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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-09-06, Page 13
I Lucan And District News Tht September' 6, I® Upsets, i Fete Park Family c-..-J 'Before Departure wCl V ww I Last Wednesday, 42 friends and , September 7 8:30 p.m, ' ; I Skaters—We will play any rock and roll record I , you bring along. . | .....................................J W^.iimiiimiiiunmiumum,,,,,,,,,...................................................... St. Marys Fair I September 6 and 7 I Liberal Prizes For All Classes SEPT. 6—All Entries Execpt Livestock and Poultry. | Arena Will Be Open Thursday Evening j From 7 to 10 p.m. , 4 SEPT. 7—Livestock and Poultry I Huron-Perth Jersey Parish Show i Commercial Features in Bacon Hogs and Hay | Parade of School Children, Scouts, Cubs, Brownies i and Guides led by St. Marys Ciitzens Band. | Decorated Floats and Bicycles | 2 p.m,—Official Opening by William Jack, Warden of I Huron County 5 Entertainment for Old, “end Young | Old Time Fiddlers Contest | Square Dance Demonstration I Goat Milking Competition I Livestock Parade S Friday Night — Dance,In Recreational Areqa I Music by Lloyd Wright and his Radio Rangers = Everyone Welcome | Opening Dance Saturday Night Sept. 8 Exeter Legion Memorial Hall ♦c. WB CAN MPENN ON Wh»u Iwdni** fell W W Lucan Personal Items * j Sunday guests with Mrs. Annie 'Fairies and Vivian .included Mr. I and Mrs. Douglas King and fam ily, Harriston, Mr. and Mrs. j Warren Fairies and family, Strat- } ford, and Mr. Allie Hodgins, Lon- Mr. Harold Ribson, a Sudbury'' ton salesman. has been appointed i snd Mrs. P. L. Grudge Recreation Director to succeed j and family, who have been liv- Mr. Steve Storey who has re-4ng in Ildcrton, have returned, to turned to Mr. - - - - - tT ------•» •- - > ------ hardware and Mrs. sid er able on stage, should be ......................... munity, Mr. Ribson at one time played in Uncle Tom’s *Cabin and can remember being in Lu jan. He has also produced, his own shows in Canada and the States. Mrs. Ribson has written both plays and music and is al so a talented, artist. They, have moved into the Cor bett apartment in the house re cently vacated by Mr .and Mrs. T. S. Hill. Priest Officiates At Fathers Rites Alphonsus AL Crunican, 77, well - known London Township farmer, died at his home Con. 15 i Jrix. auv iUlJ> HUU ----- ..... and Highway 4 last Wednesday. Donald of whalen were Simday Mr. Edwards intends taking a He lay at lest at his late rest-1 gnpets nf Mrs Pearl Mm-dv «»>".»•.■>dence till 11 a.m.. Saturday j gu-- 01 rean Muiuy. Sept. 1, when -he was taken to St. Patrick’s Church Biddulphj for Solemn High Mass. His son, Rev. Father Paul Crunican, with deacon and sub deacon, officia- ed. Interment was in. adjoining cemetery. Pall- bearers were Harold Ryan, John Loyens, Harry Stokes, William- McComb, Ernest O’Neil and Ivan Stanley. Mr. Crunican was the son of the late Michael and, Mary Crunk pan and was a farmer all his life. He is survived by his wife, the former Bernadette Bourfreau, three sons, and two daughters, Gerald, Rev. Father Paul, Pat rick, Joan and Jane, also one sister, Rev. Mother M, Rita of the Ursaline Order, Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Will Haskett celebrated their 41st wedding an niversary at the cottage of their son, Mr. Clarence I-Iaskett, at Highlands nead Grand Bend. Other guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corbett of Lucan and Miss Anna Orr of Parkhill. Bride-Elect Feted Prior to 'her marriage, Miss Beverly Brooke was the recipi ent of two miscellaneous show ers last week Mrs. Earl Hamilton and Mrs. Bill Wareing were hostesses last Wednesday night „at the Neil school house. Cards and dancing preceded the .opening of gifts. The second shower was held on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Brooke’s aunt, Mrs. Harold McFalls, Lucan. Mrs. Lloyd Acheson conducted interesting contests. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Sa-dleir of Toronto were Sunday guests ■ of Miss Lina Abbott. Mr. and‘Mrs. Jack Prong and children were Bunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hay. • Mr. George Elliott of Brussels .'is relieving at the station until | a new agent is appointed. He is i staying with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar i McFalls,1 Holiday visitors with-Mrs. Joe Murray included Mr. and Mrs. i Jack Murray and family of Lon don and Mr. Gordon Murray of I ; Toro nt j. j ». Mr. George Strasser is spend-j ing a week at his son Ralph’s cottage at Pt. Franks. j Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hedden and Mr. and Mrs? Wm. Brown lee spent the holiday at the Tor- < onto Exhibition. ; I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aylestock^ pand Donald spent the holiday] weekend in North Buxton, the I . guest of Rev. A. Aylestock, and ’ , attended her church’s 31st An niversary Home Coming.I Holiday guests with Mrs. Irene (. Coursey included Mr. and Mrs. 'Doug Pattison and family of Glencc--. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Rec Director Actor, Artist i jiunow mud* mid Mk>iehf, tired Ming, dmt’urbad. rMt often follow. Dodd’* Kidney Pillw- »umu- lute Joi duty* to nonnnl dirty. You feel better—sleep better, work bailor. Get Dodd'* *t »oy drug itore. You ten. depend on Dodd'*. i ...... neighbours of' Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Park met in the United. Church parlors for a farewell , parly, prior to their leaving Jor their new home at Petrolia. A contest was held and by a jstrange co-incidence’ (?) Mrs. i Park was the winner. The three- I fold prize was an electric coffee- ' maker for Mrs. Park, a sweater j for Mr. Park, and a bicycle bat- j tery horn for Billie. Mr. and Mrs. Park are .going to be greatly missed in the church and community. Mr, Tark was president of the Lucan I Home and School Association for i the past three years. He was j also a members of the Steward i Board of the United Church. ■ Mrs. Park was leader of the ' Baby Band and also a member of the choir. i Showers Honor Autumn Bride Prior to her marriage last Sat urday, Mrs. Chas.’ Matters (nee Florence Armitage) was the re cipient of three miscellaneous showers. The first was held at 1 the.home of Miss Adelene Mard- llin of London when the girls of the London Police Dept, met to honour a fellow worker. The se cond was held at Revere School, Prospect Hill, with the following seven hostesses, Airs. Lant Hardie, Miss Veda Bowman, Airs. William Hudson, Airs, Emerson Holden, Mrs. Floyd Dykes, Mrs. Nelson Fate and Miss Rilla Gowan. Mrs. George Berger, London, was hostess for the third when she entertained the Metter’s fam ily, Mrs.. Laverne Allison of West ■jAlcGillivray entertained all the relatives and friends in this vi cinity of Miss Evelyn Armitage last Wednesday eve and. present ed her with a miscellaneous shower, prior to her marriage in October, to Afr.‘ BCn Wilcox of Owen Sound. ' 1 Metters-Armitage ° | In a setting of autumn flowers, a very pretty wedding was sol emnized last Saturday at the home- of Mr,, and Mrs. Percy Armitage, Lucan, by . the Rev. George Simpson of Ebenezer United Church, when their daugh ter, Florence Viola, became the bride of Charles William Metters, son of Air. and Airs. Oscar Mat ters of Prospect Hill. Given in marriage by her fath er, the bride* was gowned in a floor-length dress of white Chan tilly net over taffeta^The basque featured a lace collar and lily point sleeves. The aisle-wide skirt was fashioned with front and back panels with flounces of lace. A beaded tiara held her finger-tip, veil of nylon embroid ered net. She carried a bouquet of red roses. Aliss Rilla Gowan of Granton, as maid of honor, chose a floor length dress of Chantilly lace and nylon net over taffeta with matching head dress and gloves. She carried yellow roses. Air. Wilfred Davis of London was best man. The pianist, Mrs-. ' Emerson Holden, of Prospect I Last Monday eve, Mr. Mel Culbert, who has a summer cot tage, at. Fanshawe, was out with l his sailboat when his boat cap- I sized Mr. Culbert was able to climb up on the upturned boat 'and wave frantically"for help. I Two girls seeing his predion- ■ ment notified the life guard, Mr, Tom Abel, who with ihe assist ance of one of the campers. Mr. Al Blair, was able to bring Mr. Culbert and his boat safely to shore, Wiener Roast i Owing to the Arena boards be ing painted the 17 members of the United Church “Hi C. Class” had to hold their- roller-skating party at Exeter