HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-30, Page 13Lucan Adam Nuukka • Native Of Finland Adam Nuukka, 58, died in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, Sat­ urday, August 25. He lay attest m the C. Haskett and Son fun­ eral home until 2 p.m. Monday,. August 27 when the Rev, E. J. Roulston of the Lucan United Church conducted funeral serv- i ices. Interment was in St. James AL'gjffiietery. Clandeboye. i^BK’allbearers were Harold Egan, ’'S^Bnomas Mitchell, William Mc- J^Laughlin, Leo Morkin, Harold Ryan and Tim Toohey. Mr, Nuukka was born in Fin­ land and. came to Canada 26 years ago. For the past 23 years he had worked as a farm labor­ er for Miss Margaret Kelly of Biddulph township. He was un­ married, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting, Mrs. Harold Cobleigh and daugh­ ters have returned from a week’s Vacation at Ipperwash, Cap Howards,Granton Victory Wins Valley Cup With the series standirffc 2-2' Mr. and Mrs. Casper (Cap) Howard of Lucan celebrated their golden wedding anniversary quietly with a family dinner at their home on Frank Street. Guests included -three pf Mrs. Howard’s sisters, Mrs. Jennie McGillicuddy and Mrs. Ida Isaac of Forest and Mrs. Bertha Meyer of Hamilton, also Mr.. Howard’s sister Mrs, Dell Sprowl of Lu­ can. Mr. and Mrs. Howard were both born in Biddulph township, Mrs. Howard being the former Cora Culbert. They were married at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Isaac in St. Marys on Aug­ ust 24, 1906. Mr. Howard drove the stage from Exeter to London for forty years, retiring in 1946. Many friends and neighbors called to. extend best wishes. Lucan Personal Items Mrs. T. D. Orme and Murray. Mr. Wes 'Bevington, Rose and have returned home from a Anne spent laat week in Detroit week’s visit in Toronto where | the guests of Mrs. Wm. Walker 1 and visited Mr, Walker who is jn the hospital. Jackie Park, son of Mr. and : Mrs. John Park, is holidaying . in Toronto the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Butler and cousin, , John Butler, Recent visitors at the Mel Cul- ■ bert cottage at Fanshawe in- . eludes Mr, and Mrs. David Glov­ er and three children, of Espan­ ola, Mrs. G. Patrick of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Keith Gustin and Judy of Lambeth and Mr. and Mrs. Merton Culbert and family . of Lucan. Dr, and Mrs. Len Lobsinger and Marie of Sarnia zwere Sunday ■visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Park. Mr. and Mrs, Art McLean and family of London called on Lucan relatives on Sunday on their way to Grand Bend for a week’s vaca­ tion. Terry Culbert, son of Mr, and Mrs. Mel Culbert and i Marilyn and Bob Blair of London flew to Toronto last Sunday to take in the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis are spending a few days in Toronto and Quebec. , , Mr, and Mrs. Myron Culbert were Sunday guests of -Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern of Zion and attended the Memorial Decora­ tion service in the afternoon. Mrs. Eldon Hodgson is in Strat­ ford keeping house for her sister, Mrs. Leia Beadle, who is away on a vacation. The Business Men of Lucan are planning their annual booster night for October 5, .They have secured the Rev. Capt. Rawson of Montreal as guest speaker. Mrs. Norman Arsneault and family spent a week with Dr, and Mrs, Lloyd Hall. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Henry .Hodgins last week includ­ ed Mrs, Will Davis of Saintsbury,, who spent a few days with them and Mrs. George Godbolt and Mr. Dave Clarke of Exeter, who were Saturday guests. 'Mrs. Sheridan Bevington and Gary of Lucan, and Mrs. H, Mc­ Falls and Wayne Welbourne of London spent last weekend in Windsor, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell. On Satur­ day they all saw the Miss Super­ test Race at Detroit. Gary re­ mained over for a few holidays. Mrs. Will Dickins is staying with her daughter, Mrs, Maurice McDonald, Saintsbury. Ilene and Carolyn Donaldson are holidaying in Richmond Hill, the guests of their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs, William Killam. