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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-30, Page 10
» Garages Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week: FOR SALE LADIES’ SPRING CO A T, grey check, lined throughout, only worn once; was $35, will cell for $23. Altift hp seen to be appreciated. Airs. Cecil Murray, Exeter. 3'1* PIANO, Sherlock-Manning, spinet model, satin walnut, with bench. Reduced to $485. W, Alan in, Ex eter South, phono 43. 3"« USED WASHING MACHINE. Thar, $2t>. Phone Mr. Alien, 733-W. Jt'c SUGAR BEET WAGON, with rack: also tractor sugar beet lifter for’ Allis-Chalmers UA. B and Ap ply William -Muller, R.R. 1 Credi- toh, phone 63-1-12. 3<i;6;13* FOR SALE BOYS’ BICYCLE, in good condition.Rhone 2d-r-3 Crediton. tine l.noft RED BRICK, new, $75. Apply William Dice, Southcott I’ines. Grand Bend. t.’Gtfo. FREE MAP of Queen's Realm with new subscription to Maclean’s mag azine, only $2.fin. Exeter Times- Advoeaie. phono 770. ______121.1'u FREE!—“New .Household HinUs” nr “Decorating Your Home” or “363 Homo Tested Recipes" with 24- iesue subscription to Chatelaine, only $2.no. Exeter Times-Advocate, phone 77'1.________________ 12tfn FOR RENT HOUSE, 23u miles from Exeter. Applv Rnylanee Westcott, phone 17h r-14 Exeter, go* 5 ROOM APARTMENT, furnished, newly decorated, steam heated: available September 1. Phone 135 Exei er. 30c UPPER. APARTMENT, pelf con tained, available August lu, private entrance. Apply 103 Huron St. E. 23tfc LOWER APARTMENT, unfurnish- c.d. h«t and void water, private entrance. Available August 22. Ap- ply m3 Huron St. E. ■ 23tfc LINimeNT Are You Looking for Prompt and Efficient Watch and Clock^ Repairing. Why Not Bring Or Send It To Us Albert Hess ZURICH, ONT. Certified Watch Maker and Jeweller 36 Years' Experience We Do AU Our Own Work Cars ...........| .....'■J|-............I ■' Centralia-Tower I—Continued from Page 8 I ‘ staff of the flight planning centre.1 i At Centralia, uus centre is known ‘ as the operations room, and it is Uw room to which pilots can re- ifer for all points pertaining to ; their Rights, ooth prior to depart ure and after arrival. It is ade-s quately staffed by qualified of* -j fleers, non-commissioned ofticers't j and airmen, who handle all the' ' many courtesy services which; help contribute to the success- i ;(ful completion of routine flight, i . In the operations room, pilots ; come to flight plan and to gain all • the information regarding radio ’ facilities, terrain data, airport conditions and many other im-! I portant details. ; h One final aspect of the. control-. Avoon blankets, priced rcasnn- ' Ung facilities at Centralia IS the able. Phone 39-r-3 Kirliton or ap- . control tender. This is a small !piy Mr?. Whitney coatee, r.r. i ! trailer resembling in appearance, • ^fntraiia. ■' f‘ ’ a small control room similar to , • the control room at the top of the I Slll, t u ; tower. However, instead of being Phone I mounted on high, it is placed on 1------ - (Wheels, which makes it easy to „ , .Q anX P°^nt °? H16 ?lr'iwem, Dashwood. ’ ’ field. It is used primarily for the i------------------------r j circuit traffic. i SPACE HEATER, in A-l condition, , Tender Helps On Busy Day? I reasonable Apply H. Iaivictoire. The tender is invaluable in' Ma,n Sl" Apt’ *’ ” : 1 • many respects, not the least of which is the fact that by its : presence on the field it reduces the talking which has to be done : between the tower and the air- , craft in the circuit, This is made ; possible because the tender con trols traffic on final approach by , the light signal and pyrotechnic | system mentioned before. This is made possible because the ■ tender controls traffic on final approach by the light signal and pyrotechnic system mentioned before. This overrules the neces sity fox' pilots in