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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-09-06, Page 6
Th« TuW'AcIvacate, Suptembar 1956 How About ' the setting for the marriage of; ceremony Mavis Elaine McBride S°/Otflnd i and Charles Robert Atthill ex Yours? By MARJORIE STEINER A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate Autumn Flowers i Exchange Vows Decorate Rites ]At Bride's Home i Creditpn United Church was! In a pretty eariy-September iter of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew G. ! Mathers, R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig, ‘ to Reginald Joseph Morrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Morrison of Kirkton, on Satur- jday afternoon, September 1. The Our ralish recipes have been > simmer for two hours. Bottle j Rev. Alex Rapson performed the I quite popular we’ve been told.! while hot. i ceremony against a '.ackground tiAnn vnn will i<u tb.A folks • « * * * i of gladioli, ferns and lighted Cookies, with fresh peaches or ] candles. . lUMlI ___ ____ __1- ... . ’ ‘ Given in marriage by her Wayne Tuckey, Mrs. Norris At-; cessful in using them. And one sort for busy^days. Mrs. Norman i father the bride was lovely in a thill Mrs Bpverlv Skinner Mrs ■ way to show your appreciation1 McLeod of Kippen sent us seye-: floor length gown of Chantilly Saturday Bride Displays Gifts ■On Wednesday lac-t. Mrs. Wal ter ‘ McBride entertained at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Mm is. prior Io her marriage on September 1. Guests were received by the bride-elect, her mother and Mrs. Edward, Atthill. mother of the groom elect. I....... ___ - - ----- ---- Displaying the trousseau and <h°Pe ^ou who were so willing to share wuimva, mm «vo» ,gifts m the afternoon weie Mrs. jinow teat you were sue- applesauce, make an easy des-who were so willing John Tavior and Miss Ruth Ann would be to share some of your ral of her favorite recipes. So | iaCe and nylon over slipper satin, McBride/Mrs. Elmorc McBride, favorite recipes with them. mre rh nAAi.-iO Mrs. Whitney Coates, JMrs. Nor-, ’ man Walper. Mrs. Verne Pin- < Chutney sauce is especially i /largaret < g00tj wRh co]j meat and we Toom. ■ 'pienfiful you might like tn make’3| Assisting in the evening were i some, Mrs. W. J, Mo ores Hervieux. Miss Patricia Kers-! thod: Miss’ Ruth Ann McBride. Serv-I ing tea were Mrs. Elmore Me-1 Bride, Mrs. Whitney Coates, Mrs. Edward McBride. Mrs. Stewart. Beattie, Mrs. Allan West cott and Mrs. N. Walper. j More than 90 guests signed the bride's book. : good with com mear ana we ? JJJJJ shortening McBride assisted in the dining tthought, while tomatoes are so] j cup "mild mol’a Assisting in the evening were i some, Mrs. W. J, ____ Mrs. Wayne Tuckey. Mrs. Harvey; (Thames Road) uses this Ilervieux, Miss Patricia Kers-'thod: lake, Miss Donna _ McBride _ and j Chutney Sauce (Mrs. W. J, Moores) 10 lbs. ripe tomatoes 4 lbs. white sugar 5 lbs. diced anples 1 qt. chopped onions 1 qt. vinegar 1 oz, cinnamon 1 tbsp, ground cloves 1 tbsp, mace Mix all ingredients and slowly until thick. Seal while # K< ® i>: Peach time, is here again and case you are planning to make some marmalade we think this recipe sounds like one you’d like. . Peach Marmalade i (Miss Elva Morley) i 24 peaches (cut in pieces) • 4 oranges Rind of 3 of the oranges 34 lbs, sugar Combine all ingredients __ let stand overnight. In morning CORSETRV esnsultatfons And Fittings By Appointment In Your Own Home Mrs. V. Armstrong i 89 Anne St., Exeter i Phone 125 I B-SEE let's fill up the cookie jar. Janie's Ginger Snaps (Mrs, N. McLeod) cup sugar cup mild molasses cups flour , Pinch of salt me’ 2 tsps, soda 1 tbsp, cinnamon 1 tbsp, ginger 3 tbsp, water „ . Mix ingredients well and form i Miss Mariob Madge, Exeter, hVvo Chill as maid °f 110J10r» wore a waltz- SuU aCndb&e‘inttl1ta^:!^ ffl™ Xhetaaffl ft MH end'/rkirri V llke ^leS61 Mrs’ ’ strapless bodice was topped with !McLeod added.) # # s ’a matching jacket and the bouf- ! The next recipe will makeLo J’V aSi'S cook : cookies so. if your family is I!'