HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-30, Page 3Phone 102 Mows Of for HARVEY'S TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE z , eiNGERlCH'S^tfc 'HEATING'''ENGINEER. (looktoyour heatimS "ajov/," J ( 3-.YOU KMOV4 ] V before the j CH1LLINS I BREEZESBLOW/Jat j».» Ciandeboye Town Topics By MRS. J. H, PATON I i?nnPrB| sprvinos fnin -flw lafo; , t m_____i . ■By MRS. J. H. PATQN Funeral services for the late John George Stire, 59, who died in South Huron Hospital on Sun­ day were held on Wednesday from the Hopper-Hockey funeral home with Rev. L. W. Krause of- tficiating. Air. Stire was born at Dunn- ville and lived, in Dashwood be- um-w „UUL weuumu fove coding to Exeter 35 years anniversary on September 4 with Ia^?* was en ployed with the _ ---- waterworks department of the Exeter Utilities Commission for 15 years but had been in ill- health for several months. He attended. Alaip Street United church. Surviving besides his wife, the r --yr former Emma Smith are two) °nq ^owei measuring sons, Sidney of London and Carl! . of Exeter and four daughters, , Mayfair i palq Sass.and Mrs. Bud' * i Waller of Exeter; Airs. Rudyand, Sharon!" ' " ~ ’ ..... I Mr. Alf Kilmer and. Mr. Ar­ nold Kilmer spent Sunday, visit­ ing relatives in Aylmer, * Mr. and Mrs. Alex O’Neil, former residents of this com­ munity, now living in Aylmer, will celebrate their 50th wedding —. ‘7 : n n’. I t.LL a reception at * the Anglican I Church in Aylmer. They have one son and two daughters, Dr. I A. H. O’Neil, secretary of the I British and Foreign Bible So­ ciety, Toronto, Mrs. Bill (Edna1); Phillips, Arva and Mrs. Jack. (Merle) Wilson, Springfield. Miss _ Marie Carter has taken a position with the 1 Bakery Sliop in Exeter. | Misses Donna _____ ____ Blake visited with their grand- of Sarnia, parents, Mr.’and Mrs. Russell jUam of Tonawanda, N.Y., Fred Blake last week. tof Kitchener, -Lloyd of London; Mr. Jim Scott returned Sun- i f<>ur sisters, Mrs. Chris Fischer, day from visiting Mr, and Mrs. i Lucan, Mrs. Freida . Frances, Jack Harrison in Aylmer. His I Chicago, Mrs. Wm. Snell Dor- cousin, Mac Harrison, returned 1 Chester, Mrs. Otto Meyers, Lon- ....-xu -k, tclon, and seven grandchildren. i Interment was in Exeter cem- Ietery. I ' with him, while 'Miss Nancy Scott is spending this week with her cousin, Miss Marlene Harrj,- son and family in Aylmer, A pic­ nic was held on Sunday at Sand Hills near Aylmer. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrison and family, Mr. and Mrs. V. Leitch and family of Denfield and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Scott and fami’y'of Cian­ deboye attended. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cunning­ ham and Joe visited at Tober­ mory on Sunday. £ I ‘ > ' X s sI 5 Anniversary Thurs./ Fri. & Sat. — Aug, 30, 31 Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter Th® Exeter Tlmes-Advocats is always pleased to publish theae items. Wt and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 770. ‘ Mrs. Ross Hodgert of the Bank I . of Montreal staff is on holidays J this week. i Mrs. Jack Blair, R.R. 1 Cen­ tralia won a 1956 Meteor Hard­ top car on Saturday mghl in a draw at the Lions Carnival al i St. Marys. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sims and: i family visited over the weekend I with Mr. Walter Herbert in Bel­ leville, Mich.’ Mr. Herbert has ‘some very fine specimens- of i 57 inches. Mr. James Hodgert of R.R. 1 ' Woodham, who is building a new ' home in Exeter, and, who recent­ ly broke a bone in his ankle in aHeroux and Mrs. Roland Irving, gn™da^>of Sarnia; three brothers, Wil- st 1jXh’rilosDUalPlKt wc^k liam of Tonawanda. N.Y.. Fred „L.’ "°se.?ls .5C£„ News Budget From Dashwood By MRS. E. H. RADER •S t and Sept. 1 COME AND GET YOUR SHARE OF OUR SPECIALS 5 i i t- c I 1 : ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS Reg. $1.89 SPECIAL $1.33 MEN'S WORK'SOX ™ WOOL AND RAYON Reg. 49$ SPECIAL 2 PAIR FOR 79V CHENILLE BEDSPREADS ABOUT 80x96 Green, Coral, Blue, Red .or White Reg. $5.9^ SPECIAL’ $3.79 Ready For School? . We have a coniplete assortment of every day school needs. CHILDREN'S TRAINING PANTS Sizes 2-4-6 Keg. 20$ ■ SPECIAL 6 FOK 98$ VACUUM BOTTLES IDEAL FOR SCHOOL OR WORK Keg. 98$ SPECIAL 73$ FANCY DOESKIN SHIRTS Boys’, 6 to 16 .................. $1.49 Aden’s, S-M-L ......... $1.98 • . FRESH CANDY BISCUITS FIG BAR Special 254 Lb, assss BISCUITS BLANCHED ‘ PEANUTS Special 274 Lb. — NUTS MARSHMALLOW BISCUITS Special 294 Lb. Many More Bargains i ■Z j 3 s 3 3 5 3 = I £ *i.e- j': AUwege From Greenway By MRS. CARMEN WQOPTURN Th® Times-Advocal®, August 30? I95i6 Pngt 3 Mi’s. Wm, Eagleson of Detroit visited last week with her mo-j ___ _ ... | lher, Mrs. Chas. McGregor andi Ohio, formerly Tenie Anderson j Carol. i Misses Viola and Bonnie Twed- i I Mrs. C. R. Young of Cleveland,! of Exeter district, with her! , ................ daughter-in-law, Mrs*. Cecil die of West Corners spent last Young, and granddaughter, Rob-,week with their grandparents, erta and friend Barbara Quest, | Mr. and Mrs. Milton Woodburn, spent a couple of days with H. i .1. Dettmer. Mrs. Young Sr. is 89 and enjoying good health. She. enjoys renewing old acquaint-, ances in Exeter. ' j Mr. Walter Hemsip,y of Wil-f liarasville N.Y. spent a few days! visiting his brother-in-law, Roy Alderson and family Monday they all went to lord and Arkona to visit an un-hJ** cle, who is 88 and who despite’ keeps a’SedfiardcnCar aceident’; Wayne Reddick"of Sombra is ' ei s a line gaiden. visiting with his aunt and un- Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johnson of | cle, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. Londesboro visited on Sunday 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Lome John-: ston. Mrs. Lewis Kirk has returned' after visiting with her sister1 and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs district, . Mrs*. ........ ............................. and granddaughter, Rob-, week with their grandparents, t ” 1. > Mrs. Norman Frollick and < sons of Detroit visited last week; at the home of her brother, Mr. > Hugh Hodgins and at Mr. Lyle: Sleepers. i . Mrs. George Bullock returned ‘ home from the hospital and is; spending some time at the home J of her daughter, Mrs, Wm. Bui- ; . lock. j Miss Jeanette Steepers has ■ ! a position as book-keeper■ - at Waters Elevator in Parkhill, I i Wayne Reddick of Sombra is visiting with his aunt and un-' , Air.; > On1 1 hcci* ’ when a bone was taken from his leg and placed in life ankle. He has returned home with his leg in a cast. Mr. and Mrs. Vai Ricci and family of Hamilton are visiting I with Mrs. Ricci’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Payne. Airs. Ricci has been here some lime owing to the illness of her mother, Airs. Payne, who underwent an opera­ tion in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-’ . --- ---don. Mrs. Payne returned home derson of London, on Wednesday. I _____ _ .Airs. Archie Ryekman, Mrs. Ed Thomas is visiting this week ! w<-ek. Johns, Airs. Delmer Skinner and j with Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Luxton. Frances, Airs. Valeria Arm- Linda Webber of Varna has strong. Airs. Alary Hannigan, ^een holidaying with Jane South- Airs. Edgar Squire attended the cott Wing Commander W. I. and 1 us ^r* ! . Mrs. Riddell of Cobourg are I ^ls* James Smith, Waterloo St,; i------ .<•*„ _ r.... j_........; Mrs> Charles Johnson and ; and Mrs. C. V. Pickard. j daughter, Roseann, of Kitchener ! Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thiel of visited a few days this week with i Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs, Wes , Mr. and Mrs. Don Southcott. !Simmons were Sunday visitors; Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques i ' with Air. and Airs. William Pass- are visiting with Mrs. M. Fowler,! more,- _ . ;BeamsviUe. David and Patricia Moffatt of j Messrs Carfrey Cann, Mervyn London have returned home af- j Cudmore and Robert Southcott ter Speiidliig a Wvck With their ; uf James st. ehurch, Eacvcx , and .grandparents Mr. and Airs. J.'Howard Johns of Elimvjlle were ■ L. Kydd, Exeter, ahd Mr. and. four out 19 laymen of Huron ; Mrs. D. A. Aloffatt of Kippen. ; county who attended a three-day ; Mrs. Cooper McCurdy and conference held, in Alma College, j Carol, Airs. Lloyd Parsons and St. Thomas over the weekend. 1 Mrs. Bill Kovacs, London, ’ holidaying at Grand Bend this! I week.. I Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Statton of Edmonton, Alta., formerly of! Exeter, are visiting with Air. and ; Mr. Norman L. Martin attend­ ed a three-day seminar of West­ ern Ontario optometrists in Hotel London this week. Air, and Mrs. Sterling- Ince returned recently after holiday­ ing for two weeks in Prince Ed­ ward-Island. Mrs. Milo Snell, Airs'. Bert Kestle. Mrs. C. E. Zurbrigg of town and Mrs. Victor Spell of London were holidaying pt Port .Elgin last week.*J. M. Southcott attended the (funeral on Tuesday of the late ;A. W. Reis, editor and publisher ____ v.av, ' of the Milverton $un and Monk-1 __________........... ;ton Times who died suddenly in T ' ,iListowel Memorial,,, Hospital onj Comments Aiaout Centralia By MRS. FRED BOWDEN s 3 "—■ II X-rays Show i| and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. \ A / * . I TBi !Barton Ford of Ethelton, Sask.1 IJ W Illi lb I She was accompanied by her j ! daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and; Over 500 people in Huron j Mrs. Ross Cowan and Pearl Hen- j county will benefit from the Family Picnic A family gathering at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfile on Sunday afternobn included Mr.! and Mrs. Henry Pfile of Hensall, i f . j *Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bender and '^UjSts, ^orr,a £eW1d?ys W1^ Mr. < Richard of London, Mrs, Melissa Geiger, Mr. and Mrs. Uelbert I Geiger and family, Mr. and Mrs. i Claire Geiger, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKlinchey and family, Mrs. Clara Jacobe, Mi*, and Mrs. 'Laird Jacobe and Sharon, Mr. . and Mrs. Milt Oesch. and Donald ! . , . . , —..... — —---- -----------all of Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. j t-er spending a w?ek with their i of James St. church, Exeter, and Haugh and Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and boys. - Mr. and Mrs. Howard Spear and family returned home to Detroit after spending a week with Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fritzley of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Al­ lan Reed of Brantford spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. James Hay ter and family. Mrs. Joe Hartman has been,Mrs. William Stanlake. successful m passing her examm-1 KT-... .. T ’r- ation at the school of hairdres-! sing, London, . I Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Emil Becker and Anne, Mrs. Mary Becker, accom­ panied by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kimpel and Susan of Kitchener left Saturday on a motor trip to Philadelphia and New York where they will visit Mrs. Fred Hoff and Bill. Alex, Joan, and Eugene Becker are spending a few days with their grandmother, Mrs. Alex Fraser at Mt. Pleasant, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wolfe and family spent tho'weekend in To­ ronto with Mr, and Mrs. George Wolfe and Mr, and Mrs. Murray) Wolfe a’nd family also attending the C.N.E. ' » , Mr. and Mrs. Glen Guenther and family of Gary, Indiana, are spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Baker. - Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Latta and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Weiberg of Waterloo were weekend visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wei­ berg. Mr. and Mrs.