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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-30, Page 11
The Tim«J5-A4.vocaier August 30, Hw P«g« T1 Need Back-To-School Money? FOR RENT REAL ESTATE SERVICES APARTMENT,, furnished, including frig; utilities paid. Phone 8 Credi tor * ‘ SOtfc LOWER DUPLEX, modern apart ment, heated,. ?-bedroom, unfur nished, separate laundry room, Aalvate entrance, available October Phone 486R or call 4$ Huron St. ist. 30cIfe........ J APARTMEN’TS—Apply Tasty-Nu Bakery, phon* 100, Zurich. 9tfc ? APARTMENTS, unfurnished, for rent at once. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. Exeter. * 12tfc APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, toilet, ho.t and cold water, on Shipka highway. Phone 6-J Cj-editon. 16tfc Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor polishers Vacuum. Cleaners, Tools, .Etc. beavers Hardware, exeter SEWING MACHINES — Electric portables, by ’ the week., Hopper- Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Exeter.- 8tfc APARTMENT, 2 rooms, kitchen and bathroom,, hot water • heating syg- tem; unfurnished, on front of Mam Street. Also a small apartment for ©pe person, .heated and furnished. Apply. . Mayfaih Bakery, Exeter’, phone 52, • 33tfc IF YOU APPRECIATE an Attractive home—2 extra choice apart ments, centrally heated, hot water heating system, complete privacy, all modern conveniences including laundry facilities, garage, garden ground, attractive surroundings; rent •’reasonable. William Oestricher, phone 12-J Crediton, 30c REAL ESTATE . HOMES—C. V, PICKARD—HOMES CREDITON’l— Brick house, hear centre ’of village, ihodern kitchen, bath up 'and down, good basement •with ''furnace; extra lot. This pro perty is in good Condition throughout’, Moderate price. EXETER-XJash $1,500,00. No, this is not the- total price, but this amount down'will give you possession of ' comfortable four-bedroom home with all modern conveniences including oil heat. Balance in easy payments. - EXETER'—3-Bed room Brick in best of condition. This . compact home has a dining room- It is oil heated and has good garage. Price reduced. ’. ' EXETER—3-Bedroom -Brick Cot tage. Very nice bathroom and kitchen. Choice location. Well treed lot. . Immediate possession it de sired. • • . • • EXETER—$3,600,00 full- price for 1% storey frame covered with as bestos shingles. Close to-'schools. S-piece .bath. Good basement, Pos session. to suit purchaser. B.RICK COTTAGE and 1 acre, Ex- . eter North; 3 bedrooms and usual living, rooms; hydro and bath. Price $4,500.00 with low down payment ’ . • 3rBEDROOM .BRICK—This home is in wonderful condition. Bath ‘ oh first arid second ’ floor;- spacious living, and dining'room; oil heated; water softener, water heater, etc; ideal' location. Moderate price with terms. ■ We 'have enquiries for farms. If you are interested in selling please contact us. . .. ,We have several other homes in a’ wide 'pride ■ range. If you wish to buy or sell. see.C. V, Pickard, 394 Main 'St., Exeter, phone 165 and 628. ■ ■ 7:26 Aa55 ACRE FARM?—Hot Con. 7,^^K^tophen Township, % mile south Crediton, bank barn, henhouse, ••driveshed, 2-storey house', hydro throughout. Selling due to ill health. Apply John Kuzmich, R.R. 1 Crediton, phone 72r-6, 23:30:6* Guaranty Trust REALTOR BRUCEFIELD Erick cottage,-one floor, bath,-Erick cottage,-one floor, bath,- pressure system and garage. Priced for quick sale with! terms. Low taxes. Well worth investigating. HENSALL Main street ldaatibji — SolidMain street locatidp — Solid brick k'ome^ hot water oil heat, -modern kitchen. ‘ One of . Hensail’s finer homes. Terms' available. ■ • ‘Hensall ■ ■ Solid brick, two ■ bedroom home, modern kitchen and hew furnace. Available With terms. ☆ ☆☆ HENSALL Frame cottige—main street___ tian.. New .m'dddrn bath and re wired throughout. ' Extremely low- taxes. Terms available. loca- • ’&•'&'& ' ’ D’ESBORO' 200-acre. farm,’ 12 miles south of Owed ■ Sbund, 170 acres tillable, 16 acres maple,bush, red brick house, hydro, bath and pressure system; fi0’x72’ bairn. 6n stone foundation, new roof Arid’cement floors;’ driving shed', 30'x40'-; * 3 ' wells and never - failing ■ spring creek. Immediate possession. Price $14,800.00 with terms." Other farm listings. . ' ' ' ' - ' 30:6c | Guaranty Trust r REALTOR ’ . It B. l?atdrson. — ’ Phone 51 •Hensall 19tfc FRAME H OUSE,-'1^-storey, in sulated, nicely ‘decorated, hard wood floors,- mew oil furnace; With income.