The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-23, Page 11V..- ■f 'Th® TjR®s-A«lwcw!i®i, August M I'M f T Need Back-To-School Money?I Make It Here! ft CANADIAN PROPANE FOR SALE FOR SALE SERVICES TENDERS WANTED HELP WANTED j 50 ACRES LAND—Good for cash crops or pasture. Apply Wally Wein, Dashwood._____ 16:23:3d:6c 44-TON TRUCK, 1953 Ford FI00, in good condition, Apply Harris West, Centralia.________ 16:23c IvtA^’S SUIT, brown striped, 3- ■iece, fairly good condition, size 42. Apply Brady’s Cleaners. 16:23c 1.000 RED BRICK, new, $75. Apply W illiain Dace, Southcott Pines, Grand Bend. APPLY EDGAR CUDMORE Phone 17Lr-l4 Exeter SPECIAL OFFER on Maclean's and Chatelaine, two of Canada’s best magazines. 4u issues (28 Alaclean’s, 13. Chatelaine) $1.00; 61) issues (40 Maclean’s and 20 Chatelaine) $6.00, Limited time—subscribe now. Ex­ eter Times-Advocate, phone 770., 12tfn TREE MAP of Queen's Realm with •hew subscription to Macfcan’s mag­azine, only $2.00. .Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770, 12tfn I REE I—"New Household Hints" or "Decorating Your Home" or ".‘>63 Home Tested Recipes” With 24- issue subscription, to Chatelaine, only $2.00, Exetex* Times-Advocate, phone 770. l’tfn PIANO, sold by Heintzman Co., medium size, plain case, with match­ing bench; $79.00. Apply W, Martin, Exeter South, phone 43> > . 23* GLADIOLI BULBS, white, green, pink and red, any quantity. Apply Mrs. Merrln Carter, Clandeboye, phone 163-r-3 Lucan. ______23c 14 GOOD PIGS. 7 weeks old. Ap­ ply at the HUIson Stanley farm, 1 mllfe east of Granton. 23*“ ' -----------------j--------3 YOUNG PIGS, 6 weeks old. Ap­ ply George Poortinga, IL. miles south and 1 mils east of Hensall. 23* ANNEX STOVE, white enamel, nearly new, Apply Times-Advocate. 23* FESS SPACE HEATER, good con­ dition, reasonable, Apply 86 Water- loo St., phone 316-J, 23c GRADE 11 BOOKS, zipper carrier.Apply 64 Huron Street. 23* PEACHES .‘Tree Ripened For Canning" August 25 Throughout Canning SeasonFirst To Ripen: Red Haven, Best. Deep Freeze Beach, Golden Jubilep, New Jersey, Rochester, South ' Haven, Hale Haven. Elberta. To Follow. Bring Containers KENNETH J. VERNON . R.R. 4 Thedford, 8 Miles West of Parkill, No. • 7 Highway, 1 Mile : . West of Sylvan. Inquire at Sylvan Store, Phone 13R32. 23* MODEL "A" FORD—To men at Centralia Airport; cheap, reliable transportation: perfect condition: body, top, paint, chrome, like new; all new tires, tubes, spark plugs, battery, ignition; privately owned; low mileage; $275.00. See at 1.25 Briscoe St,,. London, phone 4-5667. .___________~ 23:30* WASHING MACHINE, $25.00, In good ■ condition. Phone 322-J3 Ex­eter. 23* I x GlNGERICH'SeZW | HEATINGENGINEER Can extra Shower. I < IN \OUR PLACE I WILL TAKE UP VERY LITTLE ■ GINGERICHS Heating-Lighting-Plumbing oilburning-air conditioning EQUIPMENT&SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL REPAIRING MOTOR REWINDING • J? X t $ GAS 200 PULLETS, Leghorn crossed with Rhode Island Red, 7 months old,* laying good. Apply Mr. Podo- lan, R.R. I Kirkton. • 23Pio* USED. FORD TRACTOR, In good condition, with plow and stiff tooth cultivator. Apply Grant Ford, R.R. 3 Exeter, • 23* GET YOUR "HOLIDAY" regularly. Subscribe, to ’Holiday" at a wonder­ful bargain price of 1-1 months for $3.79, a saving of $3.21 over the news tand price. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770. 8:'23-llJ:25 TURNIPS are an excellent -crop this year and it is a year for water core as well. Be sure your crop is free from it by spraying. Call L. V. Hogarth, phone 266. ________________________ CUSTOM COMBINING. 12-ft. S.P. combine: custom baling, square hales. Also manure loading. Apply Norman Whiting, Exeter, phone 655-W, evenings. 16 tfc i LADIES HOME JOURNAL—Save half the single copy price by sub­ scribing now at the special rate of 23 months for $1.03. We’re agent for all magazines. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770,____8:23-10:1$ WHITEWASHING & CLEANING— Arrangements can be made. Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-r-19. 7:12-ll:15c HAVE YOUR SAWS sharpened and set today, the Foley automatic way. Slew’s Sharpening Service, 103 Sanders St. E., Exeter, phone 454. 