HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-09-06, Page 3The Times-Advocete, September 6t 1956 Peg* 3COMING EVENTS j
Legion Hall, Hensall, Saturday,
•September 8, 9 p.m. Jackpot
$80.00 in 56 calls. $5.00 added. I
each week until won. 14 regular I
games at 10C a. game. No ad-;
mission. Sponsored by Hensall
Legion. 6c
Commtnh About
sociation regular meeting, Tues
day,, September 11, 8:15 p.m.
(Social Evening). Membership
tickets will be available. b 6c
Diuron Hospital regular meeting,
Tuesday, September 11, at 2:30
p.m. 6c
P«rson*l |t«m&
Aftex' directing a C.G.I.T. camp
of 96 girls at Quin Mo Lac, at
tending Leadership Lab for C.G.
I.T. workers at Ryde Lake, On
tario and a-ting as Enrichment
Counsellor at Ryerson Beach
Young Peoples’ Executive Camp,
Frances Clarke accompanied by
her aunt, Miss Isabel 01dford!,J
left for Brantford, on Wednesday
of last week to begin her work
at the Colborne St. United
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Williams
7 of Ailsa. Craig .s' ed with Mrs.
IP. Simpson last week.
Master Wayne and Miss Mary
Jo Baynham have returned to
their home i.t Detroit after visit
ing with their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham.
School re-opened c Tuesday
with Mrs. Lome Hicks again in
charge. Eight of Jhe pupils are
being transported to the Fairfield
school on account of the over
crowded condition in the Cen
tralia school.
Mr. Wes Hodgins and his
daughter, Mrs.' J. McLachlan of
London were Sunday visitors at
the home of Mrs. Thos. Willis.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kauk and
son Gary of Trenton visited
friends in Centralia and Moores
ville over thb holiday.
Miss Blanche Morgan, who has
been on vacation at her home for
the past couple of weeks, visited
for a few days with her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.. _ 7—Please Turn to PageLOCAL it*.
THOUSANDS AT GRAND BEND FOR HOLIDAY—Over 10,000 persons vacationed at
Grand Bend over the Labor Day holiday, the largest crowd of the summer. Most of
them attended the Sunday entertainment on th'e beach which was sponsored by the
Grand Bend promotion committee. Part of the crowd ' is shown here watching Cliff
Scanlon and his orchestra. —T-A Photo
Town Topics
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Paterson,
Billy, Margery and Peggy, of
Toronto, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Biggart and Barba
Look how
solihe fences have
staved down
Message From ;
The Harmony Class of the i =
United Church will hold their > |
meeting on Friday evening at the11
home of Mr. and Mrs Bryden < s Taylor. j |
Holiday Visitors ' I
H. Cornish# L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchdi
264 DUNDAS ST. *
Mr, and Mrs. Byron _ Brown i ^)nUMi|utttMuumi.nii>iimuiuiMMumiiiimiuHm»ut>>uMNnmtnwntinMiinu>uramwnniiluiiwiiH.nnN'ili
But Scabs Cut Down Quality
Despite this summer’s heavy
rainfalls, .there’s at-, least one
good crop 'on district farms and
that’s apples.
J. J. Johnson, London, super
vising inspector of the fruit and
vegetable division,' Canada De
partment of Agriculture, pre
dicts the harvest this year will
be only 15 percent below the
record crop of last year.
Mr. Johnson told 60 members
of Huron County Fruit Growers’
Association, which met in Ex
eter Thursday night, that “while
there is a great contrast in yield
and quality of apples in - this
district, in general the area has
a pretty fair crop in quantity at
Percentage of apples of mar
ketable grade will be lower this
year, however, because of nume
rous diseases which have at
tacked the crop. The wet weather
has brought a rash of fruit
The market picture appears
bright and officials are hopeful
of a good price. Yield in Eastern
Ontario and Quebec is away
down and a greater demand for
southern Ontario apples is' ex
pected. On the other hand, the
crop in the state of Michigan,
a major producer, is up this
year and U.S. growers may
invade Canadian markets.