the circuit to request their initial and final per mission to land. On a busy day, when as many as 1,000 landings and departures | are not uncommon at Centralia, ; just cutting out these two trans missions, b saves the controller j from making 2,000 transmissions, j which would total to between 20 and 30,000 words per day. To say | the least, this will help to reduce the laryngitis rate among con trolling officers. Summing up, the efforts to! provide service to the pilot, are never spared in the field of fljdng | control. This branch has very I little to provide in the way of material benefits, but the serv ice provided, constantly and at all times of the day or night, is studied and designed thorough ly to provide the greatest possible safety factor for all flying per sonnel. ’511 METEOR COACH, radio, heaier, slip covers, low mileage, reasonable. -• ; 226, Exeter. 30tfn nc 50 ACRES LAND—Good for cash pasture. Apply Wally 16:23:3d :6c. I GOOD HARDWARE BUSINESS, in the city ot London in a good dist- ! riot. Business established li> years, j same owner, now retiring. Price of i $24,81111 includes real estate with j an apartment renting at $63.00 per l month, also the owner's apartment i containing living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bearooms and 3-piece I bath. Please contact R. T. Mc- i Donald, London, phone 3-3610, or ; residence 3-9764 R. R. I. Harris In- ; suranee Agencies Limited, Realtor, ! 615 Richmond St,_________ 30c SHORTHORN 1S.ULL, 1 year old. Apply Albert Rader, phone 47-r-17 Dashwood. _______ 30* 50 PULLETS, Hamp x Sussex, be tween five and six months old. Gerald MeFalls, R.R. 3 '-Exeter, phone 2325V. __________________30c THR.ESH1NG MACHINE. Goodison, all steel body, good condition, $300. Apply Herman Hoste, Cromarty, opposite Bruce's sei tool.______’ 3 0 c LADIES' WOOL SUIT, grey and blue pin point cheek, size 18, Apply Mid-Town Cleaners._______ ____30c SPECIAL OFFER on Maclean’s and Chatelaine, two of Canada's best magazines, >10 issues (28 Maclean’s, 12 Chatelaine) $4.00: 60 issues (40 Maclean's and 20 Chatelaine) $6.00. Limited time—subscribe now. Ex eter Times-Advocate, phone 770. 12tfn A Parts large number of Ferguson parte wi'l be sold at. 40% off list. Armstrong Morors Phone 216 Exeter GLADIOLI BLOOMS, white, cream, pink and red, any quantity. Apply Mrs. JMervin Carter, Clandeboye. phone 163-r-3 Lucan. 6 MODEL “A" FORD—To Inen at Centralia Airport; cheap, reliable transportation: perfect condition; body, top, paint, chrome, like new; all new tires, tubes, spark plugs, battery, ignition; privately owned; low mileage; $275.00, See at 125 Briscoe St., London, jiltone 4-5667. :23:30* 200 PULLETS, Leghorn crossed with Rhode Island Red, 7 months old, laying, good. Apply- Mr, Podo- lan, R.R. 1 Kirkion. 23:30* GET TOUR '’HOLIDAY” regularly. Subscribe io ’Holiday” .at a wonder ful bargain price of 14 months for $3.79,. a saving of $3.21 over the n e w s t a n d price. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770. 8:23-10:25 News Budget From Bianshard By MRS? GLADWYN HOOPER Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks cost 75£ for -single verses, 25<£ extra for each additional verse; and Engagement Notices are 75$. RADIES HOME JOURNAL—Save half, the single copy price by sub scribing now at the special rate of 23 months for $4.03. We're agent for all magazines. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770. 