?.110™mti?hll.eJ hot. smaU, maybe you would like to, and carried t quet of white snow drops and fern. , , Bridesmaids . Miss Beverley Niel of Crediton and Miss Mary Alatliers of Ailsa Craig wore ; gowns of similar design in ' shades of seafoam green and ' soft pink. They wore matching ; headbands and carried bouquets of white snowdrops and fern. • Eleanor Walker and Judy • Lamport, cousins of the bride, I were her flowergirls wearing | yellow and mauve nylon net over ' t with matching floral (The fitted bodice, with nylon (yoke outlined in scalloped lace, j was styled with matching small ; collar and lily point sleeves. The bouffant skirt, in redingote effect, was designed with an accordian pleated panel, A crown of seed pearls held her finger lip veil of French illusion and ■ the bride carried a white Bible 1 crested with red Sweetheart , 4 proses and stephanotis. iorm j Miss Marion Madge. Exeter, as maid of honor, wore a waltz- ft ! i and i School Town Topics—- Items ©f Sochi and Personal Interest In end Around Exeter The Exeter Timea-Advocate is always pleased te publish these items. We and oifc readers are interested in you and your friends, RhonA 770. half the recipe. Sour Cream Cookies (Mrs. N. McLeod) All measurements level: cups brown sugar cup Crisco eggs cup sour cream tsp. salt tsp. nutmeg . .11 4 tsp. baking powder 1 cup raisins 2 1 2 1 i 1 tsp. soda 4 J cups pastry flour 1 cup raisins 1 cup nuts ---------Cream Crisco, salt and sugar I taffeta .. .. together. Add cream, eggs, nuts) headbands. They carried yellow and raisins. ’n4'!“ — *” --- -------*’----- ~~'1 x— by spoonsful Bake in hot minutes. Correction: Top bargains for SHDHS,girls and young ladiesl All new stock, ranging from cottons to wools. Buy nowk Sale LADliS' WEAR Phone 474 Exeter Mix well and drop < snowdrops and fern. onto battered pan. i Ray Morrison of St. Marys fft- oven (450°) for 15 '.tended the groom and the ushers were John Mathers and Murray Pridham, Mrs. Jack Coates of* * * Pridham. Mrs. Jack Coates of Our teaspoons and Centralia presided at the organ tablespoons got all mixed up last and accompanied the soloist, week. T: Mrs. Dow’s hot dog rel-jRay Mills of Woodham, Uncle of ish the amounts are—1 teaspoon the groom, who sang I’ll Walk each of cinnamon, allspice and Beside You and The Lord’s tumeric and 2 teaspoons salt. Prayer. Please make the correction if * For the reception at the home vnn +a mca +u?c of tiie bride’s parents, her mo4 ther received the guests wear ing a navy nylon over taffeta gown with navy and white ac cessories and a corsage of red roses and stephanotis. The groom’s mother wore Chantil ly lace over taffeta in’ dusty rose 1 shade, with navy accessories Mrs. Robert Hera and daughter | and a co&agp of yellow roses i Linda of Jarvis are visiting with j and stephanotis. t _ Mr. and Mrs. John Selves. , Miss Jane Dettmer of Exeter visited last week with her uncle and aunt, Air, and Airs, Victor Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shulman and Marcia of Erhbro spent Sun day with Air. and Mrs. Ernest Pym. Mrs. Glenn Jeffery attended a' shower for Miss Margaret Wil lard, bride-elect of this month, at the home of Airs. Norman Whiting of Exeter on Friday evening. Mr, and Airs. Wm. Passmore of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore spent Sunday with Air. and Mrs. George Caswell and Mr. and Mrs. of Brantford, turned home having spent | Brantford. you plan to use this recipe. This Week In Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE Jean Blommaert, Louise Blom- maert and Diane King assisted at the reception. For their wedding trip to the West coast, the bride wore a navy and pink box-style suit black patent and, pink accesso ries and corsage Of pink roses. Upon their return they will make their home in St. Marys. Guests from St. Marys, Mitch ell, London, Sarnia. Parkhill, Kirkton, Centralia and Exeter attended the wedding. Morrison Caswell Beverley Ann re- with them after three weeks in SUPEfNOR STORES The Best Place To Shop After AH PROZEN Green Peas sI 3 s Prices Effective September 6, 7, 8 Fancy PKGS. 