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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-30, Page 12
Th* Tim*i-AdvQcat«f August 30, 1956 hotter From 'BuildinCI Our Churchf ! Kirkton Florists Irwrmrr Ojarrt/ans Brinsley Creditor) Aid Theme MRS. CECIL ELLWOOD Lddies" Aid And W<$.W<S. Faist. Mr. and Airs. Lewis IBy MRS, CECIL ELLWOOD Starlite Drive-In Theatre 5 Miles East of Grand Bend Miles West on No, 4 Highway on C red: ton Road THURSDAY & FRIDAY Avgust 30 and 3! *MAN BEHIND THE GUN” ■k Randolph Scott ill . SUNDAY MIDNITE SATURDAY A MONDAY September 1, 2 and 3 "ONE DESIRE” ■A- Anne Baxter * Reck Hudson Dr. Lulu Gaiser was speaker when the Ladies’s Aid and W.S. W.S. of the Evangelical, Church evening. Mrs, ”CIi£ford Hill pre sided for the devotional period when Misses Beverly Neil and Doris Schwartz favoured with a duet and Mrs. A. Wein led in prayer. Choosing as her subject, “The Church”, Dr. Gaiser spoke on “Building our Church.” Mrs. E. Wenzel; Mrs. A. Gaiser and Miss Ella Morlock sang a trio. X. Mrs. R. Krueger was in charge of the. business meeting .when reports were givtn by several committees. Personal Hems Mrs. Lloyd England, Crediton post mistress, spent few days in South Huron Hospital. Mrs. Garnet Hill, who was ad mitted to St. Joseph’s last week, underwent surgery on Friday and is rogressing favorably. Mr. and Mrs. George Steven son are spending this week with TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY September 4 and 5 "KETTLES AT WAIKIKI” Marjorie Main ★ Percy Kilbride Rev. L. Turner and Airs. Turn- wmbei!? werlrecent guests! their me^tinF on ‘ Thursday with Afiss AI.ry Amos. ------- TT!« — Mr- and Mrs. B. Scott of De troit visited with Air. and Mrs. Otto Darling for a few days. Air. and Mrs. Jos. Trevetluck and Mrs. Hess spent Friday eve ning >vith Air. and Mrs. Howard Dorman. Air. and Airs. Lou Fisher of Detroit and Airs. Charles Miller of Cumberland, Wisconsin, spent the weekend with Air. and Airs. Wm. Darling. Billy Brest, young son of Air. and Airs. George Prest,, was tak en to St. Joseph’s Hospital with an infection in the gland of his neck. A number of the ladies of the community attended the Alary Hastings picnic at Springbank on Saturday. Mr. Lin Amos visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven of Park- hill on Thursday n Bpeuuu|g wua wtw Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Darling and i friends in Toronto, Lindsay and children of Wallaceburg spent Kawartha Lake, a few holidays with Mr. and’ Airs. Wm. Darling. Air. and Mrs. Howard D'orman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Trevethick at their cottage near Grand Bend. Mr. Andy McKenzie and John Irving of- Nairn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Alercer. - - Inspect Gardens k The Kirkton Horticultural So- | piety held their annual bus tour Faist. Air. and Airs. Lewis Faist; on Alonday, August 13 going to visited this week with Airs. Faist Hamilton. home^to St ” Tlwmas^30^^ ^em i Webster's Fall’s was their first Mr. Royal Haist 'of Chicago » b«««r ^ot fe one visted with Mr. Henry Haist and 1 everybody should see for its nat- Mr. and Mrs.. E. Hendrick. Your vacation needs are some one’s “Don’t Needs”—run a T-A Want Ad. i Western Ontario HORSESHOE s 5 s i ! s i s CHAMPIONSHIP for the O'Keefe Trophies And Cash Awards CLASS A—Open (Singles and Doubles) CLASS B—Radius of 25 Miles (Excluding A Players) Starting Time:. 11.00 a.m. Entry Fee $1.00 At The ONTARIO BEAN FESTIVAL HENSALL Labor Day, Sept 3 Monster Parade Featuring Six Outstanding Bands Bean Queens—Send entries t© W. C. Smith, Hensali Girls' Ball Game—Goderich Dodgers vs. Strafford Kroehlers Midway BEAN SUPPER DanelngEntertainment Fun For Young And Old Spdnsat'Gd by The Hensall Kinsmen Club COURTESY O'KEEFE'S = | I z S 5 Z = E 5 I s Man: “What do you charge for a funeral notice,in your paper?” Want-ad clerk:: “Fifty cents an inch. ’ Man: “Good heavens! And my '> uncle was six feet two,” ! i Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sisson ‘and daughters of Montreal are spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd England. Mrs. Gerald England and family of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. England. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fink- beiner spent a few days last week in Barrie. Mrs. O. N. Braun has returned to Caseville, Mich, after spend ing several weeks with her broth er, Mr. Albert Morlock and ether I’dcCtivos*' Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fahrner and family of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Fahrner. Mrs. Mabel Ewald and Mrs. Ervin Fahrner of Kitchener visit ed during the weekend with rel- cltlVCS 1161'6, Miss Agnes Lamport and friend of Detroit spent the weekend with Mrs, S. Lamport. Mrs. Marguerite Bowman of (Detroit and Mips Velma Oettin ger of Chicago spent a few days last week with their father, Mr. E. Gettinger. Mr. N. B. Krotz and Miss Mild red Wolfe of Kitchener visited on Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wenzel. LAC and Mrs. Gordon Earl, who have been residents of Cred- iton for some time, have moved from our midst, LAC Earl to his new posting in Manitoba, while Mrs. Earl and daughter will spend some time with the former’s mother in Kings torn Cpl. and Mrs. R. Deville have left for Cpl. Deville’s hew post-- ing in France. Gregory and Randy Faist visit ed a few days with Mrs. M. ALDON a I 1 2 S i 5 - L ■ 5L THEATRE Grand Bend THURS., FRL & SAT. August 30, 31, September 1 "TO CATCH A THIS”” • (Technicolor) •A- Cary ©rant •Ar ©race Kelly - ■ THU RS., FR1. & SAT, September 7 and 8 "ANYTHING GOES” (VistaVision, Technicolor) ★ Bing Cresy -k Donald O'Connor ★ Jeanmarie ■k Mitzi ©ayner COMICS & SHORTS Shows Nightly—7.30 & ’9.30 MILLION 0OU.AJL PARADE ©F LIVESTOCK COLISEUM—SEPT. STH «©U>5TREAM GUARDS BAND “j, u Famous British band., V jlaily oh tbs Band Shell., , 4 Two CANADA'S SPORTS HAU. OF FAME WEST OF AUTOMOTIVE BUILDING INTERNATIONA!. I EXHIBITS Wonderful displays from the United King* dom, Australia, India, Belgium, Danmark, Germany. Holland, Japan, Poland, Spam, -»» United States. . SHELL 1*OWER y Nifit Story glass and steel observation tower.r « CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION / aift.ibop.w. TORONTO AUG. 24 ANNIE <5AKL INTUMAflONAL AIR SHOW , Breathtaking WobahCS. the world's most.mndern M Sept 7th i 3th C.fi.E. waterfront. OAIRY QUEEN « DUty QlftW < ffl the Cslfietth ;e»L Sth 6-7 p.ffl t1 ckjjtMdus saswoms / ihSwhsMPMhbWwefy W&MFM'S IWMSHS- < COLISEUM * WEST ANNEX AVENUE OF THE MOVlMCES nfCitfidi'sPmvinett. E ©HANDSTAND New features.., new exhibits. o new wonders for the whole family... at the world's largest, the fabulous 1956 C.N.E, For the first time the International Air Show with breathtaking aerobatics. See j inlerfiatiooa! exhibits from around the' world... the newest in science, industr and the arts... agticullure... sports $r < KOYAS. CAMAbiAN BOUNTIES R.C.M.P. "Muiicsi U'de” willthrilKhousaiids every, afternoon and it 1 thi&(gQMrid$(indSho«5. [ every fan. Plan now for a visit you'll nef«. fofaftt retnnrnbfii-nd by hp‘r «nn«. pts - in - law and »rand- WILLIAMk HAWIS, Prejiddn! HIRAM t. McCALLUM, Gfinrti! tovinj? inciiicsi’v fiOn ^nd brother. Galvin Gene AUtkY 4/tlake, who passed away on .. ust 23, 3055.JUyrn&drt'Omt we d0 f'jtt'i’-AWjUltt loviiij; thought Wft give >ne no longer with us t in onr hearts still lives. j er remembered by mt>th*r. I thers and sisters, sn* i JT—Tn loving memory of John I protrt. who passed a«av one • P On, FoptAmho.r J IMS.Ir rettiemberM by his Wife. I y so* I Ural beauty. Then to Royal Bo tanical Rock Gardens. Luncheon was enjoyed at the Rock