8:23-10:1$ FOR RENT i own rqptc? Mr. and Mrs; T. A. Inglis and Lois Ann of Kirkland Lake and Mr, and Mrs. C. K. Schlimme of Perth visited with their father,. Mr. Amos Darling last week. Mrs. Chester Taylor and her mother, Mrs. Alex Reeder of Lon don, spent Wednesday afternoon | guests of Mrs. Bessie Taylor, Nelson St. Mrs. Calvert Beckler, Jon and I Leigh are visiting this week in i Port Elgin with the former’s ; mother, Mrs. Wm. Blowes. f 1 This Week In Thames Road By MRS, WILLIAM RHODE ELLIOT APARTMENTS The 13-suite steam-heated apartment' building in the centre of town has self-contained 1-bedroom apartments with private bathrooms, plenty nf closet, space, stove, re frigerator, (some fully furnished); janitor service; plenty of hot water and parking space for cars; very reasonable rates. One will be vacant August .15. SANDY ELLIOT Rhone 476 or 787-J Exeter 8:9tfo Report On Woodham By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE <56 METEOR 4 DOOR Tri-bone, w-w tires, chrome disc,’tinted glass. '54 CHEV COACH BEL AIR tied and white, radio, tinted glass; hew tires. ’ - '53 CHEV SEDAN (SPECIAL PRICE) '52 METEOR 2 DOOR Radio. '49 CHEV SEDAN, radio 2 LADIES' BICYCLES T USED RADIO FOR 1953 CHEV Service Russ and Chuek Snell PHONE 328 EXETER ! frib Cleaner^; Corn! ■. Si MORE OF IT! Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Thacker and family spent Sunday with Mrs. T. Waugh of London. Rev. and Mps, T. G. Wanless Elizabeth and Margaret of Stroud spent Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Leonard‘Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lang ford and family spent Sunday with friends at Port Elgin. Miss Marion.’ Thomson is spending* a few days with Miss Linda Mills of Prospect Hill. Mrs, Alex Dobson and Wayne of Weston are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Patti son. Mrs., Orville Langford and John of Centralia spent Thurs day with Mr. and Mrs.-.Fred Pattison. Walter and Donnie Langford are spending this week with their grandparents, Mr, and.,Mi’s. E, Trewartha of Holmesville. Rev. and Mrs. Lindsay of Hol ly, Mich., Mrs, Alvada Hopkins of Glendale were Thursday even ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson. Mrs. Fred Mills of St. Marys spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomson and family spent the weekend in Toronto and attended .the C.N.E. Mr. Ronnie Perkins of Toron to spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomson. Clare and Veryl Hooper spent a few days last week with their cousins, Morley and Eddie Facey of Welburn. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper, Clare, Veryk and Jeanette, Mr. M* E. Hooper spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Facey of Wellburn and attended, the De coration 'Service at North Nis- souri Cemetery. Miss Edna Facey of Picton, Mr. Morley Facey of Wellbum spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and fam ily. Miss Myrtle Rathburn of New York is spending a month with her sister, Mrs, Alex Irvine. The Women’s Institute of Gran ton met last Tuesday-evening at the home of Mrs. Alox Irvine. New Idea One-Row C.orn Picker offers top value for the average farm, Gets under downatelks-— >icks clean. Quickly and thoroughly husks the ears. Easy control, rugged durability. Lowest upkeep,' New Tdea CHE-ROW CORN PICKER pA MULTI-MILLIONAIRE 1 SURE MUST BE RICH J ~AS RICH AS THE 6000 RICH CREAM FROM s AND ALL TYPES OF Marking Devices 5 S' your own with OGDEN’S Mr. James Hodgert returned home from the hospital on Sat urday. Miss Margaret Bray attended the Haylow-Moffat wedding in Holy Angels’ Church, St. Thomas, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, William Rohde, Douglas, Glenn and Calvin, Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore, Dav id, Dennis and Darlene, were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merrill of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller, Brian and Barry were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Rowcliffe of Ilensall. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McLeod, and family of Parkhill visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Kernick. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Strapp of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Bray, Personal Items Mrs, Mary Smith of London is spending some time with her son, Jack Smith and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. B.obt. Rundle, Jim and J-ack attended the Mary-Hastings picnic at Springbank Park o» Saturday last. Kenneth Culver of Lobo is holidaying with. Jimmie and Jackie Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Levy returned home on Saturday evening after I visiting for three weeks with their son, Dr. Grant Mills, and Mrs. Mills at Calgary and also visited other friends and rela tives .on their trip. Barbara Thompson of Parkhill is holidaying with her aunts, Misses Blanch and Rhea Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Murray May spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hymin of Ilderton'. Mrs. Herman Paynter of Kirk ton visited with Mrs. Bert Rundle and Mrs. Roy Kirk one day last week. A number of the young people motored to Grand Bend on'Fri- lay evening and enjoyed a game of golf. Rev. John’ Wheeler and Mrs, Wheeler, of Alienford, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wilson and Dianne of Conn were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo Wheeler. Janice and Joan Webb are holidaying with their grandpar ents, Mr .and Mrs. Small at St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gibson and family, Port Credit, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tipping. Mr .and Mrs-. Michell, Aziz and Billy of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd. Rev. Gordon Wanless of Stroud had. charge of the morning serv ice at Woqdham on Sunday. Mrs. Wanless favored with a solo, ' Barbara Sweiter of Shipka re turned home on Monday after visting for the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Jack Smith and Jack. Shirley Rundle visited in St. Marys with her friend, Barbara Knowles, over the weekend,. Mr. and Mrs. Walter ' Levy motored to Flushing, Mich., on Sunday and, spent the day. Marie who has visited the past week with her cousin returned home with them. Kippen --Continued from Page 5 Miss Dorothy Foster of Chat ham is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Lovell. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle spent Sunday at Ipperwash. Miss Louise Hyde, who has spent the summer, months in Peterhoro, and her sister, Jean, who has been" at Haliburton during the summer, returned home, Evelyn is taking on Loui se’s duties for 10 days. 5 Rubber Stamps Rubber Stamps Made To Order . t . Bank Stamps Circular/ Oval and Rectangular Stamps .* . . Stamps wi?h Changeable Dates and'Numbers ; « « Signature Stamps . . . Die Plates for All Purposes Printing Wheels e « • Numbering Machines ... Stamp Racks . . » ‘ 5 SUPERIOR Propane Limited Your Distributor for Propane Gas and Appliances for Farm, Home and Industry Call Stratford 4174 ■ • i. ■ The Times-Advocatei-ROOM APARTMENT,’heated, hot and cold water, private, bath. Ap ply Penhale Apts, or 70 John St, East, phone 294R. 30ifc •X BIRTHS BOURQUE — Mr. and ’ Mrs. L. .vRourgue, 324 Empress Ave., SRCAF- Centralia, announce the birth of a daughter, Robin Jill, ■‘at South Huron. Hospital, August 25, 1956—a sister for Shelley, BRAND — Mr. and Mrs. Robert’ • Brand, R.R. J Clandeboye, an nounce -the birt.h of their son at. South Huron Hospital, August 26, 1956—-a. brother for .Henry. BUNDY—Mr. apd Mrs. George T.. Bundy, 110 Empress Ave., RCAF Centralia, announce the birth of a, son at South Huron Hospital, August 28, 1.956. CHAJIRETTE—Mr. and Mrs. An thony Charrette, ■ of Honsall, an nounce the birth of their son, Dennis Robert, at South Huron Hospital, August 26, 1956. FJFORD—Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Flford, Hensall, announce the birth of their son, Ian James, at South Huron Hospital, August 28, 1956—a brother for Mark and Alison, KLOPP—Mr. and Mrs, Harold W. Klopp, Grand Bend, announce the birth of a daughter at South Huron Hospital, August 26, 1956. KRAUSE—Rev. L. W. and Mrs. Krause, S3 Main St., Exeter, an nounce the birth of a daughter at South .Huron. Hospital, August 26. 