HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-23, Page 12raft 12 Th# Times-Advocate, August 23, 1956 (Centralia Athletes Vie! "["own Topics^^. f ■ MM I ■» • I I A A ■ I ' Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Exeter Tlmes-Aclvocate le always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested In you and your friends. Phone 770. Announcements |n Track, Field Meet ! BIRTHS | CUNNINGTON — Mr. and Mrs. IHoward Cunnington, R.R. 3 Ex- ; eter. announce the birtli of then , daughter, Janet Mary. Elizabeth, mt South Huron Hospital, August 18, 1836—--special thanks to Dr. M. Gans an<i the nursing staff. PAUNAIS—Mr. and Mrs. A, Datl- nais, 380 Algonquin Dr,. KCAF Centralia, announce the birth of a son, Mark Andrew, at South Huron Hospital, August 15, 1956 —a brother for Donald. FREEMAN—F/Q Robert L. and Mrs. Freeman, 210 Columbia Dr.. RCAF Station Centralia, announce the birth ot their daughter at South Huron Hospital. August 18. 1956—a sister for Robbie, Judy, Jimmie, Lynn anti Sandra. MENNEN—Mr* and Mrs. Peter Mermen, R.R. 2 Grand Bend, an­ nounce the birth of their son. Johnny, at. South Huron Hospital, August 16, 1956—a brother for Mary Antennette and Tony. Special thanks to Dr. Scrimgeour and staff of hospital. MUNRO—Sgt. E. L. and Mrs. Munro (nee Ruth McNaughton) announce the birth of their son. Earl Curtis, in Brandon General Hospital, August 7, 1956. IBWEANOR—S/L G. J. and Sweanor, RCAF Station tralia, announce the birth daughter at South Huron pital* August 16, 1956—a. .......... for Barbara, Dians and Valerie. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mullen, of Buffalo, announce the engagement of Mrs. Mullen’s sister, Marion Helen Quantz, to Mr. Clifford Rae Quance, son of Mr. Maurice Quance. Exeter* A September wedding is being arranged. 23nc Mr. and Mrs. Edwarfc J. Grunte, Sarnia, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Marie Ed­ wina, to Mr. Teddy Ross Prout, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Prout, of Exeter. The marriage to take place in Devine St. United Church, Sarnia, on Saturday, Sep­ tember 15, at 2:30 o'clock. 23* Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLeod, of Exeter, announce the engagement, of their daughter, Barbara Jean, to Mr. Richard Walker Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Clin­ ton. The marriage to take place In James Street United Church on Saturday, September 8, at 3 p.m. 23c Hos- slster CARDS OF THANKS We would like to express our appreciation for kindnecs shown during the long illness of the late Airs. Lo’khart and to thoje who sent sympathy cards or helped in any way. Thanks alro to the staff , of South Huron Hospital. Airs. Hey- Iwood and staff, Dr. Butaon and Dr. Lewis. Your kindnos was great­ ly appreciated bj Mr. Lockhart, Roy and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith, Creditpn. 23c We wish to express our sincere 1 thanks for flowers, cards, letters 1 and all expressions of kindness and sympathy extended to Marion dur­ ing her illness and to us since het­ passing.—Orville, Norine and Ross Hagerman, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley and family. 23* Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wilson wish to extend their thanks to the people of Centralia for the lovely gift received on the occasion of theit- departure. 23c The family of the late Percy Elsie wish to thank their many friends, neighbours and relatives for their kindness and sympathy shown during their recent sad be­ reavement. of a beloved husband, father, son and brother; also for beautiful floral tributes and sym­ pathy cards. Special thanks to Re.v. Holley, pallbearers, flower bearers and all those who assisted in any way. 23c. The family of the late Fred (Mac) McBride wish to express their thanks for kindness shown to Mr, McBride in the past. 23* IN MEMORIAM WHILSMITH—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Frank Whilsmith, who left us so suddenly August 25, 1955. There is a link death cannot sever, Love and rememberance last for­ ever. —Lovingly remembered by Florence and family. 