The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-09-06, Page 11Th« TimeS'AdvftCftfe, S«p!»mb«r 6, 1956 There's No Delay In Harvesting Results In T-A Want-Ads FOR SALE ARTICLES I do no longer require: Metal lawn swing, with good matt­ ress, $6.00; several letter piles. 60<j ca!?r! , ?^^s,on cabinet phonograph with 12 disc records, $10.00; 400 disc and. cylinder records, 35$ each; APac,e, healer, vised twice, $20.00; 3 cabinet drawers, S5d each; several pictures in frames, 25<f each; ome antiques; 2 galvanized tanks, $2-50; large cannister, .2.00; 2 pine doors, $4.00 each; bat­ tery radio with ear phones, $5.00: coffee grinder, $1.00; several bushel and smaller baskets: other articles. € qme and see them afternoon or evening. J. W. Pow.ell, . 90 Victoria »'• 6c Apply 6c FURNACE & BLOWER Beta Fuller, Crediton, PEACHES, tree ripened. Get your preserving requirements now. Phone Mrs, H. Peterson, Dashwood 31R16. 6:13:30c SUGAR BEET RACK, side lift. 14’ long, practically new: prtce $65.00. LJoyd Hey, Crediton Garage. Credi- ton-____________ 6:13c CAMERA, Kodak Brownie Holiday, a m tabl.e for flash attachment: special $o.77. Apply Stanley’s Drug Store. Lucan, phone '29.________fie ELECTRIC STOVE, heavy duty, Sunshine, like new. Apply Dr. J. W. Corbett, phone 273-W,_____fitfc GIRLS’ SPRING COAT, size, 8, in excellent condition, mauve, waffle weave, velvet trim, all wool; $7.00. Apply Brady Cleaners.__________6c BOYS' BICYCLE. C.C.M. sidewalk,» 24" wheel, in good condition. Phone lfe'o-r-5 Dashwood. _________6q PEACHES & PEARS—Vedette and Hale Haven canning peaches now at' their best. Bartlett pears ready the end of the week. Elberta peaches ready in 10 days to two weeks, Come early as crop is light; to Govenlock Orchards, 1 mile north of Forest Qh Blue Water Highway. 6* Harpley By MISS M. HODGINS Mr. Clarence Stone arrived home from South Huron Hos- Eital, Exeter, on Sunday after is slight accident. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Love and baby, of Toronto, are visiting with his. brother, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Love and'family. Miss May Hodgins, who has been holidaying at the home of her brother and sister for the East two months, returned to her onie in Toronto on Thursday. Mrs. Lillian McLean, Detroit, visited with friends and rela­ tives over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Ridley entertained in honor of the birth­ day of the latter’s mother, Mrs. Maxine Des.jardine, who is 87 years of age. All the family were present. It was also the brithday of Mrs. Despardine’s great grand­ daughter, Dianne Desjardine, who was celebarting her third birthday. . . I X X s. X sI $ FOR, SALE FOR. RENT KITCHEN EXTENSION TABLE, good, white enamelled, 3 leaves, measures 72" open, 42" closed, round corners, small legs; $4.(W. Phone 165-r-S Dashwood. 6c FURNISHED COTTAGE, suitable for 2 adults; immediate possession. Phone 276 Exeter. 6c ■WHITE BEAN MACHINE, in good, condition, on. hard rubber, Alex Miller. R.R. 1 Stafia. fi* —-----—— ----------——---------- WAGON HORSE, dark grey, 5 years old, sound, well broken, show quality. Apply Victor Jeffrey, R.R. 3 Exeter, 6* 8 CHOICE PIGS, 6 weeks old Sep­tember 7. Apply William Bender, Crediton. fie BARGAINS—12 feet of track rod, complete with draw strings. $5.00; two blond end tables, $16.00; Singer portable electric sewing machine, $39.50; kitchen table and two chains, $6,00. Phone 285M12, Exetel. 6c ISO PULLETS, 4 months old. Apply George Poortinga, 1 mile south and 1 mile east of Hensall. 6c. SUGAR BEET WAGON, with rack; also tractor sugar beet lifter for Allis-Chalmers CA, B and C. Ap­ply William Muller, R.R. 1 Credi­ton, phone 63-r-12. 30:6:13* '50 METEOR COACH, rqdio, heater, slip covers, low mileage, reasonable. Pbone 226, Exeter. 30tIn nc 50 ACRES LAND—Good for cash crops or pasture. Apply 'Wally Wein, Dashwood. 16:23:30:6c SPACE HEATER, In A-l condition, reasonable, Apply H. Lavictoire, 314 Main St., Apt'. 2. 30:6* SPECIAL OFFER on Maclean's and Chatelaine, two of Canada’s best magazines. 