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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-30, Page 7
FROM MY HOLIDAYS WITH■f :■? Good Deals For Everybody * SEE THIS SELECTION L.S.M.F.T. ‘‘55 MONARCH SEDAN, overdrive ............. ’52 BUICK “SUPER” SEDAN ..................... Dynaflo, radio, a beaut FORD COACH, radio, nice ...........'....... FORD COACH, automatic ..................... HILLMAN HARDTOP, radio ........ AUSTIN CONVERTIBLE, a sex wagon FORD SEDAN ..... METEOR SEDAN .. MERCURY COACH FORD COUPE .... CHEV COACH .. MORRIS COACH CHRYSLER SEDAN ’53 *52 ’53 ’53 '’50 ’50 ’49 ' '49 ’49 ’50 ’38 KGpon untetamrsend By MRS. B KEOWN . Mavis McBride Fifty friends and neighbors t gathered at the home of Mrs. i Mrs. Neil . Chamberlain of Verne Pincombe on Wednesday i ^andJBot^ Mills evening to honor Mavis McBride........................................ bride-elect of Saturday. A short program of rccordion Neil . Chamberlain ■and Mrs. Geo. Dougherty, both* I of London, were guests of honor ( ! at a tea given on Tuesday after-1 .. ,............... . noon by Mrs. Clark Kennedy in' selections by Mrs. Jack Coates i $.e, garden of her home. Huron ' ’n<1, readings by Mrs. Harry i J^Ha/Dtiton'’aS!lPgS staled Mrc Tj.ii —U Mrs. Clarence Green. Mrs. H.j I Philo, Mrs. H. Campbell. Mrs.' • V. Anderson, Mrs. Henry Men ard, Dr, Judith Brigham and < Coates, Mrs. Bill Thomson and i Mrs. Bev Skinner was given. Mrs. John Taylor read an* ad dress and Mavis was presented with many miscellaneous gilts. The hostess • as assisted by Mrs. Allan Westcott and John Taylor. Mrs. Gram Says: —■Continued from Page 6 with it "ore baking. Place more meringue on the layer you will use for the top one. Dot it with broken. nut meats and coconut. Bake in 350-375*’ oven. When baked, put layer with least mer ingue on cake plate with mer ingue on bottom. Put layers to gether with whipped cream. Dec orate meringue on top layer with cherries if desired. * & * * * Last week our kitchen became a small-scale pickle factory, We made dills, nine day and icicle water pickles and hot dog relish using Mrs. Irvin Armstrong’s recipe. (The recipe for quick lemon bars, in last week's col umn. was from Lois too. Sorry we forgot to include her name.) Found this simple recipe for icewater pickles in the -1950 ed ition of the Mary Hastings cook book. It was sent in by Phil and Pete. We found it was a good way to use up the larger cues. We sampled them four days after IJL/UUiia.. ....... v ....... we d made them and found them ( Passmore; women with most but- as the recipe says ,c”"=« ’ .................. delicious? Ice Water Pickles 101 or 12 Targe cucumbers 3 quarts vinegar 5 cups brown sugar 1 Tbsp, salt 1 tsp, celery seed 1 tsp, mustard seed Wash cues and cut into strips. Leave in "ice water for 5 hours. (We added ice several times.) Boil vinegar, sugar and season ings together for IQ minutes. Pour over pickles which ha've been put into sterilized jars. Put a few slices of onion in top and bottom for added flavor. Delicious and crisp. Mrs. S. M, Barbour-of Mimico. I Personal Items I Mr. and Mrs. James Gregg and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gregg spent Thursday of last week visit-; ing with Mr. Nelson Gregg .at I Arkona. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Page and j family spent Wednesday and Thursday visiting in Kitchener. .Mrs. S. M. Barbour of Mimico visited with her sisters, Mrs. Clark Kennedy and Mrs. Roy ’—’j Flear last week. Miss Jean Ken nedy returned home after spend ing a week with her aunt, and little Misses Mary Lynn and Eli zabeth Kennedy returned home with their aunt for a visit. Mr. Dennis Finan of Sarnia spent the weekend at his home Award Girls i At Wl Picnic tnc w Ws lwme| Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Coulson,1 on 1 Penny and Patty, spent the past I , week with Mrs. Coulson’s par- i , ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rendle.