23c New» Budget From Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Brownies CLINTON, ONTARIO. ; Box Office Opens at 8 p.m. First Show at Dusk J Shows Nightly, Rain or Cioar Children Under 12 in Cars Free THURSDAY & FRIDAY Avgust 23 and 24 "HEfDf AND PETER" (Color) it Elsbeth Sigmund (Two Cartoons) ‘f SATURDAY A MONDAY' August 25 & 27 "MAN WITH THE GUN" dr Robert Mitchum it Jan Starling (Two Cartoons) TUESDAY 4 WEDNESDAY Apgusf 28 and 29 "SUMMERTIME" (Color, Adult) ‘ if Katharina Hapburrt (On« Cartoon) Sunday .Eve. Services 7:30 p.m. Auspices: Clinton Ministerial _ _ -- ---------- . / ■ ■ BWO 0 W 1 —Continued from Page 9 minutes and 57 seconds. and AW Strong achieved third i The gruelling one mile race j place in the shot put event. was won at a steady jog by I I A scratch team, hastily je- I*light Cadet E. I1. Basse. Most. jmy, xvlaj. jhvu va j.-wit. **«».■- (cruited at the last minute for noteworthy were the efforts of 1 ancl Mr. and M1.s. Clark Fish- the one mile.relay race, succeed- he man who paced third in these 1 er spent the weekend in Niagara ed m attaining third place. At last three races—Blight Cadet * the close of the afternoon, Ceil-1 J. P. Laurin, whose events were tralia stood fifth in the total run off one after the other. ■points aggregate. ■*” n’- ’ After the sports were coni'pleted, prizes were p............. I and a buffet supper for all com-, Scotia, with a jump of 5 feet 4 petitors and officials was staged inches. The second position was in lha rnnrnatinn han«ar A , shared bv Flight ’Cadet D. A. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Warwick, Gary and Terry Lee of Port llur- Native Of Exeter Harry Gould Dies Mr. Harry Gould, of Windsor, a native of Exeter, died suddenly Tuesday afternoon following a heart attack. He was in his 75th year. Deceased, who was a building contractor, spent his Lake view Casino GRAND BEND returned a week Theodore Miss Sharon Thomson spent last week with Miss Linda Mills of Prospect Hill. Mrs. Jas, Mossey home after spending with Mr. and Mrs. Stephens of Anderson. Miss Kathleen Mossey is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. B-, Young of St. Marys. Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper enter­ tained on Saturday afternoon for Veryl on her eighth birthday. She had as her guests: Sharon Squire, Linda Thacker, Ann Parkinson, Sharon Thomson, An­ ne Thomson, Sharon A. Thomson, Doris Mills, Susan Tomlinson, Kay Lawson, Elaine Spence. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Facey and Morley and Eddie of Well­ burn, Miss’Edna Facey of Pic- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper, Clare, Veryl and Jean­ nette spent Sunday at Ipper- wash. Mr. Walter Langford spent part of last week with his cousin, Douglas Langford of Nilestown. Barry Thomson spent last week with his cousin, John Rinn of St. Marys. Miss Gail Rinn of St. Marys spent last week with Miss Anne Thomson. •Mr. and Mrs, Clark- Swjtz.er of Mitchell were Sunday ’ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Mrs. Fred Pattison spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Thacker of Teeswater . Mr. and Mrs. M- E. Hooper spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil-Camm of Woodham. Falls.in nrr nnn nrrnr inn nrnw ■ KCCeilt Visitors W 1 t 11 MrS. In°the fiekl events the’hi Hi 1 Martha Smith and Simonrere com- jump was won by K'kM cfe presented,' T. L. Jeary of Wolfville, Nova} KllVcnhur?? fe Simon Mor- ir all com-: Scotia, with a jump of 5 feet 4 ) ^iavcllhulrts” 7*?* ^lonP pernors ana omciais was staged inches. The .second.position was ' g "°“QONU onto- Mr and In the recreation hangar. .A; shared by Flight.Cade. D. A. | dance was held at the station Punch and F ight Cadet G C., ^shIy Brans- in the evening. 1 Hahkas who both succeeded in;?™ Mirand Mis.