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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-30, Page 6
WESTINGHOUSE Beavers Hardware Model 2V12T $249.95 I the Bill and the e Full-fool e Futl-feshioned « Fujf-svpport The Westinghouse Acapulco The Augv«t 30, WH- Elimville Groups Hear About Trip Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hodgson were guests at the August meet ing of Elimville W.ALS. and W.A. held at the home of Airs. William Routly. They showed moving pictures of a trip taken through Quebec, the Maritime provinces and the United States —there were also some local scenes including the Armstrong-Heywood wedding. Mrs. Freeman Horne was in charge of the devotional and was assisted by Mrs. Philip Hern and Rev. W. J, Moores. The study book chapter was taken by Mrs. Newton Clarke and Mrs. Dehner Skinner. Dick Lobb, accompanied on the piano by his aunt Mrs. Howard Pym, sang a solo “This is my Father’s World.” Hot idea for cool proifts—T-A Want Ads I NOW. . . 51 -gauge Elastic Stockings NEW l Nylon Elastic Stockings *9.95 fr. Exclusive New Process Virtually Punproof and Snagproof ALL SIZES IN STOCK s 5 S S s s 5 f = A Page Devoted to the Interests oF the Women Readers pF The Times-Advocate KflRK ■w Blwl.; ....... GLADS ARE.,HER HOBBY—Mrs. Mervin Carter, of Clandeboye, is developing her hobby of growing flowers into a profitable summertime venture. Schoolteacher at Hurondale, Mrs. Carter planted 4,000 gladioli bulbs this spring and is now selling her blooms through city .chain stores and district merchants. She also has a market for the bulbs het glads will produce. She picks the glads three times a. week when the first flowers come into bloom. She’s seenhere in the midst of a day’s picking. Teacher's Summer Growing 4,000 Gl Alice H. Taylor Wed Saturday In an informal, double ring ceremony i.u James St. United ■ Church, Exeter, *on Saturday, August 25, at 2 p.m.. Alice Hau-1 nah Taylor, daughter of Air. and \ AIx*s. Lloyd Taylor, Exeter, be- < came the bride of William Allan i Walker, son of Air. and Airs, j WAliam Leslie Walker of Lon- ( don. Rev. H. J. Snell was the of ficiating clergyman and Air. Lawrence Wein, organist bf the church, provided traditional wed ding music. Bride In Lace Given in marriage by her fath er. the bride wore a ballerina length gown of Chantilly la*e over nylon and satin featuring a bouffant skirt with scalloped lace edging over pleated nylon . net; strapless bodice; lace bolero ’with. Peter Pan collar and lilyr 'point sleeves. A scalloped pill-j ; box headdress of white satin and i lace held her fingertip veil of il lusion. £he carried a colonial | bouquet of red rosebuds and stephanotis with white satin streamers. Thf; bride was attended by her sister, Isabel Taylor of London, wearing a ballerina-length dress of oriental red silk" organza and taffeta with full skirt and V neck line. An oriental red feathered headdress and a colonial bou-. Iquet of white carnations with I white streamers completed her costume. Air, William Stewart of Lon don was groomsman and William L. Alickle, brother-in-law of the bride, ushered. To Reside In London Following the ceremony a wed ding dinner was. served to the immediate relatives at Arm strong’s, Exeter, For travelling to the United States the bride donned a Dior- blue sheath dress of silk shan tung with matching hat and white tailored jacket with a corsage of bronze mums. On their return, Mr. and Airs. Walker- will reside in London. GIRLS! Enter Now WATCH Arm' In The Competition To Select The HENSALL BEAN QUEEN FIRST PRIZE — $50.00 CASH Second end Third Prizes Will* Also Be Awarded Judging in street clothes takes place at 2:30 p.m at the Third Annual Kinsmen Club/ Hensall BEAN FESTIVAL LABOR DAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1956 Forward entries to and obtain additional information from WILLIAM C. SMITH, HENSALL On Or Before August 31 (Open to All Girls, Except Professionals) 4?' for Carefree TV see Beavers Hardware Phone 86 Exeter Reeve's Daughter Wed On Saturday^ White and shrimp gladioli, white mums and ferns decorated Zion Lutheran -church Dashwood, on Saturday, August 25, 1956 for the marriage of Margaret Jean Christine Becker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine L. Beck er, Dashwood, and Claire Bert ram Deichert, son ' of Mr. and Airs. Victor Deichert of Zurich. Bev, Kenneth Zorn performed the. 3 o’clock ceremony. Mrs. Edgar Restemayer played tradi tional wedding music and accom panied the soloist, Miss Helen Nadiger, Dashwood, who sang “The Lord’s Prayer" and “A Nuptial Benediction." Bride In White Escorted by her father the bride was lovely in a floorlength gown of imported Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over duchess satin fashioned with softly mold* ed lace