* Glen Brown of « I Send 'Em Back To School C.C.M Bikes on s a "The Best In Town Boys7 and Girls" in Junior.and Standard Models ? B i . ! mass "x-ray held in- June, results j Miss Dorothea Pateman of St.; of \the survey revealed this { Mrs. J. B. Russell, Seaforth, i that ?20’ i ! and conference held in Alma College, are ----------- ---------- OPP Locate Youth's Body ' Agitation of the lake by boats and RCAF planes from Centralia was successful in surfacing'the body of the 17-year-old Kitchener youth who drowned at Grand Bend last week. The body was found on the beach in front of Southcott Pines on Wednesday afternoon follow­ ing an intensive search on' Tues­ day. ‘ The youth Allan Hoffman, drowned in a stormy lake when he abandoned an old wooden raft he and three pals were riding ! near the pier. Lunch Kits Thermos Bottles ... „Saturday. • •Mrs. ‘Myrtle Hay’ and grand­ son, David Dettmer, returned Monday from a summer hol­ iday with ,Mrs. Hay’s daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Harold .Murray, Berwick, Nova Scotia.' ' * Miss Leona Alderson of the Paris teaching staff is on hol­ idays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson. John Pryde visited in Clarksonc j Z Ax i uonn rryae visiiea in uiarxsonMr wS OrS 1 ^r several days and attended theMr. William Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Snell and Beth spent the weekend at Wood- stock and Burford. ’ . Mr. and Mrs. Carman Eckmier and Paul of Stratford were holi­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Burmeister. Mrs. Jane Haugh and Mrs. John McIntosh of Toronto were Friday vislors with Mrs. Emma Haugh, Mrs. Cora Gaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Burmeister and Mr. David Haugh. Canadian National Exhibition. Topic From FRINGES THE1 COST of an some money that mediately. hour’s work in business includes ■the employee does not get im- In addition to the the employer must set aside for vacations with pay, for statutory holidays and for unemployment in- durance; in the case of many compahies there is also the money required for hospital and medical care, ■ * for pensions and other “fringes”. Many people, including those self-employed, must ,themselves save for their holidays and their future . needs and desires. On the other hand/people who work in some large enterprises for salaries or wages - apparently prefer to have their employer set aside for them money for, such purposes. hourly wage, there is the money Fringe benefits are savings for the benefit of the employees and a- substantial expense for the employ­ ers. They are part of the cost of an hour’s Work ‘ which must be recovered from customers in’ selling prices, STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA • LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOOUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO / i Mrs. J. B. Russell, Seaforth, ! secretary of the Huron TB As-; j sociation, announced tk_L ~ i cases of pulminary TB were dis- i covered and are being treated. , This represents 0.1 percent of I the 19,525 persons who were ; x-rayed.j The survey also revealed that ; other diseases or abnormalities i were found in 526 persons, or 2,7 percent. There was no evidence of disease in g.8,976 or 97.2 percent of the x-rays. Officials were pleased at the low percentage of TB found but j pointed1 out that incidence is al­ ways lower in that portion of the population which takes ad­ vantage of the TB x-rays. They find that the rate is higher among those who don’t have x-rays taken. sociation, Editors Meet In Quebec More than 500 editors front across Canada are meeting at Murray Bay, Quebec, this week for the thirty-seventh, annual con­ vention of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. COMING EVENTS . "SHARE-TH E-WEALTH” Bingo, Legion. Hall, Hensail, Saturday, September 1, 9 p.m. Jackpot $75.00 in 55 calls. $5 added each week until won, games at 10d a i Legion. 