^Harry Eians- Softball Ceritralia whiS U- h- successful in the broad jump, fronrNumberf Flying Training ^Ve?School, was defeated in the com-. JUX0 rX t - • mand . softball play-offs at 0/ ; of Ci'omarty spent Sunday “with Downsview on Sunday, August; of the 400 yaids^ was also the t Mrs/P DurfcaIli J- A. Traouair — ' Trtnr ■mn/a inn line? nvni’nllDownsview team now moves on to the next round in the Com­ mand Championships, 'clearing 5 feet 2 inches. ’”iton, London; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Flight Cadet Jeary was also Sweitzer of Kitchener. ■ , cuvu^eful iu the luuad jump, Mr. and Mrs.. 1(red Toll of Au-Centralia, , whicn is the team winning that event with a strong burn, Miss Allie Toll, Mr. and rnr 1 Flvmff I r a mine ... b 1 Ml'S. Ken McDougall Of Blyth, Flight Cadet Love, the winner: alscL JL7U YY JlO VAC Mil » LSUALLAC+J | .TXUfeUQV j. ’ . 19, The clubs bowed to Downs-1 winner seven feet nine inches overall.; 1 Eleven inches behind Love came j Flight Cadet S. S. Schultz with 1 a 36 feet 10 inch jump. The shot put was won by Flight Cadet C. V. W’icks of Toronto with a heave of 37 feet 11 inches. He won out over Flight Cadet K. E. Huet who placed second with 37 feet 7 inches. The same two | men gained the first and second places in the discus, Wicks win- | ning with a heave of 130 feet, i and Huet running .up in second Hold Meet At Station A heavy program of sporting events has been in progress both at, and away from Centralia, __ ___ _____ On Wednesday, August 15, the i place with ill feet "8 inches to station track and field champion- ‘ show for his efforts. ship competitions were held at 1 yught Cadet Huet rounded out the sport field and several good ' a notable afternoon’s perform- times were turned in by competi- j ance by winning the javelin tors. event with a throw of 133 feet Great 'majority of the compe- ■ 6 inches. Huet, whose, home is in titors were flight cadets from the , Granby, Que', won this event by Pre-Flight School, and they j a narrow margin however. Flight „._j_ _ Cadet-Jeary, who placed second, I was only nine inches behind Huet with a throw of 132 feet 9 inches. Corporal W. A, McKee gained third place with 125 feet 6 inches. In the women’s events, the. 100 yards was won by Airwoman K. M. Strong^from Calgary in 14.8 race indeed. ! station track and field champion-! show for his efforts, ship competitions were held at; __ u**v the sport field and several good ’ a notable afternoon’s perform- times were turned in by competi- j ance by winning the javelin tors. event with a throw of 133 feet Great 'majority of the compe- 6 inches: Huet, whose home is in. titors were flight cadets from the , Granby, Que’, won this event by Pre-Flight School, and they " w--—>• made a fine showing in' all events. Outstanding were the times turned in for the 100 yards and the 220 yards by Flight Cadet R. G. Brock of Montreal who ran these events in 10.6 and 25 seconds. This cadet completed a hat trick by winning second place in the broad jump with a ‘ jump of 18 feet 6 inches. | Standing second to Brock in . ;. ---- -------the 100 yards was Flight Cadet; the distance in a time of 15 se- S. C. Fickett, and in the 220 **„ ,*• yards, Flight Cadet R. P. Hem­ mingway, The 440 yards was won by Flight Cadet R. D. .Love of Van­ couver in 57 seconds. He was trailed in second place by Flight Cadet R. B. Marr with a time of 62.5 seconds. The same Flight .Cadet Marr, whose home is in Dorchester, Ont. won the half mile in the good 'time of 2 min­ utes and 38 seconds with Flight Cadet T. M. Harris second in 2 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Traquair left Thursday to vacation in Cal­ gary with their daughter, Mrs. John Christie and John, Peter Venton of London is hol­ idaying with»his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Martin. Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkland spent the weekend in Dunnville v:siting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mil­ ler and attended' the Kirkland Miller wedding. Mrs. Win. Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nixon and family returned from visiting for two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Charles White and family of Montreal, also visited at Quebec city. Misses Nancy, Wanda and Master Peter Mason of Belgrave spent last week with their grand­ mother, Mrs, Cecil Skinner, Comments About Kirkton By MRS. FRED HAMILTON Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Marshall of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Miss Rita Andresen of Toron- building contractor, spent his to is a finest with Mr. and Mrs. J early life in Exeter before go- ing Windsor. He i survived, by Hs widow, the former Ada Hedden. Of a family of seven children only one sister1 survives, Mrs. Walter Cutbush, of town. Robert Luxton. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Jennyn have returned after holidaying in New Holland, Pennsylvania, and New York, N.Y. Their three children have been holidaying near Sarnia* Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Murray spent l§st week motoring through Northern Ontario and Manitou- lin Island. Mr* Rowe Diriney, elder son of Mrs. Thomas Dinney, of town has been promoted to the mana­ gement of Jhe Nanaimo, B.C. branch of the Royal Bank of Canada. Mrs. Ken Beattie, Judy Ann," Jim and Kathy, of London are visiting at the home of the for­ mer’s father, Mr. A. J. Penhale. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Patterson of Detroit returned home Satur- , day after holidaying with Mrs. !W. J. Beer at Grand Bend. Mr. 1 R, B. Quance, Lucknow and Mr. I Maurice Quance and Clifford of | town. Mrs. Beer accompanied I them to Exeter and is visiting ! with her brother, 7*— 1 Quance i i Mr. Harold Jeffrey has been ; j a patient in Victoria Hospital,! j London, for the past week, j Hamilton Reunion I I Members of the Hamilton fam- ■ ily numbering 45 enjoyed a re- > union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Sillery on Sunday. Those coming from a distance included Mr., and Mrs. J. M. Mc- Ilraith, Mr. and Mrs, S. Mc- Ilraith of Toronto, Mr. and, Mrs. W. Mcllraith, Owen Sound, and Mr. and Mrs. N. Hunkin, Bel- ' more. Miss Beth McDonald of Ottawa spent a few days last week with Miss Mary Van Camp. --- ----a—u — ,~’-^Iul naniiiLuii auu avix. <tuu. iyilb. seconds. This was a very close p, q Butcher of Simcoe spent 1 see 111GCCC.. Tlic second girl, „ •fpw davs this na.st week with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall., Miss Helen Humphreys is visit6 ! ing with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills I this week. i Don Cluff of Kitchener spent conds even.. Third was AW H. E. Cantello in 15.1 seconds. ThCKW0A^n n blAOal jU1?P W,aS I — vx XVXVVUVUVX won by AW R. A. Beach, who 1 t;ie past week with his grand- ! parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ira Mar- 3 jump of 11 foot 7 inches* AW ci-iaii Don is leaving for Resina Place With 11 0?a 0ttX SepS^ reel 1 men. | he will takjng a course jn AW Best succeeded in taking; Royal Canadian Mounted Police the women’s shot put with .a | work. heave of 24 feet 3 inches. This j anQ Mrs, Fenton Rumble l’^\^,OT5C*M<rneS-^ron? Trederic’I and son, Jim, of Tampa, Florida a Very I are guests of Mr. and Mrs, successful afternoon, placing in 1 Lome Marshall. Church' Dancing WEDNESDAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY CLIFF SCANLON And His Orchestra * 11 Musicians U j Decoration & Memorial Service I MT. PLEASANT CEMETERY i 16 Con. McGillivray Township | Sun., Aug. 26, 2:30 p.m. D.S.T. I - SPECIAL MUSIC | GUEST SPEAKER: MR. ROBERT McCUBBIN = If weather unsuitable service will be held in | Lieury United ’Church. | Laverne Allison, Chairman « Reta Allison, Sec.-Treas, Alllll|l)|ltllllll|lll>l<l»IIHIIIIIII»»HIII1lll|IIMII|lltl>IIU>IIUIIHII|llllllll............................................................................... .. 