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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-23, Page 13
his office, rented as of London week with UMdr^OUf hdt{ MUSICAL SIGNAL Dobbs For Dodge 4. « HANDY LOADING SHELF g|| 4 • EASY VENTING commants About ...... ’ Cromarty . By MRS* K. McKELLAR | •> i pkl t i | * ■ ................j Wk Wee-kin'Lucan And District News wincheisea The bright idea of a New York Eire Commissioner gives us an idea, too. He liked his dress cap; disliked the regulation fire hel met — but he recognized the ever-present danger of falling debris. So he simply had an in ner shield of aluminum made and fitted into the cap, And that's where our idea Comes in: A lightweight alu minum shield that would fit under a wayward husband’s fedora and save him many a skull abrasion when he sneaked in late at night to a rolling-pin reception by the little woman. Ah! aluminum, the useful metal! ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) Mr. and Mrs. Harry EWtJMaty VaR BuSS©l Parkhill, spent the weekend with * her parents-, Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. Miss Margaret Ann Wallace returned with them for a visit. Air, Archie Hoggarth, Wallace burg, is spending some of his vacation days with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Airs. Jack Hogarth. , * .Air. and Airs. Harold Carey are visiting this week with their daughters in Weston and George town and also with relatives in Hamilton. Mr. and Airs, Andrew McLach lan visited on Thursday with friends m Russeldale and with Mr. and'Mrs. Hugh McLachlan on Tuesday of this week. Visitors, with Mr. Angus AIc- Kaig during the weekend were Air. and Airs. Wm. McKaig and family, Sudbury,, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKaig, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton and members of their family, Mr. and Airs. Robt. Hamilton, Mrs. Jessie Hamilton and others of her family attended a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sillery, Exeter, on Sunday. Mr. Lloyd Tushingliam, Toron to, visited during the weekend with Miss Olive Speare. The regular meeting of the Mission Band was held in the S.S, room during the morning service on Sunday. Miss Joyce Dow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dow, is a patient in Stratford Hospital. Pte. Alex Walker of Wolseley Baracks, London, is spending thirty days leave at his home here. I Wed Saturday I At St. Patrick’s Church, Lucan, on Saturday Catherine Mary Van ; Bussel of R.R. 3, Lucan, be- ; came the bride of Gerald Hil horst, R.R. 2 Mt. Brydges, son of Hendrick Hilhorst of Nykerk, Holland. The Rev. Father J. A. Alachesy officiated and Alias Barbara Benn, Lucan, provided wedding music. The bride was gowned in white satin with white lace trimming. Her veil was held by a bridal wreath and she carried a bou quet of pink roses. Miss Tiny Van Bussel as bridesmaid for her sister, chose a blue satin and lace gown and carried a boquet of pink carnations. The flower girl was Miss Sharan Van Bussel also a sister of the bride. She wore green taffeta and carried yellow carnations. Harry Hilhorst attended | brother as best man. At the reception held in bride’s home her- mother __ ceived in a navy dress with white accessories. The couple will reside at R.R. 1-AIt. Brydges. . his the re Aneii«„N.w. 'Pentecost ChurchAir. B. H. Elliott, in the ab- ’ , Miwiwi sence of Rev. <i. P. Prest, took ’ hJ a m « c the service in Holy Trinity church ; IT JterS last Sunday morning. The Ladies’ Guild, aftei’ the! summer vacation, will hold its ! August meeting jn the Parish I Hall Alonday, August 27, < To give the organist, choir, I wardens and sexton a vacation1 there will be no services in Holy i Trinity on Sunday, August 26. j Rev. J. P. Prest will be back j from his vacation to take the i service September 2 and the Dec oration and Alemorial service i of St. James cemetery at which the guest speaker - will be Rev. E. R. Roulston of the United Church. Baseball News v Handicapped by the absence of both pitcher and catcher Lucan fans saw the Irish Nine go down to defeat 8-3 at Granton [ on