HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-16, Page 10X Th» Times-Advocaitt, August 16, 1956 Star lite Drive-In Theatre 5 Miles East of Grand Bend 1.5 Miles West on No. 4 Highway on Credlton Road THURSDAY A FRIDAY August 16 and 17 "FIRST TIME" (Cinemascope) ★ Robert Cummings ★ Audrey Long SATURDAY A MONDAY August 18 and 20 "LUCKY ME" ★ Doris Day ★ Phil Silvers John H. Duplan Dairy President John Harold Duplan, 62, < cutive ...............................- Dairies .........■ served 34 years, died Tuesday, August 15, in Victoria Hospital, London. He w«- past president of On­ tario Milk Distributors Associa­ tion, Canadian Ice Cream Manu­ facturers Association, Canadian Creamery-men’s Association and the National Dairy Council of Canada. He was th. Canadian director of the Milk Industry Foundation and past director of International Association of Ice Manufacturers and vice presi­ dent of the Ontario Milk Powder Association. Mr. Duplan also served with .many different or­ ganizations in London district. As a young man I........" ' in Centralia where his. father, the late Charles Duplan, was station agent. He attended Exe­ ter High School. * His wife, the former Edith Marion Hodgins, died in 1934, He is survived by one son, Frederick C. (Ted) Duplan of London, two grandchildren and one brother, the Rev. Dr. A. E. Duplan of Port Huron, The funeral will be conducted at 1.30 p.m. Friday in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, with inter­ ment in Woodland cemetery. j Report On — ! Woodham ! By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE .................. J, exe- president of Silverwood Ltd. with which he Barbara Chatten spent the i weekend at Granton with her ! grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes­ ley Shier. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Law, ; Patricia and Charlene of Carle- - ton Place visited with their aunt, I Miss Amanda Shier on Sunday. | Margaret Knight has returned {home aftei* visiting for two iweeks in London. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Vic. Chatten 'spent the weekend in Midland | with the former’s sister. j Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hackett i and Karen of Toronto were • weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. ’Lloyd Smith. Mrs. Hackett and ;Karen are remaining over for J this week.?n district. The be^n pickerS have been ne iesKieaibuSy during the past wefck. The This Week In ” Winchelsea By MRS, F. HORNE COMING EVENTS sth TUESDAY A WEDNESDAY August 21 and 22 "RING OF FEAR'4 ★ Clyde Beatty ★ Pat O'Brien "Did he actuaUy admit he was a bigamist?” "WeU, not exactly; he did say, though, that he’d married one wife too many.” ^UiiiiiiiiiiitniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiniiiiNiiiHMiiiiniHiiiiiiiiiiHmiiHiiiiintHtuiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiniHiiinuHiiiiHuit^ 5 i I 2 S | 5 X I DASHWOOD MEN'S CLUB Gala Nite Dashwood Recreation Grounds Wednesday, August 22 Gates Open 6:00 p.m. BALL GAME — 6:30 P.M. London Majors, Top Team in Senior l.ntercounty vs. Huron-Perth ALL STARS AFTER GAME THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM Dicky Deen—The very best in Magic and Comedy. Appear­ ing all the month of July in Hollywood, California. Harold Rich—One of Toronto’s leading musicians, will be at the piano. Dorothy Steadman—Beautiful blonde tap dancer and acrobat. Recent winner on T.V., Show "Pick The Stars”'; . Hamilton—Internationally famous Scotch Comedian. He entertained all last summer in England.—Master of ceremonies. Tom DASHWOOD BAND IN ATTENDANCE ADMISSION .— 65(4 * CHILDREN - 25(4 DRAW TO BE HELD AT *11:00 O'CLOCK Refreshment Booth on Grounds advance sale TICKETS or*°® Esch ticket admh« one adult two children* ©r Only Advance Sale Ticket Holders are eligible far draw an: 2 1956 CARS it METEOR NIAGARA 2 DOOR HARDTOP ★ PONTIAC PATHFINDER 2 DOOR HARDTOP All tickets rriust be In by 9:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 15th, to be eligible for draw which will be made at 10:30 p.m. on tame date, In front of Grandstdnd. . —„ --------o — Pi, weather has not been too favor­ able, but the beans are plentiful and of good quality. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher and Mrs. John Fletcher, Exeter, were Sunday visitors with the latter’s niece, Mrs, Arthur Rundle and Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rundle, Jim and Jack, spent Sunday at Thamesford and Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques, Danny and Debbie are holiday­ ing at Port Elgin this week. Mrs. H. Chatten is spending this week with Mrs. Coleman of Prospect Hill, who is ill. i -— -- — ---- -------- z —>------—-o — -— ---- The recent rains have played panies that have put $80,000,000 into expanding their havoc with the spring crops, " rr” - 1 --- mci -1 - They are flat and will have to be cut one way. Ronnie Chatten has been suc­ cessful in his six weeks summer course at Teachers College in Toronto. Ron has accepted a position in the Public School at Elora. Mr, and Mrs. Archie iJewar, Mrs. Isabella McKnight and Wil­ bert, Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Park­ inson and Brenda, spent Sunday picnicking at Lake HUron. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Squire and family were Sunday visitors at Ipperwash Beach, Misses Jean Scott and Shirley Rundle were weekend visitors with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott, Farquhar. Mr. and Mrs-. Murray May vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Harris of Medina over Sunday. Verla Wheeler, Norma Hern, Helen Webber and Donna Knap­ ton are holidaying at Grand Bend this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Levy and David were at Oliphant to visit Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spar­ ling at their summer cottage. Margaret Rose is holidaying at the cottage with her cousins. Mr. Mel Louch of Hamilton visited with Mr.' and Mrs. W. L. Switzer-for the weekend, Mrs, Louch returned home with him after a week’s holiday' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Thompson, Murray and Barry, Sth line, Messrs. Jim and Grant McGreg­ or and Lloyd, Cooper of Kippen were Sunday Visitors with Wm. and Howard Rinn. . Betty Hern is taking a two week’s skating course at the Stratford summer skating school, Mr. and -Mrs. Ernest Vodd<?n were Sunday visitors with the latter’s sister,* Mrs. Llqyd Mak­ ins and Mr. Makins at Bayfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Crandon.of Strathroy visited with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills on Sun­ day. Rev G, Wanless and Mrs. Wan- less and family called on a few friends on Monday on their way to Grand Bend where they are holidaying»for a few weeks. Dr. Geo. Morphy, Mrs. Morphy and boys returned home Monday evening after an extended trip in,the Western provinces. E gigg Personal Hems Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe and children of Thames Road were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. ’ "':’” Walters. Mr. and Ruth and ................ day with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym of Exeter. Miss Sandra Walters spent the past week in London with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wicks. Mrs. Harry Ford left Saturday for a two-week holiday with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ford, of Kitchener, who are motoring to Quebec City. Miss Kathleen Tlorne visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Den­ nis Silverstrinni, of Guelph. It was with deep regret we learned of the death of Mrs. Orville Hagerman, of Regina, (formerly Marion Pooley, of our village) on Monday last after a lengthy illness. Marion had many friends in this community. Mr. Clayton Batten, Mr, Motz and Mr.. Thompson, all of Lon­ don; also Mrs. Datars, Mr. Ezra Willard and Don, of Mount Pleasant, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bat­ ten. and Mrs 7 William Mrs. Freeman. Horne, Raymond visited Sun- "SHARE-THE-WEALTH" Bingo, Legion HaU, Hens all, Saturday, August 18, 9 p.m. Jackpot $105 ip 61 calls; $5 added each week until jackpot won; 14 regular games 10£ each. No admission. Sponsored by Legion. ■ J-6 THE HENSALL LIBRARY will re-open Tuesday, August 21^—all books due on that date, Mrs. R. J, Cameron, librarian, 16 The Twentieth Frayne Reunion LEGION HALL, THEDFORD (On 4th Con, or No. 82 Highway, 3 Blocks N, and 1 Block W. of Railway Crossing) Monday, Sept. 3 Sing-Song Around the Piano at 1:30 p.m, Supper at 5:00 p.m. President: W. P, Sercombe Vice-President: Jerry Freyne Treasurer: Wilhelmine Wilson Secretary; Evelyn Frayne LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND Dancing WEDNESDAY’FRIDAY SATURDAY Cliff Scanlon And His Orchestra You are cordially Invited to Jfl attend the annual fl Decoration And Memorial Service to be held in EBENEZER CEMETERY ' Concession 4, McGillivray Sunday, Aug. 19 at 3 p.m. D.S.T* Special Music by Dashwood Band Rey. A. E. Menzies of Ailsa Craig will be in charge of the service, Rev. W, C, Parrott, a former pastor and’ now of Thed­ ford, will be guest speaker. EXPANSION SATISFIES CEMENT DEMAND—C e m e nt shortages that plagued Canadian construction ventures | will be at an end next year, according to cement com- capacity. The shortage began in 1951 and since then Canada has imported cement from the U.S., Poland and Czechoslovakia, When the expansion is completed, Cana­ da may again become an exporter of cement. Cement pro­ ducers have gambled on the building boom, continuing and, even if it expands, they believe there will be ade­ quate supplies from Canadian plants. —CPC What's Doing In This Area? 5 2 2 = 2 £ = £ Data On Dashwood By MRS. E. H. RADER Read The Ads On This Page Each Weeh 2 2 2 s Net income of Canadian farm­ ers was 22 per cent higher in 1955 than in 1954, Farm cash in­ come in the first quarter of 1956 was 11 per cent higher than in corresponding period of 1955. PARENTS CIRCUS WEEK The Last Week of Exeter Kinsmen Playground FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS 9:30 a.m.