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Turner of Saints­ bury.What do you do with your Times-Advocates? At least three Lucan copies travel afar. One mother sends hers to her son in the service, wherever he may be stationed. Another goes to a husband in the wilds of Northern Canada while a third, goes to a sister in Germany. Jimmie Kew, seven-year-old son of Mr, and .Mrs, Howard Kew, had his tonsils removed at St. Joseph’s Hospital last Fri­ day and was able to be brought home on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Yen Andersen (nee Audrey ‘ Marshall) have moved into the apartment above the Cold Storage, vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Joynt, who have gone to Centralia. Miss Rose Marie Robb who has been holidaying at San­ dusky, Ohio, and Port Elgin spent last weekend with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb. Mr. and Mrs. Robert' Garland of Wiarton spent last weekend with Mr- and Mrs. A. M, Hedden. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Smith of St. Thomas were Wednesday vis­ itors with Rev, and Mrs. E, J, Roulston at the parsonage. Mr. Harry Frost now of Strath- 1‘o.v is on the sick list, Mr. Roland Hodgins who was hospitalized for four weeks after a heart attack, is home blit still unable to -work. Mrs. Cecil Armitage who has been a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital is feeling much better again. Mrs. T. D. Orme and Murray J '..........’ ’ week’s MH.. _____ they were the guests of Dr. and Mrs, Joe Orme. , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lankin and Mrs. H. E. Lankin were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Oestricher of Windsor, Mrs. Meine Eizinga has been on the sick list for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Les Wills of Lon­ don were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armitage. Mrs. Evelyn Armitage and Mr. Ben Wilcox of Owen Sound are spending a week with Lucan rel­ atives. Mrs. Pearl ISodgins of Wood- stock has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. Ewen and fam­ ily for the past three weeks. Mrs. Russell Williams, daugh­ ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Matt Dewey, visited with Lucan cous­ ins last Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Williams will visit Ottawa be­ fore motoring home to’’Miami, Florida. Mrs. Warner McRoberts spent last Sunday in St, "Marys, the guest, of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Berry. Eleanor Fitzsimmons, daughter of Mr, Edward Fitzsimmons of Thorndale, has returned home ) after spending two weeks with, [her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. •Evan Hodgins. Helen Hodgins ac­ companied her for a vacation ’with her cousin and uncle at Thorndale. Miss Eileen Cranston of Lon­ don was a weekend guest with her mother, Mrs. M. Cranston, Main St, south. Mrs. Harold Emerick and fam­ ily and Miss Gladys McRann spent last Thursday in Bothwell, the guests of Mrs. Maude Em- crick. Miss Gertrude Kent R.'N, of St. Joseph’s Hospital, was a weekend guest with her sister, Mrs. U. F. Stanley and Mr. Stan­ ley. -^-.Mrs. Irving Gibson and Ron- Woodward spent last Tues- in Kippen, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hilliard and five children have moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. C. J, Fenn. Mrs.’W. W'. Garrett and Dor­ een and Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dick­ ins were Monday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Bob Coleman. Mrs. C. H. Porter who has been on the sick list for the past month is able to be up. Rev. Canon and Mrs. H. B, Ashby of Ayr were Tuesday over­ night guests with Mrs. J. P. - Prest. Formerly of Strathroy, the Canon has now charge of ' Christ Anglican Church at. Ayr whbre the congregation is pur­ chasing a rectory for 'him. He is the father of Mrs. Prept. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McGrigor are happy to announce the birth of a son, Robert William, a broth­ er for James, at St. Marys Mem­ orial Hospital, on Tuesday, Aug­ ust 26. Mr. and Mrs. Art Black and family and Master Ward Hod­ gins spent last weekend at a cot­ tage at Kincardine. Mrs. Wes Hodgins, her son, Don, and Miss Betty Fortney re­ turned home Thursday from a . motor trip to Kenora and Win­ nipeg. They went by way .of the i States and came home the Can- ' adian Side. Mr. and Mrs. James Thomp­ son and family have moved to : their new home on Albert St. Rev. W. J. Moores of Thames : Road called on Mr. and Mrs. 1 Myron Culbert last Monday. With the number of recent ] rains Lucanites are finding their < potatoes are beginning to rot. i Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. i William Aylestock last Sunday Were Mr. and Mrs. C. Burley, ( Mr. Cecil Jackson and daughter ’ and Mr. Reuben Lawsori of Strat­ ford, Mr. Lawson is Mrs, Ayle- stock’s brother. Miss Catherine Wallace of Seattle was a recent, visitor