—3-ro6m ground floor apartment, private entrance, 3-piece bath Up, -2-piecd bath ddwn. -Reason for selling—ill. health* Apply ■ J. W. Powell, 90 Victoria St.- West. 16tfo 14 ACRES^Af'thd edge of Exeter south, bn Highway No. 4; 2-storey brick house with 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs, living rooms, dining room, kitchen. And, pap try down. Can be easily duplexed. Bank barn, Wired: new garage; good soil for cash or grain crops; town water in house And barn, plus royalty from leased well. This acreage will give the owner a residence in an Ideal •location, and Also an assured year- round income from crops, livestock and rentals, Albert Mitehell, 585 Main St., Exeter. ________30c HIGHWAY 200 ACRES, brick bank barn, slid, driveshed, ‘ - ‘ .. .. bankrjBj D&niv p&rxi) s$ ACRES, . bH6k }»f driveshed.3.^ ACRES, brick barn, drlveshfed, 75 ACRES, frime barn, silo. SO ACRES,, insul-hric house, 'barn, silo, driveshed. ERICK HOUSE, centfo hall, oil furnace, 2 bathrooms, fireplace; suit 2 families: garage.ERICK HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, full bath, oil furnace, good barn. NEW FRAME HOUSE, basement, living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, extra land. INSUL - BRIC DUPLEX seperate bathrooms: rents. at $110; price $6.300—$1,500 down.ASBESTOS SHINGLE, 2 bedrooms, .1 floor; $2,700 down, -easy monthly payments on balance, u k 'WANTED TO RENT—.A 2»bedfOOm house, preferably east of Main St,, fd ra client (eouble). ^KesJior^^Exeter; alio. lidUSA house, house, bank bank bank NEW. MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace; east side of Exeter: close to schools, R. E. Balkwill. 47 John St. tic BRAND BEND-r-3-bedroom cottage, full bathroom, winterized; nicely treed area. Price $5,000. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 14tfe 100 ACRE FARM, clay loam, 4 acres hush; barn: tractor shed; 9- room brick house: hydro; never- failing water supply. Apply William Muller. R.R, 1 prediton. phone 63-r-12. 30* WARTIME BUNGALOW, complete in every detail, redecorated inside and out, ■ very low mortgage pay ments. This house must be seen to. be appreciated. Apply H. Smyth, phone ’S12-J Exeter, 30* BABY CHICKS FOR SALE BRAY hatching weekly. Pullets, broilers, mostly to order, althqugh they may have. weekly some on hand for immediate shipment. Con tact us for list, and full informa tion. Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246W. 30c TENDERS WANTED REWIRING Tenders will be received for rewiring and installing fixtures at. Trivjtt Memorial Church, Exeter. Phone 69. • 30c STOCK WANTED DEAD, DISABLED STOCK—Seven- day week service^or horses, cattle, sheep pigs, calves,—Glen Kennedy, phone collect 168-W Lucan or Ex- eter 235/ ._________•______ 12tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for aU kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83, Exeter.12tfc NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of John Henry Prout, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased,ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the late John Henry Prout, who died on the 2nd day of September, 1955, are hereby notified to send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 15th day of Sep tember, A,D. 1956.AFTER the last-named date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the persons en titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned ’shall then have notice. W. G. Cochrane, Solicitor for the Estate.30:6:13c In the. Estate^ of Thomas. John Grant Hodgihs, deceased.• ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Thomas John Grant Hodgins, late of the Township of McGillivray, in the County of Middlesex, Labourer, who died on or about the 28th day of May, 1956, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 1 st day of September. 