Gar dens amid a mass of flowers of every available color., Then to the museum .at Dun- ' durn Park and on to Gage Park which is a must for flower lovers. The Sunken Gardens were visit ed and then hack to Kirkton. .jsk.ys/”’01;011 ,his w ton is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. I beautj spots. John McGinnis. personal Homs Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson of I David Rogers, Bruce Green- Parkhill accompanied by Mrs. j Street and George and Harojd C. McCood of California, a cogs-, Burgin visited the “Ex” at Tor- in of Mr. Wilson, called at the ■ onto tliis week. home of Mr. ’'fansell Hodgins I Ah', and Airs. Fred Hamilton on Monday. Mrs. McCood is re- it*1.........’’ —1— newing acquaintances here hav ing attended school as a girl at S.S. No. 10. Mr. Mansell Hodgins, Misses May and Maude and *his grand daughter, Geraldine Kayes of Willowdale were Sunday guests with Mr. and Airs. C. Hardy of Lucan. Another granddaughter, Helen Hardy returned home with them after holidaying at Shipka and Grand Bend. Report From Harpley By MISS M. .HOGGINS (Intended for last week) Mi;s Dorothy Daves of Hamil- left this week for Preston where they will take up residence for a while. A TAG * Topics From Whaien By MRS. F. SQUIRE Mrs. Mary Chalcraft returned to her home in London having spent several days with Mrs. Geo. Squire. Mr. Ivan Johnson, London, and Mr. Gordon Johnson spent a weekend in Chicago recently. Suzanne and Larry Walls re turned home to Lonlon having holidayed with their aunt, Mrs. Ronald Squire, Several’ from the community attended decoration services at Zion on Sunday, Catherine Klahre holidayed in St. Marys last week with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Fischer and Janice. Allen Hodgins is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gun ning and Muriel visited on Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Earl, Zion. Mr. and .Mrs. Milne Pullen spent the weekend touring North ern Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. - Hay Parkinson attended decoration service at North Missouri church on Sun day and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Art Hardie, Ebener- zer. Miss Marlene Hardie, Ebcne- zer is holidaying tliis week with- Miss donna Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Langton, London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield. Mrs. Earl Cole, Mrs. Harper and Allen Harper also Kenneth Finch of Russeldale visited re cently with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parkinson. Mr. John Knox, London, visit ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. French and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley, Sr. Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Brooks of Springfield, Ohio, called’ on Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Morley on their way home from holi daying up North. Miss Marion Morley returned to Toronto after her. vacation at her home here. Carol and Jim Foster are spending this week with their grandmother, Mrs., Corbett, St, Maryf, Several from the community attended the funeral of the late Mrs. W. H. Rae, London former ly of Whalen, Mrs. Gertrude’Wright of Utica, New York, is visiting her niece, Mrs. Laverne Morley and Mr, Morley. Mrs. Phil Porter and Mrs. Eva Gower, London, visited during last week with Mrs. Wm. Morley Sr. David Brock of Chiselhurst and Earl French visited last week with .Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Morley Jr.. Graham Thompson returned to his home having spent the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Ray *7ilcox, Port Burwell. Laura and Pat Hodgins of Clandeboye spent Friday with Mrs, Wm. French. Barbara Hodgson is visiting her grandmother, Mrs, Birtch, St. Marys, this week. ■ Burton and Sharon Hodgins are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Hillson Grose, Wesley. Miss Cora Carson, Toronto, and Mrs. Wm, Morley Sr., visit ed on Tuesday with Mrs. Melvin Dann, Wesley. Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Morley and Marion'also Carol and Jim Foster were Thursday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Os-’ wald Webb, Granton. GET YOUR TICKETS on NAVY LEAGUE TAG DAY Sat., Sept. 8 Sponsored by Legion Ladies Auxiliary ‘ Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Dancing WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY and Sunday Midnite Last ^anco of the Season! Final judging of the Sunday afternoon Beauty Parade will be made at the Midnite Dance, $500 in Cash Prizes! — 11 CHANNEL 8 brings yeu Live tI • e I ,s s | £ s September 8 Exeter Legion Memorial Hall I Come out and enjoy dancing in our modern enlarged dance hall. Clarence Petrie AND HIS NIGHT HAWKS • Watch Next Week's Issue For Grand Opening £ I .4 | ■ I I............. ..... I... I...... . I................................................................................................ ..... GRAND BEND LABOR DAY WEEKEND r Sunday, Sept. 2 Frontier Days" IN WINGHAM This Saturday September First 1:15 — PARADB from the Main Street 8;Q0 — BARM DANCE from the Community Centre 1 Starting At 2 p.m. Goderich Girls' 55-Piece TRUMPET BAND Presenting Its Famous Exhibition Drill i Ji 1.___ __, r -...........- , Children Under .12 Jn Cars Free MAKE YOUR DATE WITH CHANNEL 8 This Saturday Brownie's CLIFF SCANLON AND HIS ORCHESTRA Guitarists, Banjoists, Accordionists^ Singers Dancers, Entertainers CLINTON, ONTARIO Box Office Opens at 8 p.m. First Show at Dusk Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear THURSDAY & FRIDAY August 30 and 31 "PEARL OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC ★ Dennis Morgan •dr Virginia May© (Two Cartoons) SATURDAY ONLY—September 1 "SHARK RIVER” (Colour) ■k Carole Matthews ★. Steve Cochran (Two Cartoons) SUNDAY MIDNITE & MONDAY ; i I September 2 and 3 "SUDDENLY” ★ Frank Sinatra k Nancy Kelly J Two Cartoons) TUESDAY'& WEDNESDAY September 4 and 5. "ESCAPE TO BURMA” (Colour) ★ Barbara Stanwck ★ Robert Ryan (Two Cartoons) Sunday Eve. Services 7:30 p.m. Auspices: Clinton Ministerial »V>< NBWtn MIDWESTERN HAYRIOE Oirod from th« NOC-TV Network, Hio noticin'* lop Country and WeUorh Show, with o lost mbvlne variety of mutlt, dancing ahd Comedy. Monday olid Tuesday nhorndom — J p.m. Orandjlartrf. Aho Toko* Tommy «nd Sharkey the Seal. Price*: Children 50c - Adult* $L00. Reserved Sudlt $1.50 Monday Afternoon Speciol — Children 15e i F-tn- Wednenda/ and Thurirfay jR dl k, - Afteirteoni, Canada'* ftlcheiif Calf Stake*: 2 and 3 YMr Standard Brad ■jMre-iiSM Fulurifie* plu* 4 othar da** rSC6» and Hghf Md heoyy harnoj* nvdiM*. , ;Jj. WWWul<* W ^‘7 WtytdSe&'hlLS* I CONCERT / On The Beach Plus Outstanding Young Artists . BEAUTY PARADE Competition for "Miss Grand Bend" Crown—-$500 In Prizes. All entries must be. in by 11 a.m. Sunday. Entry forms can be picked up at The Camera Shop. Contestants must be 18 years or over. SPONSORED BY GRAND BEND PROMOTION COMMITTEE Representing AH Grand Bend Area Business *4> fi iinw’ i 0 w INTERNATIONAL REVUE Fedturin^ The Marihm formatly of ths AHhur Godfrey «how*. George Hamid'* scintillating revue plug 8 oufslnndinfl VttUdAVills acli, each evening, Gr<Srtrf*lc»nd* Wciur dfiiktvsd SMi ,$2.00, si.h* I .tolE KAPGRS * $ with Louie, The Mighty Superman, < 5", Wild hilt Cady, Joe Phillip* and HI* \’ Trained Mori* Smokey* i»lui ethef \ kiddie*' TV EdvAurhei w> f fiday 2 p.ffl., Saturday T.30 p.m. Price*} Children W, Addin M.W) , ■ Isierved 5WH $1.56 Special Saturday Morning She* Foor different «nd exciting GmridstandP Shew*, Make y©ur r^rWiens early by writing t© the Western Fair lAssadatfon, Qyeeh'* Park, Unden, Ontario, NOW! SttPX 10-15 London, Ont,