with her cousin, Mrs. Cecil Robb, The Canadian Legion are spon­ soring another gala night at the Lucan- Arena Fridays September 7 featuring games, bingo and dancing’ to the “Keynotes”. A clothes dryer, power lawn mow­ er, floor polisher and mantel radio will be donated as prizes. .............................................................tiiiiiii!ii<iiitiiiii>iiii">>ii'i>"ii>i>">»iu»tii)iiiiiiiiuiiniiiiiitiiiititii|iiiiuiiir^ HThames VallVLeLS^was^nlav6'-1 c,-nrew’ the general mana- •'£? in Luenn fast £2 ®'ifier’ commenced his duties m ' UnfSfimHvrSn Stratford, July 1, and the Asso- ; eabHwrn Don HnLiJf1 wai S ciation has been located in tern- CHlCuCl, .Pon Hotifjins was awa^ tijorarv offiep^ tTippp ^incA that• on a motor trip to Kenora and' tSe. W t > last three games | Much of Mr. Drew’s time has ‘ combination of his absence. been devoted to organizational ; and the splendid hitting power detail in setting up headquarters, of Granton gave them an easy victory. Granton scored two runs in the first, four in the third and (two in the fourth while Lucan got one rim in the fifth. The bat­ tery for Granton was Jones and Winegarden and for Lucan White and McFalls. Granton had eight hits and two errors while Lu-an. had. five hits and seven errors. After the game Granton was presented with the cup. Church News With the Anglican Church closed last Sunday a number of its members attended the United Church and heard the Rev. E. J. Roulston preach from the text “How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?” On Monday night at the Pente­ costal Holiness Church the film. “Seconds t o Midnight”, was shown. Rev. E. M. Cook who recently retired as pastor of the Lucan United Church has accepted a charge at Glen Morris, near P.aris, in the Hamilton Confer­ ence, duties to begin September 2, Lee Family Picnic The family of Mr. apd Mrs. Thomas Lee hold th'eir family picnic at Springbank last Sun­ day. Relatives were present from London, Harriston, Clandeboye, Brinsley, Alisa Craig and Lucan. Roller Skating The Arena Board has added roller skating to its piany other activities. Those in charge were pleased, with the turn-out last Saturday.' Skatingnin the after­ noon was free but 40 paid ad­ mission in the evening. For the present, skating will continue Wednesday, Friday,, and Satur­ day evenings and Saturday after­ noons until the rink is flooded for hockey in October. Skates have been rented from Exeter, Lucan Babe Wins Spoon Gladys Eleanor. Emerick, three weeks old daughter of Mrs. Har­ old Emerick and the late-Mr. Emerick was the youngest per­ son at the Mary Hastings’ picnic at Springbank last Saturday and won a silver spoon. Others at­ tending included Mrs. Emerick and family, Mrs. Mitchell Has­ kett, Mrs. J, B. Armitage and Mrs. W. J, Frost and daughter Ruth. Sunday School Meeting The staff of the United Church Sunday School ’r.et in the church parlors last Sunday evening to make arrangements for Rally and Promotion Sunday, Septqm-5 bet 16. It was decided members of the H. C. Class would read the lesson and act as ushers and the junior choir would provide music. It was also decided that one Sunday a month would,be given to missionary education and a special collection be taken on that Sunday. Neighbors Feted Prior to their departure to Petrolia the neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Park met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ready last Friday evening for a game of cards. Among those present were Mr, and Mrs, T. S. Neal of Woodstock (recent neighbors.) During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Park were pre­ sented with a lazy Stat® Farm Agents In,, honor of Stan Coles, chief underwriter for the State Farm Insurance in Ontario, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Robb entertained a party of 20 local agents and their wives at a. weiner roast at their home “Elgin Acres” near Lu­ can. Mr. and. Mrs. Laverne Allison o f McGillivray were Friday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Morley. susan® Honored State Farm News Of Clandeboye By MRS. J. H, PATON The Mid-Western Ontario De- ment of Planning and Develop, velopment Association reports that permanent offices will be established in Stratford about August 21 meat in Toronto and other De­ velopment Associations, now or­ ganized, to learn details of their operations. In addition he has visited the Industrial Develop­ ment Branch of the Department of Trade and Commerce in Otta­ wa. A report on progress to date has recently been forwarded