HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-09-06, Page 7Pitchers From District !
Win Horseshoe Prizes
Fred Harburn, Cromarty, and were Basil Preszcator and, Amos
Jack Boa, Hensall, swept the Darlin;
major O’Keefe awards in the Lloyd .............................
horseshoe pitching tournament at. Kipfer, Dashwood, placed third,,
Hensall Kinsmen’s Ontario Bean followed by two more Exeter
Festival Monday afternoon. . twosomes, Jim Hennesey and ■■
The two local pitchers captured Cyril Blommoart and Harry Rod
the open doubles trophy .and the a™ Jini Scivire.
Western Ontario Championship ' . Basil Preszcator placed second
by defeating a Toronto team of 1° George Boa m the B
Roy Wilknison and Pat Ginn. i singles competition. .
Harburn won the open singles tournev16 29 contcs*;anl5 10
with Boa placing a close second. < tourxiey> _______
Jack Boa’s brother, George, of
Staffa, was a winner in both the \A/z-sz> L»
doubles and singles competition VV QOQlldirn
in “B” class-open to residents frnm awithin 25-mile radius.—to bring . n* nuc,, fl°n
more honors to the Boa family. • yislJcd ..wltb -anJ Mrs- Wil-
George teamed up with Herman ™ Wilson on Monday.
Fisher, of R.R. 2 Clinton, in the ; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills attend-,
doubles competition. ed the Morrison-Mather wedding'
Second^ in the “B” doubles at Crediton on Saturday. Mrs. j
Minerva Jolliffe of Port Elgin!
who was their guest, also attend- !
cd the wedding, I
Mr. Wm. Mills and Kenneth!
attended the Toronto Exhibition I
and visited in Orillia where Ken
has a position as music teacher
1 in the schools.
Miss Catherine Cameron of i Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques,
Wingham is visiting with her sis-: Danny and Debby motored to
ter, Miss Ruth Cameron, at Mr. ' Flint, Mich., for the weekend
I-Iubert Hunters. ! with Mr. and Mrs. Glen ’Lam-
Mr, and Mrs. Hubert Hunter,bert- Mrs- Jacques returned
Wit|T |j]ern after Spen(iing two
weeks with her daughter.
Mrs. Harold Thompson, Park-o
hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Smith, London, were Sunday
visitors with Misses Blanche and
Rhea Mills, Barbara Thompson
who spent the past week with her
aunts returned home,
1 Mrs. (Dr.) Morphy and John
; went to Toronto for the weekend.
. . . - ...... Mr. and Mr.s Ross Hodgert,
spending a week with her sister, Thames Road, were Thursday
visitors with Mr .and Mrs. Law-
Mr, and Mrs. Laurie Stephens I rence Copeland.
and Jerry of London visited with- ..........2 ”__
Mr. Chas. Stephens and Mrs.1 were guests at the 20th wedding
Thos. Bell on Sunday. ■ anniversary of Mr, and Mrs.
The Story In
* • *-*‘*'^ AUio, A1UMVAV Uli |
Mr. Ross Hunter and Miss Ruth
Cameron visited on Sunday with
Miss Zora and Clara Dixon of
Mrs. F. Bibby is a patient in
South Huron Hospital.
Mr. tt:-“ ........‘...... '
taking treatment.
Miss Anne Miller of Clande-
boye returned home Friday after
< ...............
Mrs. Howa”d Cunnington.
Hiram Beeber returned
on Tuesday from St, Jo-
Hospital, London, after
ig, of the Exeter club.
> _Guenther and Elgin
Mr. and Mrs Arnold Hern
The Hirns-Advocate, & W56
as your
CHAMPION PITCHERS—Jack Boa, left; of Hensall,xand
Fred Harburn, Cromarty, won. open titles at the Western
Ontario horseshoe pitching contest at the Ontario Bean
Festival on Monday. Shown here with their mug trophies,
the two won the open doubles and placed one-two in the
singles competition. , —T-A Photo
Howard Morley of Hazel Park,
Mich’., held in Whalen school on
Monday evening when over. 70
guests were entertained, Mr.
Morley is a former Whalen boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vodden,
Mrs. Alice Radford, Blyth, Mrs.
I Robt. Scott, Clinton, were Mon-
i day- visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
E. Vodden,
Sandra, Sharon, Ricky and
Kevin Brown of Stratford spent
Mdnday with Mr, and Mrs. Ar-
| nold Hern.
They’re all as near
IT’S NICE TO KNOW — especially when
you are alone at night — that you have
only to pick up the telephone to summon
the police or fire department — call the
doctor—ask neighbors or friends for help.
The speed and dependability of the
telephone and of the operators behind it not
only mean prompt help in emergencies large
and small, but a comforting sense of security
through all the hours of day and night.
In time of need, no dollars can measure the
value of your telephone, 4
FESTIVAL ATTRACTION—Even though it was one
the smallest of 50 floats in the Bean Festival parade, this
decorated truck attracted considerable attention, from
Hensall residents who enjoyed its comment on the school
controversy. Gerald Bell is the driver and Billy Taylor is
the passenger in the lift. " —T-A Photo
Fork-Lift Truck Float
Mocks PS Troubles
Crowds of people lined the j music for the mile-long proces-
Areets of Hensall to watch the sion.