Tuesday night. Owing’ to con-1 tinuous rain, the final game at; Lucan Friday night had to be , postponed. The best of five, ; scries now stands Granton 2, Lucan 2. Lucan Personal Items I 1 At a meeting In the Lucan Pentecostal Holiness Church last Tuesday night, .Rev. Fred P. ■'Thomson was elected chairman , of the official board of directors with secretary - treasurer, Airs. IJack Eizenga; deacons, Air. .Meme Eizenga, Air. Edward But- | ler; Sunday school superintend- I ent, Air. Jack Eizenga; young i peoples’ director, Air. Louis Eiz-. Ienga. I i Church Anniversary The Lucan'Pentecostal HolL nes Church held its first anniver sary last Saturday and Sunday. In spite of a wet night a good attendance was present Satur day eve to hear Mr, Ira Carling’s guitar numbers, Mr. Howard Kew on the piano, Mrs. Ed Butler’s accordion numbers, a duet by Tina and Margaret Eizinga and solos by Heather Acheson. The Sunday services were conducted by the new min ister, the Rev. Fred P. Thom son. Bride-Elect F.feted Mrs. Clarence Haskett, last Tuesday' night, entertained 20 of her neighbors at a miscellan- By. MRS* E. HORNE Mr. and Ato* William Walters I and Danny, accompanied by Mr. I and Airs. Wib Glanville of Sta-, jfa spent the weekend in Detroit, 1 j Aliases Wilma Walters and' ■ Phyllis Hern have returned from I a pleasant holiday through the! Southern States, Aliss Linda Brock of London! is visiting this week with Misses ' Sandra* and Judy Walters. ; ' Mr. and «Mrs. Charlie Webber; of near Strathroy.spent Saturday; with Air. and Airs. Wib Chappel | and family. j- Air. and Airs. Jack Bailey of! Stratford visited over the week-' I end with Mr. and Airs. Gordon i Ford, I Air. and AIjs, Ivan Brock and i children spent the weekend at I Langton with the former’s moth- ' er, Mrs. Minor Dobbs, and other relatives. By MISS JANE DYKEMAN ' Exclusive West- . inghouse direct ’.air-flow system blows warm air directly into the clothes as they tumble. Eliminates slow, costly drying." And with Westinghouse, the incoming air is filtered. •No possibility of dust, dirt or soot soiling freshly laun dered clothes. AUTOMATIC jBI ELECTRIC SPECIAL $275 NO OTHER DRYER HAS THESE FEATURES; 3-WAY DRY DIAL DEMONSTRATION ABSOLUTELY FREE! Beavers Hardware PHONE 86 EXETER Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton attended the Cornean-O’Farrel wedding in Detroit last Satur day. Mr. Chas. Fenn and family moved to London last Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Sawyer, Robert and Dianne of Petrolia were Wednesday guests with Mrs. M. O. Smith. Mr.' Chas. Corbett has mov$d his office from the old post of fice building to the house recent ly purchased by him and his father from Mr. T. S. Hill. Mr. Harold Corbett is using the sun room of the home for The upstairs will be an apartment. Mrs. Harry McFalls spent a few days last __ her daughter, Mrs. Sheridan Rev- ington and family. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hod gins and family, also Bob and Tommy Hardy, spent last Thurs day at Poplar Hill. Mrs. Lome McFalls of St. Thomas and her sister, Mrs. Frank Coates of Exeter, have a cottage rented at Grand Bend, Tuesday guests with them were Mrs. Bob Coleman, of Lucan and Mr.,and Mrs.. Robert Braith waite and family were weekend visitors with Mrs.’Braithwaite’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Aylestock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Border of Stratford were weekend guests with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Achi- son. Mr. Ken Clark, Mrs. Helen Watson and Miss Lina Abbott visited with Mr. Alex Sceli at the Egerton. Private Hospital,* London, last Sunday. Mrs. Warner McRoberts spent last Sunday in Kirkton) the guest Of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Black- ler. Six year old Robert Hodgins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Hodgins of London spent the weekend with his aunt and un cle, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hod gins. On Sunday his parents and the rest Of the family spent the day with the Hodgins’ and took Robert home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stanley who flew to St. Ernest Harmon U.S.A, air-base in Newfoundland for an 18 day visit with their son M/S G. T. Owen Stanley and Mrs. Stanley, returned home last Friday. While in Newfoundland they visited a former Lucan Bank of Montreal employee, Mr. Art Murdock and Mrs. Murdock at Stephenville. Their daughter, Mrs. Norman Laidley, returned* with, them from Toronto for the weekend here.