1956, after .which date the estate will be distributed having' regard only to those- claims of which notice has been, received. Bell A Laughton Solicitors for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario., 16:23:30c In the Matter of the Estate of Daniel Edward Hicks, late of the Township of Usborne, in the Gouty of Huron, rlr*op qpd ALL, PERSONS having claims against' the Estate of the late Daniel Edward Hicks, who died on the Sth day of June, A.D. 1956, are hereby notified to send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on Or before the 8th day of Septem ber, 1956.AFTER the last named date the assets .of the said Estate -will -be distributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice.DATED at Exeter, Ontario, this 16th day of August, A.D. 1956. W. G. Cochrane, . Barrister <§c., Exeter, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors.28:30:6c In the Estate of Albert Morenz, deceased. PERSONS having claims the estate of Albert, Morenz, ____ the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of Lambton, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of July 1956, are required to file particulars of same with Bell &< Laughton, So licitors 'of Exeter, 'Ontario, by the 15th day of September next, After which date the estate will be dis tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has .been received. Bell St Laughton, Solicitors for the Executors, EXETER - Ontario, • 23:30:6 ALL. against late of ALL against In the Estate of Irene Fee, deceased. PERSONS having claims the estate of Irene Fee, the Village of Hensail, inlate of -----— --------------- —the County of Huron, Widow, de ceased, who died on or about the 28th day of July 1956, are required to file particulars of same with Bell.& Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter,’ Ontario, toy the 15th day of September 1956, after which date the estate Will be distributed hav ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell A Laughton, Solicitors for the Executor, EXETER - Ontario.23:30:6 in’ the Estate ofCnristena McDonald, , deceased, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Ohristena McDonald* late of the Village of Hensall, in the Cdunty of Huron, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 17th day of July 1956, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, So licitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 15th day of September next, dftdP which date the estate will be distributed liaving regard only to those claims of which notice has beet! teceived. Bell St Laughton/ Solicitors for the Executor’, EXETER • Ontario, 23:30:6 In the Estate ofPercy William Elsie, ■ deceased,ALL PERSONS .having claims against the estate of Percy William Elsie, late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County df Lambton, Painter, deceased, who died on or about, the iotli day df August 1956, are required to file particulars of same with . ’Bell & Laughton, So licitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 15th day df September 1956, after which date the estate will be dis tributed having regard only lo those claims of which notice has been received.Bell -A Laughton, Solicitors for the Executrix, .. t-vvwB . . SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Im mediate service. Butler Bros.. Lucan, phone 108 or lsn-w. 30tfc t FEED MOLDY GRAINLet U.8 Dry It For l’ou Apply Edgar Cudmore Phone 171-r-14 Exeter SOtfc CUSTOM COMBINING. 12-ft. S.P. combine; custom baling, square bales. AIeO manure loading. Apply Norman Whiting, Exeter, phone 655-W, evenings. 16tfc WHITEWASHING & CLEANING— Arrangements can be made. Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-r-19. 7:12-ll;15e HAVE YOUR SAWS sharpened and set today, the Foley automatic way. Stew’s Sharpening Service, 105 Sanders St. E., Exeter, phone 454. , 7c WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" For artificial insemination infor mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 between 7:30 and. 9:30 A.M. We have all breeds available —top Quality at low cost. 4:26tfc I ing words, shall have the following I meanings respectively: j "Accessory building" means a de- j tached building, the use of which is * natjjrally' and normally incidental. J subordinate and exclusively devoted to that of the main building and not used for human habitation and I located on the same site with the I main building and included a pri- 1 vate garage,"Site’’ means the land occitnled of to he occupied for a specified use or by a building and the area appurtenant to each building. "Dwelling" means a building so .erected as to be suitable for occu pation as a residence either permanently or in certain seasons or j occasionally and also means a building being’ used as a residence and also means a building furnishing sleeping accomodations but do6s not .mean a Commercial Building which furnishes sleeping accomoda- tiops to one family, a member of which works in the said commercial building."Commercial Building" means a building mainly used for the purpose of buying or selling of commodities or supplying of services distinguished from buildings ‘ " for manufacturing* or goods nr for ware construction. By-law, "Beacli” part’of the shore as mainly used assembling housing and(b) In this include that .................. ........ above f he edge of the bed navigable body of water. Defined Area3. This By-law shall apply to lands within the Township Bosanquet. all of HELP WANTED HOUSEHOLD HELP — Full time, girl or woman. Phone 52,____ 30c Arena Manager Applications for the position manager of Hensall Arena will received by the undersigned until 6 p.m., Tuesday, September 25. Duties will include ice-making and maintenance of ' equipment and building. Employment will start around November 1 and end around May ' of be 1. F. L, T1BERIO Hensall, Ontario 16:23:30c SALESMAN wanted to sell cars. A hard-working man can make good wages. Armstrong Motors. . 30c MECHANIC ~ We need' a good mechanic; good garage to work in; excellent working conditions, Armstrong Motors. 30c MAKE extra $$ and be your own boss. Sell our 259 guaranteed products full or part lime. Openings in. your surroundings. Famllex, Station C, Montreal,_______30c $2730. - $3150. required for The Department of National Defence CENTRALIA, Ontario. Full particulars on posters at Post Offices and National Employment Services. Application forms avail able at these offices should be filed with the Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Ave. E., Toronto 7, Ontario, KOT LATER THAN SEP TEMBER 7th, 1956. ’ 30c Assistant i Technician $2610, -^lO. required for Department of National Defence at CENTRALIA, Ontario. To organize and administer, film library. Must be qualified to' ope rate a film projector and tape recorder. Perform other related duties as required. Application forms available at Post Offices and. National Employment Services should, be filed with the Civil. Service Commission, 25 St, Clair Avenue, E„ TORONTO 7, Ontario, NOT, LATER THAN SEP TEMBER 6th, 1956, 30c HOUEKEEPER, and caring for. 2 small children, Phone 187 Exeter. 30c NOTICES I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any debts incurred by my daughter, May Kennings, after September 1. Fred Kennings, Hen sail, Ont. 30*30* WILL THE PARTY who took two cookie cans and contents from Ipperwash Park please returti and leave with the park caretaker. '23d Bosanquet Twp. ATTENTION: Property owners of adjoining Municipalities in .and around the Township of Bosanquet. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD In the Matter of Section 390 of "The Municipal Act" (R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 243) - and *In the Matter of an application of the Corporation of' the Township of Bosahquet for approval of its Restricted Area By-law Number 1931 entitled: "A By-law to regulate the use of land and the erection, use, bulk, height, spacing of and. other matters relating to buildings and structures and to prohibit certain uses of lands and the erection and use of certain buildings and structures in the Township of Bosanquet", as amended by By-law Number 1935, and By-law Number 1935 entitled: “A By-law amending By-law Number 1931", Appointment Of Hearing The, Ontario Municipal Board hereby appoints Tuesday, the 11th day of September, 1956, at. ' the hour, of 10 o'clock in the forenoon (Local Time), at the Council Chambers in the Village of Thed ford, Ontario, for the hearing of all parties interested iri support of dr opposing t his application.Dated at Toronto this 14th day of August, 1056. OWEN R. CHAiPMAN, Secretary BY-LAW NO," 1931 A By-law to regulate the Use of land and the erection, use, bulk, height, spacing of and other matters relating to buildings and struc tures and to prohibit certain uses of lands and the erection and use of certain buildings and structures in the Township of Bosanquet.Whereas the Municipal Council of .the Corporation of the Township of ’Bosanquet considers it advisable to restrict the use of land and the erection of buildings on land situated within the Township of Bos- anqUet. Now Therefore The Municipal council of the Corporation of the Township of Bosanquet enacts as follows: Sites •4. fa) No Dwelling shall be erect ed or placed or used on any site having an area of less than 15.000 Square feet unless the site, is a whole subdivision lot within a. plan of subdivision registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Lambton, every lot of which is supplied with water from a common source and the • • ■ ■ I by