Mr. Johnson predicted this
fall’s price would be “bullish”’
but he warned growers not to
be too optimistic.
'Plant Diseases Thrive
Professors from O.A.C. re
ported that while insect damage
was low this year, plant diseases
have been extremely prevalent.
Prof. H. W. Goble, provincial,
entomologist, reported “this has’
not been a year for great insect damage.” The corn borer, he
said, was above normal in some
areas and there is still some
danger from apple maggot flies
t but the insect situation was t disease this year. We’ve found,
j generally bright. - ; samples of every infection in
On the other hand, Prof. C, the book and. some we haven't IB. Kelly,.of the botany depart-1 even seen before.” “
I ment, O.A.C., stated “this has) Scab, he said, has been
been the best season for plant extremely hard to control in
diseases in years.” • i apples. Late blight is all over
I “Any crop you want to men-; the province now.'
ition has had some kind of j g. W. Montgomery, Huron
I ' agricultural representative, was
happy to see there was at least
one good crop in the county.
Huron’s agriculture picture, in
general, was depressing because
of the damage from rain.
Other speakers who addressed
the fruit growers were W. B.
Fox, associate director of exten
sion at Vinland; Russ Chard,
extension specialist for Huron
and Lambton; Bill Babbitt, ex
tension specialist for Middlesex
and Elgin; and, Andrew Dixon,
Birth, Death and Marriage
Notices are inserted free of
charge. Cards of Thanks cost
75« for single verses, 25? extra
for each additional verse; and
Engagement Notices are 75?,
— Mr. and airs. Fred t SHDHS agricultural teacher. Centralia, announce the
their son at South Huron
on September .5,_ 1.956;
Mr. and Mrs. William.
Report Oh
Personal Items
Shirley Skinner, Munro, is
holidaying with her grandmo
ther, Mrs. Lulu Kirk this week.
Mrs. Arthur Berkley, Patty
and Tommy of Rochester, N.Y.
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Copeland.
Donna Copeland was a guest
of her friend. Dorothy Spearin
of Stratford over the, holiday
weekend.'Mrs. Chester Hazelwood, De
troit, and Mrs. May Huddl&son,
London, attended services in the
United Church. Sunday morning.
Miss Jean Copeland of the
Montreal Bank, St. Marys, is
holidaying at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheeler
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Marshall, Mitch
ell. .
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rundle and
Shirley, Mrs. Bert Rundle, Mrs.
Jack Smith and Mrs. Kenneth
Savage attended the funeral of
their cousin’, Mrs. John' Sim
mons, of-1 North Branch Mich., on
Linda and Karen Russel of
Russeldale, Rachel, Hilda and
Helen Levy of Transvaal visited
with their aunt, Mrs. Wm. Run
dle, last week.
School opened on Tuesday
with Miss M. Bailey of Mitchell
as teacher.
Ronnie Chatten left on Friday
for Elora, to take 4up his duties
as teacher.
Mrs, Gordon Culver, Lobo,
spent Wednesday with Mrs.
Robt. Rundle.
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Webber
and Bob of Detroit were with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webber for
Labor Day.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Luther Rowcliffe
of Exeter were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe.
Mrs. Melvin Louch, Hamilton,
is visiting with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W, L. Switzer.
Mr. and Mrs. R a v m o n d
Switzer, Judy and Dennis of Lon
don were^Sunday visitors with
W. L. Switzer.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stephens
and Donald and Mr. and Mrs.
Tipping and family wore week
end visitors at Tpperwash Beach.
Miss Olive Stephens of St.
Marys visited on Monday with
her cousin,. Mrs. Bert Rundle.
Mr .and Mrs. ^eo. Lovy,
Thames Rd., and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Levy, St. Marys, were
Sunday visitors with MT. and
Mrs. Waller Levy.
birth of
Hospital _ ........... ,, ........
a. brother for Linda. and Rickey.