- MiSs Helen Hardy is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. Ross Love of Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. William Brownlee attended Decoration service at St. John’s Church, Arva last Sunday. Mrs. Margaret Stewart and Dolores Murray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray, have returned home after spending a few days with Mrs. Joe Murray. I Miss Delrene Courtsef after i ten days in St. Joseph’s Hospital | FA°£?nc,e Armitage, ..whose mar- : returned home last Sunday. Mrs. Will Dickins is spending a few days with-Mr, and Airs. Maurice AIcDonald. » Airs. R. Dickins of Exeter, Dur ing the afternoon they motored to Goderich. Mr. Harold Hunter of Detroit has taken Mr. and Mrs. John Casey over to his home for a week’s visit. He and Mrs. Casey attended the funeral of Mr. Wm. Rowley last Wednesday. Mrs. Nancy Adair of Sarnia is holidaying with Air. and Airs. Tom Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fairies and family of Stratford called on Mrs.. Annie Fairies one day Mrs. Charles Hovey spent a few days last Mr. and Mrs. Frank We are very happy and grateful for our 1956 Sales but feel very sorry for the friend requesting a new model which we cannot now obtain. We have on hand only two models of cars left and two models of trucks. Will appreciate a call for demonstration on any of these vehicles. DEPENDABLE We are carrying about 25 different used car units, many that we can recommend for service and safe driving. The proof of the satisfaction we give used car b’uyers is the asking of a previous purchaser* His remarks are our best advertising. We can only give satisfaction through our shop by proper, modern equipment and trained men to use it. Exeter Motor Sales Phone 200 Fred Dobbs Prop "We. Want Every Sale To Make Good Friendship" £PEDDLER'S STEEL AND ALUMINUM ROOFING ON HAND , 'A ' ' Experienced men to put your roof on PEDDLER'S HAY CARRIER AND STABLE EQUIPMENT See us before you buy your balor or binder twine. 5 = s I 8j SCOTTS ELEVATOR LTD. | Phone 63 vuc^n, Ont { Slabs For Sale HARDWOOD SLABS — $3.50 PER. CORD last week. Mr. and of Toronto week with Hovey. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Windsor attended the funeral of their brother-in-law, Mr,. William Row- ley of Cass City, Mich., last Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Young and Gordon spent a few days-last week at Grand Btnd. Mrs, M. 0. Smith spent Sat urday in Clandeboye, the guest of Miss Joan Murless and LAC Al Boggs of the RCAF. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hask ett and 'family are spending the last two weeks of August at their cottage at the Highlands, north -of Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Law and family of Carleton Place and Miss M. Merle Law of London, were Wednesday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll of Saintsbury and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins of Lucan were Sunday guests with Mrs. Walker of London. Mr. and Mrs. John ___ Mrs. H. B. Langford spent Wednesday in Toronto. 'Mrs. George Young has turned home after a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Donald son of Ailsa Craig. Miss Bessie Foreman of the Mimico High School staff spent last weekend with her sister, Mrs. Mitchell Haskett and Mr. Haskett. Mrs. J. P. Prest spent last weekend in Rondeau with Mr. Prest and her two boys, Peter and Harry, Master Clifford Acheson who has been visiting his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Lew'Pickett of Sas katoon came home last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dan- brook and three sons, Jim, Ron and Bill of Pt. Credit who stayed overnight with the Acheson fam