HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-09-06, Page 14Py 14 The. Tim^A^vpcat^ Septembtr 1951 _ ’ ............................u................................. Town Allergic To Arena? heating" engineer. ^YOU'LL BE GLADDER, f EVERY HOUR. YOU INSTALLED L AN EXTRA \ SHOWER- 'Letter From Brinsley By MRS. CECIL ELLWOOD Are local citizens allergic to “We can’t seem to organize their own arena? anything at the arena that will That’s what Reeve Bill Me- make money ” the reeve la- Kenzie wondered last week when: mented. “People must be aller- they failed to appear at his S1C to the place. Community Night program Wed- The new gymnasium sports a nesday night. colorful two-tone paint job, a The event was organized by redecorated snack bar and re- the reeve to help the Community varnished floor but not .many Centres Board raise money to j people were on hand to see the pay off costs of redecorating the unveiling. The crowd numbered gymnasium. Instead, the night a disappointing 100. put the board further into debt.The program included a corn roast, variety concert, bingo, dance and draw. Exeter Legion, ; Kinsmen, and Lions assisted . members of the board in pre- j senting the event. i W. G. Cochrane presided for the concert, which started’ with 1 a sing-song. Entertainers includ- i ed Karen Jermyn, tap dancer; I Larry Snider Motors Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week:OlllUEKIUnO >heating-Lighting-PluMbing ^VOILBURNING-AIRCONDITIONING , , EQUIPMEHT&SUPPHES.. ELEdRIcALREPAIRING Joyce and Dorothy Hickey, (Woodham, who sang duets; ; Lloyd. Monteith and’Gayle Att-' I ley, of Wellburn, two other i talented singers, The Monteith '(boy presented the rock 'n roll ■ imitation which won him first j place at Kirkton Garden Party i this summer. i Draws for eight prizes were - made by Clarenc'e Petrie, leader I of the orchestra which played for the dance. Winners were C. I Van Laughton, floor polisher; Eric Carscadden, toaster; Di- | anne Willert, wool blanket; Mrs. | M. A. Quinn, electric iron; Paul j Dykeman, blankets; R. Pattison, j Mrs. Jim Loader and Mayor R. t E. Pooley, towels. Andrew Bierling was caller for the bingo. Name Teachers In McGillivray The following are the teachers who will teach in the McGilli­ vray School Area in the new term commencing on September 4: S.S. 3, Mrs. Lillian Watson; S.S. 4, Miss Betty McIntyre; S.S. 5, Miss Ada Caesar; S.S. 6, Miss Donna Parker; S.S. 8, Miss Betty Coveney; S.S. 10, Mrs. Irene Haugh; S.S. 12, Mrs. Frances Eagleson; S.S. 15, Miss Grace Shanks; S.S. 17, Mrs. Idcna Des- jardine: S.S. 18,. Mrs, Norma Waun. The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS FOR LEASE ULTRA MODERN Service Station IN EXETER Excellent Opportunity For Aggressive Local Man FOR PARTICULARS contact Clinton Branch No. 140 of the Canadian Legion advises all residents of Huron County that it has Sick Room Equipment available to them Free Of Charge X (Hospital Beds, Wheel Chairs, Invalid Walkers)* This equipment was bought from the Branch’s share of the proceeds of the magazine subscription campaign conducted by the Crowell Collier Publica­ tion Company a year ago, and the Branch’s share of campaign now in progress will purchase more this equipment. 1 s X X 5 Miss Audrey Darling, who has been studying music in Toronto during the summer, is visiting her parents prior to leaving for Red Deer, Alberta, where she Leaches music in the Nazerene College. * •Sharon Lightfoot of Centralia and Sharon Fenton spent the past week with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Dixon. Miss Hazel Lewis, who has ATTENDS PROGRAM—A disappointingSMALL CROWD crowd of 100 attended the Exeter Community Night pro­ gram, sponsored by the arena board to mark the renova­ tion of the gymnasium. A corn roast, variety concert and | dance were presented in addition to bingo; which is. in j progress above. Legion, Lions and Kinsmen assisted the been convalescing al lhe home I b?af? '’W1 the Pegram which was held Wednesday of Mrs, E. Harris, •> as able to ] night. —T-A Photo return to her own home