HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-09-13, Page 7m- Garages (Plan District Fall Rally For Lions Clubs Here Exeter Lions Club will be host to representatives from 48 clubs n the district rally here on Oc­ tober 22, it was revealed at the local organization’s first meet­ ing of the fall Friday night. President R. C. Dinney said the district rally will be “the biggest Liqns gathering ever held in Exeter.” Guest speaker will be an executive official of the international organization of the service cub; Plans for the rally, ‘which will j and welfare, Wally Read; pro­ be presided over by Governor gram, Norm Walper; member- Jake Sweitzer, past president of ship, Reg Beavers; Lions in- the Exeter Cub, were made Fri-1 formation, B. W. Tuckey. Community betterment, Ted Pqoley; citizenship, Ulric Snell; by-laws, Elmer Bell; publicity, Bill Cochrane; extension, Earl Russell; bulletin, Lloyd Hender­ son; convention, Larry Snider; boys and girl's, Harry Penhale; Easter Seals, Ken Lampman; ed­ ucation, Wally Seldon: Christmas Seals, Harvey Pollen. THANKS ® LOCAL TKADCMAKKS. ” v GINGERICH'S/W HEATING'ENGINEER, Chas your furnace] come A CROP!"------ WfU. SOON HAVE/” IT WORKING : ■’PROPER" GINGERICHS Heating-Lighting-Plumbing VOIL BURNING -AIR CON Pl BONINO EQUIPMENTS SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL REPAIRING MOTOR REWINDING I FURMAC SHE US IN THE ARENA s l<* Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week: Hunter-Duvar And Sons Ltd. Chinese Nationalists have a new twist in their psychological war­ fare. They are dropping' from the air “silver” dollars that turn out lobe aluminum discs urging mainland Chinese to join the Formosa .forces. While this money was phoney, real aluminum coins are widely used — in France and Italy, for instance. A.fraction the weight of other metals, and perennially bright and shiny, aluminum pays off as small change, It also pays off for Canada,, as an industry that Converts raw materials and waterpower into purchasing power in the world markets. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) i twister in the absence of J. W. Weber and Tom MacMillan was Lion Tamer, Vice-presidents of the club are Larry Snider, Ed Brady and Ken Hockey. Andy Snelgrove is sec­ retary and Harold Kelson, treas­ urer. Committee chairmen include: attendance, S. B. Taylor; ways and means, Tom MacMillan; I sight conservation, Norm Martin; ; safety, Melv Southcott; health the Exeter Cub, were made Fri­ day night, The local club also laid plans •to revive a popular money-rais- ing event of former years-,-the Lions' frolic-in Exeter this fall. The event will likely ’ be held in the arena early in October. . xLions agreed to assist with the presentation of Exeter’s first trade fair, to be held in conjunc­ tion with the fall fair next week. The service club will provide free movies for the children... President Dinney conducted the first meeting of his 1956-57 term. E, R. Hopper was tail The Story In Elimville By vtRo. ROSS SKINNER I ZURICI Phone 510 FAIR JEWELLER Exeter Mr. and Mrs. Jack Delbridge' and Diane, and Miss Jacqueline Hannah of Exeter visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell. , Mr,' and Mrs. Howard Pymt visited on Sunday with Mr. Alvin' Pym of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wiletlm of Crediton, Mrs, Mary Stephen, Mr, arid Mrs. J, Heckman of Dashwood visited on Sunday with Mr, Chas. Stephen and Mrs. Thomas Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford are moving to Byron to live, where Mr. Ford is employed at the San- atarium. Mr, and Mrs. Clifton Jaques and family of Zion visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner. Mr. and Mr?, Norman JaquOs and family, Zion, and Mi's. Philip Murch visited on Sunday with Mr. Wm. Veal and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell of DenfiCld.' J. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd' Bender and Ralph of Crediton .visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. How­ ard Cunnington, Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley vis­ ited on Sunday with Miss Marie Schoenle who is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Birtch, St. Marys. Mrs. John Batten, Sharon and Helen, visited with Mrs. George Kellett on Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs, Donald Penhale and / children of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. John BAtten. .This Week In Winchelsea By MRS. F. HORNE (Intended for last- week) Mrs. Ivan Brocks Margaret and Dennis returned on Saturday after visiting for the past week