HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-23, Page 5■xsckA*-^' ,r ■«««•»«'
SWIM CHAMPS—Division winners in the season-end. swim meet at Exeter Kinsmen
Playground, gather around instructor Bob Fletcher following competitions Friday.
Swimmer in front is Don Cooper, who won the juvenile boys championship. Watching
■him are, left to right, Marilyn Frayne, junior girls champ; Roxanne Beavers, inter-
jnediate girls winner; Bob Fletcher, George Armstrong, junior boys champ; and Bill
Harvey, who won the intermediate boys division. —T-A Photo
Twins Share Championship
At Playground Swim Meet
Under the guidance of Bob
Fletcher, about 35 Exeter Pub
lic School children ’participated
in a swim meet held at the local
z Riverview Park.
Three different divisions* which
Included,juvenile, junior and in
termediate for both girls and
boys, were formed and from
these three age groups an over
all champion, was declared for
each division.
Twins tied for the champion
ship of the juvenile girls’ divi
sion. Elizabeth and Diane Knox,
eight-year-old • daughters of Rev.
and Mrs, N. D. Knox, each won
one event in the class and tied
in the third competition.
Freestyle, backstroke and un--
tierwater swimming were the
main types of swims the young
sters exhibited their skills in.
Bill Harvey, who placed first
in the freestyle, backstroke and
underwater swim was the un-
animous choice for intermediate
sJO^boys champion of the day.
Jack Stephen took first place
in the breast stroke to edge out
Harvey of a clean sweep m the
four events held.
Roxanne Beavers, intermediate
girls champion, had little trouble
in her grouping for victory; The
strpng swimmer placed first1 in
all four races staged.
Miss Beavers shone exception
ally well in the freestyle class
as she finished -a good seven
yards ahead of her closest rival,
Anne Hockey.
Don Cooper, who moves through
the water like a‘ fish, won the
junior honours,
Cooper’s best event was the
Underwater crawl as the .young
ster travelled 73 feet before
coming up for air.
The junior girls’ award went
to Marilyn Frayne as she took
all the first place honours.
Juvenile boys champ was
George Armstrong who swept all
events in his class.
Helping Bob Fletcher handle
the- children in the warm 73-de-
gree water were supervisors Rob
in Smith, Pat Cann, Nancy Boyle
and Judy Ross.
Although not a supervisor, Eb
eanor Heywood gave her assist
ance to the activities.
Results are as follows:
Juvenile Boys
, Freestyle - George Armstrong,
Larry Idle, Neil Hamilton.
Backstroke George Arm
strong,. Neil Hamilton, Larry
t I
Hensail And District News
{ Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Keralake, ■ Net Over $300
| Bill and Joan, vacationed at Wil- a , x* f .
hams’s Lake* Mich, last week.) At Garden Party
f returned to; their home in Tor-{
; onto after Visiting with the form
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
! Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McNaugh-
! ton hnd family of Toronto visit-,
;ed last week with th^ former’s
1 Miss Joyce Flynn was holiday*
Society Honors
Active Member
Mrs. Norman Cook was host
ess to the members of,the Wom
en’s Missionary Society of the
Hensall United Church on Friday
evening at her home, the oc
casion. beipg a farewell party
for Mrs. Ebrne Eiler, who, with
her husband, is leaving to make
Miss Bernice Dilling of Sarnia
has been holidaying at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Th« Tim«s>A.<l¥oc*t«, August M ItK
Underwater - George Arm
strong, Neil Hamilton, Gordon
Junior Bey*
Freestyle - Don ..Cooper,. John
Nagel, Ron Weber.
Backstroke - Don Cooper, John
Nagel, Gary Ford. •
Underwater — Don Cooper, Les
ter Heywood, John Nagel.
Intermediate Boys
Freestyle - Bill Harvey, Frank
Boyle, Dale Turvey.
Backstroke --“’Bill Harvey, Jack
Stephen, Frank Boyle. .
Pitching Battle
—Continued from Page 4 • .
what was supposed to be a de
ciding ball game to see who
would meet the round robin win
ners in the Huron-Perth League
finals. ,
The game ended in the bottom
of thfe seventh inning with Zur
ich’s first baseman Tom Raw
lings standing bn first after be
ing . walked when it became too
dark to continue /play.