7c ELECTRIC STOVE. G.E. Hotpoint, 3-burner, deep well cooker, oven and warming oven, white enamel, in good condition. A. W. Morgan, phone 171-r-32 Exeter.___• ___23* 3 - PIECE CHESTERFIELD, ■ fair condition; cheap. Phone Exeter 720-VV2. 23c FOR RENT 3-R00M APARTMENT, share bath, for clean couple, no children, ab­ stainers, partly furnished, heated. Apply 90 Victoria St, West, phone 223, llltfc UfPER APARTMENT, self con­ tained, available August 15, private entrance, Apply 103 Huron St. E. 23tfc LOWER APARTMENT, unfurnish­ed, hot and cold waler, private entrance, Available August 22. Ap­ply 103 Huron St. E,_________23tfc i I 2-BEDROQM APARTMENT, avail­able now, unfurnished: also store for sale or rent, suitable for sand­ wich shop. Apply John Ward, phone 348. _ 23* APARTMENT, unfurnished,, self contained, hot and cold water on tap, private bath with shower; available September 1. ’Phone 490- W (evenings). ; 7tfc - ELLIOT APARTMENTS The 12-sulte steam-heated apart­ ment building in the centre of town has self-contained 1-bedroom apartments with private bathrooms, plenty of ' closet space, 'Stove, re­ frigerator, (some fully furnished); janitor service; -plenty of hot water and parking space for cars; very reasonable rates. One will be vacant August 15.■’ SANDY ELLIOT Phone 476 or 787-J Exeter S:9tfc 2 APARTMENTS—Apply Tasty-Nu Bakery, phone 100, Zurich. 9tfc 3 APARTMENTS, unfurnished, for rent at once. W. C. Pearce,. Real­tor, Exeter. 12tfc APARTMENT. 2 bedrooms, toilet, hot and cold water, on Shipka highway. Phone 6-J Crediton. 16tfc Floor Sanders Floor Edgers,' Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE. EXETER SEWING MACHINES — Electric portables, by the week. Hopper- Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Ex­ eter. Stfc APARTMENT, 2 rooms, kitchen and bathroom, hot water heating sys­ tem, unfurnished, on front of Main Street. Also a small apartment for one person, heated and furnished. Apply Mayfair Bakery, Exeter, phone 52, . 23tfc LOWER DUPLEX, modern, heated, 2-bedroom, unfurnished, seperate laundry room; seperate entrance-; available October 1. Phone 486-R or call 43 Huron St. E. 23* IF YOU APPRECIATE an attract­ ive hpme—2 extra choice apart­ments,. centrally heated, hot water heating system, complete privacy, all modern conveniences including laundry- facilities, garage, garden ground, attractive surroundings; moderately pr.iced. William Oes-t- richer, phone 12-J Crediton. 23* GOOD GARAGE, for car or storage.Apply Times-Advocate. ‘23* 2 APARTMENTS, 1 furnished, 1 unfurnished, heated, hot and cold water, private bath. Apply 70 John St, East, or phone 291-R, 23tfc FURNISHED APARTMENTS, all conveniences,- hot and cold water, 3-piece bath, phone upstairs. Ap­ ply 357 Carling St.. Exeter, 23* 5-R00M HOUSE, furnished. In­ quire at 68 Simcoe St., Saturday. 23c DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT, fur­ nished, oil heated, private entrance, Immediate possession. Apply 41 Simcoe St., Exeter, phone 242. 23* ■f ontl your doss "A" frade-ifi MARATHON sizes 45 6.70 X15 6.00 x 16 TRADE NOW AND SAVE JIMMY HAYTER PHONE: DAY 91 - NIGHT 84 GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE DASHWOOD, ONTARIO ' WATERLOO CATTLE . BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" For artificial insemination infor­mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. We have ail breeds available —top quality at low cost. 4:26tfc PIANO LESSONS—Anyone interest­ed in piano lessons contact Airs. Frank Wildfong, A.L.C.M., 430 Al­bert St., Exeter. 23* BA|BY CHICKS FOR SALE BRAY October broilers should be on order, Hatchery can give prompt shipment on started cockerels and pullets. Dayolds to order. Ask us for complete list showing- chicks available. Agent: Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 216-W. 23c EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG MOTHER.- will care for children day or night, Phone 547- W4 Exeter, . 23* REAL ESTATE WAR-TIME BUNGALOW, complete in every detail, redecorated inside and out, very low mortgage pay­ments. This house must be seen to be.appreciated. Apply H. Smyth, phone 512-J Exeter. 