with relatives at Langton. Mrs. Minor Dobbs returned with her daughter and will spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. Brock. Mrs, Gordon Ford is visiting for a few days with relatives in Detroit and attended the wedding of her cousin in Alpino, Mich. Mr. and MrS. Clarence Ford of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mrs. Harry Ford and Gor­ don. Miss Donna Gilfillan of Exeter spent the weekend with her par­ ents,- Mr. arid Mrs. Colin Gilfil- an. Mr5 and Mrs. Fred Walters ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs, Bill Brock of London spent the Week­ end at Chesley Lake. - . Passenger—“Driver, don’t turn corners quite so fast’. You iriake me dizzy.” ‘ Cabbie—“Just close your .eyes like I do, lady, and you won’t even notice.” FOOD STORES BIG $100 FOOD SALE r .»*■' See Superior1 Full Page Ad in Thursday's London Free Press Prices Effective, September-13, 14' 15 itmiunilUiilih(i(liH(iiiHliiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiHliliiOiiiillliiliiiiltniilnlifiliHilthiitHirinHiniHti>i»niiH>'in»n Swifts Margarine BDLD’N DEW 4 Pkfli. SI .00 Swifts Jewel Shortening 47L7 31.00 $1.00 2 FROZEN Green Peas Fancy 2 Pkgs. 43c i z Aylmer Tomato Soup Gardn P'ch Peas CHOICE 7 Slic'd Beets Ptl'LY P'IN LIBBY’S 12 ' St'keleys Corn golden baeam7 Baby Foods heinz assortment 9 > Evaporat'd Milk 8 8’^$1.00 6 r, $1.00 KU, $1.00 4 $1.00 9 15-Ox. Tins 2d-6z. Tthi 16. Oi, Tins Tins CO FANCY 25—40—60 5 WATT Hillcrest Toilet Tissue. Kelloggs All- Bran large Tina nniiinhitiniihititifintihitntintiintfiiiuirttiWnuniiiiiiiiinitiiirmiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiniriiiifiiiiiiiirrhimiiiiKiiim 31, i 11, t (lU.Uitnt.niHiHHiOutiil 111 < t : Q.T.F. TlD-BITS f I Pineapple j I ’ll?' 25c . I I GORMAN-ECKERT | Cocktail | Olives 14,;-,sr$i.0(i.S . S' is. r | APEX FANCY {Asparagus I Tips | 39c J j. H. Jones Groceries Phon* 532■' Free bellvary & CAUGHT BY CAMERA — Un usual photo of lightning flash is this .one taken in Edmonton by H. G. Van Der WOrf. As the lightning takes but l-500th of a second to flash, he had his camera record the phenomenon at just the right moment. Though it appears that the flash is striking a building, it actually struck some distance behind. News Budget, From Dashwood By MRS. E. H., RADER I Mark Anniversaries At Anglican Church Former members of Trivitt! Cbw 7/. A, Memorial Anglican church and bers that they use the 100 per Visitors from district parishes at-j ' jtended services on Sunday which! i marked the sixty-ninth anniver-; nary of the church and "the fif-1 tieth anniversary of the Woman’s' Auxiliary. The rector, the Rev. N. D. Knqx, conducted the church an­ niversary Service at 11,30 a.m. , Mrs. R. M. Weekes of Thorn­ dale, convenor of deaneries, was guest speaker at the W. A. serv­ ice on Sunday afternoon. She took as her subject "Consecra­ tion,” a word which appears in the Bible only four times, “The consecration of'our sub­ stance to the Lord, with a cheer-. ful heart should, be our highest i aim,” Mrs, Weekes said. The Story In Shipka Personal Items / ‘ Miss Ruth Schade has secured a ’ position on the staff of the Bank of Montreal, Exeter. Mr. Jack Schade has been transfer­ red- from the Hensall branch to Exeter. Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Taylor arid boys, Mr. arid Mrs. Garnet Wei- berg and family of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and family spent Sunday with -• Mr. and Mr§. Lloyd Rader and fam­ ily. Miss Erma Wein of Clinton spent the weekend with Mrs. Herb Wein. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fritzley' of Goderich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.'James Hayter and fam­ ily. ’ " , . ■ . ' > Miss Nancy, Tieman left for Alma College on Tuesday where she will teach piano and langua­ ges. , Mr. and Mrs, ‘ Roy Young (Dona Edighoffer) and sori4 of Regina spent Sunday with Mrs. L. Mclsaac and 'Mrs. Effie Kleinstiver. ,A memorial and dedication service will be 'held Sunday, Sept, 16, at Zion Lutheran Ceme­ tery at 3.00 p.m. Rev. W. P. Lottes of Seebach’s Hill will be guest speaker. Dashwood Band will provide music. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Eckstein arid Miss Lily Hoffman of Lop- don visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman.- The Library books changed on Tuesday. Teachers Meet ' The Sunday School Teachers of Zion Lutheran Sunday School, along with P'astor Zorn, attended the Huron.Perth Sunday School Teachers Institute at, Monkton, Sunday. Rev. C. Klages conduc­ ted the opening exercises. Rev. W. P. Lottes of Seebach’s Hill spoke on “The Ideal Sunday School”, and group discussions took place followed by lunch. Exchange Rings In UB Church An early fall wedding was held at high noon Saturday,, Sept. 8, at the Evangelical United Brethern church When Marion Lucinda, daughter of Garnet Wildfong of Sarnia and the 'late Mrs. Wildfong, was united in marriage to David Charles Bull, son of Min and Mrs. Fred L, Bull of Wallaceburg. Rev. W. F. Krotz performed the double ring ceremony in a setting of white and yellow gladi­ oli. MiSs Nancy Tieman was at the organ and Grant Wildfong, brother of the bride, was solo­ ist. The bride wore a gown of heavy white taffeta fashioned with soft tucked bodice bouffant skirt With • Hands of graduated tucks ,and lily point sleeves. She carried a cascade of gardenias and white baby mums. , Mrs; Carol Watkins, Toronto, was matron of honor and brides­ maids wer,e Miss Carole Webb, Lond&n, and Miss Barbara Bull, Wallaceburg, sister of the groom. The attendants Wore gowns in autumn shades; the matron of honor in gold with bouquet of bronze mums and the bridemaids in rust carrying gold mums. Little Debby Wildfong of Byron . . •Was flower girl. Dressed in | week m London white, she carried a basket of bi’Onze arid gold muhiS. Marlowe Wicks, Wallaceburg, was best man and Niel Wildfong, Dashwood, brother of the bride and Peter Stinson, Simcoe, were ushers. . w ,For the reception m the church parlors Mrs. Kieth Wildfong wore frosted green ery^tallette with black acebssorios, The groom s mother chose cinnamon brown embossed crystalette with beige and brown accessories. , For the wooing trip the brine dormed; a charcoal grey suit with were Personal Item* Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerslake and famiy of Elimville visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner and song.' Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ratz, Joan, and Paul, spent Sunday in Lon­ don at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott. Miss Wilma McNair of London .spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs, E. Lamport. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ratz ac­ companied by Mr, and. Mrs. Lloyd Love of Parkhill, visited over the weekend id Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. .Bill ■ Rundle of Woodham were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweit­ zer, Rdn and Barbara.Mrs. Walter Fassold of London is visiting this wee.k with Mrs. Milton Ratz’. ‘ , Mr. and Mrs. Karl Guenther and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ratz are holidaying in Detroit. ,,, The Rev. L. Turner and. Mrs. Turner of Lambeth were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell.. , Mr. and Mrs. John Lowe of Grand Bend visited Sunday, with her sister, Mrs. Major Baker. < With two threshing machines and the help of many neighbors, the crdp of Mr, Roy Deitrick, who is ill, was taken off,on Mon­ day. Report From Grand Bend By MRS. E. KEOWN She suggested to W. A, mem- . .... cent tithing method for a period of six months or a year and learn the joy of sacrificial giv­ ing. “if this method were follow­ ed, missionaries would not have i to beg for money to carry on, their work,” Mrs. Weekes em-! phasized. Flowers on the altar and a period of silence were tributes , to the memory of members of the auxiliary who are deceased, i Two vases were presented to the1 j church by the W. A. to commen-- jorate their anniversary, .Mrs. Alfred Andrus was pre- ’ seated with a life membership certificate by the Rev, N. D. Knox assisted by Mrs.’ Henry Bierling, president and’ Mrs. William Middleton of the execu­ tive. ’ : At the reception in the parish hall, the Rev. N. D. Knox spoke of the restoration program be­ ing carried on and of the plans for installing a new lighting I system in the church, i A history of the Woman’s Aux- » iliary, from the time of its* or-| ganization, was given by Mrs. John Luxton. Mrs. Ron Watkins, Centralia, was soloist. Mrs. Kenneth Taylor, London, brought greetings from the Di­ ocesan Board and Mrs. Fred Hunt, Goderich, from the Dean­ ery. Among the former members of the church who returned for the special services were Mrs. Mrs. C. F, Chambers and daugh­ ter Ruth of Dorchester; Mrs. O. G. Tremner, Strathroy; Mrs. W. E. Winer, Preston; Mrs. Jack Walper, Thedford; Mrs. Ed, Archer, Wanstead; Mr. and Mrs, Eric Armstrong, Dundas; Mrs, Garnet Cockwelk Dashwood; Mrs. Otto' Walker, Cromarty; Mrs. Irno H. McGinnis, Paisley; Mrs. A. A, Trumper and daugh­ ter Miss Helen Trumper, Mrs. W. Thompson, Mrs. Joseph Grant and Mrs, C. Aylen, all of Lon- Personal