. George Gbveney, who covers
the shortstop territory for Mit
chell gained credit for the only
hit picked up by a Legionaire
player when he rapped out a
single in his first appearance at
the plate,
Gary Kopf had the Zurich bat
ters completely handcuffed as
far as hits were concerned until
the sixth when Bill Zubyk, also
a shortstop, made his bid good
for a single by dropping a texas
leaguer into left centrefield..
It looked as though Zurich was
well on .their way to victory in
the'sixth, inning when husky Bill
Yungblutt cracked out a sure
double to score the fast moving
Zubyk all the way from first.
However, plate umpire Gus
Boussey disallowed the hit be
cause he said that Yungblutt
stepped out of. the" batter’s box
with his left foot when he con
nected for the long clout.
Bob Kovacic threw a third
strike past nine Legionair es. He
got Murray Colquhoun swinging
on three different occasions.
Gary Kopf was three strike
outs behind "Kovacic’s total as
the* youngster fanned six
walked five.
Score by Innings: RMitchell ........... 000 000 0—0
Zurich ........... 000 000 0—ftBatteries; Bob Kovacic and _ .
O’-Rrien; Gary Kopf and Bob Nor
I , Breast Stroke -- Jack Stephen,
I Bill Harvey, Frank Boyle.
| Underwater - Bill Harvey, Jer
sey Cooper, Jack Stephen. ■
Juvenile Girls
Freestyle - Elizabeth .Knox,
Diana Knox, Sheila Keller.
Backstroke - Diana Knox,
izabeth Knox, -Sheila Keller.
Underwater Diana Knox,
izabeth Knox, Sheila Keller.
Junior Girls'
Freestyle - Marilyn Frayne,
Bonnie Turvey, Shirley Genttner.
Backstroke — Marilyn Frayne,
Bonnie Turvey, Shirley Genttner.
■ Underwater - Marilyn Frayne,.
Marion Walker, Shirley Genttner.
Intermediate Girls
Freestyle - Roxanne Bcavets,
Anne Hockey, Judy Coates.
Backstroke - Roxanne Beavers,
Judy Coates, Anne Hockey.
Breast Stroke —. Roxanne Beav
ers, Judy Coates, Anne Hockey,
Underwater - Roxanne Beav
ers, Bonnie Turvey, Aline Hock
Summer Sale
Back To School Values For Boys
On Long and Short Sleeve .Sport Shirts, T-Shirts,
Bathing .Suits, Canvas Running Shoes, Crepe Solod
• ‘ Scampers and Jackets*
\ 4
For Men - 25% Discount
Stone Town
Wins Meet
Goderich, St. Marys and an
Exeter-Centralia combination
competed in a swim meet held
at RCAF Station Centralia on
August 15. St. Marys came out
on'top with 29 points,
Goderich placed second with
23 ’ points while the Exeter-
C,entralia combination brought
up the rear with 20 points.
The point system was worked
on a 3-2-1 basis for first, second
and third. '
Officials attending from Gode
rich included John Kane, swim
ming instructor, and Ted Wil
liams, while the winning St.
Marys swimmers were under the
guidance of Stan Moore. Bill
Pollen and Bob Fletcher led the
.Exeter-Centralia group. Master
of ceremonies for the hot after
noon program was John Mc
Carroll of Centralia. Don Sharpe
was the .starter for the races.
Boys Freestyle3 Years and Under—Rod Held,
Goderich; Jim Carscadden, Exeter- Centralia; Danny McDonald, St. 2^8.1‘ys *
10 Years and Under — Peter Thompson, Goderich; Don Bray,
Exeter-Centralia; Fred Dampen, Exeter.Centralia.
11 Years and Under—David Cline, Si, Marys: Jeff Reid, Goderich; Don Cooper, Exeter-Centralia.
12 Years and Under—Dale Turvey,
Exeter-Centralia; Fred Bell. St. Marys; Michael O’Neil, Goderich.13 Years and Under—.John Mor
ris, Exeter-Centralia; Frank Boyle,
Exeter-Centralia; Wayne McKenny, St. Marys.
