HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-23, Page 8B Th a Times-Advocate, August 23, 1956 Report On Grand Bend ' By MRS. E, KEOWN N » 7 4 t ! Best Buick Yet WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM ~ EXETER s = s 5 . Try Surge for faster, safer milking with increased produc­ tion. (adv’t) 3T •... 1 EastTimes-Advocale 4 ■ *» You just can’t know today’s driving at t- PONTIAC-BUICK-GMC TRUCK DEALERPhone 78 I ZURICH I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gault spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Webb at Forest, and while there attended the wedding of their niece, Miss Marjorie Louise White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd White, Robert Lome Willoughby, son Mr. and Mrs. Roy Willoughby, Arkona, on Saturday. Ronnie Brown of Toronto vacationing with his grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Mason. Mrs. Norman Turnbull is a pa­ tient in South Huron Hospital suffering from a heart condition. Mr. George Adair of Windsor spent Thursday with his cousins, • Mr. and Mrs. E. Keown. i Miss Carol Walpcr has re- Rev. and. Mrs, -Gordon Wanless■_ t of Stroud and Rev. and Mrs. Roy ■ T. Burgess and family of Wei- ’bourne are enjoying their vaca-, tions in cottages here. Mrs. Wan- ■ less rendered two solos at the ■ morning service in the local Uni-. ted Church while Rev. Mr. ■ Burgess read the scripture at the ■ .morning service. i Miss Barbara and Master Ron- I nie Sweitzer of Shipka are visit-! ing with their grandparents, Mr. ’ and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer, for their holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Phile and Allen spent the weekend in Bax Axe, Mich., and while there celebrated the 81th birthday of Mrs. Phile’s father, Mr. August BreOOW. V<uu* naijjv,. iina ir Reccnt gueMs with Mr. and turned f0 per home in Ingersoll Mrs, Walter Fassold and Ruth; aRcr spending a week with, her* at their home in Green Acres, -----i_ r were Rev. and Mrs. Terry Hui-; berf and little daughter, Esther < to of at IS Peace In World WCTU Subject World Peace Was the subject of study at the August meeting of the Exeter Hensall branch I of the W.C.T.U. held at the home. 5 of Mrs. Herman Powe on Tues- (day afternoon. : Mrs. C. W. Down presided and . was assisted m the worship serv­ ice by Mrs. E. Geiger and Mrs. {W. C. Pearce. I It was decided to purchase two : films on temperance with the ,bequest of $300 left by Miss Jean tMurraj as a memorial to her. ! These films will be available for temperance education in schools (Sunday schools and young peo- i pie’s groups. ! Mrs. E. Geiger was named a (delegate to the provincial con- ; vention to be held in St. Catha- ! rines September 11, 12 and 13. Hold Decorotion Rites AfEbenezer Cemetery Decoration Services held, at Ebenezcr Cemetery on conces­ sion 4, McGillivray was largely attended. Rev. W. C. Parrott, of Thedford, a former minister of Brinsley United Church: gave a stirring message. Dashwood band was in attendance and gave several selections. This cemetery was started .over a hundred years ago. Much of the .efforts in seeing to the renovat­ ing of this cemetery was largely due to the cemetery board with Mr. Gordon Banting of LucanWlth Mr- and Mrs. Leonard as chairman and Mrs. Fred Fen-palW* , ton as secretary. i Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mason ... , . . i of Thedford sent Sunday withL Picnic Afr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. The. McGillivray Women's In-t Mrs. Mary Muir and son of stitute held their picnic on the ■ Toronto were recent visitors with grounds at Lieury church, There; Mr, and Mrs, Otto Darling, was a good attendance. A good; Mr, Noble Greenlees, Toronto, program of sports for the child-j visited recently with his mother. ten was carried out, followed by a picnic lunch. .Personal Items Mi*, and Mrs. Alvin Amos of London spent the weekend, with Miss Mary Amos. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cunning­ ham spent Thursday with Mrs. Viola Watson of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Berard Scott of Detroit have been holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Darling. Mrs. Marwood Brest and son, Brian, spent the weekend in De- Miss Mary Klien Carter of ‘ Lansing, Michigan, is spending a ' few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Mercer. Arthur and Bill spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. James Hall, councillor of McGillivray Township and Mrs. Hall attended the Decoration Services at Ebenezcr Cemetery on Sunday. ...............4...... t* H. J. CORNISH & 0 