40 issues (28 Maclean’s, 12 Chatelaine) $4.00; 60 issues (40 Maclean's and 20 Chatelaine) $6.00. Limited time—subscribe now. Ex­eter Times-Advocate, phone 770. 12tfn 1,000 RED BRICK, new, $75. Apply William Dace, Southcott Pines, Grand Bend. . 26tfc B'REE MAP of Queen’s Realm with new subscription to Maclean’s mag­ azine, only $2.00. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone' 770, 12tfn FREE!—"New Household. Hints" or "Decorating Your Home" or "363 Home Tested Recipes" with 24- issue subscription , to Chatelaine, only $2.00. Exeter Times-Advocate, phone 770. . 12tfn GLADIOLI BLOOMS, white, cream, pink and red,.any quantity. Apply Mrs. Mervin Carter, Clandeboye, phone 163-r-3 Lucan. 6 GET YOUR "HOLIDAY" regularly. Subscribe to ‘Holiday" at a wonder­ ful bargain price of 14/months for $3.79, a saving of $3.21 over the news t an d price. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770, 8:23-10:25 LADIES I-IOME JOURNAL—Save half the single copy price by sub­ scribing now at the special rate of 23 months for $4.03. We’re agent for all magazines. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770. 8:23-10:1$ FOR RENT APARTMENT, 2 rooms, kitchen and bathroom, hot water heating- sys­tem, unfurnished, on front of Main Street. Also a. small apartment for one person, heated and furnished. Apply Mayfair Bakery, Exeter, I phone 52. 23tfc Slabs For Sale HARDWOOD SLABS $3.50 PER CORD s 5 MIXED SLABS $2.50 PER CORD Delivered $1.00 Off Per Cord If You .Truck Your 0(wn z Phene 623R3 Ailsa Craig | X 2 - BEDROOM APARTMENT, un-I furnished, available September 15, II - bedroom apartment, furnished, available October 1: also store forI rent, Apply John Ward, phone 348. 6* I | 5-ROOM HOUSE, modern, pn nicely I shaded 50' lot, convenient location at 252 William St., good basement,I fruit cellar, oil heated; immediate possession. Phone Dr, J. W. Core belt, 273.- W. fitfc REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE APARTMENT, small, self-contain­ed, furnished, redecorated, central, reasonable, excellent for business girls or couple. Apply to Times- Advocate. . 6c 4-ROOM APARTMENT, upper, 2- pieee bath, 1’4 miles west of Ex­eter. Apply; Stewart Treibner, phone 38-r-16 Dashwood. 6* RESORT PROPERTY — Small but very modern summer cottage on large lot running to excellent, heath. Full bath with hot; and cold run­ ning water. All-electric kitchen, in­cluding Kelvlnator, Picture, window overlooks lake; nine steel casement windows afford maximum vgntila- 'lion. Lined and Insulated, Fire­place. 50 x 100 foQt lawn completely fenced. Venetian blinds all around. Open Sunday. At "Windy Hill'', 3 miles north of Grand Bend. Or write J. O. BuckerJdge, 4555 Whit­ ley Court, Birmingham, Mich. 6* PAINT BUSINESS—Consisting nt a 1946 Chev $i-ton truck, in good running order, number of ladders, Quantity of paint and. brushes and. sprayer. Will sell as business o'r seperately, Apply Mrs. Grace Elsie, Grand Bend, phone 179 or Exeter 606, fie NOTICES TO CREDITORS UPPER HALF of house, in Hen­ sall. 3-plece bath, private entrance, unfurnished, modern kitchen. AP* ply Clayton Roszell, Hensall. 6* APARTMENT, furnished, including frig; utilities paid. Phone 8 Credi­ ton. 30tfc 3 APARTMENTS—Apply Tasty-Nu Bakery, pbone 100, Zurich. 9 tfc 3 APARTMENTS, unfurnished, for 'rent at once. W. C. Pearce, Real­tor, Exeter. 12tfc APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, toilet, hot and cold, water, on Shipka highway. Phone 6-J Crediton. 16tfc Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE. EXETER 100-A CAE DAIRY FARM A first-class dairy or cash crop farm in Stephen Township. Clay loam, modernised brick house, large "L" shaped bank barn, implement shed, milking machine, hydro, and never failing- water supply. Asking price vjouJd not replace building. This is a good farm in excellent state of cultivation. Other good farms for reasonable prices. Write __HERBERT MITCHELL 4-4501} residence 7-0985. Canada. Trust Rea) tor Huron Erie Bldg., London, Ontario A sale at. or call 6c NEW, MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace; east side of Exeter; dose to schools. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St________ tfc SEWING 'MACHINES — Electric portables, by the week. Hupper- Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Ex- eter, Stfc IB’ YOU APPRECIATE an attract­ ive home—2 extra choice apart­ ments, centrally heated, hot water heating system, complete privacy, all modern conveniences including laundry facilities, garage, garden g r o u n d, attractive surroundings; rent reasonable. William Qestricher, 4-ROOM APARTMENT, heated, hot and cold water, private bath. Ap­ ply Penhale Apts, or 70 John St, East, phone 294R.__________30 tfc APARTMENT, unfurnished, self- contained, hot' and cold, water on tap, private bath with shower; private entrance, newly decorated, heavy duty wiring, built-in cup­ boards, a v a 11 a b'l e September 1. Phone 400W evenings.________30tfc 5-R00M COTTAGE, modern kit­ chen, 3-piece bath, full basement with furnace. Apply William IJat- ter, phone 219-W,___________30:6c UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, 4 rooms, heated, with hot and cold water, 3-piece 'bath, built-in cup­ boards and hard wood floors; all freshly decorated; also use of base­ ment with laundry tubs; private entrance. Phone 300 after 6 or pall at 251 Carling St._____________6c 3-R00M APARTMENT, share bath, for clean couple, no children, ab­ stainers, partly furnished, heated. Apply 90 Victoria St. West, phone 223. IGtfc UPPER APARTMENT, self con­ tained, available August 15, private entrance. Apply 103 Huron St. E. 23tfc LOWER APARTMENT, unfurnish­ ed, hot and. cold water, private entrance. Available August 22. Ap­ply .103 .Huron St. E. 23tfc ELLIOT APARTMENTS . JThe 12-suit.e steam-heated apart­ ment building in, the centre of town has self-contained 1-bedFoom apartments with private bathrooms, plenty of closet space, stove, re­frigerator, (some fully furnished); janitor’ service; plenty of hot water and. parking space foi; cars; very reasonable rates. One will be vacant August 15. , 'SANbT ELLIOT Phone 476 dr 787-J Exeter ' S:9tfc HOMES—C, V. PICKARD—HOMES $1,500.00 with small monthly pay­ ments. We have just listed this 3- bedroom house with modern' kitchen and bathroom and almost new heating equipment. Garage. Total price $6,000.00 6tfc CREDITON — Brick house, near centre of village, modern kitchen, bath up and down, good basement with, furnace; extra lot, This pro­ perty Is in good condition through­ out. Moderate price. EXETER—Cash $1,500.00. No, this is not the total price, but this amount down will give you posses­sion1 of comfortable four-bedroom home with all modern conveniences Including oil heat. Balance in easy liayments. EXETER—3-Bedroom Brick in best of condition. This compact home has a dining room. It is oil heated and has good garage. Price re­duced, EXETER—3-Bedroom Brick Cot­tage. Very nice bathroom and kitchen. Choice location. Well treed lot, Immediate possession if de­sired. EXETER—$3,600.00 full price for storey frame covered with as­bestos shingles. Close to schools. 3-piece bath. Good basement. Pos­ session to suit purchaser. BRICK COTTAGE and 1 acre, Ex­ eter North; 3 bedrooms and usual living rooms; hydro and bath. Price $4,500.00 with low down pay­ment. 3-BEDROOM BRICK—This hdme Is in wonderful condition. Bath on first and second floor; spacious living and dining room; oil heated; water - softener, water heater, etc: ideal location. Moderate 'price with terms. We have enquiries for farms. If you are interested In selling please contact us. We have several other homes in a wide price range. If you wish to buy or sell see C. V. Pickard, 394 Main St., Exeter, phone 165 and 628. _____________ ' 7:26 55 ' ACRE FARM—Lot 9, Con. 7. Stephen Township, V2 mile south of Crediton, bank barn, henhouse, driveshed, 2-store.y house, hydro throughout. Selling due to ill health. Apply John Kuzmich, R.R. 1 Crediton, phone 72r-6, 23:30:6* Guaranty Trust REALTOR REAL ESTATE , GRAND BEND—3-bedroom cottage, full bathroom, winterized; nicely treed area. Price $5,000. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Ex- eter.