23* HOMES—C. 5^. PICKARD—HOMES CREDITON — Brick house, near centre of village, modern kitchen, bath up and down, good basement with furnace; extra lot. This pro­ perty is, in good condition through­out. Moderate price. EXETER—Cash $1,500.00. No, this is not the total price, but this amount down will give you posses­ sion of comfortable four-bedroom home with all modern conveniences including oil heat. Balance In easy payments, EXETER—3-Bedroom Brick in best of condition. This' compact home has a dining room. It is oil heated and has good garage. Price re­duced. EXETER—3-Bedfoom* Brick Cot­ tage. Very nice bathroom and kitchen. Choice location. Well treed lot. Immediate possession if de­ sired. EXETER—$3,609.00 full price for 1$4 storey frame covered with as­bestos shingles. Close to schools. 3-piece bath. Good, basement. Pos­session to suit purchaser. We have several other homes in a wide price range. If you wish to buy or sell see C. V. Pickard; 394 Main St., Exeter, phone 165 and 628. 7:26 GRAND BEND—3-bedroom cottage, full bathroom, winterized; -nicely treed area. Price $5,000. Terms, C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Ex­eter. ‘ 14tfc SMALL FRAME HOUSE, reason­ably priced. A. Whilsraith, phone 270-J. ■ 19tfp NEW. MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace; east side of Exeter: close to schools. R. E. Balkwill. 47 John St. tfc Guaranty Trust REALTOR BRUCEFIELD Brick cottage, one floor, bath, pres­ sure system and garage. Priced for quick .................. ’ ' AA'ell gale-with terms. Low taxes, worth investigating. ☆ ☆☆ HENSALL street location — solid brickMain ____ ______ __ ______home, hot water oil hea't, modern kitchen. One of Hensall’s homes. Terms available. HENSALL finer Solid brick, two bedroom home, .modern kitchen and new* furnace. Available with terms. HENSALL Frame cottage—main street I tion. New modern bath and wired throughout. Extremely taxes. Tqrms available. loca- . re­ low Guaranty Trust REALTOR R. B. Paterson — Phone 51 Hensall 19tfc FRAME H OUSE, l^-storey, in­ sulated, nicely decorated, hard­ wood floors, new oil furnace; with Income—3-room ground floor apart­ ment, private entrance, 3-piece bath up, 2-piece -bath down. Reason for selling—ill health. Apply J. W. Powell, 90 Victoria St. West. 16tfc HIGHWAY 200 ACRES, brick house, bank barn, silo, driveshed.. ... i10use, batik150 ACRES, brick barn, drtvesned.100 ACRES, brick barn, driveshed, 75 ACR-ES, frame barn, silo.50 .ACRES, Instil-bric house, bank barn, silo, driveshed.BRICK HOUSE, centre hall, oil furnace, 2 bathrooms, fireplace; suit. 2 families; garage. BRICK HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, full bath, oil furnace, good .barn,NEW FRAME HOUSE, basemeiit, living room, kitchen, 3, bedrooms, bathroom, extra land.INSUL-BRIC DUPLEX. seperAfe- bathrooms: rents at $110; price $6,300—31,500 down.ASBESTOS SHINGLE, 2 bedrooms, 1 floor; $2,700 down, easy monthly payments on balance. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 28tfc house, bank house, bank 55 ACRE FARM—Lot !), Con. 7, Stephen Township, mile south Of CiVditon, bank barn, henhouse, driveshed, S-storey house, hydro throughout. Selling due to ill health. Apply John" Kuzmieh, R.R. * 1 Creditor!, phone 72r-6, 23:30:6* 150 ACRE FARM Choice clay loam, 15 acres bush, balance in cultivation, hay and grass. Large ham with running water, driving shed and hen house. Modern house with 3-pieee, bglh and hot air furnace. This farm located on concession 10. Downi® Twp., has always been in the one family name, and is in excellent state of cul­ tivation. All enquiries should lift addressed t.r> Mrs. w, p. Rodger, fii Baiian- tyn® Ave., Stratford, Ontario, Published free by ALLIED FAftM SERVICES. . 24314...nundauStreet. SCHOOL TRANSPORTATIONThe Hay Township School Area Board of Trustees is calling for tenders foV the transportation of public School children as follows:No. 1—Front the East and North area of closed Hensall P.S. No. 2—From ............- „ -S.S. No. 14 to S.S. No. 3 on the Parr Line. ,No. 3—From the South portion of S.S. No. 11 to laS.S. No. 15 on Highway No. S3.No. 4—From the North portion of S.S. No. 11 to S.S. No. 12 on Con. 14 Hay. Persons applying' are to contact the secretary for full particulars.All tenders to be in the hands of the secretary by 6:00 p.m. August 28. 