ily. Another bee was held one day last week to do the pouring for the side • entrance of the new Legion Hall, About 15 men were proscut • Mrs. Cliff Culbert who has been on vacation returned to the Post Office last Monday. ( Mr, Billy Abbott of Niagara Falls spent last Weekend with his parents,- Mr, and Mrs. Murray Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. A. McFarlane have returned home from a month’s' visit with friends in Rockwood and Shelbourne. Marilyn and Jimmy Hearn, small children of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hearn are holidaying with grandpa Hearn near St. Marys. Mr. Don Banting, Mrs. Kay Egan, Frank- and Pat are spending their vacation- on Manitoulin Island. Mrs. Echo Abbott of London spent last. Monday with Mr. Cliff and Murray Abbott and families. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy included Mr. and Mrs'. Bob Penelegan and Mr. and Mrs, F. Donnelly of Byron, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gordon of- Stoney Creek, Mr. arid Mrs. Jack White and family of London, Mr. Mansell Hodgins and Miss Maude Hodgins Of Parkhill, Miss May Hodgins of Toronto and Miss Geraldine Ka^er of Willowdale. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cantelon and family of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. H< Cantelon where their daugh ter Flcanm- lia<? licpn hnlidavinff for a month. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Durant (Derena) and two children of ■ Winnipeg, Man, are visiting Mrs. Durant’s parents, Mr. Harold. Butler Sr. and lins of Boston, Mass., turned home. Mfs. Arthur Abbott, Park Ada and last re- and Mrs, Mr. ~ ' has who Col re- ...................................... has accepted a position as teacher of the Zion school has returned home with her daughter from a week’s visit at Glencoe with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc Intyre.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paddock of London were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith. Dr. and Mrs. Ken Wanting of Port Huron wore Monday guests with Mrs. W. T* Banting and family. Mr. and Mrs. H* A. Mullins and family of London wore Saturday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Henry alvxvuvu x1.Luu1.a5vj wuuov jmar- | riage to Charles Metiers will take place at her home, Septem ber 1, Mrs. Haskett’s sister, Miss Angela Arnitt, -of London, show ed pictures of her recent trip to the Continent. Lucan Pupils Pass Exams The names of two Lucan pupils, children of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Young appear in the Upper School results of Medway School: Elva Young, Eng. Comp. 50, English Literature 53, Zoology 55, Chemistry 50; John Young Algebra 79, Geometry 50, Trig, 69, Physics 68, Chemistry 83. Personal Items Mr. H. S. Stanley is still quite ill in. St. Joseph’s Hospital, His family is looking after his drug store during his absence. The Arena Board are trying to make arrangements whereby rol ler skating can be enjoyed at the Lucan Arena. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dickins' of London were Saturday guests with. Mr. and M-a. Bob Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Young and Nancy are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Windsor spent last Sunday at Lieury, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Durr. Mrs. Eldon Caldwell of Shed- den visited with her mother, Mrs. Will Dickins, one day last week. Airs. Wellington Brock" is a pa tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon-' don, i Mr, and Mrs, Ephriam Hern were Sunday visitors with Mrs* I L, Kyle, Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Brock and family, Mr. and Airs, Harold Hern, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Hern, Mr. and Airs. Angus Earl, Mr. Geo. Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hern, Jarvis, attended a family picnic Sunday at Waterworks Park, St, Thomas, Air.