__________________14t.fc WARTIME BUNGALOW, complete in every detail, redecorated inside and out, very low mortgage pay­ments- This house must be 'seen to be appreciated. Apply H. Smyth, phone 512-J Exetel. Get Better Marks At SHD WITH THE Hugged New A NOW IN YOUR CHOICE OF COLORS’ SCHOOL SPECIAL! ☆ ☆☆ BRUCEF1ELD Brick ■ cottage, one floor, bath, pres­ sure system and garage. Priced for quick sale with terms. Low ’ Well worth investigating. ☆ ☆☆ HENSALL Main street location — solid -.....home, hot • water oil heat, modern kitchen. One of Hensail's finer homes. Terms available. ☆ ☆☆ HENSALL Solid brick, two bedroom home, modern kitchen and ’new furnace. Available with terms. HENSALL Frame . cottage—main street ... tion. New modern bath and re­wired throughout. Extremely low taxes. Terms available. ☆ ☆☆ DESBORO 200-acrd farm, 12 miles south of Owen Sound, 170 acres tillable, 16 acres maple bush, red brick house, hydro, bath and. pressure system; 5O'x72’ barn on stone foundation, new roof and cement floors; driv­ ing Shed, 3O’x4O'; 3 wells and never-failing spring creek. Immed­iate possession. Price $14,800.00 with terms. Other farm listings.30:6c taxes. brick loca- Guaranty Trust ‘ REALTOR R.* B. Paterson — Phone 51 ’ Hensall 10 tfc 1956 Royal Quiet Deluxe Regular $117.50 FRAME H OUSE, 1%-storey, in­ sulated, nicely decorated, hard­ wood floors, new oil furnace; with income—8-rooni ground floor apart­ ment, private entrance, 3-piece bath up, 2-pfeca bath down. .Reason for selling—ill Waith. Apply J. W, Powell, 90 Victoria. St. West, lfitlc 14 ACRES—At the edge of Exeter south, on Highway No. 4; 2-storey brick house with 3 bedrooms and bath, upstairs, living rooms, dining room, kitchen and pantry down. Can be easily duplexed. Bank barn, wited: new garage; good soil for cash or grain crops; town water in house and barn, plus royalty from leased well. This acreage will give the owner a residence in an ideal location, and also an assured year- round income from crops, livestock and. rentals. Albert Mitchell, 585 Main. St,. Exeter. '6* Now $94.75 'r Other Models From $74.50 Convenient terms can be arranged with payments spreading over the entire School year. You can pay for your machine while you use it. Get a copy of our booklet; “Mow to type your way to extra money and get better marks, too!’1 i HIGHWAY 200 ACRES, brick house, bank barn, silo, drlvcshed. 150 ACRES, brick ’ ‘ barn, driveshed.100 ACRES, brick barn, driveshed, 75 ACRES, frame barri, silo. 50 ACRES, insul-brlc house, barn, silo, driveshed.BRICK HOUSE, centre hall, oil furnace, 2 bathrooms, fireplace; suit 2 families; garage.ERICK HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, full bathj oil furnace, good barn.NEW FRAME HOUSE, basement, living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, extra lahrl.TNSUL - BW DUPLEX, seporafe bathrooms: rents at $110; price $6,300—$1,500, ddtvn.ASBESTOS SHINGLE, 2 bedrooms, 1 floor; $2,700 down, easy monthly payments on balance.WANTED TO RENT—A. 2-bedroom house, preferably east of Main St., for a client (couple). _ W. C. Pearce, Realtor. Exeter; house, house, house, bank bank bank bftnl< In the Matter, of the Estate of John Henry Prout, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased.ALL PERSONS having claims against the. Estate of the late John Henry Prout, who died on the 2nd day of September, 1955, are hereby notified to send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 16th day of Sep­tember, A.D. 1956.AFTER the last-named date, the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the persons en­titled thereto, having' regard only to claims of which the under­signed shall then have notice, W. G. Cochrane, Solicitor for the Estate. 30:6:13c In the Matter of the Estate of Daniel Edward Hicks, late of the Township of Usborne, in the Couty of Huron, deceased.ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estale of the late Daniel Edward Hicks, who .died on the 9th day of June, A.D. "956, are hereby notified to send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the Sth day of Septem­ber, 1956. AFTER the last named date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the persons entitled, thereto, having regard, only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice.DATED at Exeter, Ontario, this 16th day of‘August, A.D. 1956. W. G. Cochrane, Barrister &c., Exeter, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors- 23:30: fjc In the Estate of Albert Morenz, ALL PER SONS’6 having claims against the estate of Albert Morensf, late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of Lambton, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died, on Or about the 29th day of July ,1956, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, So­ licitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 15th day of September next, after which, date t.he estate will be dis­ tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, for the Executors, EXETER - Ontario.23:30:6 In the Estate of Irene Fee, PERSONS^ having claims the estate of Irene Pee, the Village of .Hensall, in mty of .Huron, Yvhluw, de­ ceased, who died on or about the ALL against late of __ . — ---------, —the County of Huron, Widow, de­ ceased, who died on or about the 28th day of July 1956, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Ex-- eter, Ontario, by the 15th day of September 1956, after which date the estate will be distributed hav­ ing regard only to those' claims of which notice has been received. . . Bell. Laughton, Solicitors for. the Executor, EXETER - Oh tar io._________________________23:30:61 In the Estate ofChristena McDonald, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the. estate of Christena McDonald, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County jof Huron, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 17th day of July 1956, are required, to file particulars of Same with Bell & 'Laughton, So­ licitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 15th day of September next, after which date the estate will be dis­ tributed having regard only those claims of which notice been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executor, EXETER - Ontario.23:30<6 to has In the Estate of Percy William Elsie, .ALL PER SONS86 having claims against the estate of Percy William Elsie, late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of Lambton, Painter, deceased, who died on or about the 10th day of August 1956, are required to file particulars of same with. Bell & Laughton, So­ licitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 15th day of September 1956. after which date the estate will be dis­ tributed having regard only- to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executrix, EXETER - Ontario. 23:30:6 SERVICES SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Im­mediate service. Butler Bros., Lucan, phone 108 or 130-W, 30tfc ’t FEED MOLDY GRAIN Let Us Dry It For You Apply Edg?C Cudmore Phone 171-r-14 Exeter CUSTOM COMBINING. 12-ft. S.P. combine; custom baling, ' square bales. Also manure loading. Apply Norman Whiting, Exeter, phone 655-W, evenings.____________lfitfc WHITEWASHING & CLEANING— Arrangements can be. made. Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-T-19.7:12-ll:15c HAVE YOUR SAWS sharpened and set today, the Foley automatic way. Stew’s Sharpening Service, .1.05 Sanders St. E., Exeter, Rhone 454. '_______7b WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used” For artificial insemination infor­mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at; Clinton Hit 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. Ww have all breeds available —top quality at low, cost. 4:26tfC PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKER Phone 553 Exeter NOTICES WILL Tl-iE PARTY who took two bookie cans And contents from Ipperwash. Park please return And leave with the park caretaker. 