3 a ■ • u I Maurice I ' COMING EVENTS "SHARE-THE-WEALTH" Bingo, Legion Hall, Hensall, Saturday, August 25, 9 p.m. Jackpot $110 in 62 calls, $5 added each week until won; 14 regular games, lOtf a game. No ’ admission, Sponsored by Hensall Legion. 23c ALDON THEATRE Grand Bend ■>) Hensail Kinsmen Club Presents Its ThircJ Annual Ontario . BEAN FESTIVAL HENSALL COMMUNITY PARK Our Best Program Yet! AFTERNOON: 1.30 p.m,—Monster Parade featuring 6 bands; Horseshoe Pitching contest for O’Keefe trophies; Girls Fastball Game, Goderich Dodgers vs. Stratford Kroehlers; Band Concerts; Free Movies for Children; Midway- Attractions; Bean Queens; Full- Course Bean Supper, prepared arid served hy the new Kinette Club. EVENING: 8.30 p.m.—Entertainment and Dancing; Goderich Girls Trumpet Band; All-Star Stage Show; < Old and New-Tyme Dancing to Cliff Scanlon and his Orchestra. ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service .... “The Price of Giving” 11:00 a.m.—Sunday Schoolv YOU MAY BE THE PROUD OWNER OF THE r show ‘ to Only-Ai««; sit »» «wu«'« * maoma j w« hw,0’~ . * .OHKAC FATHHHMA J foVANCE SALE TICKETS - 3 f« S . • Each ticket admit* one adult or twe• c ■ cen AU Sqf* muN he in by 9:30 p.m., Saturday, epL 1S be eligible for draw which wdl be: made 10.30 p.m. on *ame note, 1 in Iron! of Grandtiand CANADA S LARGEST DISPLAY ot AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS HORSE INTERNATIONAL REVUE ^MIDWESTERN HAYRIDE HARNESS RACING KIDDIE KAPERS SEPT. 10-15 London, Ont CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B,D. Minister 9:00 a.m.—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship The service will be conducted by Mr. Howard Kerr. United Church Of Canada UNION SERVICES Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Muscial Director 9:45 ’ a,m.—Crediton and Shipka Joint Service in Crediton Unit­ ed Church. 10:00 a.m.—James Street Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Main St. and James St. Joint Service in James Church. Solo by Mrs. John Goman 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School Main St. Church. A Warm Welcome Is Extended To All. THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Mr. John Moerman, Student Pastor 9:30 a.m.—Dutch Service Main Street United Church Everybody Welcome MAIN STREET Rev. Alex'r Rapson, Minister Mrs. A. Willard, Organist 11:15 a.m.—The Church Schodl 11:00 a.m.—Service of Worship in James Street. plW... The Ontario Hydro 50th Anni- variety Display • Conada's Finest Helsfein and Jersey Callie Show • Children's Mid­ way • Advanced Art Show • Conklin's thrilling Rides and Spedatulttr Shows • An Ex* eeptiOnal Display of Outdoor I and Form Equipment « Bands I » Squar* banting ♦ Furl for ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: K. L. Zorn, Phone 10:00 a.m.—Sunday "School 11:00 a.m.—Service “Lessons in Prayer” — Math. 6:5-8. ” “Everyone Welcome? PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Sunday, .Tilly 29, 1956 ■ • Sunday, August 26, .1956 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Wed., 8:30 p.m. — Bible Study, Prayer Thurs., 8:30 p.m. — C.A.’s Ser­ vice Rev. L. W. Krause, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greason and Grant of North Bay, Mrs. James McCullagh and Patricia of Gravenhurst, Mrs. Glenn. Fish­ er, Exeter, Miss W. L« Muir of Toronto, Mrs, M, Gregory of Kirkton and Mrs. H. Ullyot of St. Marys attended the funeral of Ernest Melville Leonard at Thamesford 0 n Monday. He leaves a wife, Peggy, of Byron, his mother, Mrs. Leonard Sr., ' i of • Thamesford and brother, ; Ralph of North Bay. Interment i i was in .St. Marys cemetery. His j former wife was Agnes K. Grea­ son. ! FRIDAY & SATURDAY August 24 and 25 "COCKELSHELL HEROES (Cinemascope, Technicolor) The memorable Readers Di­ gest story that amazed millions. ★ Jose Ferrer -A- Trevor Howard MENNONITE MISSION n THAMES .ROAD EXETER Sunday School 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. "Teach Me Thy Truth, O Lord" Supt.: Stanley Sauder, Zurich EXETER 3 Something New! NIGHT At Exeter Memorial Arena Wednesday, Aug. 29 SUNDAY MIDNITE MONDAY & TUESDAY August 26, 27, 28 "HOT BLOOD" (Cinemascope, Technicolor) You never before lived through * all the women’s events. Officials of the meet were drawn from a cross-section of j the staffs of the various station ■ . ’ in therecorder was | Squadron Leader A. C. Munn of 1 the Pre-Flight School. Acting! with him as chief referee was * Simonett of Number 1 Flying Training School. 