< t Mrs. Norman Turnbull was! i I rronounce vows' In Caven Church In Caven Presbyterian church, Exeter, on Saturday, August 25, 1 Udora Emma Law or Guelph be came the bride of Norman Leroy Peters. The bride is the daughter I of Mrs. Lottie Law and the late ! Fred Law of Guelph and Mr. and 1 Mrs. Fred Peter are, the parents of the groom.I Rev. Samuel Kerr performed the wedding ceremony, Bridt In White For her wedding the bride chose a ballerina-length gown of white nylon tulle ana lace over duchess satin with panniers of lace bandings with matching lace ~ <....... -J, A Ir|H. J. CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J« Cornbh* U F. Cornish, D. Mitchell 264 PUNPAS ST* LONDON, QNT, Hurondale Women's Institute took the form of a picnic held j in Riverview Park, Exeter, Wednesday last. During the business session , “N^aTTSbuS'^ to^thp3 eh'K3 W i t0 re^urn ^er Home Ofl to tils .gills OX tile Jolly Jills i KIonclsv after heins? a natient in Homemaking Club who received1 souT mron Hospital fo? the county honors and their leaders, pS two SkSH P Mrs. Arthur Rundle and Mrs.. „ ..Rruce Tuckey. The presentations | e were made by Mrs. Roylance’ who was killed Westcott and Mrs. Lloyd Kalian- S’,-^an?eboye earJy ?AtuFday tync to Darol and Marilyn Tuck-; An ;aey, Bernice and Marilyn Strang, I 11131X1 ®treet ln Helen Dow, Barbara Kernick,' ^rand Lend. Phyllis. Cann, Shirley Muriuy, Mildred Ballantyne and Maureen Stewart. Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Frayne Parsons and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell convened a program of sports when prizes for the largest- fam ily present went to Roylance Westcott; youngest Institute member, Mrs. Harry Dougall; oldest person present, Mrs. Mac Thomson: youngest person. Linda ■ Dougall, lucky place, Mrs. Percy ■ • J 3 A V* , nVUIVll YV4-U1 Ajut"crisp and tonSj William Lamport; ’man with lea»st hair, Hugh Love; (person with mest 1949 pennies, I Shirley Morley; guessing buttons in jar, Mrs. Percy Passmore. Face for girls 7 to 8 years was won by Nancy Strang, 8 to 12 years, Joan -Westcott; young ladies, Marilyn Strange walking backwards lady, Mrs, Wm'. Lam port; men. Harry Dougall; best dummy with tissue paper, Har ry Dougall; holding umbrella while sitting on bottle, Hugh Love. Mr. and Mrs. Les Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kirkland con vened the picnic tables. • The next , meeting will be held the last Wednesday in September with Mrs. Garnet Hicks as host- cottage just off Main Street in Barbara Kernick, Shirley ~ Morley, ........li ! chose a ballerina-length gown of white nylon tulle ana lace over duchess satin with panniers of lace bandings with matching lace jacket styled with Peter Pan col- lor and tapering sleeves. crown of seed pearls held her: finger tip. nylon veil and she car ried a bouquet of red roses. Attending the bride was her sister, Mrs. Orma Walsh of Nia gara Falls wearing a ballerina ! length gown of green nylon neti over taffeta, and carrying a bou- quet of pink roses. I Cpl. Tom Peters of Calgary,: Alberta, was his brother’s groomsman. j The reception was held in the | Legion Hall, Hensail, For re-; 1 ceiving the forty guests the! I bride’s mother wore a charcoal 1 grey-dress with black accessories j and red rose corsage. The I {groom’s mother chose a navy! . ensemble with accessories inI Mrs-; white and a corsage of pink M’‘c .roses. f To Reside In North Elay For a wedding trip the bride donned a box style suit of beige with white accessories with which she wore a corsage of yellow I mums. ■ I The couple will reside in North • I Bay. . j > Guests wore present from Niagara Falls, Guelph, Rock-1 wood, Calgary, Fergus, Harris-j ton, Drayton, Bowmanville, Lon- j don and Mitchell. i Prior to her marriage the bride ‘ was feted at several presenta-i lions in her honor by friends at i Guelph. . . . printed to your individual business requirements are a valuable asset. For quality that will add pres tige to your accounting system, at a very moderate rate, consult THE TIMES-AbVOCATE For Lease s I BY 3’ Miss Beulah Holt of Windsor visited with her mother, J' Mae b Holt, and sister, Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, on Friday, enroute on a motor trip to Mon treal, Quebec and up the Saguen ay. , Mr. and Mrs. Alex Love and j daughter, Holly, Toronto, are ! spending a few days with Mr. i Love's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! Wm. Love and other relatives. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cochrane ; of London arc visiting with their 1 daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J, Dalton and other rela- j tives in town. 1® Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCracken of Toronto spent the weekend 1 with Mrs. McCracken’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Mason. 1 Master Ronnie Bro\vn, who has I been visiting with his grandpar ents for the past few weeks, re turned home with them to Toron to. Master Gary Patterson and a friend of Sarnia spent Friday with Gary’s grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Patterson. ,Nancy Chamberlain is now 1 a family reunion at their cot able to get around with a walk-’ ‘ ’ ing cast on her left leg, - which she had the misfortune to frac ture in two places on 'the Satur day preceding Civic Holiday. Janice Book has been able to have a cast removed from her left arm after having it frac tured while skating on the roller rink about a month ago. Rev. E. and Mrs. Wattam spent the past week attending conferences in the. United States and returned home via Niagara Falls, where he visited for- a few days, Mrs. Wattam remaining for a visit with her father. Mrs. Mabel Snider of Sarnia visited with Mrs, Lulu Mac Gregor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eaglesqn of Birmingham, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs, Carman Ireland of London also spent the weekend. with Mrs. MacGregor and Carol. ' , Dr, and Mrs. T. McKenzie of ■Buffalo are visiting with Mrs. 'Geo. Ecclestone this week. Mrs. Jean Miller of London also spent the weekend with Mrs. Eccle stone. Miss Pal; Chamberlain of Ar- kona spent a few days last week visiting with her uncle and aunt, Cpl. and Mrs. Neil Chamberlain and Miss Nancy. Mr. and Mrs. A. Coules of Windsor visited with Mrs, Coules’ sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Rendle, on Satur day . , Miss Donna Smith of Mimico is spending a few weeks holiday with Miss Jean Kennedy. Dr. and Mrs. W. Scott of Toron to spent a few days last week with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. E. Keown. Rev. ■ Thomas Fleetham of Peterboro, Mrs. Stanley Gott of Caledon East and Mrs. Clara Linklieter of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sh’erritt and other relatives in the district last week. The town hall boasts a beauti ful new flag. The local library has received a donation of 90 books. These will be available to readers after next week. On Sunday Rev. A. E. Holley will be in charge of Grand Bend and Greenway- United churches after his vacation. The outdoor services at the Bend will con tinue as long as weather permits. Miss Irene Wyand of Toronto has been appointed principal of the Grand Bend Public School for the coming year. Mr. Donald Cochrane of Wind sor and Mr. Bill Cochrane of Toronto are visiting this week Canadian Petrofina Ultra Modern Service Station In Town Of Exeter sI 3 XI 3 with their sister, Mrs. James Dalton and Mr. Dalton. Mr. and Mrs. George Chamber- Jam . and daughter, Sandra, of Sarnia visited on Thursday with Cpl. Neil and Mrs. Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil. Robb held tage on Sunday in honor of their daughter, Rose Marie, who was celebrating her birthday. I > ' MODERATE INVESTMENT REQUIRED £ z s •S For Further Particulars Write T© Box 34 London or Phone 7»9J3I London i TRUCKS .............. $ .... Your , ’Choice.$The'Story In Here's A Wonderful New 4 Moffat Electric Range At A New Low Price OfREO 5 TON DUMP, new motor ........ ....... ’54 FORD PICKUP, a steal................................. ’49 DODGE % TON EXPRESS, she’s O.K...... MERCURY PICKUP ..................................... ■51 SPECIALS The following 3Q-day units to he reduced per day until sold. Thursday's ’54 ’51 ’50 ’49 FORD SEDAN, she’s good.... CHEV SEDAN, new motor ... CHEV SEDAN, torpedo body FORD COACH, above average TRACTORS ’51 FORD, .above average ’48 FORD .... ...................... $10 Price $1,445 $ 775 $ 675 $ 475 800 450 Larry Snider Motors Your Ford-Monarch Dealer PHONE 624 4- i i EXETER /' PROTECTIVE: FOIL” 60,000-ToH CARRIER II Any housewife would have thought of it! But credit goes to the builders of the U.S. Navy's mighty new carrier, U.S.S. Ranger, for using aluminum foil to keep their product “fresh". During construction, a ship rests on wooden blocks, which absorb a lot of moisture. To protect their costly steel hull from rust and corrosion during the 18-month construction pe riod, the Navy simply covered the blocks with ordinary house hold foil. This brainwave was a natural for a marine builder, since nowadays he uses shiny, non-corroding aluminum so widely for superstructures, life boats and other important ship building components. . ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) SUPERIOR STORES Big Labor Day Week-End Sale See the Full Page "Superior'7 Ad in Thursday's London Free Press Values Effective August 30, 31, September 1 . ELLMARR PEANUT BUTTER Pure, 16-Oz.Jar ............ 290 SOCKEYE SALMON Gpld Seal, Fancy, 7%-Oz. 7m .... 430 CHAMPION DOG FOOD Reg. Flavor, 15-Oz. Tins .. 4 for 430 HILLCREST TOILET TISSUE Good value ......... 9 Rolls $1.00 PALMOLIVE SOAP Regular, 50 Off Pkg. .... 4 Bars 290 SUCCESS LIQUID FLOOR WAX Quart Tins, Each ............................990 vegetable soup Campbell’s ...................... 2 Tins 250 EVAPORATED MILK Borden’s, Large Tins 2 for 250 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 50 Off Pack, 1-Lb. Tins, Each $1,12 Miss Minnie Robertson 0 f Wheatley has returned home after spending a few weeks with her sister and brother-in-law. Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Harlton. Miss Marie Symon of Wiarton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mr?. Ross Love. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Angus and family visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dietrich and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Guenther,. John and Janet, spent Sunday last with relatives in Granton. I Mr. ’and Mrs. Cliff Russell and sons spent the weekend with rel atives in Essex. Mr. and Mrs.- 'Dan Webster and family of Wallaceburg and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harlton and family of St. Marys visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Her bert Harlton. Mrs. Verne Sharpe and daugh ter, Eleanor, of London are vis iting 'with friends in Hamilton and attending the C.N.E. Margaret May and Bruce Ful cher of Exeter • were guests of Diane and Denton Gaiser last week. Mrs. Gerald Charlton and Miss Jane Cunningham of Ilderton spent Saturday with Mrs. Ed. Lamport. Mr. and .Mrs. Alfred Bullah and ( daughter of Winnipeg, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baumgarten. Miss Geraldine Kayes of Tor onto and-Miss Helen Hardy of Lucan returned home after visit ing with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. and Mrs. John Lovie of Grand Bend visited Sunday with Mrs. Major Baker, Douglas McNair .of Ilderton visited his grandmother, Mrs. Ed. Lamport. Mr. and Mrs, Cameron Thrash er of Detroit visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gais er. David Sheppard is visiting with relatives at Ilderton, ) COOL VWO/.t ■_ THE SUMMER SUN . SAYS * INSULATION? iTHEN I'M DONE.1" f 6 LOCAL TRADEMARKS; Irtc. FROZEN LEMONADE Concentrate (Real Lemon) 2 Tins 350 MOTHER PARKER'S TEA Yellow Label, Va-Lb. Pkg.5I>! . You too can live in comfort by allowing us to Insulate Yaur House tho modern way* ... 350 Phdne 532 BBWSWFree Delivery All-New .vk/.-NO MOFFAT ©IVES YOU MORE PER INCH OF FLOOR SPACE THAN ANY RANGE ON THE MARKET Maker All New Moffat Space master 24" for the budget- minded. An economy range with amazing cook ing capacity. Four Con- Rad elements for full range of cooking speeds and capacity. Bakemaster Oven with Robertshaw controls holds two tur keys plus all the dessert and vegetables for a whole oven meal. From every point of view it’s the compact answer to Moffat quality at lowest price. Compare The Compare The Quality! It s A Genuine MOFFAT At A Genuine Bargain Basement PH Phone 18 Exeter WBMBW*