1956. LEFEBVRE—George and Betty Le febvre (nee Kerr), of Clinton, announce.the birth of iheir son, Michael Ronald, at Clinton Com munity Hospital, August 24, 1956. MacKAY—Mr. and Mrs. John M. MacKay, RCAF Centralia, an nounce the birth of their daugh ter, Karen Lynn, at South Huron Hospital, August 27, 1956—a sister for Wayne and Laurie. McKKE—Bill and. Arliss (Wein) McKee are happy to announce the birth of their son, Bradley William, at Victoria Hospital, London, August 28, 1956. > NICKS—Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Nicks, Grand Bend, announce the birth of their son, Terrance Earl, weight 6 lbs., 1.3’^ ozs., at South Huron Hospital, August 25, 1956. VAN MGERKN—Klaas and Rita Van Wleren, Hensail, are happy to an nounce the birth of their daugh ter, Patricia. Joyce, on August 16 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. DEATHS ST1RE- Tn South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Sunday, August 26, 1956, John George Stire. beloved husband of Emma. A. Smith, in his sixtieth year. ENGAGEMENTS. Mr. and Mrs. Evan M. Hodgins, of Lucan, wish to announce the. engagement of their daughter,’ Dallas Elleretla, to Robert George Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Robinson, of Alisa Craig. The wedding to take place on Sat urday, September 2(1, 1956, at 2,30 o'clock in Holy Trinity Church, Lucan. 30c CARDS OF THANKS T 'would like to ihank all those who '’ " ' with .......... ....... . „„„ While a. patient in Victoria Hos pital, London.- Harold Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. Gar field Thomson wish to express their thanks for the many lovely cards, flowers and letters sent Mrs. Thomson while a patient in. SI. Joseph’s Hospital. Special thank s to those who brought baking to the home, al ways deeply appreciated, 3(1c I would like to express my gratitude tn the many kind friends who remembered me. with treats, cards and visits while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, and since returning home. Airs. Mary Wein, Crediton. . 30c IN MEMORIAM ATKINSON—Tn loving memory of our dear mother, Sarah Eva At kinson, who passed Away one eyar ago, August 31, 1955. loving mother true and kind, No friend like her on earth we’ll find, For nil of us she did 1mr And God gave her eternal Her charming ways and face Are a pleasure to recall. She had a kindly word for each And died beloved hy all. —T4ver remembered by her sons, daughters - in - law and grand children. 30* WHSTLAKK—In loving memory a. dear sow and brother, Calvin Westlake, who passed: away ' August 29, 3955,This day we do remember. _^A loving thought wo give To one no longer with us Hut in our hearts still lives. —Ever rememborad by mother, brothers and slsterk 90*PROUT-^In loving memory of John H. Prout who passed au«y one year ago, September 2. 1955'. —Evef remembered hy tola wife. so kindly remembered me cards, < flowers_ and visits ....................... "”30* and Mrs. Garfield. Thomson the many iovel.v cards, flowers and PICKS, HUSKS AM* LOAM UP TO I BETCHA ! SF E IT NOW ! Exeter Farm Equipment Ph&rte W C3OC3OC ©toe*i <*< best, fwf. smiling Oft APARTMENT, unfurnished, self- contained, hot and cold water on tap, private hath with shower; private entrance, newly decorated, hea.vy duty wiring, built-in .cup boards, available September 1. Phone. 400W evenings. 