.Open Freestyle — Bill Gallow, Goderich; John Morris, Goderich;
Paul Douglas, St. Marys.Girls Freestyle
10 Years and Under — Jennifer
Parsons, Goderich; Dory Douglas, St. Marys; Ellie. French, St. Marys,
It Years and Under — Peggy Young,. Goderich: Carol Moto, st.
Marys; Janice May, St. Marys,
12 Years and Under—Helen Walls,
Exeter - Centralia; Jane Granham and Ann Hari'is, both of St. Marys,
13, Years and Under—Helen Wails,
EXeter-Centraiia; Sheila Murphvc St. Marya: Mary Petrie, Mam.
Open Freestyle—Marilyn ■ Wade, Exeter-Centralia and Kathy Jewell,
SI, Marys, tied for first: Lynn
Ashley, st, Marys; Vivian Tagerty, St. Marys.
Girls 10 Years and Under Breas't-
sfrnke—Dory Douglas, Si Gall McGinnis, Goderich:
Griffiths, .st. Marys.
. Marys;
On Long and Short Sleeved Sport Shirts, T-Shirts,
Bathing Suits, Walking Shorts, Dress Straw Plats,
Jackets and all Summer Shoes.3
I i
NEW ...... and Handsome
See the flew Lamb’s Wool and Orlon sweaters by
Tony Day and the, Pure Orlon by Warren Knit* A
complete range bf sizes and colors to choose from.
'Shop and Save at
T. C. Joynt & Son
Phon* 62 ’ '* Henidl
Girls? Finals
—Continued ‘from Page 4
Jean Taylor, who lta^ ____
hits in four trips to the plate,
Barbara Brintnell and Roxanne
Beavers all pounded out doubles
while Mary MeKnight tagged a
bases-Ioaded triple in the first
Barbara Brintnell and Mary
MeKnight each were credited
with a pair of safeties while
singles went to Pat Tuckey and
Roxanne Beavers.
Marion Tyler of Dashwood
gained credit for the victory
while Koxanne Beavers absorbed
llie loss.
Next game of the series will
go back to Dashwood for a FrL
. R H E
i21"a 3
day night encounter
Score by liinlhOni .. ..Dashwood . 0 0 4 10 I ft fl 2-1? 15. Exeter ....... 54 1 0 121 0~14 ft
in charge of a short program of,1 Miss c n^ie Cor^tL ™
songs and piano solos and Miss -- - - -
M. Ellis conducted contests. Dur
ing the evening Mrs, Eiler was
presented *with a life membership w nniim*
and pin from the W.M.S. and' a ‘
hymn book from the choir. Mrs.
Eil4r expressed her appreciation
of her association with the mem
bers of the two organizations.
She will be greatly missed as
she has given frebly of her time
and talent, i
Mrs. Eiler and Mrs. G. Hess i
sang a duett, accompanied at}
the piano by Miss Greta Lam- { __„ __ ____________
mie, Miss Lammie also favored {with relatives in Goderich last
with piano solos. . »week.
Personal hams '* Mrs, Lillian Harsch, and Mrs*
A reception for Mr. and. Mrs* I ^rnbart, of Oakland, California,
Ronald. McGregor was held at
Bayfield Pavilion Wednesday,
August 15, with a large crowd
attending. The couple were pre
sented with a purse of money,
Edison McLean reading the ad
dress. Norris orchestra provided
the music,
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Corlett,
of Toronto, are vacationing with
the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. N. E. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. J, Wilson of
Parkhill accompanied, by a cous
in Mrs. C. McCood, California,
called at Mr. Mansell Hodgin’s
home last Monday. Mrs. McCood
attended S.S. No. 10 as a girl
and renewed many friendship's
while here.
Mr, Mansell ‘ Hodgins, Misses
May and Maude with a grand
daughter, Miss Geraldine Kayes
of Willowdale were Sunday vis
itors with Mr, and Mrs. C, Hardy
at Lucan. They were accompan
ied by another granddaughter,
Miss Helen Hardy who was re
turning home after holidaying
in Shipka and Grand Bend.
Mrs. William Pepper who is
not enjoying the best of health
is . recuperating in the Thamer
nursing home at Seaforth.