the lots and .................. ............................. or placed or used on any such site having an area less than 7,500 square -feet,(b) No commercial building &hall be .erected or placed or used on any site having an area of less than 7,500 square feet.5. No dwelling shall be erected or placed or used on any site having a frontage or an average width of less than 75 feet. 6. Not more than one dwelling or one comrnercial building, with its accessory building or buildings, shall he erected or placed or used on one site. 7. (a) No pdrt of any dwelling or accessory building shall be erected dr placed or used on any site at a' distance of less than 30 feet; from ,a„ street-or road boundary or of less than 7 feet from any boundary of the site, 8. fa) No dwelling including accessory buildings shall occupy more than 33 per cent, of the area of the site thereof, (h) The total area occupied by accessory buildings of a, dwelling shall not exceed 8 per cent, of the area of the site thereof and such accessory buildings shall be located in ’ the rear yard of the site. Buildings9. fa) No dwelling shall have. a ground ■ floor area, exclusive of verandah, of less than 480 square feet. (b) No commercial building shall have a ground floor area, exclusive of verandah, of less than 480 square feet,. (c) -No commercial building which is used in part as a dwelling shall have a ground floor area, exclusive of verandah of less than 600 square feet.10. No' dwelling shall be erected having a cost of. less than $2,000.00.11. (a) No sanitary facilities of any kind shall be 'constructed op any site unless they are acceptable to the Medical'•...Officer of Health.» (b) A septic tank, system shall be provided for each building with sanitary facilities. fc) No dwelling, except a farm dwelling. shall be erected or placed on any site without sanitary facili ties inside and the necessary septic tank system. Beach 12. ‘Where land is bounded by a navigable body of water and is not in a park or camping ground maintained by any Department of the Government of Ontario or of Canada, or any Crown Corporation, commission or board. (a) No building or structure of any kind shall be erected ’or used on that part of which is' beach, and (b) No person shall part of the land which is ____ —overnight accomodation by tent or trailer whether for compensation or not, aqd , (c) No person shall use that part of the land which is beach for buying or selling of commodities or supplying of services. • Exceptions13. FrovidOd all the other pro visions of this By-law are complied with the provisions contained in Paragraphs 4; and 5 shall not apply to (a) the erection or extension by ‘ the present owner of a dwelling or bdmmercial building on any site having a lesser frontage or a lesser average width or a lesser area, if the site is held Under distinct and separate, ownership from the. lands which com pletely surround it at ' the time of the passing df this By-law as Shown by the records of the Regis try Office for thd Registry Division of the County of Lambton, or fb) A site which is a whole lot shown on any Rian of Subdivision registered in the said Registry Office prior to the passing of this By-law, .14. This By-law shall not apply fa) to prevent the use of any land, building or structure for any purpdse prohibited by this By-law if such land,, building or structure was lawfully used for such purpose on the day of the passing of this By-law, so long as it continues to be used for. that purpose; orfb) to prevent the erection c use for a purpose prohibited by this By-law of any buiding or structure the plans for which have prior to the day of passing of this Bylaw been approved by the muni cipal building inspector, so long as the building or structure when erected is used for and continues td be used fdr the ■ purpose for Which it Was erected. ' Penalties15. Every person who contra venes any of the provision of this By-law Shall, ujson conviction there of, pay at the discretion of the convicting ■ magistrate a penalty of not. more than $300.00, exclusive df costs, tor each offence arid every such penalty shall be recoverable under The Summary Convictions Act of Ontario, all the provisions of which shall Apply, except, that; the imprisonment may be for# a term’ of not more than 21 days, When. Effective 16. This By-law shall Come Into force upon receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. Finally passed this 3rd day of July • 