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cprnlsh, L. F. Cornish, D, Mjtphell 264 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. Portable the Specialized Business Training Tuition — $18,00 Par Month Practical Instruction in all Commercial Sublets Courses Approved by the Canadian Business Schools Assoc, Modern Equipment FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 4 GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE Street Goderich, Ontario Phone* 428 at their home in Green Acres, f cousin> Miss Ruth Fassoid> were Rev« mid Mrs* Terrj Hui* i Greeriacr^** aI$ little daughter, Esther; Mrs> George Robertson and Ruth. Mr. Hulbert ia5 j daughter, Veronica of Sarnia, re- Trmity Church, Minneapolis, turijed home after spending the Minn., and also teaches at Noith-ipast two wee^s with their western College Seminary. .‘cousins, Cpl. Jhnd Mrs. Neil Mrs. Lna Jones af W iarton io- \>banipej.]aint Tohn and Nancy, turned to her home last week Miss Fat Robertson is spending .uP<?IK15^ tl^is week with her cousins, thewith her daughterj Mis* niD* Chamberlains. Robson and Mr. Robson. , Mr_ and ^Irs. Wm. Rendle Sunday ''Jjj ; spent a few dayS last wepk with Mrs, W. J. Holt ueie Mi. and-thejr daughter and son-in-law, TM1S* n? M ^CM°rf'a-PAH-nCTTnJnnS ’ Mrs. an<l Ml‘. Bl’OOkS and ■LfP-a McMorran of Fort Huron, in Toron[0. Mich., Mrs, M. of^To-. Mjsscs ^ary fnd z\nne Sturde- yonto, Mrs, vant sPent a few fJays laat week London, Dr. Douglas Schale and vith lhoir C0USjnSt Misses April his father, Dr. ,>chale Si., of De- Esther Whiting in Parkhill, troit, and Rev. D, D. Williams ■ anV Esrner wmwng m ransom, of Wallaceburg. Sunday visitors with Mr. and t Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer were Mr.; Samuel Sweitzer and Martha Smith of Exeter, Mrs. [ Ida Lippert of Kilworthy, M.\ and Mrs. Eugene Hardie and! Jeena of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.: Earl Sweitzer of Kitchener. Mr. i • and Mrs. H. Roggman and fam-; i ilv of Oscoda, Mich., spent the ■ ” weekend with Mr, and Mrs.; • Sweitzer. . | Miss Sheila Finan of London is visiting at her home in town.' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Odbert celebrated their 25th wedding an- adversary on Saturday evening, j Trf^h »reS^traHnrfin^St’ M^arvs ■ 01 Genirana visnua wiui mi. auu Kitchenei, Stratfoid, St. Marys. M E Keown on Sunday, and Grand Bend. ,f Sunday visitors with Mr. and' ------------------------ Mrs. Thomas Baird were Mr. i Message From and Mrs, Arthur Dauncey ofb L"£nand Mrs. Wm. Sturdevant! GregllWOy ??attMenj“odMFmo£r MRS. CARMEN W00D3URN Muskoka last week. • Sunday visitors with Mr. and1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shetller of Wm. Rendle were Mr. and Mrs. > Buffalo, N.Y., called on a num- Douglas Coulson, Penny and Pat- J ty, Mr. and Mrs. Allan puenther j and son of London.. ‘ 1 Sundav visitors with Mr. and j Mrs. Sidnev Morrison, Marge; Bell and Delbert Mason of New­ ry-Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird were Mr. and Mrs. Sidnev Morrison, Marge Bell and Delbert Mason of Newry. . ■ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott spent Thursday and Friday with Mrs. Scott’s mother, Mrs. Wm. Pat­ terson. Mrs. Mary Gill is confined to her home, suffering with severe arthritic painsi ...........———.«• I Mrs. Rosella Simpson and Mrs. ' Moore Cunningham of Clande- iboye spent Tuesday with Mrs. [Simpson's brother, Mr. Ernie Keown and Mrs. Keown. Mt, Miss Pauline Mason and Mr. -Jack Royt of London spent the weekend with Miss Mason’s'par- : ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Mason. '• Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and son of Sarnia spent the weekend with Mr. Scott’s grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Down of Strathroy spent Wednesday with i their cousins, Cpl. and Mrs. Neil i Chamberlain and family. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wright • of Centralia visited wither, and ~ /■ Garages Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week: Graham Arthur Garage TRAVEL RELAXED AND CAREFREE TO THE MW rS*. - * <*’ 1 ......T‘*tt*l*j?