LOVIE — Mr. and Mrs. William
Lovle, R.R. 3 Parkhill, announce
the birth of their son, Paul, at
South Huron Hospital on Sep
tember 1, 1956; a, brother for Ed
ward, Gary and David.
MILLER — Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Miller, R.R. 1 Bash wood, an-
.nounce the birth of their daugh
ter, Linda. Ann, at. South Huron Hospital on September 3, 1956;
weight 8 lbs,, 2 ozs.
QUINN—Mr. and Mrs. Harold J.
Quinn, v RUAF Station Centralia,
announce the birth of their son, William Frederick, at South Hu
ron Hospital, .on September 3, 1956; a brother for Earle, Gloria,
Stephen and 'Philip. , ;
ROSS—Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ross,
of RCAF Station Centralia, an-
noun the birth of their daughter,
Margaret Anne, at South Huron
Hospital on September 2, 1956;
a sister for .Billy and Bobby.
TEEVENS—F/O and Mrs. F. F.
Teevens.i Huron Park, Centralia,
announce the birth of their
daughter at South Huron Hospital
on September 4, 1956.
.WETHERS—To Mr. and Mrs. Hu- J
bert .Weibi.rg. of Waterloo, a
daughter, Sherry Anne, at K-W
Hospital on August 28, 1956,
ST IRE—In South Huron Hospital,
Exeter, on Sunday, August 26.
‘1956, John George Stire. beloved
husband of Emma A. Smith, in j
his sixtieth year. iENGAGEMENTS |
Mr, and. Mrs, Joseph Postill, of
Clinton, wish to announce the |
engagement of their daughter, Doris Ellen, to Melville., Paul, son of Mr, I
and Mrs. Clarence Simmons, Gode- I
rich. The wedding to take place
September 2t, in Calgary, Alia. 6* '
The engagement is announced of
Marlon Irene Pollard, daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Pollard, Humber Bay, Ont,, to
George Ibeslie Chaffe, Toronto, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Chaffs,
Centralia, Ont. Marriage, to .take
place September 29, J956, at 4 p.m.,
in St. Nicholas Anglican Church.
Lakeview, Ont. 6*
Mr. and Mrs. Glen M. MhKnight,
of Exeter, wish to announce the
engagement of their daughter, Mary Isabel, to Mr. 'Donald James Gra-
vett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
E. Gravel t, of Kitchener. The
marriage will take place on Sep
tember 29, 1956, at 3 o'clock, in
Main Street United Church, Ex
eter. 6*
Mr. ,and Mrs. 'L a w r e n c e E.
Schwartz, of London wish to an
nounce the engagement of their
only daughter, Betty Lou, to Mr. Carl E. Morley, of London, son of
Mr. Cyril Morley, Parkhill. and the
late Mrs. Eunice Morley. The mar
riage will take place In the Metro
politan United Church. Saturday,
September 29, at 2 o’clock, D.S.T. ,
s 6* ’ muvuo «u vx YYMXV.X ««..««««. ~Mt. ami Mrs, A. Willard wish to ranmntf from not less thanannounce the engagement of their , langtng irom not, less tn an
daughter, Mary Margaret, to Mr. . $3.00 per cwt. up to $3.50. The
Carl Edmund wtiierf, son of Mr. mood of producers was also ex-
and Mrs, V. Willert, Zurich. The • •
wedding to take place on Saturday,
September 22, at 2.90 p,m., in Main
Street United Church, 6*
I would* like to express my thanks
Io the many friends who remember
ed me with cards, letters, treats,
visits and flowers while a patient
Ih St. Joseph's Hospital and since
returning home.—James Hodgert.