43o ? It 11 n> 11111 ill > 11111 r i > it 11111111111 mil K $ « s ooMksTie j | Shortening} I 5 CMEfiftY MOAN Instant Coffee t5e on “■ $1.43 iittiitititiuttriitniiiiiiiinifiiKtiiiiiiitnntniHiiiinciiifiitiiiniiriiiiiiiiiiiniitiiiiniiiiiinftiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKtit Lowneys Mallows ANGELUS' Clark's Beans with Pork *£ 2i.,33c 2 w 39 c ’ n'Oz- MaBottle fetOV X 29c changed marriage vows in a set ting of white gladioli and ferns at the home of the bride’s par-i ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Me-! Bride, R.R. 1 Centralia, on Sat urday afternoon. The groom is the son of Mrs. Edward Atthill and the late Mr. Atthill of Kirk ton. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev, Har old Snell of Exeter. Given in marriage by her fath er, the bride was lovely in a floor-length gown of nylon chif fon and tulle over slipper satin* designed with a long, softly-shir red torso worn with a Chantilly lace bolero made with lily point sleeves. The bouffant skirt was accented at ’the hip line with a band of shirred chiffon which formed a sash at the back. A half hat of Chantilly lace dotted with seed pearls held her finger tip veil of silk illusion. The bride’s bouquet was of red roses with stephanotis and ivy. Mrs. Wayne - Tuckey who at tended her sister as matron of honor and Miss Ruth Ann Mc Bride, as bridesmaid, wore iden tical crystal-charm gowns of Twilight blue. Velvet bows ac cented the gowns and fell in streamers to the hem line at the back. They wore matching small picture hats with velvet bow trim and carried bouquets of red roses and white gladioli. Norris Atthill, brother of the groom, was best man and John Taylor was usher. Miss Mary Margaret McBride, sister of the bride, played tra ditional wedding music. For t'.u reception at Arm strong’s, the bride’s mother re ceived the guests wearing a blue tweed dress with black acces sories and a corsage of red roses, The mother of the groom wore blue brocaded silk with dusty rose accessories and a corsage of pink roses. For their wedding trip to Northern Ontario the bride changed to a sheath dress and duster in rust shade with which she wore black and white acces sories and a corsage of yellow1 mums, On their return Mr. and Mrs. Atthill will make their home in Exeter.’ Guests from Toronto, Mala- chewan, Kirkton and Exeter at tended the wedding. WMC Entertains At Pentecostal The Vr.M.C. of the Pentecostal Church entertained the children on Thursday, August* 30. Mrs. Harold Butler opened the meet ing with prayer. A duet was rendered" by Sharon and Helen Krause.- Two 'object 'lessons were given by Mrs. Wilfred Prouty and Wanda MacLaren. Choruses were led by Joyce Hamilton and Wanda MacLaren. Neil Hamilton sang a solo. Lunch was enjoyed. Decoration Service Held At Clandeboye The 33rd annual memorial and decoration service was held at St. James Anglican Church cem etery on Sunday. The rector, the Rev. J. P. Brest, conducted the service in the church. Guest Speaker was the Rev. Edgar Roulstori, minister of the Lucan and Clandeboye United Church- ; es, who spoke on the exhortation Air. and Mrs. R. E. Davis . Mrs. Jack Routledge, of To- and Elizabeth, of Port Credit, ronto, visited with Mrs. Harper visited with Miss Verna Coates Rivers. . while on holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Cor- Air. Ivy Allen, of Brantford, I nish, Exeter, Air. and Airs. Al- visited last week with his niece,1 bert Hey and Air. Phillip James, Airs. Preston Dearing. j ”------—J *“ —Mr. and Mrs. Neil Jones, of! Kitchener, were holiday visitors ■ with Air. and Mrs. J. H. Jones, j Mr., Herman Prior of Portage j la Prairie is visiting his sister, I Aliss Olive Prior. I Larry Lewis, Granton, visited I last week with Mr. and Mrs. { Gordon Smith. Mr. and Mrs, Wes Witmer and.] Leo attended the funeral of Jimmy" Witmer, sop of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Witmer, of Guelph, on Saturday. Visitors with Mrs. Amelia Brierly last week were Dr. R, W. B. Jackson and son Peter, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard -Ford and