animal in each class-. Top prize in the cattle division .is a $16.00 round waiter offered by the T. Eaton Co. Limited for the best holstein heifer calf ex­ hibited and raised by a boy or girl over 10 and under 18 of age. Harry Coates is the director in charge of cattle. Committee members include Albert Keys, William EJlerington, and Whit­ ney Coates A Novel Races For Horses ‘Hunting and saddle horses will again feature the $2,000 horse show at this year’s Exeter Fair. The popular knockdown ■and- out competition is a highlight Of the hunters’ class. Winner is de­ cided by negotiating the -most jumps without knocking down the hurdles. Prize money totalling $100 is offered in the jumping stake in which at least 10 horses must compete. A half-mile race, obstable race, potato race, trail horse and open stock horse competitions are the featured sections of the saddle class’, ’ • The obstacle and saddle races are open to horsemen in the dis­ trict high school Area. In the trail horse competition, horses are required to walk, jog, lope, proceed through ob- i stacles, ground tie arid stand! this year’s Exeter Fair, quietly for mounting from both1 sides. in the open stock contest, the horeses must lope a figure 8, run to a square stop and pass a rope test, in which the horse must keep the rope tight while the rider works to its left and right. Light draft, heavy draft, wagon horses, Percherons, Bel­ gians, roadsters, carriage, hack­ ney ponies and Shetland ponies will be included in the horse show competitions. Dalton Finkbeiner is chairman of the committee. Members are H. Beavers, G. K. Crocker, W. C. Allison, Elmer McBride, Alvin Passmore, Ron Swartz, Fred Darling, Ed Brady, Jim Taylor Warren Sanders and William Coward, Arts, Crafts On Display Over $40 in prizes* will be awarded for arts and crafts at frey Cann; beef1 calf, John Pym, Harold Hern and Tom Easton; grain Harry Strang and Douglas May; poultry, Andy Dougall; dairy calf, Howard Pym and Ross Marshall; sugar beet, J, M. Cass, William Amos, and William Dougall. Agricultural representatives G. W. Montgomery and Arthur Bol­ ton will supervise the 4-H show. Superview Binoculars 7x50 Fully Coated Lenses Fine Leather.Case only $39.00 Canada's most popular Binocular. Enjoy a pair for Hunting, ‘ .Sports, etc. i A. G, Hess Watchmaker and Jeweller ZURICH 5-Year Guaranteed MOTHSPRAY Cleaners 230 William St, Exeter MEN! New Weekly Service On Suede Jackets In'Wednesday, Back Wednesday MID-TOWN 230*William St, Exeter Something NEW and Different! Admiral J AT THE TRADE FAIR ...' T‘n TinwAdvocafu# fcpww 13, Tf56 * “No one is born with safe habits,” Mr. Allen G. MacNab, Ontario Registrar of Motor Ve­ hicles points out. “They must be taught, learned and practised, “As wo investigate each new ■» fjvwmcut, it becomes more and more evident that too many of us are leaving our safe­ ty sense undeveloped. No one would think of going into the wilderness without preparation; we would be armed with appro-1 priate equipment and with as i much learned and practised skill m survival as possible. But ? many of us confidently travel I the streets and highways of the | sudden destruction would be dif­ ficult to duplicate in the wilder­ ness-indifferent to the demands ■ of judgment and experience. [ “By far the greater number! of drivers in accidents have one thing in common—complete sur­ prise that actions of theirs were the cause of the accident. Per- > haps they were doing something : for years without harm . . . a ’ matter of habit. But it finally caught up with them. “No man is likely Io ask an­ other to judge his driving. He is ’ convinced already that he is a good driver, if, not an excellent one. Last August, however, 9,402 ’good drivers’ became in­ volved in motor vehicle acci­ dents. Certainly they were not all to blame . . . but certainly, I a good many were. “And a good many of the ac- ’ cidents were the result of two 1 poor habits coming together at the same time. Neither habit had I ever been proved really bad in i the past, but just this time, one I poor habit met another poor habit 'head on. i “If you are accustomed to straying over the center line of the road from time to time, and I you meet someone else with the same habit, the result is an emergency which all too often turns into a catastrophe. And the common thought of both such drivers is that if the 'other-fel- low’ had moved