to the mayors and reeves of mem­ ber muncipalities as well as war­ dens of the Counties of Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Wellington Tffljai' will 'WW« 'the assocla-' trnn’s activities. Plans are being made for the establishment of ♦ comprehensive development pro­ gram for the four counties and m September it is expected that active organization of zone com­ mittees will be undertaken throughout the region. J. D. Oaks of Guelph, president of the asso­ ciation plans to accompany Mr. Drew on visits to the member municipalities for this purpose. One of the first activities of the association in Perth County is lending assistance in the prep­ aration of a brief on behalf of the county which was presented to the Ontario Water Resources Commission when it sat in Strat­ ford August 9. Please Turn To Page 14 ' AufuM 30, 1 W 1 ' Specialized Business Training Tyition w- $11.00 psr Month ★ Practical Instruction in all Cftmmsrchl ★ Courses Approved by the Cmdlin Buslnws Schools Aism. ★ Modern Equipment FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 4 s : detail in. setting up headquarters. He has also visited the Depart- GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE Straat God.rich, Ont.rl. z TOP SERVICE J liininHiiUiHtniinitnnniriiininnnnjHiniNHiiniHiiuiiiiiniiiniiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimiiJiiiiiiiniHiHiiiiiniiintHiiniUHinininm^ E ’’Linger Longer In Lucan LUCAN The Friendly Irish Town FAIR PRICES CONVENIENT SHOPPING AREA DOMINION > I T-W-E-N-T-Y I 1 I To B® Sold At A i Hew Meteors & Mercurys No GIMMICK In This DEAL 5 f 3 COMPLETE LINE OF. TIRE, SALES & SERVICE £ £5 s ! z I s Used Machinery Of Different Makes 7" ALWAYS ON HAND 3 There are definitely no strings attached. We promise you 100% satisfaction in service and warranty, PLUS HIGHEST TRADE-IN FOR YOUR OLD .CAR. ’ tS? 1 * E s For Delicious ■Family Meals at ypur Massey Harris > .7 & .Baynes (Supertesf Dealer) PHONE 14 LUCAN z Lucan Motor Sales (Open Evenings Till 10) Phone Luean — C,ar Lof 222 or Garage 112 Z E 3 I z z 5 3 Our big menu includes tasty treats the whole family will enjoy. Hub Drive-In (Main St.) z z f f E Z 5 s z I Z Ferguson DEALER D. A. Ashworth Phene 70 Lucan t See us before you buy yobr baler or binder twine. PEDDLER'S HAY CARRIER AND STABLE EQUIPMENT SADDLER'S STEEL AND ALUMINUM ROOFING ON HAND Experienced men to put your roof on SCOTT'S ELEVATOR LTD. Phon® 63 Lucan, Onh I S 3 z E ’S « z S z E E Mrs. H. Murless, Miss Joari Murless and Mrs. H. Mason and Miss Brenda Mason of London .spent the weekend in Detroit. Mr, and Mrs, .Gordon Banting of Lucan were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Simpson Friday evening, Mr, and Mrs. Bussell Schroeder and Mr, and Mrs. George Lawson of Exeter re­ turned. from a 10 day trip to North Bay, Sault Ste. Marie re­ turning by the United States. Mrs. Charlie Carter is spend­ ing a few weeks with her son, Allen Carter and family, in Lansing, Mich. Clare. Paton and William All- wright visited with Mt. and. Mrs. Wilfred Logan, Thorndale on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Blake and Mr. and Mrs. Harney Gilbert of London, returned on Sunday from, a trip to Sault Ste. Marie and Lansing, Mich.- Miss m Elaine Grainger of Zurich, is to leach at the Clande­ boye Public School No. 4 and 12 for the term starting Sept. 4. Canon C. Simpson of Orange­ ville is visiting relatives in the village. Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Wilson of Riverside Ont,< are spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Mac McNaughton and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy McNaughton this week. Mrs. Emily Neale of Harriets- ville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Hondrio. Mr. Hendrie is recovering from the sick spell, he suffered last week. Miss Jeannette Blake is visit­ ing with her grandmother, Mrs. Susan McWilliams in Learning­ ton. M&re Clandeboye oh Pago 3 E s Telephone Lucan 41W FOR ALL Building Established In 1882 C. Haskett and Son Funeral Directors & Furniture Dealers { Ambulance Service Granton 30-r-2 P.O. Box 130 ‘ CONTACT H. B. Lanpford LUCAN Phone 64W or 64J Lucan Ontario Buy Th® Times- Advocate IN'LUCAN at Stanley's EVERY WEEK' EI | 3 s X 3 s s 5 5' g I sI3 l s s 5 ■* 2 Stanleys YOU RECEIVE Top Prices x For Your S’ School SHOP AT . Elevators Phtme 63 LucanLucan5Phont 45 Lucan Drug Store DRUGS & stationery Headquarters SCHOOL SUPPLIES Fast, Efficient Supplies Clothing .Bicycles Service J. B. Ready Hardware AND DRY GOODS