We w
relatives kindness
ing our
for the ___
Special thanks
buck ' ■■
R. .1.......
T wish
trig my
for the
Re\. Kn
Mrs. Job
T Wish
thanks foi
for thf
kind t
Dr. Bn
man j
of g
time and
All" "1
while .
since, r
tlm n
; Visit Local Orchard
Mr. and Mrs. William Mc
Kenzie were hosts to the gather
ing and before the meeting
started, the visitors inspected
Mr. McKenzie’s orchard east of
the high school.
This orchard, measuring about
45 acres, is leased by the reeve
from Canadian Canners Ltd.
About 25 of the acres contain
pear trees, which are -loaded
this year, and' the rest; is in
1 apples. The orchard was plant-
led around. 1942..
Entertainment for the evening
was provided by Mrs. John
Cairns, Barry Jeffrey and Grace
McKenzie. Bob Carbut, of CKNX
Wingham, and G. W. Montgom
ery showed colored slides of
Huron fruit growers during. the
past five years.
Eraser Stirling is president
the Association.
and Stephen of Toronto with Mrs.'
John Brown and Miss Elda1
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dettloff i
of Detroit with their aunt, Mrs.
Albert Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bro-
phey and family of Hanover with
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey
and Karen.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bullock and i
family of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. j
Pste Pawliw and daughters of ]
Wyoming and Mr. and Mrs. I
John Sabout and sons of London J
with Mrs. Ed Bullock and Str.-
Mrs. Minnie Oliphant of Bur-'
Ington with Mr. and Mrs. Ed |
Stewardson. . ■
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curts
with relatives in Northern Michi-1
gan. ;
‘Miss Lillian Ulens of Windsor
with her mother/ Mrs, W. T.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gillies and
sons of Berkley, Mich., with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Brophey
and Glen of London, Miss Muriel
Fallis of Sarnia, and Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Fallis and family
of Mount Forest with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Brophey.
M. and Mrs. Fred Steeper of
Sarnia with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eagleson
and family of Detroit with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Eagleson.
Master Eric Brown with his
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Eldar Mousseau of Kippen.
Mrs. Joe Kailop and family of
Detroit with her. parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred M'cLinchey.
Miss Patricia Stokes of Ailsa
Craig with Miss Karen Brophey.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Horner and
son of Lucan with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Horner.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pollock of
London "with Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Mr. and Mrs. Jas Geromette
in Toronto for the C.N.E.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Courtis
of Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs.
Dean Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sel Brown and family.
Mrs. Andrew Pollock and Miss
Ruby Pollock returned to Hamil
ton after spending the summer
with Mr. Harold Pollock.
I l
Magazine Subscription Salesmen |
The. Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion i
wishes to advise district residents that it has NOT i
given approval to any salesmen to sell new or re
newal subscriptions for magazines under the Legion,
name in this territory.
If any such salesmen call on a householder
in this area, the Exetei.' Branch would appreciate it
if the householder would notify the undersigned by
telephone immediately.
The police have been notified of this situa
tion and are prepared to take action against of
Signed, =
President of Exeter Legion |
I .
Trivitt Auxiliary
Marks, 50 Years
Mrs. R. M.- Weekes, of Thorn
dale, convenor of Deaneries, will
• be the guest speaker at the
fiftieth anniversary of the Wo
rn an’s Auxiliary of Trivitt
Memorial. Church which will be | observed on Sunday afternoon.
Members of the Diocesan J Board and the Deanery execu-
... tive will attend, the service
6*: which will be followed by a re- nf | ception in the parish hall. Mrs.
I Henry Bieriing is president of
‘the Auxiliary.
! I
Resort Concert
.—Continued froth Page 1
companied many of the enter
The Grand Bend Orpha Cub,
organized less than a year ago
by ladies at. the resort to aid
orphan children, realized over
$500 from a draw for a doll and
proceeds of the concert.
The unique club donates toys
and clothing to orphans of all
denominations in Lambton coun
ty. .Committee in charge of the
promotion included Mr. McIl
roy, president; George Nose
worthy, secretary: Edward
Brady, Exeter; Jeff Vorhuis and
Harold Klopp, of Grand Bend.