over a bit, the accident wouldn't have occurred, “It is probably unreasonable- to expect every driver to make a study of accidents and their causes ... not the few causes that individual experience might suggest, but all the accidents and all causes. It would be a most unusual person who failed to develop a new modesty about his driving habits after such a study. Paintings include etched alumi- j vehicle accident, num, leatherwork, shellwork, and. embroidery, I Mrs. Arthur Cann is in charge ; of the class and members of 'the: committee are Mrs. Alvin Moir; and Mrs. Arthur Rundle, { Grain And Seeds i Although the number of com­ petitions. has been cut down,} prizes in grain and seeds have ... __ been raised as much as 60 per-. province—where the chances of cent for this year’s fair. .................... . Top prizes in the class go to contestants in the field crop com­ petition in grain corn who must show half bushels of ears. First prizes in wheat, barley $nd oat sheaves have been in­ creased from $2.00 to $3,00. In charge of the class are Douglas May, Howard • Pym,!. Robert Jeffrey and Harry ■ Strang, ’ j _________ ___ I Joseph Ravelie Dies In Bend Joseph Ravelie, Grand died at his residence on in his seventy-third year. ______ ___ _ _............ Surviving besides his wife are , spent Tuesday °with Cathy and two daughters, Mrs. William La ! Joy Thacker. We : Mrs- T. Waugh, of London, William Wahl (Winmfred), both spent Tuesday with Mr. and ot Detroit;, one son, Wilfred, of ■ Mrs. ^,eonarn Thacker. Grand Bend; two brothers,! -- . -- - .. Remy and Leonard, Grand Bend. The body is resting at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home, Dashwood, where service will take place on Thursday, Sep­ tember 13, at 2 p.m. Interment will be in Grand Bend Ceme­ tery. Bend, Tues- Report On Woodham By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE News Budget From Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPERi I i Marlene Hodgins, of ’ Granton, I Mrs. T. Waugh, of _ London^ Mrs. -Leonard Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mossey were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. James Mossey and Kath­ leen. Mr..and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Chittick, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rath- burn, of Sarnia, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Irvine. _ z ........ ........See 1957 And In Our Special TV Showroom! Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cope­ land were Sunday evening din­ ner guests of their neice, Mrs. Jack Vyles and Jack. London. Mrs. Robt. Rundle. Jimmie and Jack, spent Sunday in Lon­ don and visited her brother, in Victoria Hospital, “'Mr. Jim Ray eh. Miss Donna Copeland is at­ tending Teacher’s College in London. Ron Chatten of .Elora was a weekend visitor at his home with Mr. and Mrs. Vic. Chatten. Guests with Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean on Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mountain of St. Marys and Mr, Arnold Copeland, Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stephen and Donald were Sunday visitors with the former’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johns,- Ilderton. z Mr.. and Mrs. Bryce Skinner and family, visited with Mrs. Roy Kirk on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Levy, Rachel, Helen and Hilda, spent Sunday with .his father, Mr. Wm. Mills. . • ■ Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and family were Sunday visitors .with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Webb of Ingersoll. Mrs. Beacher Hauson of Gran­ ton spent Wednesday with her cousin, Mrs. Fred Doupe and FredlMr. Elgin Webb of Grand Bend, Mrs. Jack Mann of Maple Were Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb. Miss^ Donna Mills is teaching at No. '2 Biddulph for this year. Mrs. Ira McCurdy, Miss Jean Copeland, Mrs. Fred Doupe and Grace attended the shower on Wednesday evening for Miss Bet­ ty Watson, a bride of next week, at the home of Mrs. Leonard Mills, St. Marys. Mr. and • Mrs. Ira McCurdy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCurdy in London on Sunday. . A number from Woodham at­ tended St. Marys Fair on Friday. “Hm-m—you're working much too hard. What is your profes­ sion? ” “I’m a safecracker, Doc.” “Well, get some lighter work for a while—pick some pockets.” ***** She (scornfully)—My dear low, what keeps you out of army? He—My dear lady, what keeps you out of beayty contests? fel- the Church PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 1 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 2:30 p.m., E.D.T.-Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada broad­ cast over -CBC network—“Re­ ligious Broadcast Period” 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Topic: “What is wrong with the Dance” (Wed., 8:30 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Fri., 8:30 p.m.—Christ’s Ambas­ sadors Rev. L. W. Krause, Pastor “Ah, glad to see you back, old boy. Did you fish with flies?” “Yes: I also camped with them, ate with them and slept with them.” 3 CARDS FOR $5 00 INCLUDES CHANCE ON ALL OF THE 16 BIG GAMES AT THE * $5,000 Cash Bingo In Clinton Lions Arena FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Doors Open at 7:30 p.ni» . r Games Start at 9:00 p.m* Each Copy of this advertisement presented at arena dodr gives you an EXTRA CHANCE on the $500.00 Door Prize. You may present as. many advs. or Free Door Prize Tickets as you can get. I $5,00 Door Prize 2 GAMES FOR $1,000,00 2 GAMES FOR $ 250.00 2 GAMES FOR $5d0.00 10 GAMES FOR $100.00 All Proceeds Go To The Clinton Community Swimming Poel Fund Sponsored by the Service Clubs of Clinton. ■ Extra Cards# $1.00 Eadi, alscu includes diaiua on ALL games. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector Trivitt Memorial, Exeter 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30- a.m.—Morning Prayer CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical -United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, September 16, 1956 10:00 a.m.—“A New Creation” 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—Youth to Youth Mis­ sion Rally - Admiral TV For 1957 With Top Front Tuning Leads The Way In Features, Performance, Styling I V t s 2:00 p.m.—Dutch Service Main Street United Church Everybody Welcome THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH One of these days, Fred’s going to take over the farm. Meanwhile, he’s planning, studying and working hard ... learning' right on the job. I THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY QUALITY AT TaTR Prices IPHONE 27 MAIN STREET , The United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. Alex. Repson Organist:' Mrs. A. Willard 10:00 a.m.—Service of Worship Nursery Class (three years and under) in the'Primary Room. Beginners (4-5) will withdraw during the second hymn. 11:15 a.m.—The Church School Superintendent: Mr. Sterling Ince COME, LET US WORSHIP JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Muscial Director 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject: “As Many As Received Him’’ Anthem by the Choir The Sacrament of Baptism for Infants, A Warm Welcome Is Extended To All Junior Choir practice Thursday night at 7 p.m. Senior Choir pratice at 7.45 p.m. Ladies choir practice after the morn­ ing service on Sunday. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: K. L. Zorn, Phone <5 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Service—Gal. 6:1-2 “Christian Duty towards an Erring Brother’’ 3:00 p.m.—Memorial Dedication Service at th€ Cemetery MENNONITE MISSION THAMES ROAD EXETER Sunday School 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. “Teach Me Thy Truth, 6 Lord" Supt.: Stanley Sauder, Zurich CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH R#V. Samuil KeiT, B.A.# B.D. j Minister 10:06 a.m.“-Sunday School , 110:60 a,m.-“Morning Worship I Sermon Subject: "Stewards of ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Worship “Eyes That See Not” 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School Summer Christmas Tree pro­ gram by Mission Band 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service “Faith In A Hill” Young Man , with a Plan 0 Already he’s learned a lot about modern farm management, and how a chartered 1 bapk can play its part in making farm living more comfortable, more profitable. He has found, for example, how useful the bank can be as a place to build up savings, to obtain credit, to seek financial advice and market information. He knows that the bank manager’s door is open to everyone. When you see & goocUooking, well-run famis chances are the farmer uses the services the chattered banks have built up for all Canadians.