1956.Lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted.Ha W. BROKENSHIRE. See.-Treas., ’Zurich, Ontario.23c WAITRESSES for coffee shop; also woman for kitchen, Apply Reiher's Coffee Shop. 16:23c i j S.'S,'No. -Pl to the STOCK WANTED ’ DEAD. DISABLED *STOCK—Seven* day week service for horses, cattle, sheep‘pigs, calves.—Glen Kennedy, phone dollect 168-W Lucan or Ex­eter 235. 12 tfc I AM IN THE.' MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J, Dow, phone S3, Exeter.12tfc NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate ofThomas John Grant Hodgins, ‘ deceased.ALL PERSON'S having claims against the estate of Thomas John Grant Hodgins, late of the Town­ship 1 nf McGillivray, in the County of Middlesex, Labourer, who died on or about the 28th day of May, 1956, are required to file particulars of same with Bell &• Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 1 st day of September. 1956. after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell 8t Laughton Solicitors, for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario,16:23:30c ' ' In the Estate of Jane Davis, deceased.All persops having claims against the estate of Jane Davis, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who. died on or about the 16th day of July, 1956, are required to file particulars ,of same with Bell & Laughton, so­ licitors of -Exeter, Ontario, by the 25th day of August, 1956, after which date the estate will be dis­tributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received.Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executrices, Exeter - Ontario 9:16:23c In the Estate of Jessie A. Bell, late of the Village of Hensall, in the .County nf Huron, Retired, deceased. ’ ' C.r e d'J t.o'r s and others having claims against the above Estate are’required to send particulars of sam® to the undersigned Solicitors for the Executor on or before the 31st. day of August, • 1956, after which date the Estate will be dis- tibuted having regard only to claims of which notice has been received. Moorehouse, Shortt & Fee, 383 Richmond Street. London,■ Solicitors for the Executor. fl:16:23e In the Matter of the Estate of Daniel Edward Hicks, late of the Township of Usborhe, in the Couty of Huron,' deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against; the Estate, of the late Daniel Edward Hicks, who died on the 9th day Of June, A.D. 1956, are Hereby notified to send, them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the Sth day of Septem­ ber, 1956.AFTER, the last named date the assets of the said Estate will be. distributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard- only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice.DATED at Exeter, Ontario, this 16th day of August, A.D. 1956. W. G. Cochrane, Barrister &c., Exeter, Ontario.Solicitor for the Executor: . 23:lOtfic I Arena Manager Applications for the position manager of Hensall Arena will of bereceived by the undersigned until6 p.m., Tuesday * September 23.Duties will include^iee-making and maintenance of equipment and building. Employment will start around November 1 and end around May 1. F. L. T1BERJQ Hensall, Ontario 16:23:30c START your own business! Our products are a must in all families. Excellent commission. Free samples with each order. Specials with free products. Monthly premium. Free catalogue and details on request. Familex, Station C., Montreal. 23c I wanted SCRAP METALS of all kinds; top prices, as high as $25.00 per ton lor steel. Glenn’s Auto Wreckers, phone 418 Exeter. 16:23c GRAIN—About 20 tons each of oats and barley or mixed grain. Sandy Elliot, phone 476. 16:23c WALNUT TREES, 7 ft. and up in length, free of limbs, 16 inches and up i n diameter, 16 inches from ground. E. S. Thompson, Mt, Brydges, phone 21. 9:16:23c 1 OR 2 HEATED. ROOMS ■ with housekeeping facilities, in Exeter, for elderly gentleman. Phone 30-r- 15 Kirkton. 23c WANTED TO RENT—A 2-bedroom house, preferably east of Main St., to ra client ■ (couple), W. C._Pearce, Realtor, Exeter; Earl Fred Cole, salesmen. Parsons, 25tfc WANTED TO RENT—3-bedroom house in Exeter or Hensall, Apply Neil Campbell, Blenheim, Ont., phone Orchard 6-5780 Collect.23:30:6* RIDE TO TORONTO EXHIBITION (both ways) Saturday, September 1, for 4 people, Phone 578 Exeter. 