***WW CANADIAN NATIONAL! UULLdlL/j LCIUUU V**- ber of friends in this community.1 Mrs. Dean Brown is visiting with Mrs. Lottie Kenyon and other relatives in Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Brophey and Glen, of London, spent, the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. .Lloyd Brophey. Mrs. Harry Winterburn and ! fantily returned to Toronto Sun- id ay after visiting for some ’ time with her mother, Mrs. Ed ! Bullock, and brother, Stuart. Miss Lillian Ulens, of Windsor, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. W. T. Ulens., Mr .and Mrs. Peter Gillies, ob Berkley, Mich,, and Miss Marion Hicks, of London, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. ■ William Hicks. Tommy Love, Parkhill, visited last week with his cousin, Billie Woodburn. Mrs. Nellie Redick and fam­ ily, of Sombra, spent the week­ end with relatives. Miss Kathy Eagleson enter­ tained a number of friends at a birthday party on Friday. Steeper Reunion I The second annual Steeper re- I union was held at Poplar Hill. Results of the sports ^convened by Cecil Hicks are as follows: children under 5 years, Charlie'- Steeper, Joanne Gilders; 1 to 5 years, Eric Brown, Lynda Jean Steeper; 6 to 7 years'; Karen Steeper, Ronnie Smith; 8 io 9 years,’ Arthur Gilders', Bryan Marriage; 10 to 11 years, Ricky Smith, Jimmie Hicks; boys 12 to 14 years, Douglas Courtis, Milton Steeper; girls 12 to 14 years, Carol Smith, Mary Anhe Steeper; boys 15 to '21 years, Lloyd Steeper, Norman Steeper; girls 15 to 21 years, Delores Courtis, Frances McFalls. Ladies shoe - kicking, Evelyn Rock; men’s shoe scramble, Donald Holland; three-legged race, Margaret Hicks and Jim Le Sauvage; serviette pinning, Lillian Brown and Carman Woodburn; clothespin and ring, toss, Mary Anne Steeper and Norman Steeper; women’s sack ’race, Mary Anne Steeper; men’s sack race, Ronald Mitchell; boys’ sack race, Douglas Cour­ tis: spot race, Harold Gilders; jelly bean guessing, Dean Brown. Largest family, Mr. and Mrs. John Steeper, London; farthest distance, Mr. and Airs. George Appleton, of Rochester, N.Y,; youngest baby, John Stone (under two months); oldest man, Frank Steeper; oldest lady, Mrs. Priscilla Eagleson; best sport, Mrs. Grace Gilders; men guess­ ing ladies' waistmeasure; Cameron Courtis: ladies guess­ ing, Frances McFalls. Following the sports a pro­ gram with Clayton Steeper as master of ceremonies consisted of several numbers by Tex Star and Lou Wall of Lloyd Wright’s Radio Rangers; tap dance num­ bers by Rita McLeod, of London; bagpipe selections by Ed Sum- i ners and Donald McLellan; violin selections, Clayton Steeper and Bobby Steeper; vocal solo, Mrs. Joe Carruthers, with Mrs. Cyril Morley at the piano; speeches by Frank Sleeper, of Parkhill, and George and John Appleton, of Rochester, N.Y, Clayton Steeper was elected president for next year with first vice * president, Russell Brown; secretary ■ treasurer, Olive Woodburn; sports commit­ tee, Muriel and Cameron Curtis, Norma and Harold Gilders, Shirley and Charlie Pedlar. The 1957 picnic will be held at Pop­ lar Hill on Civic Holiday. Almost 200 people sat down to i the supper tables. Guests wore 1 present from Rochester, N.Y., ‘ Sarnia, London, fit. Thomas, i Exeter, Wilton Grove, Penfield, A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE atapip of a price ! Time’s awasting—while you coulcl be pninviw fnn nnrl thrill nf penjoying the fun and thrill of a new kind of power performance at the wheel of the best Buick yet. And right now the value of your present car is at its peak. You could make a whale of a fine deal on a great-buy Buick with something really new ill soaring might* It’s not just that Buick’s new V8 is 322 cubic inches big. That it develops more torque and horsepower than even Buick . has had before. ' There’s the new guided dynamite that makes the most of all this. That’s the latest version of Variable Pitch Dynaflow.* It’s so tcmuscled” that it Buick ouret 6-Passenger 4-Door Riviera delivers swift new acceleration with less . than an inch of pedal travel—wad. saves. ’ " gas in the doing. And when the occasion demands,, you can unleash the full power at your com­ mand on a shaved second’s notice. Tromp down oh the treadle and you switch the pitch. There’s an instant safety-surge of * power that leaves trouble fading away behind you. But there’s a lot more to Buick’s new performance than the smooth, sheer might at your command — as you’ll discover* its eyeopetimg best until you boss a new Buick; V," Anri it’s still only August. You still have months to be driving the most modern car on the road. You still can take advantage of this month’s high value on ydur present car—to deal yourself in on the best buy you’ll get in many a moon. So why wait? Today is a great day to buy a Buick—.the best Buick yet, by far. We’re ready to open your eyes with the why and how. How about right now? Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflaw is the only Dynajlow Buick builds today < Bis stand­ ard onBoadmastcr, Super and Century optional at modest extra cost on the Special, Enjoy 4-Season Comfort in your new Buick with genuine FRIGIQAIRH CONDITIONING V JACKIt GUfcidM » ♦ ON TV ...: >■ 1 Every Satdrdty Evenlni/