14 regular . jame. No ad­ mission. Sponsored ’ by Hensail T ’ 30c CANADIAN PROPANE ' GAS & APPLIANCES TRaOUKIRI■ 1 M WM® WMf ■ HIM Ml A L QLHUTY AT 7=^/7? PRiCES PHONE 2 7 . . £ X E T E RL We Have The Answers BOYS SCHOOL WEAR T-Shirts At Reduced Prices Bey's Belts , « 9 Only 69c Yeung Men s Sweaters Orlen and Australian Lamb's Weel — $7,95 MEN'S jackets Regular $11.95 FALL SPORT STILL REDUCED TO SELL Now As Low As $5.95 SH+KTS JUST ARRIVED imTnrrrjffs-jr.r,7 rswar-.-j'. ■•gT-r.rrr.tfjaiui..... ■. ■.•MKY.-lK.wr;-.-1. Farmers! See Us For Your Fall Work Clothes 1 Visits Camp Florence Clarke was guest speaker at the service in the United Church on Sunday morn­ ing. The music was provided by the members of the Women’s Association and a duet was sung by the Essery twins. Florence recently returned from a trip, to St. Louis, Mo., and Camp Miniwanca, 'Michigan, which was sponsored by the Wm. H. Danforth Summer Fellowship. The fellowship was awarded to Home Economics senior stu­ dent from each of the 48 states as well as one from Hawaii, Peurto Rica Alaska and Cana­ da, The girls spent two weeks in St. Louis £s guests of the Ral­ ston Purina Company and, two weeks at a leadership training camp sponsored by the American Youth Foundation near- Shelby Michigan. Florence was the only Canadian among the 54 girls I®1 GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend A Main St’. & Lloyd Ford's MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR Sxef«* By MISS JANE DYKEMAN —— Decoration Services were held at West Zion School and at the cemetery on Sunday afternoon. The guest, speaker was Rev. Knox of the Anglican Church in Exeter. Mrs. Jack Coates play­ ed accordion selections. A large crowd attended. Personal Items Mi*, and Mrs. Ross Jaques and i present?** John were Friday visitors with, y- ■’’* '* Mr. and Mrs.'1 Geo. Thames Road. , u „JJVl - Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbcrt | YoU(» the motto used by Mr. cp T r" of Kirkton visited Sunday with Ralston Purina Company and the Mr. and Mrs. Ephnam Hern. (American Youth Foundation. MOTORISTS Replacement FareverEnd Filter GIVES ’ 5-WAY ENGINE PROTECTION t ■ Her talk based on the message Kellett, s]le received during the Fellow- .... . I ship and especially on “I Dare of Lucan and Mr. Edgar Garnett' Danforth?*the*founder'of both Uie cp 1 * " ’ ; Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern. ( Mrs. Wellington Brock return- ■ ed home from Victoria Hospital, Personal Items London, last Friday. Mrs. Dick-• Miss Amy Lamnne of London ins is spending a few days with and Miss Greta Lammie qf Hen- her. ; sail are visiting with their bro- Mrs. Louisa Kyle, Exeter, thcr-imlaw, Mr .and' Mrs. Ray visited Wednesday with Mr. and Lammie and family. Mrs.' Harold Hem. F/O and Mrs. T. Gates and Sunday visitors with Mr. and family of Camp Borden and Mr. Mrs. Ross Jaques Were: Miss Jack Gates .of Dannville, Illinois, Velma Anderson, Stratford, Mr. * are holidaying with their par- Alvin Hart, Hamilton, Mr. and ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gates. Mrs. Howard Hodgson and Mar-1 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Webber garet, Granton, Mr. Herb An-; and sons, Wayne, and Paul of dei’son*and Lloyd, Science Hill, iMelross, Mass., wore guests at, Jane Dykeman, Exeter, spent the fcarsonage last week. the weekend at her home. ! Mrs. B. Field and Winnie, were I Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kinsmen., Monday visitors with Mr. and Kippen, were Sunday visitors: Mrs. Lome Hicks. ! with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern.' Mrs. Richardson and baby are! Mr. and .Mrs. Bert Morgan, visiting with the former’s mo­ st. Marys, spent-’ Sunday with ther, Mr. and Mrs. F. Osborne, j Mr. and Mrs, Norman Brock.' Mr., and Mrs. Melvin Harlton > Billy Brock is spending a few and family of Lobo were Sunday | days this week in St. Marys. visitors with Mrs. A. Harlton.! Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowcliffe Mrs. J. Thompson has been in t and family, London, wore Sun- ■ Glencoe for the past ten days i day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. owing to the serious illness of: Wellington Brock. \ her mother. . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bates.!, Miss . Margaret. Clarke ( R.N. I Bryon and Leonard, of __ Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman and family. A number from the community attended church service at Wood­ ham Sunday morning when Rev. Wanless of Stoud was guest speaker. Shirley Jaques and Dawn Thwaites spent a couple of days with Susan Parsons, Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch, Petawawa, visited last wook with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ogle. Strathi'by, were Saturday visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Welling­ ton Brock. Rev. and Mrs. Wanless of Stroud visited Wednesday with Mr .arid Mrs. Ross Hern. ELIMINATES ENGINE ACIDS. TRAPS DAMAGING MOISTURE. FILTERS ALL THE DIRT. REDUCES FRICTION. SAVES THE DETERGENTS. AU-METAE. FIITER NEVER NEEDS CHANGING! S »51N’t 6 M it TA L S ’-M BUILT-IN MClfe NEUTRALIZER DOES YOUR PRESENT FILTER PASS THE 'ACID*’ TEST? If. you have a Micro Bronze Filter with the built-in Arid Neutr»Jlzcr. <•«««■ nv—biC Jc n-rl+tn — flip fl’H If, fn •> vpfl 030 /‘8‘sllv Trials* voursclf. the Micro Bronz* sncdal elem*‘nt rbmnletcJy •n*utra7«z;ns in 60 seconds! BTinr-IN A CD) NEVTRALTZJ'R f Gall spcitl has arrived in Bella Coola in the ‘ ’ ’ United Church hospital. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McFalls were Mrs. Leda Williamson of Detroit, Mrs. Samson McFalls. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Glenn and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mc­ Falls of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Quinion and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lilley and family Miss Helen McFalls of London, Mrs T. Boyes and Mrs. Wm. Bowdon. Rev. J. T. and Mrs. Clarke, Frances anl Allison have, return­ ed home, after holidaying with the former’s son, Rev. Ewart and Mrs. Clarke, at New Lowell, Ontario. Mr. wind Mrs! Stove Molnar i returned home recently follow.! ing a nveckfi vacation in Nnrili i -r’mE SWW1) METALS SECRET' . . . Worid Wnr n, the Germans tlisenvffr- cd how to fuse mieroscop’" b«!Is of m*fal inIn sn’M but nnrnns form. Fnllnwinlf Hlft war. this secret was made available fo American industrv and wr’ve developed it for Micro Frunze voters. This is a magnification of the ‘i’ter wall. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR FULL FLOW MODELS FITS EVERY CAR & LIGHT TRUCK...................... . A Micro Bronfce Unit costs only $05, includ­ ing all full-flow models. Easy to install, never needs changing. FOR TRUCKS. TRACTORS AND INDUSTRIAL WHY GIVE YOUR ENGINE* HALF-WAY PROTECTION? The Micro Bronze perman­ ent all-metal filler with the built-in add , neutralizer is the world’s first filter that guards against all five engine enemies: Acids, abrasives, friction, moisture and sludge. Made of solid but •porotss everlasting sin­ tered bronze, the Micro Bronze Filter screens out all ^articles of dirt and abrasives larger than .00033 inch in size (so small you could put a thousand of them on the head of a pin!). The Micro Bronze positively cannot channel or blow up . . * operates efficiently at all temneraturcs . . never wears out, never needs replacing^ merely occasional cleaning. SAVES OIL CHANGES ... SAVES DETER­ GENTS. Ymir oil is good tor at least 10,000 with & Micto Bronze Filter* All th$ valuable additives are kept in, not soaked up and wasted by the filler. You never need buy another replacement pack aS long as you live! Used with modem detergent oils. Micro Bronze wilt add thousands of miles to engine life, help prevent loss of engine power, save costly oil changes, i>acK replacements and engine overhauls. Beside AfflUfrahg^ Restaurant