23c NOTICES WILL THE PARTY who took two cookie cans and contents- from Ipperwash Park please return and leave with the park caretaker. 23c. Notice Of Expropriation Notice is -hereby given that In the Estate of Albert Morenz, deceased. ALL PERSONS having against the estate of Albert 0 claims ____ ________________ Morenz, late of the Village of Grand Bend, in. the County of Lambton, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died bn or about the 29th day of July 1956, are required to file particulars of same with‘ Bell & Laughton. So­ licitors of” Exeter, Ontario, by the 15th day of September next, after Which date the estate will be dis­ tributed having regard only to those claims of which. notice has been received. Bell A Laughton/ Solicitors for the Executors, EXETER - Ontario.23:30:6 In, the Estate of Irene Fee, deceased.PERSONS having claims the ' ‘ ' ’■..... the ALL against late of __ th® County. ceased, who 28th day of __ ___ to file particulars of Bell & Laughton, Suiiunum ' eter, Ontario, by the 15th day of September 1956, after which date the estate will be distributed hav­ing regard only to those claims of which notice' lias been received. Bell A Laughton, Solicitors for the Executor, EXETER - Ontario.23:30:6 estate of Irene Fee, Milage of Hensall, in of Huron, Widow, de­died on or about the Jtily 1956, are. required ' lArs of same with II, Solicitors of EX- in the Estate ofChrisfena McDonald/ deceased, PERSONS ' the estate ’. lafe. r.f 5 ALL PERSONS~"having^ claims against the estate of — • ■ --- McDonald, late, of the Hensail, in the County Spinster, deceased, who about the 17th day of Christena Village of of Huron, died 'on or ................. July 1956, are required (o file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, So­ licitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by th® 15th day nf September next, after Which date the estate will he dis­ tributed having regard, only tn those claims of which notice lias been received, Bell A Laughton, Solicitors for the. Executor, EXETER - Ontario. , , - • 23:30:6!3 In ’ the . Estate of ( , Farcy William Elsie, « deceased.ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Percy William Elsie, late of th® Village of Grand Bbnd, in th® County of Lambtoti. Painter, deceased, who died on or About th® 10th day of August 19o6. ar® required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, So­licitors Of Exeter, Ontario, by th® 15th day of September 1956, after which date th® estate will he die* trlbtited having regard only to those elainis of which, ndtic® has been’ mewed.,Bell A Laughton, gqllcliors, tor the Executrix, .EXETER * Ontario, , Parcel 4—Plan 6628ALL AND SINGULAR that cer­tain parcel or tract of land and j>remises situate, lying and being in the Township of Usborne, County of Huron, and Province of Ontario being composed of part of Lol No. 5 South of the Thames Road in the said Township of Usborne, which said parcel may be more particularly described as follows:PREMISING al all times a bear­ing of N 0° no* E measured North­ erly along the Westerly limit of Lot No, 19 Third Concession and relating thereto all bearings con­ tained herein.COMMENCING at a point in the Westerly limit: of said Lot 5 dis­ tant 536.60 feet measured Northerly therealong froth the South West angle of said Lot 5;THENCE Northerly along the said Westerly limit a distance of 278.-S1 feet; THENCE NAS’ 23’ E of 175.06 feet;THENCE S 0° 04’ W of 280.53 feet;THENCE S ?89 38’ W ... ... ...of 162.65 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.The above described parcel nf land, containing by admeasurement. 