recently. | Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whittard of St. Catharines spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton, and Mr, and Mrs. Bill Fenton spent Sunday wRh Mr. and Mrs. Melville Harlton of Lobo vil­ lage. Miss Mary Lou Eagleson spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon. Mrs. Will Haskett" and Mrs. Millie Simpson of Denfield and Mrs. Olive Griffin and Sandra spent Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. Miss IJary Klien Carter has returned to Lansing, Michigan, after spending two weeks visit­ ing relatives in the community. Data On Dashwood SHOWCARDS W. J. DENOMME, President Modern Designs Prompt Service F. Buehler Phone 232 Zurich J. W. COUNTER, Equipment Chairman Phone Clinton HUnter 2-9612, TRUCK LETTERING DEPENDABLE DOBBS DODGE $1,295 $1,250 $195 $150 $1,395 $1,195 TRUCKS DODGE V2-TON EXPRESS, 650-16 6-ply tires-, suburbanites on rear, 9,000 actual.miles,'tinted glass, heater, undercoating. CHEV Mi-TON EXPRESS, green, spotlight, A-l condition. Shower For Bride-elect Miss Marian Wildfong, bride­ elect of this Saturday, was pleas­ antly surprised on Tuesday last when Mrs. Mervyn Tieman arid Mrs. A. V-. Tieman were host­ esses at the former’s home for a miscellaneous shower in her honor. After an evening of games and contests. Miss Nancy Tieman read the address and the gifts were presented s“ - well. Troussseau Tea Mrs. Valentine trousseau tea in daughter, Margeret, "prior to her marriage on August 25. Mrs. Howard Datars showed the bridal trousseau, Mrs'. Earl Deicbert displayed the linens china and kitchenware and Miss Eleanor Becker the shower and wedding gifts. Pouring tea were Mr§. Bertram Klopp and Mrs. Lome Preszcator with Mrs. Bob Hayter assisting at the tea table. Miss Betty Gingerich and Miss Barbara Becker assisted in the kitchen. * Miss Eleanor Wolfe spent last week in. Toronto while Master Bary Wolfe of Toronto spent the week here. Mr. and Mrs, Murray Wolfe and family of Toronto spent the weekend here with Mrs. Wes Wolfe. Holiday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Earl Piefer and girls of Chatham with Mrs. Ma­ tilda Piefer. Mr. Ronald Snell left Saturday for the western harvest excur­ sion. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Reste- mayer and Edward vacationed at North Bay and Sudbury. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maine ad family of Kitchener with and Mrs. Reinhold Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor and in a wishing CARS PONTIAC SEDAN, blue, air conditioning, 29,000 miles............. DODGE SEDAN, 2-tone, maroon and white, tinted glass, radio, slip covers, signal lights, a beauty ............................ ............... . DODGE SEDAN, green, sun visor, slip covers, clean .............. METEOR COACH, blue, automatic transmission, custom radio, 2-tone ............................................................................................. DODGE SEDAN, black, slip covers, good tires and body ....... PLYMOUTH SEDAN, 34,000 miles, clean as new .................... DODGE SEDAN, black, sun visor, air conditioning, 34,000 miles DODGE COUPE, blue, very clean, air conditioning DODGE SEDAN, green, air conditioning, sun visor STUDEBAKER SEDAN,- grey, low mileage ’50 PONTIACS (2), ’50 PLYMOUTH HILLMAN ........... $195 PONTIAC COACH ......... $395 DODGE SEDAN............. $150 CHEV SEDAN................. $295 ’47 FORD 14’0N TRUCK $295 $275 ■ferait choice STUDEBAKER AUSTIN COACH MERCURY SEDANS Your Choice ............ PH PANEL TRUCK Exeter Motor Sales WfflNtMO .... -j-; v, * Dssoto * itadg* Truck* ' '-’Wi.:;, ■ 'Y- .. .......'■■■.,,■ .A'-..-, -.%■ L EXETER Canadian Petrofina Ltd. Second St, London Telephone 7-9131 s Personal Items Joyce McFalls and Beverly Smyth, of Centralia, and Phyllis Hicks, of Flint, Mich., spent the holiday weekend with Heather and Michael Davis. Mr. and Mrs.’ Hugh Davis, Miss Almarie Davis and Mr. J. Young, of Lucan, attended the C.N.E. and visited Niagara Falls. Mrs. Harry Carroll is a pa­ tient in South Huron Hospital. Miss Joyce McDonald returned home on Monday after spending the summer at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maguire and boys • visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Maguire, Lon­ don. Mrs. W. J. Davis spent the past week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Garfield Needham, of Ballymote. s Mr. Raymond Greenlee is suf­ fering from blood poisoning. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee motored’to Simcoe on Thursday. Mr. Norman Guilfoyle, who has been holidaying with them, re­ turned to his home. Miss Joan Barker visited with her cousin, Heather Davis. Mrs. Fred* Davis returned home on Monday after spending the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Elston. Mr. Howard McDonald, Ex­ eter, spent the holiday with 'his parents. roll your own cigarettes with OGDEN’S QUALITY FINE CUTboys of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Wendqll Gamble and boys of London, with Mr. and Mrs, L, H. Rader. • Mr. and Mrs. John Pattison and family of Wingham with Mr. Sim Willert. .j Mr. and Mrs; Garnet Weiberg and family of Waterloo, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rader. Mrs. Ervin Latta, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Weiberg and Mr. Howard "Weiberg of Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg.' Mr. Ervin Latta is spending a couple of months in the west while Howard Weiberg and Siegfried Miller left by plane for the west on Monday. Mr. Siegfried Miller with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Rudolph Miller. Rev. and Mrs. J, H. Getz and family of Kitchener, Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Seeback of Hanover. and Miss Louis Gaiser with Mrs, Cora Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor and boys, Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Wei­ berg and family of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamble and boys of London were Sun- . day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and family, Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Want and family of Chatham with Mr. and. ; Mrs. Ervin Rader and family. | Dr. and Mrs. C. Spellman and (family of Kitchener with Mr. and i Mrs. T. IL Hoffman and family, j Mr. and Mrs. Ward Kraft and I family of London with Mr. and I Mrs. Ernest Koehler and family; ’ Mr. and. Mrs. Michael Cady, 1 David- and Harvey," Audrey Mer- ! cik and Bill Brisley, all of De­ troit, with Mrs. L. Mclsaac. Mr. i and Mrs. James Mclsaac return- t ed to Detroit after spending a ! week here. j Mr ..and Mrs. Robert Hopcroft i of Welland,1 Mr. and Mrs. Rus- i sei P.oundtree and Tommy of , Woodbridge, Mrs. Lottie Hemp­ hill Of Wroxeter, Mr, James Al­ lan of Toronto, Mr. and MrS. Wm. Westlake of Goderich, Mr. Robert Westlake of Moosejaw, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hopcroft and Grant with Mrs. Alma Hopcroft. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schatz and Vernon of Garden City, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schatz and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Whitef'ord of Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. James Beavis 4 and Barbara of Detroit and -Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder of Brantford with Mrs. ■ Bertha Hayter.I “ ” * * * -i I Becker held a hpnor- of her Message From Kippen I -------------------------- Rev. and Mrs. Norman Mc­ Leod returned-home on Friday after visiting, in Ottawa with their daughter and son-in-law, (Corp. and Mrs. Garth Mosher. Miss Marilyn Mousseau is holi­ daying this week with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mous- seau, and is spending a few days in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. N. Long visited over the weekend with relatives and friends in Owen Sound, Southampton and Bognor. Mrs. Mary Green of Calgary, who has spent the summer months with her . sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Martin, has left for her home. Holiday visitors included: Mr. John Doig of Grand Ra­ pids, Mich., with his mother, Mrs. Lydia Doig, and sister, Miss Janet Doig. Miss Etta Eyre of Sarnia with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eyre. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Meilis, Bobby and Jimmy of Inkster, Mich., with- the former's uncle and aunt, Mr .and Mrs. W. Mei­ lis. Mr. and Mrs. Dyer-Hurdon of Detroit with Mrs. Dyer-Hurdon’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper. , Mr. arid Mrs. Jim Young and daughters, Joan. Judy in Toronto at tion. Guests of Mr. and Lovell, included Mr. Wayne Finlay of Chatham, Mr, and Mrs. George of Tuppervillc, Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane of Tup­ pervillc. Visitors with Mrs. J. McCly- mont were: Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Hubbert, and Mr. Melville Mc- Clymont of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Terryberiw, of Cot- lam and Mrs, Mr. ter, Norma, and th 3 Exhibi- Mrs. Lloyd and Mrs. , Mr. and Mrs. Pat’Curran, Mrs. Alice Cook of London, Jew , Schilbe of Exeter, Leonard Wagner and daugh- . Marlene of Zurich. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Dicker! and Merle with relatives in LiStowel, Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Love’ll and baby in Chatham. Innthc barber shop: “Your hair wants cutting bad ly, sir,”’ 'fNb:- It wants butting nicely, Fisher's Hardware a fine cut with a DISTINCTIVE flavour Service Electric Chrome and Copper 4-Pce. Set—Cleans Easy Reg. $10.95 ValueReg. 20(* Each Popular 60-Watt Inside Frosted 3 Cutting Blades Food Chopper A Wonderful Bargain -fl* at AQ Regular $2.69 Value ........................ I >UQ 2 for 27 c Metal Adjustable Ironing Board All-Steel, Rubber Feet CIQ 07Open Mesh Table, Reg. $12.50’ / » Light Bulbs G.E. Automatic FRYPAN Cannister Sets Complete With Cover . Cooks Everything Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Jackson and family- of Chatham with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Willert for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ilutchin-, son and Alva of Blair with rela-t r horp.Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pask, Mrs.! Jean Lawrence of Clawson,! Mich., Mrs. Tcllic Tetreau of. Parr Line and Joyce Peters of Hensail with Mrs. Ferd Miller j and Edith. i Mr. Ford Miler, accompanied! by Messrs. Dave, Jim and Greg Duke, of Fordwich, at Sundridgc. Fl/Lt. and Mrs. M. S. Slezak arived home from Scotland aboard the Empress of Britain. !• The latter Will spend some time J with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Willert, while her husband is taking a navigation course at Winnipeg. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott of | Bowmanvillc, and Mr. and Mrs. t James Scott of Stratford snf-nt! the weekend with Mrs. Effie; KleinSliver. Janet Scott who ha’d j spent a couple of weeks here re- j turned home with them. ‘ . Mrs. Tom Baird, Baird, Mr, and Mrs. and twin daughters M, Piefer, Iris and Charles New Dunder with Mr, and Mrs.; Albert Becker and family. Mr. ? and Mrs, V. L. Becker and John | spent Sunday there and they re- • turned home with them. j Rev. and Mrs. K. L. Zorn, Carol and Pauline Becker attend-1 Cd tile Walter League Convention at Waterloo College over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stelck of Bradford with Mr. and Mrs, Ed Stclck. Decora tinn services were held Sunday at the Goshen Line Evan­ gelical cemetery. Rev. A, E. Hoh ley of Grand Bend conducted services assisted by Rev. W, ? Krotz and Ttev, J, II. Getz of. Kitchener.. Dashwood’ band pro-1 Mrs. David ■Carl Baird with Mrs. Becker at PAINT BRUSH SETS Three Sizes—1", 2”, 3” ... Moore Paints $149 r J WRENCH SET 5 Wrenches, Reg, $2,89 ... SCHOOL LUNCHBOX Reg, $1.85, All-Steel ......... STEP LADDERS Wood, Metal Rbds‘......... 98c $4.99 TUBULAR LATCH SET Cl AQ For Interior Doors ................. CARPET CLEANER $1 59 Lamorene 30-Oz. Jar ..................... LEAF RAKES CMa Light but Strong, Reg. 984 .................... KITCHEN TOOL SET CC EQ 7-Piece Stainless Steel, Reg. $9.95 .. REG. $1.49 WHITE TAPE 'RULE FAN HEATER $16 958-F6ot, Durable, IReg. $1.19 ».............. WYW Automatic, RCg, $19.95 Coirn Brooms PHONE 29 HARDWARE 0 98c EXETER