On August 6th,'tojthe.facilitiesjof
Studebaker-Packard wereadded^thelstrength
streets of Hensall to watch the
50-float parade which started the
195,6 Ontario Bean Festival rol
ling Monday.
Goderich Girls Trumpet Band,
■ Exeter Legion. Pipe Band and
the London East Lions Boys and
« Girls Concert Band provided the
' ' OF- *
j able ^fuel/J
B’LUE COAL is the best coal
you can buy—it’s cleaned and
thoroughly screened to give you
top satisfaction. Give us your
order now—winter won’t be far
Kinsmen president Bill Mickle,
Reeve Norman Jones, and Frof.
J. C. Steckley, head of tile WO
Agricultural School, Ridgetown,
rode to the fair grounds in an
open, horse-drawn carriage de
corated in Kinsmen colors.
Even though it was one of the
smallest floats in the parade, a
little fork lift industrial truck
from General Coach Works of
Canada Ltd. attracted consider
able comment. A sign on the lift,
which was in operation as the
truck travelled in the parade,
asked “Who has more ups ancl
downs than Hensall School
Board'?” The comment referred
to the board’s difficulty in get
ting its new school plans '’ap
proved by council. Most Hensall
residents enjoyed the joke.
The newly-formed Kinette club,
which helped sponsor the Festi
val with Kinsmen this year, de- *
picted themselves as a baby in
a cradle.- '
Members of the Exeter Saddle
Club and clowns headed the pro
An old-time dance was staged '
on one float by Exeter Kinsmen
who were advertising their Har-'
vest Jamboree on October 5.
Firms and organizations enter
ing floats included:
Drysdale Hardware Ltd., Bob
Cook Motor Sales, Pearson Mo
tor Sales, Spencer Lumber,.Hen
sall Motor Sales, Clark and.Fuss,
Ontario Hydro, Hensall ’ Boy
Scouts, McKinley Farms and
Hatchery Ltd., Thiel Transport,
Geo. L. Mickle, General Coach,
Gerald Gingerich, Guenther
Tuckey Transport Ltd., Seaforth
Fire Brigade, Bill Clement, Hen
sall WI, Hensall Co-op, Lake
view Hatchery Ltd., Mel Web
ster, W. G. Thompson, Mid-Town
Cleaners, Cook Bros.,
Tuckey Beverages.
of management and thefdiversification.v
of the Curtiss-Wright'Corporation.iW’ith
renewed assurance for the future* ZwithMiw
financial and manufacturing resources
.. with the greatest line of cars in its histoty.\ w
Members of a Canadian Legion
branch have designed and built
a portable outdoor stage and
donated it to a Veterans’ hos
pital. Mounted on a trailer, it
can be assembled in a few min-
Jlkutes into a 20’ x 27' stage and
TWnovcd to any part of the hos-
Tpi'tal grounds, •
Light, casy-to-handlp alumi
num w.as the Legion members*
obvious choice of material. And
in case of sudden thunderstorms,
it would be a simple matter to
roll the performers, stage and
all, under the nearest shelter.
A typical example of how alu
minum often provides not just
one but several advantages on
a single job.
—Continued from Page'3
Bdrton Morgan in St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn
have returned home after visit
ing in Toronto for two weeks
with Mr, and Mrs. J. ’Paisley
and family, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Dunn and family and attending
the Canadian National Exhibi
Miss Marion Jeffers of Lon
don was a weekend visitor with
Marina Bowden.
Eleanor Mae Hodgins, Wreaths
Sholdice, Joyce Macdonald and
Margie Bowden returned home
from Grand Bend on Labor Day.
Mr.’ Amos Wright had the mis
fortune to get his hand cut with
the saw while he was cutting
wood on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smythe
were in London for a couple of
day Sr visiting their daughter, Mrs.
H. Theander- who is a patient in
the hospital.
Shower For Bride-Elect
Autumn flowers, streamers and
white bells formed the back
ground for the miscellaneous
shower L. the schoolroom of the
church on Tuesday evening when
Miss Evelyn Wright, R.N,( bride
elect of this week was the guest
of honour, A reading “Double
Wedding” was given by Allison
Clarke in costume as she imper
sonated both the bride and ’the
groom. Odeyfte Clarke, Arlene
Morgan, and Marina Bowden
formed a trio and sang approp
riate numbers with Mrs. K.
Hodgins at the piano, Marilyn
Bissett of Exetet* entertained
with several accordion selec-'
tions, An address was road by
Mrs. Lome Hicks and Evelyn
was presented with many beauti
ful and useful gifts. Arlene Mor
gan and Marina Bowden assist*
Studebaker Golden Hawk-275 hp< , . » room for five
s.. It’s America’s #1 family sports car.
The Inimitable Packard— America’s finest fine car—,
and now you c&n afford this luxury beyond compare!
Clipper by Packard — Finest of medium-price cars
built by Packard craftsmen*
Situdebiaker President QlassiC’—’Leader of the big new
line of 16 Studebaker models/