last Wednesday night. On their return a wiener roast was held at the home of Mrs. Murray llodgins. A hay ride drive is planned for Tuesday mght, September 4. Farewell Party Miss Marlene Revington of Main St. North entertained, ten of the girls friends of Miss Marie Parkinson last Friday nijjht, pri or to her departure for her home in Collingwood. Games and refreshments, fol-' lowed by dancing, were high-1 lights of the evening’s entertain ment. The girls presented-Marie with pearl ear-rings and neck lace and also a table ornament. Ladies' Guild The Ladies1 Guild of Holy Tri nity Church held its opening fall meeting in the Parish Hall Mon day _ eve, August 27, with the president, Mrs. Harvey Hodgins, in the chair. Most of the meeting was devoted to the making of plans for the winter activities. It was decided to hold the an nual bazaar arid tea in the church basement Friday, Sept ember 28. ■ , Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ford of De troit were weekend guests with Mrs. Irene Coursey. Mr', and Mrs. Frank Ha-rdv at tended the Edwards-Carroll wed ding, in Toronto last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell of Windsor and Miss Carol Wel- hourne of London were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Sheri dan Revington. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil G. Flynn of Port Colbourne were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodgins, , Miss Maureen Fenn of London spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Neil. Mr. Harry Bawden of Toronto has returned home after spend ing a few days with Mrs. George Bawden. Rev. J. P. Prest, Peter and Harry arrived, home Wednesday eve from a vacation at Rondeau, where Mr. Prest took the Sunday services for three Sundays. While there he .performed -the second baptism in this summer church. Miss Mary Northgrave has re turned home after a week’s visit in Toronto. Mrs. Irene Hicks and son, Bill, of Flint are visiting the former’s sister, Mrs. Thomas Brooke. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Chowen (nee Kay Philpott) arc happy ....... r__. to announce the birth of a son, I Hill provided traditional wedding John Richard, on August 30, at music and accompanied the solo- Vlctoria Hospital.- -..................... Mrs. Dave Park has returned home after an operation in St. Joseph's hospital two weeks ago. Mrs. Isabelle Underwood of Brucefield spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coursey and Mr. and Mrs. Guy <Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wilkinson and family'havfe returned ihome after a week’s vacation at Thorne. Welland and Niagara Falls. They took home thOii; two grandchildren, holidaying With them for the past five weeks. Margaret and Janet Neil are spending part of their vacation at the Clarence Haskett cdttage at the Highlands. © Leather jackets and jeans not admitted. MUSIC BY CLARENCE PETRIE And His Night Hawks Featuring. VO-Year-Old Singing Cowgirl . Gayle Atwell Dancing 9 to 12 —- Admission 75£ 5 Spot-Dances ETTY * dream home » to SATURDAY & MONDAY September 8 and1 16 "SPANISH MAIN" (Colon A Maureen O'Hara A Paul Hchrdid (Two Cartoons) BIG MIDWAYS (ADULT ond KIDDIES) TUESDAY A WEDNESDAY Setpamber 11 and 12 "GUNGA DIN" ★ Cary. Grant ■k Viator McLaglen (Two Cartoohs) WEDNESDAY ONLY—All 2 1____________ ___ ... Children Under 12 in Cars Free “ £l£6’kic blSHAY' 4 ApVANCEDART SHOW ; ■ ■ bt ,6vtd0or fertw " Kijuipril'dtglT ' THURSDAY A FRIDAY September 6 and 7 "UNDERWATER" (Color)' -A- Jane Russel Ar Richard Egan (Two Cartoons) CLINTON, ONTARIO Box, Office Opens at 8 p,m. First Show at Dusk Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear proud ownerl FIDDLERS CONTEST S)SQwe competition 'Wom'SjWQWAY'* .....