1950. AV. L. FULLER, Reeve DONALD FRAYNE, Clerk w’ater supply has been approved, the Department of Health of Province of Ontario for all In such plan of subdivision no dwelling shall be erected PREMISING at all times a hearing of N o° 00' E measured Northerly along the Easterly limit of the said Lot 20 'and relating thereto all bearings contained herein; COMMENCING at a point in the Easterly limit of said Lot 20 distant 30.3 left measured Northerly Lherealong from the South Easterly ang’e of said Lot 20; THENCE Northerly along the said Easterly limit a distance -of 1,129.34 feet: • THENCE S -66 of 661,40 feet:THENCE S of 487.73 feet; THENCE N191.5$ feet; THENCE S tance of 504.2- ___ ____ to the place of beginning. THE hereindescribed parcel of land, containing by admeasurement 10.556 acres more or less, is shown outlined in red and marked Parcel Number 1 on a plan of survey by C. P. Corbett, O.L.S., dated April 2ist, • ■ Registry Office for the Huron as Miscellaneous 1663. Parcel 2—Plan 5628 ALL AND SINGULAR tain parcel or tract of ___ __ piemiscs situate, lying and being in the Township of Usborne, County of Huron and Province of Ontario being composed of part of Lot No. 19 Third Concession in fhe said Township of Usborne, which said parcel may be more particularly described as follows; PREMISING at. all time a bear ing of N 0? (K)' E measured North erly along the Westerly limit of said Lot 19 and relating thereto all bearings contained herein; ' COMMENCING at the South West angle of said Lot, 19;THENCE Northerly . along the Westerly limit of said Lot |9 a distance of 1,159.54 feet; THENCE S ------of 434,92 feet; THENCE S of 507.44 feet; THENCE NLance of 437.33 ___ THENCE N 75’ 16’ -0°OU' 00’E 47° 3! 3 feet •Ji Title 1, This By-ldw may be died for all purposes as "The Zoning By- law".- JUAU. Make It Here! Thflnk Xc'.lriP’ rmnflri-nrl nt nat4 T.nl- *Mrl. . <A> A KI*f*IS!FV J W ’W W W a distance E a distance a distance of 30" E a dis- more or lees, Corbett, O.L.S., dated April 1956. and deposited in the " County of Plan No. that land c er and 66° 47’ 53° 11’ 70° 58’ I feet; E a distance E a distance 10" E a dis- WANTEDbeing composed, of part of Lot No. , 5 South of the Thames Read in I the said Township of Usborne. •which said parcel ftiay be more particularly described as follows;PREMISING at. all times a bearing of N 0° 00' E measured North erly along the, Westerly limit of Lot No. 19 Third Concession and relating thereto all bearings contained herein.COMMENCING at a point in the Westerly limit of said Lot 5 distant 556.61) feet measured Northerly therealong , from the South West angle of said Lot 5; THENCE Northerly along the >said Westerly limit a distance of '278.81 feet; THENCE N 880 23' E a of 175.06 feet: THENCE 8 0’ H4’ W a of 280.5:; feci: THENCE 8 88° 58’.W a ...........of 162.1'5 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. The above described parcel of land, containing by admeasurement 2.896 acres, more or less, is shown outlined in red and marked ' as Parcel Number 4 on a plan of sur vey by C. p. Corbett, 0.L.S., dated April 21st, 1956. and deposited in (he Registry Office for the County of Huron as Miscellaneous Plan No. 1663. Parcels 5 and 6—Plan 5628 ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in lhe Township of Usborne, County of Huron and Province df Ontario being composed of parts of Lot No. 18 in the Third Concession in the said Township of Usborne, which said parcel may be, more particularly described as follows:PREMISING at ail times a bear ing of N 0° 90' E measured Northerly along the Westerly limit of said Lot 18 and relating thereto all bearings contained herein. FIRSTLY?COMMENCING at. a point in' the Northerly limit of said Lot 18 dis tant. 813.05 feet measured Easterly therealong from the’ North West angle of said Lot 18; THENCE Easterly along Northerly limit a " feet; THENCE SO’ of 159.00 feet;THENCE S 89° of 254.55 feet: THENCE N O’, 03 AV a ___...._of 150,00 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. The above described parcel of land, containing by admeasurement 0.877 acres, more or less, is shown outlined in red and marked as Parcel Number 5 on a plan of Purvey by C, P. Corbett, O.L.S.. dated April 21st, 1956. and deposited in the Registry Office for the County of Huron as Miscellaneous Plan No. 1663/ <?. SECONDLY: ; ■ • COMMENCING at the North East angle of said Lot 18; THENCE S 45° 50' of 467.55 feet; THENCE N 86’ M’ tance of 516,55 