—Church Parade 7:00 p.m.—Circus Parade from Victoria Park, Children may wear any type of costume. 7:45 p.m.—Grandstand Show, animal acts, clowns 8.30 p.m,—Awards and Presentations 9,15 p.m.—Playground Review, songs and cheers. Crowning of King and Queen. AU Weiner Roast ’ The ■ Walther League of Zion Lutheran Church accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. Zorn enjoyed a weiner roast at Port Blake last Wednesday. Games and a sing song were enjoyed. Rader Picnic The seventh Rader picnic was held at Riverview Park, Exeter, Sunday August 12 with an at­ tendance of 60. Races conducted by Mr.’ and Mrs. Elgin Rader were won by: under 5, Philip Rader; junior boys, Richard Rader; senior girls, June Rader; senior boys, Glen Ra'der; ladies race, Mrs. Ivan Taylor; men’s Wendell Gamble. Balloon race, Douglas Rader; sack race, Glen Rader; three legged, Marian and June Rader; throw ball, Ray Taylor; shoe scramble, June Rader and Arthur Rader; clothes pin race, Mrs. Wendell Gamble; tin can race, Raymond Wein; mystery prize, Raymond Wein;, roll the, orange, Kenneth Rader; treasure hunt, Raymond Wein; mystery person, L. H. Rader found by Lloyd Willert. Youngest-baby, Sharon Rader; slip-showing women, Mrs. Leon­ ard Prang; men’s shortest shoe, Elmer Rader; most; recently married, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Willert: largest waistline, Mrs. Ed Willert. Elmer Rader was elected president for 1957 with vice pres, ’ .L_, sec-treas., Merner; sports and Mrs. Vyfne and Mrs. convener, Ervin Rader, sec-treas., Milfred I' ‘ Mr. . assisted by Mr, Wilier t; table Mrs. Mrs. conv., Weido Lloyd Mrs. Leonard Prang. Wiener Roast Thirty members of Lutheran Choir held roast at the lake las-t evening in honour __ ___ Margaret Becker, bride-elect of August, Mrs. Edgar Restemayer read the address and Mrs. Albert Rader presented Margaret with a gift. the Zion a wiener Thursday of Miss CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W, F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, August 19, 1956 10:00 a,m.—-Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Rev. A, M. Amacher in charge of the service. ‘ ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Church Service 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School’ Thursday-W.S.W.S. BUY YOUR TICKETS EARLY! Western■ WwOavii ■■ sept, icmb * London, Ont W« ». JACKt&Mz United Church Of Canada UNION SERVICES Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr* Lawrence Wein, A.WX.M./ Muscial Director 9:45“ a.m.—Crediton and Shipka Joint Service in Crediton Unit­ ed Church. ♦ 10:09 a.m.—James Street Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Main St. and James St. Joint Service in James Church. Quartette—W. Cutbush, A. W uer th. V. Lindenfield, Wein. 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School Main St. Church, A Warm Welcome Is Extended To All. St. in THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Mr* John Moerman, Student Paster 9:39 a.m.“English Service Main Street United Church MAIN STREET Rev, AiexT Rapson, Minister Mrs. A. Willard, Organist 11; 15 a.m.—The Church School 11:00 a.m,—Service of Worship in James- Street, MENNONITE MISSION THAMES ROAD EXETER Sunday School 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. "Teach Me Thy Truth, Lord" Supt.: Stanley Sauder, Zurich THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector Trivitt Memorial, Exeter 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 11:30 a.m.—Morning Brayer ZION' LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD’ Pastor: K. L» Zorn, Phone 19:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Service "Get Hxclted About Missions” —Acts 16:9-15, Baptized Beverley Joan, infant daughter of Mr. and Mys. Harold Stire, was baptized Sunday, August 12, in Zion Lutheran Church by Rev. K. L. Zorn. Mr. and Mrs, John Barr of London wer'e sponsors. Personal Items . Miss Anne Nlarie Kraft of Lon­ don spent lgst week with Misses Barbara ana Anne Koehler. Anne Koehler returned to London with her. Miss Anne Taylor of London vacationed with her mother, Mrs. Hobbs Taylor. Miss Barbara Becker of Water­ loo vacationed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. L> Becker,' Mrs. Wesley Filkins and Jan­ ice of Howell, Mich., who had spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Nadiger, returned home on Sunday with Mr.' Filkins. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayter and children, Mr. and Mrs, James Hayter visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder of Brant- Jord on Sunday. Mary Ann and Jimmy returned home with them after vacationing with their aunt and uncle. i Mr. and Mrs, James Hayter <and children visited with . Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reed of Brant­ ford on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Dove, Sharon and Michael of Uplands, Ottawa, spent last Thursday, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoff­ man and family and Misses Marie and Pearl Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Teny Eck of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Olley and Patricia, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Tetznick and Mr. Verne Tetznick and Delores of Waterloo and Miss Betty Bender of Crediton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker and family. Miss Martha Becker of Nia­ gara Falls spent *a feW days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker. Mrs. Shirley Becker, Martha and Shirley spent Monday after­ noon with Mr.” and Mrs. Frank Triebner of Exeter. Mr. Percy Kleinstiver and son, Allan, of Aurora, Illinois,, are spending- some time with his mo­ ther, Mrs. Effie Kleinstiver. They. all will visit this weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Scott at Bowmanville. Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Stire were Rev. and Mrs, K. Zorn, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stire and Mr. and Mrs. John Barr and Marlene. Mr. and Mrs, Bill BUrk of Chatham were t Sunday visitors with Mrs, M. Piefer. Mr. Mervyn Stelck of Bradford is vacationing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stelck. Mr. and Mrs. Melton Walper and girls of Ingersoll spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold. Misses Edith Miller and Joyce Peters of Hensail spent Sunday with Miss Elsaleen Hines at Newbury. Mr. and. Mrs. Howard Sim.-’ mons of Waterloo Spent Monday With Mr. and Mrs. Emil Becker- Mrs. Alex Fraser of Mt- Pleas­ ant spent a week with her daugh­ ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Becker. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Becker and family and Mrs. A. Fraser spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Fitzwalter at Sarnia and-Mr. and Mrs, Charles Rumford, Strath- roy. Brownies a iHumii lk< CLINTON, ONTARIO Box Office Opens of 8 p.m. First Show at Dusk* Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear2 ! ____ ______ ___ ^Children Under 12 in Cars Free THURSDAY & FRIDAY August 16 and 17 "MARTY" (Academy Award’ Winner) , ★ Ernest Borgnine ★ Betsy Blair (Two Cartoons) SATURDAY A MONDAY August 18 and 20 "KHYBER PATROL" r • (Color) ★ Richard Egan ★ Dawn Addams FEATURETTE: "MAU MAU" (Cartoon) ---------------;------ TUESDAY A WEDNESDAY August 21 and 22 "NIGHT OF THE HUNTER" ★ Robert Mitchum ★ Shelly Winter* (Two Cartoons) Sunday Evening Services, 8 p.m Auspices: Clinton Ministerial I Parents and Children Welcome—Treats, Fun and Frolic f Admission: Adults 250 | Proceeds To The Exeter Junior* Band | In case of rain, show will be held in Arena. I titlltili l Uiiff HVMf l >1111 tilt Fill l IMtii IMII mil ti |!>i I tin l tliiilttilin li t II Uli 1111 tlltlill 111 l 111 t III lilt III ililtliil/^ It's Something New! 65 PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Sunday, July 29, 1956 Sunday, August 19, 1956 9:45 a^m.—Sunday School 11:00 >.m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Wed,, 8:30 p.m,—Bible Study and .Prayer Thurs., 8:30 p.m.—Christ's Am­ bassadors We invite You To Worship „ With Vs. ITWMIAH rflulm t_i "...... Rain Prevents- . Reunion Sports Owing to Weather conditions the sports brogrAm at the Pass- more reunion held in Riverview Park, Exeter, had to be cancel­ led • At the .Business meeting Lome Passmore was selected presi­ dent and Mrs. Lome Passmore secretary treasurer for 1957. The sports committee Is to include Mr. and Mitf. .Wrh. Cann and Mrs. Allen Johns and the table committee, Mr. and Mrs. ttobt. Jeffrey, Mr, ahd Mrs. Harry Jef­ frey and Mr. and Mrs, Ken Duh- can. The 1957 reunion is to be held in Riverview Park, Fxe- s 2 2 f 2 £ 2 I I Wednesday, Aug. 29 Dance EXETER NIGHT Corn Roast Bingo, Remember The Date — Don't Forget To Come 5 At Exeter Memorial Arena I Variety Program YEARS OF PROGRESS ONTARIO HYDRO INVITES YOU TO VISIT E. V. Buchanan Frequency Changer and Transformer Station POND MILLS FOUR MILES SOUTH OF LONDON Saturdays, Sundays and z From 1 to 9 p.m. Until September 3 CONDUCTED TOURS EVERY HALF HOUR . Your Chance To See The Key Ontario Hydro Station For Western Ontario See 50 Years Of Progress Compart* yesterday's dream kitchen and the latest electrical appliances (1906 model) with the kitchen of the future. 1 . *. DIRECTIONS! South from London on No," 4 Highway to Gltrt AllOrV turn loft, follow Might* ■i-