23c Notice Expropriation Notice Is hereby given that Au sable River Conservation Author­ ity under the powers given it by the Conservation Authorities Act has expropriated the following lands, namely: , • . PsrCeL..t-P|an 5628 the ........... premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Usborne, County of Huron and province of Ontario being composed of part of Dot No. 20 Second Concession, in the said Township of Usborne, which said parcel may he more particularly described as follows:PREMISING at all times a bear­ing of N 0° 00' E measured Northerly along the Easterly limit of the said Lot 20 and relating thereto all bearings contained here­in; COMMENCING at a point in the Easterly limit, of said Lot 20 dis­ tant 30.2 feet measured Northerly therealong from the .South Easter­ ly angle of said Lot 20;THENCE Northerly along the said Easterly limit a distance -of W a distance ly cLllJniv? Ol SbLiQ. Wt e*V>.THENCE Northerly along the said Easterly limit t. 1,129,34 feet; THENCE S 66’ of 661.40 feet; THENCE S of 487.73 feet!THENCE N 191.58 feet; THENCE S .. . tance of 504.22 feet, ....._ „to the place of beginning.THE hereindescribed parcel of land, containing by admeasurement 10.556 acres more, oi’ less, is shown outlined in red and marked Parcel Number 1 on a plan of survey by C. P. Corbett, O.L.S., dated April 21st, 1956, and deposited in the Registry Office, for the County of Huron as Miscellaneous Plan No. 1663.Parcel 2—Plan 5628 ALL AND SINGULAR that cer­ tain parcel or tract of land and. premises. situate, lying and being in the Township of Usbornb, County of Huron and Province of Ontario being composed of part of Lot No. 19 Third Concession in the said Township of. Usborne, which said parcel may be more particularly described as follows; PREMISING at all time a bear­ ing of N 0° 00’ E measured North­erly along the Westerly limit of said Lot 19 and. relating thereto all bearings contained herein; COMMENCING at the South West angle of said Lot. 19;THENCE Northerly along the Westerly limit of said Lot 19 a distance of 1,159.54 feet; THENCE S 66’ 47' E a distance of 434.92 feet; THENCE S 53’ 11' of 507.44 feet;THENCE N 70 tance of 437,33 feet;THENCE N 75° 16' 47' 0°00’ 90° 47° E E a distance a distance of 30" E a dis- more« or less, E a distance 5 S’ THENCE N 75° 16‘ E a distance of 455.85 feet, more or less, to the Easterly limit of said Lot 19;THENCE Southerly along the said Easterly limit a distance of 941,12 feet, more or less, to the South East angle of said Lot 19;THENCE Westerly along the Southerly limit of said Lot 19 a, distance of 1,649.60 . feet, more or less, to the Place of ^Beginning. THE HEREINDESCRIBED PAR­ CEL of land, containing by ad­ measurement 33.628 acres, more or less, is shown outlined in red. and marked as Parcel Number 2 on a plan of survey by C. P. Corbett, O.L.S., dated April 21st, 1956, and deposited in the Registry Office for the County of Huron as Mis­ cellaneous Plan No. 1663, Parcel 3—Plan 5628ALL AND SINGULAR that cer­ tain parcel or traxit of land and premises situate, lying, and being in the Township of Usborne, County of Huron and Province of Ontario being composed of, part of Lot No. 20 Third Concession in the said Township of Usborne, which said, parcel may be more particularly described as follows:PREMISING at all times a bear­ big of N 0’ 00* E measured North­ erly along the Westerly limit of Lot 19 Third Concession, in the said Township of Usborne and re­ lating thereto all bearing contained, herein.COMMENCING at .the South West angle of said Lot 20;THENCE . Northerly along ‘Westerly limit . of said Lot distance of 941.12 feet:THENCE S 56° 10’ L ~ A- ; ,of 1.027.43 feet;THENCE N 87’ 35’ tance of 201.T3 feet;THENCE N 49° 25! ----------—tance of 639.95 feet, more or less, to the Easterly-'’limit of said Lot 20;THENCE Soutlierly' along the said 'Easterly limit a distance of 835.41 feet, more or less, 'to the South. East angle of said. Lot 20;THENCE Westerly along the Southerly limit of said Lot 20 a distance of 1.674.39 feet, more or less, to the Place of Beginning’.The above described parcel of land, containing by admeasure­ment 23.850 acres, more or less, is Shown outlined in red. and marked as Parcel Number J on a plan of survey by C. F. Corbett, OGb.S., dated April 21st. 1956, and deposit­ ed in the Registry Office tor the County of Huron as Miscellaneous Plan No. 1663.Parcel 4—Plan 5628ALL AND SINGULAR that, cer­ tain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Usborne, County