—Continued from Page 4
innings, the Clintoifclub were al
most completely baffled at Fred
Hunter’s offerings of slow and
wide sweeping curves for the
final two innings of the ballgame,
Jim Russell* who cracked' out
a line drive to right field in the
third, fanned five of his opposi
tion while Hunter breezed a third
strike past four batsmen in two
Simon Nagel and Barry Glover
led the Exeter 13-hit attack by
punching out three singles a-
Fleet fooled Barry Glover Tan
the base paths ragged as he
stole five bases in a .row without
being caught. The only time
the theft attempt failed the
young shortstop was in the fifth
inning when he attempted to
steal home from third.
Jim McDonald’s double in the
second innings was one of two
blows in the game that was good
for extra bases.
Fred Hunter, Cy Blommaert
and Doug Sillery, who played an
exceptional blocking game, be-
hind'the plate, picked up a single
each to round out the Kinsmen
Midget batting attack.
Exeter-Clinton Midgets .— —Score by Innings: RHEExeter .................. 36fl 40—13 13 1Clinton .....................'10101—3 5 t
Batteries: J. Russell. F. Hunter (1) and D. Sillery: D. Mann, - R.
Goutreau (2) and V. Denotny.
Whip Kings,
Dashwood Tigers, sparked by
the hitting Of Bob Hayter and
Terry Wade and backed by the
four-hit pitching of Bob Tanner,
clinched first place in the Huron-
Perth League round robin senes
by defeating Zurich Lumber
Kings 8-4 Wednesday night.
Bob Hayter, who has found a
keen batting eye of late much
to the sorrow of the opposition,
picked up three singles in four
trips to the plate to lead the
Tigers* hitting attack.
Right behind the secondbase-
ipan Was Terry Wade who
smashed out a double and a
single in his four appearances
with two hits when he lined out
a pair of singles.
Don O’Brien and Bill Yung-
blutt teed off on Bob Tanner’s
offerings in the fifth inning to
smash out back to back doubles
which featured a two run Zurich
Jim Attrill walked Jim Hay ter
in the first to set the stage for
a Dashwood rally. Terry Wade,
who has -added notable punch to
the Tiger infield since returning
to the game after an absence,
smacked a timely double to score
Hayter all the way from first
base. When Wade had moved
around L.* “Third* Bob'Stormes
carried his lumber to the plate
and promptly dropped a single
to ucore Terry from thrird.
Attrill, who was in hot water,
gave way to pressure as he fired
a wild pitch past battery mate
Tom Rawlings am1 Stormes
moved all the way to third On
the play.
Upon regaining control tem
porarily, stocky Attrill fanned
'Jack Gaiser but issued a free
base oil Falls ’j Harry Elliott. The centre fielder stole second
base and on the throw to second,
Stormes romped home, with the
third run of the half inning for
Raymie Vein walked and on
his steal of second Zurich pinned
Elliott between third and home
by faking a. throw to second.
But oh the rutt down play,- Bill
Yuhgblutt miscued as he
bounced the ball off Blliott s
back end let the fightfielder
score the fourth and final run in
Dashwood’s -biggest rally of the.
i Over three hundred dollars
, i was realized at a garden party j
(held on the lawns of St. Boniface
’1 Church* Zurich* sponsored by the
I Catholic Women’s, League. In file
J afternoon a home baking and
wo* weu*. Vi*.* k candy booth and fish pond were
fethyr. Mr. Loroe McNaugMon.
; Centre where bingo and wheels
’of chance highlighted the affair.
i Winners of various prizes
1 were: door prize, Mrs. Fred Re-
'gier* Zurich; $20.00 cash prize,
Mrs. Simon Dietrich, Zurich;
salad maker, Benny Stinson,
{Zurich; Humpty Dumpty doll,,
I Gregory Fleming, Crediton. Miss
i Sheila Walker was in charge of
i the project, and conveners of the
various booths included for home
baking, Mrs. Alfred Meidinger;
Mrs. Roman Meidinger; candy,
’ Mrs. Ted Middleholtz; fish pond,
I Miss Mary Hagen,
' The marriage of Arma Maude
' Elder io Archie Clinton Wrmch
ftook place on Friday, August 10.