1 The referee for the field events1 was I. A. Stevenson of Pre-Flight School. Handling the track side of the meet T. A. Irwin of the Flying Training School. M. Go- beil; the senior recreational offi­ cer for Station Centralia was the clerk of.the course, and the time­ keeper was Flight Lieutenant R. E. Hutcheon of the Pre-Flight School. The official starter’s posi­ tion was handled by Corporal Hammond of the Mobile Equip-, 'ment Section, j sections taking part i events. The chief recordr » Crni o rl vah T Anrlnp A 1\/T CALVARY CHURCH* Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist 10100 a.m.—“A Great Friend0 . .11:00 a.m.—Sunday School a honeyrpoon like this. ★ Jane Russell Vc Cornel Wilde WEDNESDAY, AUGUST (One Night Only) "HALLS OF MONTEUZEMA" (Technicolor) 7r Richard Widmark ★ Jack Webb ★ Don Hicks THU RS., FRI. & SAT. August 30, 31, September 1 "TO CATCH A THIEF" . (Technicolor) ■A- Grace Kelly ★ Cary Grant ★ Jesse Royce Landis COMICS & SHORT SUBJECTS s s Corn Roost Starts At 6.30 p.m. Variety Program Dance — Bingo ' ADMISSION 50 CENTS in MILLION DOLLAR PARADE OF LIVESTOCK COLlSEUM-SEPT. STH THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector Trivitt Memorial, Exeter 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer st. GORGEOUS FASHIONS A new fashion show every hour. WOMEN’S BUILDING-. COLISEUM WEST ANNEX DAIRY QUEEN Sbo the Dairy Quean compe­titions in the Coliseum, Aug, 24 to Sept, 5th 6-7 p.m. CANADA'S SPORTS HAU OF FAME WEST OF AUTOMOTIVE BUILDING z 65 St ar lite Drive-In Theatre 5 Miles East of Grand Bend 8.5 Miles West on No. 4 Highway on Crediton Road r COLDSTREAM GUARDS E Famous British band, daily on the Band Shell. BAND INTFRI’’ \TIONAL AIR SHOW Breathtaking aerobatics, the world’s most modem aircraft. Sept. 7th & 8th C.N.E, waterfront. EXHIBITION Church Of God GRAND BEND, ONTARIO ANNIVERSARY August 26 11.00 a.m.—Worship Service 2.00 p.m.—-Baptismal Service 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Special singing throughout the day.Mastdr Men from Ucspeler will be in charge of the singing. Come and worship with us. Pastor Rev. J» Edwin Wattam THURSDAY & FRIDAY August 23 and 24 "CALIFORNIA CONQUEST"! ★ Cornel Wilde ★ Teresa Wright SATURDAY & MONDAY August 25 and 27 "MY SISTER EILEEN" (Cinemascope) ★ Janet Leigh ★ Betty Garrett ★ Jack Lemmon TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Augufif 28 and 29 "THE DESERT SONG" ★ Kathryn Gfayioh * Gbrdbn MacRae ............1....... ..... mil (WMSIA AVENUE OF THE PROVINCES Dramalie display of Canada’s Provihces.' OPPOSITE GRANDSTAND ROYAL CANADIAN , MOUNTIE5 R.C.M.P. "Musical Ride" Will thrill thousands evory aflornOon and evening at IheblfcGrandstandShoWS. • , SHELL TOWER Nina story glass and steal observation Ml« New features... new exhibits... new wonders for the whole family , , , at the world's largest, the * fabulous 1956 C,N£ For the first time the Inter­ national Air Show with breathtaking aero­ batics. See international exhibits from around the world.,, the newest in science, industry and the arts. *. agriculture.,. sports for every fan. Plan now for a visit you’ll never forget WILLIAM A. HARRIS, fresfdonl HIRAM E. McCallum, deneral MartagN „ INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITS .. Wonderful display!. ’ from' the United Kihfl- dam, Australia, Ihdia, V’>Belgium. Danmark, J, Germany, Holland, ® SP^