2.896 acres, more or Jess, is shown outlined in red and. marked as Parcel Numbex’ 4 on a plan of sur­vey by C. P, Corbett, O.L.S., dated April 21sJ, 1956, and deposited in the Registry Office for the County of Huron as Miscellaneous Plan 1663. Parcels 5 and 6—Plan 5628 ALL AND SINGULAR that tain . parcel or tract of land, rack: lawn mower; •chesterfield table. At Hie same time and. pla^e there will bo offered fox' gale the house and lot consisting of .a 2-storcy brick hoiiEO. ui<e1y Muiatcd. in the village of Crcditon. wbh 4 room® upstairs, dining room. Jiving room, kitchen and hack kitchen. Large barn cnuld\ be ui:rd as garage; nicely treed lawn: conveniently situated. J:i-*t an ideal place to live. For particulars see Frank Taylor.Chanels—rash. Propety leCp down day of sale and balance in 30 days. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer MRS. ELIZABETH KING, JProp A APPLIANCES GRATTON & a distance a distance No. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Other -Items VILLAGE OF HENSALL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER $ at 1 O'clock P.M. electric washing machine, March; 4-burner heavy­ stove, 1 year old; like new; cook ; 3-piece bedroom 2 .odd beds; spring- :es: dressers: wash : studio couch: rock* h.L . jmall tables; Jove seat: side­ cabinet; whatnot: mirrors; electric HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend Easy new last. duty electric Frigidaire frij stove; heater suite; bed; filled mattresi stands: bureau. ___ ing chairs; odd chair extension table; ‘ board; kitchen organ; trunks: imume; fan: Alladin’s lamp; kitphen stool: clocks: ironing board: all sorts of dishes; silverware; kitchen utensils: quilts; blankets; sealers; fruit; 24®- Jb. scales: paints and varnishes: 2 short step ladders: 2 long step ladders: 2 I8-ft. extension ladders: 2 16-ft. ladders: 12-ft. ‘ ' *plants; root pulper; barrels: cart; sleigh; lawn mower; shovels; saws; scythes: tools; iron posts: 2 rolls of .. ......... wire: fire extinguisher; 24 rows of potatoes, and other articles too numerous to mention, Everything will be sold without reserve as the property has been sold. TERMS: Cash. FRED KENNINGS, Prop. H. B. HORTON, p. l. McNaughton, Cierks ED CORBETT, Auctioneer 23:30 When You Buy nf Armstrong's cer- . ... ....... — ..... andpremises situate, lying and being In the Township of Osborne, County of Huron and Province of Ontario heing1 composed of parts of Lnt. No. 18 in the Third Concession in 'the said Township of Usborne, which said parcel may be ,more particularly described as follows;PREMISING at all times a bear­ ing of N 0° 00’ E measured North­erly along the. Westerly limit of said Lol 18 and relating thereto all bearings contained herein, FIRSTLY: . COMMENCING at a point in the Northerly limit of said Lot IS dis­tant 813.05 feet measured Easterly therealong from the North West angle of said Lot 18:THENCE Easterly along Northerly limit a distance feet;■ THENCE S 0° of 150.00 feet: THENCE S 89° Of 254.55 feet;THENCE N0° .. _____ ___ of 150.00 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. The above described parcel of land, containing by admeasurement 0.877 acres, more or less, is shown outlined in red and marked as Parcel Number 5 on a plan of sur­vey, by C. P. Corbett, O.L.S., dated April 21st. 1956, and deposited in the Registry Office for the County of Huron . as Miscellaneous Plan No. J663. SECONDLY: COMMENCING at the North East angle of said Lot 18; THENCE >S 45’ 50' AV a distance of 467.55 feet; * ’ * THENCE X 86’ 00’ 30" AV a dis­tance of 516.55 feet: THENCE N 40’ 22’ AA” a distance of 398.53 feet, more or less, to the Northerly limit of said Lot 18; THENCE Easterly along the said Northerly limit a distance of 1,109.03 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. Th.e above described parcel, con­taining by admeasurement 5.892 acres, more, or less, is shown out­ lined in red and marked as Parcel No, 6 on the aforesaid Deposited Plan.And furlher take notice, that the above, described lands have been expropriated by .the Ausable River Conservation Authority and will be used for the construction and. main­tenance. of a AVater Conservation Dam and Reservoir- op the Ausable Rivet: and for such other purposes as the. Authority may deem neces­sary and within its powers. Further take notice that you are required to file a, statement nf any claim for compensation in . respect of such lands so expropriated and formerly owned by you at the of­fice of. H'. G. Hooke, Esq., Secre­ tary of the Ausable River Con­servation Authority at Exeter later than one month from