bodice, portrait neckline outlined with pearls and irrides- cent sequir.s, and lily point sleev es. A bouffant skirt of nylon tulle was enriched by frosty lace front and back panels and deep lace inserts at the sides. A band of Chantilly lace outlined in seed pearls and sequins held a finger tip veil of silk illusion, She car ried a bouquet of red roses and white pom poms. The bride was attended by her sister, Barbara, wearing a bal lerina length gown of aquamarine crystallete fashioned with molded bodice, off shoulder neckline and shirred sleeves and a matching crown of seed pearls. Hex* bou quet was of white and aqua mums. Edward Deichert was Ris bro ther’s groomsman and Becker, brother of the bride, Earl Deichert, brother of groom, were ushers. A reception followed in -_ church parlors. The bride’s mo ther received in a street length jacket dress of teal blue Egyptian cotton with beige accessories. The grooms’ mother chose a street length navy crepe dress with navy and,white accessories. Both wore a corsage of pink and white carnations. Tv Reside Near Zurich For a wedding trip in Northern Ontario the bride donned a navy and white ensemble with match ing accessories and pink and white carnation corsage. On their return the couple will reside on the groom’s farm near Zurich. Guests were present from Lon- 'don, Kitchener, Stratford, Credi- ton, New Dundee, Walton and neighoring communities. Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (South of Jack Smith Jeweller) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop. Phone 71-W Exeter . ’Y GO BY' Beauty Bar Myrland Smith, Prop. Individual Styling, Permanents Hair Treatments, Tinting Manicures, Facials 409 Main St. Phone 522 si I Now you can enjoy all the great engineering advancements in Westinghouse in a LOW PRICE TELEVISION SET! You ..can enjoy television performance that is second to none' Performance- that will keep its high standard over the years WITH AN ABSOLUTE MINIMUM OF SERVICING! Come in today—easy terms on all Westinghouse television sets. . > I * Ethel’s Beauty Salon PHONE 18, GRAND BEND Open Daily — 9 s.m. to $ p.m. Friday Evening to 9 p*m» PERSONALIZED HAIR STYLING By Margaret Stehpan, Eleanor Wasnidge, and Ethol Desjardins Prop* during the first two weeks of June. She has seven rows,, ’ 40 rods long, ! Treated For Disease The bulbs were treated for a disease called “thrip” before they were planted and she hasn’t lost a single one. The land, a. rich piece of ground, was heavily fertilized and the Carters gave it careful cultivation during the summer. She. almost despaired of her venture during the backward spring but the glads are coming along well now. In fact, they have unusually.. large blooms, which the school teacher attri butes to the wet weather. In an exceptionally dry year, Mrs. Cartel' thinks the flowers will have to be irrigated. There are four different colors in the crop—white, cream, pink and red. The white ones produce as many as 22 florets. They’re picked when the first two or three blooms come out and the cut flowers,.if properly cared for and given fresh water daily, will last two or three weeks. Mrs. Carter expects her glads will be blooming until the end of September. Some of the flow ers aren’t in bud yet. She picks them three times a week, harvesting as many as 36 dozen at a time. Her husband and family, consisting of three sons and a daughter, help out, too. On weekends, daughter Mary, who works in London, helps de liver the blooms. They’re sold to chain markets such -as Lo blaws and Grand Union and local stores such as Bick’s Foodland and the Supertest garage at Clandeboye. A school teacher for 19 years, Mrs. Carter plans to continue her new-found' t hobby indefinitely. She thinks it will come in handy after she’s retired from the class rooms. The Carters’ sons include Car lyle, Douglas and Ian. 2 Answered Ad in Paper It all. started when she answer ed an ad in a daily paper. Two days later she had purchased 4,000 bulbs and was in the glad business. The bulbs were supplied by grocer in Byron who has guara teed a market, f— 'L~. T—— bulbs in the fall. With two and three bulbs coming from each of.the original plants, she hopes, to have at least six or ^seven thousand for sale when the sum mer’s over. In addition, the plants produce little bulblets, about the size of a bean which, when planted the following spring, will produce more bulbs. The energetic school teacher planted all 4,000 bulbs herself A school teacher’s fondness for growing flowers is turning into a profitable hobby. Mrs. Mervyn Carter, of Clande- boye, teacher at Hurondale school for the past nine years, is in the midst of marketing her first crop of gladioli—4,000 of them. She’s cutting 400 at a time and retailing them through city- chain stores* and