Your Library
—Continued from Page 2
until he makes a. final choice.
The book suggests that much
help in planning a career may
be found in reading biographies.
By studying the lives of others
one can see what steps to take
and what
Read for
from books
mistakes to guard
profit and pleasure
at Your Library.
• J .
thank our friends.
lAighbours for the
'bereavement and
.'„Z floral Tributes,
o Mrs. Doug Hein-
^trs. Bob Turnbull.—
hank all my fi
neighbors foi
sympathy show;
it bereavement;
tiftil floral tri.........
3 to the. pallbearers,
Sharon and '
ish lo
ancl ...................................
and sympathy show'n dm'-
racei.: ......................... ’
.........id ..................
h And Carl TTim) Stire.
16 V
ancl ;
hA nki
Raise Milk Tariff
—Continued from Page 1
conditions, economic level, lower
costs and government, policies
permit Australia and New Zea
land to produce at a. lower fig
ure, and those countries are en
abled. to export powder at a price
with which Canadian farmers be-
j cause of higher costs, are unable
to compete.
'That the extreme dissatisfac
tion was general among the
more than 16,000 producers was
seen in the reports from the
meetings of some 30 local assoc
iations all of which demanded a
pressed in a proposal to sound
out producer support of the pro
vincial board in securing this
price, even to the extent of with
holding milk, or drying off their
Best Deals
In Town
Down To Responsible Buyers
Phone 216 Exeter
100 Series
Model T10GALX
Two^Tons JemaJcA
rumimmiAl, AjUiU£i|
Town Topics
Mrs. Cal Beckler, John and
Leigh, returned Monday after
visiting for a week with Mrs.
Beckler’s family in Port Elgin.
Mr. Leonard Pfaff, of Toronto,
visited with Mrs. Mary Pfaff,
Mrs. Hedley May and Mr. M.
W. Pfaff last week.
Mrs. Victor Kyle, nee. Joan
Hopper, who with .her husband
was interning at a Gowanda.
N.Y., hospital, was taken ill
while visiting .her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. R. Hopper. She was
under treatment for virus pneu
monia at South Huron Hospital
for 11 days and returned to her
parents’ home on Wednesday.
She will return to Toronto soon
where she and her husband will
continue »their medical courses
at the University.
Lions District Governor, A.
Jake Sweitzer, who was elected
to that post this summer, pre
sided over his first region meet
ing at Armstrong’s restaurant
Wednesday night. Dalton Higgs,
of Toronto, Lions’ Canadian exe
cutive secretary,, and deputy-
governors from Parkwn st.
How ®njoy TV wherever you are: st the cottage
or motel, at home in the garden, bedroom, kitchen, rumpus
room. Perfect wedding, birthday or graduation gift.
Model T1OGALX, only
8’4* high. 10u4* wide, 131*4'
deep. Weighs approx. 1614
pounds with aluminum cabi
net. Big picture tube
with Curved Optic Filter. Pow
erful 24-tub«-performance
"I -
Helen.— fie
sincere i to me
. ilizatlon:
■ards and
thanks t o
and to
mie each
iow hope
, of Dashwood,
South ’Hi
<s to Rpv .. lend, who lofi
ft, mop/age of ..
e.—Mrs. Norman Turn-
■ fir
ml T ivould like In thank
vho remembered mo . Joseph’s Hospital and
. . jiiriff homo, with visits,
. and other treats; also for
iftn.v lovely cards and loiters, i Ferguson, j 6*
PROUT-In, loving- memory of John
H. Prout, who died September 2, ...1IVSX ............ -n .........niM*.
Wilmer ai
s in St
o ret uri
Chassis. Removable picture
window. Local-distant switch.
Convenient “top-side” con
trols. “Contour-Grip” dairy
ing handle. Choice of five
two-tone colour combinations.
In charcool
^Pop-Up** hide-atvay
optional extra.
I a.