Hems Miss Doris Ravelie visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar in Kitchener. Mrs. B. Brown of London spent the weekend at her cot­ tage. Mr. Donald Flear is a patient in- Victoria Hospital this week, undergoing treatment for his thumb. Rev. and Mrs. Campbell Tav­ ener of Glen Allen have pur­ chased the property formerly owned by Mr. Gerald Gratton on the . school road, ,apd have taken up residence. Rev. Tav­ ener is a retired United Church minister. . •' . Cpl/ Neil Chamberlain, Mrs. Chamberlain, John and Nancy, left this Week for a motor trip through ?the '• Southern States. During Cpl. Chamberlain's ab­ sence Constable Hugh Mills will be on duty in the Bend. Mrs. David Leigh and family of Kitchener visited with Mrs. Leigh’s parents and other rela­ tives last week. Mr, Peter Eisenbach is a pa­ tient in Victoria Hospital having to undergo an operation. Mr', and-Mrs. H. Demare of London'visited over the weekend with Mrs. , Dem are’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Gimm of Detroit, at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Mason, Peter and Paul of Exeter, spent the weekerid with Mr, and Mrs. Mansell Mason. Weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Holt were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ulens, Mrs. Shirley Adair and Mrs. Alfred Harrison, all of London, Mrs. John Hey of Zurich visited, with Mr. and Mrs, Holt on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Edmonds and son, John, of Listowel and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Neeb of Pon­ tiac, Mich., spent the weekend with Mrs. Myrtle and Mi$s Moria Tetreau. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer spent Sunday with their niece and nephew, .Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Barr, Sarnia. • Weekerid guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird Were Miss. Norma Fraser, Mr. Billie Baird and Mr. Delbert Masfiri, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward McMurray all of London. Mr. Derinis Finan of Sarnia spent the weekend at his home in town. Weekend guests with Mrs. Irene Hayter and Miss Jean. Galbraith were Mr, arid Mrs, Angus Fletcher of. Kindersley, Sask, and Miss Galbraith'S niece, Miss Margaret Galbraith of Ap- piri. Miss Mary Yeo spent Sunday visiting friends jn Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs/ Ghas, Hunter M London spent the weekend at their cottage here. Mt1, and Mrs, Wht. Rendle are spending a few days in Londdn this week. Mrs,4 Olive Webb visited last Mr. and Mrs. Ted Starilalie arid Mr. arid Mrs, Langford Rid­ ley spent last week in Toronto and Niagara Falls. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stanlake were Mt. and Mrs. Douglas Burnett and family of Detroit. Mr. arid Mrs. E. Keown spent Thursday in London visiting with Dr; and Mrs. Chas. Carr. The Orplm Club of Grahd Bend has announced that the winner of the doll draw, which was hold on Sunday, Sept. 2, was Major H. w. King, of Grand Bend, Th# T|nM»-Advos0«, Soptombor T3, I’iK ■WBB! HELP THE BLIND to help themselves ’55,5H* U NEEDED (CfSBUMWMty !►' MmakwiM Drank* will .. P'OTid» W>500) H irwin, rahnbllh«t< 47S IUNP k) * So nd Yoyr Donation 1>d$»y To S. B. Taylor, C.N.l.B. campaign,- Exeter * I M M V —* MW W MW 3 C.N.LB. TM-COUNTY CAMPAIGN MMOM . MMXMfMX - FMTH (EXCkfilintt lonrfon flnd SttoHord) I 4 R.0: A Magazine Subscription Salesmen The Exeter Branch of .the Canadian ’Legion wishes to advise district residents that it has NOT given approval to any salesmen to sell new or re­ newal subscriptions for magazines under the Legion name in this territory. » If any such salesmen call on a householder in this area, the Exeter Branch would appreciate it if the householder would notify the undersigned by telephone immediately, The police have been notified of this situa­ tion and are prepared to take action against of­ fenders. . ‘ . ’. Signed,. reg McDonald, President of Exeter Legion .3 2 I s i 5 2 3 I 30 Left ■ 4* BUICK SPECIAL FOUR-DOOR HARDTOP, Like New BUICK SEDAN, With Everything On It .......................... FORD CUSTOMLINE SEDAN, One-Owner, Immaculate ,........... '55 '53 .'53 ?52 FORb CUSTOMLINE COACH, A Honey For The Money '51 METEOR SEDAN, With Autorhatte Transmission ........ '51 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN, You Can’t Tell It From New .... ’53 ’50 METEOR SEDAN, Spotlight, Fonder Skirts, Everything CHEVROLET COACH THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF OUR BETTER CARS See Our Complete Select ion Bofor* You Buy Motor Sales Phone 608 Exeter Phone 78 Zurich