of Huron and Province of Ontario being composed, of part of Lot No. 5 South of the Thames Road in the said Township of Usborne, which said, parcel may be more particularly described as follows; PREMISING at all times a bear­ ing of N 0° 00’ E measured North­erly along the Westerly limit of Lot No. 19 Third Concession and relating thereto all bearings con­ tained herein.COMMENCING at a point in the Westerly limit of said Lot 5 dis­tant 556.60 feet measured Northerly therealong from the South West angle of said Lot 5;THENCE Northerly along the said Westerly limit a distance of 278.81 feet;THENCE N 88’ 23’ E a distance of 175.06 feet:THENCE S 0° 01’ W a. distance of 280.53 feet;THENCE S 88® 58’ W a distance of 162.65 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.The above described, parcel of 'land, containing by admeasurement 2.896 acres, more or .less, is shown outlined in red and marked, as Parcel Number 4 on a plan of sur­vey by C. P. Corbett. O.L.S., dated. April 21st, 1956, and deposited in thb Registry Office for the County of Huron As Miscellaneous Plan No. 1663. Parcels 5 and 6—Plan 5628ALL AND SINGULAR that cer­ tain parcel or tract, of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Usborne, County of Huron and Province of Ontario being composed of parts of Lot No. 18 in the Third Concession in the said Township of Usborne, which said, parcel may be , more particularly described as follows; PREMISING at all times a. bear­ing of N 0’ 90' E measured North­ erly along the Westerly limit of said Lot. 18 and relating thereto all bearings contained herein. IFIRSTLY;COMMENCING at a point in the Northerly limit, of said Lot 18 dis­ tant. 813.05 feet measured Easterly therealong from the North West angle of said Lot 18;THENCE Easterly along the said Northerly limit a c" feet;THENCE S O’ ( of 150.00 feot:THENCE S 89 s I of 254.55 feet;THENCE N 0’ i of 150.00 feet, Inor, place of beginning.The above described parcel of land, containingeby admeasurement 0.877 acres, more or less, is shown outlined in red and marked as Parcel Number 5 on a plan of sur­vey by C. P. Corbett. O.L.S., dated April 21st. 1956, and deposited in the Registry Office for the County nt Huron As Miscellaneous Plan No. 1663. SECONDLY: _COMMENCING At the North East angle, of said Lot 1.8 THENCE S 45’ 50’ of 467.55 feet;THENCE N .866 00’ tance of 516.5S feet: THENCE N 40’ 22' .. _____ of 598.53 feet, more or less, t... Northerly limit of said. i>ot 18; E a distance SO" E a dis- 30° E a dis- , place of beginning. The above described parcel, con­ taining by admeasurement 5.892 acres, more or less/ is shown out­lined in red and marked as Parcel No, fi on, the aforesaid Deposited Plan.And further take notice that 1he above expropriated by the Ausahlij Conservation Auth " < used for the const i | l.enance of a W< Dam and Reservoi « River and for sui ;as the Authority sary and within i.._ .........Further take notice that you are required to file a statement of any claim for compensation in rpspect of such lands so expropriated and formerly owned by jou at the of­ fice of H. G. Hooke, Esq., " tary of the Ausable River servation Authority at Exeter later than one month from sixth day of September, 1936. Dated at of August, H. G. Ausable i described lands have been ■ ■ - • !; River horiIy and will ho iruction and main* 'ater Conservation ►ir on the Ausable ch other purposes may deem nfiecs- its powers. Sp<ip- Cnri- not the Exeter, this 20th 1956.HOOKE, Secretary, River Conservation Authority day To: - Herman C. Frayne, Esquire—R.R. 3, Exeter, Ontario.William Kernick, Esquire—R.R. 3, Exeter, Ontario. William J. Chambers, Esquire— R.R. 3, Exeter, Ontario. G. H. Hay ter, Esquirp.Mrs. Ione Hayter—26113 Wood- bene Dr., Pontiac, Mich.. U S.A. Mervyn L. Dayman, Esquire—R.R. 3, Exeter, Ontario. . 23;30:6c BABY CHICKS FOR SALE ! HELP WANTED WE NEED WAITRESSES and kit* chcn help; gonri working conditiom. Apply Armstrong's Restaurant. (3c WAITRESS—Phone 4,7 Grand Send. bi5 SCHOOL and Fuel—onpr£g.