30tfc 3-ROOM: APARTMENT, share bath, for clean couple, no children, ab stainers, partly furnished, heated. Apply 90 Victoria St, West,'-phono 223. ■ 16tfc APARTMENT, small, solf-conlkin- ed, furnished, ipdecorat ed, central, reasonable. Apply Times-Advocate. ' 30c 3-ROOM APARTMENT with large bed-Rltting room, unfurnished, 2- piece, .bath, pantry, private entrance. Available September 1. .Suitable for woman or gent lenten or 2 working girls. Apply Mrs. Whitney Coates, R.R. I Centralia, or phone 39-1--3 Kirkton. 30c More Farmers switch to Surge Milkers For safer, faster milking, (adv’t) Thu Round Shredded Wheat Quaker Muffets Improve Your Salads With Miracle Whip 5-ROOM COTTAGE, modern kit chen, 3-piece hath, full .basement with furnace. Apply William Hat ter, phone 219-W. ’ 30c------------------------------; UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, 4. rooms*, heated, with hot and cold water, 3-piece hath, huill.-in cup boards and hard wood floors; all freshly decorated; also use of hase- ment with laundry tubs; private entrance. Phone 300 after 6 or call at 251 Carling St.---------------------30* ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Glen R. Sfrome, Minister a.m.—Worship Loose Tongue” a.m.—Sunday School Rev. 10:00 "A ll:oo ...... .................. Friday—Choir Practice Thursday—W.S.W.S., ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: K. L. Zorn, Phone 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Service ALL WELCOME 65 II 9-Meal Weekend CAYEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister 9:00 a.m.—Bunday School 10:00 a.m.-rMorning Worship Sermon Subject: “A Man Worth Considering” The. Minister in Charge United Church Of Canada UNION SERVICES Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Muscial Director 9:45 a.m. — Union service of Crediton and Shipka in Credi- ton United Church 10:00 a.m.—James St. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Main St. and James St. union service in James St. Church Duet: Marilyn Bisset, Elaine Bell 11:15 a.m. — Main St. Sunday School A Warm Welcome Is Extended To AU Please Note: James St. W.A. Picnic Thursday, September 6, 3 p.m. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Sunday, July 29, 1956 Sunday, August 26, 1956 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Wed., 8:30 p.m. — Bible Study, Prayer Tliurs,, 8:30 p.m. — C.A.’s Ser vice Rev. L, W. Krause, Paster MENNONITE MISSION THAMES ROAD EXETER. . Sunday School 10:30 to 11:30 a.m, "Teach Me Thy Truth, O Lord" Supt.: Stanley Sauder, Zurich r i Jelly Powders RED WHITE 4 f°r 49c Zest Sweet Gherkins 2 t^ 49c NEW LUX...... Large 33f, Giant «S0 ’ KRAFT VELVEETA,?.!/f-Lh.-...„': 34jC DELSEY TISSUE, Colera 2 Rolls 3.10 SALADA Tea' H-Lb 65^ 98^ MONARCH CAKE MIX; White .. 3.1F': * * THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Mr. John Moermari, Student Pastor 9:30 a.m.—Dutch Service Main Street United Church Everybody Welcome CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F, Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist • Sunday, September 2, 1956 10:00 a.m.—''Faith and Work” ll;oo a.m.—Sunday School 2:30 p.m.—Cemetery Decoration1. and Memorial Service, Rev. A.! E. Holley, speaker. | THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA ’ Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rfcctdr { Tirivitf Memorial, ExeterMAIN STREET IUv« Alex'r Rapsou, Minkler } 8:39 a.m.—Hdlx Communion Mrs. A. Willard/ Organise 11:1.4 ».TlfL«‘Th# ChUfch School ; 11:0(1 a.m.—Sarviea of WdTShip 50*1 In James Street* Weekend MEATS Fully Cooked Picnics • • , * Frying Chicken Breakfast Bacon Veal Front 49c 43c 59c Ontario's No. 1 FreestOrio PEACHES Fresh Daily — Low Priced ’ft . 4 GRAPES 2 Pounds 29f£ ■ CELERY........2 For 25|<. ’ CARROTS .. 2.Pkg«, 21 £ 111:30 a.fn.—Holy Communion Sunday, Sept. 9 — Annivtrsary Sunday ahd Fiftieth ATmivci’S* ary of W.A. Services at 8:30f ? 1 11:30 and m I 39c Your Red A White SupermarketPHONE 533 EXETBR tumiwws