family, of Brampton. Mr. and Mrs, C. V. Pickard, Miss Marguerite and Trudy spent Sunday in Guelph and on Monday went to Hamilton where both young women are mem bers of the leaching staff. Miss Meta Salter spent the weekend with Mr. and Airs. Charles Salter, of Wingham. Donald Idle, son of Mrs and Mrs. Arthur B. Idle; began his teaching duties in Stinson Street Public School, Hamitlon, Tues day. Air, and Mrs. Alalcolm Kirk land, of Kitchener, visited with the former’s parents, Mil and Mrs. James Kirkland, Mr. and Mrs, Russell Knapp, of St, Louis, Mich., were week end guests of Mr. and Airs. R. N, Creech. Miss Beth Taylor is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor. u Air, and Mrs, Hilton Laing and Danny spent last week at Ducharme Beach. Mrs. Jean Manson visited with her sister in Zurich. Mr. and 'Mrs, R. H. Doherty and Denise, of Mt. Clements, Mrs, Carrie Helsom, of Detroit, and Miss Wilma Coates, of Lon don, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates, Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ott and three children, of Listowel, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Idle. SUPERIOR Propane Limited Your Distributor for Propane Gas and AppbancM for Farm, Home and Industry Call Stratford 4174jUVX V Xlvy clni ’XVII» of Cromarty, motored to Hamil ton on Sunday to visit relatives; and friends. Mrs. E. Pybus, London, visit-] ed with Mr. and Airs. William j Pybus over the weekend. j Air, and Airs. Stanley Love! and Mr. and .Mrs, Alvin Mc Bride have returned home from a two-month trip to the west coast. Miss Donna AIcBride is ___ ing her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alvin McBride. Miss Gail Roulston, Simcoe, visited alst week with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howald. i Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson, i Leona and Mabie motored to Hamilton on Sunday where Le ona remained to take up her j teaching duties. Mrs. Jean Jordan, of London, spent the weekend with Mrs. Martha Smith. ill >i i in iHlit 1111 ii i > 11 it 111 ii ii i >f 11 f ii i >1111111|, 111,11 ii 1111111111111 in ii 111 inn I till i li Hi I«H • < KU • • I •• •111 •*1111111111,111 ’’’■J = ... I F s visit-Beauty Shoppe September 17 to 22 ’Y GO BY' Beauty’ Bar Myrland Smith, Prop; Individual Styling, Permanents Hair .Treatments, Tinting Manicures., - Facials * 409 Main St. Phene 522 Ethel’s Beauty Salon PHONE 18, GRAND BEND Open 9 to 6, Monday to Friday Friday Evening Till 9.00 SATURDAY 9 to 12 Two Experienced Operators: Eleanor Wasnidge, Ethel Dnsjardine, Proprietress aplenty is my rule Forwenergy ter hack-to-schooli Love the taste . . . really cool! z 13M Exeter Dairy •: f Phone 331-J For Daily Delivery , | » * 2 ’^i!it<iHiiiiH!!iiiit{tiiiii<iiiiiifiiiiiniiinitiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiHiiiiiiiinniiniinitiu>iiiHH)HiiiiiiH>iniimi<iixS d I drink milk every day zs so good ”m©st any way" • Try it plain or in a shake For flawr if takes the caksl" Ahead of Ail Others 4 For The Rural And Suburban Home’ t. Matchless Ignition Made In Canada The S-P Matchless'several years at the home Mr. and .Mrs, Rea Neil, while he attended S.S. No. 4 (Marrs School), has taken up residence’ in London, to attend the Beal Technical School. Mt. and Mrs. Peter Banks of Sarnia spent the weekend. ’ with the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs., Maurice Simpson. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil fred Cunningham fox' the week end were Mrs. Fern Cunning ham of London and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ritchie of Baden. Sun day visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Harper and Joan of St. Pauls. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Batten pf Exeter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carter on Sunday. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs, Andy Erskine, Parkhill, Miss Joan Muriels'and Mr, C. Ed- ginton. -» Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hodgins and daughters, Laura and Pat, attended the 20th anniversary of Mr.