-and Mrs, Norman Jaques and family spent Sunday with Air. and Mrs. Ross Skinner and family. Aliss Carol. Ann Bell visited last week with Shirley Jaques. Mrs, Alf Brock and Grace of St. Thomas visited with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock on Thursday | of last week and called on friends [ in the community. Aliss Sandra Walters spent last week with Shirley Hern, Rev. and Airs. Wanless of Stroud are visiting in ‘ the com munity. Rev. Wanless will have charge of -the service at Wood ham church next Sunday., Elaine Spence, Metropolitan, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern and family. Mission Band Sunshine Mission Band held a picnic Wednesday at Riverview Park, Exeter. There were 25 in attendance. A short meeting was held at the supper hour. Games were enjoyed. MIXED SLABS — $2.50 PER CORD Delivered / $1.00 Off Per Cord If You Truck Your Own Phone 623R3 Ailsa Craig Invest ors Mutual of Canada, Limited Zurich, Phone 168 Investors Syndicate of Canada, Limited News Of Clandeboye By MRS. J. H. PATON Mr. Ward Hod'gins has pur chased a new Case combine. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Presz- cator of Crediton, visited on Sunday evening with Mrs. Mervin Carter. Mr-. Don McKernan of Detroit is spending a few weeks with his cousin, Mr. Clarence Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Carter at tended the Decoration service at the cemetery at Granton, Sunday afternoon. Memorial Service The annual Memorial and De coration Service will be held at St. James Church on Sunday af ternoon at 3 p.m. The rector, the Rev. J. P. Prest, will con duct the service and Rev. Edgar Roulston, pastor of Lucan and Clandeboye United Churches, will be the guest speaker. The guest soloist will be Larry Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis, of Granton. Miss Elizabeth Maines of Dor chester spent a week visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. Tomes and family. I Mr. Charlie Edginton is spend- j ing this week at Ipperwash, with I his daughter, Millie, of London. Robert Crellin Funeral services were con ducted on Monday afternoon by Rev. E. G. Turnbull at the A. Millard George funeral home for Robert Crellin of London who died on his way to his cottage at Port Stanley. He was born in Kintore, East Nissouri township in 1881, was married in Winnipeg in 1909 to Mary Jane Paton. He was a stone mason and he and his bro ther, John, were in partnership in Prince Albert, Sask., for sevetaL years. He and his family returned to Ontario -where he carried on his masonry. In St. James Angli can cemetery he built the large cairn in memory of the late Lt, Col. Hodgins and, other monu ments. He built the pillars at the entrance to the town of Exe ter. Some time ago he started in the grill business on King St. London, with his son, Bernard. He is survived by his wife, two sons and a daughter, Harry and Bernard and (Eileen) Mrs. Charles Deoley and six grand children all of London; one bro ther, Charles of Kintore and two sisters, Mrs, George Furse of Thaniosford and Mrs. Albert Mc Farlane of Saskatchewan. _ Interment took place in St. James cemetery with pall bear ers, Robert Pierson, George Glcndinning, Norman Paton, Jack Paton, Bernard Httrle and Max, Lindsay. Relatives attending the funeral were Mrs, Albert Carley and Mr. E* W, Paten of Cleveland. Walter and Robert Pierson of Detroit, Rev. and Mrs. Willis Paton of Midale, Sask, and Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Carley of Flint, Mieh. Rick's Foodland I WITH THRIFTY SHOPPERS! Save Money On These Red And White Values Heinz Tomato Soup ^3 35c Culverhouse McLaren's Bar-B-Q Relish 25c Planters' Peanut Butter 6-Piece Cannister Set ............ Lowney's Marshmallow, 16 Oz Examiner: “What hiakps you think you are qualified for a posi tion in the diploniatit entps?” Applicant: “Well, I've been married for ten years and my wife still thinks- I have a sick fri 1 ’* 15 az. $1.99 Red &. White Tea Bags, 65 ..... Lipton's Tea Bags, 60, 100 Off . 790 . 690 ——E SwccL Juicy Sunkist Oranges 2 Dox. Poly Bag SWIFT'S TENDER GROWN, 2-3 LB* AVERAGE Chickens oven-ready « 3 for 25c SWIFT'S PEAMEALED Cottage MAPLE LEAF PURE PORK Sausage BONELESS ROLLED PLATE Roast Cal* Seedless Sunkist Grapefruit New Crop, Home Grown Potatoes PHONE 538 I tSr WL