- ------- 'V fiAnltSHOWV COhKltH'S 'MIDWAY * HYOftO- WTW-W. -fe-'-1 TOP TV PERSONALITIES T< THE MARINERS formerly of Iho Arthur Godfray ■!iIh Show-faaturod eoch evening - ■ , ’ 1 In ths "International Ravua" pluj 8 other outstanding vaudeville acts— Grandstand. SHARKEY THE SEAL feuturod on the Ed Sullivan Show — each afternoon and evening In front of lhe Grandstand. MlDWESs*. HAYRIDE direct from lhe NBC-TV Net work—Monday and Tuesday afternoons — Grandstand. A Lassie The Mighty Superman Wild Bill Cody, Joe Phillips and His Trained Horse, Smokey . Part of" the arrdy of Kiddies' TV Favourites featured in "Kiddie Kapers" Friday and Saturday afternoons—Grandstand. Special ‘ Saturday morning show, SEPT. 1045 London, Ont. W. t>. JACKSON, Manoger A tcmplel* home erected on the prpundi. Yov may bo lhe dance Orness ZtacZrrgr Cnhoda'j Richokt Coh Stokes, ond YhuHddy bfter* hooni •“■Gfondsland. of St. J. B. Ready’s department. Both Mr. Ribson have had con- theatrical experience, radio and TV and asset to the com-a bi, i Luean and have rented the house recently vacated by .... ..... 'Mrs, James Thompson on Water Airs. Dulcie ' enger of Wing-' 'ham is spending a few days with. her sister Mrs. T. A. Hodgins, i Alisses Belle Alartin of London and Aliriam of Detroit were Sun day visitors. ’ * Mr. and Airs. Henry Hodgins : spent Sunday with their daughter; Airs. Harry Carroll, who is a pa-1 | tient in South Huron Hospital,! Exeter,Aliss Jo-Ann Ireland of Tor-! onto was a weekend visitor with Air. and Mrs. Lloyd Acheson. Miss Alargaret Ashworth, R.N., | of Sarnia spent the weekend with, her parents Mr. and Airs. D. A.' Ashworth. • j Air. and Airs. Herb Stretton' Edwards of London and Mr. and and daughter spent the weekend j Airs. Leonard. Edwards and Diane in Hensall and Brussels. 'of New Brunswick who were on Mr. and. Mrs. Alton Neil and their way to Vancouver where ... .. ..... X . . . { • special university course. i Air. and Airs. Dave Flynn ofJ ^r. and Airs. Art Newman of Mitchell called on Mr. and Mrs. I Ottawa spent the weekend with Mitchell Hasketjt last Sunday, ! Miss Mabel AlcRoberts of Lon don 14 a nd Mr. and- Airs. Victor ( Westman of- Granton were day guests with Mr. and Allan Westman. Airs. Harry Ferguson of don and Miss Doris Weir of Lu can called on Mr. and Airs. Henry Hodgins on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morgan and family of Windsor were Tuesday guests with Air. and Mrs. Myron Culbert. Mrs. Harold Emerick and fam ily and Airs. Cecil Neil spent last weekend at Grand Bend, guests of Mr. and^Mrs. Glen Ar- dell. Aliss Anna Orr of Parkhill spent a few days last week with Air. and Mrs. Harold Corbett. Patsy Daley and Bonnie Ray ner of. London spent last week with Patsy’s grandparents Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgins. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Johnson and family and Mrs. Johnson Sr. of Toronto were Saturday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy. Mrs. Gailey Johnston, Mrs. Carmen Conti (nee Helen John-, ston) and family and Mrs. Conti' Sr. visited with Lucan relatives last week. The Lucan Arena Committee catered for the Metters-Armitage wedding last Saturday evening. Carla Revington, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Lyle' Revington, has returned home after spend ing a week with her grandpar ents Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Rev ington. Mr. and Sun- Mrs. Lon- j Mrs. C. H. Porter. Miss Gora' ‘Neil, and Mrs. Lida Rollins and two daughters of London were •Sunday guests. i Mr. Albert Emerick of Both well spent the holiday weekendI with 'Mrs. Harold Emerick and j family. l Huron County girls, 15 years and over, are eligible to com pete in the contest for Huron i ■ Mrs. Agricultural .Queen at Exeter 1 Tb Fall Fair on Sept, 19. Winners will receive cash prizes of $50, $25 and $15. Contestants are asked to- submit names immed iately to: x. DR. E. S. STEINER Phone 158, Exeter Brownie's yj DRIVE-IN £ 1 fflEATRE / > ist, Mrs. Louis Mitchell, Marys. At a reception in the Community Centre the mother received in a . blue gown with navy blue acces sories. She was assisted by the groom’s mother who chose a navy ensemble with matching ac cessories. For a motor trip to Northern Ontario, the bride changed to a navy dress and duster with red accessories. On their return they will reside on a farm at Prospect Hill. Guests were present from Sar nia, London, Prospect Hill, Lu can, Ilderton, Hyde Park, St. Marys-and Thorndale. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coleman were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. W- Garrett and attended service at Bryanton church where their granddaughter, Miss Doreen Garrett, and Miss Linda Shoebottom, both . teen-agers, took the service while Rev. G. Simpson was on vacation. II... George Bawden spent ! last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. I Tom Collins. I Mr. and Mrs. Ira Carling and I family have returned home after 1 a two week’s vacation in a cot-' i tage at Kincardine where they I enjoyed a family reunion with i Mrs. Raymond Smith and son ; of Haskell, New Jersey, and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Davis and daugh ter of Abron, Ohib. Mr. and Mrs. William. Garri son Of Flint Mich., have returned home after spending a few days with theii’ cousins, Mr. and Mrs. i Tom Flynn. <; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ready and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan i Hearn and family spent two days ’ last week at Buffalo and took all j the children to the zoo. After four and a half weeks of^ illness, Miss Delrcne Coursey re-1 turned to work last Wednesday, . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dickins; of Lambeth spent (Mrs. Will Dickins. Mr. and Mrs. spent last Sunday Miss Lina Abbott. Mrs. Florence ......_____ and Miss Joan Lightfoot of Lon- j don were Saturday guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McFalls. I The sleep of many Lucanites was disturbed Sunday night by > the numerous trains passing through the village owing to 33 cars leaving the rails at Strath- roy. 1 I Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Park i and family moved to their newt home at Petrolia last Thursday.! Mr. and Mrs. Lang DeCoursoy j and Marilyn of Dearborn, Mich, and Mf. and Mrs. Charlie Weir and family of London were hol iday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Edgar McFalls, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Maguire of Scotland and Mr. Billie i Lucan bride’s powder Sunday withI i Cliff Abbott* evening with Cunningham CMLT—miI pro-1/bbott: were weekend guests with ceeds to Swimming Pool Fund.1 Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott, FOR CARfFUL DRIVERS ONLY^L® e LOW PREMIUMS • CONTINUOUS POLICY • SEMI-ANNUAL PREMIUMS • PERSONALIZED SERVICE Rock-bottom rates—-by aiming to insure only careful “less-expensive” drivers. Savings—by issuing just one “continuous policy” as long a* you keep the same car. Two ea*y-to-budget—payments instead of pne big yearly bill. Service— 8,000 agents and claim* repre sentatives to give you fast friendly help anywhere yon go. bf pffyg tn know yore STATE FARM Agent A small retailer had been try- ing^for months to collect an over due bill. All his threats were dis regarded. As a last resort, he sent a tear-jerking letter, ac companied by a snapshot of his little daughter, Under the picture he wrote: “The reason I must have the money!” The reply was a photo of a blonde in a bathing suit', labeled: “The reason I can’t pay.” 3 ■■ II I CECIL ROBB Phone Lucan 25-r-22 For Sale PEDDLER'S STEEL AND ALUMINUM ROOFING ON HAND Experienced men to put your roof on PEDDLER'S HAY CARRIER AND STABLE EQUIPMENT See us before you buy your baler or binder twine, SCOTT'S ELEVATOR LTD. Phone 63 Lucan, Ont. ■If* 3 s i End of a perfect day! Ready for the first load I The gates open and this GMC just sits there -sturdy and solid I14Vi-tons of limestone is a heavy load... but thia W-9900 was built to take ill Meet George Rusanov, one of many independent truck opejt> ators helping to build new docks for Canada’s St. Lawrence Seaway. The slip he holds in his hand represents more than just another load delivered. It tells how his GMC W-9900 carries this 14^2-ton load for 25 miles over the roughest, toughest of roads—and does it six, seven, eight times a day. But it doesn’t tell bow that load, pounded down into his truck from the hopper above, gave it a real workout, George doesn’t worry about that. He has confidence in his truck, it’s,a GMC . .. built to take the toughest kind of punishment and deliver the goods—when and where you want them. You can have this easy kind of confidence too, with a custom-created GMC—• built for the job you have to do. See your GMC dealer now! I iwwwa The load delivered! George's CMC W-9900 is a stand-out tierformer, helping to push this dock out into the lake. In every way, GMC trucks Outdo 'em all I «MC45U ZURICH Phone 78 ° Pearson Mot or Sales EXETER » Phon* 608 ’