- and Mrs. Howard Morley of Detroit which was celebrated on Sunday at Whalen School with 80 guests attending. Guests of Mrs, Eslie Hodgson were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jack- son of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Summer of London. Mr. and Mi's. Edmund Arm strong had as their guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs! Goldwin Glenn. Miss Jackie Williams of Sarnia spent the weekend with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs, Mac McKernan of Windsor spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Andy Carter. Miss Mary Jane Hall is teach ing at the school of the Most Precious Blood, Windsor. New teachers in this district are: S.S. No. 2 Biddulph town ship, Miss Donna Mills of Wood ham ; Clandeboye school No, 4 and 12, Miss Elaine Grainger of Zurich; S.S. No. 4 McGillivray township, Miss Betty McIntyre of Highgate.. Mrs. Sidney Hodgms,.a patient I in St. Joseph^ Hospital, marked her Bist birthday Sunday, Sept Range f or 57' 4 es, whb spoke on the exhortation of faith. The guest soloist was Larry Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis, Granton. Flowers were placed iff the. church in memory of the de ceased members of the 35 year old L.O.B.A, Lodge 387, Lucan, and the 40 year old Clandeboye W.I. and Mr, .and Mrs.. Eli Carter. A large crowd gathered in the 96 year-old cemetery, and de corated the graves with floral tributes. The caretaker, Charles Edginton, who has worked there for over 30 years, had the large grounds well kept. Moore Cun ningham, Secretary since 1928, greeted the visitors. Wardens are Rae Hodgins and Alan Hill. The first decoration service was held in September, 1923 when the late'Rev. K- McGoun was rector and perpetual care was started. The rector and the cemetery committee are desirous of build ing a cemetery chapel In St, I James Church yard as soon as ; possible. Cemetery committee I members are Rev. J. P. Brest, rector, J. Murdy, Austin Hod gins from Holy Trinity Church, Lucan; Andy Carter, Karl O’ Neil, Rae Hodgins, Alan Hill and M, Simpson from James Church. Personal Items Mrs. Lawrence Beaman, and Stanley, Mrs. J, Dorman and Max and Mrs. V\ Cochrane visit ed with Mrs, J, H. Paton on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Simp son attended a party in honor of the soth birthday of the latter’s father, Mr. T, Stevenson, Alisa Craig. Mr. Stevenson received 90 cards. He and his son, Jack, have a furniture store and funer al parlors in Ailsa Craig. .Matchless Economy Check those ‘MATCHLESS features: Economical 'mini-pilots light all top burners and. oven in a split second NO MATCHES REQUIRED Famous Centre Simmer top burn ers give exact heat control: two giant- and two' standard size. Minute Minder times cooking up to one hour. Spacious oven accomodates the largest roasting pan. Heavy insulation keeps heat in I iJam, Marmalade st;Xurteos Heinz Tomat© Ketchup >iiiirriniitimiiiinniitiii»i>iii,iuiifiiiiiitHiAktiiiitutiititiiiiiitiiiiiitiiittiitiiiniiiHiiinttiitiiiiiiii>iiiiti*iiitiiiiit( Five Roses Cake Mix Deal 1 PKG. POUND OAKE AND 1 PKG. W.HfTE FOR iiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiininBijiiitniniiniiittiiinniitiHintiiiiniiiiiiintninniiiiiiiiiiitHiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiHiithiiiiiit X 39c 29c Introductory Bpaclal Price Until September 30 $198.0.0 Including Installation (Gas Wxtra) (Regular Value $239.(15)' Down Payment: $20.00 Balance Oh Easy Term* Over Two Years Treesweet Blended Juice ■ Tomato Juice Stok'ley 2«. its, PKC*. & s 5 s s i Vol - Lipton Soupmix „ «« CHICKEN NOODLE OR TOMATO VEGETABLE .... C Flcgfl. iiiiiiiiiiinuiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiiiniiniiiiinnnininitiuitinHHiiiiiiiiiiintiiuiiiiiuiiiiuiiitttiiiiutiiiiiittituiiitniiiitnr Deal 31C Phone 532Free Delivery ml- MOW W.Tt^r^fos’' 21-Wt W' SUPERIOR LTp, Our Representative Will Call At Your Request 159 MONKITH STV STfcATFORO PHONB 3260 Write or Phone wi*'r ..the oven and out of the kitchen,-; < ' ((-fi Oven window and interior light. Smokeless’, pull-out broiler. PROPANE 4