Following a wedding -trip
through the States to New York,
they will reside in London,
Bingo Winner*
Winners of Saturday night’s
bingo sponsored by the Legion
were: Miss pearl Tideswell, Mrs.
H. Fairservice, Mrs. R. Jones,
Clinton; Mrs. Bill Austin, Bill
Austin, John Earl, Gerald Van
ferzon, Bruce Austin, Seaforth;
Louis Johnson, Tom Drover,
Mrs. M. Dougall, Sim Roobpl,
Irene Wakefield, Harold Swart-
zentruber* Tom Brintnell, E.,
Arnold, Toronto; Tom Brintnell,
Sim Roobol, Mrs, Doug Jones,
St, Catharines; Mrs. Norman
Baird, Brucefield,
Next Saturday jackpot will be
worth $110.00 in 62 calls.
Personal Item*
Mrs. Lome McNaughton re
turned home after spending the
past several weeks with her son-
in-law, and daughter, Sgt. E. J.
Munro and Mrs. Munro in Bran
don, Man.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay of
Thamesville were weekend visit
ors with the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Henderson.
Mr.- and Mrs. Don Wilson and
family of Chicago, Hl., have been
holidaying with Mrs. Wilson’s
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Milton
Mr. Allan Crerar and Mrs. A.
Crerar were recent visitors with
relatives at Listowel. •
Robert Evans of Waterloo, is
spending his vacation with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Y. McLaren.
Jimmie Wolfe returned io his
home in Tavistock after spend
ing two weeks with his cousin,
Billie Brown.
Mr, James Grassick, Exeter,
Mrs. Jean Ferguson, Toronto,
were recent visitors with their
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Walker. {
.Terry McClinchey holidayed’
i •
. are spending two weeks vaca
tioning with Dr. and Mrs. James
W. Bell. Mrs. Harsch is a sister
and Mrs. Barnhart r. neice of
(Mrs. Bell.
j Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay of
! Thamesville, were Sunday visit-
I ors with Mr, and Mrs. John Hen
Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Hedden?
Woodstock, were weekend visit
ors with Mrs. Catherine Hedden
l and Herb.
Mrs. Lome McNaughton has
returned home after spending a
month in Brandon, Man.
Mr, John Passmore has re
turned home after spending a
month vacationing in the Bruce
Peninsula, at Sauble Beach, Pike
Bay, Tobermory, arid also visit
ing with his son, Rev. Robert
Passmore, Mrs. Passmore and
family at Owen Sound, ’
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Henry are Mrs. D, Herne
and boys of St. Catharines,
Cameron Henry, London, Mr.
Peter Cameron, Kindersley,
CPL/Tom Peters of the
d. Queens Home Rifles of Canada,
• I Calgary, Alberta, is spending a-
month’s leave with' his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters.
Mrs. Laird Mickle and Ann are
holidaying for a week, in Toronto
with the former’s daughter, Miss
Betty Mickle.
Mr, and Mrs. A. Woodiwiss of
Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mc
Laren, Goderich, were weekend
visitors with Mrs. G. M. Drys
dale at her .cottage on Lake
Mrs. D. J. McKelvie, chairman
of the dinner committee, Mrs,
Harold Knight, president of- the
Kinette Club, and Bill Mickle,
president of the Hensail'Kinsmen
Club, are appearing on Roy
Jewell’s Farm program on C.F.-
P..L. Television Thursday night,
August 30, to show how" beans
are prepared for the Ontario
Bean Festival to be held here
Labor Day.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. George Hess at the Hess-
haven cottage, at the Pinery, and
at their Hensail residence were
Mr. and Mrs. Chris -Aason, and
son Gary and Garth, of Regina,
Sask; Mr. and Mrs. George Reid,
Stoney Beach, Sask; Mrs. Aason
and Mrs. Reid, sisters of Mrs.
Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hare
and. family, .Toronto;' Mr. and
Mrs. Reid Kirk, Fairgrove,
Mich; Miss McCloy, Flint, Mich.
M. Fred Kennings has sold his
property* to Mr. Robert: Reaburn,
principal of Hensall public school
lives in Goderich.