sixth day of September, 1956. Dated at of August,H. _G, Ausable To: Herman C. Frayne, Esquire—R.R. 3, Exeter, Ontario. William Kernick, Esquire—R.R. 3, Exeter, Ontario. AATlliam J. Chambers,' Esquire— R.R. '3, Exeter, Ontario. G. H. Hayter, Esquii'e.Mrs. lone Hayter—2609 Wood- bene Dr., Pontiac. Mich.. U.S.A. Mervyn L. Dayman, Esquire—R.R. 3, Exeter. Ontario. i 03’ E a t ladder: 2-wheel chains: garden chicken i Will Give You Travelling Comfort COME IN AND SEE US TODAY! REG. the, said of 254.55 57’ W a distance distance ARMSTRONG MOTORS Phono 216 Exeter 03 W a distance Notice is -hereby given that the Ausable River Conservation Author­ ity under the powers given it by the Conservation Authorities Act has expropriated the following lands, namely:Parcel 1—Plan 5628ALL AND SINGULAR that cer­ tain parcel or tract of land and' premises situate, lying and being' in the Township of Usb'orne, County of Huron and Province of Ontario being composed of part of Lot No. 20 Second Concession in the said Township of Usborne, which said parcel may be moi*e . particularly _ described as follows:PREMISING at all times a bear­ing of N 0’ 00’ F; measuredNortherly along the. Easterly limit of the said. Lot 20 and .relating thereto all bearings contained here­in;’ COMMENCING at a point in the Easterly limit of said Lol 20 dis­tant 30.2 feet measured Northerly therealong from the South East-er‘ ly angle, of said Lot 20;THENCE Northerly alopg the said Easterly limit a distance of 1,129.34 feet;THENCE S 66 of 661,40 feet; THENCE S of . 487.73 feet;THENCE N 191.58 feet;THENCE S lance of 504.22 feet, to the place of beginning.THE hereiiidescribed parcel of land, containing by admeasurement J0.556 acres more or less, is shown outlined in red and marked Parcel Number 1 on a plan of stirl’ey by C. P. Corbett, O.L.S., dated April 21st, 1956. and deposited in the Registry Office- for the County /h Huron as Miscellaneous Plan No. J 663. Parcel 2—Plan 5628ALL AND SINGULAR that cer­ tain parcel or tract t>£ land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Usborne, County of Huron and Province of Ontario being composed of part of Lot No. 19 Third Concession in the said Township of Usborne, which said parcel may be more particularly described as fpllows:PREMISING at all time a bear­ing cif N 0’ 00’ E measured North-, erly along the Westerly limit of said Lot 19 and relating. thereto all bearings contained herein:COMMENCING at the South West angle of said Lot 19;THENCE Northerly along the AVesterly limit of said Lot 19 a distance of 1,159.54 feet;----------- --- (jgo g a distance 47’W a distance o°00’ 90° 47 E 32* E a distance a distance of 30" E a dis- more or less, t I. ts I |47’ E a distanceTHENCE S of 434.92 feet; THENCE S of 507.44 feet: THENCE N............... _tanefe of 437.33 feet:THENQE N 75° 16’ E a distance of 455.85, feet, more or less, to the Easterly limit of said Lot 19;THENCE Southerly along the said Easterly limit a distance of 941.12 feet, more or less, to the •South East angle of said Lot 19: THENCE Westerly along the Southerly limit of said Lot 19 a distance of 1.619.60 feet, more or less, to the Place of Beginning.THE HEREINDESCRIBED RAR- CEL of land, containing by ad­ measurement 38,628 acres, more or less, is shown outlined in red and marked as Parcel Number 2 on a plan of survey by C. P. Corbett, O.L.S.. dated April 21st, 1956. and deposited In the Registry Office for the County ,of Huron as Mis­cellaneous Rian No, 1663. Parcel 3—Plan 5628ALL AND SINGULAR that . tain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Usborne, County of Huron and Province, of Ontario being composed of part Of Lot No. 20 Third Concession in the said Township of usborne, which said parcel may he. more particularly described as follews:PREMISING at all limes-a bear­ing of N 0’ 00' E measured North­ erly along the Westerly limit Of Lot 19 Third Concession in the said. Township of Usborne and re- lating thereto all bearing contained herein.COMMENCING at th® South West angle of said Lot 20; THENCE Northerly along Westerly limit, of distance of 941.12 THENCE-S 56° of 1,027.43 feet:THENCE N 87’ .. „ _ ....... lance of 201.13 feet:THENCE N 43’ 25' 30" E a dis­ tance of 639.95 feet, more or less, to the Easterly limit of said Lot 20: THENCE Southerly along. sAld Easterly* limit, a distance 835.41 feet, mor® Or less, to South East angle of said Lot THENCE Westerly along _ 53° 70 58’ i E a distance 30" E a dis- cer­ Northerly along the said Lot 20 a E a distance 35’ not the Exeter, this 20th i 1956. HOOKE, Secretary, River Conservation Authority day l 23:30:6c AUCTION SALES ‘ REMEMBER! Twilight Clearing AUCTION SALE New and Used Tractors and Farm Machinery Mr. Fred Howay. Case Dealer: MOUNT BRYDGESFRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 7:00 p.m. Auctioneers! HUGH FILSON, Phone Ilderton 22-r-141 TOM ROBSON, Phone Ilderton 10-r-14 Of For 24 23 AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture • MAIN STREET, EXETER First House South of J, W. Weber LimitedSATURDAY, AUGUST 25 at 1:00 p.m, Chesterfield and matching chair: walnut, living room table; ■what-not; .walnut bedroom suite (bed, springs ’and mattress, dressing table, dres­ sed and chest of drawers); bed­ room chair; dressing table bench; yellow pull-up living’ room chair; bookend table; folding cct and m&ttress; half circle end table; cabinet with glass door; breakfast set (table with leaf, 4 chairs and china, cabinet): 2 white kitchen chairs; stand; table; small J amp s i i th® of th® 20; _______ ......„ ths Southerly limit Of said Lot 20 a distauc® nt 1.674.39 .font, more or less, to the Place nt Beginning.The abnve. described j...... land, containing itient 23.850 Acres, shown outlined in .................. ......... as Parcel Number ft on a plan of survey by U. P. (lorbeft, O.L.S., dated April Slat, 1055. And. deposit­ed in the Rftgistry^'Offic® for th® County, nf Huron fljf Miscellaneous cabinet); 2 white kitchen small roll-top desk; plant enamel drop-leaf kitchen refrigerator; electric stove; kitchen side table; 2 floor ...... with shades; ironing board: swing-arm floor lamp: hall table and mirror; carpet sweeper: table lamp: brass candle lamp (electric); wall tapestry; 3 panel pictures; books; small pictures; fruit jars and Jelly glasses; desk clock; alarm clock: bookends: 2 majolica candy dishes with covers: vases and knick-knacks: cake, plate; doilies, linen and lace;,2 trunks; tray. TERMS: Cash. MRS. D. A. ANDERSON. Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer ia I ....— parcel of by admeasure- more nr less, is red and marked AUCTION SALE • Of House, Lot and Household Furniture IN THE VILLAGE OF CREDITON SATURDAY! SEPTEMBER 1, 1956 Two 3-piece bedroom outfits, double bed, springs and mattress; sewing .machine: 2 'trunks; baby’s high chair,• Victrola and records; wardrobe; 2 Congnieums, O’xG’ 4”, 9’xlO' 6"; rocking chair; red studio couch, in g<5Od condition; cloth rug, 12’x9'; glass cupboard; couch; ex­ tension dining room table and six Chairs; Duo-Therm nil burner; cook stove for burning oil; 3-burner coal oil stoxe and oven; kitchen table, 6 chairs and arm chair; kitchen cupboard: cooking utensils and dishes; bread box and cannisters; tea kettle; 2»hurn®r hot plate; gaso­ line Iron and iron; « /'thft. Frigldaire; 8-day clock; sealers; small rugs; quilts and pillows: metal utility: tub; boiler, wash board And pails: garden toots; step- $I Know You Wash Cars But Can You Iron Fenders? Glad you asked! Gives us a chance to tell you about our auto body repair service. Anything from a nick or dent to a crumpled- fender, we can “iron out’* to look like new in surprisingly short time, at sur­ prisingly low cost. Hunter-Duvar PHONE 38 And Sons Ltd EXETER EASY Scores Again with the GREATEST HOME LAUNDRY NEWS of all tim®! • The New "Ail In One" Easy Combination Washer And Dryer Easy, the company which rocked the laundry industry with its great Spiralator, now brings the house­ wife the greatest sensation yet! Here is the machine that abso­ lutely banishes washday. You just put in dirty clothes and deter­ gent, push a button and come back when you like to take out CLEAN, DRY CLOTHES!You've never seen anything likeHhe new EASY Combination Washer-Dryer and when you do, you’ll never be satisfied with anything less, SEE THIS AMAZING COMBINATION TODAY AT QU^LfTY at TV)/?? PHONE 27 .........________ EXETER 1