feet; THENCE N 40’ 22’ .. ... ______ of 398.53 feet, more or less, to the Northerly limit, of said Lot 18;THENCE Easterly along the said Northerly limit a distance of 1,109.03 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. .The above described parcel, containing by admeasurement 5.892 acres, more or less, is shown out lined in red and marked as Parcel No. £ -on the aforesaid Deposited Plan. / And further take notice that the above described lands have been expropriated by the Ausable River Conservation Authority and will be used for the construction and main tenance of a Water Conservation Dam and Reservoir ori the Ausable River and for such other purposes as the Authority may deem necessary and Within its powers.Further take notice that you 'are required to file a statement of any claim for compensation in respect of such lands so expropriated and formerly owned by you at the of fice of H. G. Hooke, Esq.. '" tary of the Ausable River serration Authority at Exeter later than one month from sixth day of. September, 1956. Dated at of August, H. G. Ausable I ___..._ _ . E a distance of 455.85 feet, more or less, to the Easterly limit of said Lot 19;THENCE Southerly along the said Easterly limit a distance of 941.12 feet, more or less, to the South East angle of said Lot 19; THENCE Westerly along the Southerly limit of said Lot 19 a distance of 1,649.60 feet, more or less, to the Place of Beginning. THE HEREINDESCRIBED PARCEL of land, containing by ad measurement 33,628 acres,, more of less, is shown outlined in red and marked as Parcel Number 2 on a plan of survey by C. P. Corbett', O.LtS., dated April 21st, ll?56, and deposited in the Registry Office for the County of Huron as Mis cellaneous Plan No. 1663.Parcel 3—Plan 5628ALL AND SINGULAR that cer tain oarceh or tract of land ...J premises situate, lying- and being in the Township of Usborne, County of Huron and Province of Ontario being coniposed of part of Lot No. 20 Third. Concession in the said Township of usbofrne, which said parcel may be more particularly described as follows:PREMISING at all times a. bear ing of N 0° 00' E measured Northerly along the Westerly limit of Lot 19 Third Concession in the said Township of Usborne and re lating thereto all bearing contained herein. COMMENCING* at the South West angle of said Lot 20;THENCE Northerly, along the Westerly limit of said Lot 20 a distance of 041.12 feet;THENCE S 56’ 10' " of 1,027.43 feet:THENCE N 87° 35’ lance of 201.13 feel:THENCE N 49° 25’ .____ tance. of 639.95 feet, more or less, lo the Easterly limit of said Lot 20: ■ • ............THENCE Southerly along the said Easterly limit a distance of 835.41 feet, more or less, to. the South East angle of said Lot 20;THENCE Westerly along the Southerly limit of said Lot 20 a distance of 1,674.39 feet, more or less, to the Place of Beginning,The above described parcel land, containing ' 'ment 23.850 acres, Shown outlined in as Parcel Number survey by C. P. _____, dated April 21st, 1956., and ed in the Registry Office __ County of Huron as Miscellaneous Plan No. 1663. Parcel 4—Plan 5628ALL AND SINGULAR that certain ^parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Usborne, County of Huron a'nd Province of Ontario distance 03’ E a distance distance distance 1he said of 254.55 57’ W a BELT PULLEY for aHarris 22 tractor. PhoneLucan- J WANTED TO RENT—3-bcdroom ; house tn Exeter or Hensall. Apply ; Neil Campbell, Blenheim. Ont., j phone Orchard 6-578(1 Collect. 31). 6*You! ' CATTLE BEAST—Strayed onto Lot j 11, Con- 7, utoorne. Township. 1 owner may have rame by proving ' property and raying expense.-. ' Idiotic 35-I -2J Kirkton. 30,h:13» AUCTION SAj.ES AUCTION SALE Of Reuse, Lot and Household Furniture THE VILLAGE OF CREDITON SEPTEMBER 1, 195 bedroom outfit: and maitretif ------ , trunks; baby' VirtroJa and record; .... 2 Congoleunu rocking chair; in good condition; glass cupboard; i distance distance distance (IN .............. I SATURDAY, I Two 3-piece .1 double bed, spring; ’ sewing machine; 2 high chair; Vi;............ ,.......wardrobe; 2 Uongoieumg, 9’xfi' 4' | 9’xio' 6”; rocking chair; red studio ■ couch, in good condition; cloth rug, I12’x9'; glass cupboard: couch: ex- t tension "dining room table and six ; chairs: Duo-Therm oil burner; cook I stove for burning oil; 3-burner coal loll stove and oven; kitchep table,6 chairs and arm chair; kitchen cupboard; cooking utensils and I dishes: bread box and cannisters; I tea kpttle; 2-burner hot plate; gaso- I line iron and electric iron; 6 cu. ft. Frigidaire; 8-day clock; sealers; small rugs; quilts and pillows; metal utility; tub, boiler, wash board and palls; garden tools; stepladder; curtains: linens; magazine rack; lawn mower; chesterfield table.At the same time and place thbre will be offered for sale the house land lot consisting of a 2-storey I brick house, nicely situated, in the | village of Crediton, with 4 rooms upstairs, dining room, living room, kitchen and back kitchen. Large barn could bp used as garage; nicely treed lawn; conveniently situated, Just an ideal place to live. For particulars see Frank Taylor.Chattels—cash. 'Propety 10C5 down day of sale and balance in 30 days. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer MRS. ELIZABETH KING, Prop.23:30c Response to our Birlhday Cclebt'alion last week was nothing less than lerrific- Man, what crowd*I Thanks -a million, folks. Coms back and visit us often—-out' IGA values are always worth xele*. brating about. There's more this week. Stock up for the big weekend. Labor Day WEEKENDAUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Other" Items VILLAGE OF HENSALL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 at 1 O’clock P.M. Easy electric washing machlrib, new last March: 4-burner heavy duty electric stove, 1 year old; Frigidaire frig, like, new; cook stove; heater; 3-piece bedroom suite; sj, hed; 2 odd beds; spring- filled mattresses) dressers; wash stands; bureau; studio couch: rocking chairs; odd chairs; small tables; extension table; love seat; side board; kitchen cabinet; whatnot: organ; trunks: mirrors; electric fan; Alladin's lamp; kitchen stool; clocks; ironing board; all sorts of dishes; silverware; kitchen utensils; quilts: blankets; sealers; fruit; 240- lb. scales; paints and varnishes; 2 short step ladders; 2 long step ladders: 2 18-ft, extension-ladders; 2 16-ft. ladders; 12-ft. ladder; plants; root pulper; barrels; 2-wheel cart; 'Sleigh; lawn mower; chains; shovels; saws; scythes: garden tools; iron posts; 2 rolls.of. chicken wire: 'fire extinguisher; 24 i'ows of potatoes, and other articles too numerous to mention. Everything wilt be sold without reserve as the property has been sold. TERMS: Cash. FRED KENNINGS, Prop. H, B. HORTON, F. L. MCNAUGHTON, Clerks ED CORBETT, Auctioneer23 and E a distance day 23?30;6c I i Sec.re-Con- not the use that beach for marked plan of O.L.S., deposit- for the or placed the land Exeter, this 20th 1056. HOOKE, Secretary, River Conservation Authority 30u W a dis- VV a. distance W a distance Carnation« Borden's Tablcrite Frying CHICKENS .... Lb. « One Brick Of Ice Cream Expropriation Darlings IGA If the boss doesn't get back I'll never get paid, so we’re both desperate. (Boneless) Ready.To.Eat PICNICS ... Peamealed COTTAGE ROLLS*... '■’p-Lb, BACK BACON Notice Is hereby giten that the Au sable River Conservation Author ity Under the powers given it by the Conservation Authorities Act has expropriated the following lands, namely: Parcel 1—Plan 5628 ALL AND SINGULAR that, certain parcel or tract, of land and premises situate, lying and being in tHe ToWnship of Usnornft, County of Huron and Province of Ontario I being composed of part of Lot No. 20 second. Concession in the said , | Township IGA "New Pack"Slrawbetry ------ ------ of by admeasure- more or less, is red and 3 on a Corbett, To: Herman C. Frayne, Esquire—R.R. 3, Exeter, Ontario. William Kernick, Esquire—R.R. 3, Exeter, Ontario.William J. Chambers, Esquire—■ R.R. 3. Exeter, Ontario. G. H. Hay ter, Esquire. Mrs. Ione Hayter—2609 Wood- bene Dr., Pontiac, Mich,, U.S.A.Mervyn L. Dayman, Esquire—R.R. 3, Exeter, Ontario. AUCTION SALE Of A Shetland Peny (Prize in Dashwood's Men's Club Draw)SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 8:00 p.m,VJS.LAGE OF DASHWOOD In Front of Men's Club Rooms •ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Liquid Detergent As we told you before, our boss Jack Pearson is away on holi days, We hadn’t heard from him in- two weeks but Monday we got this telegram: "HELP HELP STOP AM STUCK IN BANFF WITHOUT ANY MONEY STOP MUST HAVE SOME IMMED IATELY TO GET HOME STOP GET OFF YOUR FANNY AND SELL SOME CARS STOP CUT THE PRICES TO ROCK BOTTOM STOP” 56 PLYMOUTH 1 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR NASH CO/ METEOR T IVWI $550 $495 AND DR\ Chuck & Blade (Bone Removed) ROASTS . Average BOLOGNA CHUBS .... Open To " p.ftt. To All Customers