Mr.-and Mrs. Harold Hedden,
Bobby and Jimmy, Dresden,
visited last week with Mrs.
Catherine Hedden and Herb.
Mrs. Hedden.and Jimmy remain
ed Jor a few days To. take care
of Mrs. Hedden Sr., who is suf
fering a foot infection.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and
Donna of Blenheim, spent last
weekend’with Mr. and Mrs', Jack
Traqualr at Turnbull’s Grove,
Mr. Jerry McClinchey returned
home after holidaying with rela-
Mrs. Dorothy Daves of Hamil
ton is visiting, with Mr. arid Mrs.
John McGinnis.
Message From
Personal Items
Mrs. Reid Torrence of Portet's
Hill is spending a few days with
her father, Mr. Henry Ivison.
Mrs. Ducharme jif Dashwood
visited On Friday with her mo
ther, Mrs. Amelia McClymont.
Mr. Robert Thomson visited on
Sunday with his daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Richard
Cornish of Goderich,
Mrs. Robert Brownlee is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Walker of
Recent visitors at the home of
Mrs. Alice Dinsdale and Miss M.
Whiteman included: Mrs. Amelia
Whiteman of Birmingham, Mich,
and A daughter, Mrs, Wm. Bryc'e
of Royal Oak, Mich*
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gack-
stetter and family moved to
Guelph Tuesday where Mr,
GaCkstetler has accepted a posi
tion as security guard. They will
be missed in the community.
Mr, and Mrs. Lome Pinkney
of Toronto spent a few days last
week visiting Mrs* Pinkney’s
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Cud-
Mr, and Mrs, Milton Young of
London visited on the weekend
with the former’s son and daugh- i
ler-iiplaw, Mr. arid Mrs. James
Young* ■
Mr. Charlie Gruntsei and I
daughter, Margaret* of Owen >
Sound and Mr. and Mrs. James j
Armstrong of Staffa visited Sun-1
day afternoon at tile home of;
Mr. and Mrs* N. Long. ;
Miss Lynda Lashbrook of To*
ronto is holidaying' with her
cousin, Miss Joan Young.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Whiteman
of inverhuron Beach visited a
few days last week with their
Cousins* Mrs. Alice Dihsdalc rind
Miss Mabelle Whiteman, the lat
ter returning with them for the i
,, Mrs. McClymont, is, tonfiried to .1
Hensall Personals
Mr* Fred Muiro .who under-.
went an operation in Clinton Hos
pital last week returned to his -
home here on Monday*
Mr. Peter Cameron bi Western -
Canada is visiting with his bro-.?
ther-in-law and sister/ Mr* and!
Mrs. Wm. Henry. ■
Messrs. Stan Tudor, Thus. ’
Lavender and Joe Flynn enjoyed ’
, a fishing trip in the Bruce penin-!
; sula. !
j Messrs. Russsell Moore and:
:Don MacLafen spent the week- 'Tn-tone, w-w tires, chroma
end at Wiarton. , disc, tinted glass.
Billie MacKinnon returned to *
his home following an operation '54 CHEV COACH BEL AIR
in Clinton General Hospital. I
Miss Joyce Flynn returned <
home after holidaying with Miss j
Connie Corbett.
Miss Shirley Flynn of London
1 and Miss Mary Ann Van Horne;
of Clinton were weekend visitors i
, with Mr* J* Flynn* Gerald and !
Joyce. a, .
, Mr. K. Christian returned:
home after visiting with his par* i
: ents, Mr. and Mrs* Christian in j
New Brunswick. i
' Mrs. Don Rigby of Blenheim,;
and Ruth Anne Traqualr of Hen-;
sail spent last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Snell.
! Mrs. Edna Corbett of Exeter
spent the weekend with her son-1
i in-law and daughter, Mr. and i
Mrs. Ed Schroeder. - • 1
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gibson *
and son of Sudbury visited last
week with Mrs* Gibson’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Lome McNaugh
Mrs. Amelia Schroeder and.
Miss Marion Schroeder returned;
home after spending two weeks ! n, with relatives in Stratford. | PHONE 328
1 i
Red and-white, radio, tinted
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