«',’ c»« ponses! Meet title -extra. <rrt by selling famous line r>f produrfa. Write for details and free rata* login*. FAMILEX, Dept 1, Station Montreal. fiq HOUSEKEEPER, and raring for ? small children. Phone 187 Exeter. 6a GIRI, for the Dominion Hotel in Zurich, rhone 7f, Zurich. 6:13:2'1* WANTED COAL OIL HANGING LAMPS’’— rhonw 276. Exeter._____________Gd 12- OR 3-F.EDROOM HOUSE-Apply ■ Mr. Cunningham, Batik of Mon*- ; real, phnnp SS1 before *6 pin. 6o i WANTED TO RENT—3-bedroom house in Exeter or Hensail. Apply Neil Campbell, Blenheim. Ont., phone Orchard 0-5780 Collect.» AUCTION SALES :3G:«5* BRAY PULLETS, broilers, mostly to order. Although they are hatch­ ing weekly and may have some on hand each week for quick ship­ment. Ask us for list and full in­formation. Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246-W, 6c STOCK WANTED DEAD, DISABLED STOCK—Seven- day week service for horses, cattle, sheep pigs, calves.—Glen Kennedy, phono collect 168-W Lucan or Ex­eter 235. 12tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for al] kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. X Dow, phone S3, Exeter. 12tfc LOST POST OFFICE KEY—Anyone find­ ing a Post Office key please leave at Times-Advocate. 6c CATTLE BEAST—Strayed onto Lot 11, Con. 7, Usborne Township. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Phone 35-r-22 Kirkton. 30:6:13* AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture Opposite Mid-Town Cleaners TOWN OF EXETER SATURDAY, SEPT. 15, 1956 at 2:00 p.ni. Full set. of carpenter tools in­ cluding saws, hammers, wrenches,spirit, levels, planes: full set of garden tools; pillows: odd chairs; book case; cot; mattresses: dishes of all kinds; set of hose lnn-ft.long: set of carpenter horses; large quantity of sealers: rubber boots; sLep ladder; desk; ladder; cross-cut saw: green rug, 9'x9'; rug, 7’x8’; 2 wicker lawn chairs: rocking chairs; electric flat irons; electrio clock: electric cord, 8-ft. long; electric toaster: Quebec heater; quantity of antique dishes; 4 car tires; coal pail; pictures and picture frames: many other articles too numerous to mention. Anyone wishing to sell anything may do so at this sale, MRS. CASE HOWARD. Prop.CLARK FISHER, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer 6:13c Your vacation needs are some­ one’s “Don’t Needs”—run a T-A Want Ad. Beauty Queens They’re beautiful to look at—lovely,, lines, i)ice upholstery, pretty accessories. And they’re easy to handle, too. Pick out your Queen today. ’56---------------------------- --------------- --------CHEV V8 HARDTOP, radio, low mileage . $2,795 L.S.M.F.T. 3 s distance of 254.55 03' 67' 03 E a W W a distance distance distance... .. 0. „_____ •e or less, to the W a distance 30" W a dis- W a distatica tn, the X ’56 ’53 ’52 ’52 ’52 ’52 ’51 ’53 ’4,9 ’49 ’47 ’51 ’51 ’54 ’51 ’49 ’48 MONARCH SEDAN ......................... Overdrive, comfort with economy FORD COACH, radio, a nice one BUICK SEDAN, dynaflow, radio . METEOR HARDTOP, radio ......... FORD COACH, automatic .......... PLYMOUTH COACH, a nice one . CHEV COACH, like new ............... HILLMAN HARDTOP, radio ........ MERCURY COACH ......................... FORD CLUB COUPE..../.................. CHEV COACH, a beauty ............... PREFECT......................................... TRUCKS REO 5-TON DUMP, new motor FORD PICKUP ............................ DODGE PICKUP ....‘..... .............. DODGE 34-T0N EXPRESS ........ MERCURY PICKUP ..................... SPECIALS per $2,395 895 550 55Q 350 195 $1,295 $ 795 $ 495 . $ 425 350 The following 30-day units to be reduced day until sold. Thursdays $10 Price ’54 FORD SEDAN, you’re breaking my heart, $1,385 705 675 675 615 575 ’51 ’50 ’50 ’50 ’49 ’51 3| s ♦ 3 z 3 3 CHEV SEDAN, new motor FORD SEDAN, she's O.K. . METEQR SEDAN ................ CHEV SEDAN, a good one MERCURY COACH, radio .. TRACTORS FORD, low hours ............................. '48 FORD, a steal..................................... A SET OF RUBBER HALF TRACKS .... Just the thing lor those soft spots FORD STIFF TOOTH CULTIVATOR .... ’56 CASE 4-ROW SCUFFtER................ • « s5 >4* $ 775 $ $ 395 225 2 $ $ •; x Larry Sn icier Motors Your Forcl-Monarch Dealer l. PHONS I