district grocer ies, They’re going so fast she can hardly keep up to the de mand. “I took it on as just a hobby, being fond of flowers,” says Mrs. Carter. “I didn’t consider it from the financial standpoint.” But the hobby, which fits in well , with her summer off from teaching, looks, like it will be come quite profitable. ■ a . . guaran- ________ ___ _ for Mrs. Carter’s bulbs in the fall. With two and BLANKET! Products Up For The BIG WEEKEND I r -EXETER Phone 50 Kirkton Wl Sees Films Mr. Cliff Allen of Fullarton with the Perth Council film pro jector1 was at the August meet ing of Kirkton Women’s Institute held in Aberdeen Hall on Thurs day evening. Mrs. Ross Francis showed a film on “The Newcomer” show ing how the New Canadians adapt themselves to life in Can ada. Mrs. George Gallop convenor of the Citizenship Committee called on Mrs. W, H. Pike who spoke on “Citizenship” and told of her experiences with New Canadians. Another film on the “Changing of the Guard” was shown. Mrs. Clarence Routly assisted by her daughter, Airs. Ham mond, gave a demonstration of ■flower arrangements. Mrs. Ross'Francis presided for the meeting and was assistedvin .the opening devotional by Airs. Earl Watson. The roll call “Name a flower in bloom on Your Birth day Month" was answered by 19 members, Mrsv Stuart Shier distributed Canadian Association of Consum er bulletins. Mrs. Fred Horton donated an apron which was won by Airs, Robt. Ratcliffe. “The September meeting will be held in Aberdeen Hall with four ladies as hostesses. ^F___~ for The Rural And Suburban Home Gram Says; Christmas Blanket Club Made In Canada 290 The By MARJORIE STEINER SCHNEIDER'S PURE LARD Brice ........,.................... 2 Lbs, 410 The Easy Way To Buy A KENWOOD The 5-P' 'Matchless' Range for 57 i Matchless Ignition Matchless Economy s S© Little T© Own A Beautiful Kenw©©d Our Kenwood Blanket Club’s the most popular organization in town. Just deposit a small amount with us each week and by Christmas you’ll have a lovely Kenwood for your home or for a luxurious gift. Let us explain it to you. Kenwoods range from $13.50 to $16.95 to $19,95 in a full selection of beautiful colors. Check these MATCHLESS features? MORNING CHEER COFFEE Freshly Ground, l*Lb. Bag ........ 990 CARNATION MILK* Large Tins ....................... 3 for 390 fl* AYLMER TOMATO £ ATS UP 11-Oz. Bottle .................. 210 CHERRY PIE READY Stafford’s. 20-Oz. Tin » SNOWFLAKE FLOUR. 7-Lb. Bag .......... *......370 SHREDDED WHEAT Price <* ** ** ♦»%****■**<«*■ If* 2Box«s 310 MAPLE LEAF CORN 15‘OZ. Tilt INTFRLAKE TISSUE Pride .................... 2 Rolls 230 I Yes, we had a preview of the beautiful sliver rose bowl which will be presented to the Cham* pion cook at Exeter’s fall fait. The name of the winner* will be engraved on the bowl and she will be able to dlspla it in her home until next year’s fair when it will again be put up for com petition by the Times-Advocate. So get out those mixing bowls, girls, and practice up for the big day. Your families will be glad to act as judges we ,;eel sure. W # « * fr Often we hear rumors via the grapevine but we think its mote accurate to say some of pur gos* sip comes to us via the cucumber vine these days. One of our /friends told us, when we im comparing pickle recipes, that Mrs. Gib tow makes a real good ho dog relish, When we called to ask if we might use it, Mrs, ...4x^+4.., both of her recipes today. , Hot Dog Relish (Mrs. G. Dow) so large green tomatoes 8 onions 8 apples 8 pears4 green and 4 red sweet pep* petsPut ah ingredients through food chopper and add: 4 ---------------- 5 1 1 2 ___Boil for -------- ----- ------# fr * « Hi For a quick dessert she calls Dlitt Tortc Mrs. Dow gave us this method: Make up a white cake mix and put it in two layer cake tins, Make a meringue, using three .aivi ^over each layer. Economical mini-pilots light all top burners and oven in a split second............» NO MATCHES REQUIRED V Famous Centre Simmer top burn ers give exact heat control: two giant and two standard size, * V Minute Minder times cooking up to one hour. V Spacious oven accomodates the largest roasting pan. V Heavy insulation keeps heat in . the oven and out of the kitche^lj V Oven window and interior light? V Smokeless,' pull-out broiler. cups cups Tbsp. Tbsp- Tbsp, Tbsp. vinegar white sugar cinnamon allspice tumeric salt - ?- 1 hour or until thick, St * Y. Hi Introductory < Special Price Until September 30 $198.00 Including Insfallaflen (Gas Extra} (Regular Value $239*05) Down Payment: $20*01) Balance Oh Terms Over Two Years / v Write or Phone CffDffDjAft DDfiDAUi: tr Kk tvi J K. Jr fCW Jr iFlfi JEr LTD* Our Representative Will Call At Your Request 1S9 MONTEITH ST., STRATFORD » PHONE 3260 ....... ............................................ • ii 11 * <1